In Recognition of Our Board of Directors
We would like to thank our board members for bringing their passion, skills, insight, experience and resources to the table to help the Community House grow and thrive. Execu ve Director Amy Guay-Macfarlane stands with outgoing board member Barry Cohen, current Board President Ka e Farrell and outgoing board members Grace Hendricks and Gayle Tagliatela. Grace Hendricks, a great supporter of The West Haven Community House unfortunatley passed away in August. She will be missed by all of us.
Our Mission
The West Haven Community House exists to facilitate healthy, produc ve, independent and meaningful lives for children, adolescents, families and individuals with disabili es.
Our Impact
As the cornerstone social service agency in West Haven, the Community House is valued for our professional services, our leadership, and our posi ve impact in the community. For more than seven decades, the Community House has become a leader in iden fying, collabora ng and implemen ng services that meet the changing needs of the City of West Haven; its diverse families, educa onal structure and socio-economic challenges.
In this past year, we are proud to report the following accomplishments:
HEAD START celebrated more than 40 years of service to West Haven’s preschool children and their families. We provided school readiness services to more than 117 children and families.
CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES served over 200 children in our before and a er school child care program. Through a grant from the McKinney-Vento Founda on, working with the Board of Educa on, we served 41 students and 23 families who were homeless during the year. We expanded our a erschool programming to include a Social and Emo onal Learning program at Baily Middle School.
COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS has served 67 total individuals across our programs. The Avenues program in partnership with the public schools where we focused on career explora on and independent living skills graduated two2 individuals.
July 1, 2021- June 30,2022
Katie H. Farrell
John F. Onofrio
First Vice President
Ronald M. Quagliani
Second Vice President
James F. Turcio
Treasurer Gene F. Sullivan
Secretary Jay Brennan
Assistant Secretary
William Heffernan
Immediate Past President
*Richard Bruno
Barry L. Cohen
Mark J. DeGennaro
Patricia W. Fusco
Grace R. Hendricks
Audrey L. Jefferson
Elizabeth K. Johnston
William C. Lang
Michael P. Last
John Lewis
*Mary Jane Morrissey
Edward M. O’Brien
Pamela L. O’Neill
*Carole Porto
*Kenneth S. Prisco
Nancy Rossi
Gayle S. Tagliatela
Michael T. Taylor
Assistant Executive Director, Finances Marie Watson
Assistant Executive Director,
*Past Presidents
Amy Guay-Macfarlane Executive Director Deborah Wright2021 - 22 Financial Statement
Government Grants and Contracts
CT Dept. of Developmental Svs. (DDS)
CT Dept. of Educa on (SDE)
CT Office of Early Childhood (OEC)
US Dept .of Agriculture (USDA)
US Dept. of Health & Human Svs. (HHS)
Community Dev. Block Grant (CDBG)
Opera ng Support
Fees for Service
Room & Board / Rent
Fundraising & Contribu ons
Miscellaneous Income
Total Revenue
Head Start and Children & Youth Services
Community Connec ons
General & Administra ve
Total Expenses
$3,878,076 $337,030 $ 298,149 $165,265 $ 1,560,613 $14,014 $519,360
$1,210,909 $69,960 $38,835 $3,857
$2,678,502 $4,082,608 $918,394 $7,699
Partners in the Community
Branford Soup Kitchen
Center for Disability Rights
City of West Haven Health Department
Community Foundation for Greater New Haven
CT After School Network
CT Department of Children & Families
CT Department of Developmental Services
CT Department of Education
CT Department of Social Services
CT Head Start Association
CT Office of Early Childhood
FISH of Greater New Haven, Inc.
Literacy Volunteers of Southern Connecticut
National Head Start Association
New England Head Start Association
Office of Head Start
Our Lady of Victory Church
Quinnipiac University
Rotary Club of West Haven
Excerpted from Unaudited Financial Statements for Fiscal Year July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
Southern CT State University Special Olympics, TEAM West Haven The Diaper Bank University of New Haven US Department of Agriculture
US Department of Health & Human Services
US Department of Housing & Urban Development
Vertical Church West Haven Adult Education West Haven Board of Education West Haven Emergency Assistance Taskforce (WHEAT)
West Haven Family Resource Center West Haven Fire Department West Haven Library West Haven Interagency Network for Children West Haven Police Department West Haven School Readiness Council West Haven Veteran’s Council
Our out-of-school- me programs gives our parents peace of mind knowing their child has an affordable, safe and construc ve place to be while they are at work.
