Skill Sessions Guide 2018-2019

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I’m a team player Take a stand, be a brand ®


Morning 9.00 - 12.00


Monday 10 December

Tuesday 11 December

Practical Wisdom (EN) TrueVoice

Speaking like Obama (EN) Debat.NL

Illustrator beginner (EN) Easy-123

How to catch a rat (EN) Debat.NL

Personal Branding will get you the job that fits you best (NL) Transformation Company

LaTeX (EN) Thomas Lippens

Time management: General (NL) De Laat Kenniscentrum

Dare to say “no� (NL) TrueVoice

Job interview (EN) Career Academy

The first impression counts (EN) Xcdes

Willpower! (EN) TrueVoice

Hunting the meeting tiger (EN) Debat.NL

Mindmapping (NL) Competenza

Persuasive presentation skills (EN) Debat.NL

Investing for beginners (EN) De Laat Kenniscentrum

Boost your vitality (NL) TrueVoice

Illustrator advanced (EN) Easy-123

InDesign beginner (EN) Easy-123

Personal Branding will get you the job that fits you best (EN) Transformation Company

What do I have to offer? (EN) Xcdes

Etiquette Dinner* (NL) MGN Hospitality Advice

Etiquette Dinner* (NL) MGN Hospitality Advice

Presenting yourself in 1 minute: The elevator pitch (EN) Pure Talent

Memory techniques (NL) Competenza

Investing advanced (EN) De Laat Kenniscentrum

InDesign advanced (EN) Easy-123

Mindful studying & working (EN)

Communication is all (EN) Xcdes

13.30 - 16.30

Evening 18.30 - 21.30

Career Academy


*Check the description of the training for deviating time slots.

For the exact location, sign up at our information desk located in Vertigo

Wednesday 12 December

Thursday 13 December

Friday 14 December

Discover your own charisma! (EN) Debat.NL

Beat the bias: Recognizing errors in your thinking (EN) TrueVoice

Application training (NL) Qompas

Strategic negotiation skills (EN) Debat.NL

SolidWorks (EN) Chet Bangaru

Get everything done: Positive influence (NL) Pure Talent

Time management: Efficient studying (EN) De Laat Kenniscentrum

Introduction to Insights Discovery (NL) De Laat Kenniscentrum

How do I start a future proof company? (NL) De Laat Kenniscentrum

Control your nerves! (EN) Debat.NL

Self-assessment (EN) Career Academy

Webdesign (EN) Easy-123

SolidWorks (EN) Chet Bangaru

The art of choosing (EN) TrueVoice

Assesment training (NL) Qompas

Starting an own business (EN) De Laat Kenniscentrum

How to achieve commercial success? (NL) De Laat Kenniscentrum

LaTeX (EN) Thomas Lippens

Cover letter & CV (EN) Career Academy

Dealing with stress (NL) De Laat Kenniscentrum

Time is money: Time management (NL) Pure Talent

Essence of a powerful presentation (NL) De Laat Kenniscentrum

Contract negotiations (EN) Career Academy Photoshop beginner (EN) Easy-123 The taste of wine: Wine tasting and etiquette* (NL) MGN Hospitality Advice

Etiquette Dinner* (EN) MGN Hospitality Advice

Digital networking: LinkedIn for beginners (EN) Pure Talent

Speed reading (NL) Competenza

Financial: Living, working and private finances (NL) De Laat Kenniscentrum

Photoshop advanced (EN) Easy-123

Debate: Making your input matter (EN) Chronos Visual Communication Tools (EN) YaĂŤl van Engelen Networking & social media (EN) Career Academy


BOARD Wervingsdagen 2018 - 2019







Chairman, Digital Affairs Secretary, Event Coordinator Treasurer


External Affairs


External Affairs, Public Relations

Event Coordinator

Public Relations, Digital Affairs

CONTENT Foreword Chairman


Foreword Rector Magnificus


Why visit a workshop?


Workshops 10 Monday 10 December


Tuesday 11 December


Wednesday 12 December


Thursday 13 December


Friday 14 December


Skill Sessions Trainers


Activities organized by Wervingsdagen


Participants Career Expo & Interviewing Days 2019


Supporting Study Associations


Location of the Skill Sessions



Foreword chairman

TAKE A STAND Studying at a top university such as the TU/e gives you the opportunity and the resources towards a bright future. But it is you who must take these opportunities to make the best out of your career. You are more than just a student. You have your own capabilities, knowledge and skills; making you unique amongst everyone else. This personal uniqueness is your selling point. You have to take that stand, to present yourself as your personal brand. You cannot start soon enough with this. Start enlarging your skillset and learn how to present yourself. Building your personal brand is a step towards building your future career. As Wervingsdagen we are here to help you achieve this goal. By organizing the TU/e Career Events, we let you enrich your skills, broaden your view and deepen your career knowledge. On 19 and 20 March one of the biggest career events of the Netherlands will take place. During the Career Expo around 150 companies will present themselves. The perfect opportunity for you to orientate yourself, find the first contacts with employees and participate in company Speed Dates. Later on, take the next step and visit the Interviewing Days from 29 April till 2 May. Get to know companies better through in-depth interviews, lunches and dinners. Or get a sneak-peek of a company by participating in a Company Case. Opening this booklet and subscribing for the Skill Sessions is already the first step towards realizing your personal brand. Enrich your knowledge, skills and professional image by participating in the many lectures and workshops we offer. Be prepared to take a stand and be a brand! We will be more than happy to welcome you at the Skill Sessions!

Ben Muntinga Chairman


Foreword rector magnificus

BE A BRAND As one of the leading technology universities, Eindhoven University of Technology offers its students many opportunities for a successful career as an engineer. First and foremost, our educational programs are top notch in their fields, taught by teams of professors and research staff who apply the newest scientific insights. As #1 university worldwide in research cooperation with industry, our students have the unique opportunity to kickstart their professional career in the Brainport high tech industry. For you as a student to succeed, and to be part of the growing number of highly skilled engineers that drive the Dutch Economy, the TU/e offers more than ‘just’ an education. We are very keen to provide you an optimal entry into the Eindhoven Brainport ecosystem. Wervingsdagen organizes activities we highly recommend to take part in, because it will give you the skills and the networking opportunities you need for the next step in your career. Because the industries and other organizations you will encounter in these days, are looking for new talents that will help them create improved innovations, perform better in their markets and deliver more and sustained value to society. It is your chance to show them you are the right person for the job. At the Skill Sessions, in December 2018, among other things you will be creating your own brand and working on your interviewing and networking skills. Then, on the Career Expo in March 2019, the industries will present themselves to you. And finally in April/May 2019, you can have real job interviews at the Interviewing Days. It’s an exciting journey, for which you will be well prepared. The Skill Sessions will help you develop your so-called soft skills. In short, you will learn how to present yourself as who you really are, with your unique talents and competences. You will discover how to develop your own personal brand, and how to connect with future employers during interviews. I am sure you will have an insightful experience at the Skill Sessions, and will learn valuable soft skills that will help you in your future career. Good luck and enjoy!

Frank Baaijens Rector magnificus Eindhoven University of Technology


WHY VISIT A WORKSHOP? During the Skill Sessions we, the Board of Wervingsdagen, offer all students of Eindhoven University of Technology various free workshops. These workshops help students with their personal development and build a foundation for their life during and after their studies. Learn how to leave a proper impression on your future boss or how to negotiate strategically during a job interview. The Skill Sessions offer you an opportunity to get the most out of yourself both during your studies and afterwards within your career. The Skill Session workshops cover all kinds of skills. Some workshops will prepare you for the procedures around a job application, such as writing a resume and preparing for a job interview. Aside of this, we offer workshops that will help you improve on your presentational, your planning and other business related skills. Think about workshops that focus on the different aspects of getting things done or discovering your own unique way of presenting and discover which method suits you best. This year the theme is “Take a stand, be a brand.� We will therefore provide workshops focusing on personal branding on each day of the Skill Sessions. With so many workshops there will always be one that suits you. Participating in these workshops is easy, so apply before the 2nd of December 2018 and prepare your future brand!



before December 2 AT WERVINGSDAGEN.NL 10 - 14 DECEMBER 2018

I’m a creative thinker Take a stand, be a brand ®



PRACTICAL WISDOM The training on Practical Wisdom aims to challenge and inspire you to think about your personal ethics.

Monday 10 December

9:00 - 12:00


As you grow older you may wish to also grow wiser, but what does it mean to be wise? To support your growth in wisdom it will be helpful to reflect on some deep personal questions such as: Who do you want to be? What are your values? According to which principles do you want to live? How do you relate to the world? This training helps you to see where your ethical pitfalls might lie and how to live a life of wisdom. Still, thinking about your values is one thing, but applying them in practice is pretty difficult. Practical Wisdom requires extra skills: such as willpower, sensitivity and awareness. A real dilemma has no ready-made answers. You will learn to view such dilemmas from different perspectives in order to arrive at more practical wisdom. As a result of using practical wisdom you may gain insights in your personal mission and a sense of direction in life.


IMRe VÉGH Vertigo

Imre Végh is founder of TrueVoice, a creative and committed bureau for training and coaching. As trainer, coach and moderator, he is keen on distinguishing ‘sense’ from ‘non-sense’, Digging deeper with questions like: What is it that really matters? What is valuable? What is true? What is right? And... how do we get there? He helps individuals, groups and organizations to ask relevant questions that help create value and be more effective. He teaches using the right arguments and to challenge logical fallacies while keeping a mindset of dialogue and win-win. Honest, sharp and constructive communication is the goal. During his studies, he frequently participated in debating competitions. In these competitions, he could fully engage with critical and sharp analysis. Inspired by the Honours College of Utrecht University, he took a coaching course. Later he founded the Better World Foundation with friends in which he facilitated a four-month Traineeship twice a year.




Illustrator is the software package for professional designers and illustrators. This course teaches you how to design your own house styles, logos and illustrations. Whether it’s the formatting of a simple invitation or a professional leaflet, or a simple illustration with Illustrator it’s possible. In this course we will take you step by step into the vast world of this versatile program. Afterwards you will know all the possibilities of the latest version of Illustrator and apply it to a professional level. This skill is certainly a good addition to your CV. After your participation in the Illustrator course, you will have access to our E-learning website. Here you will find tutorials, articles and videos on how to use the program. For example, during the course day we focus on practical matters and you can get to know all the ins and outs of the program in depth through our E-learning site.



