March What's on e mag

Page 16

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gram diffe Living Wamteraks’eSkaills Development Pro

s this year draws to an end, our services are even Handmade leather gifts more critically needed by the most vulnerable in


Large society, or small, fit your weto would like budget to dare and even challenge you. We are seeking a new generation people, who are Buy a one of a kind personalized gift,ofand touch a life. tired of watching others talk & do nothing, and who instead want to be a part of the solution! 'Ordinary People' are able to accomplish far more together than on their own, thereby creating EXTRAordinary in their world. We invite you to join us, in making a tangible difference in the lives of others. Become a Living Waters Ambassador, an individual who is willing to donate a minimum of R100 per month, and who will challenge at least 10 friends to do the same. Are you willing to roll up your sleeves and become a person of action? We want to create a new culture of giving, a little together, making a HUGE difference together! Make the difference yourself! Ambassadors, to the power of 10, we are bringing about the change we so desperately want to see!!

t 43 Jarvis Road, Berea

Con tac

AN- Fri: 8am - 4.30pm ou CMon YHours: rence

ffe 043 721 2915 make a diTel:


s this year draws to an end, our services are even more critically needed by the most vulnerable in society, we would like to dare and even challenge you. We are seeking a new generation of people, who are tired of watching others talk & do nothing, and who instead want to be a part of the solution! 'Ordinary People' are able to accomplish far more together than on their own, thereby creating EXTRAordinary in their world. We invite you to join us, in making a tangible difference in the lives of others. Become a Living Waters Ambassador, an individual who is willing to donate a minimum of R100 per month, and who will challenge at least 10 friends to do the same. Are you willing to roll up your sleeves and become a person of action? We want to create a new culture of giving, a little together, making a HUGE difference together! Make the difference yourself! Ambassadors, to the power of 10, we are bringing about the change we so desperately want to see!!

t 43 Jarvis Road, Berea Con tac

Hours: Mon - Fri: 8am - 4.30pm



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