Thank you for choosing the Wheeling Park District Preschool. We are happy to welcome you and your child to our Preschool family! Our mission is to provide memorable experiences in parks and recreation that enrich our communities
In keeping with our mission, the Preschool staff is dedicated to providing your child with an enriching social, emotional, and educational experience Our program is designed to help transition children from home to school to kindergarten using our “learning through play” philosophy The Parent Manual contains the information and guidelines you need to know about our Preschool program
Your child’s Preschool experience is very important to us so please do not hesitate to contact us with your questions or concerns.
We are looking forward to a great year with your child!
Adi Zus n
Preschool Director
(847) 465-2942
azussman@wheelingparkdistrict com preschool@wheelingparkdistrict.com
Bel Lic de Al e
Recreation Services Manager (847) 465-2940
ilicciardello@wheelingparkdistrict com
2025-2026 School Year Start Dates
● Monday-Friday Classes begin on September 2.
● Tuesday/Thursday Classes begin on September 2.
● Monday/Wednesday/Friday Classes begin on September 3
2025-2026 Class Schedules
Monthly class schedules will be provided.
Class Name Class Days
Preschool Prep Monday/Wednesday 9:30 am-11:00 am
Preschool Prep Tuesday/Thursday 9:30 am-11:00 am
Threes AM Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Threes AM Tuesday/Thursday 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Threes/Fours Full Day Monday-Friday 9:15 am-2:30 pm
Fours AM Monday-Friday 8:45 am-11:45 am
Fours/Five Full Day Monday-Friday 9:15 am-2:30 pm
*All classes will conclude the week of May 4, 2026
Days Off School
● 9/22
● 10/2
● 10/13
● 11/24-11/28
● 12/22-1/2
● 1/19
● 2/16
● 3/23-3/27
● 4/3
*Please note if there is a change in Days off School this will communicated with our families via email and updated on your student’s calendar
Independence in the Bathroom (Toilet Trained)
Children must be able to independently recognize the urge to go to the bathroom in an amount of time sufficient to get to the bathroom and use the toilet. The child must be able to independently pull down the necessary clothing, sit/stand, wipe, flush, pull up necessary clothing, and wash/dry hands All children should be sent to preschool with a change of clothes in the event of an accident.
*If a child is not potty trained, a parent or guardian must be within 5 minutes to change their child as they work on potty training All FULL DAY participants must be potty trained.
Adjusting to School
Please arrive on time for drop-off and pick-up Arriving too early can cause anxiety Arriving late causes your child to miss the part of the day when children and teachers greet each other and socialize; it also requires a teacher to step away to unlock the door and disrupt the flow of the class Parents/guardians departing quickly allows the adjustment and the school day to begin
Let your child know that you will return, and understand that some children have to experience that you will come back before they can fully adjust
Role of the Parent/Guardian
The first days of preschool are an exciting day for parents and children! Children enjoy carrying a special backpack, and wearing a special outfit and look forward to meeting old and new friends in the classroom This day may also contain some anxious moments for you and your child
Parent anxiety is common and should be expected as preschool is a new experience Here are some helpful tips from the preschool staff:
● Know that your child’s ability to be independent in a classroom setting enhances the child/parent bond
● You will enjoy hearing about the exciting new things your child will learn and fun new experiences
● Preschool is an opportunity for parents to meet other parents and form lasting friendships.
● Staying and looking into classrooms or the playground will hinder your child from learning, preschool is a time for them to explore and learn. Parents are not permitted to look into the Preschool wing once school has started. Also, please refrain from lingering at drop off or pick up We encourage use of our facilities if you would like to remain on campus during your child’s class.
In the event of an absence (illness, doctor appointment, etc ), please call the Preschool office at (847) 465-2942 or email preschool@wheelingparkdistrict.com to notify staff when your child will not be attending.
Arrival and Departure
● For the safety and security of all participants, drop off and pick up will take place curbside at the drive-in front of the preschool. Parents wishing to walk their child to the building must park in the spaces adjacent to the drive or CRC parking lot
● All classes begin promptly at the designated time. Please arrive on time. All classes have staggered start times to help alleviate traffic congestion, please only arrive at your child's designated time or wait in the parking lot until it is your child's class time
● Late arrivals need to come to the CRC Guest Service desk.
● Children will NOT be released to any individual whose name is not listed on the child’s Information Form as an authorized pick-up person
● Staff requires photo identification from any unfamiliar/unrecognizable individual picking up or dropping off a child
● Our preschool staff does not give updates at the end of class time; however, families will receive an email weekly with a summary of what occurred in the classroom
● If you need to speak to your child’s teacher, please call the Preschool Office or email the preschool or your child’s teacher.
