Wendover News February 2019

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Available in Wendover, Dunsmore, The Lee, Halton, Weston Turville and Liffré

February 2019 Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

Lionel Abel Smith Trust Closure Date: 28 February 2019

9 February


The views expressed by contributors are their own and not necessarily the views of the editor. If you have a complaint or concern about content in Wendover News, please visit www.wendovernews.co.uk/complaints.

contributions for March 2019 before

Monday 11 February


Apologies to readers. The date of the closure of Florence Nightingale Hospice Shop for a refit has been postponed. Apologies for any inconvenience. The new schedule will be notified on the shop door and social media when it has been agreed.

Take That surprise Catherine Waterman

Signs appeared warning that the High Street would be closed for 10 minutes on Wednesday 28 November. Wendover was taken by surprise when Gary Barlow, Mark Owen and Howard Donald of Take That invaded with camera crew at the ready to surprise our own Catherine Waterman of The Flower Gallery, as part of a commercial for Suzuki. It had its first showing during The Voice on ITV on Saturday 5 January, including a session with the lads paticipating in one of Catherine’s Zumba classes. Photos, videos and more at www.wendovernews.co.uk/news/take-thatkidnap-catherine-waterman.

Lionel Abel-Smith Trust

The Trust was established in 1977 when Lionel Abel-Smith, then Lord of the Manor of Wendover, gave to the village a number of properties in Pound Street. His wish was that the rental income should be used to support organisations and individuals in Wendover. Over the years, more than £1.5 million has been awarded in grants and loans. The Trustees will hold their 41st Annual Meeting on Wednesday 3 April 2019 to consider grant applications from individuals and organisations from within the parish of Wendover and the Moor Park Estate.

(including payments for adverts) book early to avoid disappointment

01296 624270

editor@wendovernews.co.uk Florence Nightingale Hospice Shop 19 High Street, Wendover HP22 6DX Wendover News, established 1989, is delivered through the door to many local households. If you do not receive one at home and would like to volunteer to deliver for us to your road, please contact the office (see above). Wendover News would like to thank all its willing volunteers.

Applications for the Spring Meeting must be received by Thursday 28 February with full contact details and, if possible, email address to: clerk@wendovertrust.org or Clerk to the Trust, 51 Dobbins Lane, Wendover Bucks HP22 6DL. For more details go to the website www.wendovertrust.org. Grants can be made available to cases of real need throughout the year.

RAF Flypast

Tuesday 12 February at 1.30pm

To celebrate the completion of training at RAF Halton we can expect a flypast (weather permitting)

ANTIQUES AT . . . WENDOVER February Mystery Object at the Antiques Centre

£10 Gift voucher for the winner


December’s was a Cheese Sampler Open 7 Days a week Free customer car park THE OLD POST OFFICE, WENDOVER, BUCKS 01296 625335 www.antiquesatwendover.co.uk


01296 624270

Saturday 9 March 10am - 5pm Sunday 10 March 10.30am - 4pm

at the Chilterns MS Centre, Wendover www.popupartweekend.org.uk


CONTENTS 01 02 09 10 11 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29


30 & 31

31 32


Wendover News is produced by: Jane Larkham - Editor Jackie Brown - Assistant Editor Wynne Byford - Graphics Paul Hammett - Accounts Please recycle your Wendover News Printed in the UK by The Magazine Printing Company using only paper from FSC/PEFC suppliers www.magprint.co.uk

Roof Repairs New roofs, Lead Flashings, Repointing, Gutter Repairs Call Pete: 01296 624618 07775 732192

Events Regular Events at Wendover Library Sundays. All meetings at Halton UK tennis

parkrun meets Saturdays at 9.00 near the Café in the Woods. 5km run, walk, watch or volunteer! Visit www.parkrun.org.uk/ wendoverwoods for details.

Charity Coffee Mornings

Cake & Biscuit Decorating

Thu, 10am-12noon, No2 Pound St Did you know that the shop No2 Pound Street is giving away all its money raised for coffee and hot beverage sales (terms apply) on Thursday mornings? Come over and find similarly minded people who are raising valuable funds whilst enjoying a lovely coffee and a slice of cake!

Cycle Rides and Local Walks

Simply Walk meets each Tuesday at 10:00 at Wendover Clock Tower with walks to Wendover Woods meeting on the first Thursday at 10:30 at ‘Your Cafe’ In Aston Clinton Park. Have a look at the listings on pages 30 & 31 for details.

T: 07980 684919 E: andy@avocetdecorating.co.uk 2

Wendover News February 2019

Bucks County Museum & Roald Dahl Children’s Gallery

Church Street, Aylesbury HP20 2QP Visit the fantastic Roald Dahl Children’s Gallery, café, shop and garden. See “100 Hearts” until 12 February and “Glorious Glass” 2 February until 23 March. For charges, opening and activity times, birthday parties and more please check www. buckscountymuseum.org.

Rennie Grove Hospice Care Wills Month

Throughout February, a selected group of local legal experts from across Bucks are donating their time and legal expertise to write a standard will in return for a donation to Rennie Grove Hospice Care.

Aylesbury Cyclist Touring Club has group rides throughout the county, see southbuckscycling.or​g.uk/rides. Any bike will do as long as it’s roadworthy. Newcomers welcome, please try an easy-paced ride first. Easy-Paced Rides 09.30am Sundays; please see the website for details.

If you would like to find out more about leaving a gift in your will, please call 01442 507344, email legacy@renniegrove.org or visit www.renniegrove/makeyourwill.

Nia Classes

dates, times & locations vary, see listing Wendover and Halton Cycling Club meets 1st and 3rd Monday each month: 2-2.30pm weekly at 18.30 Wednesdays & 08.30 Parent and Child Nia classes, Halton Tennis

tom chamlet builders

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internal and external work

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Cornelli Sugarcraft (see advert page 23) runs courses each term, www.cornellisugarcraft. co.uk. See events pages 30 & 31.

The Ramblers have a programme of organised walks of varying length and difficulty locally. More on www.aylesbury-ramblers.org.uk and pages 30 & 31.


ANDY DALE Painter & Decorator

and sports village. Parking, showers/ changing and café on site. Contact Otec Bikes for information 07824 828024.

“Learn My Way” computer training 1st Tuesday of each month, please book. Children’s Book Club, 1st Saturday every month, 2.15pm - details from the Library. Knit & Natter, 1st Thursday, 10.30am-12.30pm & 3rd Tuesday, 1.30-3.30pm. Scrabble Club, 4th Tuesday. “Jigsaw Challenge” ongoing.

fully qualified and insured mobile : 07833 098899 landline : 01296 615441 email : adcarpentry@btinternet.com www.adcarpentry.co.uk

07831 445691 01844 351519 cowleaze chinnor tomchamlet@gmail.com www.tomchamletbuilders.com

Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

Events Centre HP22 5PD. Every Sunday: 10.30-11.30am Adult classes, Halton Tennis Centre HP22 5PD. Every Friday from 1st February: 6.30-7.30pm Adult classes, BML Studio, 3 Station Approach HP22 6BN. Contact Melina on melinajoyofnia@gmail.com or 07548520192.

Wendover Cricket Club

Wendover Cricket Club’s indoor training and nets have started and new senior players are always welcome. Seniors train Saturday evenings 1730-1900, ending on 6 April (cost £5 per session). Juniors are on the same Saturdays but at different times and split between various groups and squads. All last season’s players have been contacted for the junior sessions they are invited to attend. The venue is the John Colet School’s sports hall off Wharf Road, Wendover HP22 6HF. We would also be pleased to hear from anyone interested in umpiring or scoring for the club. Contact Jonathan Seabrook on 07767 148119 or obtain information from the website www.wendovercc.play-cricket.com.



William Harding School

Dance Mixx



Weston Turville School

Dance Mixx



Wendover Memorial Hall

Dance Mixx



William Harding School




Weston Turville School




Stoke Mandeville CC Sch

Dance Mixx



Jubilee Hall, Bierton

Dance Mixx

www.jazzercise.net/uk-aylesbury Contact Keri on 07900 987230 or email jazzercisebbh@jazzercise.net

Opera Masterclass

Sat 2, 2pm, Aylesbury Music Centre Internationally acclaimed soprano Nelly Miricioiu will coach five young professional singers in arias from across the repertoire, accompanied on the piano by Kelvin Lim. Tickets £10 (under 16s free), 07725 868092. aylesburyopera.org.uk

CDRS Quiz Night

Sat 2, 7.30pm, Ashley Green Vlg Hall Teams of 6, £12pp. Includes hot supper. Book via 01296 623885.

Kimble & Ellesborough Horticultural Society

Tue 05, 8pm, Stewart Hall HP17 0XN “Making the Best Use of a Greenhouse, Cloches and Frames” Brian


01296 624270


Wendover News February 2019


Single garage required


in or near Wendover to store a car Please contact: littletew@btinternet.com or phone 07818 048 360 The Arts Society Ballinger

A friendly local branch of The Arts Society, we meet monthly for illustrated art-based lectures on a wide variety of subjects by professional speakers in their specialist fields. We welcome visitors as guests. Ffi: visit our website theartssocietyballinger.org.uk or email ballinger@theartssociety.org

Fisher, a popular local horticultural lecturer, Sing-along returns to give us his latest talk on using Fri 8, 6-9pm, St Dunstan’s Church HP27 9JE these valuable horticultural aids. Sing along to “Mamma Mia - Here we go again!” Suitable for all the family - tickets Craft Group cost: £10.00 per adult and £5.00 per under Wed 6 & 20, 10am-12 noon, Wendover 16; Family of four ticket £20.00. Tickets Christian Centre on Eventbrite: www.eventbrite.com/e/ If you enjoy craft, join others with the same mamma-mia-here-we-go-again-movie-andinterest at Craft Group, open to all. If you enjoy dinner-at-st-dunstans-tickets-52415161158 knitting, sewing, crocheting, painting, drawing or colouring or any other kind of craft, there’s Gallery Exhibition room for you. Please bring your own materials Fri 8-Thu 28, a little bird told me gallery if possible. If you don’t have a current project, Local artists Sue & Eddie Gosney will be come see what others are doing. exhibiting their work 9-28 February, with a “Meet the artists” evening Friday 8. See Bucks Bird Club advert page 4. Thu 7, 7.30pm, St Anne’s Hall “Florida & A Little Bit of Mexico” with “Flesh” Fri 8 8pm & Sat 9 2.30 & 7.30pm, Court speaker Mike Wallen. Theatre, Tring Cheese & Wine Evening “Flesh” by Rob Drummond is part of National Thu 7, 7.30pm, Chilterns MS Centre Theatre Connections – a nationwide Tickets £20 per person, 18+. Supported by celebration of new plays for young people. No2 Pound St; proceeds to Chilterns MS To book, please contact the box office: Centre. Book at www.chilternsmscentre.org. 07543 560478 or info@courttheatre.co.uk

NEWS FROM WENDOVER HEALTH CENTRE - 01296 623452 Wendover Health Centre is also on www.westongrove.com Opening Hours

Reception is open from 7.30am to 6.30pm on weekdays, except Tuesday when we close at 8pm. Our core hours are 8am to 6.30pm on weekdays, when our telephone lines (01296 623452) are open. We offer additional doctor appointments before 8am on selected mornings, and on Tuesdays after 6.30pm. We open on Saturday mornings from 8am to midday, except when the following Monday is a bank holiday. On Saturdays we see patients with pre-booked appointments only. Our dispensary is open from 8.30am to 6.30pm on weekdays (8pm on Tuesdays) and 9-11am on Saturdays. We will close from 1pm to 6.30pm on Wednesday 13th February and Tuesday 12th March 2019 for staff training. On these days only, if you require urgent assistance between please call 01296 850011.

