Editor: Mr P R Hickey
Photographers: Mr M B Pallin Mr G M Grover
Wellington College WELLINGTON COLLEGE BOARD Mr T. P. Broad (Chairman) Dr A. W. Beasley - Parents Mr J. D. Currie - Parents Mr J. G. Edwards - Secondary Schools Council Mr L. Gibbs - Parents Mr G. R. Girvan - Staff
Mrs D. S. Good - Parents Mr C. R. Hesketh - Wellington Education Board Mrs H. Ritchie - Wellington City Council Mr S. G. Smith - W.C.O.B. Dr G. C. Wake - Victoria University Mr A. J. V. Edwards - Secretary to the Board
STAFF Headmaster: Mr S. H. W. Hill, M.A. Deputy Principal: Mr L. F. Gardiner, B.A. (Hons.) Senior Master: Mr R. Bradley, M.A. (Hons.)
M. A. Anderson, M.Sc. A. G. Ballingall, B.A. D. J. Berdinner, B.A. (Hons.) Mrs E. M. Bradley D. F. Buckley - Commerce E. Cardale, M.Sc. (Hons.) - Biology E. N. Clayton, M.A. (Hons.) - Languages H.O.D. J. E. Chambers, A.I.A.M.E. J. E. Cormack, M.Ed. (Hons.) - Mathematics Mrs P. E. Derry, A.C.I.S., A.N.Z.I.M. N.P. Derry, M.A. (Hons.) B. H. Farland, M.A., Dip. Ed. - Junior English G. R. Girvan, M.A. - English H.O.D. G. M. Grover, B.A. E. P. Haley, N.Z.C.B. ,N.Z.I.D. I. A. Hamill, B.A. (Hons.) (Lond.) Ms K. E. Hansen, B.A. - Guidance Counsellor
A. P. Hawes, B.Sc. (Hons.), L.T.C.L. A. B. Herdman, B.Sc. (Hons.) Ms J. M. Howard, B.A. P. R. Hickey, B.A. (Hons.), Dip. Ed. Stud. - History, Geography, Social Studies H.O.D. D. W. Hoffman, M.A. - Liberal Studies (Fifth Form Dean) N. R. Hayman, Ph.D. - Science H.O.D. P. B. Hurricks, M.A. (Hons.) D. A. Jackson Miss C. Kasoulides R. G. Llewellyn, B.Sc. (Wales) - Mathematics M. E. Loveridge, B.Sc. B.W. McCrea - Physical Education M. E. McGregor-Macdonald, B.Sc. (Hons.) Ms J. A. Mackrell, M.Sc. P. Markham - Art R. J. Meldrum, B.A., Postgrad. Dip. Arts
R. J. Michael, M.A. (Hons.), Dip. Ed English (Third Form Dean) P. C. Monin, M.A. (Hons.) L. S. Moodie. B.A. G. D. Mulligan, B.Sc. R. B. Nightingale, M.A. (Hons.) M. B. Pallin, B.Sc. - Audio Visual Aids (Fourth Form Dean) V. E. Paulson, B.A. Miss M. E. Rankin, B.Sc. G. J. Reynish, M.A. D. E. Roberts, M.A. (Hons.), B. Mus. - Careers
AUXILIARY STAFF: J. B. Angel, B.Sc. Mrs C. Archer - Remedial Reading S. Brommer - Guitar Miss F. Burry, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. Mrs P. A. Collen - Library F. Cormack Mrs P. D. Crisp, B.A. Mr B. Hamid - Brass Mrs I. Jobstl - Laboratory Technician G. L. Kay, M.A. (Hons.), L.T.C.L. Mrs A. Langston, B.A. Miss A. F. Love, B.A. Miss D. Rawson - Clarinet and Saxophone Mrs J. Romanovsky, B.A. R. J. Savage, B. Eng. (Elect.) Mrs M. Seddon, A.R.C.M., R.M.T. - Violin and Viola Secretary to the Headmaster: Mrs K. M. Power Clerical Staff: Mrs R. M. Arrell Mrs I. M. Fanning
I. Smith - Craft J. D. Sowerby, B.A. R. M. Stuart, B.Sc. (Viet.), M.Sc. (Rdng) R. B. Stubbins P. F. Sutton, B.Sc. G. E. Thomas, B.Sc. - Mathematics H.O.D. J. D. Tate, M.A. (Hons.) J. F. Uffindell, B.Ag.Sc. P. J. McA. Walls, B.A. (Hons.) G. W. Woodbury, B.A. (Hons.) A. C. Yule, M.A.
Firth House Housemaster: G. E. Thomas Matron: Mrs A. M. Battersby House Tutors: J. S. Dalzell K. F. Fouhy A. G. McNab R. J. Meldrum D. C. Smith House Staff: Miss M. Kaka Mrs A. A'Kester Miss M. Sua Groundsmen: E. Duffel and P. Hamlin Caretaker: G. Fowler
S.W.H.HILL, MA, 1963-1978 Eleventh Headmaster, Wellington College.
From the Editor An Editorial Appreciation SEDDON H. W. HILL Eleventh Headmaster 1963 - 1978 This Wellingtonian records the passing of an important era in the 112 year history of Wellington College. The destinies of the College have for the past sixteen years been in the hands of Seddon Hill, the eleventh Headmaster, 1963-1978.
and became an Assistant Master at Kati Kati district High School. In 1956 he moved to Mt. Roskill Grammar School in Auckland as H.O.D. English. It was from here that he came as a young Headmaster in 1963 to Wellington College.
We have attempted to recapture some of the significant events of those years. But what is recorded here is very superficial indeed. The warmth and charm of the personality of the Headmaster, his dealings and influence with so many New Zealanders in public and private life will live long in the memories of this generation.
He brought with him the enthusiasm and drive, the ability to inspire warmth and generosity in others, the humanity, patience, understanding and tolerance that marked his period of leadership. He loved people and was gifted in his relationships and understanding of them. He brought the wisdom of experience and a deep understanding of human nature. His optimism was ever ready to uplift. As a true educator he saw the complete person and was solicitous to provide in changing times, for the sporting, cultural and artistic as well as the intellectual and academic necessities of the growing adolescent. His was a wider vision and a deeper passion in his quest for the welfare, the worth and the goodness of man. A feature of his life was his appreciation of the importance of the individual. Hence he often found it hard to separate the man from his actions. it was this totality of character, this integrity that made him so attractive and appealing as a leader. One felt safe when Seddon Hill was at the helm, so complete was the trust and loyalty he inspired in one and generously reciprocated. Hence the College was a happy dynamic place to be.
How inadequate it is to attempt to record the humanity and breath of those years. In 1935 the young Seddon Hill began work in a Gisborne commercial house. He was lucky, as many were not, to obtain work in the days of the Great Depression. 1939 saw the world plunged into the Second World War and Seddon Hill enlisted with the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force. He saw war service in England, Egypt, Greece and Crete. He was captured a prisoner of war in Crete and spent four years in a prisoner of war camp in Germany. Those inner qualities, strength of spirit and optimism which were characteristics of the man were forged in the turmoil of those years. He saw his career before him and decided to work in the interests of the new generations. He attended Auckland University and Teachers' College
To stimulate our memories we record just some of the moments from the galaxy of the Hill years.
In February 1963 the new Headmaster began his sixteen year administration. He arrived from Auckland after a meteoric rise in the teaching profession as a dynamic and stimulating teacher of English. From the archives we find the College so much different. The Cadets were still a feature of College life. The Memorial Hall with the window of St. George was the centrepiece of the School as many of that generation
remember it, and those travelling to the City would glance to the left as they emerged from the Mt. Victoria tunnel and view one of the characteristic landmarks of Wellington. The Hill family loved to attend sports meetings. Here they watch the Cross Country Championships in 1969 with Mr L. F. Gardiner, Deputy Principal.
The Headmaster was always pleased to welcome distinguished visitors to the College and proud to show them around the buildings and introduce them to the staff and students. He is seen greeting the Governor General, Sir Denis Blundell, in August 1973 when Sir Denis visited the College to open the new Tower Block. Accompanying Sir Bernard Fergusson in a tour of the College on Thursday, 8th August, 1963. Walking past Firth House with Old Boy Dr William Pickering, the Director of the United States
Space programme. In 1970 Lady Freyberg visited the College from England and was welcomed by the Headmaster at Assembly. With our "adopted Lion" - Willy John McBride and Peter Howman in 1971.
Features of College life which many of those attending the Centennial Celebrations remember well were the Bach Choir and Orchestra performing in the Memorial Hall. Drama was always strong. The Centennial visitors were treated to "Salad Days" in 1967.
The opening of the Tower Block in 1973 marked a new beginning in the College environment. In the alcove facing the City the Memorial window was installed. The Headmaster in his speech marking the opening of the new facilities spoke of the hopes he had for the fulfilment of many of his ideals as an educator now that the College could settle down to an orderly existence. He was proud to speak of the preservation of much that was honourable in our tradition and insistent that the
high standards for which the School was known would be fully maintained. Here he leads the Governor General in a tour of the buildings, and conducts a staff meeting with Mr L. F. Gardiner. At the bottom right we see the old West School Library, now a memory and the Gifford Observatory in its magnificent setting with commanding view of the City and the harbour. Its name honours its founder.
The Headmaster was keen to see every boy's potential as fully realised as possible. Notable features of our sporting life were the Rugby Quadrangular Tournaments. Guest speakers entertained at the dinners, the teams played in all weathers, College hakas and supporters rose enthusiastically to those occasions. Old Boys reached fame in the international sphere and
the Headmaster is seen farewelling Mark Sayers as he leaves for the 1972 All Black tour of North America, United Kingdom and France. Cricket and Athletics were popular and well supported a familiar summer sight on the main ground as seen from the Headmaster's residence.
Building and demolition, reshaping and planning our environment occupied much of the Headmaster's term. Our pictures show some of the characteristic changes that occurred during the 1968-1978 period. Indeed it is not a long glance back through the years to the rebuilding that occupied the then Headmaster, Mr W. A. Armour, in the 1930's. Truly then with the retirement of the eleventh Headmaster we come to the end of an era. So much that is good will be preserved. The spirit and dynamism of the College lives in the youth who inhabit its corridors and classrooms and play on its sports fields. These are the best guarantee of survival and the investment made in the future. So many living and working in Wellington and throughout New Zealand have so much to be grateful for to Mr Hill. Under his leadership a sheltered environment was provided with sound basic guidelines for development in the important years of their adolescence. But not too sheltered. The Headmaster was a practical man schooled in tough days and imbued with the optimistic spirit of survival. He laid down clear paths to manhood and often spoke in his addresses to the School of those qualities of integrity, generosity, selflessness, fortitude and hope which characterised his own life. He saw how much the boys would need characteristics such as these to survive with dignity. He often referred to the importance of living with oneself and appealed thereby to the finer inner qualities which makes the life of man more noble.
He always sought what was good for the School, a blessing and an invocation on those who learned and those who taught so our achievement would be worthwhile in our pursuit of that which was "lovely and of good report". I hope this edition will serve to remind readers and record for posterity some of the significance of this era. We are grateful we knew him and proud to have worked with him unstintingly, conscientiously and with dedication as he always did in the service of the College. It remains for me to thank those who have contributed to this Wellingtonian; to Mike Pallin and Malcolm Grover for many hours in the darkrooms; to Ray Michael for his generosity and assistance; to Denis Berdinner for compiling the rolls and to you for being patient with me when you find errors and omissions. I apologise for them all. As I write this in Auckland I have many happy memories of Wellington College. I am grateful for them all and for the friendships and conviviality that marked my relationships with all those I knew at College. I miss them all. I wish the new Headmaster, Mr Harvey ReesThomas, every success. The report of his dynamic influence reverberate even over 600 kilometres away. The College is fortunate. I hope Mr Ray Meldrum will enjoy his period as Editor as much as I have enjoyed mine and I trust he gets the same loyalty and support from contributors. P. R. Hickey.
This tribute to the Headmaster, Mr Seddon Hill, by Mr R. J. Michael, a Senior Teacher and a Master at Wellington College for 32 years, reflects the thoughts of many of the staffs who have known, worked and respected the retiring Headmaster over the 16 years he has been at Wellington. Mr Hill's appointment caused comment because he was one of the first of the 'New Breed' Head-masters. He had not started his working career as a teacher, and he brought to the School a blend of the two worlds academic and commercial. One of the most noticeable features of his early days at school was the easy access which he gave to staff and students. This approachability was to develop as the years passed. He was subjected to the usual stresses Headmasters have to face, but they increased here to a greater degree than he would have expected. Staff shortages, an extensive and prolonged rebuilding programme, and an increasingly onerous amount of departmental paper work took up a great deal of his time. This latter feature is a regrettable development for the modern Headmasters. He associated himself closely with all school activities - and they are very numerous - so that
he was able to follow individual boy’s careers and their activities in many fields. Another feature of the changing times in education which puts an extra burden on Headmasters, is the rapid turnover in staff, especially senior men. Where previous Heads could usually rely on a relatively large number of long-serving staff, modern Headmasters must feel they are in a transit camp. This has put much more work directly on the Headmasters in administering their schools, both academically and extramurally. Mr Hill's 16 year tenure of the Headmastership is the second longest in the College's history. This period has seen many changes which have brought great strains and stresses on Head and staff. Senior classes have grown enormously, zoning has had to be reintroduced (an unfortunate decision), educational changes have come thick and fast, the community has begun demanding more and more from schools, self-styled experts have been advising and criticising, and pupils attitudes have undergone drastic changes. Mr Hill, you have served the School well, and may you have many years of happy reflection on your years here.
Mrs SHEILA HILL Mrs Sheila Hill has become well known to the past and present boys of Wellington College. As the wife of the Headmaster, she was always closely associated with College activities and was a gracious hostess in the Headmaster's residence. A loyal supporter of College teams she often appeared at sports gatherings. She made many friends with the warmth and friendliness of her personality. Her kindly and charming manner has won her a place in our affections. We wish her with Seddon Hill many happy years in Taupo.
STAFF FAREWELL A special gathering was held by the staff to farewell Mr and Mrs Seddon Hill on Tuesday, 5th December, 1978. At the function a presentation was made and the Headmaster made a very sincere and warmly received speech of thanks. He recalled how he was overawed when, as a young teacher, he was appointed from Auckland as the new Headmaster to succeed Mr Alex Heron. He learned quickly what responsibility entailed and realised that he was the focus of many requests; everybody came to him. He tried from the outset to establish friendly relations but always with authority, there goes a measure of mistrust and he was sometimes misinterpreted and underestimated. In the traditional school of those days friendliness and warmth were characteristics not often displayed in public and in this respect the new Headmaster was a man ahead of his time. As an administrator his aim was to serve the classroom where education happens; to see problems ahead and smooth the way. A happy staff must be reflected in a happy school. As a Headmaster his greatest satisfaction was not rebuilding, important as that was, but the control of the School which he exercised during the 1966-68 period when he reorganised completely the timetabling. A new administrative system evolved with the opening of modern buildings, an historical development which new staff were not able to appreciate. In a reflective mood, Mr Hill revealed some of his
thoughts on the style of leadership he provided. He was glad he did not move more ruthlessly or less diffidently as some critics were demanding. A person cannot become what they are not and instead he worked on his strengths and earned the respect and co-operation of those he worked for and with. In doing his duty he always retained his integrity. Mr Hill was forthright in stating the cynical facts of life - many people are interested only in themselves. He found many talkers and few doers but institutions depend upon doers and good grace demands that talkers be listened to politely. To maintain standards and institutions is more difficult than establishing new ones. To the delight of his audience the Headmaster recalled some amusing incidents of his years. To those who remember them they reveal the warmth and humanity of the man. Mr Hill was pleased he was able to maintain standards and he classed his administration as low key, solid, shunning publicity with no stunts. He thanked Mr L. F. Gardiner, Deputy Principal; Mr R. Bradley, Senior Master; Mrs Kay Power, his secretary right through those years and all the staff whose friendliness and co-operation he valued. He was grateful to have had so many good colleagues. Teachers he found to be intelligent, sensitive and imaginative and individually likeable people. He was sorry to leave the College for the many friends he had made. A social function concluded the afternoon.
After sixteen years they have earned a rest. A foretaste of sunny days to come. Mr and Mrs Hill try out their sundeck and garden furniture, a gift from the staff, presented at a fare well function to mark the Headmaster's retirement. The Deputy Principal, Mr L. F. Gardiner making the presentation.
DUX P. G. BURGESS Winner of the James Cuddie Memorial Medal, the James MacKay Scholarship, the Liverton Prize in History and prizes for excellence in English and Mathematics.
HEADMASTER'S REPORT S. H. W. HILL - FINAL REPORT 1978 Mr Chairman, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys of the school It has been my custom over the past sixteen years for my report to confine itself to the events of the year just completed. On this occasion, however, I feel that more is called for and that while confining myself to the outlines of a report, it is the appropriate time for me to range more informally over the years of my stewardship as Headmaster of this college. So you will have to bear with me a little longer for this last time. The Official Roll has this year been 1085 and will next year drop to 1050. I think it will then drop very slowly over the next few years if the people who seek admission is any indication. Our roll has remained consistently around 1000 for most of my time. I dislike having to enforce the departmental zoning restriction placed on our Form 3 intake but appreciate the necessity for it. I hate to see pupils of genuinely interested and caring parents excluded while those of casual, irresponsible ones fill their places. What is an interesting phenomenon however is the rise in Fourth and Fifth Form enrolments that has now developed For there is no restriction on them. Good luck to them! The size of the roll naturally dictates the size of the Staff and it is in staffing a school that the Principal experiences more worry and anguish than in any other part of his administration. The difference between schools and industry in this matter is that young peoples' education, possibly their future careers are at stake. The stock-in- trade happens to be living persons awaiting instruction, not inanimate objects that can be temporarily neglected because of staff shortages. Principals feel this burden very keenly, and there is no-one to help them. In fact it is then that the phrase "Carrying the responsibility" is really learned and appreciated. The strain is an intense, worrying one which you cannot get out of your mind or shrug off as can an impersonal government official more distantly involved. You are living right with it. In my time here I have lived with this problem for every one of my sixteen years and it is still with us. Each year I was optimistic that it would improve and each year I was disappointed. Nor can I see any end to it until the rolls
start dropping with the declining birthrate. In checking up the other day I find that in the past sixteen years 201 full-time teachers have left Wellington College. Even without the aid of a pocket calculator I make that to be almost thirteen a year. The host of parttimers of course are not included. They are legion. This year has been as rough as ever with the chronically crucial areas of Mathematics and Science still shortstaffed. There are just enough of these graduates being produced in an age which vitally depends upon them. I was wryly amused to see that some obviously new Auckland principals are finding staffing difficulties holding up their timetabling. Remarkable. I've been in that position for years. Until last year, every timetable I started in December had to have Mr X Mr Y Mr Z in the hope that such people would materialize in February or March. Last year, however, was different. At this time I was fully staffed for 1978. In fact I was slightly overstaffed in anticipation of a crisis. The Mathematics Department was better off than it had been for years. By May it was in ruins and never recovered. The greatest difficulty with shortages of specialist staff is to get replacement during the year from a small pool of applicants who by then have been absorbed. Consequently you are reduced to employing anyone, almost on any terms. It is a humiliation few people know about or understand. The ironical thing, of course, is that no-one really cares until he or his children are affected. Then they complain bitterly that something should be done - to me of course. The loss of Messrs Herdman and Llewellyn in the midyear was never made good. Finally it was only due to the loyalty of teachers who doubled and even tripled their classes that we were able to get by this term. Otherwise the usual changes occurred - Mr Anderson was replaced by Mr Uffindell and Mr Derry eventually by Mr Nightingale. Today we farewell the Head of the Mathematics department himself - Mr G. E. Thomas who becomes Deputy Principal of Hastings Boys' High School. All of us know that he has fully earned this promotion and Hastings is fortunate to get his services. His departure as Housemaster is also another gap to fill, for his
contribution to Firth House has been outstanding in every respect. I am sure that all of you will join with me in wishing Mr & Mrs Thomas every success and happiness in their new post. We also farewell Mr D. J. Berdinner who is travelling to Nauru Island to live for two years, Mr A. G. Ballingall moves to the South Island and Mr McGregor-Macdonald and Mr Hurricks leave the profession to enter Commerce. Mr P. R. Hickey is also going for a year as a Lecturer to Auckland Secondary Teachers College. We wish him success in gaining valuable experience but we look forward to his coming back. BUILDINGS: With the landscaping proceeding to a recognisable pattern the transformation of Wellington College is almost complete. A progress report and recapitulation of the background to the rebuilding of Wellington College 1968-78 has been a useful staple of my annual report for years. I will not detail it again. I have lived with building contractors during the greater part of my sixteen years. A Gymnasium has been built and extended. Concrete Terraces have been constructed. Firth House has been extensively strengthened and modernized. The Memorial Hall and the complete School have been demolished and rebuilt. The discomforts, the temporary arrangements, the seemingly continuous packing and shifting as each stage was executed are only remembered today by a proportion of the staff and by none of the school. Indeed as you see by the various pictures and memorabilia that have kept appearing this year we are only now finally unpacking. Prefab 9-10 which was the Staffroom for 1972 was snug because it was so full. You could hardly move. I remember sharing for three months a study with Mr Michael's class sets in the now demolished West School, while the office shares the Stationery room in the same building. And those assemblies for five incredible years in the Social Hall (now Little Theatre) with half the school at a time and the smell of pies and the noisy accompaniment from the garbage contractors' cans outside the exit door at solemn or important moments like the visit of the Governor-General. The folding doors and pigeon holes (for bags) in the Canteen are the only reminders now. It was unfortunate that all this physical disturbance and upset coincided with a period of social change
and instability when all established standards were being questioned and challenged. When there was an emphasis on rights and 'doing your own thing' and a contempt for responsibilities, duties and honour. When students were incited to revolt and protest and demonstration became fashionable; when hippies in second-hand clothes and flower children were admired; when dirty long hair made its appearance and any attempt to oppose it invited violent personal criticism from enlightened intellectual parents and even balding intellectuals became ludicrous clown-like figures with long straggling locks to show that they too were ''with it''. We survived, because most of our parents are understanding and sensible but we have been mauled by the challenge. Some good things were lost but what we stand for had to be subjected to reassessment. And I suppose that is a good thing for it ensures continuing vitality. My most encouraging memory was to shift into the new Assembly Hall in 1973 and all the old treasures and the Memorial Window which had belonged to the old building and which identified our traditions were returned to the school. Suddenly the school tone and atmosphere returned again as they appeared. The boys found that what we had told them about the traditions and dignity of the college was true. The evidence was there for them to see. There were advantages too for the honours boards which had previously only adorned the select marble staircases were now on view for everyone to see and have greatly enhanced the atmosphere of the hall. I had hoped that all re-building would be completed long before now and that finally as in a drama the prefabs on the terraces would disappear to reveal the new Wellington College in all its glory behind the Terraces. "But alas, where is it now the vision and the dream". My secretary, Mrs Power, who has been such a constant help to me has always been saying "You know the great thing about you is that you are always such an optimist". Well I suppose I will have to keep on being disappointed (but I'm resilient). So it will be for my successor to enjoy the final pleasure of the completed transformation. Academically during these years of change the school has more than maintained its standards - it has even improved them. The records are there to be seen. There have been far more scholarships won in the last ten years
than any comparable period in the school's history. When I started here, there was not even a University Bursaries examination to occupy the then Upper Sixth. Its introduction in 1966 and the sensible change to Form 7 were good moves. But it is in the development of Internal Assessment for School (Certificate and the introduction of Sixth Form Certificate that have been the great developments. The Department quite correctly is moving very carefully and sensibly in the matter of Internal Assessment. Even its most enthusiastic believer (and I am not one) has come to see that to ensure national standards (which the Department must uphold) a complicated computer based system of conference, check marking, and sampling is necessary. Consequently while it may be more practical in some subjects like Art, general internal assessment of most subjects is a long way off and may never eventuate because of the practical difficulties it depends upon like e.g. stable staffing and communication. Our experience with internally assessed School Certificate English these last two years has been a very happy one but that is due to our situation and to the expertise of our HOD English, Mr Girvan. What I wonder would happen if the Head of Department left or changed during the year as in fact must occur in numerous cases throughout the country. Would pupils be quite satisfied with their result if they had had say three different teachers in one subject in a year? I like the Sixth Form Certificate idea and the Department of Education is trying hard to establish this as a worthwhile certificate at Form 6 level to replace University Entrance. But is this now going to be so adulterated as to destroy its standard before it is properly embarked? Those of you who spent a year in Form 6 will today (if you stayed till November 22) receive a Sixth Form Certificate. With it there will be a pamphlet telling you that the Bankers Association and the State Services Commission regard as equivalent to University Entrance a certificate which totals 20 for four subjects with English and the other best three. The equivalent score to U.E. I can assure you is certainly well below 20. It is nearer 16 or even less! Is this just to make it popular because U.E. standard is too hard? If this is not a built-in erosion of standards I don't know what is.