Monday 10 December

9:00 12:00


Easy-123 provides tailor-made private workshops and E-learning solutions on software from Adobe, Microsoft, Webdesign and a multitude of other programs.




Monday 10 December

9:00 - 12:00

Transformation Company




Dutch Workshop

Finding the ultimate job, internship, projects (as a freelance professional) or clients (if you are an entrepreneur) requires three things. The first thing to do, is to take on the ‘experience mind-set’: being good is not always good enough. You need to take on a mind-set that triggers you to lead yourself in your professional career and to communicate and express who you are, what you are capable of and why you do what you (want to) do. The second step is to discover and describe what your qualities are and what your added value for others can be. Your qualities consist of your knowledge, skills, values and also products and services you can or would like to deliver. In the final step you start communicating and expressing who you are, what you are capable of and what you would like to do. Telling people, connecting to relevant people, sharing your knowledge and experience and behaving as your future self.


TOM SCHOLTE The personal branding workshop will be facilitated by Tom Scholte. As a freelance HR-consultant Tom advises on and facilitates personal leadership and HR-development programs within organizations. Tom wrote 3 books about personal branding and also developed several online HR-tools to facilitate learning and development within organizations. Since 2010 Tom facilitates personal branding workshops for the TU/e Wervingsdagen – Skill Sessions.


Dutch Workshop

Time management = Dealing with time wisely! Quickly copying your thesis, then rushing to another building after a meeting for an appointment with a fellow student and not eating a sandwich in between.


Monday 10 December

That complaining teacher will have to wait until tomorrow. You will email him back. Do not forget! Oh, tomorrow, an exam, completely forgotten! Well, nothing prepared, bad luck. No time for it. How often does a day go like this? Too often? Then maybe it’s time to learn to manage your time. What is Time Management? David Allen is clear about the term Time Management: “You can’t manage time. You can only manage actions.” You can’t get 25 hours out of a 24-hour day. But you can make a difference in what you do in one day. There are various courses, tools and methods in the field of Time Management. You will learn more skills in planning tasks and activities, and you will learn to structure the available time purposefully and effectively. With your agenda as a starting point, you will learn to efficiently spend your time. You will learn to make choices in spending time efficiently, so you can reach your deadlines.

9:00 12:00

De Laat Kenniscentrum


CHRIS VAN DE BROEK In the field of management, consulting, training and coaching I, Chris van de Broek, have gained a lot of experience within the Rabobank and at Adecco Personnel Services. I started as a Manager Private and then as a Senior HR Adviser. My passion lies at the people in the organization. Developing talent is the thread of my career. I have put this passion and expertise into action to contribute in the improvement of employees.


In early 2016, I decided to leave the Rabobank and to start as an independent entrepreneur. I focused myself as a business partner, consultant & coach in Eindhoven and the surrounding area. I work for the Summa College at the Center for Entrepreneurship, and I give mini-masters to the MKB in the field of HR. I enjoy making people aware of their talents and help them to develop these.



Monday 10 December

9:00 - 12:00

JOB INTERVIEW During this workshop attention will be paid to the importance of making a good first impression during a job interview. After that, the STAR method as used by recruiters and other possible difficult questions candidates will have to deal with during an interview, will be discussed and explained. Participants will also practice an interview in subgroups amongst one another after which they receive feedback on their answers and non-verbal behaviour during the exercise. Participants of this workshop will also receive free access to our online job interview tool called ‘Interview Stream’, which will help to prepare for any online interview you might come across during your study and upon graduation.




This workshop is being hosted by one of the career advisors from the Career Academy of the Eindhoven University of Technology. The TU/e Career Academy forms the bridge between students and employers. The Career Academy supports every TU/e student in writing his or her professional career story, starting in the Bachelor up until the moment of graduation. Career support is being offered through a variety of activities. Not only do we check your application tools like your CV, cover letters and LinkedIn profile, we also organize several career workshops. Students can also arrange an individual coaching meeting with one of the career advisors. All career support is free of charge. Within the Career Academy, career advisors Coby Doreleijers, Robin Eijsermans, Anouk van den Kerkhof and Linda Scheel, are available to support you with your next career step.


WILLPOWER! Having willpower is something you can learn! Good news for anyone who would like to have more willpower. Whether it is your studies, sports or any personal goals, with more willpower you can achieve more. Having more willpower can help you achieve goals that are important to you!


Monday 10 December

The workshop Willpower! will give you an introduction to the psychology of willpower. You will learn what it is, how it works and how to deal with pitfalls. We discuss pitfalls, such as the so-called ‘what the hell effect’, the ‘halo effect’ and the ‘restraint bias’. In addition, we will discuss strategies to develop your willpower. You will learn how to increase your energy, how to prevent willpower ‘leaks’ and learn strategies to be more effective at achieving your goals. So, do you want more willpower for your study, less Facebooking, workout more often, eat healthier or something else? Then you are most welcome!


IMRE VÉGH Imre Végh is founder of TrueVoice, a creative and committed bureau for training and coaching. As trainer, coach and moderator, he is keen on distinguishing ‘sense’ from ‘non-sense’, Digging deeper with questions like: What is it that really matters? What is valuable? What is true? What is right? And... how do we get there? He helps individuals, groups and organizations to ask relevant questions that help create value and be more effective. He teaches using the right arguments and to challenge logical fallacies while keeping a mindset of dialogue and win-win. Honest, sharp and constructive communication is the goal. During his studies, he frequently participated in debating competitions. In these competitions, he could fully engage with critical and sharp analysis. Inspired by the Honours College of Utrecht University, he took a coaching course. Later he founded the Better World Foundation with friends in which he facilitated a four-month Traineeship twice a year.

13:30 - 16:30






Dutch Workshop

Perhaps you have never heard of MindMapping? Monday 10 December

MindMapping is a technique to utilize your brain better, to process more information at once, to keep a better overview, to develop your personal creativity and to learn faster. You can use this time saving technique to make notes, minutes or even to prepare a speech or presentation.

Trainer 13:30 - 16:30

AART SMIT My name is Aart Smit and you can meet me in the workshop speed reading, mindmapping and memory training. I work as a self-employed trainer / coach in cooperation with Competenza.



As a trainer I like the interaction with the group. My fields of interest are personality type’s (MBTI) and memory. Especially, how to improve your memory or make better use of it, like mnemonics. Do you know one of the following? • TVTAS, • PaKHuiS, • Mijn Vader At Meestal Jonge Spruitjes Uit Nieuwe Pekela • knuckle mnemonic, • “Yes I want a pizza, yesterday we wanted pizza, yes pizza!” As a coach I help scholars to find a study which suits them and young professionals with career counselling. I’m trained as a psychologist, which I studied in Maastricht. In my spare time I like to hike, road cycling, yoga and follow all kinds of sports. I hope to see you in one of my workshops.


INVESTING FOR BEGINNERS This workshop is especially for those people who are interested in investing at the stock-market, but never really got the time to get into it. You will learn what kind of entities have shares and how difficult, or easy it can be to buy shares. Crowdfunding will not be forgotten. The key question is always; What is the value of a share? You can always calculate, but is this the same value as registered at the stock market? Most people invest in shares, but there are more options to invest. We will show more possibilities, so you can choose the best way for you to invest. Or to start getting to know this particular part of investing. At the end of this workshop you will know the fundamentals of investing.


Monday 10 December

13:30 - 16:30


MACHIEL KEET My name is Machiel Keet, the designer of the online accounting package for the self-employed entrepreneur, Gere-geld. Author of the book “Ik heb niets met cijfers “ and owner of the formula of administrative offices in the Netherlands. I have started my career with a study in HBO accounting, after that I studied the post HBO controllers training at the open university business administration. After the business studies, I started as entrepreneur as a bookkeeper in the online accounting package. Before becoming an entrepreneur, I have worked as end responsible of finance for 13 years in companies with 200 to 600 employees.

De Laat Kenniscentrum




ILLUSTRATOR ADVANCED Illustrator is the software package for professional designers and illustrators.

Monday 10 December

13:30 - 16:30

This course teaches you how to design your own house styles, logos and illustrations. Whether it’s the formatting of a simple invitation or a professional leaflet, or a simple illustration with Illustrator it’s possible. In this course we will take you step by step into the vast world of this versatile program. Afterwards you will know all the possibilities of the latest version of Illustrator and apply it to a professional level. This skill is certainly a good addition to your CV. After your participation in the Illustrator course, you will have access to our E-learning website. Here you will find tutorials, articles and videos on how to use the program. For example, during the course day we focus on practical matters and you can get to know all the ins and outs of the program in depth through our E-learning site.



The advanced workshop covers the same topics as the beginner workshop, but in a much faster pace. This means that more topics will be covered. If you already have some basic knowledge in Illustrator or other Adobe programs, you can choose this workshop.


MARTIJN VAN WEEGHEL Easy-123 provides tailor-made private workshops and E-learning solutions on software from Adobe, Microsoft, Webdesign and a multitude of other programs.


PERSONAL BRANDING Finding the ultimate job, internship, projects (as a freelance professional) or clients (if you are an entrepreneur) requires three things. The first thing to do, is to take on the ‘experience mind-set’: being good is not always good enough. You need to take on a mind-set that triggers you to lead yourself in your professional career and to communicate and express who you are, what you are capable of and why you do what you (want to) do. The second step is to discover and describe what your qualities are and what your added value for others can be. Your qualities consist of your knowledge, skills, values and also products and services you can or would like to deliver. In the final step you start communicating and expressing who you are, what you are capable of and what you would like to do. Telling people, connecting to relevant people, sharing your knowledge and experience and behaving as your future self.


TOM SCHOLTE The personal branding workshop will be facilitated by Tom Scholte. As a freelance HR-consultant Tom advises on and facilitates personal leadership and HR-development programs within organizations. Tom wrote 3 books about personal branding and also developed several online HR-tools to facilitate learning and development within organizations. Since 2010 Tom facilitates personal branding workshops for the TU/e Wervingsdagen – Skill Sessions.


