High character. Elite skill set. Terrific person with amazing attention to detail. This was our fourth home purchase and this transaction with Teri was by far our most professional, efficient, and value driven experience. I could write a novel about her impact on our lives. We are no longer in a transactional business relationship. We consider her family for life. She’s a special soul that we are so glad she came our way.
Teri is the best REALTOR® in the Scottsdale area. We were moving from Santa Fe in June 2020, and housing was scarce. When we found something online, she would rush over to the house and take us on a virtual tour so we could be first in. After finding our dream property, (under our budget) she ensured our buying process was exceptional and handled all the details so closing was on time and without surprises. Teri also opened her network to us for home improvements and even helped me get my business started here in the valley. She is a true example of a “Go-Giver.”
I interviewed 3 REALTORS® before I chose Teri and her brother Fernando to sell our home. Because I had done some updating, I was taken aback when Teri suggested painting walls and new carpeting. Making these improvements added $200,000 to the listing price for a $25,000 investment. When the house sold for just slightly less than the asking price I was thrilled. Both were expert in explaining the pros and cons of various offers that were made. In addition, both Teri and Fernando went above and beyond expectations in selling the house. Teri bought and put together moving boxes, she packed closets, she used OfferUp to sell items for me, she swept floors, took out garbage and kept me from falling apart. I couldn't have had better REALTORS® and I'm so glad I chose them to sell my house.
1. What must we do with our active “for sale/for rent” listings, not under contract?
VERY IMPORTANT: This must be completed ASAP. You must complete a new Residential Listing Agreement Exclusive Right to Sell that will be available August 1st, inserting the following language on line 292: This Listing Agreement supersedes and cancels the previous listing agreement dated _________ between Owner and West USA Realty.
2. What do we need to do with our active buyer clients?
After August 1st, all buyer clients must sign a written agreement BEFORE touring a property. You may use either the BUYER BROKER EXCLUSIVE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT or the BUYER BROKER AGREEMENT TO SHOW PROPERTY form.
3. What do we need to do with the prospective buyers we are sending for sale listings to review in hopes of gaining future business?
Nothing changes regarding prospective buyers until the buyer requests to tour a property or write an offer on a property. At that point, you will need to follow the steps in question 2.
See question 56 of the NAR FAQs.
4. What do we need to do with our past clients, if anything, that we are currently sending for sale and closed listings to review to keep them updated on their neighborhood market values?
Nothing changes regarding past clients until they request to tour a property or write an offer on a property. At that point, you will need to follow the steps in question 2.
5. If we meet a prospective buyer at an open house, what must we do before sending them listings to review? Should I have a buyer meeting and get them to sign a BBA before I can send them active listings to review?
It is not necessary to have a written agreement to send listings to prospective buyers using a drip campaign.
6. How do we handle unrepresented buyers who attend an open house we are hosting?
If you are representing the Seller exclusively, you can tour the property with an unrepresented buyer who attends an open house without getting a written agreement. If you are a limited dual representative of the buyer who attends an open house, you must follow the steps in question 2 before touring the home with the buyer.
7. If an unrepresented buyer asks me to write an offer for them on my listing, can I do that? If so, how do I do that?
Yes, you can write an offer for an unrepresented buyer on your listing.
1. Complete the Unrepresented Buyer Disclosure form
2. Complete an Agency Disclosure and Election form with Line 49 checked
3. Prepare the offer using the terms that Buyer provides to you. Do not advise or negotiate those terms with the Buyer when drafting the offer.
4. On the offer, page 10, section 8q, leave blank or write “UNREPRESENTED”
5. Once Buyer signs offer, present to Seller, counter offer if necessary
6. Contact Brokers if unsure how to proceed
8. If we want to send out marketing info (text messages, emails, postcards, Facebook ads, etc.) to a farm area, what must we do (and discuss timing) with these potential prospects?
Same answer as questions 2 & 3.