Surely it is for the University Entrance Board to say what S.F.C. score is the equivalent of University Entrance! Just as reprehensible is the ruling by the Department that a 7 in Sixth Form Certificate counts as the equivalent of a pass in School Certificate. It just is not! Nobody, remember, gets a 9. Anyone can get a 7 by just attending a year in Form 6 without virtually doing anything! A 6 would be nearer the mark. The maintenance of academic standards is a difficult thing at a time when all standards are challenged in case they exclude the under-achiever, the inadequate, dare I say the incompetent and lazy? Isn't there, quite rightly, a pass or fail in your examination for a driver's licence? Public safety demands it. Aren't the academic standards ultimately just as important? These low scores make Internal Assessment and the Certificate that result, suspect before it gets going. Obviously far greater faith will still be placed upon national public examination. THE ACTIVITIES of the school, Cultural and Sporting have all fluctuated in direct proportion to the enthusiasm of those who organised them. Everything in education depends purely upon people. You can do wonderful things if you have the people to do them and you cannot if you have not. Clubs, sports, hobbies, pastimes all contribute to the life of the school and this is why teachers' enthusiasm and interest in outside activities is so important to education generally. We have been fortunate over the years in the large number of our teachers who have maintained this tradition. There are unfortunately within the State system many teachers who contribute nothing whatsoever outside the classroom and this leads the State schools to be compared very unfavourably with private schools make no mistake about it. DRAMA has been maintained at a high level due chiefly to the patronage of Mr L. F. Gardiner. I can look back to productions of varying quality which have been memorable to all who took part. I remember ''Salad Days” for the Centennial when Alan Stephenson (now Steve Allen) made his debut and "Teahouse of the August Moon” in 1966. "Ross” in 1975 was very good and a play about prohibition called “O Temperance” produced with professional skill by Mr S. Tozer before he deserted us for "Close to Home”. This year's production of "The Royal Hunt of the Sun”,
however, was magnificent and will be remembered by me very vividly as the high water mark of all drama during my time here. It was excellently produced and acted and beautifully staged. This year we had the launching of another newspaper 'LLUB'. It started very well but was altogether too ambitious. In fact its Editorial staff seemed to have difficulty fitting in any school commitments like subjects. It contained a selection of the usual student wit, smut and quite good cartoons. And it languished as it ran into difficulties all such newspapers have run into as the third term and examinations approach. This college has had a long tradition of pupils' newspapers. In my time "Oscar” 1967-9, "Plug” 1970, followed of course by "Leak” in 1971. Long before fine there was "Tiki” and one of interest is a Fourth Form magazine produced by a pupil called John Mulgan. Incidentally the content and language reflects very interestingly in each case the changing social standards of the day. "WORDS” is a more serious effort produced annually by the English Department and I hope it continues to encourage young creative writers of poetry. I must take this opportunity to refer to our magazine "The WELLINGTONIAN”. Mr P. R. Hickey its editor has now for ten years produced an outstanding magazine which does everything a school magazine is supposed to do - an accurate record of the school year and its activities; an opportunity for original creative work and the inclusion in its pages of everyone in the school. He has set very high standards and he can be justly proud of his achievement. We have all been very well served by his meticulous work. Another activity which I hope never languishes is Astronomy in the Observatory. This unique facility has been part of Wellington College since 1911. The trouble with older activities and buildings is to maintain them. How easy it is to start things. Anyone can do this. Build something, open some-thing, organize something. All these earn their originators publicity and praise. But to maintain things - that is very different. No fuss. No thanks. No news value. But it is every bit as important. The Observatory is now aging. To maintain it after sixty years is a great difficulty and because it is not a widely popular activity no-one helps much or cares. It needs money spent on it to protect the telescope and replace
the dome. Protection against vandals has fortunately been helped with the new iron fence and gate. I hope the Observatory can be maintained and improved with some financial aid in the near future. The presence of the Observatory is an example of a contribution from a past generation whose intention and sacrifice is not fully appreciated by later generations. The Terraces are another. I wonder how many pupils today realize that they were built following a monster auction in 1965 organized by the Parents' Association in which three auctioneers raised $7000 in one day. The Parents' sacrifice and organization was an inspiration. It was a vast improvement but is not appreciated as much as it was. And the Department will not maintain it because the Parents raised the money! Or consider the transformation by the Parents' Association of the Social Hall into a Little Theatre in 1975-76. This meant weekend after weekend of work after having raised the money by fairs for the materials. I was able to get from Sir Robert Kerridge some theatre seats and we all thought it was a wonderful facility. But when I heard someone the other day refer to "those tatty old seats” I thought "How little you know”. This is one of the things I have noticed having been here long enough - bow little, people in the present appreciate what has been enthusiastically done in the past. Little credit is given to past ad-ministrations, committees, boards or generations for that matter for doing anything. Each new group thinks they know all the answers and are going to build a "brave new world”. Our college is the product of the goodwill and enthusiasm of many many generations and each has served as well as they could. SPORT has always quite rightly played a major part in the life of this boys' school. Its contribution over the years to national teams has been considerable. Some people think that it is the only outside activity we cater for. The importance of sport, however, in a boys' school, where it flourishes more readily, is that it gives the opportunity for those who can take it to develop another side of their character. It demonstrates that there are other important qualities and talents besides brains and it helps build confidence. The Honours pocket system has been extended with this in mind. It is an award not just for first teams but for others who have made a contribution according to
their ability. Cricket is still very popular and our teams play a big part in the Wellington competition. Its future although expensive seems assured with the enthusiastic younger players doing well. We have had financial assistance from the Wellington Cricket Association and the Norwood Trust to enable us to erect permanent netting round the composition wicket by the baths. This will in future years be very useful for pre-season practice. Rugby has maintained its strength and there have been promising results from the young teams which in the past have not done nearly as well. Our 1st XV and IA have had better years but this was not one of them. There were a great run of years in which we expected to win the Tournament. But this will come again. Our strength is in a depth of talent. I always felt a particular affection for the first grade which is consistently strong. Many senior pupils who have never played much rugby before suddenly take an interest and play it just as a game. This is very pleasing and important. It is really what sport here is all about. Tennis is a developing game and now with Departmental assistance we have added a new doubles court behind Firth House so it has facilities to progress and host tournaments. A new development has been the initiation of a Quadrangular Tournament with Auckland Grammar School, Hamilton Boys' High School and Palmerston North Boys' High School. Hockey has always been well established at Wellington College and I trust it continues to do so. We have regular games with both Christchurch Boys' High School and Palmerston North B.H.S. This year our 1st XI won the secondary schools competition and were co-winners of the national secondary schools Founders Cup tournament in August. Soccer is undergoing a period of rebuilding after the difficulties we encountered with Alexandra Park. This problem of a suitable ground for Soccer has never been satisfactorily solved in my time and it has not been for want of trying. Unfortunately the field is too far away for adequate supervision and we are engaged in a running battle with vandals. Its future reversion to the Green Belt and under the supervision of the Department of Parks and Reserves seems a likely and most sensible course. There are numerous other sports flourishing within the college like Basketball, Badminton and Volley Ball.
I am pleased to see the Netball Court virtually completed on the West School Court. I had, of course, hoped to see games played on it until a Tip Top truck backed into the northern goal. So this too will be delayed until next year. I hope also that FIVES will be renewed. Just think that this game is almost unknown in the college now! It was the most popular game and was a casualty of the demolition. I know that the Parents' Association will not let it be forgotten but I would like to think that the school have as many as ten courts one day - when the prefabs are out of the way, and all the spare walls can be made use of. The story about Queen Mary with "Calais" engraved on her heart could be applied to me and the Fives Courts. Undoubtedly the sporting activity that has had the most outstanding success over these last few years is Athletics and Cross Country running. This is a direct reflection of the enthusiasm of Mr B. McCrea. For many years in the doldrums athletically we had won the McEvedy Shield last in 1965. Then by his drive and energy Athletics and Cross Country running in the College was transformed. Now we have won this coveted trophy three times in a row so I am leaving at a very propitious time. I hope it is retained for much longer of course. But we cannot win for ever. Our success in Cross Country running seems boundless. We have won the Wellington Relay Championships, the Cross Country relay Championships, the New Zealand Cross Country Championships at Timaru. In addition our team made an Australian tour after raising money by running a relay the length of the South Island in record time. Of course I cannot think of Athletics without remembering the tragic accident of December 1976 when our team on their way to Hamilton suffered the accident at Peke Peke which cost Phillip Grattan and Calvin Wright their lives. What is most memorable in my mind of that time is the way the whole school was drawn together by the tragedy. I felt the sympathy and goodwill of everyone. My time here has been accompanied by more changes than have ever occurred before yet few were of my making. My intention when I came to the school was to maintain its traditions and administer it to the best of my ability. Instead of a continuing stability, however, there was a whole decade of change which imposed pressures and
difficulties no previous Headmaster had ever had to face. If there is one thing that I have found from holding this post it is that the burden of responsibility is never appreciated or realized by those who have never exercised it. Unfortunately the vast number of critics who are often intelligent people, do not know what responsibility means. But they have an awful lot to say about what should be done. Our society depends upon those who accept responsibility - that "carry the can" for without them society would not exist. The avoidance of responsibility is I suppose the most common human weakness. I often think of the words of Robert Graves who so aptly sums it up: Experts ranked in serried rows Fill the enormous plaza full, But only one is there who knows And he's the man who fights the bull
And so it is time for me to step down and hand over the responsibility to a younger man. Sixteen years in such a job is long enough. I would like to think that I have succeeded in maintaining the good name of Wellington College and leaving it in good shape for my successor. I wish him well. I could never have survived the burden without the constant support of successive Boards of Governors and their Chairmen, the Parents' Association Executives, the College Mothers, the Staffs and senior colleagues, the prefects and even the cooperation of pupils. Thank you for supporting me as Headmaster of Wellington College and making my task easier. I have been honoured and proud to serve such a noble school. S. H. W. HILL, Headmaster
the retiring Headmaster to the Wellington educational and cultural scene during his 16 years term of office. Mr Hill's reply and his reminiscences are largely outlined in his final report which is printed in this Wellingtonian. The presentation of a glasshouse for the Hills' Taupo home was made and a cheque for $500 from well wishers' contributions was later presented at a subsequent Parents, Board and Staff gathering.
On Saturday, November 11th a public farewell was held for Mr and Mrs S. H. W. Hill in the Memorial Hall. A huge gathering of the Board, Staff, Old Boys, parents and the Wellington public heard Mr T. P. Broad, Chairman of the Board, pay eloquent tribute to the contribution made by
PRIZES PRESENTED BY MRS SHEILA HILL AT THE ANNUAL PRIZEGIVING CEREMONY HELD IN THE MEMORIAL HALL ON FRIDAY, 8th DECEMBER, 1978 JUNIOR CLASS PRIZES 3B4 - S. Patel 3B3 - P. M. Ngan 3B2 - W. K. Owen 3B1 - A. Scott 3A3 - D. Ting 3A2 - A. J. Rrley 3A1 (The Hing Prize) - M. Tunnicliffe 4B4 - A. C. Collins 4B3 - G. A. Dell 4B2 - R. Nagar 4B1 - D. Warner 4A3 - C. Schilling 4A2 - R. Rogers 4A1 (The Hing Prize) - P. Hodgson 5B5 - R. J. Meek 5B4 - P. W. Milburn 5B3 - P. Chin 5B2 - S. Gongsakdi 5B1 - W. J. White 5A3 - A. Patel 5A2 - P. J. Tapsell 5A1 - D. J. Goddard U52 (The William Small Prize) - S. D. Prout U51 (The William Small Prize) - W. Wong SPECIAL JUNIOR PRIZES The Foster-Brook-Crouch Prize for 3rd Form Literature H. S. D. Waters, 3A1 The Foster-Brook-Crouch Prize for 4th Form Literature A. G. Moss, 4A1 The H. B. Withers Prize for 4B Science D. G. Warner, 4B1 The Spear-Jackson Prize for Woodwork D. F. Solloway, 4B2 The Junior Core Art Prize A. I. Sidler, 4A2 The Richardson Bursary for 4th Form Commerce N. Wong, 4B3 The Richardson Bursary for 4th Form Social Studies and the Cocks Memorial Prize for 4th Form Literature J. B. Silver, 4A1
The Levin Bursary for 4th Form Language P. G. Hodgson, 4A1 The Levin Bursary for 4th Form Science J. R. Stone, 4A1 The Edward Espy Martin Bursary for 5A Science D. J. Goddard, 5A1 SENIOR PRIZES The Barnicoat Prize for English Composition J. Harlen, 5A1 Excellence in German D. D. Roberts, 6Z5 Excellence in Latin M. P. Hangartner, 6Z2 Excellence in Technical Drawing I. D. Mclnnes, 6Z1 Excellence in Music P. J. Feehan, 6fE3 The Hales Prize for Art T. Edwards, 7B1 Excellence in Accounting M. J. Davis, 6Z1 The Liverton Prize in History R. S. Gordine, 6Z2 Excellence in Geography, Excellence in French P. C. Newell, 6Z3 Excellence in English, Excellence in Biology K. L. R. Jansen, 6Z1 Excellence in Mathematics, Excellence in Physics P. F. Shaw, 6Z1 Excellence in English, Excellence in Mathematics, Excellence in Chemistry H. J. Steffens, 6Z1 Excellence in Accounting H. K. Patel, 7B2 Excellence in Biology M. D. Nendick, 7A Excellence in Applied Mathematics R. G. Thompson, 7AM Excellence in French P. G. Guthrie, 7AM The Leverton Prize for Senior Science A. K. Patel, 7B3
The Nicholls Prize for 7th Form Mathematics T. S. Ho, 7B1 Excellence in Economics, Excellence in Chemistry M. J. Coppersmith, 7AM The Christchurch Old Boys' Prize in Mathematics, The Bertram Mitford Prize for 7th Form Science, Excellence in Physics N. E. Lange, 7B2 Excellence in English, Excellence in Pure Mathematics, The Liverton Prize in History P. G. Burgess, 7A The McAloon Prize for 7th Form Literature, The Sefton Adams Memorial Essay Prize, Excellence in Geography, The Young Prize for Oratory, The John Beasley Memorial Prize for Cultural Activities J. D. Schwass, 7A The C.T.F. Beetham Scholarship for Art C. M. Wotton, 4B2 The C.T.F. Beetham Scholarship for Music C. C. Horne, 6E2 The McLernon Prize for Community Services L. B. S. Field, 7B1 The Oscar & Victor Gallie Bursary J. D. Schwass, 7A
The J. P. Firth Bowls of Honour P. L. Smith - Head of House A. R. Hesketh - Head Boy SCHOLARSHIPS The Turnbull Prizes M. Anastasiadis, 7B1 N. E. Lange, 7B2 M. C. Won, 7AM The Moore Scholars P. G. Guthrie, 7AM R. G. Thompson, 7AM The Rhodes Scholar J. G. Fraser, 7AM The James Mackay Scholar P. G. Burgess, 7A The J. P. Firth Scholar M. J. Coppersmith, 7AM Proxime Accessit to Dux - The Winner of the Auckland Old Boys' Prize M. J. Coppersmith, 7AM DUX - The Winner of the James Cuddie Memorial Medal P. G. Burgess, 7A
THE FOLLOWING TROPHIES WERE PRESENTED BY THE HEADMASTER, MR S. H. W. HILL, AT A CEREMONY HELD IN THE MEMORIAL HALL ON WEDNESDAY, 8 NOVEMBER, 1978 PUBLIC SPEAKING Junior: Carwell-Cook Cup M. O'Grady, 4A1 Senior: Capt. Seddon Memorial Cup J. Schwass, 7A SQUASH Senior Championship: Chapman Memorial Shield M. Owen, 6E5 FENCING Junior Championship: Howe Cup L. Fung, 3A1 Senior Championship: Gapes Cup C. Fung, 5A1 TABLE TENNIS Singles Champion: Freeman Cup P. Yarrow, U51 TENNIS Junior Singles Champion: Jones Cup G. Callender, 3A2 Senior Singles Champion - Old Boys' Cup
J. Burnett, 6E3 SHOOTING Senior: Earl of Ranfurly Cup W. Seymour, 7AM Junior: McKenzie Cup B. Watson, 4A3 CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING Tanner Memorial Shield - Third Form Championship 3A2 The Circuit Race N. Hunn, 5A1 A. Shaw, 5A1 B. White, 4A3 R. Knobben, 3A3 INTER-SCHOOL ROAD RELAY & INTER-COLLEGIATE CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIP B. Durrant, 6Z4 C. Lindsay, 4B3 M. Abernathy, 4A3 G. Sayer, 6E3 W. White, 5B1 S. Strain, 7B3 B. Andrews, 7AM J. Bowes, U51 M. Khan, 5B2 P. Gordine, 4B1 P. Currie, 5A1 M. Robinson, 5A2
D. Bowes, 3B4 J. Sliver, 4A1 J. Walter, 3A2 N. McArthur, 3A2 D. Jarvis, 3B3 A. Meo, 5B2 M. Hart, 6R N. Allen, 6E5 R. Murphy, 5B2 T. Crawford, 3B3 - also Gilchrist & Baird Cup- 3rd Form Circuit Champion AND the Oram Cup (3rd Form School Champion). A. Hercus, 4A3 - also Hatfield Cup (Colts School Champion). P. Jasinsky, 4B4 - also Robert Park Cup (4th Form Circuit Champion). B. Cannon, 5B2 - also Taylor Cup (School Junior Champion) and City to Surf Medallion. W. Duckett, 5B2 - also Scottish Harriers Cup (School Intermediate Champion) AND Gratton Cup (5th
Form Circuit Champion) and City to Surf Medallion. R. Irvine, 6E2 - also Surridge Cup (Senior School Champion) and City to Surf Medallion. Captain - 1st XI Cricket: Tanner Cup M. Phillips, 6R Captain - 1st XI Hockey: Gunn Cup O. Chew Lee, 6Z1 Captain - 1st XV Rugby: Heckler Cup P. Smith, 6E3 1st XI CAPS, 1978 1st Year S. J. Baddeley, A. J. Currie, R. J. Gair, D. R. Johansson, A. J. Murray, T. D. Ritchie 2nd Year J. D. Beere, B. A. Mansfield, A. R. Miller, M. L. Warner, M. J. Coppersmith (Vice Captain) 3rd Year M. S. J. Phillips (Captain)
PUBLIC EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1978 UNIVERSITY JUNIOR SCHOLARSHIPS P. G. Burgess, N. E. Lange. UNIVERSITY BURSARIES A Bursaries: M. P. Anastasiadis, B. A. F. Andrews, F. J. Barrowman, S. J. Bentall; M. A. J. Bosson, A. S. Cathie, M. D. Coe, M. J. Coppersmith, A. J. Currie, A. S. Flaws, J. G. Fraser, P. G. Fuller, A. I. Gilchrist, P. G. Guthrie, J. S. Hoch- berg, K. L. P. Jansen, Y. V. Kan, M. D. Keall, S. Leung Wai, A. R. Miller, M. D. Nendick, D. P. Owen, A. K. Patel, J. D. Schwass, P. F. Shaw, D. E. Smith, H. J. Steffens, R. G. Thompson, M. C. Won. B. Bursaries: M. J. Bassett, R. G. N. Beyer, K. D. Clements, B. W. Darwin, T. D. Edwards, L. B. S. Field, A. J. Hammond, P. K. K. Hari, R. F. G. Hermans, A. R. Hesketh, A. P. Hunn, R. Iyengar, M. S. Jenkins, G. L. Lees, G. J. Macarthur, P. Orchard, A. H. Percival, V. M. Renner, P. M. Rose, W. R. Seymour, K. G. Stewart, C. Tuatagaoloa, A. Volentras, D. Wong, T. J. Worthington. UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE M. L. Aarons, G. H. Alington, P. D. Amos, P. J. Arden, N. Arora, R. G. A. Barnett, J. C. Beu, R. D. Bickerton, P. Bischof, R. L. Borrell, W. A. Bougen, J. P. Brock, J. M. Brown, N. J. M. Brown, J. A. Burnett, M. F. Burry, S. G. Campbell, R. G. Cassidy, 0. H. Chew Lee, E. D. Christie, N. A. Collins, J. H. Cornish, G. J. Cumming, K. C. Darcy, M. J. Davis, R. J. Dearsly, P. M. Debnam, C. W. Dewes, G. E. Dobson, N. G. Dobson, M. P. A. Drakeford, 0. D. Droege, R. E. Duindam, B. N. Durrant, D. J. Edwards, P. K. Emanuel,
P. J. Feehan, M. J. Feltham, J. D. R. Ford, A. J. W. Foster, A. T. Gee, B. W. B. Gerrard, T. Gibbs, G. W. Giblett, A. Glennie, R. S. Gordine, B. D. Grant, M. P. Hangartner, M. J. Hart, J. D. Hay, D. A. Heap, T. M. Heaver, P. Henderson, K. V. Herlihy, D. F. Homewood, C. C. Horne, A. J. Hull, C. J. Jarvis, D. R. Johansson, S. C. Johnson, R. Jones, J. M. Keall, P. A. Kearns, B. G. Kerr, H. W. Kibblewhite, M. R. Laurs, D. C. Lockie, M. G. Lodge, J. S. Mac-Donald, D. M. Macleod, R. D. Marklew, G. D. Marris, A. G. L. McFarlane, R. S. McFarlane, I. D. Mclnnes, B. G. McIntyre, D. M. McLellan, P. J. McLeod, R. A. Meister, P. Mersi, F. M. Mexted, P. D. Miller, C. D. Miners, D. L. M. Morrison, A. Mukherjee, S. C. Mulholland, J. B. Napp, P. C. Newell, M. C. Ng, P. A. Papanicolaou, C. M. V. Plunket, A. J. Riley, J. R. Ritchie, D. D. Roberts, J. F. Roberts, J. D. N. Rumpit, E. H. Ruwhiu, D. H. Sawtell, G. B. Sayer, B. T. Scott, B. R. Shad- solt, R. M. Sharif, l.„ R. Shorter, T. P. Simpson, P. L. Smith, R. W. Smith, R. M. Smyth, G. J. Sollo- way, P. R. Solt, C. W. Stevenson, B. Sturman, B. M. Suckling, G. Sue, D. A. Sullivan, M. W. Tischler, P. Tolo, S. L. Trustrum, R. J. Turnbull, M. J. G. Turner, M. K. Va’ai, P. Van Krimpen, C. W. Varcoe, T. S. Wakefield, G. Wells, P. W. Wells, M. G. White, M. J. Williams, A. J. 0. Willis, D. J. Wilson, B. P. Winstanley, M. A. Woodard, A. R. Yee
SCHOOL CERTIFICATE Subject Code No. English 1 Latin 9 Mathematics 2 Art 10 Science 3 Biology 11 Economic Studies 4 Chemistry 12 French 5 Physics 13 History 6 Music 14 Geography 7 German 15 Technical Drawing 8 Alexander, K. R. 2, 3, 4, 7 Allan, G. D. 2 Allott, N.M. 1,2,3,5,12,14 Anderson, G. S. D. 2, 4 Andrews, I. L. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11 Androutsos, S. 10 Arrell, M. J. 1,2,3,4,7,13 Arthur, D. B. 4 Austin, A. M. 1 Austin, N. J. 1, 2, 3 Baddeley, S. J. 6, 7 Bain, C. L. 1,2, 3, 8 Barendregt, M. W. 2, 4 Barnett, C.M. 2,3,4,12 Barnett, N. E. 1, 2, 3, 7, 11 Barr, R. A. 1,2,3,9,10,13 Beckett, P. J. 1, 2, 3, 6, 11 Bensemann, G. R. 2, 3, 6, Bevan, M. I. 7 Bhana, V. 3 Birch, P. A. 1,2, 3, 4 Bird, G. A. 4 Black, P. D. 7 Boon, G. R. 1,2,3,6,9,11 Borrell, S. K. 1,6 Bowes, J. S. 6 Breeze, W. T. S. 1,2,3,4,6,11 Bremner, P. D. 1, 4, 6 Broad, S. A. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11 Broder, G. P. 1,2,3 Brown, J. D. 1,7 Brown, P. I. 1,2,3,4,7,12 Burns, T. J. 1, 2, 3, 10, 13, 14 Burrell, P. R. 1,2,3,4,11 Burt, J. C. 1, 4, 7 Bussell, M. R. 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11 Cannon, B. J. 4 Casey, P. J. 1,2,3,6,7,11 Chamberlain, G. 1 Chan, L. 1,2, 3, 5, 9, 11 Chezick, L. E. 2, 3, 4, 6 Chin, P. A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7
Collins, J. A. 1, 2, 3, 8 Collins, P. J. 3, 4, 7 Collins, R. W. 8 Cook, D. 1,2, 5, 6 Cook, D. I. 1,3,7 Cooper, A. 1,2, 3, 6, 7, 11 Cousins, D. J. 1,2, 3, 10, 11, 14 Crutchley, M. A. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 15 Culleton, K. J. 1 Currie, P. J. 1,2,3,5,7,11 D'Esposito, G. H. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11 Davies, G. J. 2, 13 Davis, K. J. 3, 7 Dell, C. J. 1,3,7 Devon, D. 6 Di Leva, R. R. 10 Dinh, L. T. 3 Double, N. R. 1,4 Doyle, M. J. 1,2, 3, 7 Doyle, S. J. 2,3,5,6,11 Duckett, W. R. 1, 4, 7 Dukes, M. P. 1,2,3,5,13,15 Duncan, B. R. 1, 7 Duncan, S. M. 2, 3 Durden, E. J. 1,2,3,9,10,13 Dykstra, H. G. 4 Eastgate, D. G. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 11 Edwards, M. J. 1,2,3,4,7,13 Elliott, B. C. 2 Feldwick, M. G. 8 Field, G.W.W. 1,2,3,5,9,13 Finlay, T. D. 2 Forbes-Robinson, C. S. 1,2,3,7,10 Foster, N. K. 1,2,3,5,9,11 Fraser, D. S. 1,2,3,7,10 Fuller, M. J. 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 13 Fung, C. D. 1,2,3,5,6,13 Gair, R. J. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 Galloway, T. N. H. 1,2,3,9,10,11 Gault, B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Gibson, N. W. 1,4 Gimson, S. J. T. 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11
Goddard, D. J., 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 13 Godman, R. J. 1, 3 Gongsakdi, C. S. 1,2, 3, 4, 7 Good, A. E. 1,2,6 Graham-Cameron, M. P. 3, 4 Gulley, G. R. 1, 2, 3, 5, 13, 15 Haines, P. D. 1, 2, 3, 6 Hales, N. S. 6, 7 Hall, M. R. 1,4 Harding, P. 3 Hardman, J. E. 3, 4 Harland, D. J. 1,2, 3, 5, 6, 13 Harlen, J. C. T. 1,2,3,5,7,13 Harris, J. K. 4, 7 Hart, K. M. 2, 3, 7, 8 Hartman, D. R. 2, 8, 15 Haves, D. 1 Hawkes, J. A. 7, 8 Handerson, A. J. 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 14 Henderson, J. E. 4 Hercus, P. J. 1,2,3,10,14 Heyworth, I. J. 6 Higgins, M. A. R. 1,6 Hodgson, T. 2 Homewood, T. L. 1,2,3,5,6,11 Honiss, S. J. 2, 3, 7 Hooper, G. M. 2, 3, 7, 10 Hooper, P. D. 1,2,7,10 Horner, I. N. 1,2, 3, 4, 7, 11 Houston, S. A. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 Huffam, C. E. 1,10 Hughes, B.K. 1,2,3,6,7,11 Hunn, N.J. 1,2,3,5,7,13 Hunter, S. A. 1,2,3,4,7,13 Jamieson, I. B. 3, 6 Jarvis, M. J. 1,2, 3, 6, 7 Jeffries, P. P. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Jenkin, A. S. 1,2, 3,10, J X Johnston, C. J. 1,2,3,10,14 Kahn, M. H. 1,3,6 Kecfdy, W. J. 1,2, 3, 4, 7 Kerekes, S. 1, 2, 3, 7
Killick, D. J. 1,2, 3, 5, 9 Kippenberger, M. H. 1,2,3,7,10,12 Kirkwood, M. R. 1,2,3,6,9,13 Knobben, R. A. 1,2,3,9,10,13 Koromiadis, N. 3, 7 Latimer, D. N. 1, 2, 6, 10 Leach, S. M. J. 3, 10 Lear, M. T. 2, 3, 7, 8 Lee, A. 1,2,3,5,11,15 Lee, M. W. N. 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 13 Lethbridge, G. M. 2, 8, 13 Lubransky, S. L. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 Lyons, P. C. 1,2, 3, 7 Mabbett, C. 1,2,3,4,7,11 MacFarlane, I. D. 1,2,3,5,7,11 MacIntyre, G. R. 1,2,3,7,11 MacKay, C.P. 1,2, 3, 4 Magnusson, S. E. T. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 11 Mak, M. P. 1,2, 3, 7 Malcolm, A. R. 1,2,3,6,11 Malcolm, I. R. 2, 3 McArthur, P. 1, 3, 7 McCallum, D. W. 1, 2, 6, 8 McCallum, P. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 McDonald, G. D. 2, 3, 7 McGeown, P. D. 1,2,3,5,11,14 McIntyre, P. G. 2, 3, 7, 10 McKeich, S. A. 1, 3, 6 McLean, C. G. 1, 2, 3, 7 McLellan, C. W. 1, 10 McMeekin, G. L. 1,2 McMillan, J. S. 1,2,3,10,13,15 McRae, C. A. 1 Meek, R. J. 1,2, 3, 4, 7 Meiklejohn, A. McG. 1,2, 4, 7 Meo, A. J. 1,7 Milburn, P. 1,2, 3, 7 Millar, P. 1,2,3,7,10,11 Miller, M.R. 1,2,3,5,9,11 Milne, G. J. 1,2, 3, 4, 7 Moffat, A. 3, 7 Morganti, B. L. 1,2, 3, 9, 10, 13 Morris, M.L. 1,2, 3, 4, 7
Montzouris, G. A. 2, 3 Mulholland, M. J. 1,3, 4, 14 Murphy, R. 1, 3, 4 Nelson, D. J. 3 Nendick, D. K. 1,2,3,5,6,11 Nicolson, D. N. 2, 3, 7 O'Brien, P. M. 1,4, 6 O'Hare, J. 1,2,3,5,15 Obren, M. P. 1,2,3,5,6,13 Osborne, P. J. 2, 14 Overell, M. 1,2,3,5,14 Painter, I. D. 1, 2, 3, 5 Papas, L. V. 1,6 Park, H. 1,2, 3, 7 Patel, A. L. 1,2,3,4,6,13 Peels, M.S. 1,3,4,15 Penlington, M. J. 1, 2, 3, 4, 14 Philip, C. 1,7 Pierce, M. E. N. 1,2,3,10,11,15 Player, W.P. 1,2,3,4,7,13 Pointer, W. J. 1,2,3,4,13 Preston, T. R. 1, 2, 4, 7 Probert, J. N. 1,3, 4, 7 Prout, S. 1,2, 4, 6 Read, S. R. 1,4 Reeve, S. V. 2, 4 Richards, A. A. 1,2,3,7,10,11 Richardson, S. P. 1 Ritchie, S. B. 2, 3 Roberts, M. I. 1, 4 Robertson, A. W. 1,2,3,5,7,11 Robinson, M. C. 1,2,3,6,10 Roche, M. J. 1,3, 4, 7 Ross, A. M. P. 1,2,3,7,10 Ross, S. D. 1,2, 3, 4, 7 Roylands, S. T. 2 Russell, D. 2 Rutherford, A. R. 1,2, 3, 7, 8, 13 Ryan, B. T. 4, 6 Scott, J. R. 1,2, 3,4, 7 Scully, S. M. 1,2, 3, 5 Searle, P. 1,2,7 Seddon, M. A. J. 1,2,3,5,11,14
