WhichAddon Magazine - Issue 7 (Vertical Stack Wholesale Inventory)

Page 42



Click on Import to import the updated file. The updated counts will show in the product list.


You can make adjustments to count if needed.


If you’re not happy with the Stock Count you can delete it by clicking on the Delete button at the bottom.


If you’re happy with the Stock Count click on Complete to complete the process. It is recommended to cross check 10 or so items with your Stock Count numbers to confirm the stocktake has been completed successfully.

10. How to perform a Stock Count that has no value currently in Unleashed Create a Stock Count as normal for the warehouse that you wish to adjust the 0 stock in. This is required to initiate Stock Count in this warehouse. Delete any product from this Stock Count screen that you do not want to include in the Stock Count. "Save" (do not complete) the Stock Count and export the CSV file of this stock count from the top right corner of this window. Populate this .csv file by adding the product codes and count quantities of the products that have 0 stock in this "particular warehouse" to include them in the Stock Count process. You can run the stock on hand enquiry report for the products of the chosen warehouse and product group to fetch their current SOH quantity. Keep the stock number same that in this file i.e your "IN-PROGRESS" stock count (as shown in the screen-shot below).



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