Our Car Park

Our car park is private property; it is reserved for bona fide users of the Health Centre. At times the car park is very busy and it is difficult to find a parking place. Please consider leaving your car at home, or parking elsewhere, and walking to the Health Centre. The Westongrove team have taken the decision not to offer ear syringing any longer, in line with many other practices locally and nationally. We regret any resulting inconvenience, but this is a service for which the NHS does not provide funding. In the context of ever-increasing demand for health care, we must concentrate on providing those services that form part of our core NHS contract. We continue to offer an assessment service, and where it is not possible to solve the issue with the advice given, we may be able to refer on to the hospital. Alternatively, local private hearing services provide wax removal at reasonable cost. (Our website has details.)

Travel Health

Are you planning to travel overseas this summer and think you may need vaccinations or other help to keep healthy? We offer a private travel service for our patients, with a limited number of travel appointments with our specially trained nurses. Please complete our travel form (downloadable from www.westongrove.com “Travel Room”) at least 8-10 weeks before you plan to travel, and submit it to Reception. We can provide prescriptions for medicines that may be required for some destinations, e.g. for prevention of malaria or altitude sickness, and antibiotics. The NHS does not cover the cost of such prescriptions, so the full price must be met by the traveller. This space paid for by Wendover Health Centre.


Wendover News February 2019

Learning for Results


Highly successful, established course offering specialised tuition for the Bucks 11+ exams Outstanding teaching produces high scores and consistently high pass rate Qualified teaching staff with over 20 years’ experience of the 11+ age group

Classes in Wendover Enquiries: 07973 679441 eileen@masterclass11plus.co.uk

WENDOVER MUSIC 2019 Season of Concerts


Ear syringing

MasterClass 11+

All at St Mary’s Church commencing at 7.30pm


9 March - Elizabeth Bass (harp)


13 April - Mahan Esfahani (harpsichord) 11 May - Joanna MacGregor (piano) 8 June - Jess Gillam (saxophone with piano) 13 July - London Conchord Ensemble (flute, oboe, harp & strings) Each concert is £20 and £5 for students. AGM tickets £10 for non season ticket holders Season tickets are £75 and £15 for students and include the cost of the AGM concert

Tickets available online via www.wendover-music.org or from ‘Just’ on Wendover High Street WendoverMusic_AdvertTemplate_2019.indd 1

28/11/2018 12:25

Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

Events or go to the website and click ‘Whats on’ speaker tonight. “Work Aid” is a registered www.courttheatre.co.uk. UK charity, based in Chesham, which refurbishes and sends tools to vocational Drop in Saturdays: Free Entry training projects in Africa and the UK. Visitors Sat 9, 10am-12noon, Lindengate are most welcome. Contact: Margaret Explore the stunning 5-acre garden and Currell - 01296 582318. www.wendoverwi. find out how Lindengate helps people with weebly.com mental health needs. Learn about our exciting volunteer opportunities and conservation Wendover Art Club projects. More Drop-ins on 16 March 10am to Wed 13 & 27, 7.30pm, Library Room 12 noon and 13 April 10am to 12 noon. Tea, 13th - A working evening of still life with coffee and cakes available. Contact: anne. the theme of hats. So do bring along one mills@lindengate.org.uk or 01296 622443. or two or more if you have them to make a good display. 27th - Hashim Akib will be Messy Church demonstrating in acrylics. Hashim is well Sun 10, 3.30-5.30pm, starts St Anne’s Hall known for his very colourful street scenes. Join in the fun with messy (and not so messy) theme-related activities, a story and Chiltern Writers song and a meal together. There are no age Thu 14, 8pm, Library Room restrictions and no charge. Children, please Manuscript Evening [and Valentine’s Day]. These meetings are where members can remember to bring an adult with you. read out something they’ve written and, Wendover Evening WI if they wish, receive constructive criticism Tue 12, 7.30pm, St Anne’s Hall HP22 6JG from the rest of the group. We usually A representative from “Work Aid” will be the limit the reading time to a maximum of 5


01296 624270


01296 696 796 1st to 14th February

20% off pedicure 10% off manicure with Shellac

• Manicure & Pedicure • Gel System • Shellac & Gel (OPI Colour) Pretty Nails 2 Icknield Court Back Street Wendover HP22 6EB

Wendover News February 2019


Events minutes. The quality and variety of subject Aston Wine Club MICHAEL HARDING matter is always impressive, but this meeting Fri 15, 7.30pm, Buckland Village Hall Counselling/Psychotherapy will be particularly special as the winners of A visit from Quentin Sadler.

our recent short story competition will be reading out their entries. In view of the date, Book Club this particular session may have more of a Sat 16, 10.30-11.30am, Wen Christian Ctre romantic theme than usual… All keen readers welcome at Book Club! No set books to read, just interesting conversation about whatever we’ve been reading. We On Screen Marie Boyle Sculpture Ltd begin with coffee and often cake. Choose a job you love and you will never have to Fri 15, 7.30pm, Wendover Library Room work a day in your life ... Confucius “Swimming with Men” With a fantastic cast Aylesbury Vale Embroiderers’ Guild including Rob Bryden, Jane Horrocks and Jim SCULPTURE WORKSHOPS Carter this film focuses on a chap suffering Sat 16, 2.30-4.30pm, S M Methodist Church Stitching Session with AVEG members. Wendover from a mid-life crisis who finds new meaning in his life after joining an all-male middleFigurative clay modelling for adults aged amateur synchronised swimming team. Pop-up Cinema All ages and abilities welcome Sat 16, 5.30pm, St Dunstan’s Church HP27 9JE See website or call for more information Tickets £5 from the Library. Incredibles 2 (PG): The superheroes are Instagram: marieboylesculpture123 back for another exciting and fun packed e: info@marieboylesculpture.com Quiz & Chips adventure to thwart a new dangerous www: marieboylesculpture.com Fri 15, 7.30pm, Wendover Memorial Hall villain. Tickets on the door: Adults £4 and Tickets £15 per person including fish & chip accompanied children £1. For further Mobile: 07735 481662 supper. Bar opens 7.30pm. Teams of 8. Book information please contact Johanna Powell via www.chilternsmscentre.org. (01844 343996). in Wendover, Bucks and surrounding areas 07510 169107 michaelhardingcounselling@gmail.com www.michaelhardingcounselling.co.uk 57419

Dr Lynda Raybould and Dr Tracy Johnson welcome new and existing patients

Services run in support of the Chilterns MS Centre

Mixed Yoga Every Tuesday 7.45-8.45pm

Men’s Yoga

Perry House Dental Surgery was established in 1981 and we are still growing our practice, increasing and improving what we offer to give our patients the best service we can. Dr Lynda Raybould and Dr Tracy Johnson offer a range of competitively priced treatments including general family dentistry, hygienist appointments and cosmetic work such as whitening and Smilelign orthodontics. We work holistically with you, to give you a healthy mouth.

Phone: 01296 622631 Email: reception@perryhouse.co.uk Website: www.perryhouse.co.uk

Window & Door repairs

Every Thursday

Misty or broken windows?


New sealed units fitted Add Georgian bars or lead designs?

www.oakwood.org.uk 01296 696 133 Email us info@oakwood.org.uk Visit us Chilterns MS Centre, Oakwood Close, Wendover. HP22 5LX Call us


Wendover News February 2019

Handles & hinges replaced We also fit dog & cat flaps New Windows & Doors fitted

Call us on 01296 630650 for more details! …...or log onto www.smashingwindows.com

Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

Events BBOWT Talk

Tue 19, 7.30pm, Gt Missenden Mem Ctre “National Parks of California.” Following a recent tour of California’s National Parks local wildlife enthusiast Barry Oxley treats us to a fascinating and gloriously illustrated evening looking at all aspects of wildlife in one of the wildest areas on earth including places such as Death Valley and Yosemite.

Please download information and book your meal at www.wendoversociety.org.uk.

Weston Turville Historical Society

Fri 22, 8pm, W Turville Union Chapel “Archaeology along the Central Section of HS2” with speaker - Rachel Wood. Entrance £2 members, £3 visitors. www.wthsoc.org.uk

The Wendover Society Coffee Morning Healing and Wholeness Service Thu 21, 10am-12noon, St Anne’s Hall Another in the series of occasional Coffee Mornings. Come hear the speaker and have a cuppa with neighbours.

Sun 24, 4pm, St Mary’s Church, Wendover Stressed? Depressed? Unwell? Suffering loss or trauma? Do come and experience God’s healing touch at a short, simple, gentle event offered by Churches Together in Wendover. Prayers, Aylesbury Centre of the Nat’l Trust music, silence, stillness. You do not need to be Thu 21, 8pm, Broughton Jr School HP20 1NQ a churchgoer to attend. All welcome. “Chiltern Thrills: Making Crime Pay” with speaker, author Dave Sivers. Contact RSPB Local Group afanthorpe@btinternet.com. Mon 25, 7.30pm, Prebendal Hall Comm Ctre The Wendover Society AGM & Dinner ‘Panoramic Panama’ by Barry Oxley. All Fri 22, 7 for 7.30pm, Wendover Mem Hall welcome. £3.00 for members or £4.50 for 53rd Annual General Meeting and Dinner. non-members. This includes refreshments.

St Mary’s Weston Turville SWIFT Community Project

Weston Turville Village Hall Saturday 2nd March 2pm to 4.30pm. (set-up from 1pm)

Tables available at only £10 Clear out your loft, garage, etc and turn unwanted items into cash or donate to SWIFT

Light refreshments available

Enquiries, bookings, Roger Fellows - 424982

LEGACY FAIRS Antiques & Collectors Market

Thursday 21 February 9am-2pm (Trade 8am) Entrance by donation to Charity Wendover Memorial Hall email: peter.stevenspeter@aol.com

Peter Bird Garden Design RHS Medal Winning Designer offering an individual and creative design, construction and planting service

call Peter on 01296 622790 www.peterbirddesign.co.uk

Award-winning Family Run Hearing Consultancy Estd in 1989

Need advice in an informal setting? Why not join us at one of our free monthly Hear Today coffee mornings?

1st Friday of each month 10am-12pm Flint Barn Court, Church street, Old Amersham HP7 0DB

1st Tuesday of each month 10am-12pm Cobbles Yard, 112 High Street, Thame, OX9 3DZ

“We are your local independent hearing consultancy, working in the area for nearly 30 years - we can help with all things related to ears and hearing. Don’t suffer in silence, book in for a personal appointment. Call or email for more details or join us at one of our Hear Today events” Duncan & Kate Collet-Fenson Directors of Aston Hearing Want to find out more?

Hearing & Communication Assessments Very Latest Hearing Technology Full Hearing Aid Repair Service Ear Wax Removal (Microsuction)

Why not visit one of our FREE monthly coffee mornings held in Amersham and Thame. The coffee mornings offer a great opportunity to discuss informally any hearing and ear care concern with our audiology team and experienced hearing aid wearers. See our website for full details.