Seddon, P. J. 1,2,3,5,7,11 Selley, M. L. 1,2,5,15 Shaw, A. P. M. 1,2,3,5,6,12 Smillie, A. J. 1,2,3,4,11 Smith, C. S. 1,3, 4, 7 Smith, R. 7 Snadden, T. C. 6, 7 Soedarsond, S. I. 2, 10 St. John, G. D. 4, 7 Staples, N.G. 1,2,3,4,9,11 Stehbens, G. R. 1,2,3,5,9,11 Stewart, J. L. 1,2,3,5,15 Tagg, J. C. 2 Taggart, W.M. 1,2, 3, 4 Tapsell, P. J. 1,2,3,7,10,12 Tarpley, S. W. 2 Te Maipi, H. 1,7 Teague, J. A. 1,4 Tekani, D. 1 Te Moana, A. 1, 2, 7 Tilbrook, G. D. 1,2,3,5,9,13 Tindle, S. 1,2, 4, 7 Tremayne, T. G. 2, 3 Turner, G. J. 1, 2, 6, 7 Tziakis, A. 1,4 Uti, W. 1, 4, 7, 11 Van Zweeden, P. N. 1,2,3,5,7,11 Verberne, A. S. 1, 2, 3 Waite, R. L. 2, 3, 6 Walker, M. K. R. 1;Z, 3, 5, 6, 13 Walker, R. M. 1,7 Walker, S. B. 7, 10 Warner, M. L. 1,2,3,4,7,11 White, W. J. 1,2, 3, 6, 7 Wong, W. 1,2, 3, 4, 7 Wotherspoon, P. A. 1, 2, 3, 7 Yarrow, P. W. 1,2 Yip, T. 11 Youmans, J. E. 1,2,3,6,13,15 Young, R. A. 3, 4 Young, S. J. 1,2,3,5,7,11 Young, S. 1,2,3,4,13,15
SPORTS CUPS AND TROPHIES PRESENTATION - MAY 1978 SWIMMING Under 14 33⅓ yds Freestyle M. Newcombe, 3B2 Junior 33⅓ yds Freestyle J. Champion, 4B1 Junior 33⅓ yds Breaststroke J. Champion, 4B1 Junior 33⅓ yds Backstroke J. Champion, 4B1 and Fitzgerald Cup J. Champion, 4B1 Junior 100 yds Freestyle J. Champion, 4B1 Open Butterfly J. Champion, 4B1 Intermediate 33⅓ yds Freestyle I. Andrews, 5A1 Intermediate 33⅓ yds Backstroke I. Andrews, 5A1 and Bramwell Cup I. Andrews, 5A1 Intermediate 33⅓ yds Breaststroke B. Duncan, 5A3 Intermediate 100 yds Freestyle R. Tapsell, 5A2 and Newman Cup P. Tapsell, 5A2 Senior 66⅔ yds Freestyle B. Andrews,7AM Senior 66⅔ yds Breaststroke B. Andrews, 7AM Senior 66⅔ yds Backstroke B. Andrews, 7AM Senior 100 yds Freestyle B. Andrews, 7AM and Fitzgerald Cup B. Andrews, 7AM The Hellaby Cup P. Muller, 4A3 The Miles Cup A. Hesketh, 7AM ATHLETICS Under 14 Events 100 metres and Lt. Sievwright Cup T. Gonsadki, 3B4 200 metres and 100 metres Hurdles W. Watkins, 4A3 400 metres G. Callender, 3A2 800 metres T. Crawford, 3B3 1500 metres G. Beggs, 4A3 High Jump D. Double, 3B4 Long Jump D. Calvert, 3A2 Discus C. Hunter, 3B2 Shot Put N. Papanicolaou, 3A3 Junior Events 100 metres B. White, 4A3 200 metres B. White, 4A3 Long Jump B. White, 4A3 100 metres Hurdles B. White, 4A3 and the Baird Cup B. White, 4A3 and the Calvin Wright Memorial Trophy B. White, 4A3 400 metres and the McLay Cup D. Burgess, 4B4 800 metres A. Shaw, 5A1 1500 metres B. Cannon, 5B2 High Jump P. McIntyre, 5B5 Shot and Discus A. Beyer, 4A1 Intermediate Events 100 metres P. Hooper, U51 Long Jump P. Hooper, U51 Shot and Discus P. Hooper, U51 and the Lane Cup P. Hooper, U51 200 metres A. Currie, 7AM High Jump A. Currie, 7AM and the Webster Cup A. Currie, 7AM 400 metres R. Irvine, 6E2 800 metres R. Irvine, 6E2 1500 metres R. Irvine, 6E2 Open 5000 metres R: Irvine, 6E2 and the Old Boys' Cup R. Irvine, 6E2
110 metres Hurdles F. Mexted, 6E3 110 Senior Hurdles F. Mexted, 6E3 and the Finch Cup F. Mexted, 6E3 and the Stout Cup F. Mexted, 6E3 Under 16 Events 100 metres J. Scott, 5B3 200 metres J. Scott, 5B3 400 metres J. Scott, 5B3 Long Jump J. Scott, 5B3 and the Trafford Nicol Cup J. Scott, 5B3 and the Championship Cup J. Scott, 5B3 800 metres R. Murphy, 5B2 1500 metres R. Murphy, 5B2 100 metres Hurdles G. Main, 6E5 High Jump N. Rose, 5B3 Shot and Discus N. Rose, 5B3 Senior Events Shot Put K. Va'ai, 6R 100 metres J. Hay, 6R 200 metres J. Hay, 6R and the Gowen Holden Cup J. Hay, 6R and the Kember Cup J. Hay, 6R 400 metres M. Hart, 6R 800 metres M. Hart, 6R and the Luke Cup M. Hart, 6R and the Lady Prendergast Cup M. Hart, 6R 1500 metres B. Andrews, 7AM and the Bush Cup B. Andrews, 7AM High Jump J. Ewing, 6R Long Jump J. Ewing, 6R and the Lord Ranfurly Cup J. Ewing, 6R Gallie Shield 5B3 McEVEDY SHIELD CERTIFICATES High Jump under 14 D. Double 800 metres and 1500 metres under 14 T. Crawford Shot Put A. Beyer Junior Relay Team B. White, D. Walker, J. Henderson, R. Knobben Under 16 High Jump M. Edwards Under 16 100 metres Hurdles G. Main Senior 800 metres and Senior 400 metres M. Hart Senior 1500 metres B. Andrews Junior 100 metres B. White Senior 100 metres B. White Junior 200 metres B. White Junior 100 metres Hurdles B. White Under 16 Long Jump B. White Junior Long Jump B. White Intermediate Long Jump P. Hooper Intermediate 100 metres P. Hooper Intermediate Discus P. Hooper Intermediate Relay Team P. Hooper, B. Winstanley, B. White, I. Alofa Intermediate 5000 metres R. Irvine Intermediate 1500 metres R. Irvine Intermediate 800 metres R. Irvine Under 16 100 metres J. Scott Under 16 200 metres J. Scott Under 16 400 metres & Captain of Shield Team J. Scott
THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD, Mr T. P. BROAD, GAVE THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS AT THE ANNUAL PRIZEGIVING CEREMONY At a function such as this, one is expected to look back over the past 16 years with a certain degree of nostalgia, to think back the years and with a sentimental sigh say, "Well those were the good old days!" Mind you I realise that many of you cannot yet look back 16 years, but let me assure you that your time will come only too quickly. Often when we do look back we are inclined to remember only what we want to remember and to forget an awful lot of what we want to forget. To look back like this is negative - nothing is gained by it. Let's get on with living and if we have to look back then let us look back with some purpose - look back so that we can look forward with greater wisdom and greater experience. Shortly, Mr Hill, in reporting on the year's activities, will also report on the past 16 years. Who better to do this than Mr Hill himself. He can do this much more ably than I can for after all he has been here for the past 16 years. I suppose, in many ways, this is the day of reckoning we all hear so much about. To say there have been changes during the past 16 years is, to say the least, an understatement. Indeed even today is a day of change - a departing Headmaster, a departing Housemaster, other staff members on the move and on leave. This change is the very thing that
make this College a vital living organ. For after all, who changes more often than anyone else - who else but you. Mr Hill no doubt will mention many changes but could I refer to two things that haven't changed, the reputation and tradition of this College. Despite the fundamental changes that have occurred over the past 16 years the high reputation of the College both in the academic field and in the athletic field has not changed. The valuable traditions that make this College one of the leading Colleges of the country have been maintained. The maintenance of the reputation and tradition of the College is no small way due to the efforts of Mr Hill. You now leave the College with a strong and active Old Boys' Association, with a loyal well qualified staff with a strong and very active Parents Association and a deeply appreciative Board of Governors. Mr Hill you leave the College in very good heart. You can look back on 16 years of achievement - this will be a source of considerable satisfaction to you for the rest of your life. You can look back on a job well done you can now look at a College that is a better place for your having been here. Best wishes for long and happy retirement.
The Headmaster, Mr Seddon Hill, makes his farewell address at the Prizegiving Ceremony on Friday, 8th December, 1978. Mrs Sheila Hill presented the prizes. During the ceremony the Head Boy, Allan Hesketh, made a presentation to Mr and Mrs Hill on behalf of the College. The Chairman of the Board, Mr Tim Broad, paid tribute to the work of the Headmaster during the past sixteen years, and to conclude the ceremony. Prefect Ross Hanning piped Mr and Mrs Hill from the Hall to the applause of the assembled College.
Prefects' Report 1978 Prefects need the support of the whole School to be effective. The staff this year have been a great help to the Prefects, simplifying our job considerably. Unfortunately this has been offset by a lack of support from the boys. Especially from the Fifth and Sixth Forms. Apart from this lack of support, this year has been generally successful. The Prefects generally performing their duties well, but these were made more difficult by the lack of co-operation shown by boys. Being a Prefect is not always easy, and boys make this even worse. Most of the School was very good when it came to reacting to what Prefects asked, but as usual there were a few who obstructed regularly. The Prefects themselves were very mixed in what they
attained this year. The captains of the 1st XI, M. Phillips, and the 1st XV, P. Smith, were both Prefects. The 1st XI also contained five other Prefects, and the 1st XV containing six others. We were also represented well in other sports, cross country running and soccer being among these sports. Academically this year's Prefects were also successfully represented. Both the winner of the senior speech contest, J. Schwass, and the proxime acessit, M. Coppersmith, being Prefects. All taken together this year has been reasonably successful, but next year Prefects are going to need a lot more support from the School. To next year's Prefects, good luck, and remember, you only get as much out of a School as you put in. A.R.H
Firth House Notes 1978 The year started once again with the traditional "House swimming sports� and was a great success with limited casualties but a few very wet Prefects! In the first term we saw the introduction of "House Weekends". These are weekends set aside where all boarders are required to stay in the House and participate in organised activities in an effort to let the boys get to know one another better and to encourage House spirit. This experiment proved most successful and I hope it will be adopted again next year. M. K. Va'ai, K. Van Voorst and P. Smith were chosen at the beginning of the year as School Prefects. Once again we won the McEvedy Shield this year and we had seven from the House in the team. Amongst those to distinguish themselves was P. Hooper who came 1st in the intermediate 100 metres, 1st in long jump, 1st in discus, 2nd in 200 metres, 2nd in senior discus and was also a member of the winning intermediate relay team. As usual the House had a large percentage in the Rugby teams with seven making the 1st XV and nine in the 1A squad. Those in the 1st XV were B. Grant, K. Van Voorst, R. Temoana, P. Hooper, S. Jale, M. K. Va'ai and P. L. Smith, and all of those in the 1A squad from the House either reserved or played for the 'firsts' at some stage of the season. Kesi Va'ai further distinguished himself by making both the Centurion Colts team and the Wellington Secondary Schools team. Still on the topic of sport, both S. Baddeley and R. Gair of the House represented the College in the 1st XI cricket team. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Matron very sincerely for her immense contribution to the House this year, despite once again having to face staffing shortages. Thanks also go to the Masters; Messrs Smith, Meldrum, Fouhy, McNab and Dalzell for a job well done. Special thanks to Mr Thomas for his efforts this year and we wish him and his wife all the best for their new destination and occupations next year in Hawkes Bay. I also want to thank my fellow Prefects - B. Grant, W. Seymour, K. Herlihy, K. van Voorst and K. Stewart, for their support and loyalty this year. We have found out that a Prefects job is not always an enjoyable one but the way they have handled their responsibilities has been really great. Next year will bring many changes to the House with so many of the staff and boys leaving, and my only wish is that the tradition that has played such a vital role in the affairs of the House over the years remains unchanged. I wish those who are returning next year all the best and
I hope that you will all be as proud of being a boarder as I have. P. L. Smith (Head Boy)
Staff Notes The year 1978 saw a full staff - but as in 1977 by July we were struggling to keep classes adequately covered by teachers. It was the same old story - teachers moving on promotion, and teachers moving into the commercial field where better conditions and remuneration are possible. There were teachers this year whom we never replaced at all, thus putting a heavy strain on H.O.D.'s and their staffs. This to the detriment of all pupils. The conditions of service have not improved over the last few years and the high hopes teachers had of worthwhile recognition this year did not materialise. The new members of the staff at the beginning of I978 were: Mr Hawes (Chem. Phys.), Mr Hurricks (Eng. Geog.), Miss J. Howard (Eng. Fr.), Mr Herdman (Phys. Maths), Miss Kasoulides (Commerce), Miss Rankin (Bio), Mrs Mackrell (Chem. Maths), Mr Tate (Fr. Lat. Germ.), Mr Woodbury (Soc. St. Econ.), Ms Hansen (Guidance Counsellor). It was pleasing to welcome back Mr Tate who was on the staff in 1973-74 before going overseas to France.
During the year we said farewell to Mr M. Derry, Mr Herdman, Mr Anderson and Miss Howard - all to commerce and out of the teaching profession. Mr Llewellyn who had been on the staff since 1969 resigned owing to ill health. He had a massive operation but remained a very sick man. Mr Llewellyn held a senior position on the Maths staff and was a fine and cheerful colleague. For a Welshman he was remarkably wellinformed about Rugby matters and was the cause of many a light-hearted argument in the staff-room. Mr Llewellyn accepted a position with the Technical Correspondence School at Waterloo, specializing in Mining Engineering, but as these notes are being written he was again in hospital facing another major operation. We wish him and his wife all that's best. We were shocked and saddened by the sudden death of Mr A. B. Gordon in September. It was only 18 months earlier when we saw him off on what we all hoped would be a long retirement. A tribute to Mr Gordon appears elsewhere in this magazine. Joining the staff during 1978 were: Mr Uffindell (Chem. Maths), Miss Love (Fr. Eng.), Mr Nightingale (Eng.). Mrs Romanovsky (Fr. Eng.) who was on a year's study leave at the University did some relieving work for us and rejoined the staff in November. Our reliable, almost full-time reliever, Mr F. Cormack was back with us and his services saved the staff from a lot of extra work, and the boys also would have suffered without his help. Of the very many teachers who relieved here this year, mention must be made of Mrs Crisp and Mrs Langston who helped on many occasions. Also relieving during the year were Mr Angel, Mr Savage and Mr G. Kay. We have a long list of teachers this year who are moving on. Mr MacGregor-Macdonald is leaving the profession and into the mysterious world of the computer. Mr Ballingall has felt the call of the country-side no doubt to take up rural pursuits of an equally mystifying nature. Mr Berdinner has taken up a teaching position on Nauru Island somewhere in the Pacific known only to him and seagulls. Mr Hurricks is probably leaving teaching and is no doubt seeking someplace much quieter. Mr P. Hickey, H.O.D. Geography, History and Social Studies, has accepted a Visiting Lectureship in Education at the Auckland Secondary Teachers' Training College for 1979. He has made such an outstanding contribution to this School both academically and in the sporting and cultural field it is going to be hard to do without him for a year. There is no doubt he is in a position to bring a wealth of knowledge to the students and, one hopes, to the staff of the Training College. We hope he enjoys his “year off" and comes back with many new and interesting ideas and of course full of enthusiasm for Wellington College. To all the “Leavers" we wish every success and best wishes. Mr G. Thomas, Head of Maths and Firth House Manager, is leaving for Hastings where he will be the new Deputy Principal at Hastings Boys' High School where he joins
the Headmaster, Mr Frank Crist, a former Housemaster of Firth House and a prominent master at the School for many years. While we all congratulate Graham Thomas on his fine promotion we are saddened by his departure. Mr Thomas joined the staff 15 years ago and “'learned his trade” here at Wellington College. He has during his long term here coached most sports, winter and summer, but it is on the Rugby field he will be best remembered as a Sports Master. He coached the 1st XV for seven years, having developed some of the great College sides. His unbounded energy (slowing down a little it is true) kept the rest of us breathless at times. Mr Thomas is recognised as one of the best teachers of Maths in Wellington. He has conducted numerous courses for the Education Department and has lectured throughout N.Z. at refresher courses and seminars. His work here as Head of Maths has been outstanding. His Department ran smoothly even during teacher shortage crises and his staff express their gratitude and their pleasure for the amount of help Mr Thomas has given them. His work at Firth House too has been most marked. The long hours associated with this job make it one of the most arduous in the School. The Firth House contribution to the School life is of course vital and Mr Thomas has always seen to it that Firth House boys are always to the fore in all School activities. To Margaret and Craig we send our greetings to Hastings. Good luck to you Graham. We wish you well in your new position and can only add our thanks for all you have done for the staff and the School over the years. The last term has been dominated by the approach of the Head's retirement. Elsewhere in this magazine is a tribute to Mr Hill with which we on the staff wish to be associated. Mr Hill has been a great Headmaster. His tact and humanity has been, of his many fine traits, what the staff have appreciated. His leadership has been firm but kindly. He has always been approachable and has given a sympathetic ear to all in trouble. His advice has always been sound and helpful. Mr Hill's term as Headmaster has never been easy. What with serious staff shortages, and the new building programme, life has been difficult to say the least. That Mr Hill could face these difficulties and overcome them by persevering and with a good nature, says much for him as a leader and a man. The staff of 1978 say thank you and let him know that it has been a privilege granted to few to work with him. To Mr and Mrs Hill we send best wishes for a long and happy retirement. It was very pleasing to meet again some of our excolleagues in November at the unveiling of the Ted Morgan Tablet. Mr Jack Dighton, Mr Frank Joplin, Mr B. Paetz and Mr G. Halliday - all looking well and fit - were present and had afternoon tea with us. We are always delighted to renew old friendships. And so 1978 is over and we look forward to 1979 with a full staffing schedule and another interesting year. L.F.G
Mr G. E. THOMAS, B.Sc. After fifteen years of outstanding, loyal service to the College, Mr Graham Thomas leaves for his new appointment as Deputy Principal of Hastings Boys' High School. Mr Thomas joined the staff in 1964 as a teacher of mathematics and science. In 1973 he was appointed Head of the Mathematics Department, and under his keen direction mathematics has flourished as a very strong subject in the College. His scholarship, his enthusiasm as a teacher and his command in the classroom have long been admired by all those he has taught. Mr Thomas has also been very active in working with the Department of Education on curriculum development, public examinations and teacher refresher courses. It is in Firth House that Mr Thomas has also left his mark. After being a junior housemaster from 1965 to 1968 he left to be married in 1969, and then returned in 1970 as Senior Housemaster. During his nine years in office there, traditional standards have been maintained, and the House has been a happy and well-run community. Firth House has played more than a significant role in the life of the College. Mr Thomas's contribution to sport, and Rugby in particular, has been outstanding. He was the very successful coach of the 1st XV 1965-69, 1971 and again in 1978. At other times he has been Master-in-charge of
Mr G. E. THOMAS Mr G. E. Thomas, H.O.D. Mathematics and Housemaster of Firth House who has been appointed Deputy-Principal of Hastings Boys' High School.
Rugby, the Secondary Schools' Delegate to the Rugby Union, four years as Selector-Coach for Wellington Schoolboy Representatives, and two years as the Under 18 Representatives' selector. Overall an impressive record. As an efficient and effective administrator, a thoroughly professional and scholarly teacher, and an enthusiast for everything connected with Wellington College, Graham Thomas will be missed by all at the College. We congratulate him on his new appointment, and wish him, his wife Margaret and son Craig all the best for the future.
TWO MEMBERS OF THE STAFF WHO LEFT WELLINGTON DURING 1978 Left: Mr M. A. Anderson of the Chemistry Department. Right: Mr A. B. Herdman of the Physics and Mathematics Department.
Mr P.R. HICKEY Mr P. R. Hickey, H.O.D. History, Geography and Social Studies, who has been appointed Visiting Lecturer to the Secondary Teachers' College. Auckland, for 1979.
People and Places ANZAC DAY - 1978
The Headmaster, Mr Seddon Hill, conducted a special Memorial Assembly to commemorate Anzac Day. He spoke to the College students and staff assembled and reminded them that: Tomorrow is Anzac Day. Two representatives of the School will lay a wreath on the Cenotaph on your behalf. It is our equivalent of Remembrance Day in Europe. The day set aside to remember the dead in the bloody wars of the 20th Century. The imitation Flanders wild poppy we wear is a symbol of our remembrance. An old school like ours cannot escape from a close involvement in such a national day, for this College was established long before these wars were fought. The stained glass window and bronze tablets to the memory of the old boys who lost their lives, established a distinctive tradition of honouring their sacrifice, which is worth maintaining. With the passage of years this day of remembrance has lost its poignancy. Only those of us who are growing old, find it really meaningful, and yet we too recognize its limitations as it rapidly, now, loses touch with the living. Trafalgar Day, Waterloo Day, St. Crispin's Day have all gone the same path. Yet the Anzac story is still full of inspiration and does not deserve to be forgotten quickly. It gets its name from the Dardanelles campaign of 1915 - the campaign directed against Turkey aimed at capturing Constantinople (Istanbul), taking Turkey out of the war, to link up with Russia in the Caucasus mountains and thus surround and threaten the Central Powers (Germany and Austria-Hungary) from the south. Strategically it was a brilliant plan. But it did not receive the support it deserved. It became a political matter. Churchill and Keyes pushed for it. The French overrun by the German army naturally opposed it. Kitchener ("Your country needs you") considered it a sideshow. Its planning and execution were not good. It was moreover a massive amphibious operation. The first since Elizabethan times. Initially it had been a naval exercise with a squadron of British and French battleships trying to force the Dardanelles - that narrow channel one mile wide, which separates Europe from Asia. (The Hellespont of classical mythology swum by Leander and emulated in 1810 by the romantic poet Lord Byron). The fierce current and the Turkish batteries thwarted them. So it was decided to land an army on the Gallipoli Peninsula and take Constantinople by land.
The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) made up part of that Army and they distinguished themselves but they were not in the majority. A huge force of naval and merchant ships was assembled in the Aegean islands, especially Mudros, (there was no airforce to attack them) and it was obvious to the Turks where they planned to land. The navy bombarded the area. There was no element of surprise. The Turks were better prepared than expected under their German General Limon von Sanders, and they were tough and determined fighters. The attackers landed on beaches under murderously accurate fire and were pinned down. The bloodshed was ghastly. The surf at Cape Helles beach was crimson for 50 yards out as men died in the water. Eventually after further later assaults supported by naval bombardments the Anzacs climbed the steep hills and dug in - virtually holding on by their finger tips. And they stayed there for eight months. They never advanced more than a mile or two inland. They were never given sufficient military support to enable them to beat the Turks, nor were the Turks ever able to dislodge them. The conditions they lived in during those eight months were indescribable. It was here that the Australians coined the name "Diggers" - because they dug for their lives. WWI Anzac soldiers were all "Diggers" just as WWII New Zealanders were "Kiwis". The danger of sudden death was ever present. Nowhere was safe from shelling for the Turks always looked down on them. There were no steel helmets - yet, to give them the feeling of greater security. The percentage of head wounds was notoriously high. The smell of death was everywhere. There was nowhere to escape from it. The bloated flies were an abomination as it grew hotter. They fed on corpses, wounds, latrines. No tin of food could be opened without attracting them. A piece of muslin to put over the face when eating or sleeping was greatly prized. Dysentery was rife and weakened the army. There was no water. Every drop was brought from Egypt by lighter. The issue was one third of a gallon per man per day for all purposes. The weather added its contribution. In November the worst storm for 40 years struck followed by sleet and snow and two days frost to torment the men shivering in their shallow dugouts. 200 men were drowned or frozen, but at least it temporarily got rid of the flies. And in December it was all called off. The anti-
Dardanelles political lobby had won. The troops were to be evacuated. All that blood had been in vain. It was really a defeat but it was never called that. Instead, the masterly evacuation was built up to disguise the fact. For it at least was successful. The whole force was evacuated from the three beachheads without a single v casualty when 40,000 had been anticipated. War Games are the fashion today. It is an intellectual exercise of great fascination (and expense). What it lacks, however, is the unknown unexpected human element - the factor that upsets planned battles. In a battle nothing ever goes completely to plan because of this unknown human element. The mistakes made, however, are compensated for by those made on the enemy's side. I wonder what War Games would make of Gallipoli campaign. It would be hellish dull for the intellect. Militarily and tactically it was quite undistinguished. It was such an inconclusive affair. Its appeal, its inspiration, is to the emotions in the ghastly reality of the hardships and courage of the men who took part: to the unexpected human element. For logically, intellectually they should never have been able to stay there; they should never have even landed. Yet in retrospect it was the most imaginative concept of World War I - its potentialities were beyond reckoning. It could have changed the history of the world, shortened the war, saved Russia from revolution. The consequences are endless. But the 'ifs' of history are meaningless. Instead WWI continued on for three more years and countless numbers of young men continued to die. This bred a further war in 1939-45 and others since. And to all these holocausts young men went from Wellington College full of ideals and many gave their lives. They were just like you and for all their endless sacrifice I doubt if the world is any better place. This is a bitter irony for my generation to face. April 25 is the day our countrymen landed at Gallipoli. It is an important day of remembrance. Do not let the memorials of stone, and glass, and bronze disguise from you the reality of the human beings they stand for. Let us at least think of these ex pupils of ours who died so needlessly, for they had as much to offer and as much to lose as you have. What a waste of talent! I hope our memorials here remind you of the lives they lost. Let us stand, heads bowed, in silence. It is the least we can do to remember them.
