Protected Natural Areas Libro

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Nor Yauyos Cochas | Landscape Reserve

"Under the protection of the Pariacaca" Under, A family -the male with the white head- of torrent ducks (Merganetta armata), found in the rivers of Nor Yauyos Cochas. *Facilities for tourism


Location : LIMA Y JUNIN Surface Area

: 221 268,48 ha

Creation Date

: 01/05/2001

Altitude Range

: 2 500 – 5 750 msnm (cumbre del Pariacaca)

GENERAL OBJECTIVES Its mission is the preservation of the higher basins of the Cañete and Pachacayo Rivers, which house ecosystems in the midst of a singular landscape of great beauty. These last ones coexist in a harmonious relationship with the activities of the rural communities, who have developed forms of social organization for the production and efficient use of its natural resources, protecting their cultural and historical values. DESCRIPTION The Reserve has two well-defined regions, the higher basin of the Cañete 142 Official Guide | Central Mountains

River in Lima, and the basin of the CochasPachacayo River in Junin. Both regions have a large number of snow-capped mountains, dozens of lakes, wetlands and cascades, forests of Puya, relicts of Queñua, Karkac and Lloque, millenarian villages and ancient agricultural area; in short, valuable elements that make natural wealth transcend the material, creating what in Nor Yauyos is being protected: the beauty. The Cochas River Ravine, a river of modest dimensions though principal tributary to the Mantaro River, has abundant pastures and relatively gentle slopes, ideal for sheep farming. There is important activity in this sense, led by the SAIS Tupac Amaru

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