WE BELIEVE kids learn best when they are ac ve and engaged in structured ac vi es and hands-on experiences. That’s why we offer fun academic ac vi es that encourage awareness, cri cal thinking, and innova ve solu ons.
WE PROVIDE enrichment learning focused on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math), SEL (Social Emo onal Learning) and Literacy. WE HELP STUDENTS SUCCEED by offering opportuni es to obtain organiza onal, leadership and social skills that can be applied to the regular school day and in life.
A residen al and day program providing opportuni es for adults with intellectual disabili es to experience community living and increased independence.
WE BELIEVE all people, regardless of ability, deserve the opportunity to become ac ve members in their community. That’s why we focus on social interac on and enrichment skills needed to gain selfconfidence and self-esteem. WE PROVIDE opportuni es for increased independence, skill building, recrea onal and work explora on, and community inclusion.
IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE for adults with intellectual disabili es and help them realize their full poten al and dreams.
children served 120
A school readiness program for income eligible families that gives children from at-risk backgrounds a “Head Start” with the skills they need to be successful in school and life.
WE BELIEVE every child deserves a head start in life. That’s why in addi on to quality learning experiences, we focus on suppor ng the overall healthy development of preschool children and their families.
WE PROVIDE monthly family engagement ac vi es that promote parent-child literacy, community engagement and leadership opportuni es.
WE STRENGTHEN FAMILIES by connec ng them with nutri on, health and social supports, and help them achieve their goals around housing stability, con nued educa on, and financial literacy.
Head Start Director Chris na Mazzacane2021 - 22 Head Start Budget Details
US Office of Health & Human Services (HHS)
CT Office of Early Childhood (OEC) Includes Readiness Care4Kids & Fees
US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA)
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Total Revenue
Salary/Benefits Program/Office Food Maintenance/Services Administra on/Facility COVID-19 Expenses
Total Expenses
$1,560,613 $298,149 $133,727 $165,265 $14,014 $2,171,768
$1,354,662 $284,409 $110,477 $283,999 $127,506 $10,715 $2,171,768
2021 - 22 Head Start Census Details
Student Data:
Total Number of Students: 120 Total Number of Income Eligible Families: 83 Public Assistance: 2
Foster Care: 1 Homeless: 1 Over Income: 9 No. of Families between 101% - 130% of poverty guidelines: 24 Transi oned to Kindergarten: 58
Received Special Educa on Services from WHBOE: 10
Received Mecical Exams 120
Received Dental Exams: 74 Have Health Insurance: 117 Average Monthly Enrollment 78.76%
Head Start par cipates in CT Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and in accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regula ons and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and ins tu ons par cipa ng in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discrimina ng based on race, color, na onal origin, religion, sex, gender iden ty (including gender expression), sexual orienta on, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, poli cal beliefs, or reprisal or retalia on for prior civil rights ac vity.