The 1978 Wellington College Leavers' Ball was held on Friday, October 6th in the Memorial Hall. It was apparent from reports of last year's dance that the budget would have to be increased and in fact the cost of the ticket had to be doubled. Although the price may have seemed prohibitive to some, it was made necessary by the notoriously low attendance of boys at this annual function. This year the attendance was excellent with a large number of both staff and pupils attending to farewell the Headmaster in his final Leavers' Ball. The band employed this year was the rock group Reel to Real and our thanks are extended to them for their excellent performance. I would like to thank all those people who gave assistance with the running of the ball, but in particular I would like to thank Mr Bruce Farland our Master of Ceremonies, Mrs Shaw and her College Mothers' Committee for the excellent supper they provided, and most of all, to the Committee who devoted many a long hour making the ball the success it was. They were Mark Bassett, Bruce Mansfield, Jonathan Beere, Martin Fowler, Larry Field, Phil Arden, Alan Hesketh, Donald Edwards and Ross Hanning. R. J. Hanning
This year, for the first time, a dance was arranged for the junior School. It was held in the School Hal, on Saturday, July 22nd. The evening proved to be very successful, with a large number of juniors attending. It appears that this dance will now become a regular feature of the School year. I would like to thank all those who helped with the running of the dance and in particular Mark Bassett, Phi, Arden, Martin Fowler, Bruce Mansfield, Tony Smits and Alan Hesketh. R. J. Hanning
SPEECH BY MR JOHN WARNES AT THE UNVEILING OF THE PLAQUE TO MR TED MORGAN A nostalgic gathering of Old Boys, Boxing Officials, the family of the late Ted Morgan, his former teachers and friends, present staff and senior boys witnessed the unveiling of a plaque in the Foyer commemorating Ted Morgan's winning of New Zealand's first Gold Medal at the Olympic Games at Amsterdam in 1928. The following is the text of the address given on that occasion by Mr John Warnes, a sports editor and a student at Wellington College with Ted Morgan in the early 1920's. *** "Mr Hill, Headmaster of Wellington College, Mr Cook, and others here associated with the Welling-ton College Old Boys' Association, ladies and gentlemen (elderly and junior), I do so appreciate the opportunity to speak at this unique function. Among those present at this gathering are Mrs Dobson, daughter of the late Mr Edward Morgan, and the latter's elder brother. Unfortunately, Edward L. Morgan, son of our former pupil, was unable to attend. Also here are Mr and Mrs A. J. Cleverley - the latter formerly Ted's wife and mother of his two aforenamed children; the former our eminent boxer's greatest friend who married the former Mrs Morgan about five years after Ted's untimely death at the age of 46 years in the year of 1953. It is of particular interest to recall that Alf Cleverley, himself an accomplished boxer, also represented New Zealand at the same Olympic Games at Amsterdam in 1928. He boxed in the light-heavyweight division, but, unfortunately, was not successful at this particular sporting festival. "The first speech today, by Mr Hill, as College Headmaster, explained fully, the object of this assembly of selected persons and the tasteful bronze plaque, just unveiled by Mr Cook, subsequent to his purposeful and appropriate remarks, honours the brilliant performance of a former student of Wellington College and also adds distinction to this institution with its proud and illustrious tradition of 111 years of imparting light and assisting in moulding the character of many tens of thousands of students. The money for the plaque was provided by the W.C.O.B.'s Assn. "Wellington College has produced many men who have achieved marked success in numerous fields of endeavour; but two of them - the late Lord Freyberg, Victoria Cross winner, and the late Mr Edward Morgan - both became particularly conspicuous in manhood by sheer individual and dauntless courage and bravery: Freyberg in many theatres of war; Morgan, in numerous boxing arenas and, in particular,' in the amphitheatre, or boxing stadium, at Amsterdam, and became New Zealand's first individual gold medal winner at an Olympic Games gathering of the elite of international athletes. "It is 57 - not a mere 40 - ' . . . years on when far and
asunder parted are those who have gone today when we look back and forgetfully wonder what we were like in our work and our play . . . ' "Perhaps,, though out of context, the following quotations from Shakespeare's marvellous Mark Anthony's oration may not be irrelevant in sequence of my present emotions and thoughts: ' ... He was my friend . . . And I must pause till it come back to me ... ' ''Ted Morgan and I joined this College in the year 1921 and learned the noble art of self defence - boxing - under the tuition of a highly respected and scholarly master, Mr Frank Joplin, happily among those present at today's function and in the company of another contemporary and memorable master, Mr J. L. Dighton. "Ladies and gentlemen: this is the first occasion on which I have been privileged to 'hold the floor' at this College (though I have been 'on the mat' in more respects than one many times) and, as it will doubtless be my final opportunity, I propose, with your indulgence, to take full advantage of this propitious period to extend my address to some reasonable length and extemporise. "The year 1921 left an indelible impression on my mind. That was the year when the boxing idol of Europe, Georges Carpentier, of France, challenged Jack Dempsey to a contest for the world's professional heavyweight boxing championship. The contest was held in the U.S.A., of which Dempsey was a citizen and was fought before an estimated attendance of 120,000 spectators and a 'gate' of 1,700,000 American dollars. Being the world's most brilliant professional light- heavyweight, possessing, figuratively and in boxing parlance a 'lethal right', having been a gallant French First World War flying pilot and conceding (from memory) about two stone (12.5 kg) in weight, he commanded the admiration of a great percentage of the spectators. "To condense this narrative - quite analogous to Morgan's courageous performance at Amsterdam seven years later - Carpentier hit Dempsey with a terrific righthand blow to the American's left cheek-bone which sent the recipient reeling against the ropes. Had the blow struck the jaw or 'point', Dempsey would have become a second-round ex-champion. "The third round commenced and as Carpentier did not venture to use his right hand, Dempsey and his seconds realised something serious was amiss and in the fourth and final round, Dempsey, now he had nothing to fear, forged in. Carpentier went down for the count of nine, managed to rise and was again knocked down and counted out, but to quote from his autobiography ' . . . I was still conscious . . . ' He was battered and exhausted beyond further endurance. "All France was in a fervour to learn of the result. In those days there was no radio to disseminate news and this is how the Paris population was to be informed -
again to quote from Carpentier's book: " ‘ . . . on the Champs Elysees and the boulevards, the roadways were full of people. Aeroplanes were flying over the town ready to drop flares to let the waiting crowds know the result: one colour would proclaim my victory - the other Dempsey's . . . Even the President of the Republic, M. Alexandre Millerand, had left instructions that he was to be informed on the telephone as soon as the result came through . . . ' "Neither Ted Morgan nor I won a Wellington College boxing title - nor did either of us rise to academic heights. However, in all modesty, I managed to become runner-up to Era Gore in the featherweight final in 1921 unfortunately, I'm now a fully fledged heavyweight!
The late Mr Ted Morgan.
"To pay due homage to my victor ' he was a better man than I, Gungha Din . . . ' and to him and his memory ' ... me dips me lid ... ' "Boxing is no longer practised at this College for several reasons, the pros and cons of which I do not propose to discuss on this occasion. I do say, however, that, in my opinion, it developed a sense of self reliance and, to a degree, inculcated chivalry. In my experience it cemented, rather than destroyed, personal friendships. "Ted Morgan's selection for inclusion in New Zealand's 1928 Olympic Games team was primarily fostered by the Wellington Boxing Association (Inc.), and it is most appropriate that Mr Brian O'Brien, for years so prominently identified with that body, is also among
the guests at today's function as also are the present Prefects of this College. Mr O'Brien has been and continues to be, a sports writer - with a strong boxing inclination - of considerable note. "After leaving College I just drifted into journalism and joined the literary staff of 'N.Z. Sportsman', of which my late father was Chairman of Directors and ManagingEditor. As boxing editor, critic and article writer in 1928 I recognised Morgan's international boxing potential and purely on the basis of professional conviction - certainly at no stage actuated by motives of friendship - I wrote trenchantly in support of Morgan's inclusion in the Olympic team. "Whilst sparring in London, preparatory to embarking for Amsterdam to represent his nation in the international boxing arena, Morgan seriously damaged his figurative 'lethal right', which consisted of a devastating delivery to an opponent's solar plexus or ribs and jaw. This terrible mishap was kept a strict 'camp' secret and in one week Morgan was compelled to completely re-style his methods, technique and footwork and succeeded in winning his four contests by boxing practices, many hitherto foreign to him. "Of his performance, Mr H. Amos, manager of the New Zealand Olympic Games team, had the following to say in respect of Edward Morgan's victory as world's amateur welterweight champion and New Zealand's first individual gold medal winner in history at an Olympiad: "Mr Edward Morgan won the welterweight amateur boxing championship of the world. He thoroughly deserved his win, as his contests were among the very few in which there was no argument about the results. It will be remembered that Mr Morgan was selected as a lightweight, but both he and Mr Cleverley were entered for two classes in case of accident. This was very fortunate in Mr Morgan's case, as he put on so much weight that it was deemed advisable for him to fight in the welter division. This decision proved correct by the result, although Mr Morgan could have won in either class. Ted Morgan beat Johannson of Sweden by a knock-out, Calatud of France, Canovan of Italy, and Landini of Argentine in the final.' "Prefects of Wellington College: You are about to leave this academy of learning; some for tertiary education; others to enter the less sheltered outside world to seek vocational success. However, please do remember - and I say this in the most kindly manner - that, whilst dollars are important, and one cannot disregard the economic considerations of life, occupational satisfaction brings the true and worthwhile rewards. For example, I was supposed to have been a sheep farmer and had the opportunities to be trained for this delightful life and, no doubt, it would have been more possible for me to have later acquired my own sheep-run. Instead, I just drifted into journalism which was not particularly congenial and for which I was not outstandingly academically
equipped. However, by dint of perseverance I am informed I was reasonably successful; but, in retrospect, I cannot regard the occupational part of my life having given any great reward in terms of satisfaction. "A short anecdote. In 1922 my form master was the late Mr George Aitken, captain and N.Z. centre three-quarter against the 1921 Springboks and Rhodes scholar to Oxford University in 1922. During a Latin spell my mind was miles away, thinking of a faithful horse and two sheepdogs awaiting me on a sheep run of many a happy school and college vacation. Suddenly: 'Warnes, what did I say?' “My reply: ‘Something, Sir, about in terra Romana’ . . . ‘Where were your thoughts Warnes?’ . . . ‘Miles away, Sir’ (I was on the verge of saying ‘in terra Taihape’ but
considered such a reply imprudent) . . . ‘Take a detention card’. “After the spell Mr Aitken graciously consented to ‘trade’ the card for four ‘biffs’ to enable me to keep my appointment in the boxing gymnasium. Like all my masters - accommodating and respected. “I shall now conclude with the following observations: Mr Cresswell, our Principal in the early ‘twenties, taught us in assembly, as did our masters in class and Mr Joplin in the boxing gymnasium, by personal example and precept, to observe that which I have come to term the eleventh commandment: ‘Thou shall not hit below the belt.’ I believe the late Edward Morgan boxed and lived by this principle. Thank you, Mr Hill.”
Top Left: At the unveiling of the Ted Morgan plaque. Mr Jack Dighton, Mr Bernie Paetz, Mr Frank Joplin, Mr E. Cardale, Mr E. N. Clayton and Mr L. F. Gardiner. Top and Bottom Right: Mr John Warnes speaks after the unveiling by Mr J. Cook and Mr Seddon Hill. Bottom Left: Ted Morgan's friends and family. Mr Alf Cleverley, Mrs Cleverley (formerly Mrs Ted Morgan), Mrs Dobson (daughter of the late Ted Morgan) and Mr Morgan (older brother of Edward Morgan). Also in the picture is Mr George Halliday, formerly of the staff.
In February, a delegation of College and High School teachers from Japan visited Wellington College. Here they are shown on a tour of the facilities by the Headmaster, Mr Hill.
(1) Hard days sailing up to Great Barrier Island. (2) At the helm. (3) The ship under full sail. (4) Anchored by Great Barrier Island. (5) Sports Day on Waiheke Island. (6) Trying to tie up inner jib on bowsprit.
SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE In April of this year I was fortunate enough to be able to join the 32-strong crew of the "Spirit of Adventure". Every fortnight the 105 foot steelhulled schooner sets sail from Auckland Harbour, laden with 27 raw recruits, several of whom often have never been on a ship in their lives, and five hardened seafarers. The "Spirit" sails all around the Hauraki Gulf, calling in at numerous ports, bays and islands. A voyage on the "Spirit of Adventure" is really an incredible experience. As well as being given a real introduction to life at sea, you are put in close quarters with 26 other boys, or girls, of your own age and you have to live with them 24 hours a day for 11 days. My colleagues were a very varied group, coming from as far
north as Whangarei to as far south as Dunedin, and the centres in between included, among others, Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington, Hokitika, Te Puke, Clive and Whangamata. There were boys still at school with years at university ahead of them, and some who had already left school and are working on farms. On my voyage, number 101, we sailed around Auckland Harbour for a day or two and then set off into the Gulf. On board, sailing is of course the main activity, but it is by no means the only one. Such fields as navigation, small-boat sailing, rowing, rules of the sea, distress procedure, rope work were also covered. Other not so popular activities included lessons in "how to get woken up at 6 a.m. and be in the sea by 6.05 (or else!)", "how to scrub the deck on your hands and knees for half an hour at 6.15 in the morning in the rain, and find it’s still not
Top: Crew photo. This is a photo of the entire crew of voyage 101, including the Captain (with the beard), 2nd Mate (white tee-shirt on Captain's right), 1st Mate (with the cap, behind the Captain and 2nd Mate), and the Cook, Auxiliary Officer and 26 of the 27 trainees. Bottom Left: This photo was taken on the last day, one of the only fine ones. It shows the gear which was used to keep us dry during the many storms. Notice the shiny steelwork - somebody’s getting their breakfast depended on that gleam. Bottom Right: Taken on the same day, this photo shows two boys inspecting the yardarms. The other boy was chained to the top of the mast for eight hours for calling the 2nd Mate an over-sized sea-scout.
clean enough” and “how to peel the potatoes for a 32 man crew in the galley at sea in a force 8 gale”. Life on board was very exciting and varied. Everyone had a go at being a cook and a steward, as well as cleaning the entire ship from bowsprit to stern every morning. The manufacturers of “Brasso” will never go out of business while the “Spirit” is still around. During the evenings we had getting to know one another sessions, slides, films, and reminiscences of their lives at sea from members of the crew. Our particular group were particularly lucky, or unlucky, depending on how you look at it. The weather was atrocious. We sailed in howling gales and extremely rough seas. It may have been very tiring but it was certainly exciting. It tends to be fairly interesting when the guardrail, the only thing keeping you on board, disappears under water with you still hanging grimly on,
up to your knees and elbows in water. Or when you’re sitting on the bowsprit, the bit at the very front which sticks out, and it ploughs into a wave leaving you waist deep in Hauraki Gulf. The most amusing incident on my voyage happened one night. The red oil-lamp on the port side and the green one on the starboard side were running low on oil. The First Mate asked one very gullible trainee to go and get some red oil for the port light and some green oil for the starboard light. Not only did the poor lad go looking for the coloured oil, when he couldn’t find it, he went to the bridge and asked the Captain for it. Every single trainee enjoyed himself thoroughly and, although it may sound a bit corny, it really was an experience of a lifetime. A. P. Hunn
This year a new innovation appeared on the Wellington College Rugby scene, that of a Social Rugby team. This team proved enormously successful both on and off the field. The team consisted almost entirely of fifth year boys, many of whom had not played Rugby since the 3rd Form, and some not at all. The team was managed by Ross Hanning and Captained by Howard Kibblewhite. Its record was from
10 games; 4 wins, 4 losses and 2 draws, which does not reflect the ability of this team because so many of its players found themselves being borrowed to play for other teams, e.g. 2A, 1A and reserving for the 1st XV. This team provided a worthwhile outlet for boys who were not serious enough to play rugby because it took up so much time with practices etc., but still looked forward to a fun game of rugby on Saturday. R. Hanning
OUR GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR, KATHY HANSEN, WRITES ON HER FIRST YEAR AT WELLINGTON COLLEGE 1978 - my first year at Wellington College, in the School's first appointment of a Guidance Counsellor. I was looking forward to getting under way with the job, particularly after a year of relative isolation, too much talk and not enough action, at Massey. I had already met most of the staff, and soon got to know them quite well - a good bunch of people, congenial and helpful. I was agreeably surprised that right from the first week, I had students coming to visit me, and parents phoning me. Indeed, the most pleasing aspect of my work, has been the large numbers of pupils I have seen and got to know, 80% of whom have come on their own instigation. And it has been right across the board, pupils from all different form levels, from different cultural and social backgrounds, and for a very wide variety of reasons; from the little guy who wanted to be an astronaut, to the big guy who's run away from home the night before. I guess the main areas would be family relation-ships, low or confused self-opinion, vocational advice and information, concerns about school work, relationships with teachers, girlfriend worries, other peer group relationships, conflict with the law, and cultural identity. Much the same as at Social Welfare, or Rotorua Boys' High School, except here, while concerns about self and relationships in general, would still head the list, I've found a much greater incidence of academic, classroom and vocational matters. I had supposed there might be a certain amount of resistance to my presence in the School, mainly because it was a new appointment, and to a boys' school with the label of traditional academic, and also because I perhaps didn't quite fit the traditional role. A friend of mine, whose opinion I greatly respect, said to me before I came, that traditional institutions often made more room for people to be different. It may sound paradoxical, but he was right. Besides, while the School may be very much academically orientated, there are many things that are much more liberal than I might have expected, and sensibly so. Independence and individuality have a high value with many staff and students. I'm sure there are still those who have their reservations, about counsellors, about me. That would be so for any person, in any job. Hopefully they too will get to understand that I'm neither a would be "shrink�, nor an unpractical do-gooder, but the person with the tirrfe, the space, experience, background knowledge, and some knowhow to be a willing and available ear for those who need one. I've worked mainly with individuals, but also with families, small groups, and even whole classes. I've had a number of parents come to see me and some members of staff. I've attended Children and Young Person's Court, worked with Social Workers,
Psychologists, Doctors, Lawyers, Maori Community Officers and many others in the broader community. I've talked with nearly every class in the School, taken many damaged bodies to the Hospital, attended courses, organised a careers seminar with the Post Office, taken classes with or for a teacher, written testimonials and reports, and generally involved myself in many other aspects of School life. One of my definitely better ideas was the series of winter Seminars I organised for Senior Pupils, with a fairly distinguished group of speakers. The list included Bob Jones, Russell Marshall, Bruce Beetham, Mayor Fowler, Sonja Davies, Russell Worth (neurosurgeon), Prof. Roberts (psychiatrist), David Lange, and Dr Geiringer. The audiences ranged from 30 to over 150 pupils, and both the speakers and ensuing discussion were pretty lively and good fun. I'm hoping to organise another series next year. Indeed, there are many more things I would like to do, and hope to do in my future years here. Yes, I can quite truthfully say I've enjoyed my first year here. I've felt I had the trust, the help and the support of Mr Hill, whom I find a humane, personable and down-toearth man, and an easy person to work with. Also the staff are such a warm, lively, friendly group of individuals, and because the students, like young people everywhere, are always good value.
Cultural Affairs and Recreational Pursuits Inter-School Christian Fellowship
Meetings were held every Wednesday at 12.30 in the Penthouse. The format was flexible usually combining - a study related to a theme, films, singing and general discussions. I.S.C.F. has been gaining in popularity and numbers have risen to approximately 30 or 40. Our function is to allow pupils to share and acquire further knowledge of Christianity and it is encouraging to see members participating with the enthusiasm that has been present this year. 1978 has also been an eventful year as far as outside meetings go. These included six afterschool combined meetings, two combined ski camps with Marsden to Mt. Ruapehu, a square dance in the Memorial Hall for all I.S.C.F.'s in the Wellington district, and an 'eat an' celebrate' function run by Scripture Union. Of these the ski camps warrant a special mention. The first camp was for Juniors, the second for Seniors. The Junior camp suffered indifferent weather but everyone had a great time. Approximately 14 from each college and five leaders participated in the Senior camp.. Leaving Wellington after school on Friday we were transported to the mountain by two cars and two minibuses driven by Mr D. Sowerby and Mr P. Hurricks. After an eventful journey and after hiring skis we hit the sack at 1.30 a.m. Saturday was a perfect day for skiing with snow being more abundant on the upper slopes. After getting sufficiently burnt we returned to the evening's entertainment comprising various skits, a talk and singing. Laughter was a prominent feature. Certain activities were however, curtailed as key personnel grew tired and requested sleep. Sunday brought overcast weather providing the perfect opportunity for a service in the morning, and when duties were completed, we moved off to the hot pools at Tokaanu. After an active stint at the pools - involving numerous dunkings - we headed back for Wellington and arrived at 10.30 p.m. The camp proved so enjoyable that a reunion was held. I hope they can be continued. Throughout the year, I.S.C.F.'s in Wellington benefited from the services of Alistair Rees-Thomas, a Scripture Union staff member. He attended several of our lunch time meetings, most of our inter-school meetings and our Senior ski camp. Thanks must go to the following for making I.S.C.F. possible at Wellington College: Mr D. Sowerby, Mr P. Hurricks, Mr B. Farland and Mark Broadbent - another Scripture Union worker. B. Darwin, 7AM L. Field, 7B2
Master in Charge: Mr J. Cormack 1978 has been a relatively quiet year as far as interschool matches go. However, membership has increased to approximately 30 with many promising juniors coming up to replace the six or so 7th Formers leaving. The School Championships got off to a good start with B. Darwin winning the preliminary rounds followed closely by J. Sarfati. The final rounds were uncompleted. The annual staff v. pupils match never eventuated. We haven't found out the staff's excuse. Chess has a good future at Wellington College and I hope the enthusiasm that has been prominent this year will be used constructively to keep up the College's good name in this field. B. Darwin, 7AM
Rifle Shooting Club
There has been a long history of rifle shooting associated with the College's sporting activities. Previously this was an association with the Cadets but the present reactivation of shooting is of purely sporting nature. The School has nine rifles - some presented by past pupils as far back as 1910. Through a mixture of use and some neglect we now have only three shootable rifles, i.e. more or less able to put the bullets in the same place. With regard to range facilities the College possesses a range site but because of increased safety requirements it can no longer be used. A project for the future? Through representation made to the Army, both rifles and a range (Buckle Street) have been generously made available to the College. Thus the opportunity for the development of target shooting as a sport is assured. Some drawbacks do exist however; absence of an armoury for rifle and ammunition storage, and, what is the most debilitating, cost of the ammunition - presently running at 50c for 12 shots of .22 LR. With regard to the cost, representation made by the Headmaster to the Comptroller of Customs and to the Minister of Customs with regard to duty and sales tax (removal would halve shooting costs) have produced no real relief, however a promise of consideration in the next budget leaves room for hope. Over the year numerous trophies have been presented. Two such trophies have been reactivated and presented this year. The Senior cup going to W. Seymore and the Junior to B. Watson. Both placed five shots into a centimetre group at 25 metres using an aperture rear sight and a blade foresight. R. Stuart
Music Notes
This year, the orchestra enhanced its reputation by not only playing before the School, but also for the College Mothers and the Parents' Association. This success was due to the conductor, Mrs Seddon, under whose baton the orchestra turned out first-rate performances. Pieces played this year included: The Grand March from "Aida" by Verdi, The Dance of the Tumblers by RimskyKorsakov, Polka from "Schwanda the Bagpiper" by Weinberger, Allemande and Bouree by Telemann, Belle of the Ball by Leroy Anderson, Trumpeter's Lullaby by Leroy Anderson, March and Trio in D by Handel, Radetsky March by Strauss. Our grateful thanks go to the College Mothers for their donation and we hope we will play to such an appreciative audience again. As in previous years, a Wellington College group entered the Bank of New South Wales annual Chamber Music Competition. The piece the group elected to play was the Trio Sonata by Haydn for flute (Matthew Overell), piano (Peter Hercus), cello (Michael Seddon), and clarinet (John Robinson). They were highly commended. Leader of the orchestra this year was Colin Horne (1st violin). As our strings section has a small number of players, his performance filled out the sound. Violins: Colin Horne, Alex Henderson, Adrian Austin, John Ward. Violas: Dominic Roberts, Peter Hercus. Cello: Michael Seddon. Double bass: Terry Gibbs. Flutes: Matthew Overell, Lindsay Fung. Clarinets: John Robinson, Stephen Mulholland. Trumpets: Andrew Willis, Mark Mulholland, Keith Tichborne. Timpani: John Roberts. Percussion: Francis Cowan, Murray Pillar. This year, several candidates entered for the Royal Schools of Music Practical examinations. All candidates passed. Colin Horne, violin, Grade 5; Adrian Austin, violin, Grade 2; Philip Osborne, violin, Grade 2; Dominic Roberts viola, Grade 4; Peter Hercus, viola. Grade 3; Michael Seddon, cello, Grade 6. During the second and third terms, several brass players travelled to Wellington Girls' College to attend lunchtime rehearsals with their Symphonic Band. Their item "Hootenanny" was performed at the Girls' Senior Prizegiving and was warmly received. Thanks this year go to the part-time music teaching staff: Mrs Seddon, Mr Hamid, Miss Rawson, Miss Burry and Mr Brommer. WELLINGTON COLLEGE CHAMBER MUSIC QUARTET This quartet is entering for the annual Chamber Music Contest run by the Bank of New South Wales. Wellington College won this New Zealand-wide contest in its first year, 1964, and again in 1976 as well as gaining places in other years. 1964 - Mark Jackson, cello (LSO); Chris Becket, piano, Paris; Miles Golding, violin (LPO) are now all professional musicians working in Europe.
1976 - Alan Stapleton (flute) and Denis King (piano) are at Medical School, Murray Rodgers (violin) is to become a professional violinist. This year we have a quartet comprising Peter Hercus (piano), Matthew Overell (flute), Michael Seddon (cello) and John Robinson (clarinet). They will play two movements from a trio sonata by Haydn.
Debating Club
Inter-Collegiate Debating Competition, 1978 Wellington College entered four teams in this year's contest, with a varying degree of success. Junior C: G. Cooper, 3A1, S. Bensemann, 3A1, A. Sclater, 4A1, won their first round "That a single sex school is better than a co-educational one" against Viard College. They also won their second round "That women make better politicians than men" against St. Pat's Silverstream. Senior C: M. Walker, 5A1, N. Foster, 5A1, S. Broad, 5A1 lost their first round "That we have gone too far" against Rongotai, and had to default to Kapiti College in the second round. Senior B: C. Fung, 5A1, D. Harland, 5A1, B. Morganti, 5A1, had to default to Taita College and Kapni College. Senior A: G. D. 'Espositi, 5A1, D. Goddard, 5A1, T. Homewood, 5A1 won their first round "That a world government is the answer" against Marsden College, but had to default to St. Mary's College in the second round. This was unfortunate as they were placed in the semifinals. The club looks forward to a better start next year, after a long delay in the Competition organisation this year. From our experience over the past two years, we should be in a position to field two Senior teams in 1979. E. P. Haley, Coach
’Tu Tangata' Group
Wellington College together with many other secondary schools in the Wellington area, participated in activities arranged by the 'Tu Tangata' Group, with most pleasing results. This is a new venture for the College and it is hoped that from our tentative start this year we shall go on to greater things next year. The 'Tu Tangata' Group committee was set up in September 1978 to highlight cultural awareness among all Polynesian students, and to remind them of the part that they can play in the life of their schools. It was hoped that greater cultural awareness amongst non Polynesian students and fruitful interaction would be the corollary. Andy Roberts was Wellington College's first committee member, later to be joined by Eddie Ruwhiu and Campbell Dewes. The activities of the 'Tu Tangata' Group involving students from Wellington College, included two seminars at the Ngati Poneke Hall on Maori and Samoan culture, and one at Wellington High School on Cook Island culture. The end of year social was held in the Wellington Town Hall on 16th November, with
Wellington College providing three items in the schools' contribution section. Andy Roberts deserves special mention for his most able leadership especially in the dignified haka performed with great impact. During the two preceding weeks the activities block by the canteen vibrated with the sound of warriors under effective leadership. Andrei Volentras was also helpful and his solo not to be forgotten. Wellington College has made a good start in 'Tu Tangata' activities and could develop a cultural club to stimulate further participation. P. C. Monin
Well, here we are again after a somewhat disappointing year with attendances. Our new members number two, a particularly poor effort from the School to provide people to present Wellington College. However, for those who did turn up, results began to appear. Both S. Trustrum and C. Fung were selected for the Wellington Representative “A" team to fight at the National Secondary Schools' Tournament (the team was placed 3rd in the men's team event). C. Fung also won the Wellington under 20's in foil. Club championships took place on October 17th. The Junior men's foil (Gapes Cup) went to L. Fung and the Senior men's foil (Howe Cup) went to C. Fung. This was a good all-round effort for the club With a little financial help from the school we hope to be able to buy our own equipment. We would also like to have more members to represent the College at tournaments. This year our thanks go to Peter Osvath, Ilona Szakats and Miss D. Aitken whose help the club greatly appreciates and we all hope that next year will be an improvement on this year's attendance standards.