Late Pick-Up
If a parent/guardian arrives after the designated ending time of their child’s class, late charges will apply at a rate of $1 00 per minute, beginning five minutes after the end of scheduled class time. In the event a child is not picked up after 15 minutes, the emergency phone number will be called. If the emergency contact cannot pick up the child, alternate measures such as contacting the police may be necessary.
If you are running late to pick up your child, please call the preschool team at (847) 465-2942 to notify our staff.
What to Bring and Wear to School
Make sure all items are labeled with your child’s name.
● Backpack or tote bag (large enough to hold a 9” x 12” home/school folder
● Please send your child to school with a water bottle each day These should be labeled with your child’s name (no juice or milk).
● For nutritional snacks, please note that we are a peanut-free program.
● A clean change of clothes, including shirt, pants, underwear, and socks, should be in your child’s backpack every day
● Children should wear comfortable clothing that can get dirty Please remember that our play is always fun and sometimes messy.
● Sturdy, closed-toe shoes are required, no Crocs or sandals
● Sunscreen and insect repellent were applied before drop-off
● Children should dress appropriately for the weather (heat or cold). A class-specific list will be sent out in August
Outdoor Play
Children play outdoors all year round when the temperature and wind chill is above 38 degrees Teachers will send home notes if the class plans to play in the snow so that you can send your child with the proper snow attire
Behavior and Discipline
A positive approach is used regarding discipline Teachers periodically review rules with children If inappropriate behavior occurs, prompt resolutions are sought specific to each individual situation. In the event of continued behavior concerns, a conference with the parent will be required For severe behavior issues, a parent/guardian will be called to pick up the child from the program The Wheeling Park District reserves the right to dismiss a participant whose behavior, or that of their parent, is inappropriate or endangers the safety of self or others and/or negatively impacts the experience of others
Classroom Environment & Practices
● There is a maximum capacity of 16 students in each classroom. Teachers will be encouraged to make use of outdoor spaces for learning activities to allow for increased movement The program also has scheduled use of the gymnasium in the CRC
● All kitchen and baby dolls/toys will be cleaned following our cleaning procedures.
● Children should not bring toys or other items from home to school
We will celebrate each child’s birthday, including summer birthdays, during the school year. Parents may send one non-edible item from each child in the class should they choose to.
Snack Time
● Snacks are served at a specific time each day, provided by the student’s family for their own child This is not a meal and should not be substituted for a meal
● Suggested healthy snack options: fresh fruit or vegetables, crackers, pretzels, yogurt, or string cheese
● Due to allergy concerns, no nuts of any kind may be sent to school.
Lunch Time
If your child is registered in a full-day class, please send your child with a lunch and a snack Lunch and snacks should be packed separately.
These classes are the ONLY ones that will have lunchtime All other classes will just have snack time.
In order for parents and teachers to work effectively with one another, it is important that the staff be informed if something new or exciting occurs at home, as these events can affect your child’s behavior Additionally, please notify staff when you have a new address or telephone number or any changes on your child’s Information Form.
Health Policy
It is extremely important to work together to stop the spread of illness at school The health and safety of each child in the class and their family, as well as the health and safety of the teachers and their families, depends on each parent strictly adhering to the above guidelines
If a child is ill or has a fever, he or she will not be admitted to Preschool. If a child becomes ill at school and a parent cannot be reached, the emergency contact will be called Children must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to the program (non-COVID).
In the event that your child contracts a contagious illness (strep throat, chicken pox, lice, pink eye, etc.), please notify staff immediately. A notice will be sent to other program participants. Any child diagnosed with a contagious illness will only be admitted back into the classroom with a doctor’s release
Symptoms to watch for include:
● Cough
● Congestion
● Runny nose
● Fever
● Sore throat
● Headache
● Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea
● Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, chills
● Fatigue
● Muscle pain
● Loss of taste/smell
Children experiencing any of the symptoms listed above should be kept at home. If a child is experiencing any of these symptoms while attending school, they will be removed from the classroom, and a parent or guardian must pick them up within 30 minutes.
The Wheeling Park District does not administer non-prescription medication Staff prefers not to dispense prescription medication during program hours However, in the event a child must have medication, the parent should:
● Communicate the need to the Recreation Services Manager in advance
● Complete the appropriate medication dispensation form provided upon your request.