Excerpted from Unaudited Financial Statements for Fiscal Year July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
Family Data:
Total Number of Families: 118
Primary Home Language English: 57 Spanish: 36 Middle Eastern & South Asian: 19 Caribbean 1 European/Slavic 1 Unspecified: 7
White: 52 Black: 25 Mul /Bi-racial: 21 Other: 9 Asian: 10 % of Hispanic: 52%
Family Involvement Ac vi es Virtual and Home Ac vi es: 115 (Total who par cipated in anything related to a child’s educa on)
Many Thanks To Our Generous Donors
Donors, Event Supporters and Sponsors
Christine Abboud El-Ebakri
Gricel Aguilar
Donna Aiello
Amy Allen
Kathleen Ambrosi
Davaul & Latonya Amin
Jennefer Anyafulu
Linda Bacco
Edouard Bahi
David E. Barber
Dawn Barbierri
Dominique Barnett
Ronald Barrows
Sue Barstein
Connie Bates
Maryanne Bauknecht
George Belbusti & Colleen Bartlett
Melissa Bennett
Rita Berretta
Joseph Paul Beutelspacher
Tina Bibens
Cheryl Biela
Karen Blake
Katherine Blakeslee
Deborah Bloszko
Angela L. & Darrin M. Booth
Donna Borzillo
Patricia & Richard Boyne
Joy Bozzi
Jay M. Brennan
Nikki Brooks
JennIfer Brothers
Eddie & Barbara Brown
Mary Browne
Richard Bruno
Elizabeth Buckheit
William Burgess
William Burr
Judge Guido & Anne Calabresi
Mary Louise Cariglio
Elissa Carrano
Karen Chamberlin
Richard & Sharon Chamberlin
Aaron & Stephanie Charney
Maria Chavez-Hurlburt
Angelina Clark
Barry L. Cohen
Kristen Coletta
Danny & Ellen Collins
Timothy & Deborah Collins
Sandi Comyns
Barbara Jean Conroy
Angela Consorte
Heather Copelas
Annette A Copland
Anne Cordero
Maria Corenki
Maureen Coughlin
Cathy Crawford
Nicholas J. Cretella
Chris Crotta
Nicole Danz
Doug & Betsy Davis
Sarah Davis
Robert & Roberta DeFonce
Nick DeGennaro
Mark & Joy DeGennaro
Tarra Del Chiaro
Jessie Delahanty
Jeanie DeLoughery Maria Deloughery Eileen Deloughhery-Sarzynski
Taylor Depalma
Gladys Diaz
Jessica Diaz-Lopez
Michelle DiLeonardo Kathy Diomede
Gail DiReinzo
Lionel Dunlap
Erin Eberhardt
Lisa Eberle
Victoria Byrd Edwards
Sharon Eligio
Andrew Falanga
Katie Farrell
Nicholas Ferraro,Jr. Estate
Albert Florio, Jr. Theodore & Joanne Forbes
Diane Forleo
Mary Fournier
Bertha Francis
Janice Frank
Mark Fratini
Debi Freund
Patricia Fusco
Maria Gaffney
Ayishetu Gaoussou Sidibe
Melissa Ann Garthwait
Bonnie & Craig George
Rebecca Gilbert
Lisa Golinski
Arlene Gore Michael Grande
Gabrielle T Grant
Sherry L Grant
Tom Greco
Robert Grestini
Lucille Grosso
Amy Guay-Macfarlane
Robert Guthrie
Laurie-Jean & Robert Hannon
Sandy Hanrahan
Kathleen Harrington
Lisa Hart Brendan Healey
Joyce Hebert
Kathleen Hebert
E. Michael & C. Jane Heffernan Evelyn Heffernan William Heffernan, III Grace R. Hendricks Kathleen Hendricks
Patricia Herbert Estate Jean Hickox
Christine Hogan David & Marcy Hotchkiss Carol A. James Seymour B. James Audrey Jefferson David & Jennifer Johnson Sharon Johnson Elizabeth K. Johnston Robert Jones James M. Judson Mildred Kalison Eileen Keefe Maureen Kelly Sue & Kevin Kelly Annmarie & Arthur J. Kelly, Jr. Rebecca L. Kieran Jim Koplik
Theresa T. Kovacs
Trish Kron
William C. Lang Michael Last Ralph Lawson
Peter N. Lenzi Joel & Nancy Lerner
John Lewis
Paul Lewis
Cheryl Lloyd Raymond & Nancy Lodge Leslie Lofthouse Amy Lohman
Jackie Lynn
Gloria Macnaughton
Alyssa Maddern
Robyn Maker
Kathryn Malerba
Carol & Peter Maloney
Timothy Maloney
Annie Marchitto
Cathy Mari
Peter Marinelli
Karen & Peter Massaro, Sr.
