Easy nutrition guide for runners (sampler)

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cinnamon and 1 chopped banana. (Food guidelines: 457 calories, 70.7g carbohydrate, 19.4g protein, 10.7g fat.)


‘Breakfast eaters – whether they run or not – are healthier and trimmer than people who skip it’

If you can’t face a proper breakfast or want to get out running quickly, don’t miss out altogether. Try a quality energy bar with an antioxidant-rich smoothie for an instant satisfying option.

Top with thin slices of apple and a handful of raisins (dried fruit is nature’s energy gel). Have a glass of coconut water, too – it’s rich in electrolytes – to ensure you’re properly hydrated.

TRY THIS: Pulsin Energy Bomb! (www.pulsin.co.uk) – a high-energy product to boost performance. Add it into this berry smoothie: blend together 200ml pomegranate juice, 100g natural yogurt, 60g berries and 2tsp nut butter. (Food guidelines: Pulsin Energy Bomb!: 153 calories, 22.6g carbohydrate, 2.6g protein, 6g fat. Plus smoothie: 376 calories, 55.7g carbohydrate, 10.7g protein, 12.4g fat.)

TRY THIS: 1 wholegrain bagel spread with 1 tbsp low-fat cream cheese, topped with 1 thinly sliced apple and 1 tbsp raisins. Drink 250ml coconut water. (Food guidelines: 335 calories, 68.6g carbohydrate, 12.1g protein, 3.9g fat.)

4: SCRAMBLED EGGS ON TOAST This is a great combination of protein and carbohydrate. Scramble a couple of eggs with a handful of spinach for an extra iron kick. Accompany with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, to increase iron absorption and give you an energising boost. TRY THIS: 2 scrambled eggs with handful of spinach leaves, 1tsp butter, 2 slices wholegrain toast and 250ml freshly squeezed orange juice. (Food guidelines: 457 calories, 44.7g carbohydrates, 24.7g protein, 19.7g fat.)

5: A BETTER BAGEL Choose a seeded or wholegrain bagel, for complex carbs, and add protein by spreading with low-fat cream cheese.

6: FRUIT YOGURT CRUNCH If you can’t face much food first thing, try a simple combination of Greek yogurt, fruit and crunchy granola. Easily digested, it won’t cause stomach cramps during your run. Pineapple is a great fruit option that’s rich in bromelain – a natural digestive enzyme to help avoid tummy troubles. Greek yogurt is a good source of friendly bacteria and higher in protein than natural yogurt. Accompany with a glass of CherryActive – perfect for avoiding muscle soreness later on.

‘Dried fruit is nature’s energy gel’ TRY THIS: 150g 2% Total Greek yogurt, 80g fresh pineapple, 30g Lizi’s Original Granola, 300ml CherryActive juice. (Food guidelines: 384 calories, 51.6g carbohydrate, 17.3g protein, 11.9g fat.)


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21/08/2013 10:34

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