Monday 10 December

13:30 - 16:30

Transformation Company




Monday 10 December

17:45 - 21:30*

MGN Hospitality Advice

Pullman Hotel

€ € 15,- **



Dutch Workshop

To establish professional relationships with one another we must communicate with the appropriate etiquette. When you’re going to a business lunch or dinner with recruiters, clients or partners, you make sure you behave properly; good table manners will open doors that the best education cannot. Like it or not, management equates good manners with competence in business and poor manners with incontinence. How convenient it is when you know where to put your cell phone during dinner, what to wear at a cocktail party or what to say at the beginning of a dinner. Confidence comes with knowledge. During this interactive workshop we provide guidelines for eating appropriately; dining in style and tell you all you what to know about dining etiquette, dress codes, conversation both verbal and nonverbal and practise these rules during this most pleasant dinner. Knowing and using good table manners is an important social skill. We want you to enjoy lunch and dinner meetings, establish a professional image to business relations family and friends. Program: on the menu: history of table etiquette, rules and guidelines during dinner, ABC table etiquette, hostmanship, attire dress codes and grooming, meeting etiquette, social sensitivity, nonverbal communication, attending a conference or meeting, and Mea tells you all you want to know about email diplomacy best behaviour and politeness.


MEA GERRITS Mea Gerrits is owner of MGN Hospitality Advice. She studied at The Hotelschool The Hague, has a bachelor degree on finance and economics and for over more than 20 years she hosts workshops in the field of hospitality, etiquette and code of conduct. Mea provides professional skills training and workshops to Young professionals at universities, in finance and hospitality industries and governmental organisations. Her passion is to contribute to personal growth and development of young people and “Savoir vivre”. *Note that this workshop takes place on a different time then other evening workshops. **The costs of attending this workshop are € 15,-

THE ELEVATOR PITCH During this workshop, we will actively and dynamically work on presenting yourself. How can you leave a good impression of yourself in a short time? We will practice the elevator pitch for a powerful personal presentation. You should make sure you always have an elevator pitch ready, a short presentation where you enthusiastically tell who you are and what you’re good at. In the time of an elevator ride you should be able to present yourself as the ideal solution for the problem of your discussion partner. The elevator pitch can be useful in a variety of situations, for example, during a congress or a staff meeting, during parties or a break of a theatre performance. During job interviews the elevator pitch is valuable too. Who doesn’t know the infamous openings question: ‘Why don’t you tell us something about yourself?’. With the right preparation, you will always have a fitting answer ready. After this workshop: • You will know the idea of an ‘elevator pitch’; • You will know how to properly present yourself and strengthen your personal qualities; • You will know the tools and skills to naturally hold networking conversations; • You will be able to convincingly state your personal qualities.




Monday 10 December

18:30 - 21:30

Pure Talent


Jennifer Brame is a social psychologist, specialized in social influence and what drives people to do what they do. By investigating these motives on a psychological level, she works on translating scientifically-based research into practice. Her trainings are therefore a playful combination of answering why we assert certain behaviour and how we can influence the outcome knowing what we know.



Monday 10 December

18:30 - 21:30

INVESTING ADVANCED If you already know something about investing, but want to learn more, then the advanced investing workshop is for you. We will start by going through the basics, to make sure that everyone is at the same level. There is a variety of possibilities to invest at the stock market. Everybody has heard of shares, but how much do you know about currency’s, smaller markets like gold or oil or CFD’s (Contract For Differences)? If you want to invest in smaller companies, then crowdfunding could be an option. If you want to trade at the stock market, you will need a broker. Pick the one that suits you the best. At the end of this workshop you will be closer to your first investment.


MACHIEL KEET De Laat Kenniscentrum


My name is Machiel Keet, the designer of the online accounting package for the self-employed entrepreneur, Gere-geld. Author of the book “Ik heb niets met cijfers “ and owner of the formula of administrative offices in the Netherlands. I have started my career with a study in HBO accounting, after that I studied the post HBO controllers training at the open university business administration. After the business studies, I started as entrepreneur as a bookkeeper in the online accounting package. Before becoming an entrepreneur, I have worked as end responsible of finance for 13 years in companies with 200 to 600 employees.


MINDFUL STUDYING & WORKING During this workshop we will tackle topics that will enable you to study and work more consciously and effectively in a healthy way. We will start with introducing what mindfulness is and how it can help you to become more relaxed, both during your study and when looking for a job. We will help you get insight in your energy sources and stress factors to become more aware of how to deal with stress effectively.


Monday 10 December

18:30 - 21:30


CAREER ACADEMY This workshop is being hosted by one of the career advisors from the Career Academy of the Eindhoven University of Technology. The TU/e Career Academy forms the bridge between students and employers. The Career Academy supports every TU/e student in writing his or her professional career story, starting in the Bachelor up until the moment of graduation. Career support is being offered through a variety of activities. Not only do we check your application tools like your CV, cover letters and LinkedIn profile, we also organize several career workshops. Students can also arrange an individual coaching meeting with one of the career advisors. All career support is free of charge. Within the Career Academy, career advisors Coby Doreleijers, Robin Eijsermans, Anouk van den Kerkhof and Linda Scheel, are available to support you with your next career step.

Career Academy





Tuesday 11 December

9:00 12:00

SPEAKING LIKE OBAMA World-class speakers like John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Barack Obama use simple rhetorical techniques to create exceptional speeches. If you know what these techniques are it becomes possible to give speeches which not only sound interesting, but also generate huge amounts of applause. Ever wondered what these techniques are and how you can use them effectively? In this interactive workshop, you learn to recognise all the important rhetorical techniques and get the chance to implement them in your everyday pitches and presentations.



Debat.NL has been helping people be convincing for over 15 years. Every year we train consultants, medical specialists, interest groups and works councils in several sectors. Because of this, all our trainers are experienced in the business life. Additionally, politicians and political parties are also trained by us. Due to that, we know like no other the importance of not only the content of a message, but also the way the message in presented. We also teach this to the educational sector. Debat.NL has been active on the TU Delft, University of applied sciences Utrecht, University of applied sciences Leiden, School of Fine and Performing Arts, Erasmus University and Nyenrode Business University.



HOW TO CATCH A RAT In every organization, you will be confronted with meetings, discussions and conversations that don’t go the way you want them to. Disruptors, dominant people and smart manipulators can sabotage any proper discussion. The most annoying thing about these rats is that they often succeed and get their way. During this workshop, you will learn how to recognize and deal with the most popular ‘rat techniques’. This will make sure that whichever job you choose after university, you won’t be surprised by these techniques and can make sure that the conversation focuses on proper arguments instead of cheap tricks.


Tuesday 11 December

9:00 12:00


DEBAT.NL Debat.NL has been helping people be convincing for over 15 years. Every year we train consultants, medical specialists, interest groups and works councils in several sectors. Because of this, all our trainers are experienced in the business life. Additionally, politicians and political parties are also trained by us. Due to that, we know like no other the importance of not only the content of a message, but also the way the message in presented. We also teach this to the educational sector. Debat.NL has been active on the TU Delft, University of applied sciences Utrecht, University of applied sciences Leiden, School of Fine and Performing Arts, Erasmus University and Nyenrode Business University.





Tuesday 11 December

LATEX LaTeX is a (free) text typesetter from 1978, which still is the standard in the academic world. LaTeX is often used for reports, papers, books, magazines and scientific articles, since it simplifies text and image formatting and offers unlimited possibilities for creating formulas, graphs or presenting data. Since LaTeX is a complete programming language, it is very easy to create your own commands and scripts, and often used elements can be automated quickly.

9:00 12:00

In this beginners’ course we will dive into LaTeX and you will learn how to easily create a report or other document. No previous experience, knowledge or software is required.





Thomas Lippens is a Bachelor’s student Electrical Engineering at the TU/e. During his time as a student he has shown his enthusiasm for education by being a teaching assistant in multiple courses and giving several exam trainings. Thomas has also become very passionate about LaTeX as an alternative for traditional WYSIWYG text editors and enjoys explaining how you can save yourself lots of work with a simple bit of code.


Dutch Workshop

Do you find it hard to say no and do you get flooded with extra work? Or is your no sometimes sharper than you’d really want it to be? Discover in the Workshop Dare to say ‘no’ why it’s so difficult to reject a request in a clear, but friendly way. A skill that will be useful in your future career. Self-awareness, self-esteem and experimentation with new behaviour go hand in hand in this training. You’ll gain insight in what standards and values you have with regard to saying no. Also, in the training you’ll actively try out different behaviour. The result: being able to communicate a no-message effectively and constructively. You will learn how to be more assertive and sincere in your communication.


Tuesday 11 December

9:00 12:00




Marleen Korten studied organisational psychology and works as a senior trainer and coach. She is specialized in personal effectiveness (assertiveness, vitality management and talent management). She loves guiding people to free themselves of (inner) obstacles and become the best version of themselves. She is committed to give people insight into how they behave in varying situations and how to change the situations for the better. In her trainings, the emphasis is on doing and learning from experiences.


She believes that changing your behaviour is only possible if you turn insights into action. The way she works is characterized by involvement, depth and playfulness.



Tuesday 11 December

9:00 12:00


THE FIRST IMPRESSION COUNTS You never get a second change for a first impression, so you better do it well! In this training you will learn how to control your unconscious non-verbal communication, your body language and your tone of voice. You will get a good grip on your elevator pitch and you will never be insecure again to present yourself. After the training you will be able to make the first impression you want in any kind of circumstances and your body language will express reliability, self-confidence and a strong personality. Also, you will be able to ‘read’ others and in this way you can prepare yourself to take on all challenges. We will put theory into practice. Nothing is impossible the word itself says so: I’m possible! During this training we will work together to get it right for every one of you: Just the way you want it, as it is your first impression you want to make. Get ready to work on your first impression and surprise yourself!



I am Janet Herraiz, cultural anthropologist. After having worked in export management, I have seen a lot of the world and although there are a lot of differences between cultures, they also have a lot in common. Communication brings comprehension and understanding. I wanted to bring this message to more companies and I became an Interim Sales and Export manager and I started my master Strategic Trainer. I joined Xcdes and started to work as a Sales and communication trainer to help companies and people to maximize their ability in an interactive way. I am a certified Disc Trainer and together with my Xcdes companions we help companies and individuals to communicate better, obtain better leadership and happiness at work. At universities we give lectures and workshops for students to help them to establish themselves to be able to make a flying start in the working world. In interactive workshops we give them tools to increase self-knowledge, self-confidence and communication advice.


HUNTING THE MEETING TIGER A good meeting is a productive meeting. Unfortunately, many meetings are distracted by meeting tigers.


Tuesday 11 December

A meeting tiger is a person who is skilled in going off-topic, bringing false arguments to the table and disrupting your meeting in many different manners. As a result, focus evaporates and unproductiveness enters. Ever wondered how to catch the meeting tiger and bring back productiveness?