Linda Mathews
Karin May
Cynthia McCarroll
Kerri McCarty
Jacqueline McKim
Keri McLaughlin
Donna McMahon
Angela Mendieta
William & Marialys Meskill
Theresa Mester
Steven Meunier
Francis & Georgiana Meyer
Karen Moretti
Lisa Morgillo
Mary Jane & Michael Morrissey
Kimberlee Morton
David Moulton
Joanne Natale
Nan Norene
Luca Notari
Arthur J. & Claire B. Nugent
Edward & Roberta O’Brien
Yolanda & Robert O’Connor
Alan Olenick
Pamela L. O’Neill
John Onofrio
John & Elisa Ordazzo
Deb Packer
John Palmieri
Carol Paprocki
Valerie Paterson
Dennis G. Patruno
Stacie L. Phan
John & Tara Picard
Celia Pinzi & Mark Healey
Shelby Poe
Robin Pollock
Carole Porto
Ann Marie Pratson
Ken Prisco
Ronald Quagliani
Kim Quinlan
Melissa Ross
Nancy Rossi
Kelly Catherine Ruickoldt
Mariuxi Lissette Ruilova
Connie Sacco
Roberta Saunders-Gray Estate
Cheryl Serfilippi
Rosie Rees & Eugene Servillo
Nathan Sherwood
Bert & Darcy Siclari Mike & Nancy Skerritt
Christine Sledge
Brian F. Smith & Natalie Paganini
Carolyn Steeves
Bob & Ashley Stevens
Patricia W. Stevens
Maribeth Stewart
Maureen Storlazzi
Gayle S. Tagliatela
Lynne Tereshko
Talance Thomas
Laseanna Thompson
Keith Thorn
Shirley Thorn
Stephanie Thorn
Lisa Tisdale
Michael Todd Taylor
Elinor & Tom Torello
Vanessa Torres
Teresa Troup
Robert Vets
John F. & Angela A. Vigent
Donald & Sandra Vogt
Katharina Wagner
Alix Walmsley
Marie Watson
Crystal Weber
Mary Ann White Kanita Williams
Jessica Wilson
Loretta Winch
Nancy Wobensmith
Deborah Wright
David & Enrica Yaffe Dolores Zanz
Corporate Donations
Amazon Smiles
Baybrook Remodelers, Ken Carney
Cordone & Tonucci, Carl Tonucci
CT Elks Association, James Sabio Dixwell Pharmacy, LLC
Eder Bros, Inc., Andrew Eder
First Congregational Church, Barbara Brown Gap Foundation
Jordan’s Furniture, Heather Copelas Keenan Funeral Home, Andrea Alexander
Leslie’s Jewelers, Gene Sullivan
Mark A. Healey, Attorney at Law
New England Brewing Co, New England Brewing Co
Notre Dame High School, Robert Curis Our Lady of Victory Parish, Roseann Gulisano
People’s United Bank, Lacey Bicknell Phonetel Inc., Dan Link
Prospect Beach Fish & Game, Sheila Krajcir
Randall’s Restaurant, Dan Carr Savers, Amy Famiglietti
Shoreline Dental Care, Dr. Joe Tartagni, DMD. Soundental Associates, Dr. Margolies, DMD.
Stop & Shop, West Haven, Sandra Hernandez
Teddi & Archell Salon, Teddi McKenna
The American Legion Post 89
The Land Trust of West Haven, Rosalie Swift
United Illuminating United Way of Greater New Haven, Jennifer Heath Vertical Church, Paul Bronson Watson Inc., Moira Watson
West Haven Elks Club Lodge #1537, Edward Marchitto
West Haven Parks & Recreation, Mark Paine
West Haven Police Department, Chief Joseph Perno
West Haven Vietnam Veteran’s Association, Stephen Carney
Westies Cares, Janet & Phil Liscio
Yale Repertory Theatre, Laura Kirk
Gi s noted were made from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022
Morrissey named Pauline Lang Exceptional Board member
In 1995, the Pauline Lang Excep onal Board Member Award was established to honor our founder, Pauline Lang. The award recipient is selected by the President of the Board and is given to acknowledge outstanding service to the agency by a member of the Board of Directors of the Community House.
This year, honored was a very special board member and actually the board president who during her tenure as Board President was the first to award the ini al Pauline Lang Excep onal Board member awards to Pat Herbert and Bill Burns - Mary Jane Morrissey!
Mary Jane joined the board in 1986 and rose through the ranks to President in 1993. She has relessly worked on behalf of the Community House as an effec ve advocate and leader. She and her family created a named Endowment fund. She supports all fund raisers and special events—always bringing along family and friends; she enjoys purchasing gi s for the children for the Board Giving Tree each year. She has observed Head Start classrooms as part of our selfassessment; and has a ended many staff-board events.
Mary Jane’s me with the Community House did not stop when her term as President was completed; she has stayed on the board as a Past President, rarely ever missing a mee ng. As a Past President, she is an invaluable resource to board members as we navigate our stewardship of the agency. Mary Jane stays involved – she has been deeply involved with the Endowment Commi ee, as an ac ve member and a Chair, her commitment to the success and sustainability of the agency is unparalleled.
