Working Women Magazine | Spring 2014

Page 26



stop second guessing yourself

Could women’s intuition be the key to establishing and sustaining a successful business? Clairvoyant and medium KIM PLATZER explains the benefits of accessing your intuitive power and the role it can play in leading you to a more successful and fulfilling personal and business life. Modern women are intelligent, and up to date with the latest technical trends and financial markets. They know how to balance work with family and have mastered the art of promoting business through what some males refer to as ‘women’s gossip’ or social media. Modern women follow the financial trends and consumer buying habits and wait for a gap in the market to launch a new product or service. With all of this know-how, many still question their initial thoughts or give away their personal power by listening to the doom and gloom news. In the end all of this leads to second guessing the missed opportunities. WHY? For thousands of years women have held families together, healed the sick, managed the budgets, and prepared three meals a day, often with very little ingredients. Women are no doubt creative, intelligent and every bit alluring when it comes to being in power. So was there ever any doubt that one day they would want to run a successful business? Is there something that has been forgotten? Is there a key element that lies buried deep inside each and every woman, waiting to be fully utilised? Think back to when you first decided to create a business. What was the first thought? Did you just wake up one morning and think, “Today I will establish a business”. How did the idea become a reality or are you still wanting the reality. Many of you have probably thought of a fantastic, unique idea only to let it go because

you second guessed yourself? Months or years later, the idea you had is now in the market and you are kicking yourself because the idea that now belongs to someone else, was yours. Why does this happen? Our ego can get in the way of a great idea. The left-brain logic and self-doubt kick in while the right-brain creativity waits for action. After a while, group consciousness plays a part and someone else picks up on the thought. Yes, that’s right, your thoughts are in the ether for others to grab. It is a little like when you ‘know’ the phone is going to ring or the person you have thought about contacts you. Energy has weight and power and it is what our intuition is comprised of. Accessing intuition is as easy as thinking of a great idea. Maintaining intuition is a little harder because the ego needs to come second. The ego is about letting go of control to allow the gut feelings and inner senses to rise through our consciousness. The more the ego learns to come second the clearer the mind becomes. Our thoughts begin to change as the little negative voice takes a back seat. You begin to feel lighter, more creative and even happy. You will start to manifest a successful business that is financially and personally stable and all by allowing the deep sensations that lie within to surface, your intuition. It will present itself through thoughts, feelings, knowing and visions such as imagination. Intuition also has answers and guidance to solutions on how to achieve our goals. n

STEPS TO ACCESSING INTUITION Take time each day to go back to how you actually feel both physically and emotionally. Acknowledging emotions and physical sensations is human and necessary in order to shift the energy behind the issues which are weighing you down. n

Focus on breathing from the abdomen. A simple technique is breath in for six counts and out for four. If you feel to giddy stop, slow down and then try again. n

Finally, have the intent of being shown what is holding you back from achieving your goal. How can you move through the issue? n

If your query is in regards to specific business questions or areas of business then set this as the initial intent. Your intuition will lead you to understanding why the business is more than a way of making money. The business is YOU and in every part of you is the seed to making it grow. Trust your intuition and let it guide you to a reality that is beyond what you imagined.

CONTACT Kim Platzer BUSINESS Kim Platzer –

Clairvoyant and Medium +61 (0) 409 195 638 PHONE

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26 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –

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