Live Wild Magazine // Summer 2020

Page 47



At many points throughout our days we are pulled in multiple directions, both outside of ourselves and within. Our attention is called by such distractions and we lose perspective by getting caught up in feelings and moments. In these times when we feel overwhelmed and outside of ourselves, we turn to movement as a way to lose ourselves restoratively. Now is time to quiet the mind of all distractions, step on your mat and, for this time, leave your troubles and concerns at the edge where the mat and the world meet. Close your eyes and shift your attention to your breath, the rise and fall of your chest, the fullness and hollowness of your belly. Imagine your thoughts in a box and with each inhale and exhale the box getting smaller and smaller as it fades into nothingness. All that is left to focus on is the breath and body. Where are you tense? Shift your attention there until you grow comfortable and the tension subsides. Once you’ve quieted the mind, allow yourself to slowly and mindfully flow through the following movement. All the while, keep your mind fixated on your breath. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat the sequence as long as you feel necessary and as you finish, carry the weightlessness you feel off the mat and into the world. You can do this, you are capable.


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