Remember all text messaging, emails or phone calls must comply with the Telephone Consumers Protection Act. Additional information is available at fcc.gov or https://telemarketing.donotcall.gov/
9. Where can I find more information? https://www.aaronline.com/arizonabestpractices/ https://www.nar.realtor/the-facts/nar-settlement-faqs https://armls.com/settlement
10. Can I hint in the MLS remarks that the Seller is willing to pay buyer broker compensation?
Hinting, using coded language and/or replacing commission terms with analogs (cookies, bananas, etc.) is prohibited in any field, including remarks. Furthermore, indicating or signaling a seller is willing to make an offer of commission is not permitted.
• “Seller is prepared to offer bananas.”
• “Seller is Agent Friendly”
• “Call Agent for BB”
11. Can a Buyer Broker rely on an offer of compensation on the MLS before the effective date of the local MLS policy changes?
NAR Says:
“If the sales contract is executed before the MLS policy change, the buyer broker should be able to rely upon the offer of compensation even if closing occurs after the date of the policy change.”
But if a sales contract is not executed before the date the participant’s MLS implements the policy changes, the offer on an MLS will not be valid and buyers and buyer brokers may wish to protect themselves in writing with the listing broker or seller through a broker agreement or by including the offer of compensation in the sales contract.“
Social media has become an essential tool for real estate agents looking to connect with potential buyers, showcase properties, and build their personal brand. One of the most effective ways to leverage social media is by tapping into the lifecycle of a listing, from the moment it hits the market to when it finally closes.
Each stage of a listing's lifecycle offers unique opportunities to engage with your audience. For example, when a property is Newly Listed, you can create excitement and urgency by showcasing its best features. As it moves to For Sale and Now Showing, you can highlight open house dates, virtual tours, and even behind-the-scenes looks at the property. When the listing goes Under Contract, share updates that convey your success in closing deals, and once it's Just Sold, celebrate the achievement with your followers.
But while these posts are important, it's crucial to remember that your audience craves variety. Relying solely on listing updates can make your content feel repetitive and less engaging. That's why it's essential to mix it up with diverse content that keeps your followers interested and coming back for more.
Consider integrating posts that offer market insights, local community highlights, and personal stories that show your personality. For instance, sharing tips on the current real estate market, spotlighting local businesses, or posting about your day-to-day experiences can add depth to your social media presence. This not only keeps your content fresh but also helps build a stronger connection with your audience.
In the end, by thoughtfully using the lifecycle of a listing while ensuring a diverse content mix, you can keep your social media strategy robust and effective, making you the go-to agent for real estate needs.
A home warranty can lessen the cost to repair or replace many of the systems and appliances you will rely on daily once you move into your new house. Learn about the pros and cons of home warranty plans, as well as purchasing a plan before or after closing.
Buying a home is never easy, but now the hard part is done: You’ve found your dream home, signed on the dotted lines, and have either moved in or are in the process of moving into your new home. Now, after shelling out all that cash for a down payment and other moving expenses, you may be wary about spending more money.
We get it. Buying a house can be stressful, especially if you’re a firsttime buyer, and is a huge investment. But consider buying a home warranty after closing to save money as a new homeowner.
Wondering when to buy a home warranty? You can buy one at any time, but just remember that it's better to have a budget protection plan in place sooner rather than later. A home warranty helps you save money on inevitable repairs to those new (or old) home systems and appliances.
So, if you didn’t secure a home warranty when buying a house, you should get one now that you’re a homeowner. Here’s what to consider when purchasing one after closing.
First, let's understand what a home warranty is not.
A home warranty is also different from homeowners’ insurance, which covers the structure of your home and the personal property within it against catastrophic loss due to things like fire, theft, or acts of nature.
So, what is a home warranty? Instead of covering the structure of your home or belongings against damage, loss, or theft, a home warranty offers budget protection to help you manage the cost of repairing or replacing covered home systems and appliances when they break down due to normal wear and tear. Your home warranty covers your major appliances, like your refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, or microwave, and your home systems, like HVAC, electrical, and plumbing, depending on your plan coverage.