13:30 - 16:30 In this workshop, you will get insight in how to steer meetings and make decisions based on the input of all participants. It is an interactive session, with room for personal cases and practice. In this workshop, you will learn to keep control and keep participants engaged. You will have gained insight in group dynamics and know how to deal with disturbing behaviour.



DEBAT.NL Debat.NL has been helping people be convincing for over 15 years. Every year we train consultants, medical specialists, interest groups and works councils in several sectors. Because of this, all our trainers are experienced in the business life. Additionally, politicians and political parties are also trained by us. Due to that, we know like no other the importance of not only the content of a message, but also the way the message in presented. We also teach this to the educational sector. Debat.NL has been active on the TU Delft, University of applied sciences Utrecht, University of applied sciences Leiden, School of Fine and Performing Arts, Erasmus University and Nyenrode Business University.  




Tuesday 11 December

PERSUASIVE PRESENTATION You have conducted several presentations during your study. But later on, during your corporate life, presentations will look quite differently. This means new challenges and new opportunities. How can you make sure that you are the core of your presentation instead of your PowerPoint? How do you enhance your persuasiveness? And how can you open and close your presentation in a perfect manner?

13:30 - 16:30

Discover a wide variety of tips, tricks and techniques to increase your level of Presentation Skills, make every presentation engaging and interactive and persuade every audience.





Debat.NL has been helping people be convincing for over 15 years. Every year we train consultants, medical specialists, interest groups and works councils in several sectors. Because of this, all our trainers are experienced in the business life. Additionally, politicians and political parties are also trained by us. Due to that, we know like no other the importance of not only the content of a message, but also the way the message in presented. We also teach this to the educational sector. Debat.NL has been active on the TU Delft, University of applied sciences Utrecht, University of applied sciences Leiden, School of Fine and Performing Arts, Erasmus University and Nyenrode Business University.


Dutch Workshop

“How can you live a balanced life?” Your life as student may be full of ambitions and challenges. In this workshop you will investigate how you can stay energetic and healthy while you live a busy life. We will dive deeper into what’s really important to you. You will find out how these values can be the motor to make powerful choices in your study, work and life. We will also focus on your energy management: what are your energy givers and energy takers in your life? What really fulfils you and what only fills you? Which energy takers do you have to accept, which ones can you decrease and how can you enhance your energy givers to boost your vitality and live an energetic life? At the end of the workshop you make a personal action plan: you will turn your insights into actions.


Tuesday 11 December

13:30 - 16:30


MARLEEN KORTEN Marleen Korten studied organisational psychology and works as a senior trainer and coach. She is specialized in personal effectiveness (assertiveness, vitality management & talent management). She loves guiding people to free themselves of (inner) obstacles and become the best version of themselves. She is committed to give people insight into how they behave in varying situations and how to change the situations for the better. In her trainings, the emphasis is on doing and learning from experiences.



She believes that changing your behaviour is only possible if you turn insights into action. The way she works is characterized by involvement, depth and playfulness.



Tuesday 11 December

13:30 - 16:30



INDESIGN BEGINNER In this InDesign workshop for beginners you will learn how to create stunning and modern flyers, brochures and other print artwork. Learn to work with multi-page layouts, how to create complex shapes, work with color, style text and standardize your design elements and how to prepare your work for print or online publishing to make the program a breeze to use for a quick project or a complex assignment. After the workshop, you will be provided with free access to our online course library, which you can use as a source to review the workshop material and dive further into what InDesign has to offer. This allows us to focus on purely practical skills during the workshop, and get into the more technical side of things in the online courses. The workshop program is as follows: • Customizing the InDesign interface; • Managing pages and document structure; • Creating shapes and images; • Managing color; • Working with text; • Export and publishing.


MARTIJN VAN WEEGHEL Easy-123 provides tailor-made private workshops and E-learning solutions on software from Adobe, Microsoft, Webdesign and a multitude of other programs.




Do you know what your talent is? What you do best and what competences you have? Find out what you have to offer to your future employer! In this training you will get insight into your strengths and what kind of job fits you best. You get awareness of your talents and how to show them in a conversation. During the training we will play the competence game and you will give and get feedback. We will work with the STAR method, a behavioural interview response technique to help answer tricky questions, in order to be prepared for every job interview.

Tuesday 11 December

13:30 - 16:30

Ready to find your talent? Join this training and prepare yourself for the future!


JANET HARRAIZ I am Janet Herraiz, cultural anthropologist and mother of 3 children. With my Spanish background and my Moluccan husband, we form a colourful family living in Hoogeveen. After having worked many years in export management, I have seen a lot of the world, and although there are a lot of differences between the cultures of this earth we also have a lot in common. Communication brings comprehension and understanding. I wanted to bring this message to more companies and I became an Interim Sales and Export manager and I started my master Strategic Trainer.



Having finished the study, I joined Xcdes and started to work as a Sales and communication Trainer to help companies and people to maximize their ability in an interactive way. I am a certified Disc Trainer and together with my Xcdes companions we help companies and individuals to communicate better, obtain better leadership and happiness at work. We do this in managing development programs or masterclasses. At universities we give lectures and workshops for students to help them to establish themselves to be able to make a flying start in the working world. In interactive workshops we give them tools to increase self-knowledge, self-confidence and communication advice.



Tuesday 11 December

17:45 - 21:30*

MGN Hospitality Advice

Pullman Hotel

€ € 15,- **



Dutch Workshop

To establish professional relationships with one another we must communicate with the appropriate etiquette. When you’re going to a business lunch or dinner with recruiters, clients or partners, you make sure you behave properly; good table manners will open doors that the best education cannot. Like it or not, management equates good manners with competence in business and poor manners with incontinence. How convenient it is when you know where to put your cell phone during dinner, what to wear at a cocktail party or what to say at the beginning of a dinner. Confidence comes with knowledge. During this interactive workshop we provide guidelines for eating appropriately; dining in style and tell you all you what to know about dining etiquette, dress codes, conversation both verbal and nonverbal and practise these rules during this most pleasant dinner. Knowing and using good table manners is an important social skill. We want you to enjoy lunch and dinner meetings, establish a professional image to business relations family and friends. Program: on the menu: history of table etiquette, rules and guidelines during dinner, ABC table etiquette, hostmanship, attire dress codes and grooming, meeting etiquette, social sensitivity, nonverbal communication, attending a conference or meeting, and Mea tells you all you want to know about email diplomacy best behaviour and politeness.


MEA GERRITS Mea Gerrits is owner of MGN Hospitality Advice. She studied at The Hotelschool The Hague, has a bachelor degree on finance and economics and for over more than 20 years she hosts workshops in the field of hospitality, etiquette and code of conduct. Mea provides professional skills training and workshops to Young professionals at universities, in finance and hospitality industries and governmental organisations. Her passion is to contribute to personal growth and development of young people and “Savoir vivre”. *Note that this workshop takes place on a different time then other evening workshops. **The costs of attending this workshop are € 15,-


Dutch Workshop

Our memory is a real special phenomenon. Every second of the day it performs miracles. However, we do not realize that. Every part of our life relies on our memory. Whether we walk, study, relax or work, our memory is always busy. She archives, sorts and filters huge amounts of information. So why go to a memory training? Our memory sometimes lets us down. Making us question things like: What’s his name again? Where did I leave it? How was that again? etc.? In this training you will take a test after which we will explain what memory is, how it works, how to structure and how to improve it.


Tuesday 11 December

18:30 - 21:30


AART SMIT My name is Aart Smit and you can meet me in the workshop speed reading, mindmapping and memory training. I work as a self-employed trainer / coach in cooperation with Competenza. As a trainer I like the interaction with the group. My fields of interest are personality type’s (MBTI) and memory. Especially, how to improve your memory or make better use of it, like mnemonics. Do you know one of the following?



• TVTAS • PaKHuiS • Mijn Vader At Meestal Jonge Spruitjes Uit Nieuwe Pekela • knuckle mnemonic • “Yes I want a pizza, yesterday we wanted pizza, yes pizza!” As a coach I help scholars to find a study which suits them and young professionals with career counselling. I’m trained as a psychologist, which I studied in Maastricht. In my spare time I like to hike, road cycling, yoga and follow all kinds of sports. I hope to see you in one of my workshops.



INDESIGN ADVANCED Learn to take your InDesign projects to the next level in the workshop for advanced users.

Tuesday 11 December

18:30 - 21:30


If you can create and manage pages, work with basic shapes, text and images, this workshop is for you. You will learn more advanced aspects of the above skills and how to work more efficiently with said skills to increase speed and the quality of your work. After the workshop, you will be provided with free access to our online course library. This allows us to focus on purely practical skills during the workshop, and get into the more technical side of things in the online courses. The workshop program is as follows: • Standardizing your work; • Advanced shapes; • Advanced text editing ; • Creative Cloud integrations; • Working with Photoshop and Illustrator documents; • Online publishing.




Easy-123 provides tailor-made private workshops and E-learning solutions on software from Adobe, Microsoft, Webdesign and a multitude of other programs.

COMMUNICATION IS ALL Do you know how you communicate? How come some people are irritating you and with others you get along very well? Sometimes you even have a “click” in just a few seconds.


Tuesday 11 December

Do you want to know why this is? Join this DISC training and learn all about your OWN personality and why you communicate the way you do. Learn what color you are and how you can talk with other colors, other personalities, without miscommunication or conflict. In DISC there are 4 types of colors, which all communicate in their own language. Learn to speak them all! This way you will be ready to talk to all kinds of people, while always using your own strength. An interactive colorful training in which you can adjust and develop your communication style to get what you want, to be heard or to influence.


JANET HERRAIZ I am Janet Herraiz, cultural anthropologist and mother of 3 children. With my Spanish background and my Moluccan husband, we form a colourful family living in Hoogeveen. After having worked in export management, I have seen a lot of the world, and although there are a lot of differences between the cultures we also have a lot in common. Communication brings comprehension and understanding. I wanted to bring this message to more companies and I became an Interim Sales and Export manager and I started my master Strategic Trainer.

18:30 - 21:30



I joined Xcdes and started to work as a Sales and communication Trainer to help companies and people to maximize their ability in an interactive way. I am a certified Disc Trainer and together with my Xcdes companions we help companies and individuals to communicate better, obtain better leadership and happiness at work. We do this in managing development programs or masterclasses. At universities we give lectures and workshops for students to help them to establish themselves to be able to make a flying start in the working world. In interactive workshops we give them tools to increase selfknowledge, self-confidence and communication advice.



