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美妙 m7imi4o very pleasant 敲 qi1o to play(a percussion instrument) to beat, to tap 鑼 lu@ a gong; cymbal 笛子 d0zi horizontal flute 鼓 g& a drum 簫 xi1o vertical flute

分不出和分得出的用法: 說明:「分不出」表示無法分辨兩者的不同,「分 得出」表示能夠分辨兩者的不同。它們是動 詞「分」後帶結果補語的用法。 例句:1.我分不出這兩種樂器有什麼不同。 2.這兩張山水畫哪張畫得好?→我分不出這 兩張畫哪張好呢。 練習:1.這兩位小姐哪一位比較漂亮呢? →( ) 2.這兩個牌子的吹風機哪一個好呢? →( ) 又A又B和(一 )邊 ...... (一)邊 ...... 的用法: 說明:都表示兩個動作在同一個時間裡進行,只連 接有具體動作行為的動詞。「又A又B」可以 有時間關係,表示同時發生或同時存在,也 可以無時間關係,表示單純的並列。「 (一) 邊……(一)邊……」一定要有時間關係。 例句:1.他一邊開車一邊講電話,實在很危險。 2.他又學電腦,又學開車,生活很充實。 練習:1.他( )看書( )看電視,一點兒 都不專心。 2.晚會上大家( )唱歌( )跳舞, 非常快樂。

方小姐:Would you please give us an introduction to the Chinese musical instruments? 李先生:OK. Let me start with some of the frequently used instruments. This is a gǔzhēng and that is a pípá. 方小姐:Are there any percussion instruments used in Chinese music? 李先生:Of cource. Gongs and drums are always played during the dragon and lion dances. 方小姐:I saw somebody playing a bamboo flute that plays beautiful music. 李先生:Horizontal flute and vertical flute are both bamboo flutes. Hawever, horizontal flute is played horizontally and vertical flute is played vertically. 方小姐:Do horizontal flute and vertical flute sound alike? 李先生:Let me play a piece of music for you with both flutes, and you’ll know how different they are. 176

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