Obtaining a home warranty after buying a house is probably one of the smartest investments you can make. Why? Because your homeowner’s insurance only covers what could happen (like a fire or flood). A home warranty, on the other hand, covers what will happen (like an appliance breakdown).
As much as we would all love to believe that a new-to-you home equals no future issues with its major appliances and systems, that’s just not realistic. There’s no way you can know what has happened in your home before you owned it. Have the previous homeowners kept up with their maintenance responsibilities? Did they make sure the work was done right, or did they wing it and cut corners to save a few bucks?
Additionally, you can’t always see the defects in your home’s systems and appliances by looking at them or even by testing them.
Repairing an appliance or home system that breaks down suddenly can wreck a carefully calculated budget. Even cheap home repairs can cost a few hundred dollars, and if you end up needing to replace an expensive home system or appliance, that could cost hundreds or even thousands.
If you get a home warranty after buying a house, you can rest assured that those covered breakdowns will be resolved.
Can you buy a home warranty after closing on your home? Of course! Your home can be covered by a warranty at any time, whether you’ve lived in it for a few months or several years. And your coverage options should remain the same, as well.
And if you want to add on pool and spa coverage, you can do that, too. American Home Shield offers several different plan add-ons designed to allow homeowners to customize their coverage. Guest units, septic systems, well pumps, and even electronics can be covered.
All you need to pay for most covered repairs or replacements is the Trade Service Call Fee, and we’ll cover the rest, subject to the limitations and exclusions of your plan. And there’s no limit on the number of claims you can file during your plan period.
Often, home service plans that are purchased before closing qualify for a lower rate. If you’re considering buying a home warranty after closing, that could mean that you may have to pay a slightly higher premium for the protection.
What’s more important, though: the peace of mind of having a plan in place and protecting your budget or being stuck with a hefty bill when a major appliance or system breaks down in your new home? It’s important to consider the age of your home and what the inspection report pointed out. If you purchased a house with older appliances and systems, for example, buying a home warranty should be one of the first things to do after closing on a home.
If there’s one thing you shouldn’t do after closing on a house, it's to forego the home warranty. It’s right up there with not changing the locks. If the seller or your real estate agent didn’t purchase a home warranty plan for you during closing, you should plan to buy one immediately after you’ve purchased your home.
Each Light of Hope honors loved ones who have survived cancer and remembers those we’ve lost. The displays in communities from coast to coast will send a clear and impactful message to lawmakers that fighting cancer must be a national priority – from increasing funding for lifesaving cancer research to ensuring that all Americans in all communities have access to quality, affordable cancer care.
This event is very powerful and meaningful to all. Your support will help us light hope across America. We invite you to support the Lights of Hope event by donating or supporting in any way you can.