Computer Education Scheme. The “package" offers full computing facilities through the language BASIC, which means: Beginners Allpurpose Symbolic Instruction Code. BASIC is a high-level programming language used mainly for programming general problems. A high-level programming language is one which expresses problems closer to the way in which the programmer himself thinks, that is, in English sentences or in the form of mathematical expressions. BASIC, therefore, is an excellent computing language for the College. It is easy and straightforward to use yet provides sufficient depth and challenge to the advanced student. The computing student writes his programme on a coding sheet. Key-punch operators punch the cards at the Board's offices, the programme is run through the ICL computer and cards and printouts are returned to the student. Individual corrections are made if necessary and the programme re-run. 1979 will see the package developed to its full extent. Hopefully the computing industry will be rewarded with a higher interest in computing and more College leavers entering the industry as a career. The College extends its thanks to Mr Booth and the Apple and Pear Marketing Board for providing this opportunity. G. D. Mulligan
Ballroom Dancing
During the second term 50 senior boys combined with Wellington girls to learn the intricate movements of such dances as the “Cha-Cha-Cha", the Jive, Samba, Waltz, Fox Trot that make up the repertoire of the accomplished ballroom dancer. The classes consisted of ten one hour lessons conducted by Mrs Miller of Jimmy James Studio. The boys are indebted to Mr and Mrs Derry for their running of these classes which provided them with a valuable social asset. R. J. Hanning
Highland Pipe Band
Computing at Wellington College took a major step forward this year. With 60 pupils taking Seventh Form Applied Mathematics, the PORTRAN system proved inefficient. Cards were frequently “chewed" up, printouts lost. The volume of work was too much and frustration was rife amongst both pupils and staff. An alternative scheme was offered to the College by the New Zealand Apple and Pear Marketing Board. On behalf of the Board, Mr A. Booth, the Computer Division Director, offered full sponsorship and support of an ICL
The College Pipe Band suffered a bad blow this year when Mr M. Anderson left the school after the first term. Mr Anderson was the man responsible for the revival of the band after a lapse of several years. Mr B. H. Farland took over the role of Master-in-Charge along with Mrs Mackerell. It is hoped that the interest shown in the band can be revived as the band is now in the process of completing its re-equipping. R. J. Hanning
The support and help I received from all quarters this year made my basically easy job a great deal easier. Mrs Power and Mrs Fanning have my thanks for putting up with me and all my notices, and for their interest (all a costly activity). The following boys joined the club this year and participated in the Inter-Secondary School Competition;
the games being held each Friday night at venues throughout the Wellington region. P. L. Just, D. S. Fraser, A. Henderson, F. M. Mexted, R. A. Barr, P. J. Beckett, A. L. Lee, M. W. Lee, I. D. Painter, I. N. Horner, C. Coldham, S. Arrell, J. H. Cornish, M. J. Baker, V. F. Wong, N. Richardson, I. L. Andrews, P. Newell, M. A. Bosson, T. Do Quay, R. Iyengar, C. McGeown, P. R. Watts, J. Land, C. Jenkins. Wellington College entered six teams, two each of B, C, and D grades. Individual performances were markedly better than each of our teams which came fairly well down in the tables. This is an unfortunate side to the association’s ruling of making the teams within a grade even in strength something which is checked from results throughout the playing season by officials. Those individuals included C. Jenkins, whose consistently high standard of play and general support of the sport within the School over the past three years was rewarded with an Honours Pocket this year.
Badminton Hall in Hataitai is the main venue and each school must provide a supervisor for a five hour stint on at least one Friday night during the playing season. Messrs Yule, Monin and Stuart came for a couple of hours each and relieved the boredom for me; that was much appreciated. Mr Stuart helped the club on many occasions by providing the club (through one of his sources) with new nets and shuttlecocks for playing and also won us the use of the Memorial Hall for Saturday morning play. The hall was made ready by our caretaker, George, who put special fittings up to take the new nets. Mr Stuart also acted as liaison with the Activities Board from whom we received a most generous grant. It was great being able to enter the teams from the College this year and initial enthusiasm hardly lagged during the season which is an indication of the support badminton has on the School. We have many able players coming up the grades and my wish is that they will remain and keep badminton the strong sport it has become. The Secondary Schools Badminton Association does an excellent job and very little is left to the School to do; so with that in mind I hope there is someone who will be prepared to look after the club next year and ensure that it doesn’t become a forgotten sport. So again, thanks to all concerned with the club for your support and I hope 1979 has the same backing.
Ian Andrews, a newcomer to the sport, should do very well in further competition. Three others deserve special mention, they being Ian Horner, Peter Beckett and Fraser Mexted who entered the Wellington Championships which were held over the second weekend in August. Each did most admirably and Fraser Mexted did especially well, reaching the semi-finals in the mixed doubles, and the quarter-finals in the singles. Thank you Mrs Arrell for ensuring that we had the necessary forms for entry into the Championships. The club had its fair share of apathy but the enthusiasm on the part of the greater majority of this year’s very large club membership meant that it was an enjoyable year for playing. These same keen people turned up for our Wednesday practices, the only time the Gymnasium was available. The P.E. Department helped us greatly in providing us with equipment.
This year has been one of vast progress in status as well as play. Early in the first term the tables were sanded down and repainted, the trestles were all fixed to the proper height, and with the aid of a School grant, we purchased a new table for challenges and championship games. The membership was smaller than last year, but play was of a far higher standard. Competition on the challenge ladder was active throughout the year, causing the rise in talent. The School entered two teams into the Wellington Inter-School Table Tennis Championships. The A team; P. Yarrow, P. Osborne, C. Korianidis, and the B team, P. Solt, A. Yee and A. Tziakis, showed the School’s improvement over last year’s
Alan Flaws as Chitterlow is memorable for his high speed bicycle-propelled entrance, while George Bertos as the unbending Shalford never failed to provoke laughter. No musical is complete without a chorus, and this production was no exception. The enthusiasm and energy of the dance and song routines showed that all of the 45 strong cast thoroughly enjoyed themselves. All these things, as well as the colourful costumes and frequently changed and convincing sets, made this a memorable production. The full cast list is as follows: Arthur Kipps (apprentice shopman, orphan) Richard Gordine Sid Pornick (apprentice, a socialist) Murray McKeich Buggins (apprentice), Paul Papanicolaou Pearce (apprentice), Andrew Riley Carshot (head floorwalker), John Williams, Flo Bates (shopgirl), Victoria (shopgirl), Jenny Lealand, Kate (shopgirl), Simea Avei Emma (shopgirl), Pearl Sidwell Mr Shalford (owner of the Emporium) George Bertos Mrs Botting (high class customer) Christina Theoharis Mrs Walsingham (mother of Helen) Tina Lash Ann Pornick (Sid's sister) Leva'ai Lam Helen Walsingham (an enlightened young lady) Loren Squires Young Walsingham (Helen's brother, a lawyer) Alastair Murray Chitterlow (actor playwright) Alan Flaws Laura (barmaid) Vivienne Fliegner Gwendolin (cheeky parlourmaid) - Ruby Ngan Sailor and photographer Alan Hesketh Students - Anthony Smits, Donna Taylor, Krysia Zagrobelna, Nynette Puleaga Customers, dancers, singers, wedding guests, etc.: Nina Bertos, Glenda Brockie, Susan de Liefde, Vivienne Fliegner, Ngarita Green, Wendy Howard, Maura Marron, Ann Newman, Ruby Ngan, Nynette Puleaga, Janet Blishen, Donna Taylor, Demetra Pantazis, Veronica Thompson, Hawea Townsend, Yvonne Weeber, Kathryn Wood, Krysia Zagrobelna. George Bertos, Geoff Hall, Alan Hesketh, Bruce Mansfield, Anthony Smits, John Williams. Orchestra: Anne Jacquiery, Olwyn Tangye, Mr Hawes, Mrs Eggers, Cynthia Yip, Fiona Johnson, Tracey Nickel, Lynley Reid, Mrs Knowles, Heather Kerruish, Debbie Fellowes, Ngaio Gebbie, Susan Campbell, Mr Blishen, Luisa Nokise, Miss Benstead. Pianist: Christine Nichol. Conductor: Mrs Davidson.
On August 8, 9, 10 and 12 this year our major drama production was performed in the "Little Theatre". Peter Shaffer's play "The Royal Hunt of the Sun" was an ambitious undertaking, and it was in fact the play's
Wellington première. It's the story of the Spanish Conquistadors and how in the year 1532 Fransisco Pizarro's company of 167 men conquered the Inca empire of 24 million. Auditions were held during the first week of the second term, parts were assigned, and almost immediately rehearsals were underway. They were held during tutorial periods (often to the consternation of some maths teachers) and on Sunday afternoons. Gradually the play took shape, although a week before the play was to open things seemed nowhere near ready. But then, like a miracle, the hours of work by actors, artists, handymen, technicians, mothers and teachers suddenly clicked.
The play appeals on many levels. First it is an adventure story and an historical exercise. But it is also very challenging, for what the Spaniards destroyed was in many ways a civilisation quite superior to their own. The play questions the morality of such "civilising" missions. And the play is without doubt a total theatrical experience, especially because of the spectacular costumes and props of the Incas. The lighting too, and the sound effects which we were lucky to get from the London performance all combined to make the play come alive. There were of course the inevitable headaches. The Inca chorus's harvest dance looked more like the Plunket Mothers' dancing troupe until the eleventh hour. Two days before opening night Pizarro ended up at the hospital because Atahuallpa nearly flicked his eye out in the duelling scene. Act I scene II was nearly always
a mess, with the dialogue invariably circling round and round, unable to reach the end it was supposed to. On such occasions, and others, the production staff were forced to indulge in angry tirades at the cast. Props and costumes were often a problem, but it's amazing what can be done with roller towels, yoghurt pottles and gallons of gold paint. On the last night de Candia managed to get himself locked in the Tower Block and almost missed his last scenes. Many of the Incas effort by finishing 3rd and 4th. We predict even higher results next year. Later in the 3rd term we held our own competition for the Freeman Cup. Results: Singles - Semi Finals: P. Osborne beat P. Solt 2-1; P. Yarrow beat C. Korianadis 2-1. Finals: Solt beat Korianadis 2-1. Yarrow beat Osborne 3-1. Doubles - Semi Finals: Osborne and Solt beat Yee and Tziakis 2-1; Yarrow and Kosta beat Mul-holland and Kaye 2-0. Final: Yarrow and Kosta beat B. Osbourne and Solt 3-1. Seven players were pleased to receive honours
pockets for their duty to the School: P. Yarrow, U51; P. Osborne, 5B1; A. Yee, 6E2; P. Solt, 6E5; S. Mulholland, 6E2; K. Korianadis, 6E2; and T. Tziakis, U52.
DRAMA HALF A SIXPENCE In the first term this year, the Wellington College Drama Club combined with Wellington East Girls' to present "Half a Sixpence�. This lively musical tells the story of Kipps, a penniless orphan apprenticed to the tyrannical Mr Shalford who rules his Emporium with a will of iron 'all in the cause of economy'. A legacy transforms Kipps' life suddenly, and he forsakes his working class friends to become a proper gentleman. He soon finds that high society is not as agreeable as he thought and returns to his old friends and faithful girlfriend, Ann. Leva'ai Lam as Ann and Richard Gordine who played Kipps carried most of the songs of the play. Their duets created the pathos and romantic moments of the story. Among the supporting cast,
Top Left: “All in good voice". Murray McKeich, Richard Gordine, Andrew Riley and Paul Papanicolau. Bottom Left: Richard Gordine falls slightly intoxicated into the shocked arms of his employer George Bertos. Right: Richard Gordine and Loren Squires.
suffered from the 'flu, and some managed only one performance. But the show must go on, and it was indeed a success story for the actors. Ross Hanning sustained a magnificent, commanding effort as Pizarro, the central figure searching for gold and the meaning of life. As Atahuallpa, the Sovereign Inca, Andre Volentras performed with dignity and sensitivity, and he captured the imagination of the audience. Old Martin, the narrator, was a crucial figure, and in this part Jonathan Schwass was quite outstanding. George Bertos as de Soto was an impressive figure; the Catholic priests Valverde and de Nizza were very credibly played by Michael Anastasiadis and Tony Hunn; as Estete the Royal ’Overseer, John Kananghinis was a very convincing aristocrat; Alan Flaws as de Candia played his role energetically and with flair; Mark Scott-Smith performed very ably as Young Martin, the page boy. And there were many others with more minor or
chorus parts who were reliable, hard-working members of the cast. They all deserve congratulations. Behind the scenes must not be forgotten. The boys in the art room worked very hard all term on costumes and props under the keen direction of Mr P. Markham whose professional talents made the play the visual spectacular it was. Mr M. Pallin and his team worked hard too with building the set, the general maintenance of the "Little Theatre", sound effects and lighting. On sound John Roberts was a solid worker, as was Anthony Smits and his helpers on the lights. Backstage Mr D. Hoffman was responsible for all the properties, and Mr J. Tate as prompt had the arduous task of hanging on every word. The production was shared by Mr R. Meldrum who directed act I and Mr L. Gardiner who directed act II. Drama at Wellington College owes much to the continued enthusiasm and encouragement from our Deputy Principal.
Top Left: Atahuallpa - the Sun God and his "civilised� enemies - Andre Volentras. Top Middle: Old Martin - the Narrator Jonathan Schwass. Top Right: De Soto and Pizzarro George Bertos and Ross Hanning. Lower Left: Challcuchima. Atuhuallpa and Villac Umu - John Cornish, Andre Volentras, Paul Papanicolaou. Lower Right: Estete and De Candia discuss the state of affairs - John Kananghinis and Alan Flaws.
Top Left: Top Right: Middle Left: Lower Left:
The Spanish priests meet the Sun God - ML Anastasiadis, A. Hunn and Andre Volentras. The Spaniards seize an Inca village. The great massacre of the Incas. Middle Riqht: Atahuallpa and his retinue - Andre Volentras. Pizzarro and his dead Sun God - R. Hanning and A. Volentras. Lower Right: Recruiting Spanish soldiers.
THE CAST Spaniards: Officers: Pizarro: Ross Hanning De Soto: George Bertos Estete: John Kananghinis De Candia: Alan Flaws The Men: Old Martin: Jonathan Schwass Young Martin: Mark Scott-Smith Diego: Paul Henderson Vasca: Don Edwards Rodas: Larry Field
Salinas: John Williams Domingo: Craig Andrews Pedro: Brian Sturman Juan: Phil Arden Priests: Valverde: Michael Anastasiadis De Nizza: Tony Hunn Altar Boys : Andrew Gair, Adam Strange The Incas: Atahuaiipa (sovereign) - Andre Volentras Villac Umu (chief priest) -
Paul Papanicolaou Challcuchima (a general) - - John Cornish Felipillo (translator): Alastair Murray A chieftain: Mark Bassett Headmen - Richard Hermans, Martin Fowler Manco (messenger) Alan Hesketh Inca chorus: Roger Beyer, Sol Jale, David Owen, Paul Ho, Harish Patel, Neville Lange, Alastair Laird, Bruce Mansfield, Grant Lees, Michael Won.
Thoughts from the School HAVE THINGS REALLY CHANGED SO MUCH? RULES FOR TEACHERS - 1872 1. Teachers each day will fill lamps, clean chimneys. 2. Each teacher will bring a bucket of water and a scuttle of coal for the day's session. 3. Make your pens carefully. You may whittle nibs to the individual taste of the pupils. 4. Men teachers may take one evening each week for courting purposes, or two evenings a week if they go to church regularly, 5. After ten hours in school, the teachers may spend the remaining time reading the Bible or other good books. 6. Women teachers who marry or engage in unseemly conduct will be dismissed. 7. Every teacher should lay aside from each pay a goodly sum of his earnings for his benefit during his declining years so that he will not become a burden on society. 8. Any teacher who smokes, uses liquor in any form, frequents pool or public halls, or gets shaved in a barber shop will give good reason to suspect his worth, intention, integrity and honesty. 9. The teacher who performs his labour faithfully and without fault for five years will be given an increase of twenty-five cents per week in his pay, providing the Board of Education approves. RULES FOR TEACHERS - 1915 1. You will not marry during the term of your contract. 2. You are not to keep company with men. 3. You must be home between the hours of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. unless attending a school function. 4. You may not loiter downtown in ice cream stores. 5. You may not travel beyond the city limits unless you have the permission of the chairman of the board. 6. You may not ride in a carriage or automobile with any man unless he is your father or your brother. 7. You may not smoke cigarettes. 8. You may not dress in bright colours. 9. You may under no circumstances dye your hair. 10. You must wear at least two petticoats. 11. Your dresses must not be any shorter than two inches above the ankle. 12. To keep the school room neat and clean, you must: sweep the floor at least once daily, scrub the floor at least once a week with hot, soapy water, clean the blackboards at least once a day, and start the fire at 7 a.m. so the room will be warm by 8 a.m. Note: These rules were collected while travelling in North America in 1976. The 1872 version was used in the Toronto area, the 1915 version was from an unnamed school in the American West. E.M.S.
N.Z. AND THE FUTURE - IS BIG BAD? New Zealand is full - or at least that's what the National and Values Parties were claiming before the last Election. No more people can or should be fitted in. We have reached our optimum population. In fact, so many people have been saying this, that I got quite a surprise when I read an article to the contrary. In a recent "Listener", Craig Harrison, a writer and university lecturer from Palmerston North, claimed that New Zealand is destroying its own economic and social future because it refuses to attract population. Not only are people not coming into the country, they are leaving it in droves. Craig Harrison points out that more people left N.Z. during last year than left Chile after the downfall of the Allende government. He advocates what seems to us a shockingly high optimum population - 25 million by the first couple of decades of next century. I'm inclined to agree with him. For too long New Zealanders have persisted in hanging on to the Rural Myth of underpopulation. The belief that N.Z.ers are a rugged, bronzed nation who love the outdoor life. The rural myth that is lived out by thousands on their quarter-acre ranches and a privileged few on their tenacre hobby farms. As the business executive grows more powerful, true rural land diminishes in quantity. The falling-down cowshed which for so long has been the cornerstone of the N.Z. economy is being replaced by the 1200 square foot Lockwood house and two carefully manicured sheep. Precocious children ride the pony at weekends and our rural economy goes down the drain. When are we going to wake up? 70% of our population lives in the cities and has not the slightest involvement with even the smallest bit of grass. We are one of the most heavily urbanised countries in the world, yet we claim we are an agricultural nation. Depending on the farmers may be a good excuse for a small population, but it's beginning to make pretty bad economic sense. What we need is people - the more and the sooner the better. The justifications and the arguments can wait. As Mr Harrison says: "People are the wealth and energy of a country. They don't just idly consume, they produce; they create wealth and competitive spirit, create diversity and culture, provide audiences and readers; they build, cultivate, manufacture, and make society more fulfilling." How true. And yet for the past couple of years Mr Gill has been sending overstayers home again as fast as he can find them, and our skilled workers and graduates are fleeing overseas because of poor pay and job opportunities here. It's a vicious circle. Depopulation breeds depopulation, unemployment breeds unemployment, decay breeds decay. We should be attracting people, not sending them away!
A population increase doesn't just make economic sense, either. People from overseas bring with them their cultures, ideas, and languages which can but benefit our own. The N.Z. culture is dead. The pioneer spirit which people fondly supposed was the backbone of the country is gone. As a race we are boorish, narrowminded, and bigotted - and God knows, enough people have told us so. Our cities are boring and restrictive. We have pubs which are anything but places for social drinking and are more often the scenes of fights. We have some of the most conservative moral standards in the Western world, yet our strip joints and “adult entertainments” are among the sleaziest. Our crime level is alarmingly high and crimes are amazingly violent for an underpopulated island paradise. We suffer too much from a frontiertown image, complete with brawls and shoot-’em-ups on a Friday night. We encourage mediocrity and discourage any form of eccentricity. More importantly, we lack style. Style is of the essence. And the reason we lack it is that we are a closed, one-culture society. In today’s world it is no longer acceptable to be an uninformed, loudmouth, Kiwi slob. Sophistication, cosmopolitanism, are the marks of the modern man. And we cannot share in that as a race until we, too, are brought “kicking and screaming” into the Twentieth Century. This is above all why we need a growing population. We want millions of people from all over the world. People with different attitudes, different languages and different ideals to our own. We want to be able to buy imported food readily in the shops. We want to be able to buy clothes by the Christian Dior and Yves St. Laurent off the shelf. We want to be able to see unrestricted European films, eat in sidewalk cafes, hear different languages spoken in the street. We want to see Lamborghinis on the roads and topless girls on the beaches. The time for mediocrity is past. We must lose the frontier-town image. Lambton Quay must become the Regent St., 5th Avenue, and King’s Cross of Wellington. So, for our long-term survival we must import people. Our present clean, outdoors way of life is breeding one of the ugliest and most pleasureless societies in the world. Personally, I feel we must share in some real Western Decadence. The brothels, pimps, casinos, crime, and sophisticate cultures of Europe and the States may be big and bad, but they are booming. And better we die of genuine decadence than of sheer boredom. An awful lot can be excused if it is done with a little style. J. D. Schwass Winner Seddon Memorial Cup for Senior Speech.
ESTUARY Here the bay shifts on the grating tide, The spring seawood mark and the slothful near, Bookshelf, boatsheds, creaked and wind dried, Tonelessly clasp mud, crab-deep. A sand-varnished beach of footprints and shells Where jellyfish strand with rotting driftweed, trail Webbed in flounder-net; in glorious smells Hanging sharp enough on the thin wind to make a dog-heart fail. There is water-creed of many boats here, Crusted with yarns like brittle barnacles. High And flock-fingered, black-backs and sooty Shearwaters fly barebeak, spiral shrieking to a poster sky. J. Harlen DARK NIGHTS AND OTHER CHILDISH FANTASIES Night black the city stands. Cold days and winter wind Go unnoticed in lamplight islands Where children sit around the fire, And dream childish dreams Of summers gone and Once upon a time The princess lived in a far-off land, And who can say it isn’t so! Wild lands where creatures lurk Like eater hide just out of mind, And there outside the lighted glow, Alice through the looking glass Eyed in warm, still pools, Waits in a midnight garden. Owls scream from darkened barns, And a harvest moon Casts a grey-white glow But magic scenes from the other worlds Dance haunting through the sleeping soul, And leaving long before morning’s light. Through the chilling air take flight. They are not ours to chide by day, But live in children’s eyes at play. J. D. Schwass, 7A WHO’S THERE? Is it You Who stands before me? Your real self Or are you Just an image? Created by yourself An outerself With an innerself Unexposed Waiting To be released When you are alone The outershell Has been built up Showing Only parts of yourself Brief bursts And Your innerself Your true emotions Feelings, sorrows But why would anyone else Want to know? Anyway, who cares? Richard Duncan
OLD HOUSES Blank windows stare out aimlessly, They Song for company, in them they hold a history of days gone by. Days of elegance, care and refined Workmanship show in the many Turned posts and carved fretwork. Days we’ll never see again. D. Ross GREY KING The rain blows cold on the hills. Swift as the chill breath of the Grey king. Like deep, shrouded wraths, The black clouds fly fearfully, Cloaks for the wrath of the Grey king. The old of the old is returning From out of the black, ancient Barrows, Ere long the clawed fingers will cover the land, This is the song of the Grey king. When the grey wolf howls, In the dark of the night, And the while ghoul screams, On the quiet city streets, Then the mist will roll in, With the stench of the dead: Shadows to herald The grey king. Then . . . fire will burn, through the long Winter’s night. Cold fire, blue fire, the fires Of Hell! And the grey king cries With dead eyes raised aloft, Pole finger-bones, reaching for Long-treasured weapons. And behold ye o man, Ye shall shrivel alive. Flesh shall peel from thy bones, Blood shall run to ice! A skeleton hound crushes still-beating hearts. - And the ghouls shall feast, While the grave-monsters gambol, And cackle in fiendish Insanity. When the grey king comes. All shall flee All shall perish. This is the law of the Grey king. C. Fung SUNRISE IN AFRICA I’ve heard people say That when the sun rises in Africa, Above the horizon, The silence Is broken by the birds, Bursting into song, Like a track on a gramophone record. David Owen The faulty ‘y’
In the neon sign, Flutters like a dying heart. One who is reluctant To stop at ten, Wanders past with an empty flask. A young couple walk through the rain, To where the light breaks out And steam and grease run On the window Of an all night takeaway bar. On the corner by the bus stop A man huddles out of the rain, Trying to light a smoke. The match warms his hands For a second. Saturday night on the town. S. R, Read Gothic cloisters, Highly ornate, Coats of arms festooned with cobwebs, And colonnades obscuring niches in dark recesses Windows, Shadowy holes, Darker than the dark ages Shadows, spires, darkness, Cold. J. Silver THE DAWN PARADE Bravery, brotherhood, courage, Patriotism, glory, success The images of war. Fear, hunger, carnage, Greed, misery, death The realities of war. April 25th - the day to remember military stupidity Brave patriots march to recapture former glory, Remember former success, restore former brotherhood: Ignorant, senile fools! Unable to face reality. A hero’s false fame stays Song. A terrified, frozen private crouches in stinking mud; All around lie dying and wounded men - men, The same as he. He hates - has to hate - but There’s only the enemy to hate. A mile away a soldier crouches in stinking mud; All around lie the dying and the wounded. He has to hate Hate an enemy. Only ... he is the enemy. Ignorant, unthinking fools! People are people, not enemies, Not groups, not countries Individuals only. This is the result of patriotism: Hatred of men because of their nationality; Disregard of personal merit. Patriotism is wasting strength On goals you haven’t set, And ideas you don’t believe. The dying soldiers sighs the sighs of life And succumbs to the fruits of strife.
The brave men of the dawn parade Have crouched in mud! but their Minds have been warped By pronational, xenophobic Propaganda, spewed out by governments. A man who thinks will never agree That war is a necessity: Patriots don’t think, Remember the dying soldier could be you or me: Do you wish false ideals To end your life? For the man who feels - - Life; For the man who accepts Strife. G. Burgess DANGER RIDER He rides his board like an eagle In search of prey, for he Seeks the sea for excitement. He weaves in and out, up and down Looking for the power and glory Of danger and yet face to face with Danger is not enough. Another thrill Even another spill will not stop him From riding another rolling rip from hell. MOON WALK The sophistication seems irrelevant; To the tranquil monster they are but a toy.