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OUR SERVICES Available in Amersham & Thame

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Ear Protection

Thame Cobbles Yard 112 High Street Thame Oxfordshire OX9 3DZ 01844 396057


01296 624270


Wendover News February 2019




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Handmadecastings.com 07917 116 885

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Nick Taylor Landscape Gardener

Decking, Walls, Drives, Lawns, Ponds Patios, Paths and all General Landscaping Wendover (01296) 696840 07507 829423

“Samson et Dalila”

• 9 March - “Ultimate Charity Quiz”, Monks Risborough School Hall Thu 28, 7.30pm, Court Theatre, Tring Aylesbury Opera presents a fully staged • 9 & 10 March - MS Centre Pop-Up Art production in French with English subtitles. Weekend, see advert front page Tickets £20, 07725 868092. aylesburyopera. • 9 & 10 March - running events at Wendover Woods www.forestryengland. org.uk uk/wendover-woods/venue/eventsThe Arts Society Ballinger wendover-woods Thu 28, 8pm, Ballinger War Memorial Hall • 30 March - Fashion Show at Wendover HP16 9LQ Community Library “London’s Changing Skyline: Past, Present • 27 April - The Pace Big Walk & Future.” Part one covers Roman times • 11 May - 50km ultra & half marathon to the late 19th century. The second part https://chilternridgeultratrail.com/ concentrates on 20th & 21st centuries, and • 12 May - Prestwood 10k, 5k & Kids Ultim8 considers the many changes to the London Warrior for Chilterns MS Centre skyline. Lecturer: Anthea Streeter • 16 May - Equus Productions “Sp£nd, Sp£nd, Sp£nd” at Lindengate Coming Soon - Save the Date! • • 2 March - Tabletop Sale, see advert page 7 18 May-2 June - Chilterns Walking Festival • 2 March - RAF Halton Band & Military • 8 June - Lindengate Summer Fair • 18 June - Mikron Theatre “Redcoats” at Wives Concert for Chilterns MS Centre • 3 March - Volunteer Coffee Morning, CDRS Lindengate • 22 June - Florence Nightingale Midnight Rescue Centre • 9 March - Wendover Music AGM, see Walk • 5 October - Lindengate Autumn Apple Fair advert page 4

Heritage & Sons Funeral Directors

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Wendover News February 2019

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Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts


KundaDance & HIIT Yoga Following a successful introduction of Slow Flow Yoga Classes in Wendover Community Library, I am very excited to announce the arrival of KundaDance - a new amazing Yoga workout from Kundalini Yoga & Yoga for Real Life Guru Maya Fiennes. I learned KundaDance with Maya Fiennes last year & I was absolutely blown away by its happy energy, inspired by its simplicity & powerful impact! I absolutely have to share it with more people! KundaDance by Maya Fiennes is a 60-minute high intensity, fun, uplifting, cardio dance workout mixed with slow tempo parts. It’s a creative movement class combining Kundalini Yoga, Tai Chi & Qi Gong. Think Yoga-Zumba with elements of HIIT! KundaDance takes you on a journey through the chakras, actively aligning your body, mind & spirit. If you like Kundalini Yoga & love to dance, come & explore this unique & joyous yoga dance method! It’s a combination of

powerful asanas (yoga poses), pranayama (breath-work) & mindful movement. Another vital & original aspect of KUNDA is its Music. Maya Fiennes composed & recorded intentional music written in 528 & 432 frequencies. These healing frequencies have a powerful effect on the body, mind & spirit. This intentionally designed composition of music and mantras has the ability to unlock your full potential & reveal the true essence of your being. It is highly beneficial & enjoyable, will make you feel great, keep you fit & healthy!

    

4-6-8-16 Seater Executive Cars First Class airport transfers No delays, punctual, reliable service Professional Meet and Greet Service Late arrivals, not a problem we wait and there’s no charge Clean, quality vehicles Polite professional drivers Business & Personal Accounts welcome Debit and Credit cards accepted Wedding car hire 24 hour courier service

    Spaces are limited, so please book early!  For those of you who enjoy Fast Pace Yoga, I  will also be starting a new class in February 24hr telephone booking line: High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Yoga. 01296 695990 Please see my website www.happywellyoga. com. All classes run on a weekly basis during ONE CALL DOES IT ALL Term Time only. email bookings: Sabina Dye, wendovertaxis@gmail.com Level 3 Adult Yoga & KundaDance Teacher


Furniture by Design, based in Wendover, provide a design, supply and installation service for fitted furniture, without the overheads of running a showroom.

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Wendover News February 2019


Wendover Remembers

All material copyright 2019 Wendover Remembers

February 1919

By the end of February 1919 almost half of the British Army had been demobilised. This still left some 1.5 million men and women waiting to return to civilian life. The delays involved in the demobilisation process caused unrest and outbreaks of mutiny in many army camps. A draft covenant of the League of Nations was agreed at the Paris Peace negotiations. On 23 February Benito Mussolini formed the Fascist Party in Italy. British, French and American forces were stationed on the Rhine ready to advance into Germany should the peace discussions with Germany collapse.

A class of older children at Wendover School. Image courtesy Wendover CE Junior School

closed, and the house taken by the Misses Watson and Mudd as a convalescent and rest home for gentlepeople.” In addition to providing rest and change for girls, this large house in Dobbins Lane sheltered many Belgian mothers and children during the war years.

In the Wendover School Log Book the Headmaster, Mr Molineux, recorded that his deputy, Lieutenant A G Gomm of the Royal Garrison Artillery, was now demobbed and would return to school duty on March 3rd. He proudly listed Arthur Gomm’s service achievements –‘Enlisted 1 /4 Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry 28 August 1914. Wounded (shoulder) 13 June 1915 in France. Discharged 5 June 1916 (after having 12 months in 6 hospitals). Re-enlisted 14 June 1916 Royal Engineers (motor dispatch rider) and sent to France. 10 May 1917 sent home to take up commission with Royal Garrison Artillery and after training posted to 279 Siege Battery, France. Demobilized 31 January 1919. ‘

Although food supply was improving some old cases of waste were still brought before the court. Two local farmers were prosecuted in February 1919. One, Charles Thomas Adams, farmer, Manor Farm, Aylesbury Road, Wendover, was accused of having between Oct 2 and Jan 3 permitted the waste of wheat contained in ricks on the farm. Mr Wood for the defence put in a medical certificate showing that Mr Adams’ health was such as to render him quite incapable of attending and put in a plea of not guilty. The prosecution case was that: “in August 1917, defendant, carried, in fine weather an average crop of wheat and built two ricks from 20 or 25 acres of land. Those ricks were built 18 months ago, and remained till a fortnight since before they were threshed. On 29 Dec P.S. Bryant visited the defendant’s rick yard and saw two wheat ricks in a very neglected condition. The roofs were caving in and they were

The School Log Book also noted heavy snow falls and many children absent-‘quite a number with bad chilblains.’ The Bucks Herald 22 Feb carried a note that: “St Teresa’s which has done useful work for 20 years as a holiday home for girls, is now


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Wendover News February 2019

Mr Tapping of Weston Turville was also charged by the committee. In his case the charge was that he had several times refused to plough up pasture land for a wheat crop. John Henry Tapping farmed over 600 acres, including Bedgrove Farm, Weston Turville, where, in August 1917 he had been asked by the Bucks Agricultural Committee to plough and cultivate 50 acres of land for the 1918 harvest. He did not comply and was again requested in January 1918 to plough for winter wheat and once more for the land to be prepared by December 1918. In his defence it was said that Mr Tapping was a man who had done his utmost for the benefit of his country, his two sons had not yet been demobilised from the Army and two of his employees had left him to work at Halton Camp. The Magistrates came to the conclusion that the defendant was guilty, and he must pay a fine of £50. Mike Senior and Val Moir If you have any family reminiscences or relevant photos you would like to share, please contact Wendover News as shown below and on the front page. Effects Interior specialist Painter and Decorator with 17 years’ experience. Call Paul for a free no obligation quote for all your decorating needs, including wallpapering and hand painting kitchens.

of Trade and Commerce


we’re getting married!


overrun with rats. Mr W A Thame, inspector under the Ministry of Food inspected the ricks in January described their damaged condition owing to rain and vermin. He had never seen ricks in a worse condition. About 60 rats were killed during the threshing operation”. The Chairman said the Bench had given the case very careful consideration and were unanimously of the opinion that they must convict, but in view of all the circumstances the penalty they intended to inflict would not be so heavy as it might otherwise have been. Defendant must pay a fine of £20, and £5 costs.

October 2018


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Local News Salveo Care Sponsored Walk

"On behalf of everyone at Salveo Care and Thames Valley Air Ambulance (TVAA), we thank you for your generous sponsorship of our team’s 20km walk which took place on 3rd November. We are extremely proud to have raised an amazing amount of £3,599.65," says Salveo's Jenny Bloomberg. She continues: "Thames Valley Air Ambulance provides a vital service to the whole community and could not operate and save lives without the generous support of its fundraisers. TVAA are not Government funded and your donations will help keep their vital service operational. On average they are called out six times a day to people who are in need of their service and we never know when or who might be in need of this essential operation."

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homes (Austenwood in Gerrards Cross and Kingfishers in Bourne End) and one residential home (Cherry Tree House in Wendover). For further information please contact the homes directly or their Care Relations Manager, Jenny Bloomberg on 01753 890777.

London Marathon for MS Centre

Andy Williamson, Senior Negotiator at Michael Anthony, is running the famous race on 28 April 2019 for the Chilterns MS Centre.

Andy is currently in training for this year’s showpiece event and is aiming to raise plenty of funds for the Chilterns MS Centre. The Centre helps people living with multiple sclerosis (MS) to manage their symptoms and lead healthier and happier lives, by Salveo Care have three care homes in offering a number of life changing and South Buckinghamshire, two nursing supportive therapies and treatments, such

Before you make a choice about care for yourself or your loved ones, we recommend that you ensure that the Agency provides both live-in and daily care. You should also make sure that the charges are reasonable and that you talk to some of their clients. We will be pleased to give you details of some of our clients.

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ST ANNE’S HALL to hire All enquiries to Angela German

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Wendover News February 2019


Local News as physiotherapy, occupational therapy and reflexology. The work that the Centre undertakes is truly transformational for the people and families who are accessing their services. Andy is aiming to raise a total of £2,000. You can donate here: https:// give.everydayhero.com/uk/2019london-marathon-challenge.

services to some of the 1200+ people in the local area with MS. If you would like to tackle your own challenge in 2019 on behalf of the Centre please call the fundraising team on 01296 823040.

Wendover Celebrates 2020

The countdown to the next Wendover Celebrates has begun. Remember the fun you had in 2018 watching the Parade? Highlights every time include the schools and groups like the Guides/Brownies/ At an event at the Centre to launch Rainbows but watching Jazzercise dancing along the whole route Andy’s run, he commented: “This gets us all in the mood for a great day. Organising this event has will be the fifth time I’ve run the London Marathon and I’m really started already. If you have any skills you would like to share with looking forward to the challenge of not only going for a time under your community, please contact Wendover Celebrates through 4 hours, but also raising funds for the Chilterns MS Centre. They do facebook.com/wendovercelebrates/ or via Wendover News. some amazing work for patients suffering from MS across Bucks, Beds and Herts and anything I raise will go towards their invaluable Alan Parr - Wendover School History Blog Local historian Alan Parr has produced a blog about the history of services. Any donation is greatly appreciated.” Wendover School 1868-1910. Filled with fascinating information, Sharon Cooper, Corporate Fundraiser for the Centre, said: “We’re the blog (with words on many other subjects) can be found at http:// delighted Andy is running on our behalf. Michael Anthony has been a established1962.wordpress.com. If you'd like to read only the portion very loyal partner to us and it’s great we’re continuing our partnership of the blog about the school, please visit www.wendovernews. through this and other events in 2019. Good luck Andy with your co.uk/news/history-of-wendover-school-1868-1910. training!” The Centre relies on donations to be able to provide its

Hospice of St Francis (Berkhamsted)

As we enter our milestone 40th birthday year (watch this space for more details...), we’re looking forward to thanking and celebrating everyone who has been a part of our journey, welcoming even more of you to our exciting events throughout 2019 and hearing about the ways you’ve chosen to support your local hospice so that we can continue to be there for people for the next 40 years and beyond. Every penny you raise goes towards the over £5million we need every year to fund our free care so that we can continue to help people across West Herts and South Bucks live their precious lives well. www.stfrancis.org.uk

Have you been a victim of crime or abuse?