It is o en difficult to recruit new board members or some mes even to convince exis ng board members to join commi ees, Mary Jane is always willing to step in to help and sets the example by doing so; whether it is par cipating or chairing commi ees such as nomina ng or si ng in on strategic planning, bylaw review or fund development – Mary Jane is there. Last but not least, Mary Jane was the first to volunteer to chair our 75th Anniversary celebra on in 2016! Her leadership of this celebra on was key to the
rousing success of the results of the mul ple events, in parcular our huge party on the green.
Mary Jane also has a life outside of the Community House, prior to her re rement, she was Corporate Secretary for the family business; she served as a State Representa ve and par cipated in many ways for the be erment of West Haven. Most important to her was and is enjoying her family – her husband, her daughter, her brothers, sister, nieces and nephews and the rest of the extended family.
For more than 36 years, the Community House has had the honor of Mary Jane’s involvement and dedica on.
A orney Paul Dorsi, right, hands a check to WHCH Board President Ka e Farrell and Execu ve Director Amy Guay-Macfarlane, le , which was a dona on from the estate of Patricia Herbert who was a longme board member, past president and first Pauline Lang honoree.
Many Thanks To Our Endowment Donors
John and Angela Vigent
Evelyn D. Heffernan
Patricia Herbert Estate
Robert & Roberta DeFonce
The Land Trust of West Haven
Annemarie & Arthur Kelly Jr.
Mary Jane & Michael Morrissey
Patricia & Richard Boyne
Stacie L. & Tuoc Phan
Carole Porto
Ann Marie Pratson
Barbara & Eddie Brown
Yoland and Robert O’Connor
Lisa Morgillo
Eder Bros
Nichola Cretella
Patricia W. Stevens
Mark Fra ni
Mary Jane & Michael Morrissey
John & Tara Picard
Cheryl G. Serfilippi
Robert Stevens
West Haven Community House Board of Directors
Gail Direinzo
Brendan Healey
Mark A. Healey
Celia Pinzi
Roberta Saunders-Gray Estate
Gi s noted were made from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021
Eileen Ossa
Named Funds
Eugene & Helen Dorsi Fund
Eder Brothers Fund
Jill Fleming Fund
Kenneth S. Ginsberg Fund
Patricia Herbert Fund
Heffernan Family Fund
Beatrice Howell Fund
John & Dodie Ireland Fund
Mary Jane Kelly Fund
Jean & Nathan London Fund
Randolph A. Maitz Fund
Sharon Mar n Fund
Eugene McCarthy Fund
Pvt. Stephen McHugh Fund
Sco Merriam Fund
Sophia O'Connor Brown Fund
Dr. John Onofrio Fund
Ralph Paolillo Fund
Helen & Nello Pinzi Fund
Roberta Saunders-Gray Estate Fund
Peter Schwartz Fund
James Shanbrom Family Fund
Pa y Sevens Family Fund
Leave a Legacy
The West Community House Endowment was created 23 years ago so that individuals can help the Community House ‘in perpetuity’ and to honor or memorialize a loved one.
The other source of revenue to this fund is through dona ons in honor of birthdays, holidays or in memory of someone who has passed away. Gi s may also be made, or a named fund established, through one’s will.
The Endowment Fund is professionally managed by The Community Founda on for Greater New Haven, which reports back to the Endowment Commi ee appointed by the West Haven Community House Board of Directors.
West Haven Community House
A leader in iden fying, collabora ng and implemen ng services that meet the changing needs of the City of West Haven; its diverse families, educa onal structure and socio-economic challenges.
Our History:
Established in 1941, we were responsible for West Haven’s:
• first Head Start program
• first licensed out of school child care center
• first residen al living and voca onal training facili es for adults with intellectual disabili es.
What We Do:
We provide the best possible enrichment, protec on and compassionate care for children, families, and also adults with intellectual disabili es.
Our cri cal services strengthen families and improve the quality of life for hundreds of people in our community by: • offering working families peace of mind knowing their children are cared for during out of school hours, • giving children a “Head Start” in life, and • providing opportuni es for adults with intellectual disabili es to experience community living and increased independence.
Change a Life Today:
When you give to The West Haven Community House, you help build a stronger, healthier, safer community for working families.
The Community House could not do all it does without the generous support of caring, communityminded individuals, businesses and organiza ons. Your help makes a real and posi ve difference for thousands of individuals and families right here in our community.
The West Haven Community House Associa on Inc. 227 Elm Street West Haven, CT 06516 203-934-5221