Potto Parish Council Minutes 2006

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460 a. Footpaths An e mail was received from Mr Newton asking what, if any, action the Parish Council was taking toward getting a footpath from the village to Goulton Lane. Councillor Shimwell proposed, seconded by Councillor Wilde that the Council speak to the County Council about this. This was agreed unanimously. The Chairwoman said all the footpaths have been walked since the last meeting and photographs taken. A full report should be ready for the next meeting. With reference to the green lane Councillor Wilde said that there is a scheme in Northumbrian Water where employees give their time free to help community projects. He will explore this further. b. Questionnaire Councillor Wilde spoke about advice received from YLCA on how to approach this. Councillor Shimwell proposed that Councillor Woodhouse co-ordinate matters, Councillor Wilde seconded and this was agreed. c. Horse Trough County Councillor Mr Swales agreed to ask the County Council about whose liability the horse trough was. d. Seat near Church The Council looked at various options. e. Dog Fouling The letter had been sent to all dog owners in the Village. There had been no feedback. f. Web Site. Councillor Wilde volunteered to be responsible for putting items on the Hambleton District Council web site. The Council agreed. g. Village Design Statement. A copy of the Hutton Rudby Village Design Statement will be circulated to Councillors. Councillor Williams will obtain one from Kirkby. h. Parish Plan It was agreed to ask Lisa Wilson from the District Council to give a presentation before any further action was taken. i. NY Moors National Park Authority LDF Core Strategy & Development Policies (Preferred Options). The Council had replied. j. NY Minerals & Waste Development Framework – Supplementary Waste Issues Paper. Councillor Shimwell had replied on behalf of the Council. k. CCA. After discussion the Chairwoman proposed, seconded by Councillor Wilde that the Council donate £20. This was carried by 3 votes for and 2 abstaining. l. Hambleton Community Safety Partnership. Leaflet on dangerous driving. No action. 8. Reports from County and District Councillors District Councillor Mrs Fortune reported that she had written to the County Council concerning Black Horse Lane. She thought the road should be re-done instead of just being patched and a properly marked turn off from the A172 with lights at the junction. It is currently being looked at but will be subject to funding. County Councillor Mr Swales said the more improvements you get to Black Horse Lane the less chance of a bridge at the Black Swan. He thought it was important that someone attend the Mouchelparkman meeting on 11 May at Stokesley Town Hall to discuss transportation strategy. He said the County and District Councils give grants to parishes to help with the cost of parish plans. The County Council did not know that the telegraph poles had been moved. The Utilities had done the work. 9. Finance The Clerk had prepared the accounts for the year ended 31 March 2006. Councillor Williams queried the amount spent on grass cutting. Councillor Shimwell proposed, seconded by Councillor Williams that the accounts be accepted. All voted in favour. An internal auditor is required and Mrs Roberts from Hutton Rudby had agreed to audit the Council’s accounts. Councillor Shimwell proposed, seconded by Councillor Williams that Mrs Roberts be appointed. All voted in favour. A letter was received from Mazars, the auditors, giving the date for the audit of the Council’s accounts. A grant of £105.75 was received from the District Council towards the new noticeboard. A renewal notice was

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