Wednesday 12 December

DISCOVER YOUR OWN CHARISMA! Do you speak too much or perhaps too little? Then enlarge your non-verbal charisma in meetings, discussions and presentations and make the desired impact whenever need. Learn how to communicate non-verbally and increase your persuasion skills. Your appearance, your seniority and your authority hugely influence your counterpart.

9:00 - 12:00 We will focus on your posture, gestures, using your voice in an appropriate manner, eye contact and how to effectively influence others by adjusting volume, pace and intonation. Perfect your non-verbal skills during this interactive workshop.





DEBAT.NL Debat.NL has been helping people be convincing for over 15 years. Every year we train consultants, medical specialists, interest groups and works councils in several sectors. Because of this, all our trainers are experienced in the business life. Additionally, politicians and political parties are also trained by us. Due to that, we know like no other the importance of not only the content of a message, but also the way the message in presented. We also teach this to the educational sector. Debat.NL has been active on the TU Delft, University of applied sciences Utrecht, University of applied sciences Leiden, School of Fine and Performing Arts, Erasmus University and Nyenrode Business University.

STRATEGIC NEGOTIATION SKILLS When entering a negotiation, you have thought of a strong case with compelling arguments. But of course, your opponent has done the same thing. Is it better to immediately start with your own arguments, or to let your opponent start first? Solving these strategic dilemmas are key to achieving more in any negotiation. By using strategic negotiation skills, you can make sure your arguments will become valuable in any discussion. During this workshop, you will learn to operate in a tactical way in negotiations. You will learn to ask the right questions and to make sure your arguments stick with everyone else. This will mean you will succeed more and will do so in a pleasant way.


Wednesday 12 December

9:00 - 12:00



DEBAT.NL Debat.NL has been helping people be convincing for over 15 years. Every year we train consultants, medical specialists, interest groups and works councils in several sectors. Because of this, all our trainers are experienced in the business life. Additionally, politicians and political parties are also trained by us. Due to that, we know like no other the importance of not only the content of a message, but also the way the message in presented. We also teach this to the educational sector. Debat.NL has been active on the TU Delft, University of applied sciences Utrecht, University of applied sciences Leiden, School of Fine and Performing Arts, Erasmus University and Nyenrode Business University.  




Wednesday 12 December

9:00 - 12:00

De Laat Kenniscentrum


EFFICIENT STUDYING When you feel overwhelmed with your workload, spend long hours, but your workload remains the same, have the idea you are a step behind, you’re not in control of your calendar, you procrastinate, you have lost overview of your goals…. You need to join this workshop! This workshop is organized for those who need more control of tasks and schedules. Your mind isn’t there to keep track of what you have to do and what your priorities are. Your mind should have room to learn things and have creative new ideas. The mind works like a parachute, it only works when it’s open…. You can only have an open mind if you use your mind for the issues it needs to work for. Become more in control of all your stuff to do and enjoy the new ideas! The workshop consists of a short theoretical seminar and a practical implementation lab. You will receive more information about several time management systems. During the workshop you will learn how to organize your tasks and prioritize. You will become more aware of the time you spend on tasks and regain control. You will get tips on how to best organize your time and be honest about tasks and time spent on them when working in study groups. At the end of this workshop you will have a flying start in organizing your study workload and will have an overview of your priorities.


KAREN GIELEN Karen Gielen, a Dutch native, works as a trainer for De Laat Kenniscentrum. Her lessons and workshops are practical and down to earth, adapted to the student. She also works as a HR Adviser and she is a licensed Insights Discovery Practioner.


CONTROL YOUR NERVES! Can you deal with the pressure of a presentation? Withstand the negative thoughts right before you are starting off your speech? The larger the audience, the more nervous people tend to be. And you will face large audiences during your career. This is the moment to tackle this once and for all! We will teach you easy to use techniques to control your nerves before, during and after your presentation. An experienced speaker will show you how to appear comfortable during your speech or presentation and that, when applied in the right manner, speeching and presenting can be truly fun.


Wednesday 12 December

9:00 - 12:00


DEBAT.NL Debat.NL has been helping people be convincing for over 15 years. Every year we train consultants, medical specialists, interest groups and works councils in several sectors. Because of this, all our trainers are experienced in the business life. Additionally, politicians and political parties are also trained by us. Due to that, we know like no other the importance of not only the content of a message, but also the way the message in presented. We also teach this to the educational sector. Debat.NL has been active on the TU Delft, University of applied sciences Utrecht, University of applied sciences Leiden, School of Fine and Performing Arts, Erasmus University and Nyenrode Business University.





Dutch Workshop


Wednesday 12 December

9:00 - 12:00

This workshop goes beyond what you’ve probably already read on the internet. Yes, your public speaking skills, body language and presentation slides have a large impact on the effect of your training. However, in the end, the message is what matters the most. Therefore, in this workshop you will learn how to shape your message, in order to: • Create (sustainable) engagement and interaction with your audience; • Bring a message in an inspiring manner, even when your audience isn’t feeling the energy (yet!) • Master the basics of storytelling. How do you construct logical reasonings that provides sufficient evidence of your argumentation? How do you make sure those arguments actually have influence and reach your audience? What rhetorical tricks can help you? What are the factors to utilize to have maximum influence?

De Laat Kenniscentrum


The emphasis in this workshop is on the content of your argumentation, the solid evidence and proper way of bringing across that content. No hot air, but substance! This 3-hour workshop combines a presentation with practice; together with other participants you will put your acquired knowledge into practice by shaping the messages of your presentations.


EVI JACOBS As an expert on the area of the Dutch language and culture, Evi Jacobs is continuously researching the possibilities to make messages clearer to have them optimally reach their audience. After years of experience in high school education, she has been working for several years in Higher Education (HBO) and as a trainer of language and presentation techniques for De Laat Kenniscentrum. As teacher, the goal is continuously to reach your audience and expend your possibilities to do so. The Dutch language is more than just spelling and grammar. It is about having influence over the content and shape. Training that is a constant challenge. Evi’s passion is to use multiple skills to reach the optimal result.


SOLIDWORKS Solidworks is the most common used 3D Modelling software within the field of Industrial Design worldwide. For almost 25 years the company has been setting the standard for Designing in the virtual world. Nowadays, as 3D printing and digital manufacturing technologies are setting up a “new industrial revolution”, it’s a must to have 3D modelling experience and skills as a Designer.


Wednesday 12 December

The main advantage of the solid modeler is that it’s very easy to use, simple graphic user interface and much friendlier, as compared to other CAD solid modelling software. In this workshop you will learn the basics of Solidworks to make your Design in 3D CAD. You don’t need any experience in 3D modelling to attend to the workshop. We will also look into the Digital Manufacturing e.g. 3D printing, laser cutting and CAM milling.

13:30 - 16:30


CHET BANGARU Chet Bangaru is a research assistant in the department of Industrial Design at the TU/e. With a background in the field of mechanical engineering he is focused on the new “Digital Fabrication” technologies. With 15 years of experience with technologies as 3D printing, laser cutting, 3D scanning and 3D CAD modelling, his main task is helping the students and researchers making their designs tangible for testing and validating at the TU/e.

Chet Bangaru


Combing craftsmanship skills with new fabrication technologies is a must have skill nowadays for Engineers. In the d/searchlab of the department of Industrial Design he likes to combine the “old” with the “new” to make state of the art prototypes. Work you love, you’ll never have to work”.



Wednesday 12 December

13:30 - 16:30

STARTING AN OWN BUSINESS In this workshop you will start writing your one-page business plan. At the end of the workshop you will have a clear understanding what is needed in your business plan and you will be well on your way in finalising your own one-page business plan. You will start with defining the problem you want to solve, think about the clients you want to work for and define your vision and mission. What is your contribution and what do you bring to the table. Besides getting a clearer view of your business ideas and the importance of your tag line, we will give you insight in key resources, cost structure, partnerships and revenue.


KAREN GIELEN De Laat Kenniscentrum

Karen Gielen, a Dutch native, works as a trainer for De Laat Kenniscentrum. Her lessons and workshops are practical and down to earth, adapted to the student. She also works as an HR Adviser and she is a licensed Insights Discovery Practioner.  





Once you know what you are good at and what it is you are looking for regarding your career, you will start looking for interesting internships, graduation projects, jobs and other career opportunities. But then how do you write a catchy cover letter and how do you produce a structured CV? What should be in these documents and what should be left out? What should these documents look like? How do you make sure that both documents match with one another? During this workshop focus will lie on these questions to make sure you will be able to clearly state your suitability and motivation for whatever you are applying for. As part of the training we ask you to bring your cover letter and CV and get on the spot feedback to further improve them.

Wednesday 12 December

13:30 - 16:30


CAREER ACADEMY This workshop is being hosted by one of the career advisors from the Career Academy of the Eindhoven University of Technology. The TU/e Career Academy forms the bridge between students and employers. The Career Academy supports every TU/e student in writing his or her professional career story, starting in the Bachelor up until the moment of graduation. Career support is being offered through a variety of activities. Not only do we check your application tools like your CV, cover letters and LinkedIn profile, we also organize several career workshops. Students can also arrange an individual coaching meeting with one of the career advisors. All career support is free of charge. Within the Career Academy, career advisors Coby Doreleijers, Robin Eijsermans, Anouk van den Kerkhof and Linda Scheel, are available to support you with your next career step.

Career Academy





Dutch Workshop


Get the best from wine with Mea’s step by step guide to mastering simple tasting techniques and wine etiquette. Wednesday 12 December

18:00 - 21:00*

The taste of wine workshop is a fun way to learn what you like and what you don’t like; we talk about wine growing, climate, winemaking and explore while tasting the many differences between grapes and 9 primary styles of wine. Selecting a good wine for a meal and the occasion can be a challenge, especially for those with limited knowledge. How to read the wine list and what is said on the label, what are the do’s and don’ts while ordering and tasting wine, should I refill my glass myself during dinner and what to expect from a sommelier when the cork of an opened bottle is presented to me. People who are not connoisseurs can learn the basic guidelines, so they can do an acceptable job of ordering wine, tasting wine and etiquette.

