Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond - Issue #4

Page 19

EXERCISE #2 1. Sit on the front edge of your chair with your feet di-­‐ rectly under your knees. Reach behind you and grab the sides of the chair back. If that is too much of a strain, slide your hands down and hold onto the seat of the chair anywhere that is comfortable.

2. With your arms straight and your chin slightly tucked so that your neck stays long, lig your heart to the ceiling while your shoulder blades reach down your back.

EXERCISE #3 2. Exhale as you reverse the movement by curling your tailbone forward, dropping your belly in to-­‐ ward your spine, and bringing your hands in to-­‐ ward your heart. The iniTaTon of these move-­‐ ments comes from the pelvic area. The shoulders, neck and chin are not leading the movement but responding to the cues of y o u r c o r e . M a t c h i n g breath with 1. Inhale as you open your arms out to the m o v e m e n t , sides, reach your tailbone behind you, lig d o t h i s your heart to the ceiling, creaTng a gentle sequence 5 Tmes. arch in your spine. 18

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