Being a victim or a witness of a crime can be an emotional and difficult time. Victims First provides free emotional and practical support to all victims and witnesses of crime or abuse, as well as family members of victims. It is available across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire and can provide help regardless of whether or not the crime has been reported to the police. A Victims First Officer can discuss any emotional or practical needs you may have and work with you to put a tailored support plan in place. This could involve referring you to a specialist service such as services for victims of sexual violence and domestic abuse. The type of assistance available includes telephone and face to face support, advocacy including help to access other services such as sexual health clinics, drug and alcohol services and legal services, support through the criminal justice system (if you have reported the crime to the police) and therapeutic counselling. A Young Victims Service is also available to anyone under 18 and works with young people to help them cope with the effects of crime. 12

Wendover News February 2019

Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

Local News To speak to a Victims First Officer about any of the services and to receive support please call 0300 1234 148. You can also find more information or make a referral for support online at www.victims-first.org.uk.

Thriving Communities Fund supports those with MS Physiotherapy at the Chilterns MS Centre has been bolstered by a grant of £10,000 from Vale of Aylesbury Housing’s Thriving Communities Fund, a grants scheme for community projects. The Centre treats and supports those with multiple sclerosis (MS) to enable them to live happier and healthier lives.

Regular physiotherapy and support can help people with MS to maintain mobility, cope with their symptoms better and achieve an improved quality of life. On average, the Centre offers 256 hours of physiotherapy a week through one-to-one care and group exercise sessions. The Centre currently treats 145 people with MS living in the Aylesbury Vale, including Sarah, who has been going to the Centre weekly for many years. “The physios here are all fantastic. I’ve been seeing the same therapist for over 11 years. She helps to release muscle spasms, which give me annoying tiredness in my arms and legs, and works on my lack of body strength. She really understands my body and knows why I have a problem with my neck or a pain in my shoulder. I can’t open my left hand and she does a lot of work on that, which helps me to dress and do things for myself. It means everything to me coming here – it’s a real home from home.” The Thriving Communities Fund Grants Panel was unanimous in its decision to award this grant in order to support the Chilterns MS Centre to continue its vital work. A spokesperson for the Trust commented:


“Enabling individuals to live happier and healthier lives is something we’re very passionate about and are proud to support the Chilterns MS Centre. Enabling individuals to maintain a sense of independence is truly admirable.“

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Robert Breakwell, CEO of the charity commented, “This generous donation will enable five people to have a weekly physiotherapy session for a whole year. That’s a tremendous opportunity to help local people manage and improve their symptoms, giving them the ability to keep themselves more active and independent than they would without treatment. We thank the Trust enormously for their support.”

• All aspects of tree work undertaken

If you would like more information about grants available from Vale of Aylesbury Housing, please call the Grants Officer, on 01296 732600. To find out more about the Chilterns MS Centre, please visit www.chilternsmscentre.org or call 01296 696133.

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Flying High with Buckinghamshire Freemasons

A grant of £4,000 to the Thames Valley Air Ambulance from Buckinghamshire Freemasons has brought the total Masonic support given to air ambulances across the country to £2.3 million since 2007. The grant, which comes through the Masonic Charitable Foundation, is funded by Freemasons and their families from across England and Wales. During 2018, Freemasons from around the country presented 20 regional centres for air ambulances with grants totalling £192,000. Thames Valley Air Ambulance provides emergency medical care 365 days a year, up to 19 hours per day, for around two million people who live, work and travel in Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire. www.wendovernews.co.uk

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Wendover News February 2019


Local News Their paramedics, doctors and pilots are highly trained and ready for any eventuality, delivering advanced care by road as well as by air, night and day, all year round. Since opening in 1999, Thames Valley Air Ambulance has evolved from being a fast method of transporting patients to hospitals, to the current model of care which brings hospital level treatment to the scene of an incident. Equipped with the iconic red helicopter, four critical care response vehicles, specialist doctors, paramedics and pilots, cutting edge technology and advanced medication, they are at the frontline of saving lives. The donation from the Masonic Charitable Foundation will go towards funding the service, enabling their helicopter and critical care response vehicles to reach more people across Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire. The Air Ambulance provide advanced training for their paramedics and doctors,

using specialist equipment such as a state- also on hand to demonstrate some of the of-the-art simulation suite and real-life specialist equipment that the crews use manikins. The simulation when they are dispatched suite enables the crews to to an incident. practice treating patients Hugh Douglas-Smith in a variety of different of Bucks Freemasons emergency scenarios, said, “Buckinghamshire replicating the conditions Freemasons are proud to they would find in real life support the Air Ambulance. including noise, weather The training suite. If you are community and smells. minded and would like to join us, apply at Bucks Deputy Provincial Grand Master the Buckspgl website.” Hugh Douglas-Smith, Bucks Assistant Grand Master Phil Blacklaw, Bucks MCF Rep Andrew Bus Timetable Changes Hough and Bucks Provincial Charity Steward Readers may recall the problems encountered Mike Clanfield recently attended the Air by local workers and residents when the bus timetables were changed in July 2018, Ambulance office based in Stokenchurch. see page 21 in the August print edition, Adam Panter, Director of Operations at wendovernews.co.uk/print-editions. A local Thames Valley Air Ambulance, gave a worker was thrilled to hear from Arriva that fantastic and insightful demonstration of the the 6.45am from the Chandos Arms is to be simulation suite, explaining how the service reinstated in February. It does not appear works and who they help. Matt Jarman, one on the Arriva website at the time of going to of the Senior Critical Care Paramedics, was press. More changes next month, many hope.

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Jackson Vaughan: Water Babies Star! “Jackson is just like any other toddler – apart from being a TV star!” When 31-year-old Emma Vaughan, and her husband Scott, from Hemel Hempstead, were told their unborn baby had Downs Syndrome, the young couple didn’t know what to expect. To their horror, many specialists advised termination, but the couple were adamant that this was out of the question. When baby Jackson arrived, the Vaughan family was complete. Now 18 months old, Jackson can do most things that any other little boy can do – he loves his weekly swimming lessons, playing with big brother, Mason, and he’s even had a starring role on ITV’s ‘This Morning’. Impressive for any one-year old! “Holly (Willoughby) was quite taken with Jackson!” explained Emma. “We were interviewed as part of a feature This Morning were doing with ‘Wouldn’t Change A Thing’ – a Downs Syndrome charity that we support. It makes me so proud to think of all of the things Jackson has achieved, despite his condition. He does everything his older brother did, including swimming lessons, every Saturday, with Water Babies. There can be a real ‘can’t do’ attitude when it comes to Downs Syndrome, but I think children like Jackson should be given just as many opportunities as any other child their age.” When Emma and Scott were given their initial diagnosis, at their 12-week scan, many of the practitioners who met with the couple encouraged them to terminate the pregnancy. Unfortunately, this isn’t uncommon – less than 10% of parents choose to keep the child. With many cases of Downs Syndrome coming hand-in-hand with more complicated health conditions, such as heart defects and digestion complications, doctors often advise a termination. For Emma and Scott, this was never an option. “We never thought, for one second, that we wouldn’t cope. We would give this child just as much love and care that we had given to Mason and if our new little one needed extra help along the way, we would make it work. When Jackson was born, he was such www.wendovernews.co.uk

a little ball of happiness and fitted into our family perfectly. We have always been so determined that both boys would have the same experiences so, when Jackson was three months old, he followed in his big brother’s footsteps – or should I say, doggy paddles? – and had his first swimming lesson with Water Babies!”

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Foot Health Practitioner Jackson now swims with his mum every Saturday morning, at the MS Centre in (Wendover - based) Wendover. The half an hour Emma has with Home visits - 01296 696032 her youngest provides some crucial one-onone time, to develop a key skill but to also Surgery at the Belmore Centre have fun, splashing around in the pool. A 01296 612361 common characteristic of Downs Syndrome is hypotonia, which causes low muscle tone – Registered member of the meaning most people with the condition face British Association of Foot Health Professionals regular physiotherapy sessions. According to Emma, swimming with Water Babies has • Pruning & Weeding significantly improved Jackson’s core strength • Hedge & Tree Care – and his hand-eye coordination too! • Grass Cutting “One of the best things about taking Jackson to his Water Babies lessons is that it’s physio he doesn’t know about! During his daily physio sessions, he can get quite tired and frustrated, but in the pool, he’s none the wiser. Although he’s not quite at the same stage as the rest of the children in his class, our teacher Katharyn does a fantastic job of adapting the exercises slightly to suit us. Jackson’s sense of confidence in the water never fails to amaze me and he seems to be hitting a different milestone every week. He really loves his time in the pool and with so many benefits, I don’t think we’ll be stopping anytime soon.” Tamsin Brewis, who owns Water Babies Bucks and Beds, takes great pride in seeing children, like Jackson, enjoying their swimming classes. “At Water Babies, our focus has always been making sure our little swimmers get as much as they can out of their sessions. We invest a lot of time and resources into adapting where necessary to suit the little ones who swim with us. It’s because of this that Jackson is able to swim with Water Babies, and Emma – like all of the other parents who bring their children to swim with us – can feel safe in the knowledge that their child is in the best possible hands.”

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Business Forum Hale House B&B

One year after moving into my newly built house and six months after opening my doors as a traditional Bed & Breakfast I have been fortunate enough to receive recognition from VisitBritain, our national tourist agency. VB have a range of categories & standards but, following a visit by a ‘mystery’ guest, Hale House B&B in Hale Road, Wendover has been awarded a 4 Star Gold for Guest Accommodation and a Breakfast Award. The ‘mystery’ guest, who awards the stars, only reveals himself after paying the bill following an overnight stay and he then discusses how your property has been marked! Boy do they pay attention to every possible detail – I was amazed at their critical observations but nonetheless I seemed to pass muster.

seems to be their top priority – good job we are all different. The detailed entries in my guest book are testimony to people’s differing priorities!

Welcoming the public into one’s home is a strange business – you never know who’s going to turn up, or why, but almost without exception my guests have been charming, appreciative and respectful of my home. The reasons for their stays are very varied but I’ve not had many walkers who I thought would be my main customers with the Ridgeway National Trail on my doorstep. The things that impress people are equally varied – for some it’s the generous breakfasts, others it’s the comfy beds and for some cleanliness

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Wendover News February 2019

After a period of getting into the swing of being a landlady and finessing my chambermaiding skills I am hoping that I will have a busy Spring and that the reputation of Hale House will gather strength following these recent awards. Susanna Geogehan

Wendover resident, Tony Ellis, with over 25 years of experience within the motor servicing industry. Friendly, honest advice, all vehicle types and age

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Business Forum The Village Gate

There were sighs of relief all round when we saw signs of activity at The Village Gate in December. The soft opening took place on 18 December and the offer of hours, food and drink has been expanding since then.

The wood burner gives a cosy welcome and a cellar refit in mid-January means that the lager, cider and Guinness have their own individual lines and are appropriately cool. Nigel is keen to experiment with suggested ales and beers so pop in and have a word. The spirits are all hand-pour premier products. Come for 80s & 90s disco, alternate Fridays; live acoustic singers, Saturdays; quiz alternate Tuesdays.

Nigel Playford, the bar manager, was most recently at The Green Man in Aylesbury. He has brought with him a business partner who is a committed clean living cook. This combination Neil, the chef, is The Village Gate - open for business! of traditional pub committed to giving practice and passion for tasty, nourishing you good food at affordable prices. Have food is a winning combination for them you seen the vegan and vegetarian dishes and for Wendover, too. Their ambition is on the menu? They are clearly cooked from to run a Country Pub with a local following the heart of someone who understands and already regulars include groups who these philosophies. The regular evening use The Village Gate as a perfect walking menu now extends Thursday to Saturday destination, situated on the border of the but please telephone 01296 696119 for Parish. functions. See advert page 5.