Trainer MGN Hospitality Advice

Pullman Hotel

€ € 10,- **


MEA GERRITS Mea Gerrits is owner of MGN Hospitality Advice. She studied at The Hotelschool The Hague, has a bachelor degree on finance and economics and for over more than 20 years she hosts workshops in the field of hospitality, etiquette and code of conduct. Mea provides professional skills training and workshops to Young professionals at universities, in finance and hospitality industries and governmental organisations. Her passion is to contribute to personal growth and development of young people and “Savoir vivre”. *Note that this workshop takes place on a different time then other evening workshops. **The costs of attending this workshop are € 10,-

LINKEDIN FOR BEGINNERS Digital networking via LinkedIn is increasingly important for acquiring a job. More and more often during the selection of candidates for a job opening, the LinkedIn profile will be inspected, just as your cover letter and motivation. LinkedIn profiles seem to be replacing Curriculum Vitae. Next to that, LinkedIn, when properly used, can help strengthen your network. During this workshop for beginners, you will gain insight in the current developments of digital networking and the use of social media. During the workshop we will start with digital networking, after a short presentation on the importance of digital networking. After the workshop: • You will know the usefulness and the do’s and don’ts of LinkedIn.; • You will be able to make a good business profile; • You will be able to make contacts; • You will have tips for building your network; • You will be able to easily search and find anything on LinkedIn.


Wednesday 12 December

18:30 - 21:30

Pure Talent


JENNIFER BRAME Jennifer Brame is a social psychologist, specialized in social influence and what drives people to do what they do. By investigating these motives on a psychological level, she works on translating scientifically-based research into practice. Her trainings are therefore a playful combination of answering why we assert certain behaviour and how we can influence the outcome knowing what we know.




Dutch Workshop


Wednesday 12 December

18:30 - 21:30

During this workshop, we will discuss subjects that every resident in the Netherlands needs to know of. Even students who will live on their own are going to be confronted with financial issues, such as rent, taxes and insurances. In addition, if there are students with a job, they will be confronted with payroll taxes and declarations that need to be done to get too much payed taxes back. The difference between gross and net salary will also be explained. After graduation, they are going to be faced with a job, buying a house, leasing a car, pension and insurances. These subjects will be discussed during the workshop. Everyone will be confronted with this at some point during their life.

Trainer De Laat Kenniscentrum



BERT GEILEN With his long years of experience and his multiple backgrounds in ICT, administration and teaching Bert Geilen does not only have experience in financial businesses but also in fiscal and social legislation. As a teacher for “De Laat Kenniscentrum” he regularly teaches courses like MBA (Modern Business Administration) and other modules about Taxes and Accounting and Wage and Salary Administration. He also teaches Excel courses at an advanced level. Since a couple of years Bert traded in his international career for a job as a teacher, which he thoroughly enjoys.

DEBATE: MAKING YOUR INPUT MATTER How do you make sure your input matters? You may be brilliant in your field, come up with the greatest ideas, but you’ll still need to convince your client, partner or boss that your solution is the right one. We’re here to make sure your input gets valued the way it should be. What do you think of when you hear the word “debate”? Maybe you consider it a dull affair, something for grey politicians or boring television programs. To us, however, debate is a highly challenging mental discipline, combining logical and rhetorical skills. It teaches skills that you can apply in professional situations, such as presentations, meetings or interviews. Furthermore, it’s a very fun activity, where both wit and preparation are valuable. Join us in this workshop, where you will learn how to persuade others, to construct your arguments carefully, and improve your public speaking skills. Discover how to captivate your audience, how to look and act confident throughout your presentation. Learn how to use emotion in debate while staying rational, and keep your speeches structured.




Wednesday 12 December

18:30 - 21:30



The workshop will be given by experienced members of Eindhoven Student Debate Association Chronos, who have been debating for multiple years in high school and university debate tournaments.




Wednesday 12 December

Over 60 percent of our brain activity is dedicated to visual processing. This means our eyes protect us from harm, navigate us through spaces and teach us to recognise objects, people and locations. This remarkable brainpower can be used to communicate countless concepts without even using words or language.

18:30 - 21:30

Are you looking to give a punch to the way you communicate with teammates, project coaches and the outside world? Visual communication gives clarity into difficult systems and situations, even across different fields of study.

Yaël van Engelen

I will guide you through the tools and options to use low key visuals to strengthen your projects, presentations and everyday life. Don’t worry if you think your sketching skills are close to none, we will keep it easy. All you need is some basic writing equipment (preferably pencil and a pen/marker of choice).

Trainer Vertigo


YAËL VAN ENGELEN I, Yaël van Engelen, have been creating things since the age I could hold a pencil. Throughout the years I have tried and equipped many different techniques. My personal favourites by far are portraits and comic book drawings. Next to this, I experiment with many different materials and mixing them. These include (but are not limited to) pencils, copic markers, ink and pastels. In combination with my industrial design studies, this resulted in an interest to explain difficult technical situations in the visual language I know so well. And I will explore this together with you!

NETWORKING & SOCIAL MEDIA A serious orientation on the job market will make it possible to apply for internships, graduation projects and jobs more efficiently. Although there are several sources that can be used to orientate yourself on the job market, networking is one of the most effective tools to use. During the workshop, the importance of networking will be explained. Information about what networking is (and what it is not) will be shared and participants will practice amongst one another on how to network and how to prepare for a network conversation. Finally, the use of social media to network will be explained and demonstrated with a short LinkedIn session. Afterwards participants will be able to improve their profile and make better use of LinkedIn in order to orientate themselves on the job market. Participants can bring their laptop / notebook to pimp their LinkedIn profile on the spot!


Wednesday 12 December

18:30 - 21:30


CAREER ACADEMY This workshop is being hosted by one of the career advisors from the Career Academy of the Eindhoven University of Technology. The TU/e Career Academy forms the bridge between students and employers. The Career Academy supports every TU/e student in writing his or her professional career story, starting in the Bachelor up until the moment of graduation. Career support is being offered through a variety of activities. Not only do we check your application tools like your CV, cover letters and LinkedIn profile, we also organize several career workshops. Students can also arrange an individual coaching meeting with one of the career advisors. All career support is free of charge. Within the Career Academy, career advisors Coby Doreleijers, Robin Eijsermans, Anouk van den Kerkhof and Linda Scheel, are available to support you with your next career step.

Career Academy





Thursday 13 December

9:00 - 12:00

BEAT THE BIAS Are you aware of your own biases and blind spots? Psychologists have compiled a huge list of errors in thinking in recent years that even the most intelligent people may not be aware of. During this workshop, we treat the most important ones and you will take a critical look at yourself. What biases do you have about yourself, other people and the world? What decisions do you base on false grounds? What unwarranted judgments and conclusions do you draw about the world around you? At the end of this training you might have to rethink a lot of your ideas! However, knowledge of these thinking errors enables you to argue sharply and make better decisions! This training welcomes anyone who is not afraid to learn to think more critically.


IMRE VéGH TrueVoice



Imre Végh is founder of TrueVoice, a creative and committed bureau for training and coaching. As trainer, coach and moderator he is keen on distinguishing ‘sense’ from ‘non-sense’, Digging deeper with questions like: What is it that really matters? What is valuable? What is true? What is right? And... how do we get there? He helps individuals, groups and organizations to ask relevant questions that help create value and be more effective. He teaches using the right arguments and to challenge logical fallacies while keeping a mindset of dialogue and win-win. Honest, sharp and constructive communication is the goal. During his studies, he frequently participated in debating competitions. In these competitions, he could fully engage with critical and sharp analysis. Inspired by the Honours College of Utrecht University, he took a coaching course. Later he founded the Better World Foundation with friends in which he facilitated a four-month Traineeship twice a year.

SOLIDWORKS Solidworks is the most common used 3D Modelling software within the field of Industrial Design worldwide. For almost 25 years the company has been setting the standard for Designing in the virtual world. Nowadays, as 3D printing and digital manufacturing technologies are setting up a “new industrial revolution”, it’s a must to have 3D modelling experience and skills as a Designer.


Thursday 13 December

The main advantage of the solid modeler is that it’s very easy to use, simple graphic user interface and much friendlier, as compared to other CAD solid modelling software. In this workshop you will learn the basics of Solidworks to make your Design in 3D CAD. You don’t need any experience in 3D modelling to attend to the workshop. We will also look into the Digital Manufacturing e.g. 3D printing, laser cutting and CAM milling.

9:00 - 12:00


CHET BANGARU Chet Bangaru is a research assistant in the department of Industrial Design at the TU/e. With a background in the field of mechanical engineering he is focused on the new “Digital Fabrication” technologies. With 15 years of experience with technologies as 3D printing, laser cutting, 3D scanning and 3D CAD modelling, his main task is helping the students and researchers making their designs tangible for testing and validating at the TU/e.

Chet Bangaru


Combing craftsmanship skills with new fabrication technologies is a must have skill nowadays for Engineers. In the d/searchlab of the department of Industrial Design he likes to combine the “old” with the “new” to make state of the art prototypes. Work you love, you’ll never have to work”.



Thursday 13 December


Dutch Workshop

Insights Discovery is a simple and accessible colour model, which gives more insight into yourself and others. It is a strong foundation for effective cooperation and optimal functioning. Everyone has every colour in themselves. The combination of colours gives you your unique personality. The colours represents behavioural preferences that correspond to how you think, act and react. Call it your most natural self.

9:00 - 12:00

During the workshop, we will give an introduction to Insights Discovery. We will discuss the colour theory and apply the colours to you. The entire workshop is interactive, and participants will be asked to show an active attitude. Since it is an introduction, no complete profile will be handed out.

Trainer De Laat Kenniscentrum


GILBERT DE LAAT Entrepreneur and trainer with heart and soul. Gilbert de Laat studied Economy and History, and after his study he worked at one of the biggest retailers of the Netherlands. Gilbert has been an independent trainer since 2004 and has worked for big training centres and coached many upcoming entrepreneurs. Since 2009 he owns a company in coaching and consultancy and in 2010 he started his own knowledge centre. Gilbert especially trains people, at both large and small companies, in commercial skills. Besides having his own company, Gilbert works at a University where he teaches commercial subjects and coaches students who want to become an entrepreneur as a business incubation officer. His company is located at the innovative Strijp-S in Eindhoven.  


SELFASSESSMENT Knowing who you are, what you are good at and what you want will help you find the next step in your future either during your study or when applying for a job. During this training you will obtain a better insight in your qualities and you will find out where your interests lie. You will discover what you have to offer and where you still can improve as a professional. With the use of the STAR method you will learn how to illustrate your competencies and personality traits based upon previous experiences. Last this training will help you to answer questions during job interviews about your strength and weaknesses.


