Freedom's Journal: The Art of Jerry Pinkney

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On November 14th, 2019, artist Jerry Pinkney sat down to discuss his work with William Valerio, Woodmere’s Patricia Van Burgh Allison Director and CEO; Rachel McCay, Assistant Curator; and Hildy Tow, Robert L. McNeil, Jr. Curator of Education. WILLIAM VALERIO:

were seen as not exotic enough. One of

Jerry, thank you

for joining us today, and I’m glad we

the challenges for me was how to get

have this opportunity to talk about the

close to their history with very little to

exhibition and the rich history that runs

work with.

through your many books, which are so

I started doing my own research about

relevant today. The first book I’d like to

the Igbo for the book. You will hear me

talk about is The Old African, which you

say oftentimes that the stars were in

worked on with author Julius Lester. It

alignment when I went to the Schomburg

goes to a deep place that we all—white

Center for Research in Black Culture.

people, black people—have to come to

Sylviane Diouf, who was on staff, had

terms with, a pain that the centuries of

just gotten a manuscript from John Oriji,

enslavement in the United States has

who is an Igbo historian and Igbo himself.

inflicted and continues to inflict. JERRY PINKNEY:

I contacted John and he agreed to work with me. He became an invaluable

My focus on The Old


African was to paint the Igbo people as closely as possible to how they lived

One of my concerns in entering this

their lives, and the events that brought

project was that I was still viewing it from

about enslavement. The book is about

the other side of the water. I was still

mythology and hope. My intent with the

viewing Igbo culture with the baggage

art was to show the Igbo and their belief

that I carried, and my concern was

practices, which was difficult because we

whether I had a right to visually speak to

don’t know much about them—they were

the Igbo culture and Nigeria. Even as a

not documented, perhaps because they 40

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