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Wendover News February 2019



Schools Wendover CE Junior School

We begin the new year with all of our building works now complete. Children are already benefitting from their larger classrooms and working areas, not least in Year 3 where children have embarked on their Stone Age studies. Looking back, thank you to everyone who was able to support our Christmas Service, just before the end of term, and the Dementia Friendly Service on 22 December – both of which were at St Mary’s Church. It was a pleasure to listen to our choir sing on both occasions; this was good practice for them as they rehearse for a performance at the Royal Albert Hall later this term.

the Safety Centre in Milton Keynes. Staff What People Say: “We like coming here and are working hard to plan more enrichment seeing our friends from other schools.” activities for this term as part of our ongoing Youth Café: 3pm-4:30pm Wednesday drive to improve provision. School Years: 7-11 Coming up this term: cake decorating, Easter We would love to hear from you if you egg hunt, crafts, games, hot chocolate, have a special interest or expertise that you toasties and Chill. would like to share with our children or if What People Say: “We love youth café as it’s you can give just a little time as a volunteer. a safe place to be with our friends”. Additionally, we would also love to hear from anyone in the community who would Youth Club: 7-9pm Thursday be interested in joining our Governing Body. School Years: 8 plus Please contact the school office: admin@ Coming up this term: creative design, wendoverjunior.co.uk. debate, sports tournament Gareth Kynaston, Headteacher What People Say: “One of my favourite things is when we go go-karting.”

Wendover Youth Centre

Like our Facebook for weekly updates and Want to know what’s on at Wendover Youth exciting plans ahead: www.facebook.com/ Last term was a busy one, with many exciting Centre this term? How about this.... Wendover-Youth-Centre-254083378615578 learning opportunities for the children And if you would like to get on board including Space Day, Anglo Saxon Day, Amazing Donkey: 7-9pm Friday our Youth Centre Adventure as a Forensic Science Day and Bikeability training. School Years: 6-8 There were also a number of visits, including Coming up this term: quiz and chips, bowling, volunteer, please contact Becky: becky@ wendoveryouthcentre.co.uk a visit to a Hindu temple and the Y6 visit to night hike

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A technical report from our tunnelling specialists, OTB Engineering, is the big news.

access to reports that will have THE PRACTICAL arisen from the “supposed” DfT review of our tunnel proposal. GARDENING We believe that the reports COMPANY The report details the will prove that the DfT has not practicality of the mined tunnel looked at our proposal and that Reliable Lady Gardeners Garden tidying Regular garden maintenance solution, refutes the DfT/HS2 ltd its arguments are based on HS2 excavations at St Tel: 07732 484545 arguments against the proposal Mary’s Stoke Mandeville, something else altogether. It is and clearly demonstrates that clear from the arguments they see Weston Turville FRANK FENNELL our proposal is indeed Cheaper, Historical Society talk on put forward, arguments riddled PLUMBING & HEATING Quicker and Simpler. with inaccuracies and errors, Friday 22 February Bathrooms, Ensuites, Cloakrooms, Showers, that DfT/HS2 are looking at the wrong thing The report is being circulated to Ministers, and quite possibly, in the wrong place. By Water Softeners, C/Heating, Power Flushing small maintenance jobs undertaken MP’s, Councils and other organisations with getting it so wrong they are, as the OTB 07967 638527 01296 620629 interest in HS2 issues. report shows, missing out on a massive cost francoffennell@gmail.com saving and brutalising the AONB for no good www.frankfennellplumbingservices.co.uk HS2 remains unpopular with many reason. politicians. Dame Cheryl Gillan MP forced Do you have a problem with alcohol? the Prime Minister to defend HS2 when she We’ve had a good response from many of you Alcoholics Anonymous called for it to be scrapped at PMQ’s on 9 who have emailed David Lidington, david. meet every week in lidington.mp@parliament.uk and Nusrat January. Wendover and surrounding areas Ghani, nusrat.ghani.mp@parliament.uk. Call 01628 530055 Our lobbying programme proceeds. In for more information January we met with Dominic Grieve MP Please keep up the pressure. It’s helping (calls charged at local rates) who promised to help us in our efforts to get our community.


01296 624270


Wendover News February 2019


Club Corner Your Wildlife Trust needs your help

We are very grateful to local people who have joined BBOWT work parties at Bacombe Hill, Dancersend and Weston Turville Reservoir over the last year but we could easily do with more help. If you’d like some useful outdoors exercise in a sociable atmosphere please contact steve_keene@btinternet.com (Bacombe); judiandbryan@yahoo.co.uk (Dancersend) or staceyhewitt@bbowt.org.uk (WTR). College Lake Reserve also has opportunities to help in various ways - contact toyahbaulk@bbowt.org.uk. Our talk at 7.45pm on 19 February at Gt Missenden Memorial Centre is by Barry Oxley on ‘The National Parks of California’. Admission is £4 and all are welcome. Our popular walks programme shows folk new aspects of local natural history: the current organiser is retiring so could you please help us in this voluntary role? It would only take about an hour a week and needs very basic emailing ability. We have a great list of walk leaders and volunteers who represent BBOWT on the actual outings so it’s a matter of selecting a leader from the list, arranging a date and posting details to the staff who run our website. Please contact me for more information. Richard Birch, BBOWT Chilterns Group. 01296 624511. richardbirch60@yahoo.com

Halton Tennis, Health and Fitness Centre - A Unique Place

Halton Tennis Centre prides itself on the warm welcome it gives everyone who comes to the club, reflected in the Club ethos, “Each talented, each different, but all valued.” The club’s facilities are superb with a choice of 16 tennis courts:- Indoor there are 3 acrylic and 3 clay courts – available to members and non-members alike to book. Outdoor, 6 floodlit artificial grass and 4 clay, two of which are floodlit. There is a 4 court outdoor mini zone

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Wendover News February 2019

for children under 9, with a hitting wall. A skills zone which is a multi sport area aimed at children of all ages offering mini tennis, basketball, badminton, football and volleyball. There is also a play area with swings and slides for the younger children.

extensive class timetable including Pilates, Yoga and Barre Sculpt. In addition Halton Physiotherapy offers physiotherapy, osteopathy and sports massage – all bookable online.

Of course you can just come to Halton Tennis Centre to relax with a coffee and read the newspaper in Everyone is welcome to visit Halton Tennis our splendid Rothschild Clubhouse and café. The Centre. The club can even supply rackets and Clubhouse is also dog friendly and we extend a balls and offer a free taster session. Halton has warm welcome to dogs and their owners. a place for the complete beginner right up to an To find out more or arrange a visit contact the experienced match player. There are special free Admin Office on 01296 623453 or by email at monthly ‘Welcome on Court’ sessions to help office@haltonuk.com. new members to get to know the club, meet fellow new members and feel relaxed. Indeed You will always be sure of a warm and friendly there are over 15 hours of free organised club welcome. See advert page 15. play throughout the week for all level of players. Halton has a vibrant junior scene. Halton provides tennis coaching at 10 local schools as well as work experience for 8 teenagers each summer term. Junior members enjoy meeting their friends in a safe environment and can relax and play all the other sports available at the club. Junior and mini squads start as young as 2½ and there are over 600 children training at the club every week. It is one of the leading clubs in Bucks for juniors wishing to compete from friendly local matches right up to national standard tournaments.

Wendover Sparrowhawks Netball Club

So, the New Year has begun and at Wendover Sparrowhawks headquarters, we are raring to head into 2019 and the second half of the netball season. We are so delighted that in our ever expanding club, with record numbers attending training, we have two Senior teams entered into the Aylesbury League and a Youth Squad entered into the Aylesbury Youth Netball League this Spring. What a superb start to what is going to be a great year for netball, both in Wendover and internationally. Firstly, 2019 sees the Netball World Cup take place in Liverpool and following the success of the England Roses at the Commonwealth Games, the Sparrowhawks continue to be inspired by their success and strive to motivate our community into a love of the sport. Secondly, this year sees the Sparrowhawks celebrate their 5th Anniversary, and what a long way we have come since being established.

Halton has a full programme of disability tennis for the visually impaired, wheelchair tennis, Downs Syndrome, or those with learning difficulties. Halton has all the facilities and trained coaches necessary to ensure anyone with a disability of whatever kind feels comfortable here. Its aim is to motivate, inspire, and enable people of all abilities through the power of tennis and sport to achieve the best We will keep you updated on our fixtures they can be whilst making friends and having and results and in the meantime, please fun along the way. contact wendoverladiesnetball@hotmail.com Within the club there is also a well-equipped for information regarding Senior and Youth gym, with an outdoor training area and an (13-16years) training.

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Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

Youth Concern’s “The Next Step” Project A huge thank you to everyone who walked up to the monument on Sunday 6 January 2019 to raise money for The Next Step, the youth homeless accommodation project.

Local businesses organised the walk from Witchell Cricket Pavilion, through the Chequers Estate, including a refreshment stop at Buckmoor End Farm shop, then up to the Boer War Monument on Coombe Hill and back down Bacombe Hill to be greeted by a delicious bacon butty and warm drinks. The organisers even managed perfect weather, not too hot, not too cold; not too wet, not too dry, just wonderful. It was a great event. A typical comment was, “We had a fab time - Thank you to all who organised.”

happy walkers - the first back

Through The Next Step project, Youth Concern will provide: • A 10-bed youth homeless supported accommodation scheme • 1:1 support packages, counselling & business mentoring • Support to make a smooth transition to independent living

An amazing £9130 was raised from the walk, but Youth Concern still need to raise £135,000 to set up this project. To make a pledge towards the crowdfunding campaign, click on this link: spacehive.com/the-nextstep-youth-homeless. If you would like to be a corporate sponsor, please click on this link: youthconcern.org.uk/supporters/businessfriends-sponsorship-scheme/ or you can volunteer to arrange a fundraising event please contact CEO Fran if you think you can Wendover_News_2015_update4 13/08/2015 15:09 Page 1 help - fran@youthconcern.org.uk.

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Est 2006

Wendover News February 2019


Garden Care & Maintenance

Consultation on the Draft Plan and Local Green Spaces Report

Dead leaves, brown plants, In unruly shrubs?

Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Saturday 9 February 2019 10.30am - 2.30pm Wendover Library Room Drop in and have your say

accordance with Neighbourhood Planning Regulations, the Consultation Get your garden ready for Spring process will run from Thursday 7 February Call Simon Shirley when The Draft Plan can be viewed on 625053 / 07836 665512 A friendly and reliable Service the Neighbourhood Plan website: www. wendoverneighbourhoodplan.co.uk.The consultation process ends on Thursday 21 March 2019. Hard copies are also available Please respond to the consultation for review during opening hours in public • in person on Saturday 9 February 2019 ANTIQUE & FINE ART AUCTIONEERS places and some halls for regular users, see • or by email to Monthly Auctions of Antiques & Fine Art table below: Info@WendoverNeighbourhoodPlan.co.uk Quarterly Picture Auctions, General Auctions Chilterns MS Centre Oakwood Clse, HP22 5LX • or by letter to Wendover Neighbourhood Sporting & Country Pursuits Auctions High St, HP22 6DU Plan Steering Group, c/o The Clock Tower, Clock Tower* Partial & Total House Clearance undertaken Aylesbury Rd, HP22 6JG High Street, Wendover, HP22 6DU Christian Centre Insurance, Probate & Family Division Valuations High St, HP22 6DU Community Library Free Auction Valuations Available! The Claydon Saleroom, Calvert Rd. Middle Claydon, Buckingham, MK18 2EZ Tel: 01296 714434 Fax: 01296 714492 info@dickinsauctioneers.com www.dickinsauctioneers.com

Health Centre

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* a few hard copies are available to take away from the Clock Tower

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We need your views

Assuming the Independent Examination leads to approval of the Plan, it will be advertised by AVDC to invite the Parishioners of Wendover to vote in a Public Referendum to approve and adopt the Final Plan.

