The Master Witch Manual

Page 162

· Hurting: Magic curses, Alchemistry, dangerous secrets · Conflicting: how not to be, how to be · Justice: What is it, balance, put in check 3. Universe; · The known: what is seen, felt and understood · The unknown: what is seen, felt and understood · The sight: “ “ · The blind: “ “ · Elements: “ “ · Natures: “ “ · Tuning: “ “ · Self: “ “ · Spirit: “ “ · Tools: “ “ · Workings: “ “ · Math: “ “ · Matrix: “ “ · Magic: “ “ · Dimensions: “ “ · Time: “ “ · Practical Applications of Ritualism/ Wizard study Self Knowing- I feel disassociated (space) yet connected, I feel warm, comfortable, not my “usual and self” like I’m floating relaxed but aware, like I’m half dreaming, like I’m being watched/ tested but not self conscious, like I just lost the ability to spell. Not Knowing- nervous, like I was being touched, like there was a kind of distortion of room/me/time, like the things I saw in the mirror were someplace else… another time, a transposition of space, like I was looking at myself from within another person, tense at first, then very relaxed. Knowing Within· What you could be: - Do you sleep late? - Do you know if you were born during sun or moon? - Are you into vampires - Do you have a special feeling when weather changes? - Would you give life to a simple seed? - If it died would you do it again? - Can you feel the magical properties of plants? - In fortune telling, can you use at least 3 styles of divination/ - As you were growing up what did you consider yourself to be? Magical/non magical - Do you know what the 3,5,7,9 rule is? - For Halloween did you dress like a witch? - Is there any particular art of the arcane that you were interested in than the other? Druid,Magi, Wizard, Witch, Mystical thing, Occult, Pagan, other (Demon) - If I were over 1,000 years old, would I be a good spirit, bad spirit or both? - Do I believe in ghosts? - Do you believe in a bigger Universe? · What you will be: Arch-Witch: Good: will be connected to gateways have a closer connection to Nature through animals etc. more feminine viewpoint. 3 books work you’ve done, work you will do, work that is you, 7 keys, symbolism, connection to energy circles, Justice carrier. Bad: stubborn, quick to answer, self incriminating, too open (at wrong time), base judgmental but doesn’t mean to be, lost in thoughts

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