P. Jefferies
M. Gooch
TO RETURN When you come back from the beaches They’ll give you a medal Pin it to your chest until your cardigan bleeds Then you can shoot back down to the sandpit to oyster shell Your castles and plant your seaweed seeds. When you come back from the golf club You’ll find your goldfish Crying on his oxygen weed in a glass-padded cell Disillusioned; still a goldfish, not a rock singer God knows you can’t say the poor sod didn’t mean well. When you come back from the mountains She’ll offpat your welcome back Put you on the mantlepiece in front of the mould In the evenings before leaving she’ll serve you a supermarket Dust you down occasionally when you grow old. J. Harlen The staircase of death climbs upwards, Mist swirls eerily below And those who ascend Never descend For there is no return from the realm of the dead A boy stands at the foot of the staircase, Swathed in a shroud of mist. He climbs, then falters Hearing his parents’ beseeching voices But it is already too late, And he climbs to the top Where death stands with outstretched greedy arms And plants a kiss on his forehead A cold kiss,
A kiss of steel, A kiss that burns, And receives the boy as his own, His parents fall to their knees at the foot of the steps Begging for his return But there is no answer Save that of the mist swirling at the foot of the staircase of death. David Goddard MY SHIP I built a ship upon the stairs All made of the back-bedroom chairs, And filled it full of sofa pillows To go a-sailing on the billows Andrew Chan A KICK INSIDE? People are funny, he said Glazed - gazing on a rain-washed footpath Through alcoholic haze. They kick you when you’re down, But you still come whimpering back. Double or quits, like the man said, Is a tough way to go. If Machiavelli had been right Life would have been much simpler Because we wouldn’t get hurt Trying to love the Machiavellians As the rain down the cafe window. It’s much, much easier to be a loser. And I don’t want to be one. The future holds too much promise To sit back and be trampled on By the people who don’t think about The problems. As the clock on the wall Provides the picture show. The coffee is cold, the wine is warm, The seats are hard and the lights are dim. You’re a foo, to love anyone but yourself, If you touch a flame, you only get burnt. While the rain pours on And the outside lamp has a mist - soft glow. Try to see my point of view, He called into the blackness of the street. I’m not a bad person at heart. I don’t like to seem bitter, But it’s hard when you keep getting kicked To come up grinning, but don’t worry I’ll try. Double or quits, like the man said, Is a tough way to go. And the rain ran down The windowpane. J. D. Schwass WATER TO STONE The water drips, time drips by, Forming land forms all through time, High above on the roof of the cave, The water drips age through age, Dripping, dripping, both day and night, Water forming the stalagmite. Strangled forms of impossible stone,
In a place that might be the devil’s own, Growing slower than any snail moves, Forming dark hollows and narrow grooves, Getting longer, thicker, bigger, In time to come it will reach its brother. Having climbed up now ail that while, The brother form has become senile, They join together at a critical stage, The old life ends and so begins a new age, Having once been only two pinnacles of stone, The two of them join, and uniting, become one. The height search is gone, this task has been won, The thickness now counts, the drips turn to stone, Bigger and bigger, a column of lime, The drips continue through the passage of time, The column of stone becomes a wall of slime And it goes on and on through the passage of time. M R Bussell ODE TO A MANTIS It sits straight-backed, Upright on a polished leaf, Gazes, stares and sees full through The solid bars of green How it waits! waits! waits! Motionless, devoid of twitch or stir. As death it rests in body As life it moves in mind. Taut and tight As straining wire, Its double bent legs Are folded to its out-ribbed breast In praying fashion Though none of God’s creatures Are less worthy to show such reverence Before such brutal feeding. There is a noise, A persistant buzz, Which fills the silence-clogged surround Still it does not move. There wavers an aura of lethal awareness, It’s head radiating death As its lithe green torso Blends as one with its world. Bars of black and gold Heralded by the throbbing buzz Flash to view and unknowingly approach The praying form of green Now the blur of speed! Now the flash of Green! A bolt of life and death Strikes unerringly the buzzing source. The torn, shredded wasp Rends the silence with colour As there feeds a vision of death. P. Seddon THE CASTLE Castle, Turrets looming from a gnarled, secluded wood. A keep, Encircled by a dusty track.
Battlements towers and peaks Of faded slates and fractured stone, Watched over by rows of masonry saints And marble lions who guard the doors. Walls, Bleakly carved of weatherbeaten rock, Matted and choked with tendrils, lichen and moss Creeping out of the splintered glory of a mosaic Square. RELIEF You feel Tightness in your stomach, Building itself up Twisting tighter Like a knot You feel the fear Anxiety Emotions Forced upwards You want to say something But you can’t And then Relief washes over you Life a wave Drowning your fears The knot slowly unwinds itself The tension is released And All that remains is a memory. Richard Duncan THE DREAM SPEC One day it will be summer again and There’ll be blue sky everywhere, But it’ll be different The driver will know and we’ll just keep on going, We’ll drive until we run out of land through Bush and mountains and lakes and deserts. The bus will stop by the sea (of course) And we’ll all run out onto clean Silver sand and the surf. We’ll stay there for ever perhaps, Big schnapper fishing and swimming all the time but We won’t sleep much ‘cos there’ll be stars every night, And we won’t ever come back (I don’t even want To talk about it), Because we’ll be beyond winter, cold and school, We’ll live life, not our lives. It will happen one day, The spec will just keep on going and well all be free, It will happen one day, Because if it doesn’t we’ll all go mad . . . K.Clements
In the Field... Rugby
Correction to Tournament Results, 1977 edition Wanganui Collegiate 13, Wellington College 3 Christs College 39, Nelson 3 Wellington College 17, Nelson 3 Christs College 17, Wanganui Collegiate 12 *** This year the School entered 14 teams in the Under 19 and Secondary Schools' grades. Once again we are indebted to parents and friends for filling the gaps in the numbers of coaches. Mr Bill Anderson continued to share his depth of knowledge with a very much weaker 1A side, while Messrs Phil Smee and Ray Lindsay struggled uncomplainingly with an unstable and ungrateful 1B side. Ross Hanning organised and managed a quite successful 1C team of very mixed talent. Another non-staff member, Mr Jones, did an excellent job coaching 5B. The School was well represented in the Centurion Colts (Va'ai, Dewes, Alofa and Carr) and the Centurion Juniors
(Te Maipi, D. Mann, Jarvis, McMeekin and Malcolm). This year two new annual games were inaugurated for 1A and 2A, both against Wanganui Collegiate. In general the first grade teams did not do as well as in past seasons, the second grade teams maintained their good standard but the most promising results came from our 3A, 4A and 5A teams which have not had such good records for some years. The future performances of players from these teams will be watched with a great deal of interest. In conclusion I would like to thank all the coaches, parents and supporters, especially Mr Michael and Mr Yule, for their background work. Messrs Thomas and Gardiner have also been of considerable help at all times. There are many others, including referees, St. John Ambulance volunteers and our groundsman, Errol Duffell, without whom the sport could not be organised and played so successfully. B. H. Farland
WELLINGTON COLLEGE 1st XV 1978 Winners of the Letica Cup. Back Row: M. A. SCOTT-SMITH, C. J. JARVIS, D. G. ALTY, S. T. JALE, K. R. VAN VOORST, J. D. HAY, S. C. MANN. Middle Row: L. F. GARDINER (Manager), I. D. DE TERTE, B. D. GRANT, N. D. DOBSON, T. R. PRESTON, J. G. PRESS, D. 0. MANN, G. E. THOMAS (Coach). Sitting: C. W. DEWES, G. S. CASSIDY, C. R. CARR, P. L. SMITH (Captain), J. S. McDONALD (Vice-Captain), K. VA'AI, T. F. ALOFA. Absent: R. R. TE MOANA.
1st FIFTEEN With seven of last years players returning, a large number of new faces appeared in this year's team. Unfortunate injuries hit the team early. S. Jale, the left winger, suffered a severe broken leg in the 5th game and appeared only in the 22nd game. A fine strong winger was thus lost to the team. Other injuries which handicapped the team were: Cassidy, Preston, Dobson, S. Mann, P. Smith and Te Moana. It was really good to see the replacements doing so well, A further misfortune hit the team at the Tournament when so many went down with the 'flu that we had to send up two replacements for the last game. All this adds up to a 50-50 season as far as results were concerned, and if that was all that mattered it would hardly be called a good season. However the team itself - its personalities and its fine spirit made the season successful. The 1978 1st XV was a splendid team, it had character and it had loads of guts. The team put on some splendid displays. The defence was sound and there were some thrilling moments of attack. Led by Paul Smith, the forwards, though much smaller than of recent years, scrummed well and the 'loosies', particularly K. Va'ai, were often devastating. The back-line often showed zip and enterprise, and newcomer C. Jarvis looked most promising. It was good to see R. Te Moana back in the team with his steadiness. Mr Graham Thomas worked hard with the team and never let the spirits flag. He is a fine coach and the team learnt a great deal from his efforts. Personnel: P, Smith (Captain), J, MacDonald (Vice Captain), I. Alofa, Alty, C. Carr, Cassidy, I. Deterte, C. Dewes, N. Dobson, B. Grant, J. Hay, S. Jale, C. Jarvis, S. Mann, D. Mann, Press, T. Preston, M. Scott-Smith, R, Te Moana, K. Va'ai, K. Van Voorst, Winstanley, A. Percival, v. Hutt Valley Marist, lost 4-25 v. Tawa, won 18-6 v. Stokes Valley, lost 7-12 v. Poneke A, won 42-6 v. Onslow, lost 3-9 v. Upper Hutt, won 13-10 v. Hutt Valley Marist, lost 3-16 v. Rongotai College, lost 4-20 v. Petone, won 14-3 v. Mana College, won 16-0 v. St. Pat's College, won 7-4 v. Onslow, lost 14-19 v. Auckland Grammar, lost 0-35 v. Marist St. Pat's, won 15-3 v. Silverstream College, lost 0-10 v. Naenae Old Boys, won 11-4 v. Hutt Valley High School, lost 6-12 v. Marlborough College, won 32-7 v. Wainuiomata, won 23-4 v. Nelson College, lost 0-7 v. Christ's College, lost 6-17 v. W.C.O.B. (Letica Cup), won 8-4 Games played 22, won 11, lost 11. Points for 225, against 233.
Top Left: Striving in the lineout. Bottom Left: D. Alty and C. Carr seen about to put down the scrum. First five-eighth C. Jarvis, second five J. Macdonald and cfentre N. Dobson also appear. Right: J. Press, C. Dewes, D. Alty, K. Va'ai and C. Carr watch for that elusive ball.
1st XV CAP PRESENTATION I. F. Alofa, A. D. Alty, C. R. H. Carr, R. A, G. Cassidy, C. W. Dewes, I. D. DeTerte, D. N. Dobson, Be 0, Grant, J. D Hay, D. 0 Mann, $. C. Mann, J. G Press, R R. Te Moana, M. K Va'ai, K, Van Voorst, J. S. MacDonald (Vice Captain), P, L. Smith (Captain),
Reserves for Tournament: C. J. Jarvis, M, A. Scott-Smith. The following two boys played well for the 1st XV and would no doubt have been in the Tournament team but for injury or sickness: S. T. Jale, T. R. Preston.
Left: Halfback Mark Scott-Smith sends out a strong pass from the scrum in the game with St. Pat's. Top Right: The packs prepare to go down. Game with Rongotai. Bottom Right: The lineout. Game with St. Pat's. C. Carr, K. Van Voorst, T. Preston, D. Alty, K. Va'ai and A. Percival.
Left: Fullback David Mann takes a shot. Middle: K. Va'ai makes a break. Right: Hooker C. Dewes faces up.
Back Row: T. F. SHERBURD, J. M. KEALL, G. A. HALL, G. WELLS, H. TE MAIPI. Middle Row: R. J. HANNING, D. J. WILSON, W, R. SEYMOUR, C. TUATAGALOA, A HESKETH, W. J. WHITE. Sitting: W. F. ANDERSON (Coach), K. V. HERLIHY (Vice-Captain), A. PERCIVAL (Captain), M. A. SCOTT-SMITH, B. P. WINSTANLEY. Absent: B. SHADBOLT, M. WHITE. 1A Mr W, Anderson Team: K. Herlihy, G. Hail C. Tuataguloa, A. Hesketh, A. Percival (Captain), G. Wells, W. Seymour, B Shadbolt, D. Wilson, W. White, M. Scott-Smith, M. White, H. Te Maipi, P. Searle, P. Hooper, B. Winstanley, T. Sherburd, R. Hanning, R. Jacobs.. A. Volentras, B Philips, D Mann, C Jarvis.
v, Porirua B, lost 0-24, v. Upper Hutt, lost 3-30, v. Scots B, lost 4-22, v. Scots, lost 4-8, v. Tawa, no game, v., Naenae College, won 10-3, v. Eastbourne, won 8-7, v. Silverstream, lost 3-6, v. St. Pat's, lost 0-20, v. H.V.H.S., lost 3-28 Games played 9, won 2, lost 7. Points for 35, against 148.
v. St. Bernard's 1st XV, lost 10-13, v. Silverstream A, lost 0-16, v, H.V. Mem. Tech. Coll. 1st XV, lost 3-27 v. Onslow 1st XV, lost 0-18 v. Newlands 1st XV, lost 0-13 v. Naenae 1st XV, won 3-0 v. Wanganui Collegiate 2nd, lost 3-19 v. Taita College 1st XV, lost 0-17 v. Kapiti College 1st XV, lost 7-25 v. Wainuiomata 1st XV, lost 3-34 v. Tawa College 1st XV, lost 3-6 v. Christ's College 2nds, lost 0-19 v. Upper Hutt College 1st XV, lost 0-23 Games played 13, won 1, lost 12. Points for 32, against 230.
1C R. Hanning H. W. Kibbiewhite Team: D. J. Edwards, M. Bassett, B. Mansfield, G. Lees, D. Owen, R. F. Hermans, J. D. Beere, P. J. Arden, M. Fowler, A. J. Campbell, J. C. Igglesden, M. Drakeford, T. Heaven, B. A. Andrews, J. Keall, S. Luangwai, P. Ho, M. Loe, D. White, G. B. Edginton.
1B Mr P. Smee Team: P, McLeod, C. Paku, T. Hastings, M. Morris (Captain), R. Lindsay (Vice Captain), 0. Valentras, R. Jacobs, G. Hawkins, L. Charles, V. Renner, A. Robertson, S. Tarpley, K. Stewart, A. Beyer, P. O'Brien, J. Schwass, A. Flaws, P. Casey, F. Ifi, G. Hail, D. Svena.
v. Wainui C, won 13-9, v. Silverstream D, won 48-0, v. St. Pat's C, drew 3-3, v. Rongotai, lost 4-27, v. St. Pat's, won 10-3, v. Mana, lost 3-14, v. Kapiti, lost 4-8, v. St. Pat's, lost 0-14, v. Silverstream B, won 56-0, v. Naenae College, drew 13-13 Games played 10, won 4, lost 4, drew 2. Points for 154, against 91.
2A Mr B. Farland Team: M. Lodge, S. Borrell, G. McMeekin (Captain), S. Baddeley (Vice Captain), M. Turner, D. Walker, R. Girardin, McKenzie, A. Malcolm, W. Breeze, A. Richards, R. Press, C. Horne, C. Andrews, N. Brown, G. MacArthur, D. Wong, K, Culleton, R. Gair.
2C Mr D. Sowerby Team: K. D. Clements, R. W. Smith, R. Sharif, A. K. Miller (Captain), S. A. Hunter, P, Geraghty, D. Horo, B. Keddy, S. I. Butland, R. Matheson, V. J. Parker, P. R. Burt, M. Peleti, C. Philip, J. E. McLeod, S. Ford, W. L. Matthews.
v. Silverstream A, drew 3-3, v. Tawa, won 22-16, v. Newlands, won 56-0, v. St. Bernard's, no game, v. Onslow, won 23-0, v. Wanganui Collegiate, lost 6-13, v. Napier B.H.S., won 8-6, v. Porirua, won 21-4, v. Silverstream, lost 0-4, v. Tawa, lost 21-22, v. Rongotai, lost 0-19, v. St. Pat's, won 15-4 Games played 11, won 6, lost 4, drew 1. Points for 175, against 91.
v. Silverstream C, lost 18-4, v. Hutt Valley H.S., won 28-6 v. Silverstream B, lost by default, v. Wainuiomata, won by default, v. Newlands, lost 10-24, v. St. Bernards, lost 6-16, v. Rongotai, won 20-0, v. Silverstream B, drew 4-4 v. St. Bernard's, lost 10-13 3A Mr J. Cormack Team: M. Roberts, G. Flux, M. Wotton, C. Varcoe, M. Woodard, D. Nelson, P, Kaye (Vice Captain), T. Ritchie, T. Simpson, R. Murphy (Captain), B. Ostler, J. Henderson, N. Allen, J. Fraser, B. Arthur, B. W. Gerard, A. Cooper, C. McCrea, J. Brock. v. Rongotai A, won 38-0, v. Silverstream A, won 3-0, v. Hutt Valley Old Boys, won 24-0, v. Heretaunga, won 38-6 v. H.V.H.S., won 15-6, v. Wainui, won 7-0, v. St. Pat's, lost 0-4, v. St. Bernard's, won 11-3, v. Tawa, won 32-0, v. Parkway, won 31-0, v. Tawa, won 31-0 Games played 10, won 9, lost 1. Points for 230, against 19.
WELLINGTON COLLEGE 2A RUGBY TEAM, 1978 Winners of the Calvin Wright Memorial Trophy. Back Row: G. J. MACARTHUR, I. R. McKENZIE, C. R. ANDREWS, S. K. BORRELL, N. J. BROWN, N. J. TURNER. Middle Row: W. T. S. BREEZE, A. A. RICHARDS, A. R. MALCOLM, C. C. HORNE, D. K. WALKER, R. M. PRESS, R. J. GAIR. Sitting: P. M. O’BRIEN (Manager), M, G. LODGE, G. L. McMEEKIN (Captain), S. J. BADDELEY, B. P. WINSTANLEY, B. H. FARLAND (Coach). Absent: R. GIRARDIN 2B Mr D. Jackson Team: I. Wiffin, M. Burry (Captain), D. Godman, B. Warren, S. Rowe, G. Hill, J. Brown, D. Latimer, A. Te Moana, B. Scott, M. Smith, N. Collins, S. McGown, N. Weaver, J. A. Dell, M. Turner, R. Dearsly, S. Doyle. v. Taita B, won 13-4, v. Silverstream B, lost 4-10, v. Naenae Old Boys, won by default, v. Scot's, lost 4-16, v. St. Pat's, won 20-0, v. Wainui, won 11-4, v. Scot's, lost 0-19, v. Heretaunga, won 14-4 Games played 7, won 4, lost 3. Points for 66, against 57.
3B Mr A. Hawes Team: D. Bruce, M, Davis, B. Gault, M. Hall (Captain), B. Hunt, M. Jarvis, P. Lima, W. Player, R. Smith, C. Ward, P. Wederell, D. Keys, S. McCann, D. Horo, T. Dowden, G. Milne, M. Kippenberger. v. Silverstream B, lost 4-30, v. H.V.M.T., lost 7-22, v. Silverstream C, lost 0-40, v. St. Pat's, lost 0-32, v. Rongotai B, lost 10-12, v. Taita, lost 0-33, v. Mana, lost 0-30, v. Rongotai, lost 6-16, v. Silverstream A, lost 8-16 Games played 9, lost 9. Points for 35, against 231. 3C Mr M. Grover Team: F. Atkins, G. Barendregt, G. Boon (Captain), G. Callendar, S. King, C. Love, T. Brown, F. Champion, T. Gongsakei, B. Raleigh, L. Young, D. Dawson, M. Seddon. v. Scot's B, won 23-8, v. Silverstream C, won 8-7, v. St. Pat's, lost 0-22, v. Eastbourne, won by default v. Kapiti, lost 0-29 v. Wainuiomata, lost 0-36 v. St. Pat's C, won 52-6 v. Aotea College, lost 20-24 v. St. Bernard's, won by default Games played 7, won 3, lost 4. Points for 103, against 132.
4A Mr G. Reynish Team: C Deli, D. Grattan, M. Walker, B. Philip, E. Ruwhiu, D. McMillan, C. McLellan (Captain), S. Cummings, D. Jarvis, L. Davey, R. Nimmo, R. Gear, D. Nendick, G. Deli, N. Staples, S. Houston, D. Pearce, M. Pierce, W. Watkins. v. H.V.H.S., won 7-0, v. Taita, won 19-8, v. Porirua, won by default, v. St. Bernard's, lost 0-28, v. Taita Club, won 13-12, v, Silverstream A, lost 0-22, v. Rongotai, won 18-10 v. Upper Hutt, lost 0-12, v. Tawa, won 9-4, v. St. Pat's, lost 4-24, v. Silverstream A, lost 9-10 Games played 11, won 6, lost 5. Points for 79, against 130. 4B A. Good Team: C. Hunter, J. Collins (Captain), B. Cox, B. Hall, M. Buxton, A. Jenkins, J. Cooper, S. Guy, S. Pou, P. McCallum, P. McArthur, I. Brand- wood, W. Uti, A, Hercus, G. Anderson, A. Slater, I. Wong, A. James. v. Silverstream C, won by default, v. Scot's, lost 0-20, v. St. Bernard's, lost by default, v. St. Pat's, lost 10-34, v. Onslow, lost 3-18, v. St. Pat's A, lost 6-12, v. St. Bernard's, lost 0-12, v. Silverstream B, lost 0-16, v. St. Pat's B, won 48-0 Games played 7, won 1, lost 6. Points for 67, against 112.
Games played 8, won 5, lost 3. Points for 174, against 39. SEVEN-A-SIDE RUGBY WINNERS 7th Form - 6E3 6th Form - U52 5th Form - 5A2 4th Form - 4A2 3rd Form - 3B4 UNDER 15| RUGBY Early in the third term an Under 15 Rugby team played the same from Christchurch Boys' High School. This was a repeat of the same event held here at Wellington College two years ago. The Wellington College team was made up of mostly 4th Formers from the 4A, 3B and 3A grades with three from heavier grades. The Christchurch team arrived from their camp in Picton and played almost as they got off the boat. They were hence no match for the Wellington College boys who easily won 35-0. Tries were scored by R. Murphy (2), L, Davy, E. Ete, D. Gratton, R. Press and M. Roberts, with R. Murphy kicking two conversions and one penalty. The team was coached by Mr J. Cormack and Mr G. Girvan and captained by B. Ostler. Mr L. Ostler is to be thanked for his assistance in bringing the Christchurch team from and to the boat and his very able first aid and refereeing efforts.
6th GRADE Mr Jones Team: R. Boag, R. Boon, C. Bowerman, M. Bringans, P. Eggleston, A. Gair, M. Jones, T. Keddy, J. Kippenberger, J. Muenskill, G. McLellan, S. Mairs, D. Moss (Captain), H. O'Connor, J. Roch, G. Sullivan, H. Davis. v. Silverstream Red, lost 10-21, v. Silverstream Blue, drew 4-4, v. Silverstream Gold, drew 10-10, v. St. Bernard's, won 20-4, v. H.V.H.S., lost 0-36, v. St. Pat's Blue, won 4-0 v. Heretaunga, won 20-4, v. Silverstream Red, lost 10-16 v. St. Pat's Blue, won 38-4, v. St. Pat's Red, won 22-0 Games played 10, won 5, lost 3, drew 2. Points for 138, against 99. 5A Mr J. Tate Team: I. Painter, J. W. Walters, R. Muirhead (Captain), R. Scully, B. Cannon, D. McCallum, W. Baddeley, T. Crawford, R. Currie, T. Hiles, N. Austin, D. Gerard, S. J. Dearsley, C. Meek, D. Bevan, N. Hales, W. Watkins, N. Abernethy. v. Naenae, won 44-0 v. Kapiti, won 30-0, v. Tawa, won 23-4, v. Scot’s, won 34-0 v. Heretaunga, cancelled, v. Mana, lost 4-13, v. Wainui, lost 4-8, v. St. Bernard’s, lost 0-4, v. Paraparaumu, won 35-10
Cricket While enthusiasm and support for cricket here at the College from parents, from Collegians and Karori Clubs, Junior Cricket Association, as well as from the Wellington Cricket Association and the Norwood Trust has grown markedly, interest in the game from the College staff has been disappointing, Were it not for the energy and interest shown by our groundsman, by our two umpires on the staff, Mr Bradley and Mr Michael, by Mr Farland, Mr Sowerby and Mr Walls who combined coaching and playing roles, cricket here would be in a dis-organised state. Mr Anderson's departure after the first term will be felt by many fifth formers, while Mr Hawes and Mr Hurricks helped to establish Junior sides in the first term. The College is thankful that Mr D. Grey was able to continue, with his great knowledge and cheer-fulness, to captain the 2nd XI, who rapidly improved under his able captaincy. Mr Scott-Smith and Mr Kippenberger joined forces to help the 3rd XI, entered again in the 2E grade. Mr Farland took over the newly formed 4th XI in the ID grade. Mr M. Sherlock from the Karori Club again willingly coached the 4A side who again benefitted greatly from his efforts. Similarly the College is appreciative of the
help given by Mr Tunnicliffe, Mr Gordon, Mr Gault, Mr Hodgson and Mr Wilkinson to different teams. The completion of the permanent netting around the two batting wickets on the hockey ground has been due to grants provided by the Norwood Trust, the Wellington Cricket Association and the Parents' Association. A grant from the Trust enabled us to ensure that the cricket gear for Saturday's matches could be kept in reasonable condition. The following players were selected for representative sides:- T. Ritchie, P. Kelly, R. Nimmo - for the Wellington 3rd and 4th Form representative side that participated in the North Island Tournament held in the Hutt Valley in late January 1979. M. Phillips - for the Wellington Secondary Schools' side that took part in the North Island Tournament held in Auckland in December. Mr Bruce Edgar, the Cricket Association's coach, conducted a clinic each Monday afternoon from early October onwards for a squad of 12 third and fourth formers. Our thanks for his coaching and interest shown at these sessions. It should be emphasised that people, clubs and groups mentioned above have been responsible for the eight or nine cricket teams at College enjoying regular practices
and games. The sport re quires effort, patience and dedicated practice before consistent results accrue and there are many useful and talented players who are showing benefits from the efforts of these people. 1st XI CRICKET Mr P. Walls Outright losses against New Plymouth and Wanganui Collegiate, a win against St. Bernards in its inter-school fixtures and relegation to the 2B competition was the lot of the 1st XI of 1977-8. These disappointing results however disguise the fact that the team possessed a fine pace bowling attack led by Martin Phillips ably supported by John Beere and Andrew Currie. The batting line-up lacked established stroke players capable of providing a sound foundation to an innings. It is to be hoped players like Marc Warner, Tim Ritchie, Dean Johansson and John Keall will flourish throughout 1979 in the responsible role as front-line batsmen. The team was well served by the wicketkeeping talents of Murray Coppersmith. There is a crop of younger players working their way through the lower grades who will serve the school in the coming seasons and their contribution to 1st XI cricket is eagerly awaited. INTER-SCHOOL FIXTURES v. St. Bernards - 2 March, 1978 Wellington College 93 (Murray 19). St. Bernards 86 (Phillips 5/30, Currie 4/21). Wellington College won by 7 runs, v. New Plymouth Boys’ High School - 6-7 March, 1978 Wellington College were without Martin Phillips for this match and this loss was compounded by an injury to Murray Coppersmith after 62 minutes play on the first day after which he took no further part in the game. The captaincy passed to Bruce Mansfield who discharged this responsibility very well and was supported well by his bowlers, Currie and Beere who both recorded good figures in New Plymouth’s first innings. That innings featured two half-centuries from Cox and Trenwith who scored 108 out of an innings totalling 154. This was in reply to 111 by Wellington College with valuable contributions by Ritchie (29) and Warner (21). Wellington collapsed in their second innings for 69 runs leaving New Plymouth 27 runs to win - a target which they achieved for the loss of 1 wicket. Wellington College 1st Innings B. Mansfield lbw Trenwith A. Miller b Trenwith D. Johansson b Robertson M. Warner c and b Greig M. Coppersmith retired hurt R. Gair c and b Greig T. Ritchie c and b Grieg S. Baddeley b Ormiston
7 15 0 21 7 12 29 0
A. Murray not out 3 A. Currie c and b Greig 0 J. Beere stumped Lilley b Greig 0 Extras 17 Total 111 New Plymouth bowling: Greig 9-6-21-5, Trenwith 6-2-12-2. New Plymouth 1st Innings 154 (Trenwith 56, Cox 52). Wellington bowling: Currie 10.5-2-34-5, Beere 12-2-21-3. Wellington College 2nd Innings Mansfield Ibw Trenwith 2 Miller c and b Greig 12 Johansson c Harrop b Trenwith 7 Warner b Robertson 17 Gair b Robertson 0 Ritchie c Thomson b Greig 0 Baddeley c Ormiston b Greig 0 Murray not out 12 Currie stumped Lilley b Greig 0 Beere c Dravitzki b Robertson 2 Coppersmith did not bat Extras 17 Total 69 New Plymouth 2nd Innings 31/1. Outright win to New Plymouth by 9 wickets, v. Wanganui Collegiate - 4-5 December, 1978 Wellington College approached the game against their skilled Wanganui opponents in a mood approaching confidence based on some good all round club performances. However, against some accurate bowling and tight fielding Wellington succumbed for a dismal total of 52. They bowled themselves back into the game dismissing Wanganui for 115 with Gair, Phillips and Currie each bagging three wickets. Batting on the second day they were unable to master the Wanganui attack and were fortunate even to overcome the deficit. As it was Wanganui were left with 13 runs to win which they accomplished while losing one wicket. Wellington College 1st Innings B. Mansfield b Lawrence 1 D. Johansson b Seddon 5 M. Warner c Bellerby b Lawrence 0 T. Ritchie c Sheedy b Lawrence 0 M. Phillips b Lawrence 6 J. Keall b Seddon 0 R. Gair b 7 B. Durrant run out 1 M. Coppersmith c McLean b Seddon 3 A. Murray c b. Lawrence 8 A. Currie not out 4 Extras 17
Total 52 Wanganui bowling: Lawrence 14-9-15-5, Seddon 12-5-18-4. Wanganui Collegiate 1st Innings 115 (Kirk 32, Harris 32). Wellington bowling: Phillips 15.5-5-30-3, Gair 8-2-23-3, Currie 12-4-28-3. Wellington College 2nd Innings Mansfield b Carswell 13 Johansson c and b Seddon 5 Warner c and b Seddon 10 Ritchie c and b Seddon 6 Keall c and bowled Seddon 16 Phillips c and b Lawrence 5 Gair c and b Seddon 0 Durrant c and b Kirk 2 Coppersmith b Seddon 0 Murray c and b Kirk 5 Currie not out 2 Extras 11 Total 75 Wanganui bowlinq: Lawrence 12-2-22-1, Seddon 142-28-6, Carswell 2-1-1-1, Kirk 2.1-0-5-2. Wanganui Collegiate 2nd Innings 14/1. Win to Wanganui Collegiate by 9 wickets. 2nd XI CRICKET Mr A. D. Grey Though the seconds finished fourth in the 2D Grade, there were very few points between the winners, Tawa A and the Seconds. Assistance with players and equipment from Collegians Club proved invaluable especially during the holidays, so that an excellent team spirit was maintained. Lunchtime practices were very well attended and each member quickly felt that he was contributing, as a fielder, batsman or bowler, to the team’s performances. R. Hanning and 0. Chew Lee headed the batting averages with 44.00 runs and 28.75 runs, though A. Sherlock, with 101 not out, had the highest aggregate. B. Durrant claimed most wickets with 25, due as much to astute captaincy, keen ground fielding and greatly improved wicket-keeping by R. Walker, as to his steady line and deceptive off-spin. A. Sherlock, M. Woodard, R. Jones and J. Keall always bowled purposefully and received continual encouragement from the team captain, Mr D. Grey. We are appreciative of his efforts and interest shown towards College cricket generally and the Second XI in particular. Team: P. McLeod, R. Hanning, R. Walker, A. Miller, T. Ritchie (promoted to Firsts during the season), B. Durrant, P. Langridge, D. Munn, M. Woodard, A. Murray (promoted to Firsts also), J. Keall, A. Sherlock, 0. Chew Lee, Mr D. Grey - Captain. V. Palmerston North B.H.S.