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Wendover News February 2019

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Wendover Dementia Action Alliance A Dementia Friendly Christmas songs, carols, Christmas Celebration poems and the Christmas was held on Saturday story. We were joined by 22 December 2018 in St children from Wendover Mary’s Church, Wendover C of E Junior School, (the (working towards being school is one of the first a Dementia Friendly in the country where all Church) in association the children are trained with Churches Together Sian Chattle with Lady Helen and Sir Dementia Friends), as Jackie Stewart and Sylvia Oram in Wendover. Organised well as Brownies, Beavers by Sian Chattle (Chair) and Sylvia Oram of and Cubs from local packs. They all sang Wendover Dementia Action Alliance, the beautifully accompanied by Will Sidebottom, celebration was conducted by Rev Sally from local charity Chiltern Music Therapy, Moring and Rev Remco van den Heuvel. playing the guitar. Sir Jackie Stewart, Patron of Wendover Dementia Action Alliance, was accompanied by his wife Lady Helen, who is living with dementia. Sir Jackie welcomed everyone present and asked us not to be embarrassed by dementia, rather to speak openly in order to raise awareness of the condition, see also http://www.wendovernews. co.uk/news/wdaa-christmas-2018. The celebration followed a theme of memories,

Members of the Memory Pathway group, run by Lindengate, a Mental Health Charity in Wendover, made a memory tree and encouraged everyone to write about a Christmas memory and place it on the tree, www.lindengate.org.uk. Refreshments were generously supplied by Budgens and served by St Mary’s. As they left, Father Christmas gave everyone a star Tree Decoration made by Wendover Wood.

Sugarcraft Specialist Cake decorating supplies Cake decorating courses 01296 696860 1 Town Court High St Wendover HP22 6EA www.cornellisugarcraft.co.uk

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Wendover News February 2019


Library Extension On Saturday 24 November, Wendover Community Library Trust held an Open Day in the Library Meeting Room to launch the consultation for their proposed expansion. The public were invited to examine some illustrative designs drawn up by a local architect, talk to the Trustees and Friends of the Library as well as being given the opportunity to provide their own suggestions as to what would be desirable if this project is taken forward. Following the Open Day, the plans were moved into the Library until the end of December to continue the consultation period. There have been nearly 100 responses which reflect the value and importance of the Library to the local community.

The results of this exercise have been space and could it be housed elsewhere in summarised and presented to the recently Wendover? formed ‘Extension Working Group’ who • There is a need for better internal design can now make an informed decision about if we expand the building – a re-design what the local Community feel should of toilets and kitchens as well as possible be considered in a future and improved building over the back garden. Wendover Library. • A larger children’s area is important in any new development Several issues were strongly supported and • Car parking for staff and volunteers has to these were: be carefully considered. • There is a particular need for an improved and enlarged tourist and community office open during the week and weekends. • The proposed Museum and Archive room is a nice idea but is it a good use of limited

The Trustees will continue to update Wendover News and Library users with the development of these proposals and would welcome assistance, advice and comment from the public at any time.


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Wendover News February 2019

Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

RAF Halton S e n i o r Citizens Party at RAF Halton

Senior Citizens from parishes local to RAF Halton enjoyed the annual four course Christmas lunch in December, compliments of the Station. Guests were picked up by Motts Coaches from local villages and brought to Henderson Mess. Music was provided by Halton’s Concert Band as the meal was enjoyed, a few games of bingo and a raffle followed before plenty of dancing. Station personnel, Civil Servants and Servicemen Awaiting Trade Training served the meal before joining in helping with the bingo and learning some new moves, dancing with those in attendance. The guests were then presented with a goody bag and helped to wrap up warm for the transport home. The occasion is always a success with comments like: ‘best ever’, ‘fabulous time as usual’, ’ lovely people, lovely meal.’ Mrs Jacqueline Bussien said: “We had a lovely Christmas lunch with you all , thank you for organising this, the food was delicious, the band great and the helpers delightful from the highest ranks to the youngest airmen and women .”

Final "Cool Aeronautics" of 2018

As part of the RAF100 celebration during 2018, RAF Halton set an ambitious target of having 1000 Year 5 and 6 primary school children attend their Cool Aeronautics STEM events. The final event was held at RAF Halton in December, when 65 children from St Edward’s Catholic Junior School, Aylesbury took part. Trenchard Museum is working with the Royal Aeronautical Society to promote aerospace and aviation to a new generation under the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) umbrella. Cool Aeronautics events are free to attend and offer a fantastic opportunity for young people, the new generation, to meet inspirational www.wendovernews.co.uk

11+ Coaching in Wendover Experienced Tutor 01296 625548 or 07789 690139

people from across the industry and to engage with aerospace themed activities that are relevant to the current Key Stage 2 Skills of the National Curriculum. The children were initially briefed by Group Captain Mark Manwaring MA RAF, a fast jet Navigator and Chairman of Halton Aero Club, on his ‘Royal Air Force Centenary Flight of the Navigator’ project planned for 2019 when he will attempt to break the UK and World Speed Records for circumnavigating the earth in a light aircraft, a Vans RV-7, which he is currently building. Following the brief, the children were split into groups and took part in six different activities in the all-day event across the Station. The activities included: • briefing by Halton Aero and Microlight Clubs pilots on the principles of flight, and being given the opportunity to sit in a light aircraft as the pilot. This included a map reading activity using grid references and communicating using hand held radios, with an introduction to Morse Code under the guidance of the London & South East Air Training Corps Communication officer, Squadron Leader Malcolm Wood and his colleagues. • ‘flying’ a Chipmunk aircraft flight simulator, a Link Trainer simulator and a briefing on aerodynamics led by the volunteers of Trenchard Museum. • the STIXX activity - rolling six sheets of old newspaper before compressing the paper to produce a solid rod and make a range of items. A significant contribution was made to this activity by a (soon to be RAF STEM Ambassador) and SAC Kieran Skews supported by Trenchard Museum volunteers Mr John Gill and Mrs Sandy Lowe. • building and flying their own aerojet models with The British Model Flying Association (BMFA) led by Mr Jim Wright, supported by Squadron Leader Dempster Hamilton from HQ Air Command. • designing and building rocket models and testing them on the ‘firing range’, with euthusiastic support from several RAF Halton STEM Ambassadors, in particular Flight Sergeant Len Brettell and Cpl Darren Culley.

01296 624270


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Pre-Christmas The Liturgical Season of Christmas stretches beyond Epiphany (6 January) right through to Candlemas (2 February). So, Wendover News brings you a final roundup of activities which happened before 25 December but missed the January print edition.

Rotary Santa EcoSleigh (December)


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Gathering outside The Chandos, Weston Turville for the first outing of the Santa EcoSleigh

The Rotary Club of Wendover & District was delighted to entertain Santa watchers in both Wendover and Weston Turville during December. Most intriguing of all was his vehicle - a pedal powered EcoSleigh, intended to help Santa keep fit on his merry

way. Santa watchers of all ages had the opportunity of a brief chat and were offered a sweet to keep them going until the big day. Rotary would like to thank friends who came to help. If you or your organisation would like to help in 2019, please message via www. facebook.com/Rotary-Club-of-Wendoverand-District-103979423099392/. Thank you for your generous donations which have been given to: Esme's Allstars off road buggy - £250 Parkinson's UK - £1750 £390 was reserved for Rotary supported charities. More at Rotary in Wendover

Santa Dash (Saturday 15 December)

Shoppers in Wendover were delighted by an invasion of Santas with around 320 runners taking part in Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity’s first ever Wendover Santa Dash. This new event was enjoyed by whole families with children in pushchairs and on scooters as well as grandparents and fourlegged friends taking part in the fun.


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Activities Everyone warmed up with gentle aerobics led by Emma from BML Personal Training & Fitness Studio, before Buckinghamshire’s jolliest Santa Claus gave them the goahead to start them off at 11am. “The support and welcome from the people derekpellingphotography. of Wendover was fabulous with lots of co.uk/ spectators cheering on our Santa Dashers, and it was a truly wonderful addition to our fundraising calendar,” said Events & Community Manager Vicky James. “We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who made the event happen and those who took part. We hope to see you again next year!” To see more photos go to www.wendovernews. co.uk/news/santa-dash-2018.

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So far the event has raised just over £2,000 in online sponsorship for the Hospice, and the Charity is hoping that more will come in over the next few weeks. If you saw the Santas dashing around Wendover and would like to show your support by donating, please go to www.justgiving.com/campaign/ wendoversantadash2018 or go to the Charity’s Facebook page and click to donate.

Carols (Friday 21 December)

W P C invited Chinnor S i l v e r Band to accompany the regular Carols Round the Tree on the Manor Waste. After all the preparation, St Mary's was devastated to have to postpone Carols by Candlelight due to a power cut on Sunday 16 December, so that happened later on Friday 21 December as well.

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01296 624270


Wendover News February 2019


Tribute: Joe Groat Joseph Groat was born in Norwich on 12 February 1941 and was the second eldest of 4 boys. He grew up with his three brothers in a modest rented house in Sprowston on the outskirts of Norwich. His secondary education was at the city of Norwich school and then after A levels he went to Manchester University to study Physics. It was during his time there that he became a Christian. He followed that with a post graduate certificate of education at Kings College London and then taught in a few schools in the London area. While in London he attended St. Michael and All Angels Church, Southfields, where he helped with the boys youth group and ran the football team alongside Charles Ward (later to become his father-in-law). He studied to become a Licensed Lay Minister and helped with services and ministry at the church.

Wendover where he again served as lay minister and often led the services at St. Michaels, Halton. He was always very active. He ran several marathons including three in London, his best time being 3 hours 8 minutes. He cycled from Land’s End to John O’Groats, London to Brighton, London to Paris and many other trips with Di. He also went skiing most years and led the school ski trips from Dr Challoner’s school. Joe with his family .....

they embarked on an adventure to New Zealand where Joe’s eldest brother and family and his parents were living. Heather and Richard were born in New Zealand in 1975 and 1977. The family returned to England in 1978, Joe had a job as physics teacher at Dr Challoner’s School in Amersham and they bought their current house in Lionel Avenue.

Margaret and Charles Ward would often invite single people from the church to share Sunday lunch with their family and so it was that Joe and Di’s friendship developed. The age gap didn’t seem a problem in those days (8 years) with Di studying for A levels and Joe teaching (not in the same school!) Di went onto nurse training and during that time they became engaged. They married on 19 June 1971 and moved to Dunstable, where Joe had taken up the post of Head of Science.

His activity was restricted when he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, sarcoma, in the autumn of 2014. He had major surgery in 2015 and then some more minor operations to try to control the spread. The treatment at the Oxford hospitals was amazing and although he was given a terminal diagnosis, with only a few months to live, he defied the odds, coped with the chemotherapy without complaint and was grateful for the extra time it was able to give him. He used the time to catch up with old friends, visit various places in England and although he could no longer run or cycle he would walk 2-3 miles most days to keep as fit as he could.

While in Wendover the family attended church in Bedgrove and Joe took up the role of lay minister again. The children all attended the local schools and Joe took an active role on the PTAs, helped with the football teams and he also helped with Aylesbury and District Swimming Club. He was content that he had lived life to the full with no regrets and had followed the When he retired from teaching, he took a path that he felt Jesus had led him on. Job delivering meals on wheels. He always volunteered to work Christmas day to allow He will be sorely missed, but we are sure he those with young children to be at home. is now in Heaven and we will meet again one Their first child, Gwen, was born in the For the last 15 years or so Joe and Di day. Diana Groat summer of 1973 and then in January 1975 have worshipped at St Mary’s Church in

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Local Faces: John & Margaret Currell John is a Bucks lad whilst Margaret hails from Derby. John was schooled at RGS High Wycombe and then graduated in Civil Engineering at Kings College London. Margaret is a convent educated girl who then qualified as a State Registered Nurse at the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary.

