Sharp Tool Industrial Saw Blades Catalog

Page 17

Pl asti cCutti ng&Thi nRi m Saws I ndustri alSaw Bl ade s

pl asti ccutti ng saws

De s i g ne dt os moot hl yc utpl a scwi t hnot a r e . Bui l twi t h as pe c i a l pl a scc u ngg r a dec a r bi de .

Pl asti ccutti ngse ri e s

Thi nKe rfThi nRi mSaws

Ourt hi nr i ma ndt hi nk e r fs a wsa r ede s i g ne dt oe ffic i e nt l yc utboa r ds / pl a sc l e a v i ngl il ewa s t e .

Thi nKe rfSe ri e s

avai l abl esi ngl eanddoubl eHub othe rsi z e savai l abl e

800. 221 . 5452 F ax: 9 7 8. 56 8. 9 49 7

Custom Saw Bl ade sWe l come

sal e s@sharptool . com www. sharptool . com

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