● Place medication in sealed, signed, and labeled Medication Envelopes that are provided for each daily dosage and give the envelopes to your child’s teacher.
● If your child requires an inhaler or Epi-pen, please ensure that it is sent to school daily in a labeled ziplock with your child’s first and last name. In addition, instructions per your child's doctor should be in the zip-lock bag.
Medical Emergencies
If your child is injured or takes ill and requires more than basic first aid treatment, the following steps will be taken:
● Parent/guardian or emergency contact will contacted
● Paramedics will be called if the situation warrants.
● If paramedics deem it necessary, they will transfer the injured/ill child to the nearest hospital.
○ Parent/guardian or emergency contact will be notified of what hospital their child is being transported to if they are not onsite at the time of transport
● The parent/guardian is responsible for the emergency medical charges for all services rendered Your authorization for the program permits staff to secure emergency medical treatment for your child Your commitment to payment thereof is part of the registration agreement.
ADA/Inclusive Recreation Programs
The Wheeling Park District is committed to accessibility for individuals with disabilities and strives to provide equal participation in all programs and services. The Park District’s policy is to reasonably accommodate all qualified program applicants in accordance with the American Disabilities Act (ADA). We welcome the questions, comments, and concerns of interested community members regarding Park District ADA compliance
In continuing efforts to meet the needs of residents with special needs, NWSRA (Northwest Special Recreation Association) and the Wheeling Park District provide inclusive recreation services This means that individuals with disabilities are able to participate in programs offered by the Park District. Tell us your special needs and interests by communicating on the registration form and together, the Wheeling Park District and NWSRA will provide the support necessary for success.
All requests should be made by emailing the Recreation Services manager, Isabella Allen, at ilicciardello@wheelingparkdistrict.com. Please note that a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice is required However, more time may be needed for NWSRA to secure staff
Rules of Conduct
● The Wheeling Park District expects all participants to exhibit appropriate behavior while participating in programs and activities.
● Children and parents should show respect for all participants and staff and take direction from staff.
● Foul or abusive language will not be tolerated, and children/parents will refrain from using inappropriate language.
● Children will refrain from causing bodily harm to themselves, other children, or staff and refrain from using hands or body force.
● Children will respect all equipment, supplies, and facilities. This includes cleaning up all supplies used to participate in the program
● Children must remain within the preschool boundaries.
● Parents should not remain in the preschool program area to watch their child from windows or the outside of the playground
A positive approach to discipline for children will be used in the preschool program Children who have behaviors that impact their own safety or that of others, who have behaviors that negatively affect the experience of others, who use inappropriate language, or who are physically violent or threatening may be dismissed from the program
The Wheeling Park District reserves the right to dismiss a participant whose behavior, or that of their parent, is inappropriate or endangers the safety of self or others, and/or negatively impacts the experience of others.
Disruptive Behavior Disciplinary Steps
To ensure a pleasant and safe environment for every child, the Wheeling Park District has the following procedures in place regarding disruptive behavior:
1. First Incident The parent/guardian is called, and an incident report is completed.
2 Second Incident The parent/guardian is called, and the incident report is completed, and a parent must pick up the child immediately.
3 Third Incident The parent/guardian must pick up the child immediately, and the child may be suspended or terminated from preschool at the discretion of the Recreation Services Manager.
For severe misbehavior, a parent/guardian or emergency contact is called to pick up the child from preschool within 30 minutes. Examples of misbehavior warranting a call home include (but are not limited to):
● Disrespect
● Destruction of property
● Disregard of rules
● Verbal abuse
● Physical abuse
Suspected Abuse or Neglect
Wheeling Park District employees are considered mandated reporters in the State of Illinois. This means that, in accordance with the procedures established by the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act, any personnel having reasonable cause to believe that a child known to them in their professional capacity may be an abused or neglected child shall immediately report the matter to their supervisor The proper authorities will be notified
Weather Related School Closures
In the event of an emergency closure (inclement weather, loss of power, etc ), an email to all families who are affected will be contacted via email and/or by phone
What does this mean in terms of makeup classes or refunds?
The first and second days of any class being canceled will not be made up or refunded. Refunds or make-up days will be determined upon the occasion of the 3rd time of a class being canceled
Important Information
Wheeling Park District
Community Recreation Center
100 Community Boulevard
Wheeling, IL 60090
Tax ID Number
Wheeling Park District Federal Tax ID Number: 36-6009530
Website: www.wheelingparkdistrict.com