Thursday 13 December

9:00 - 12:00


CAREER ACADEMY This workshop is being hosted by one of the career advisors from the Career Academy of the Eindhoven University of Technology. The TU/e Career Academy forms the bridge between students and employers. The Career Academy supports every TU/e student in writing his or her professional career story, starting in the Bachelor up until the moment of graduation. Career support is being offered through a variety of activities. Not only do we check your application tools like your CV, cover letters and LinkedIn profile, we also organize several career workshops. Students can also arrange an individual coaching meeting with one of the career advisors. All career support is free of charge. Within the Career Academy, career advisors Coby Doreleijers, Robin Eijsermans, Anouk van den Kerkhof and Linda Scheel, are available to support you with your next career step.  

Career Academy




Thursday 13 December

THE ART OF CHOOSING How do you choose? Every day we make hundreds of choices. All those big (what will I study) and small (what will I eat) choices shape your life and the lives of others. But do you make the right choices? We will look at questions like: How can one make the “right” choices? How do you avoid making important decisions on the autopilot? When to follow the beaten track and when not to?

13:30 - 16:30


You will actively work on personal and practical strategies to help you make choices in life. The workshop is designed for people who are willing to reflect deeply, who are not afraid to challenge themselves and who dare ask themselves: “what do I really base my choices on?” You will first develop a personal vision that you can use to weigh your choices against. Then we will bring these lessons into practice through a personal case, such as a choice about your career, relationships ... or anything else. We will let go of how you are ‘supposed’ to be and help you find your own wisdom.




Imre Végh is founder of TrueVoice, a creative and committed bureau for training and coaching. As trainer, coach and moderator he is keen on distinguishing ‘sense’ from ‘non-sense’, Digging deeper with questions like: What is it that really matters? What is valuable? What is true? What is right? And... how do we get there? He helps individuals, groups and organizations to ask relevant questions that help create value and be more effective. He teaches using the right arguments and to challenge logical fallacies while keeping a mindset of dialogue and win-win. Honest, sharp and constructive communication is the goal. During his studies, he frequently participated in debating competitions. In these competitions, he could fully engage with critical and sharp analysis. Inspired by the Honours College of Utrecht University, he took a coaching course. Later he founded the Better World Foundation with friends in which he facilitated a four-month Traineeship twice a year.


Dutch Workshop

Almost every employee within a commercial business comes into contact with customers who want to buy something from you or want information. The result of a conversation often has a certain purpose, namely: to realize the highest possible sales.


Thursday 13 December

In addition to product knowledge, it is necessary to actively stay in contact with the customer to ensure a good sales result. In this commercial workshop the theory of sales, conversation and negotiation techniques are discussed. Topics include: • The preparation of a conversation; • The first customer contact; • How you present products/services; • How you can set up sales stimulating questions; • How you present a price; • How you refute buying concerns of a customer; • How you end a call.

13:30 - 16:30

De Laat Kenniscentrum


GILBERT DE LAAT Entrepreneur and trainer with heart and soul. Gilbert de Laat studied Economy and History, and after his study he worked at one of the biggest retailers of the Netherlands. Gilbert has been an independent trainer since 2004 and has worked for big training centres and coached many upcoming entrepreneurs. Since 2009 he owns a company in coaching and consultancy and in 2010 he started his own knowledge centre. Gilbert especially trains people, at both large and small companies, in commercial skills. Besides having his own company, Gilbert works at a University where he teaches commercial subjects and coaches students who want to become an entrepreneur as a business incubation officer. His company is located at the innovative Strijp-S in Eindhoven.





Dutch Workshop

We all experience stress, especially as a student when people ask a lot of you. Thursday 13 December

13:30 - 16:30

De Laat Kenniscentrum



But what level of stress is normal and when is it too much? Where does stress come from? And how do you get rid of it? More important: How do you prevent having too much stress? These questions will be answered during this workshop. In addition, this workshop includes some exercises based on mindfulness.


ANNEMARIE VAARKAMP Annemarie Vaarkamp is working as a psychologist and has her own company as a mindfulness trainer. She is also working as a teacher at “De Laat Kenniscentrum”. A few years ago, while being pregnant, she combined her job in business with having a second study at the University. Stress isn’t unknown to her.



Congratulations, you’ve found a job! Your employer has invited you for a meeting to discuss your offer. How do you negotiate your salary? Which aspects do you need to take into account when signing your labour contract? What are the ins and outs of such a conversation? Do you immediately agree to the offer you receive? Does your contract include a notice period or non-compete clause? What does the pension scheme look like? And is your salary offer around the market rate? These are all questions that will be addressed during the workshop Contract negotiations. In the end you will get a better overview of all aspects of your labour contract in the Netherlands while improving your negotiation skills.

Thursday 13 December

13:30 - 16:30


CAREER ACADEMY This workshop is being hosted by one of the career advisors from the Career Academy of the Eindhoven University of Technology. The TU/e Career Academy forms the bridge between students and employers. The Career Academy supports every TU/e student in writing his or her professional career story, starting in the Bachelor up until the moment of graduation. Career support is being offered through a variety of activities. Not only do we check your application tools like your CV, cover letters and LinkedIn profile, we also organize several career workshops. Students can also arrange an individual coaching meeting with one of the career advisors. All career support is free of charge. Within the Career Academy, career advisors Coby Doreleijers, Robin Eijsermans, Anouk van den Kerkhof and Linda Scheel, are available to support you with your next career step.

Career Academy




Thursday 13 December

13:30 - 16:30

PHOTOSHOP BEGINNER Photoshop is the program of choice for image editing and experience design. But it offers many other possibilities. You can also use it to create beautiful illustrations, design print work, create 3D-models or even design websites with this powerful design tool. You will learn how to select objects and models to extract them from a background, learn to work with layers and layer effects, learn how to work with brushes and shapes, adjust lighting and color in your images and many more essential skills. After the workshop, you will be provided with free access to our online course library, which you can use as a source to review the workshop material and dive further into what Photoshop has to offer. This allows us to focus on purely practical skills during the workshop, and get into the more technical side of things in the online courses.



The workshop program is as follows: • Selection techniques; • Image editing; • Masking; • Image adjustments; • Using text and shapes; • Several creative projects.


MARTIJN VAN WEEGHEL Easy-123 provides tailor-made private workshops and E-learning solutions on software from Adobe, Microsoft, Webdesign and a multitude of other programs.


ETIQUETTE DINER To establish professional relationships with one another we must communicate with the appropriate etiquette. When you’re going to a business lunch or dinner with recruiters, clients or partners, you make sure you behave properly; good table manners will open doors that the best education cannot. Like it or not, management equates good manners with competence in business and poor manners with incontinence. How convenient it is when you know where to put your cell phone during dinner, what to wear at a cocktail party or what to say at the beginning of a dinner. Confidence comes with knowledge. During this interactive workshop we provide guidelines for eating appropriately; dining in style and tell you all you what to know about dining etiquette, dress codes, conversation both verbal and nonverbal and practise these rules during this most pleasant dinner. Knowing and using good table manners is an important social skill. We want you to enjoy lunch and dinner meetings, establish a professional image to business relations family and friends. Program: on the menu: history of table etiquette, rules and guidelines during dinner, ABC table etiquette, hostmanship, attire dress codes and grooming, meeting etiquette, social sensitivity, nonverbal communication, attending a conference or meeting, and Mea tells you all you want to know about email diplomacy best behaviour and politeness.


MEA GERRITS Mea Gerrits is owner of MGN Hospitality Advice. She studied at The Hotelschool The Hague, has a bachelor degree on finance and economics and for over more than 20 years she hosts workshops in the field of hospitality, etiquette and code of conduct. Mea provides professional skills training and workshops to Young professionals at universities, in finance and hospitality industries and governmental organisations. Her passion is to contribute to personal growth and development of young people and “Savoir vivre”. *Note that this workshop takes place on a different time then other evening workshops. **The costs of attending this workshop are € 15,-


Thursday 13 December

17:45 - 21:30*

MGN Hospitality Advice

Pullman Hotel

€ € 15,- **




Dutch Workshop

Thursday 13 December

As a student you’re often overwhelmed by an overload of information. Or perhaps you don’t have enough time to do everything your university wants you to do. If you are looking for a tool to save time and keep up to date with your study or if are you looking for an effective way to learn, then speed reading is definitely something for you!

18:30 - 21:30

In the workshop you’ll learn how to: • Process information effectively • Speed read (this includes three tests to monitor your progress) • Some memory techniques that help you study easier


AART SMIT Competenza


My name is Aart Smit and you can meet me in the workshop speed reading, mindmapping and memory training. I work as a self-employed trainer / coach in cooperation with Competenza. As a trainer I like the interaction with the group. My fields of interest are personality type’s (MBTI) and memory. Especially, how to improve your memory or make better use of it, like mnemonics. Do you know one of the following? • TVTAS, • PaKHuiS, • Mijn Vader At Meestal Jonge Spruitjes Uit Nieuwe Pekela • knuckle mnemonic, • “Yes I want a pizza, yesterday we wanted pizza, yes pizza!” As a coach I help scholars to find a study which suits them and young professionals with career counselling. I’m trained as a psychologist, which I studied in Maastricht. In my spare time I like to hike, road cycling, yoga and follow all kinds of sports. I hope to see you in one of my workshops.


PHOTOSHOP ADVANCED Already know the basics of Photoshop? We’ve got you covered. In this workshop you will learn advanced editing and design techniques that will take your imaging work to the next level.


Thursday 13 December

You will learn how to select objects and models to extract them from a background, learn to work with layers and layer effects, learn how to work with brushes and shapes, adjust lighting and color in your images and many more essential skills. After the workshop, you will be provided with free access to our online course library, which you can use as a source to review the workshop material and dive further into what Photoshop has to offer. This allows us to focus on purely practical skills during the workshop, and get into the more technical side of things in the online courses. The workshop program is as follows: • Advanced selection techniques; • Customizing Photoshop; • Custom brushes and shapes; • Advanced masking and compositing; • Portfolio work.


18:30 - 21:30



MARTIJN VAN WEEGHEL Easy-123 provides tailor-made private workshops and E-learning solutions on software from Adobe, Microsoft, Webdesign and a multitude of other programs.




