Wiley Blackwell Preview October - December 2013

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Catalytic Cascade Reactions    PENG-FEI XU & WEI WANG ✤✤ Covers a hot organic chemistry topic that fits into the green chemistry standards of efficiency and waste reduction ✤✤ Illustrates the versatility and application of cascade reactions for synthesising valuable compounds like drugs and natural products ✤✤ Deals with both organocatalysis and transition-metal catalysis reactions and focuses on catalytic versus non-catalytic reactions, an important shift in academic and industry practice

✤✤ Fills a need for the organic synthesis community due to recent advances in the field, and collects and organises otherwise scattered information into a single resource READERSHIP: Academic and industry chemists involved in organic synthesis, drug design and discovery, and drug development, process chemists, medicinal chemists, natural products scientists, biochemists, enzymologists

NOV 2013 • 512PP • 978-1-118-01602-2 • CL • €109.00

Organic Mechanisms

Reactions, Methodology, and Biological Applications

XIAOPING SUN ✤✤ Covers key classes of organic reaction mechanisms from a synthetic perspective and focuses on general mechanistic aspects for most important types of reactions ✤✤ Integrates reaction mechanisms, synthetic methodology, and biochemical applications and features discussions of biological applications for organic reactions ✤✤ Guides readers to analyse, understand, approach, and solve the problems of organic reactions with mechanistic studies and follows a typical academic sequence

✤✤ Includes end-of-chapter problems and has available ancillaries – solutions manual for adopting professors and Power Point lecture slides READERSHIP: Senior-year undergraduates, postgraduates, and their course instructors in organic reaction mechanisms, mechanistic chemistry, advanced organic chemistry, and physical organic chemistry, professional chemists

Aug 2013 • 432PP • 978-1-118-06564-8 • CL • €77.90

Peptidomimetics in Organic and Medicinal Chemistry    ANTONIO GUARNA & ANDREA TRABOCCHI

Peptidomimetics in Organic and Medicinal Chemistry

Both of University of Florence

✤✤ Explores Cconcepts and strategies for a “hot topic” in medicinal chemistry – a powerful approach for the generation of small-molecule-based drugs as enzyme inhibitors or receptor ligands ✤✤ Includes case studies in the hit-to-lead process, such as the development of integrin ligands and thrombin inhibitors, which illustrate the successful application of peptidomimetics in drug discovery

✤✤ Features Tthe division into classes of peptidomimetics is based on common structural features READERSHIP: Researchers and sStudents of medicinal chemistry and drug discovery, chemical biology, and biochemistry SERIES: POSTGRADUATE CHEMISTRY SERIES

Dec 2013 • 336PP • 978-1-119-95060-8 • CL • €122.00

Modern Synthetic Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry   DANIEL B. WERZ & SEBASTIEN VIDAL Georg-August-University of Goettingen, Germany

✤✤ Explores carbohydrates which play important roles in biology in the areas of signal molecules, recognition processes etc., and also in medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry such as carbohydrate-based drugs ✤✤ Discusses the synthesis of these complex compounds which is often a limiting factor, and the great need for new synthetic methods

✤✤ Offers a comprehensive overview about the latest development in this field ranging from cyclodextrin chemistry to the synthesis of highly complex glycoconjugates such as glycosphingolipids and GPI anchors, and much more ✤✤ Serves as an excellent source of information for those who are already involved in carbohydrate chemistry, organic chemists who are beginners in this field, synthetic chemists, medicinal chemists, and biochemists READERSHIP: Organic chemists, biochemists, medicinal chemists, libraries

Nov 2013 • 360PP • 978-3-527-33284-7 • CL • €139.00


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