West USA Cares is sponsoring the Lights of Hope Across America event benefiting American Cancer Society. www.fightcancer.org/lights-hope-america
9:00am - 10:00am / Webinar
West USA Weekly Podcast
10:30am - 12:00pm / Zoom West USA Agent Orientation
9:00am - 4:00pm / Zoom
ProStart Session 2 (4 Days)
10:00am - 11:30am @ Surprise O ce Surprise O ce Meeting
10:00am - 1:00pm @ Goodyear O ce
LIVE CE CLASS: Understaning New Construction (3Hrs Disclosure)
9:00am - 12:00pm @ Chandler O ce FREE LIVE CE CLASS: Advanced Contract Writing (3Hrs Contract Law)
9:00am - 3:00pm / Zoom REACT
10:00am - 11:00am @ Goodyear O ce Goodyear O ce Meeting
1:00pm - 4:00pm @ Chandler O ce LIVE CE CLASS: FHA & VA Loans: What Agents Need to Know (3Hrs Legal Issues)
9:00am - 4:00pm / Zoom
ProStart Session 2 (4 Days)
9:00am - 12:00pm / Zoom
FREE REMOTE CE CLASS: To Be Or Not To Be Paid, That is the Question (3Hrs Contract Law)
10:00am - 11:30am @ Chandler O ce ARMLS RapidStats Workshop
10:30am - 12:00pm @ Mesa O ce Buyer Broker Agreement & ER Strategies
9:00am - 3:00pm / Zoom REACT
9:00am - 12:00pm / Zoom
FREE REMOTE CE CLASS: Duties to Clients and Customers (3Hrs Commissioner Standards)
10:00am - 11:30am @ Scottsdale O ce Scottsdale O ce Meeting
4:30pm - 6:30pm @ BIG’s Arrowhead Happy Hour
9:00am - 4:00pm / Zoom
ProStart Session 2 (4 Days)
10:00am - 11:00am @ Arrowhead O ce Arrowhead O ce Meeting
9:00am - 3:00pm / Zoom REACT
10:00am - 11:30am @ Ahwatukee O ce Ahwatukee O ce Meeting
10:00am - 12:00pm @ Arrowhead O ce Leveraging ChatGPT for Real Estate: Super Prompts & Personas
9:00am - 4:00pm / Zoom
ProStart Session 2 (4 Days) 2:00pm - 4:00pm @ North PHX O ce Monthly Meet Up
10:00am - 11:00am / Zoom Coaching Essentials
16 17 18 19
10:00am - 1:00pm @ Scottsdale O ce
FREE LIVE CE CLASS: Disclosure and the Law (3Hrs Disclosure Law)
9:00am - 12:00pm / Zoom
9:00am - 10:00am / Webinar West USA Weekly Podcast 4:30pm - 6:30pm @ TBD Goodyear Happy Hour 4:30pm - 6:30pm @ The Backyard Norsdale Happy Hour
12:00pm - 2:00pm @ Goodyear O ce Goodyear Lunch & Learn
FREE REMOTE CE CLASS: High Fiduciary Representation (3Hrs Fair Housing)
10:00am - 11:00am @ Goodyear O ce Property Management Roundtable
10:00am - 11:00am @ Scottsdale O ce The Net Sheet: The Vital Secret Weapon for Working with Sellers in the New World of Real Estate
10:00am - 11:00am @ Chandler O ce Chandler O ce Meeting
11:00am - 12:00pm @ Scottsdale O ce Selling Based on Personality
4:30pm - 6:30pm @ State 48 Surprise Happy Hour
10:00am - 1:00pm @ Surprise O ce
FREE LIVE CE CLASS: To Be Or Not To Be Paid, That is the Question (3Hrs Contract Law)
10:00am - 11:00am @ Chandler O ce Agent Insights with Cynthia & Justin
9:00am - 10:00am / Webinar West USA Weekly Podcast
9:00am - 12:00pm / Zoom FREE REMOTE CE CLASS: Agency and Industry Related Issues (3Hrs Agency Law)
9:00am - 12:00pm @ Scottsdale O ce LIVE CE CLASS: Buyer Representation: Building Trust (3Hrs Agency)
9:00am - 12:00pm @ Chandler O ce LIVE CE CLASS: HOA Disclosure and SPDS (3Hrs Disclosure)
10:00am - 11:00am @ Goodyear O ce Goodyear Monthly Coaches Meeting
10:30am - 11:30am @ Mesa O ce Mesa O ce Meeting
2:00pm - 3:00pm @ Goodyear O ce Goodyear Monthly TC Huddle
9:00am - 10:30am @ Chandler O ce Chandler Agent Panel
9:00am - 10:00am / Webinar West USA Weekly Podcast 1:00pm - 2:00pm / Zoom Broker Round Table
10:00am - 1:00pm @ Scottsdale O ce FREE LIVE CE CLASS: Talk the Walk - How Communication Drives Execution (3Hrs General CE)
10:30am - 11:30am @ North PHX O ce North Phoenix O ce Meeting
2:00pm - 3:30pm @Scottsdale O ce Trusted Advisor University with the Cromford Report and Tina Tamboer
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