Both try to keep fit and took up Pilates. Margaret delivers Wendover News and sings in a local choir. However, her main voluntary responsibility is as Secretary of the Wendover Evening WI. John says that if, when she was a practising nurse, anyone had said that his wife would eventually join the WI, he would have thought that they were bonkers – it just goes to show that we can surprise Theirs is a holiday romance, having met in 1962 in the then each other. Having served another required period on the waiting Yugoslavia – and they all said it wouldn’t last! The courtship was list, eventually, John was accepted as a tenant on the Ashbrook protracted and long distance as they were Allotment Site (WAAA). He has now working and/or studying in different parts progressed to become Secretary so that he is of the country. However, it lasted the test of now responsible for “hiring & firing”. He also time and marriage followed in 1967. Their now sub-lets a part of one of his allotments first home was in Chesham whilst John was to Margaret! It was as Secretary of WAAA working in London and Margaret obtained that caused John to be asked, and to accept, a Staff Nurse post at Amersham Hospital. to become a member of the team producing John began seeking employment away from the Wendover Neighbourhood Plan. That London. Out of the blue, a job came up at has been an interesting, prolonged and at Bucks County Council, ostensibly working on times exasperating experience; but, happily, the planning and construction of the new City of Milton Keynes. the Plan process is nearing completion and that responsibility is drawing to a close. The couple moved, for the first time, to Wendover in 1971 and soon the family had increased to four with the arrival of James Sport and physical activity has always been an integral part of the followed by Mark. Looking for a bigger house and spooked by what Currell family round. Activity has moderated over time. John strolls then seemed to be the ridiculous prices of Wendover houses they round Chiltern Forest Golf Club with the seniors. Margaret has moved to Aylesbury. Nevertheless, they had established some kind ridden horses all her life, without ever having actually owned one! of a root system in Wendover and always imagined they might She is lucky enough to still have the energy and the opportunity to return one day. That day did not arrive for nearly 30 years! In the ride locally most weeks. meantime, they lived happily and productively in Aylesbury. Typical Walking, and walking holidays, have also been a staple activity of a growing family, life was never still or dull. There were careers to throughout their married life if only through the necessity of be established and sustained, children to be guided and educated, walking one of their various boisterous dogs. When James & Mark many sports to be played, gardens to be tended and dogs to be had become independent, John & Margaret were lucky to be able walked. to partake in several trekking holidays in far flung parts including After the boys had grown a bit, Margaret, a true vocational nurse, resumed work at Stoke Mandeville Hospital. She then moved to become a founder staff member at the Florence Nightingale Hospice ultimately practicing as a Community Palliative Care Nurse Specialist. She remained at the Hospice until (and after) she retired in 2008. John never managed to leave BCC and after several promotions ended up as Head of Transportation. The links with Wendover were maintained; James attended the John Colet School and both boys played junior and senior cricket at Wendover Cricket Club. James & Mark went off to university and then into their chosen careers. John retired in 2002 and serious thoughts then turned to moving, probably back to Wendover. This was achieved in 2006. After a year or so sorting out their house and re-establishing some of their old contacts in Wendover they started involving themselves in community activities. After spending the obligatory time on the waiting list, they were accepted into Wendover U3A and joined a variety of groups. John still leads the Discussion Group and Margaret pursues French and Gardening, but their general level of activity has dropped off recently. From an early date, John joined the Friends of Wendover Health Centre as a volunteer driver. He also was involved in the establishment of the Wendover Community Library and remains a footpath maintenance volunteer with The Chiltern Society. www.wendovernews.co.uk

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Nepal and South America. Life on those trips was often basic and spartan but the experiences were memorable. The couple feel very privileged to have retained reasonably good health. Walking remains a pastime but distances are modest. The family has increased in number in recent years. James has two young sons in London, whilst Mark has three children in Sydney. Happily, things like Skype enable regular contact to be maintained with all the grandchildren.


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Wendover News February 2019


Regular Weekly Events

To Advertise your event for March 2019 please contact us before Monday 11 February Calendar entry FREE, one line. These events and more on www.wendovernews.co.uk/events DAY


Every Day Every Day Every Day Every Day

morn/eve morn/eve morn/eve day/eve Mon, Tue am/pm Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, SUN morn/eve Mon, Tue, Fri, SAT varies Mon-Thu 19.15-21.30 or stated Mon, Tue, Wed see listing Mon, Wed, Thu morn/eve Mon, Wed, Thu morn/eve Mon-Wed, Fri, Sat morn/eve Mon, Thu 13.00-14.00 Mon, Thu, Fri morn/eve Mon, Thu, SAT morn/eve Mon-Thu, SAT morn/eve Mon & Fri evening Mon, Fri, SUN varies Mon-SAT morn/eve Mondays 09.15-12.00 Mondays 10.00, 11.00, 12.15 Mondays 10.00-11.00 Mondays 13.15/14.15 Mondays 19.00 Mondays 19.00 Mondays 19.30-21.00 Tue & Wed day/eve Tue & Thu 19.45-20.45 Tue & Fri 09.30 Tue & Fri 10.00-12.00 Tue & Fri morn/eve Tuesdays 09.30-11.00 Tuesdays 09.30-16.30 Tuesdays 10.00 Tuesdays 10.15 & 11.15 Tuesdays 16.30 & 17.00 Tuesdays 19.30 Tuesdays 19.00 or 20.15 Tuesdays 20.00-22.00 Tuesdays 20.15 Wed, SUN see listing Wednesdays 09.30-11.30 Wednesdays 10.00-12.00 Wednesdays 10.00-12.00 Wednesdays 10.30-12.30 Wednesdays 17.30 or 19.30 Wednesdays 18.45 Wednesdays 19.00-20.30 Wednesdays 19.00-21.00 Wednesdays 19.30 Wednesdays 20.00 Thu & SAT 19.30-23.00 Thursdays 09.00-16.00 Thursdays 09.45-17.45 Thursdays 10.00-11.30 Thursdays 10.00-12.00 Thursdays 18.30-19.45 Thursdays 19.00 Thursdays 19.30-22.00 Thursdays 19.45 Fridays 10.00 Fridays 11.00 & 13.30 Fridays 19.00-21.00 Fridays 19.30 SATURDAYS 09.00 SUNDAYS 09.00-10.00 SUNDAYS 09.30 SUNDAYS 19.30


Wendover News February 2019



Cat Booker Fitness classes, times vary, see website for details Jodie Digby Fitness courses, times & locations vary, see website for details JAZZERCISE classes to suit you. www.jazzercise-uk.com. BML Personal Training classes, see website for details - www.bmlpersonaltraining.com ArtSmart drawing & painting classes - Mon 11.30-14.00, Tue 14.00-16.00, St Anne’s Hall Zumba® and Zumba® Gold classes: private studio Water Babies, Chilterns MS Centre pool, Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat Cornelli Sugarcraft cake decorating courses. Topics vary, see website for details. YogaBellies Classes, Mon 19.00-21.45 & Tue 10-11 Halton Vlg Hall, Wed 10.30-11.30 Wen Mem Adult & Teenager Yoga Classes. Contact Sarah to book. Yoga classes with Zest Yoga, Halton Tennis Centre Fitness Studio Pilates, Halton Tennis Centre. Times & costs vary, see website for details Exercise Sessions open to all, Churchill Hall (next to Your Cafe in the Park, Aston Clinton) Healing Meditation Group - Mon eve, Chesham, Thu eve/Fri morn, Wendover Zumba with Nikki, Mon & Thu 1815 Halton School, Sat 0930 Chiltern Way Academy Wendover FabricHQ sewing. Topics, times & locations vary, see website for details Badminton Club. 19.45-21.45 Mon, beginners 18.45-19.45 Fri, John Colet School (term time) Nia Classes - 1st & 3rd Mon 2pm, parent & child, Fri 6.30pm adult, Sun 10.30am adult, see p 2 Wendover Fitness classes, times & locations vary, see website for details Rainbow Rattles children’s playgroup (term time only), £1 per family, Trinity Centre RAF Halton Hartbeeps Music Classes for children, Wendover Children’s Centre HP22 6HF Chairbelles seated exercise for over 55s, Bankside Jacqu’in the Box Babies Music and Little Learners age 3-5 years. Wendover Library Room Free friendly run/jog club to suit you. Meet point RAF base Chestnut Avenue. The Rotary Club of Wendover & District, Chandos Arms, W Turville, usually 1st & 3rd Mondays Badminton Club for over 18s, £6, (Sep-July, no BH’s) Green Park Sports Centre HP22 5NE Tai Chi & Qigong Classes, Your Cafe in the Park 6 & 7pm Tue, St Anne’s Hall noon Wed Tue - Yoga, Thu - Men’s Yoga, Chilterns MS Centre Tue - Mum & Baby Yoga, Wen Children’s Ctre; Fri - Adult Yoga Class (term time), Wen Library Rm Thames Valley Police at Wendover Community Library Hatha yoga— Tue 19.00-20.30 Wen Mem Hall; Fri 09.30-11.00 & 11.30-13.00, St Anne’s Hall Play & Learn (term time only), Trinity Centre, RAF Halton Colour Wheel Art Class (term time only), all topics, Ellesborough Parish Hall Simply Walk, meet at Wendover Clock Tower for moderate walk 1-1.5 hours Bounce & Rhyme (term time only), Library Room, FREE Martial Arts Class for Children with ZKS, St Anne’s Hall Wendover Bridge Club, Cricket Pavilion, Witchell IMAGEZ Camera Club: Weston Turville Village Hall (winter 20.15, summer 19.00) Halton Singers Practice Sessions, Halton Village Hall Morris Dance practice with Whitchurch Morris, Wilstone Village Hall HP23 4PE Wendover & Halton Cycling Club, Wed 18.30 local mtn bike, Sun 08.30 local mtn bike Parentcraft (booking only), Wendover Children’s Centre HP22 6HF Drop-in pre-school outdoor activity group, Wendover Woods. See website for details. Drop-in French Conversation Group, The Espresso Lounge HP22 5HS Beginners and Improvers art group, The Loft Studio, The Courtyard Slimming World, Chilterns MS Centre, Oakwood Close HP22 5LX Hartbeats African Drumming, beginner to advanced, pay-as-you-go Halton Military Wives Choir rehearsals Adult Swimming Classes, Wendover Pool Wendover Bridge Club, Cricket Pavilion, Witchell Aylesbury Sub-Aqua Club at Green Park Pool (term time only) RAF Assn Halton and Ayles Branch clubhouse open to public, Bldg 259 RAF Halton Wendover Weekly Market, Manor Waste Fun Dog Training, Ellesborough Parish Hall Play & Learn (term time only), £1 per family, Wendover Children's Centre HP22 6HF “Charity Thursday” No2 Pound Street - proceeds from hot beverage sales to charity Sparrowhawks Netball Training, courts by Your Cafe in the Park, Aston Clinton Taekwondo for ages 5 and up, John Colet School Scottish Country Dancing with Lucy Clark Scottish Country Dance Club, Oldham Hall HP16 0AZ Wendover Choral Society, St. Mary’s Church Wendover Noah's Ark parent-toddler group (term time only), Wendover Christian Centre Lipreading and Hearing Loss Course, Wendover Library Room Amazing Donkey Youth Club for 10-14 year olds (term time only), Wendover Youth Ctre “Friday night is music night” at St Mary’s Church parkrun, Wendover Woods (by the Cafe) Rookie Lifeguard Classes for 8-12 year olds (term time only), Green Park Pool Cycle Rides with Aylesbury Cyclist Touring Club, locations vary Bingo at the Legion Club, Chiltern Road, all welcome

www.catbookerfitness.co.uk www.jodiedigbyfitness.uk 07900 987230 Emma 07969 433351 artsmartuk.com Roxanne 01296 623683 chasetheball@waterbabies.co.uk www.cornellisugarcraft.co.uk alice@yogabellies.co.uk sarahyoga@sky.com, www.sarahyoga.co.uk zestyoga72@gmail.com www.physioandpilates​inbucks.com Jess@jkpersonaltraining.co.uk 07703844807 www.beingmystical.co.uk nicolepistak.zumba.com, 07876443392 www.fabrichq.co.uk www.bucksvoice.net/wendoverbc melinajoyofnia@gmail.com www.wendoverfitness.co.uk www.hartbeeps.com Kirsty 07801 594519 www.jacqinthebox.com 07948371615 Nikki 07868 873911 www.wendoverrotary.org.uk Allen 01296 631159 www.yangshengtaichi.com info@oakwood.org.uk www.happywellyoga.com 0845 230 3232 www.lizbrownyoga.co.uk 01296 621143 Steve Hedges 01844 273076 01494 475367 0845 2303232 www.zksmartialarts.co.uk www.imagezcameraclub.co.uk enquiries@haltonsing​ers.org.uk info@whitchurchmorris.org.uk rides@wendoverhaltoncc.org.uk 01296 621143 500bc.org/under-fives-club/. bramleycottage73@gmail.com wendystudio@hotmail.com Sally 07484 650301 Justine 07773 047684 halton@militarywiveschoirs.org Siobhan 07457 252882 01296 624089 www.aylesburydivers.​org.uk

anndormer.a2z@gmail.com 01296 621143 www.2poundstreet.com wendoverladiesnetballclub@hotmail.com www.btkd.co.uk www.lucyclark.org.uk​ 01296 709593 judy.lipreading@gmai​l.com Paul Hammett 01296 621162 JUST 01296 623123 www.parkrun.org.uk/w​endoverwoods Liz 01296 622895 southbuckscycling.or​g.uk/rides

Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

What’s On in February 2019 To Advertise your event for March 2019 please contact us before Monday 11 February Calendar entry FREE, one line. These events and more on www.wendovernews.co.uk/events DAY/DATE Tue-Sat Daily Fri 01 Sat 02 Sat 02 Sat 02 Tue 05, Sun 10 Tue 05 Wed 06 & 20 Thu 07 Thu 07 & Tue 19 Thu 07 Thu 07 Fri 08 & 22 Fri 08-Thu 28 Fri 08 Fri 08 & Sat 09 Sat 09 Sun 10 Tue 12 Tue 12 Wed 13 & 27 Wed 13 10, 14 & 23 Thu 14 Fri 15 Fri 15 Fri 15 Sat 16 Sat 16 Sat 16 Sat 16 Tue 19 Thu 21 Thu 21 Thu 21 Thu 21 Fri 22 Fri 22 Sun 24 Mon 25 Thu 28 Thu 28

TIME 10.00-16.00 see listing 10.00-12.00 14.00 14.15-15.15 19.30 see listing 20.00 10.00-12.00 10.30 see listing 19.00-20.00 19.30 11.00-14.00 daily 18.00-21.00 see listing 10.00-12.00 15.30-17.30 19.30 19.30 19.30 20.00 varies 20.00 19.30 19.30 19.30 09.00-13.00 10.30-11.30 14.30-16.30 17.30 19.45 09.00-14.00 10.00-12.00 19.30-20.30 20.00 19.30 20.00 16.00 19.30 19.30 20.00



Events, exhibitions & activities at Bucks County Museum HP20 2QP, see p 2 Events, exhibitions & activities at the Natural History Museum at Tring. Mon-Sat 10.00-17.50, Sun 14.00-17.00 Aston Hearing - HearToday Event, Amersham Town Hall. Also Tue 05, Cobbles Yard, Thame OX9 3DZ. Opera Masterclass, Aylesbury Music Centre. Tickets £10. See p 3. Children's Book Group, Wendover Community Library, see p 2 Chilterns Dog Rescue Society Quiz Night, Ashley Green Village Hall, see p 3. Walk with the Ramblers. Tue 05 10.30, 4.5 mi; Sun 10 10.00, 8.5 mi. See website for details. Kimble & Ellesborough Horticultural Society, Stewart Hall HP17 0XN, see p 3. Craft Group, Wendover Christian Centre, see p 4 Simply Walk to Wendover Woods, starts at Your Café in the Park, Aston Clinton, see p 2 Knit & Natter, Wendover Library Room, Thu 07 10.30-12.30, Tue 19 13.30-15.30. See p 2 Wendover Library Reading Group, Wendover Library Room Bucks Bird Club “Florida & A Little Bit of Mexico”, St Anne’s Hall, see p 4. Memory Pathways gardening & activity group, Lindengate Site, Worlds End Garden Centre, please book Gallery Exhibition, a little bird told me gallery - “Meet the Artists” Fri 08 evening. See advert p 4. Sing-along with “Mamma Mia - Here We Go Again”, St Dunstan’s Church HP27 9JE, see p 4. “Flesh”, Fri 8pm, Sat 2.30 & 7.30pm, Court Theatre, Tring. See p 4. Drop-in Saturday, Lindengate Site HP22 6BD, see p 5 Messy Church, starts St Anne’s Hall. FREE, see p 5 Chiltern and District Hard of Hearing Club, Halifax House, Little Chalfont Wendover Evening WI, “Work Aid”, St Anne’s Hall, see p 5 Wendover Art Club, Wendover Library Room, see p 5 Aston Clinton, Buckland & Drayton Beauchamp Horticultural Society, Anthony Hall HP22 5HS Working Party with BBOWT. 10-Dancersend 14-Bacombe Hill, 23-A Clinton Ragpits, see p 20 Chiltern Writers - Manuscript Evening - Wendover Library Room, see p 5 OnScreen, “Swimming with Men”, Wendover Library Room. Tickets £5 from the Library, see p 6 Quiz & Chips for Chilterns MS Centre, Wendover Memorial Hall Aston Wine Club, Buckland Village Hall, see p 6 Wendover Local Produce Market, Manor Waste Book Club, Wendover Christian Centre, see p 6 Aylesbury Vale Embroiderers’ Guild, Stoke Mandeville Methodist Church. See p 6. Pop-up Cinema, “Incredibles 2”, St Dunstan’s Church HP27 9JE BBOWT Talk, “National Parks of California”, Gt Missenden Memorial Centre, see pp 7 & 20 Legacy Fairs Antiques & Collectors Market, Wendover Memorial Hall, see advert p 7 The Wendover Society Coffee Morning, St Anne’s Hall, see p 7 Meditation Classes, Wendover Library Room Aylesbury Centre of the National Trust, Broughton Junior School HP20 1NQ, see p 7 The Wendover Society AGM & Dinner, Wendover Memorial Hall, see p 7 Weston Turville Historical Society, Weston Turville Union Chapel, see p 7 Healing & Wholeness Service, St Mary’s Church, Wendover, see p 7 RSPB Aylesbury Local Group, “Panoramic Panama”, Prebendal Hall Comm Ctre HP19 7QW, see p 7 “Samson et Dalila”, with Aylesbury Opera, Court Theatre, Tring, see p 8 The Arts Society Ballinger, Ballinger War Memorial Hall HP16 9LQ, see p 8

www.buckscountymuseum.org www.nhm.ac.uk/visit/tring.html astonhearing.co.uk/e​vents aylesburyopera.org.uk 01296 382415 01296 623885 www.aylesbury-ramble​rs.org.uk/ www.bucksvoice.net/k​ehs/

01296 382415 01296 382415 www.bucksbirdclub.co​.uk 01296 622443 www.alittlebirdtoldmegallery.com www.stdunstanschurch.com/events.html info@courttheatre.co.uk anne.mills@lindengate.org.uk jennyburton@sky.com Margaret 01296 582318 www.wendoverartclub.​org/ www.astonclintonhort​iculturalsociety.co.uk www.bbowt.org.uk www.chilternwriters.org onscreenatwendover@hotmail.co.uk www.chilternsmscentre,org www.astonwineclub.co.uk

www.avegblog.wordpress.com 01844 343996 www.bbowt.org.uk

anitabaxter@talk21.c​om www.nationaltrust.or​g.uk/features/the-aylesbury-centre

www.wendoversociety.org.uk www.wthsoc.org.uk www.rspb.org.uk/grou​ps/aylesbury www.aylesburyopera.org.uk theartssocietyballinger.org.uk

You Write Thanks

These small squirrel-like creatures are My thanks to the very honest person who extremely destructive. They get between the handed in my purse to Lloyds Pharmacy in floorboards and into the attics, although we early January. Quite apart from the cash, the have gone to great lengths to block up every purse itself was of great sentimental value. possible point of entry. Marilyn Payne There is a dormant season when the cold weather starts. Just before this we engaged Glis Glis Can anyone offer some helpful and practical a pest control expert who caught and advice? I live in an isolated and heavily removed over forty of them in just four days. wooded area. This year we have been Unfortunately the cost of continuing was too plagued by alarming numbers of Glis Glis. great. An outside drainpipe was blocked. A www.wendovernews.co.uk

01296 624270


builder found 17 dead Glis Glis tightly packed into this downpipe. We have tried installing electronic deterrent devices but these seem to have no effect at all. Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated. name and address supplied Editor’s note: Please contact Wendover News if you can offer any practical suggestions. Wendover News February 2019


Matters Arising Wendover Parish Council Page

View From the Chair

Meeting Tuesday Time This is the time of year for WPC to consider Full Council 1st 7.30 - 9.30pm the priorities for the year. Getting the car 1st & 3rd 7.00 - 7.30pm park extension at the Witchell Cricket Club Planning site and renovating the area with the water Amenities 3rd 7.30 - 9.30pm fountain adjacent to the Clocktower in the High Street are just two of the projects that Agendas for the meetings are posted up the preceding Thursday on our Notice Boards at are on the list for 2019. Princess Mary Gate, Ashbrook Playground Like any organisation the Parish Council along Aylesbury Road, The Clock Tower and needs to be resilient in the face of change. the Library. Further details can also be found There was to be an opportunity for an on our website and on the Wendover Parish election in May 2019 but the change to a Council Facebook page.

Unitary Authority means that this will not Parish Council Meeting take place. Some Councillors will be able Tuesday 5 February, 7.30pm to stay on, some will not. So there will be St Anne’s Hall opportunities for people to join the Council, through co-option, soon. Contact the Clerk at the Clocktower if you are interested. Hampden Pond Being a Councillor isn’t terribly onerous, it Have you noticed that can be quite fun and satisfying, and training the water level of Hampden Pond has and support is provided. been decreasing? For One thing I am confident of is that WPC years this has been of will continue to deliver services to the concern to residents. community at a very high level no matter Hampden Pond is fed from the bottom hence the changes of level as the aquifer what changes there are in future months. Tom Walsh dries out. The levels of the pond are low Parish Council Chairman now which is all due to the hot dry summer months we had in June and July. Please be assured that the health and wellbeing of the Wendover Parish Council Meetings fish in the pond are continually considered Ever wanted to find out more about what and reviewed. Wendover Parish Council does and what is being done in the Local Community? Come How Many Santas? Competition to one of our monthly meetings, first and Thank you to everyone who took the time to third Tuesdays, which take place at St Anne’s stand outside the Clock Tower Window and Church Hall, Aylesbury Road, HP22 6JG. count up the number of Santas in our Guess

The Number of Santas Competition. There were 59 in total. We are thrilled to advise you that Johann Rowan and family were the winners who received a family ticket for 4 people to go and see the Cat in the Hat at Waterside Theatre on 31 January 2019.

Local Produce Market Saturday 16 February 9am to 1pm Manor Waste

Guest Food Pitches at LPM

Are you a local hot food trader who would like to turn up as a one-off guest with no commitment to our Local Produce Market which runs the third Saturday in every month from 9am to 1pm? If so, we would love to hear from you. We charge just £15 for a single pitch or £30 for a double. Just contact a member of staff on 01296 623056 or e-mail admin@wendover-pc.gov.uk and we will provide you with further details. This LPM has been running successfully for 13 years with a number of stalls selling artisan breads, fresh vegetables, meats, homemade chutneys and jams, handmade wooden carved goods, scarves, hats, plants, cakes and much more!


Wendover Parish Council, The Clock Tower, High Street, Wendover HP22 6DU



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