This year’s annual fixture was played at Palmerston North on Sunday, March 5th and Monday March 6th in hot, windy conditions on a hard, sun-baked pitch. The team was as follows: A. Sherlock (Captain), 0. Chew Lee (Vice Captain), B. Durrant, R. Jones, J. Keall, P. McLeod, D. Munn, R. Walker, G. Wells, M. Woodard, P. Kelly, M. Kippenberger (12th Man). Sherlock won the toss and had no hesitation in choosing to bat. By afternoon tea the side had scored 312 runs for the loss of 5 wickets. Chew Lee top scored with 95 runs, A. Sherlock made 63, D. Munn scored a quick 56 not out from a tiring attack while Keall compiled a solid 27 and Kelly a useful 19. Sherlock closed the innings at afternoon tea. Palmerston began slowly against accurate bowling and keen fielding and scored 120 runs for the loss of 6 wicket at stumps. On Monday the side was out for 201 runs and Sherlock enforced the follow on. R. Jones captured 3 wickets for 56 runs; B. Durrant 4 for 42 and 0. Chew Lee took 2 for 49 runs. Palmerston’s run rate was quicker in their second innings and their Captain closed the innings at 214 runs for the loss of 8 wickets. Durrant bowled accurately to take 5 wickets for 43 runs, Chew Lee again secured 2 wickets for 47 runs. The Seconds, set to score 103 runs in over an hour scored 29 runs for loss of 2 wickets at close of play. The match was drawn after some good batting by both sides. Scores 2nd XI: 315 for 5 declared (Chew Lee 95, Sherlock 63, Mann 56 n.o., Keall 27, Kelly 19) and 29 for 2. P.N.B.H.S.: 201 (Jones 3-56, Durrant 4-42, Chew Lee 2-49) and 214 for 8 declared (Durrant 5-43, Chew Lee 2-47). CLUB MATCHES January-March, 1978 v. Johnsonville (30 over match) - Loss by 52 runs Johnsonville 167 for 8. 2nd XI 115 (Chew Lee 36, Walker 21). v. Plimmerton - Loss by 5 wickets 2nd XI 175 (Monigatti 85) and 61. Plimmerton 156 (Grey 5-44, Ritchie 2-38) and 80 for 5 (Monigatti 4 for 18). v. Tawa - Drawn Tawa 221 (Grey 5 for 68). 2nd XI 74 for 4. v. Tawa A - Win by 3 runs 2nd XI 140 for 7 (Chew Lee 54, Miller 24, Warner 23). Tawa A 138 (Durrant 2-30). v. University - Win by innings and 159 runs 2nd XI 298-5 declared (A. Sherlock 101 n.o., D. Mann 58 n.o., Woodard 42). University 69 (Durrant 2-10) and 70 (Durrant 3-17). v. Rongotai - Drawn 2nd XI 118 (Woodard 28, Keall 24, Durrant 23) and 178 for 6 declared (Chew Lee 40, Keall 35, Mann 35). Rongotai 92 and 92 for 6 (Durrant 2-8, R. Jones 2-18).
October-December, 1978 v. Johnsonville - Loss by 7 wickets 2nd XI 144-8 in 30 overs (P. McLeod 66 n.o., M. Woodard 22). Johnsonville 145-3 in 29.3 overs (Woodard 2- 74). v. Tawa A - Draw 2nd XI 203 (R. Hanning 57, 0. Chew Lee 39, Woodard 32, A. Sherlock 24) and 160 for 3 (Durrant 91 n.o., Hanning 23). Tawa A 179 (M. Woodard 3-30, R. Jones 3-52). v. M. St. Pats - Loss by 3 wickets 2nd XI 117 (A. Sherlock 36). M.S.P. 117-7. v. Onslow - Win by 14 runs 2nd X! 180 for 7 (Nimmo 44, Miller 43, Mann 40, Chew Lee 35). Onslow 166 for 9 (S. Baddeley 3-38, Nimmo 3-34). v. Rongotai College - Loss by innings and 11 runs 2nd XI 63 and 92. Rongotai 166 for 9 declared. v. Plimmerton - Win by 40 runs 2nd XI 151 for 9 (Woodard 36 n.o., Sherlock 35). Plimmerton 111-7 (Woodard 3-21). 3rd XI CRICKET Mr M. Scott-Smith As in the previous year, the 3rd XI was entered in the 2E Grade as a Collegians side under the captaincy of Mr M. Scott-Smith. Despite a fairly high turnover of players he enabled everyone who played to enjoy their cricket purposefully. Naik emerged as the all rounder of the side with the highest number of wickets - 28 and 169 runs in 8 innings. N. Collins and S. Reed developed as all rounders also, while Kelly, Kippenberger and Hodgson were the most talented of the younger players. The team’s position of 4th, with 74 points is a very creditable result considering the difficulties of reforming the team half-way through the season, holiday games and limited over matches which don’t suit players eager for bowling. Our thanks again to Mr Scott-Smith for his cheerfulness and patience. These players played in the 3rd XI in 1978: P. McLeod (promoted to 2nd XI), S. Baddeley (promoted to 1st XI), D. Naik, C. Dewes, S. Reed, M. Kippenberger, D. Homeword, P. Hodgson, N. Collins, P. Kelly, M. Scott-Smith (Junior), I. Deterte, M. Bossom, B. Schroeder, W. Herbert. At the start of the third term, J. Tengue, R. Thomas, M. Hall, M. Roche and S. Doyle joined the team. RESULTS January-March, 1978 v. Onslow - Loss by 56 runs Onslow 132 (D. Wright 6-21). 3rd XS 76 (S. Reed 23 n.o., McLeod 22).
v. Tawa Blue - Win by 182 runs 3rd XI 121 (P. Hodgson 27, Collins 24, Naik 20) and 171 (D. Naik 39, McLeod 40). Tawa Blue 47 (Naik 3-3, Collins 3-13) and 69 (Naik 3-16, M. Scott-Smith 6-30). v. Thorndon - Loss by 10 wicket 3rd XI 33 and 77. Thorndon 105-8 declared (R. Jones 3-36, Reed 3-26) and 5 for none. v. Plimmerton - Loss by 8 runs Plimmerton 117 for 6 (Naik 3-47). 3rd XI 109 for 9. v. Plimmerton - Win by 9 wickets 3rd XI 158-8 declared and 4 for 1. Plimmerton 72 and 82 (Naik 6-14). v. Tawa Gold - Win by 135 runs 3rd XI 201 and 144 for 7 declared. Tawa Gold 128 and 82 (Naik 5-37, Basson 4-28). October-December, 1978 v. Tawa B - Draw (rain) 3rd XI 109-6 (P. Hodgson 32, P. Kelly 24, Hall 22, M. Kippenberger 20). v. Tawa A - Win by 10 wickets Tawa A 95 (Collins 6-32, Roche 2-19) and 91 (Thomas 2-16, Roche 2-3). 3rd XI 184 (Kelly 23, Roche 25) and 4 without loss. v. Johnsonville (Newlands College 1st XI) - Loss by 92 runs Johnsonville 151 (Thomas 4-73). 3rd XI 59. v Plimmerton - Win by 83 runs 3rd XI 168-7 (Kelly 39, Mitchell 22 n.o., Collins 15, Hodgson 15, M. Kippenberger 15). Plimmerton 85 (Roche 3-18, Thomas 3-7). v. Tawa C - Win by 10 wickets 3rd XI 217 (Kelly 100) and 42 without loss. Tawa C 206 and 49 (Roche 3-18). v. Indian Sports - Loss by 57 runs Indian Sports 123 (J. Tengue 4-33). 4th XI CRICKET C. Monigatti - 1st Term Mr B. Farland - 3rd Term The team came fourth in the 1D Grade of the 1977-78 season due largely to Monigatti’s batting and good varied bowling by D. Wright and D. Geddes. Other shortcomings were matched by enthusiastic fielding and a cheerful sportsmanship which created an enjoyable team spirit. In the third term, when Mr Farland took over the team from Monigatti, these players were added to the squad: T. Burns, A. Malcolm, R. Selley, D. Homewood, G. McMeekin, J. Cornish, G, Mc- Meekin, A. Rutherford, Furse, Richards, N. Barnett, M. Lee, I. McFarlane.
RESULTS February-March, 1978 v. Tawa - Loss by 63 runs 4th XI 69 and 54 for 8. Tawa 132 (Waite 3-38). v. Thorndon - Win by default v. Kilbirnie - Win by 63 runs 4th XI 218 -5 (Monigatti 116). Kilbirnie 155. v. 5th XI - Loss by 6 wickets 4th XI (Mr Sowerby 3-7, Burns 2-7). 5th XI 90 for 4 (Nimmo 29, Burns 18). v. Collegians - Win by 1 wicket Collegians 122 (D. Wright 5-16). 4th XI 123-9 (Edwards 38, Monigatti 19). v. 5th XI - Loss by innings and 6 runs 5th XI 212-4 declared (Nimmo 52, Barnett 46, Rutherford 57 n.o., McFarlane 22). 4th XI 88 and 116 (Barnett 5-13, Doyle 8-23, Burns 5-13). October-December, 1978 v. Kilbirnie B - Loss by 6 wickets 4th XI 97. Kilbirnie 97 for 4. v. Kilbirnie - Win by 3 wickets Kilbirnie 112 and 53 for 1 declared (Lee 4-49). 4th XI 74 and 95 for 7 (McMeekin 41). v. Tawa C - Win by 20 runs 4th XI 138-8 (Barnett 51, Boon 42). Tawa 118-8 (Burns 5-19). V. Indian Sports - Drawn 4th XI 110 (Malcolm 35). Indian Sports 110. 5th XI CRICKET Mr J. Kippenberger This team finally came second in the 1D Grade, a very pleasing reward for the keenness and improvement shown by all the players. The team owes a great deal to Mr J. Kippenberger’s captaincy, patience and the practices he supervised after school. Nearly all the players were placed in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd XI’s in the third term. We were especially sorry to lose D. Hay and W. Herbert, both of whom bowled very well for the team. RESULTS January-March, 1978 v. Collegians - Loss by 33 runs Collegians 117 (Malcolm 3-25). 5th XI 84 (Doyle 14, M. Kippenberger 14). v. Tawa - Draw Tawa 119 (McFarlane 7-36, Roche 3-21). 5th XI 104 for 5 (Nimmo 32 n.o., Burns 27 n.o.). v. Tawa - Win by 2 wickets Tawa 125 (Doyle 3-32).
5th XI 126-8 (Mr Sowerby 48 n.o., Hall 18). v. 4th XI - Win by 6 wickets 4th XI 88 (Mr Sowerby 3-7, Burns 2-7). 5th XI 90 for 4 (Nimmo 29, Burns 18). v. 4th XI - Win by innings and 6 runs 5th XI 212 for 4 declared (Nimmo 52, Barnett 46, Rutherford 57 n.o., McFarlane 22). 4th XI 88 and 116 runs (Barnett 5-13, Doyle 3-23, Burns 5-13). 6th XI CRICKET Mr M. Anderson (1st Term) This side with Mr M. Anderson as captain and coach, had some enjoyable games during the first term. We were sorry when he left the College in the winter term. The ‘B’ side also played well early in the season and the College is grateful for the help Mr J. Beck and Mr Goddard gave in encouraging this team. The teams were: Open Grade ‘A’ or 6th XI: A. Malcolm, M. Lee, A. Robertson, K. Weir, P. Shaw, G. Dobson, K. Boon, R. Meek, Mr M. Anderson (Captain), M. Bunny, B. Duncan. Open Grade ‘B’ team: D. McCallum, P. Bremner (Captain), M. Beck, A. Casey, R. Waite, M. GrahamCameron, R. Bussell, S. Indri, B. Cannon, G. Hall, R. Selley, P. McCallum, D. Goddard, J. Bowes, B. Ryan.
RESULTS ‘A’ team: Games played 4, won 0, lost 4. ‘B’ team: Games played 4, won 1, lost 3.
4th FORM IV TEAM Mr M. Sherlock Team: S. Goldfinch, K. Mitchell, S. Roberts, D. Sherlock (Captain - -1st term), G. Love, M. Middle- ton, P. Hodgson, D. Hawke, J. Dowden, D. Grattan, M. Stevenson, D. Warner, W. L. Matthews (3rd term). Though the team was weakened by calls from the 2nd and 3rd XI’s, an excellent team spirit was kept under Mr M. Sherlock’s able coaching. Ground fielding and throwing became a feature of the team’s performances. K. Mitchell and P. Hodgson were probably the most consistent batsmen; C. Love, D. Grattan and D. Hawke developed as all- rounders. We are indebted to Mr R. Hodgson for his patient supervision of the team each Saturday. RESULTS Games played 9, won 4, lost 5. 4th FORM R TEAM Mr A. Hawes (1st term) Mr Gordon Team: M. Abernethy (Captain), Q. Golder (Captain, 1st term), J. Campbell, R. Boag, D. Allen, B. Gordon, G. Stephen, S. Wylds, J. O’Donnell, M. Stevens, P. Aitken, H. Wilson, M. Weibusch, G. Beasley, A. McNab, S. Wylds, G. Findleton. Though the team encountered some stronger sides
and found the task of scoring runs difficult at times, the team, like the A side, practised regularly and thoroughly enjoyed their games. M. Stevens, M. Abernethy, J. O’Donnell bowled and batted very well. J. Campbell and P. Aitken became competitive wicket keepers and, under the new format for secondary school games, some tailend batsmen emerged! We are grateful to Mr Gordon for his enjoyable patience and care shown throughout while supervising the team on Saturdays. Results: Games played 9, won 3, lost 6. 3rd FORM ‘A’ TEAM Mr B. Farland Team: D. Calvert (Captain, 1st term), A. Gair,. B. Hunt, R. Boon (Captain, 3rd term), W. Baddeley, B. Hagan, A. Robinson, M. Tunnicliffe, M. Ritchie, T. Crawford, M. Thompson, A. Tuafale, D. Woodard, G. Coldham. As most of this team had played Saturday morning club cricket for different clubs, the side quickly developed a good team spirit. D. Woodard and G. Coldham from the ‘B’ team strengthened the batting and bowling in the 3rd term and R. Boon took over the captaincy from D. Calvert. Several players developed very well, and R. Boon, B. Hunt and A. Robinson were selected for the 3rd
and 4th Form tournament played at Karori Park held at the end of the year. Our thanks go to Mr Tunnicliffe for his friendly supervision of the season’s games. RESULTS Games played 10, won 7, lost 2, drawn 1. 3rd FORM ‘B’ TEAM Mr P. Hurricks (1st Term) Team: G. Coldham, M. O’Connor, C. Meek, C. Ward, M. Wilson, S. Langridge, A. Cousins, W. Owen, F. Gault (Captain), D. Wilkinson, A. Gerrard, G. Nanson, B. Tompkins, D. Woodard. As with the ‘A’ team, most of the ‘B’ side comprised players who had played Saturday morning club cricket. An excellent spirit prevailed in the side and the problem of who to stand down each Saturday was partly resolved by batting 13 players and having 2 different fieldsmen each quarter while the opposing side was batting. With more regular practice, several players will emerge as promising batsmen. Our thanks again to the parents who cheerfully assisted with the supervision of the Saturday matches. RESULTS Games played 8, won 6, lost 2.
Squash Squash again proved popular in the School with 23 day boys and 33 boarders being financial Junior members within the Collegians Club while several of the more serious players belonged to outside clubs. We were fortunate to have Shane O'Dwyer carry out a coaching session and this proved of value to younger and less experienced members. Our thanks go to Shane and the Club for organising this. The ladders were again in operation but less interest than last year was shown, However the School Championhips provided the highlight of the year with some excellent squash being produced. The Chapman Memorial Shield for the Open Champion was won by M. Owen who defeated P. Hooper in the final 9/5, 9/6, 3/9, 9/7. P. Tapseli, R. Lindsay, W M. Taggart and M. Bevan also produced squash of a high standard. The Junior Championship for 3rd and 4th Forms was taken by B. Hagen who completely outclassed his opposition winning the final against G. Fleming 9/5, 9/5, 9/4. S. Wylds and R. Hunt also played well. School blazer pockets for squash were awarded to M. Owen, P. Hogan, R. Lindsay, P. Tapseli and B Hagen. R. Lindsay is also to be congratulated on being runner-up in the E Grade of the Wellington District Championships. Next year it is hoped that a Secondary Schools' Tournament may be run together with a Secondary Schools' Competition and we shall look forward to these with interest. M.E.L
Basketball Several changes in the format of competition in secondary schools' basketball had a large effect on basketball at Wellington College. With a continued lack of officials to cope with the numbers of players in schools, a restriction was placed on the number of teams which could participate in the secondary schools competition. The 3rd Form competition was scratched completely and only two under sixteen teams were allowed entrance. Hence the number of Wellington College teams which entered the Wellington Competition was cut from 16 to three. With so many players not being allowed to play, an independent league was started, which was held on Friday after school with 6th and 7th boys doing the organizing. This league was very popular at first, but without any parental guidance or discipline the games eventually died out. Unfortunately the prospects for 1979 look the same with the possibility that only two Wellington College teams will be entered in the Wellington Assn. Competition. Whether basketball can survive at Wellington College will depend on the ability of parents and students to run a Wellington College Competition within the boundaries of Wellington College itself, since the facilities in the Wellington, Hutt Valley and Porirua areas can only cater properly for two or three teams from each school. As for the three Wellington College teams that played this year, there was mixed success. The Senior had two
returning starters from last year's team and three weeks into the season, M. Ngan left school and R. Thompson, after making the 12 man N.Z. team, elected to go to the U.S.A. to continue his basketball career. Another very promising player, R. Brown, also left School about the same time. Hence the 1978 season became a year for building, with three 4th Formers being brought in to the team: Q. Golder, P. Hodgson and A. Millar. The two under 16 teams also had mixed success. Although losing most of their games during the year, their enthusiasm and willingness to play together shows that the year was not lost, The Senior team competed in the Wellington Under 20 competition and despite a very young team was still able to do well. Wellington College lost its last game to Naenae by two points, ending the season in a three-way tie for second place. This was one of two games lost by two points under protest on rules interpretation. The leadership for the team came from Captain M. Coppersmith, easily the most consistent player on the team. His willingness to pay with, and give the younger player a responsible part in each game at the risk of possibly not winning, was a tremendous help in developing the young players, P. Tolo was probably the most dominant rebounder in the league and A. Campbell never ceased to amaze people with his ability to take much bigger players inside. M. Drakeford found his feet in the middle of the season when he overcame his fear of equal opposition. The result was by the end of the season he was one of the best inside scoring players in the U20 competition. Under 20 Competition v. Porirua, won 73-47 v. Pizazz, lost 52-54 v. H.V.H.S., won v. Naenae, won 55-52 v. Rongotai, lost 75-105 v. Onslow, won by default v. Rongotai, lost 40-58 v. Rongotai, lost 50-95 v. Pizazz, won 62-52 v. Pizazz, won 67-58 v. Naenae, lost 50-51 v. Naenae, lost 63-65 In the Under 20 Competition M. Drakeford came 5th overall in scoring with 173 points, P. Tolo 9th with 138 and M. Coppersmith 10th with 128 points. The Senior team also qualified for the Regional Tournament in Nelson by coming first in a tournament in Hutt Valley, winning all three games. At the Regional, Wellington College lost its chance to go to the Nationals when they lost their first game to Rongotai 42-76, eventually finishing 3rd by beating Nelson 73-65. The Friday Night Competition was used for development of the younger players, where Wellington College again finished third overall. And the August Holiday Tournament was very social, although M. Won and J. Keall played outstandingly. The only annual fixture is against New Plymouth and here the boys were given a chance to press just for fun, winning 110-75. In the U16 competition Captain N. Hunn gave his team the edge over Captain P. Wootherspoon's team. Both these players stood out for their respective teams. For Wootherspoon's team, P. Kelly stabilised the back court, M. Kwan dominated up front and A. Moss was most improved. For Hunn's team, C. Chandler played good defence and W. Taggart scored well.
WELLINGTON COLLEGE SENIOR A BASKETBALL TEAM, 1978 Second equal Wellington Under 20 Competition. Standing: 0. R. GOLDER, A. J. L. CAMPBELL, A. M. MILLAR, M. C. WON, J. M. KEALL, A. J. MURRAY. Sitting: P. TOLO, M. DRAKEFORD (Vice-Captain), V. E. PAULSON (Coach), M. J. COPPERSMITH (Captain), P. G. HODGSON. U16A; N. Hurw, W. Taggart, H. Waters, D. Latimer, D. Gee, P. Casey, S. Roberts, C. Chandler, C. Fung. U16B; P. Wootherspoon, P. McIntyre, P. Kelly, M. Middleton, A. Pihopa, A. Moss, J. Silver, M. Kwan, A. Chan. REWI THOMPSON, 6E3 NATIONAL MEN'S REPRESENTATIVE Rewi Thompson, a 6th Former at Wellington College, has recently made outstanding progress in the sport of basketball. He has played in Wellington College Senior games starting in his Fourth Form year. As a Fifth Former he was the main play maker on the Wellington College team which finished third at the Secondary Schools' National Championships in Rotorua. Last year Rewi passed up National honours at the secondary school level so that he could represent Wellington in the Men's Provincial Championships. It was at these championships that he gained National recognition as a very competent player at men's level. He was awarded player of the match twice at that tournament, ahead of current New Zealand Representatives, This year in January Rewi successfully competed in the New Zealand National Basketball Trials in Auckland and during the past week he returned to Auckland to qualify for the
Final 10- man squad. As a New Zealand Representative he will play against Australia in a four game series. He will also travel to England.
This year saw the rationalisation of our major tennis fixtures into one Quadrangular Tournament. In March the team of J. Burnett, G. Edginton, K. Bird, S. Tarpley, G. Motu, N. Hunn and P. Wotherspoon travelled to Palmerston North who hosted the first tournament. Competition was on a round robin basis, and Wellington College met Palmerston North Boys', Auckland Grammar and Hamilton Boys' over the two days. Palmerston North showed us warm hospitality and we were impressed by the organization of the tournament and also the high standard of facilities - notably the ail weather courts, which were very fast. Competition was too tough for us: we were defeated by Palmerston 9-0, by Auckland 9-0 and by Hamilton 5-4. On March 1st, 20 boys competed in the W.S.S. L.T.A. annual tournament. Held at Central Park, it provided competition for Juniors and Seniors. J. Burnett and G. Callender performed extremely well.
During term one, eight teams competed in after school competitions held with schools in the Wellington area. This graded competition proved successful and was strongly supported by Firth House pupils. November 2nd saw us competing against Wanganui Collegiate. The team of 12 players consisted of J. Burnett, G. Callender, S. Remillard, G. Motu, P. Wotherspoon, P. Yarrow, T. Yip, S. Tarply, F. Mexted, N. Hunn, T. Jeffries and L. Day. The team performed creditably, winning 10 out of 12 singles and 5 out of 6 doubles. We were pleased especially as the Junior School was firmly represented, and these players have much to contribute to School tennis. G. Callender, 3A2, played No. 2, winning his matches with relative ease, while fine performances were put in by N. Hunn, P. Wotherspoon, L. Davy and T. Jeffries. Team Captain, J, Burnett, was in fine form. The Senior and Junior Singles were contested during
the 1st and 2nd terms. J. Burnett defeated B. Darwin in the final of the Senior Championship 6/1, 7/5, while G. Callender became the Junior Champion when he defeated G. Motu 6/0, 6/0, Callender's performance is impressive, A 13-year-old, he shows considerable promise. The inter school competition has continued this term with six teams participating. Senior A and B grades play Wednesday after school, while Junior B and C grades play Saturday mornings. The setting up of a tennis ladder is stimulating competition, and doubles matches have also been contested. Overall, this year has been an active one, and it is extremely pleasing to see a number of high calibre young players doing well. John Burnett also performed creditably as team Captain.
