Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 2

Page 40

Chef Chat with Stephy 當Stephy遇上主廚

Text by Stephy Poon Photography by Ali Nicol

攝影:Ali Nicol 撰文:Stephy Poon


f course I love wine, but as you may know from my previous articles for Wine Times Hong Kong that I’m also a foodie. Wine and food is just something that is better together! Being our Wine Times Hong Kong readers, we won’t let you down, so starting from this issue I’ll feature a chef each month from one of our favourite restaurants in Hong Kong, learn how to make dish and ask for their wine pairing recommendations. So who’s the first one and what’s the recipe for this festive December? Let’s check it out!

December’s Chef: Alex Martinez Fargas, Head Chef of Fofo by el Willy Dish-to-teach: Seafood Paella What is Paella (paella de marisco)? Paella is for sure one of the most signature and well-known Spanish dishes which has a long history that can be traced back to the 19th century. There are some different stories for 38

the origins of the name, one of them is that the word ‘paella’ actually comes from old Valencian (similar to Catalan) and it’s the word for the cooking pan rather than the dish. Another saying is the word ‘paella’ comes from the Arabic word “Baqiyah”, which means ‘leftovers’ since it was a common dish cooked by the farmers and workers over a wood fire with rice, and anything that was around the fields e.g., beans, onions, rabbit and saffron. As time went by, paella recipes have adopted more exciting variations; and in Asia here one popular style is with seafood. Why Seafood Paella? Chef Alex: “In this festive month, I think Paella is very suitable for a group of friends and family to share. You may add any kind of seafood based on your preferences. It’s simple yet delicious and filling. I always like to cook Paella with my kids too. This is definitely one of my favorite traditional Spanish dishes. I hope you guys will like it as well!”

果讀者們曾閱過我以往所寫的文章,應 如 該會略知我愛美酒之餘,也饞嘴,愛美 食。食物和酒兩者如果配搭得宜,就有如煙火 絢麗浪漫。由今期WTHK開始,我會和不同的 廚師合作,請教他們的獨家食譜和葡萄酒配搭 建議,從中「偷師」。

12月「煮」廚:西班牙餐廳Fofo by el Willy的總廚Alex Martinez Fargas 「煮」廚食譜:西班牙海鮮鍋飯 西班牙鍋飯是甚麼? 西班牙鍋飯(Paella)是西班牙當地其中一道最 傳統和知名菜式,有說它是源於19世紀的瓦 倫西亞(Valencia),歷史悠久。有關它的名字 「paella」由來,存在不同的說法,其中一個 是源於西班牙巴塞羅和瓦倫西亞周邊地區的用 語,字面意思為「鍋」;另一個說法是起源於 阿拉伯語「Baqiyah」,意指「剩飯菜」。據 說,當時的農民愛在農田附近找來一個大平 鍋,就地取食材和米飯烹煮,例如兔子、蔬 菜、豆類、洋蔥和番紅花等,久而久之流傳下 來便成了地道的西班牙菜式。隨着西班牙米飯 的普及,西班牙鍋飯的煮法也開始演變,當中 以海鮮作主要食材的煮法最受香港人所熟悉。 「煮」廚推介原因 總廚Alex:「在這個節日氣氛濃厚的十二月, 西班牙海鮮鍋飯是一道很適合與好友家人分享 的菜式。海鮮方面,可以隨意根據自己的喜好 自行加減,既簡單美味,又飽肚。其實這道菜 並不複雜,我經常和我的小孩一起親子下廚。 這道很能夠代表西班牙,絕對是我個人對西班 牙菜式的不二之選,希望你們也會喜歡!」

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