The Poker Game and Its Circle

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two-hour conversation with Larry, and at

there was no fine arts program. But

the end of it you would have absolutely

when I became a sophomore, they

no idea what he thought about your

started something called the general arts

work. But, you knew so much more about

program that George Bunker led. It really

what you thought and carried away

was fine arts. In those days, the school

suggestions to think about and art to

was best known as a design school, and

look at. That’s how he functioned.

perhaps they didn’t want to admit they were adding a fine arts major. Eventually,

WV: Not judgmental?

when people got comfortable with the

RF: Never judgmental. He would ask

idea that PCA had fine arts, they called

questions. Did you ever think about this?

it that; and later they broke it down into

Do you know this artist? Have you ever

painting, sculpture, and printmaking

read this book? He was never trying to

departments (they always had all three

create little “Larrys.” He was against that

among the courses they gave). I think


later still there was a drawing major. I don’t remember the years of all these

WV: Peter Paone, whose show will

changes. Larry taught at PCA, as did

overlap this exhibition at Woodmere in

Leonard. And Dennis, Doris, Mitzi, Natalie,

the fall, talks of Larry as being one of the

Eileen, Sidney. And so did I.

profound teachers who helped him find WV: A final question: my understanding

his voice.

is that Jimmy was “out” as a gay man in RF: Peter was my freshman design

the 1960s and 1970s. Was he comfortable

teacher, in 1958–59. I think it was Peter’s

with being a gay person in the arts

first year of teaching.

community? In Philadelphia?

WV: Sidney was Larry’s student, too, yes?

AM: Jimmy was open and comfortable enough with himself that we could kid

RF: Yes, Sidney was a student of Larry’s,

about his love life the way we kidded

like Peter and Eileen at PCA. They were

about our own loves and lovers. He

a few years ahead of me. I think they

would throw kisses to us across the

all studied illustration. When I started, 120

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