My Danish Footprint in China

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SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IS BECOMING IDEOLOGICAL After the Copenhagen Conference, the so-called “Danish Model” is becoming the most popular global catchword.

If instead we analyze the source of the crisis and provide a feasible solution, we can transform crisis into opportunity.

In short, the Danish Model is a sustainable development model with low carbon/ no carbon. Instead of depending on high consumption and energy costs, the new model depends more on energy efficiency, cost control and the usage of sustainable resources.

This is also one element of the Danish DNA: whenever this country was struck by disaster, she would seize the chance and become stronger. In the middle of the 19th century, owing to the emergence of the railway and the steam engine, a huge amount of cheap grain was imported, thus undermining the economy of the traditionally agricultural country. Consequently, the Danish people changed the country from natural economy into market-oriented economy, the cooperative movement becoming the new engine of Danish agriculture and industry.

To quote another old Chinese saying: “Fortune and disaster may be two sides of the same coin”. It was the two energy crises in the 1970s which forced the Danish government and residents to examine the traditional development model depending on oil and other non-renewable resources. Denmark then started an investigation into the structure of sustainable energy consumption. In 1976, Denmark launched her first national energy plan. This plan contained two sets of efforts at the strategy level: increasing the self-sufficient rate of energy and diversifying the energy sources. Compared to other resources, wind and other renewable energy were to be promoted. As a windy country surrounded on three sides by the sea, the high winds are the natural source of wind energy. Supported by the Danish government, the wind energy industry has expanded tremendously, and the derived technological innovation, development and application have reached the top rank globally.

让可持续发展成为意识形态 哥本哈根会议以后,“丹麦模式”成为在世界范围高频使 用的词语。 所谓“丹麦模式”,简而言之,就是通过提高能效、降低 能耗和开可再生能源实现由低碳到零碳的可持续发展模 式。这是一种与高消费拉动、以高能耗为代价实现的规模 化大生产不尽相同的发展思路。 中国有句古语叫做“福祸相倚”,正是20世纪70年代的两 次可怕的能源危机,使丹麦政府和国人对严重依赖传统化 石能源的经济发展模式深刻反思,从谋求能源消费结构的 转变起步,继而开始了可持续发展路径的探索。 1976年丹麦通过第一个国家能源计划,拉开了转型的序 幕。在能源消费结构转型中,丹麦从国家战略高度做了两 个方面的努力:一是提高能源自给率;二是实现能源来源 多元化。根据资源优势,大力发展以风能为主的可再生能 源。 作为三面临海的多风之国,强劲的风力是驱动丹麦利用风 能的外因,而来自政府的扶持,使得丹麦的风能工业迅速 勃兴,风能技术的拓新、发展和应用,走在了世界的前 面。 进入21世纪,丹麦的风力涡轮机达到5000多台,风力发电 占到了全国电力总量的20%以上,高居世界之首。在风能技 术方面丹麦也成为全球的领跑者,风电设备占到全球市场 份额的三分之一以上。 丹麦向风中寻找解决新能源解决方案的过程,值得人类深 思:当危机来临时,如果仅仅限于思考如何度过眼前的危 机,制定短期应急措施,做一些被动的、反应式的动作, 那么就永远走不出陷入危机的窘境。

这,好像也是丹麦民族DNA的构成要素之一。因为这个民族 每每在遭遇灾难之后,都会出现一次奋起和振兴。19世纪 中叶,随着铁路和蒸汽运输的兴起,北美和俄国大量廉价 的粮食涌入丹麦,这对传统农业国丹麦不啻灭顶之灾。而 正在此时合作运动兴起,使得丹麦较快地完成了从自给自 足自然经济向市场经济的转变。特别是从此之后,合作成 为丹麦工农业现代化的推进器。

In the 21st century, there are more than 5,000 wind turbines in Denmark, wind power producing above 20% of the country’s total electricity output. Her wind power technology is also second-to-none throughout the world, amounting to more than one third of the world wind power equipment market.

After the energy crisis of the 1970s, some countries returned to the track of highenergy consumption. However, Denmark has since then introduced top-class green energy industry by promoting a string of laws, monitoring and standards. A great many Danish firms follow the government’s instructions, creating a chain of green industries through their research and development. Due to the Danish government’s policies and instructions, the green industry is growing rapidly, providing lots of energy-saving products, technology and service to the world, and taking up a considerable share of the world market. More importantly, the idea of low-carbon and sustainable development has affected every aspect of Danish people’s lives. For the companies I have contacted the idea of “energy efficiency, low carbon, and sustainable development” is deeply connected with their core business as well as their core values.

The process of the Danish pursuit for new energy solution plans deserves more thinking: when the crisis comes, if we just try to solve the current problems passively, we can never really walk out from the crisis situation. This deserves more reflection when the crisis comes: if we try to ignore the current problems, we can never really escape from the crisis situation.

20世纪70年代的两次能源危机之后,一些国家又恢复了高 耗能的常态,而丹麦却在此后的30多年间,通过持续有力 的产业税收政策立法、有效的监管及标准化引导,催生出 全球领先的绿色能源产业,一大批丹麦企业响应政府号 召,在开发新技术、新解决方案的过程中,涟漪繁衍出一 条巨大的绿色产业链。 在丹麦政府的政策引导和有力作为下,丹麦绿色产业得到 较快的发展,大量节能减排产品、技术和解决方案问世并 被推向世界,占领了相当的市场份额。然而,更值得关注 的是,在这个过程中,低碳、可持续发展的理念已经逐渐 渗透到丹麦生活的方方面面,从物质层面到心理层面,形 成了全民参与的低碳文化,从而保证了可持续发展长效机 制的形成。 在我走访丹麦在化企业的过程中,我明显地感到节能减 排、环境保护、可持续发展,都与企业的核心业务、企业 的文化和价值观紧密地联系在一起,成为生产和生活方式 的基点,成为一种意识形态。 丹麦之所以能够全球绿色经济的领跑者,就在于其可持续 发展模式的全方位地构建,从生产方式到生活方式,到意 识形态。

而如果面对危机,冷静地思索最深层的根源在哪里,从战 略的高度抉择今后的发展方向,然后拿出一个个可行的解 决方案,就能变危机为生机,在应对和终结灾厄的过程 中,找到发展的新机遇、新方向和新增长点。



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