WomenCinemakers // Special Edition

Page 16

the stories you tell in your films? Moreover, what was the most challenging thing about making this film and what did you learn from this experience? My everyday life and my work are strongly intertwined. Any moment of listening to the news, traveling, encountering new people, reading a book, watching a movie, catching up with good friends or family feeds into my work. If it helps me reflect and grow as a person then it is also contributes to my creative process. It’s like being on a quest to find my voice as storyteller and as a human being. There were many challenging aspects in making this film but the most challenging was directing and producing at the same time and then distributing it. Even though I learned immensely from the process, I will not wear that many hats on the same project again. Mexican artist Gabriel Orozco once remarked that " ": what could be in your opinion in our unstable, everchanging contemporary age? In particular, does your artistic research respond to cultural moment?


Women Cinemakers

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