Dutch Workshop

Applying successfully starts with asking yourself who you are, what you want and what you can do. Friday 14 December

9:00 - 12:00

During this workshop of Qompas you start with a thorough self-analysis. By means of interactive exercises you discover what your competencies are. You will also learn how to make the match with the vacancy and the company in your CV and cover letter. You will also be actively working with a commonly used recruitment technique: the STAR method. This is a handy method to easily demonstrate your competencies. After this workshop you will think about applying for a job in a different way and put what you have learned into practice immediately! All participants in the workshop will receive a copy of the Qompas Application Guide and will be given access to the online Qompas ApplicationTools , which will support you in every possible way during the application procedure.




QOMPAS Qompas CarrièreStart ( is the online career guide for higher educated graduates and provides for an overview of all the top employers in the Netherlands. Internships, traineeships or entry level positions? In the Netherlands or abroad? Qompas helps you to make well informed career decisions. Qompas effectively functions as a link between students and companies. A successful job application starts with YOU.  



Dutch Workshop Dutch

This workshop is about how you can accomplish more with someone else. Everything is about the ‘positive influence’, together with customer focus. To achieve goals, you need other people. There are more students with the same grades and areas of expertise. An employer must choose, make sure you are able to positively influence that decision.

Friday 14 December

To get insight into this and to become able to positively influence people, there are a few steps. After this workshop you will have tips to positively control the influencing process.

9:00 - 12:00

After this workshop: • You will know the steps of positive influence; • You will know the secret laws of influence; • You will know the effect of an emotional bank account; • You will be able to influence the decisions of other people.

Pure Talent


PURE TALENT Pure Talent is a critical and inspired training agency. We have been chosen for ‘Best Educator of the Netherlands of 2016’. We offer education and workshops on the subject of social, communication and commercial skills in a professional environment. We do this by actively listening to the needs of the customer in order to clarify the aspired goals, after which this is translated to concrete steps.





Friday 14 December

9:00 - 12:00

De Laat Kenniscentrum


Many companies get their profits from business that didn’t existed a decade ago, but grew very fast. The fastest growing companies are companies that make use of other people’s possessions, talent and don’t have that many staff, which are the network conductors such as, Airbnb, etc.. Customers are more organized through forums and networks, and more than ever aware of their role. A purchase becomes a customer’s journey and the authenticity of a company counts more and more. Innovations are gaining momentum and impact on marketing, organizations and society. You can ask yourself: How do I create growth that is future-proof? Growth is accompanied by changes, but changing is not an event. How do you and how does your (future) organization deal with these changes? These questions will all be discussed during the workshop. Afterwards, you will get an overview of the New Business Models in the WEconomy using many practical examples. You will learn to look through other glasses at the business. In addition, it will be linked to starting an own company, and we will start working on the following: Where can we create multiple value?


GEERT VAN SEETERS Geert van Seeters is a strategic marketer and is specialized in the following areas: strategic marketing, sales management and coaching. Geert coaches in the design and/or renewal of business models. With ‘the why’ of the entrepreneur or organization as a starting point, multiple value is created. Geert’s motto: Sustainability grows and entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly important. I am pleased with it, as a human being, “We are all astronauts of spacecraft Earth” -Wubbo Ockels


WEBDESIGN In the workshop Webdesign, provided by Easy-123, you will learn everything you need to create your own website with WordPress. A powerful, flexible and free content management system, without any knowledge of code languages. You will be guided through installing WordPress, its general settings, a diverse range of options for adding and styling content, best practices for building a modern site and more. The workshop includes free access to our online training library, where you can sign up for online courses about web design, graphic design, video production, online marketing and many other essential IT skills. The workshop program is as follows: • Hosting and domain registration: To build a WordPress website, you will need hosting space and a domain name. We will teach you what to look for in a provider. Learn how to configure WordPress to your own needs in the admin environment. • Themes and content: You will learn how to install themes and how to configure them. Learn what makes a good content strategy, how to manage a blog or portfolio, and how to promote your content online. • Pages and navigation: Learn how to create and manage pages, add navigation menus, and manage traffic funnels to guide visitors. • Plugins: WordPress functionality can be expanded with plugins. We will teach you which plugins are essential and which are helpful for different purposes. • SEO: We will teach you how to configure your site for best SEO, or search engine optimization practices, what to take into account when managing content, and how you can optimize new and old content with certain tools.


Friday 14 December

9:00 - 12:00




MARTIJN VAN WEEGHEL Easy-123 provides tailor-made private workshops and E-learning solutions on software from Adobe, Microsoft, Webdesign and a multitude of other programs.



Friday 14 December

13:30 - 16:30



Dutch Workshop

An assessment is meant to see if you have the competences that are required for the job. Through thorough self-analysis you can increase your selfknowledge, allowing you to operate more effectively in various selection rounds. During this interactive assessment workshop of Qompas, handles are provided to prepare an assessment in an assessment center. On top of that,some assessment exercises are discussed. How do you deal with role play, mail bite test, conversation simulation and group discussion? How do you prepare for personality and IQ tests? The focus of the workshop is on self-analysis as a condition for operating effectively in an assessment center. All participants in the workshop will receive a copy of the Qompas Application Guide and will be given access to the online Qompas ApplicationTools , which will support you in every possible way during the application procedure.


QOMPAS Vertigo


Qompas CarrièreStart ( is the online career guide for higher educated graduates and provides for an overview of all the top employers in the Netherlands. Internships, traineeships or entry level positions? In the Netherlands or abroad? Qompas helps you to make well informed career decisions. Qompas effectively functions as a link between students and companies. A successful job application starts with YOU.  

LATEX LaTeX is a (free) text typesetter from 1978, which still is the standard in the academic world. LaTeX are often used for reports, papers, books, magazines and scientific articles, since it simplifies text and image formatting and offers unlimited possibilities for creating formulas, graphs or presenting data. Since LaTeX is a complete programming language, it is very easy to create your own commands and scripts, and often used elements can be automated quickly. In this beginners’ course we will dive into LaTeX and you will learn how to easily create a report or other document. No previous experience, knowledge or software is required.


THOMAS LIPPENS Thomas Lippens is a Bachelor’s student Electrical Engineering at the TU/e. During his time as a student he has shown his enthusiasm for education by being a teaching assistant in multiple courses and giving several exam trainings. Thomas has also become very passionate about LaTeX as an alternative for traditional WYSIWYG text editors and enjoys explaining how you can save yourself lots of work with a simple bit of code.


Friday 14 December

13:30 - 16:30

Thomas Lippens





Dutch Workshop

Students, too, are nowadays proficient jugglers, that want to keep all the balls in the air.

Friday 14 December

However, is this always desirable? In this workshop, there will be a lot of attention for overcrowded ‘to do-lists’ and overflowing agendas. How can you, by making the right decisions, do more in less time with less stress? That is the core of this workshop on time management.

13:30 - 16:30

After this workshop: • You will know how well your current time management is; • You will have all the materials to better plan your time; • You will have insight in your own boundaries and goals; • You know the do’s and don’ts of efficient calendar management.





Pure Talent is a critical and inspired training agency. We have been chosen for ‘Best Educator of the Netherlands of 2016’. We offer education and workshops on the subject of social, communication and commercial skills in a professional environment. We do this by actively listening to the needs of the customer in order to clarify the aspired goals, after which this is translated to concrete steps.

TRAINERS The following trainers will be giving one or more workshops during the Skill Sessions:

Surrounded by Talent


ACTIVITIES ORGANIZED BY WERVINGSDAGEN This year the Wervingsdagen will organize Eindhoven University of Technology’s most important career events for the 38th time in a row. These events, the Skill Sessions, the Career Expo, and the Interviewing Days, help you to develop your professional attitude, and to tackle all future challenges in the labor market.

The Skill Sessions - December 10 up until December 14 The first career events are the Skill Sessions. During this week, workshops will be given by professional trainers and speakers. All students can register to participate in these workshops and lectures. These workshops focus on your personal and professional development. Topics that are covered include the letter of application, the resume, and the job interview. More detailed information can be found in this brochure and on our website ( Almost all workshops will be given in Vertigo and Zwarte Doos. For registration visit the Wervingsdagen website and register before December 2, but be quick, since most workshops have a limited number of places available.

The Career Expo - March 19 and 20 The Career Expo will take place in Auditorium at Eindhoven University of Technology on the 19th and 20th of March. During the day 150+ companies will present themselves through stand, speed dates and presentations. Familiarize yourself with companies, converse with recruiters, and learn all about your potential future employers. Whether you already know where you end up after studies, or whether you are still in doubt, the Career Expo offers you the opportunity to gather information on various companies and to find the company that suits you best.

The Interviewing Days - April 29 up until May 2 Visiting the Interviewing Days is the perfect opportunity to talk to potential employers about possible career opportunities. Besides that, it is a great way to ask recruiters about the culture and work procedures of the company you are planning to work at after your study. The topic of the conversation during these Interviewing Days is entirely up to you, as long as it is career related. If you want to get deeper insights of a company in a practical way, then we also offer several business case. To get a taste of what it is like to work there, you can get your hands on a real life problem, provided by a company. In order to create a suitable atmosphere, this event will be hosted at the Pullman Hotel. Are you interested in this offer? Visit the Wervingsdagen website (, see which companies participate during the Interviewing Days, and have lunch, dinner, or just a relaxed conversation with a recruiter from a company of your choice.



DECEMBER 10 - 14 MARCH 19 - 20 APRIL 29 - MAY 2

I’m an eager learner Take a stand, be a brand ® Visit for more information


STUDY ASSOCIATIONS Applied Mathematics, Computer Science

Applied Physics

Biomedical Engineering

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

Electrical Engineering, Automotive Technology

Industrial Design

Industrial Engineering

Sustainable Innovation, Psychology and Technology Mechanical Engineering


LOCATION of the Skill Sessions

For the exact location, sign up at our information desk located in Vertigo

All activities, except for the ‘Etiquette Diners’ and ‘Wine Tasting and Etiquette training’, take place at the Vertigo building and the Zwarte Doos. The Etiquette Diners and the Wine Tasting and Etiquette training take place at the Hotel Pullman Eindhoven Cocagne. Before entering a training, you need to sign up at the information desk, located on the first floor of the Vertigo building. Here you will receive the exact location of your training.




Board Wervingsdagen Eindhoven University of Technology Luna de Plint 1.244 P.O. Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven Phone: +31 (0)40 24 74 999

E-mail: Website:

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