Soccer 1978 has been a year of mixed success for the School's soccer teams. The year started well with a large number of pupils indicating their willingness to play for the School. It appeared at that time that the School would be able to enter four teams into this year's competitions. After a number of trials a first and second team were selected to play in the Cable Price Youth Grade Competitions and also two teams in U16 Competitions. Unfortunately this situation did not last very long. Prior to the selection of the First and Second Elevens I asked all players if they would still play for the School if they were not selected for the First Eleven. Every player indicated that they were willing to do so. After the teams were announced over ten players deserted the School to play for clubs; these pupils shall remain nameless. I don't begrudge pupils playing for clubs, but do object to anyone who does not have the courtesy to inform me of their intentions. It is easy to see, in the light of events such as these, why many teachers are reluctant to take extra-curricular activities. The fortunes of the three teams that represented Wellington College varied during the year. Both the First and Second Elevens finished well down in their grades. The U16 team finished near the top of their competition.
This year's First Eleven played in a higher grade than last year's. The Cable Price Premier Youth Grade proved to be a very hard competition. Despite finishing last in this grade the players gained a lot in the way of skill and experience. Mr B. Anastasiadis offered his assistance in coaching this team and during the year did a fine job in developing the side from what was a pretty rugged bunch of individuals into a team that were able to work well together and which demonstrated a good team spirit. The progress that the team made under Mr Anastasiadis's hand was demonstrated in the annual clashes with Christchurch Boys' High School and New Plymouth Boys' High School. Crawford Green was the venue for the SchoolChristchurch clash; Alexandra Park being unusable due to the action of vandals. The game was played in what might be termed "typical Wellington weather"; light rain with a southerly wind blowing. Despite the atmospheric conditions, both teams displayed a high degree of skill, both on attack and in defence, in what proved to be a very even game. The final score was 4-2 in Christchurch's favour with Wellington's two goals coming from Papanicolaou and Lan Dinh. A very creditable performance in the light of Christchurch Boys' High's convincing victory last year.
Along with hockey and basketball the soccer team travelled north to New Plymouth to play against New Plymouth Boys' High School. The team had improved since the beginning of the year. Spectators, and there were quite a number, were treated to some excellent football with both teams displaying their ability to control the ball and move it about rapidly whether under pressure or during an attack on the opposition's goal. For Wellington College there were no really outstanding players because they all played as a team; two, however, are worthy of mention. Paul Papanicolaou, captain, once again showed himself to be worthy of this position; both through his control of the other players in the team and through his contribution in the mid-field to the final result. Indri Soedaisono played a brilliant game in goal and treated the spectators and players alike to some very acrobatic saves. He played magnificently despite being one of the smallest players in the team. Although the final result was 3-2 in N.P.B.H.S.'s favour I feel that this game and the after match functions proved to be the highlight of the year for the players. Scorers for Wellington College: P. Papanicolaou 2. Top scorer for year: N. Barnett. The Second Eleven also enjoyed mixed success. The team started off well but soon suffered through numerous defections which left the team under strength for over half the season. The boys who continued to play for the School deserve credit for doing so. They were: A. Szentes (who also played in goal for the 1st XI on occasions), M. Roche (Captain), G. Gully (reserve for 1st XI N.P.B.H.S. trip), P. Hercus, D. Hawke, A. Juriss, G. Chamberlain, K. Kirby. In addition to these boys there were one or two others who were able to assist in raising the strength of the team from time to time during the season; their help was greatly appreciated. In the last two years there has been a considerable amount written and said about a ground for training and playing on. A start was made early in the year to have Alexandra Park ready for competition at the beginning of the season. However, despite considerable effort by the Headmaster, little headway was made until after the May vacation; by which time the situation was, for my part, becoming a little desperate. It was only through the efforts of Mr Hill and with the assistance of Mr E. Duffel (groundsman), that the ground finally became playable. I wish to thank both these people for their efforts on behalf of soccer in Wellington College. I would also like to thank Mr B. Anastasiadis for his contribution to the coaching of the 1st XI. He did an excellent job and I hope that in 1979 he will continue to make his skill and expertise available to the School. Mr R. Meldrum volunteered his services as manager of the Under 16 team; a task not to be undertaken lightly considering the inclement weather Wellington experiences during the winter months. I thank him for
doing so and hope that he enjoyed his encounter and will continue to do so in the new School year. Philip Arden, after playing in a number of games with the 1st XI, offered to coach the U16 team; an offer which was readily accepted. Philip is an excellent and experienced soccer player and was able to pass his knowledge and skills onto the younger players. He is one of the few pupils at the School that I know who was willing to assist with activities at Third and Fourth Form level soccer, and indeed the School has been lucky in having a pupil of his personality and calibre. I thank him, on behalf of the players, for his invaluable assistance and the time and effort which he put into the Under 16 team. I hope that soccer continues at Wellington College and that more players start showing a real interest in their School and those pupils who are prepared to represent their School; not only in soccer but all extra-curricular activities. A. G. Ballingall Master-in-Charge UNDER 16 SOCCER TEAM After getting off to a slow start the Under 16 soccer team had a good season and managed to end up in the middle of the grade. There were heavy losses against St. Patrick's College and tremendous wins against Onslow Bengals, but perhaps the best game of the season was a very tight, action-packed draw 3-3 with Rongotai. Special thanks to Phil Arden who did a magnificent job of coaching the team.
Master-in-Charge: Mr M. B, Pallin Once again the School entered four teams in three grades of the Wellington competition, enabling the College with a large number of experienced players to dominate a large part of the secondary schools' competition. It was also pleasing to see teams reliable in attendance and appearance. This was greatly helped by reliable coaches who gave up their time both in coaching and on numerous occasions umpiring as well as managing on Saturdays. Mr G. McIntyre coached the 1st XI to a strong win in the 1st division. Miss M. Rankin coached the 2nd XI who came third in their division, and Mr E. Clayton coached the 3rd XI who came second in their division, with the 4th XI coming fourth in the same division. 1st XI HOCKEY Despite the loss of five seasoned players from the previous year, Mr G. McIntyre, our coach, welded this year's team into a strong combination. The success of this year's team is shown by the winning of the Wellington Secondary Schools' 1st Division Championship, the Founders Cup and also by being runners-up at the Wanganui 5-a-side Tournament. The seven players from the 1977 team, J. Brown, 0. Chew Lee, B. McIntyre, P. McIntyre, G. Oosterbaan, D. Smith and E. Snoek formed a solid nucleus while the new members, G. Coldham, G. Dobson, B. Durrant, J. Ford and H. Steffens all proved valuable additions to the team, especially at Tournament. Our forwards were a most capable unit and we were especially lucky in that we possessed the brilliance of forwards B. McIntyre and P. McIntyre. They were our main attack and along with J. Ford scored the majority of the goals. J. Brown and G. Coldham were proficient wingers with J. Brown always helping on defence while G. Coldham, although only a 3rd Former, shows great promise. The forwards were supported by a very strong defence. G. Dobson, playing hockey for the first time, proved to be a natural and improved greatly as the season progressed. The fullbacks, B. Durrant, G. Oosterbaan and E. Snoek were always sound. O. Chew Lee, D. Smith and H. Steffens made up the halfline and developed into a very solid combination. We are indebted to Mr McIntyre and Mr Pallin, without whom our successes would have been limited. Mr McIntyre devoted a great deal of time to coaching and moulding us into a team. Mr Pallin was equally hard working on our behalf in arranging our annual matches, the Tournament and other fixtures. We would also like to thank Mr Clayton who filled in as coach/manager when either Mr Pallin or Mr McIntyre were unavailable. He was also one of our most faithful supporters. Thanks also to Mr Durrant who umpired a
great deal of games. Lastly we would like to thank our supporters who turned out in strength, Mr and Mrs Chew Lee, Mr and Mrs Coldham, Messrs Brown, Snoek, Dobson, Smith, Mesdames Steffens, Ford, Pallin and young Nicholas frequently turned up to watch us.
Top: O. Chew Lee on attack. Second: P. and B. McIntyre about to score against Northern United. Third: The McIntyre brothers putting Rathkeale under pressure at Tournament. Bottom: O. Chew Lee with a shot at goal against Napier Boys' High at Tournament.
WELLINGTON COLLEGE 1st XI HOCKEY. 1978 Winners Wellington Secondary Schoofs Competition. Winners N.Z.S.S.H.A. Founders Cup Tournament. Runners-Up Wanganui Five-A-Side Tournament. Played 25, Won 18, Lost 2, Drew 5. Goals For = 95, Goals Against = 16. Back Row: G. COLDHAM, H. STEFFENS, J. D. BROWN, G. E. DOBSON. Middle Row: P. MclNTYRE, T. EDWARDS, D. E. SMITH, B. N. DURRANT, G, J, OOSTERBAAN. Sitting: M. B. PALLIN (Manager), E. SNOEK (Vice-Captain), 0. H. CHEW LEE (Captain), B. G. MclNTYRE, J, D. R. FORD, G. M. MclNTYRE (Coach). Championship Results v. Northern United, won 3-1 v. Rongotai, lost 1-3 v. Tawa, won 6-0 v. H.V.H.S., won 3-1 v. Taita, won 8-0 v. Scot's, won 5-1 v. Northern United, won 5-1 v. Rongotai, won 1-0 v. Tawa, won 2-0 v. W H.S., draw 0-0 v. H.V.H.S., won 6-1 v. Taita, won 6-0 v. Scot's, draw 1-1 v. W.H.S., won 2-0 O Chew Lee, P. McIntyre and E. Snoek were selected for the Wellington Secondary School Reps and the Tournament team. G. Coldham was selected for the 3rd and 4th Form Secondary School Reps. B. McIntyre was the outstanding player of the team, scoring 40 goals during the season.
ANNUAL MATCHES v. Christchurch Boys' High School C.B.H.S. had a very strong team and our Wellington College team were slightly pessimistic about the chances of winning. However the team made a very determined start and clearly dominated play for the first 20 minutes and were most unlucky when P. McIntyre put a shot just wide of the post. As the game went on C.B.H.S. gradually began to dominate and two minutes before the interval one of their forwards scored. In the second half C.B.H.S. scored twice towards the end of the game, giving them a convincing win. Final score: 0-3. v. Wanganui Collegiate Unfortunately this game was played after two weeks of wet weather which had restricted our practices and consequently the team played well below par. The first half was scrappy with Wanganui scoring the first goal of the game. They managed to hold this lead until half-time. After the interval the Wellington College team made a determined effort and five minutes into the second half B. McIntyre and P. McIntyre scored two goals. After this the team slipped back into a defensive role and in the last minute Wanganui managed to even the score. Final score: 2-2.
v. Palmerston North Boys' High School The Palmerston North team played a very hard and fast game and a torrid struggle developed in the first half with our team having a slight advantage. The whole team played well, particularly G. Oosterbaan at fullback. Neither team was able to score in this half. After the interval we went straight onto the attack. P. McIntyre burst through several tackles and sent the ball rocketing beween the shocked goalkeeper and the post. Stung by this, P.N.B.H.S. launched a series of determined attacks but our defence was sufficient. However, Palmerston sent in a long shot which we mishandled and the ball ended up in our goal evening the score in a tough, close fought game. Final score: 1-1. v. New Plymouth Boys' High School This game was played on a fairly soft ground at New Plymouth. After the first ten minutes it was fairly obvious that the opposition was not particularly strong. Against a fairly weak defence the forwards were able to find gaps easily and with good passing penetrated the opposition's circle frequently. Two penalty strokes were awarded to us from which two goals were scored. Three field goals were also scored. In the last stages of the game N.P.B.H.S. managed to score. Final score: 6-1. FOUNDERS CUP TOURNAMENT This year along with several other Wellington teams we hosted the Founders Cup Tournament. The format of the Tournament involved two six team pools with the top two teams from each qualifying for the semi-finals. Five of the six grounds were converted from rugby and soccer to hockey, and although the groundsmen did a remarkable job, three of the grounds unfortunately were fairly hard and bumpy. The Games: v. St. Patrick's College Although St. Pat's only play in the local 2nd division, the team was not at all complacent due to the size of the opposition. After four quick goals we overcame our worries and at halftime our coach Mr McIntyre made substitutions to rest some of our players. Nevertheless two further goals were scored in the second half. Final score: 6-0. v. Rongotai As Rongotai were the only team at the Tournament to have beaten us during the school competition we knew this would be a hard game. A strong defense by the Rongotai team prevented us from scoring despite our domination of the ball in the first half. Towards the end of this spell we were awarded a corner from which O. Chew Lee scored a surprise goal. Rongotai made a concerted effort throughout the remainder of the game and although they came close to scoring on several occasions the score remained 1-0 in our favour. Final score: 1-0. v. Freyberg H.S. Freyberg was not as strong as we anticipated and we had no trouble in dominating this game. All the forwards played well with G. Coldham, P. McIntyre and J. Ford each scoring twice. The defense however was hardly tested. Final score: 6-0.
v. Riccarton This team possessed a pair of good inside forwards and was one of the stronger teams in the pool. We went on to the attack from the start. Unfortunately 0. Chew Lee was injured in the first half and our defense had to work hard to compensate. As a result of sustained pressure we were awarded a penalty stroke, however the shot was just wide, nevertheless five minutes later B. McIntyre and then J. Ford scored. In the second half the team was content to just hold its lead which it managed to do until the final whistle. Final score: 2-0. v. Rathkeale After a slow start the game developed into an interesting struggle. Rathkeale scored first however from a breakaway. However P. McIntyre quickly levelled the score. Ten minutes before the interval Rathkeale scored again, but again we levelled the scores - this time it was B. McIntyre who scored. In the second half the team was on attack continuously and our third goal was scored when B. McIntyre drew the goalkeeper and passed to J. Ford who pushed the ball into an open goal. Although we failed to score again we were very close on several occasions, including four goal-line saves and two hit posts. In this game the entire team played well with J. Brown, H. Steffens, E. Snoek and B. McIntyre outstanding. Final score: 3-2. v. Napier B.H.S. (semi-final) Due to overnight rain the ground was heavy, nonetheless G. Coldham, P. McIntyre and H. Steffens combined well on attack and we managed to dictate most of the play. Good defensive play by E. Snoek, G. Oosterbaan and D. Smith quickly stiff,ed Napier's attacks. However we were unable to score due to some excellent saves by the Napier goalkeeper. In the last minutes of the game we managed to force a corner. From this a slight mix up occurred and a quick pass from 0. Chew Lee to P. McIntyre led to the only goal of the game. Final score: 1-0. v. Rongotai (final) This game with Rongotai would decide the out-right winner of the competition. Despite team rearrangements we were able to dominate the game and spent long periods on attack but Rongotai defense prevented us from scoring. Rongotai came close to scoring from a penalty stroke but goalkeeper Dobson was able to deflect it. B. McIntyre made several fine runs but when a slash tackle broke his stick cleanly in two he was forced to borrow one and was not as effective. Although we had a marked territorial advantage we were still unable to score and the game ended in a draw. Final score: 0-0. Although slightly disappointed at not being out-right winners the whole team played well throughout the tournament, the new members in particular. We would specially like to thank Mr Bradley and Mr Michael for their support. FIVE-A-SIDE TOURNAMENT The 1st XI season closed with the celebrated 5-a-side Tournament held this year at Wanganui. Two teams competed - -the A team comprised of:
O. Chew Lee, B. McIntyre, P McIntyre, G. Ooster- baan, E. Snoek; the B team comprised of: G Coldham, B. Currant, J. Ford, D. Smith, H. Steffens The A team qualified but unfortunately the B team did not. By virtue of Mr McIntyre's knowledge of 5-a- side tactics, the A team played their way into the finals where they were finally defeated by a Wellington Colts team, however as runners-up they won the C. C. Grant Memorial Cup. Altogether the trip was a most successful and enjoyable finish to the season. 2nd XI HOCKEY Coach/Manager: Miss M. Rankin Team: T. Edwards (Captain), T. Homewood (Vice Captain), M. Edwards, M. Tischler, M. Miller, S. Wylds, P. Amos, S. Johnson, E. V. Lala, V. Lala, H.Patel, V. Vithal, S. Prout.
The 2nd XI had both a successful and enjoyable year. This was due principally to the efforts Margaret put into the team, and we thank her for her time and skill - we enjoyed it. On the field the team did almost as well. We came third in our particular division after having won eight games, drawing one and losing one. As would be expected the general play improved through the season and our wins and final position on the table were well deserved. The team had good support wherever it went and special thanks to Mr Prout and other parents and the Pallin family. Thank you, Margaret - from the team. 3rd XI HOCKEY The team, consisting mainly of Fifth Formers, had an indifferent season. Although we lost many of our games, we enjoyed ourselves. Many of the players were from last year’s 4th XI and I feel we have managed to get a good combination going. Lala, our centre-forward, was perhaps our most outstanding player. He contributed much to defense and forward power. We hope it won't be too long before be finds himself in the 1st XI. Thanks must go to our coach, Mr Clayton, who coached us well and saw that we were punctual at our games.
Thanks also to those parents (a faithful few) who helped with transport on Saturdays. Team: W. Pointer (Captain), J. Stewart, M. Crutchley, S. Duncan, V. Bhana, M. Doyle, C. Mabbett, I. Horner, D. Lala, D. Goddard, L. Hog- gard, D. Harland, M. Walker, C. Walker, D. Cameron. W. Pointer 4th XI HOCKEY Coach: Mr B. Pallin An enthusiastic and reliable group of 3rd and 4th Formers made up the team, many of whom had little previous hockey experience. After a few weeks and some tussles against a much larger opposition, the team was able to settle down to play some enjoyable and rewarding hockey. Team: A. Spackman (Captain), S. Arrell, M, Baber, R. Bhana, B. Gordon, S. Lees, G. Freeman, H. Macaskill, A. Strange, D. Walker, P. Weibusch, H. Wilson.
Athletics in its various forms undeniably established itself as the School's most successful sport in 1978. Not only did Wellington College consolidate its dominance in the Wellington area; it also carved out a national reputation and made its first impact on Australia too. The outstanding successes achieved on track, road and country are a tribute to the total dedication of Mr Brian McCrea. His achievement has not been the performances of outstanding athletes like Robbie Irvine or John Scott, but the development of potential in boys who had little idea of the abilities they possessed. Most of the School's top class athletes are in the category of those who have been created through encouragement, guidance, their own considerable efforts and more than a little coercion. QUADRANGULAR TOURNAMENT In 1978 the Quadrangular Tournament was held at Wanganui Collegiate. Winds, ferocious even for Wellingtonians, turned many events into a battle more against the elements than other competitors. The conditions also spoilt communications and many Junior athletes missed their events. Final results indicated a close duel with Wanganui Collegiate with Wellington College enjoying a narrow dominance. Results Under 14: G. Callender, 3rd 400m T. Crawford, 2nd 800m G. Beggs, 1st 1500m D. Double, 1st high jump D. Calvert, 3rd long jump Under 15: B. White, 1st 100m, 1st 200m, 1st long jump, 1st U16 long jump R. Knobben, 3rd 200m D. Burgess, 3rd 400m A. Shaw, 3rd 800m B. Cannon, 1st 1500m J. Youmans, 2nd 1500m J. Henderson, 1st hurdles
A. Beyer, 2nd shot N. Rose, 1st discus, 2nd U16 shot, 3rd U16 discus A. Joe, 2nd discus G. Hawkins, 3rd discus R. Press, 1st high jump Under 16: J. Scott, 1st 100m, 1st 200m, 1st 400 m M. Morris, 2nd 400m R. Murphy, 1st 800m, 1st 1500m J. Bowes, 2nd 800m, 2nd 1500m W. White, 3rd 800m G. Main, 1st hurdles P. Hooper, 1st shot, 1st discus, 3rd Senior discus M. Edwards, 2nd high jump, 3rd Senior high jump. Senior: A Alofa, 3rd 200m K. Tichborne, 3rd 400m R. Irvine, 1st 1500m K. Va'ai, 3rd shot McEVEDY SHIELD The easy victories enjoyed by the College over the previous two years turned into a rout of other schools in the prestige McEvedy Shield Competition, 1978. The School scored a massive 211 points victory with Rongotai the nearest rivals on 149 points. Brilliant individual performances were turned in by many athletes. Barry White's victory in the Under 15 100m, followed up two minutes later with a victory in the Senior 100m, was one of the highlights of the day. It so infuriated other schools that they have decided to protect Senior athletes by introducing a new rule whereby younger athletes are not permitted to compete in older age groups. The power of John Scott was again in evidence as he cleaned up all the Under 16 sprints. Peter Hooper proved himself the best allround competitor of the day with successes on track and field. Newcomer to the College, Robbie Irvine, took the 5000m Open, had the crowd on its feet winning the 800m only 15 minutes later, and demolished all challenges in the 1500m too. Malcolm Hart's effortless victories in the 800m and 1500 m Senior were equalled by Third Former Tim Crawford who won the same distance in the 13-year-old division. With the organisation of athletics being what it is in the School, and the depth of talent still coming through, it would take a massive effort for any other school to topple Wellington College. As long as complacency doesn't set in, we can expect to dominate athletics in Wellington for some time yet.
Individual Performances Under 14: T. Crawford, 1st 800m, 1st 1500m D. Double, 1st high jump W. Watkins, 2nd hurdles T. Gongsakdi, 4th 100m, 4th 200m V. Riley, 3rd hurdles D. Bowes, 3rd 800m C. Beggs, 4th 1500m N. MacArthur, 4th 400m Under 15: B. White, 1st 100m, 1st 200m, 1st hurdles, 1st long jump, also 1st Senior 100m, 1st U16 long jump A. Beyer, 1st shot, 2nd discus R. Knobben, 2nd 200m, 3rd 100m A. Joe, 3rd shot, 3rd discus B. Cannon, 2nd 1500m A. Shaw, 2nd 800m D. Burgess, 3rd 400m J. Youmans, 3rd 1500m P. Gordine, 3rd long jump J. Henderson, 4th hurdles Under 16: J. Scott, 1st 100 m, 1st 200m, 1st 400m R. Murphy, 2nd 800m, 2nd 1500m N. Rose, 2nd discus, 2nd shot, 4th high jump, also 4th U17 discus M. Edwards, 1st high jump, 3rd U17 high jump, 4th Senior high jump G. Main, 1st hurdles M. Morris, 2nd 400m U. Ifi, 3rd discus, 3rd shot W. Duckett, 3rd 1500m G. MacIntyre, 4th 100m I. Andrews, 4th long jump W. White, 4th 800m Under 17: R. Irvine, 1st Open 5000m, 1st 1500m, 1st 800m P. Hooper, 1st 100m, 1st long jump, 1st discus, 2nd 200m, 2nd Senior discus J. Bowes, 2nd 800m P. Van Krimpen, 2nd hurdles A. Keall, 3rd long jump A. Currie, 3rd 400m C. Jarvis, 4th 1500m Senior: M. Hart, 1st 800m, 1st 400m B. Andrews, 1st 1500m, 4th 5000m R. Sharif, 3rd 100m J. Hay, 4th 200m G. Sayer, 4th 1500m J. Edmondson, 3rd hurdles A Tichborne, 3rd 400m Relays: Under 14 2nd, Under 15 1st, Under 17 1st Senior 2nd
Back Row: Second Row: First Row: Sitting: In Front:
Malcolm Hart, one of Wellington College's best Senior Athletic Champions, winning the McEvedy Shield 400 metres from B. Watt of Silverstream.
Coach Mr B. McCrea and Captain John Scott holding the McEvedy Shield - March, 1978.
Cross Country Running "THE GOLDEN YEAR" 1978 has been Wellington College's most successful year in both summer track and cross country athletics and as a result has seen an amazing increase in the number of boys participating in the sport. This year also saw a number of 'firsts' for the College including: - The highly successful South Island Relay. - The winning of the New Zealand Secondary Schools' Cross Country Championships. - The winning of all four grades at the Wellington Regional Cross Country Championships. - The winning of all three grades at the Wellington Regional Relay Championships. - The undertaking of an Australian tour by the College cross country team - the first overseas trip ever made by a Wellington College side. In addition to the above, the team were again unbeaten in their annual fixtures against Wanganui Collegiate and Napier Boys' High School.
Back Row: Middle Row: Front Row: In front:
COLLEGE CROSS COUNTRY RESULTS Again this year's championships were held over the rugged and demanding Mount Victoria course which lived up to its reputation as one of the hardest in New Zealand. Third Form Championships: 1. T. Crawford, 16.55 2. D. Bowes 3. N. MacArthur Colts Grade: 1. A. Hercus, 16.06 2. M. Abernathy 3. T. Crawford Junior Grade: 1. B. Cannon, 15.59 2. J. Youmans 3. C. Lindsay Intermediate Grade: 1. W. Duckett, 17.53 (new record) 2. D. Devon 3. A. Meo Senior Grade: 1. R. Irvine, 17.38 (new record) 2. G. Sayer 3. B. Andrews
NEW ZEALAND SECONDARY SCHOOLS' CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS AT TIMARU For the first time in the history of the College, Wellington won the New Zealand Secondary Schools' Senior Cross Country title. This was an outstanding performance by the six athletes who competed in the Championships and a fitting reward for the efforts and sacrifices they have made during the last twelve months.
Individual Placings R. Irvine 13th, G. Sayer 15th, W. White 28th, W. Duckett 31st, B. Cannon 58th, B. Andrews 1OOth. Team Results 1. Wellington College, 145 points 2. Palmerston North Boys' High, 238 points 3. St. Peter's College (P.N.), 266 points More than 450 competitions and 50 teams took part in the Championships which were held over a very demanding course.
NEW ZEALAND CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONS Top Left: Wayne Duckett - 1st in College Intermediate Race and member of the N.Z. Cross Country Team. Top Middle: Robert Irvine - N.Z. Sec. Schools Champion, Wellington College Senior Champion and member of the N.Z. Cross Country Champion Team. Top Right: Graham Sayer - ran in National Secondary Schools Cross Country Championships on June 24th. 1978 at Timaru, 1st in Senior College Teams Championship. Lower Left: Warwick White - member of the N.Z. Cross Country Championship Team. Lower Middle: Barry Andrews - Captain of the Wellington College Cross Country Team to Australia, winner of the N.Z. Cross Country Championships. Lower Right: Brent Cannon - member of the N.Z. Cross Country Championship Team and the College Junior Champion
WELLINGTON COLLEGE CROSS COUNTRY TEAM Winner New Zealand Secondary Schools* Cross Country Championship, 1978. Standing: W. J, WHITE, B, A. F. ANDREWS, R. J. IRVINE. G. B. SAYER. Sitting: B. J. CANNON, B. W. McCREA (Coach), W, R. DUCKETT. In Front: PADDINGTON (Mascot). SOUTH ISLAND RELAY: BLUFF TO WELLINGTON RELAY '78 During the first week of the May vacation, the Physical Education Department organised and staged a sponsored relay from Bluff to Wellington. This was the second such relay to be conducted by the Department the first being run from Auckland to Wellington in 1976. The boys who took part were members of the College Cross Country team, many of whom had also been involved in the 1976 venture. As was the case in 1976, sponsorship cards were issued to every boy in the College and as a result of their efforts more than $8060' profit was raised. This year's total surpassed that of 1976 by more than $2000., The relay was run in seven stages. - Stage 1: Bluff to Balciutha, 157 km, completed in 9 hours, 58 minutesc. - Stage 2: Balciutha to Palmerston, 136 km, completed in 8 hours, 51 minutes. - Stage 3: Palmerston to Timaru, 143 km, completed in 9 hours, 16 minutes. - Stage 4: Timaru to Christchurch, 163 km, completed in 10 hours, 20 minutes.
- Stage 5: Christchurch to Cheviot, 129 km, completed in 7 hours, 12 minutes. - Stage 6: Cheviot to Blenheim, 189 km, completed in 12 hours, 38 minutes. - Stage 7: Blenheim to Picton, 28 km, completed in 1 hour, 42 minutes. On arrival at the Wellington Ferry terminal, the athletes ran to the Town Hall en masse, where they presented a message from the Mayor of Bluff, Mr Ron Lowe, to the Mayor of Wellington, Mr Michael Fowler. The relay was conducted in two sections, Bluff to Christchurch, which involved 16 boys, who were replaced by 16 more for the second section, Christchurch to Wellington. The total time for the entire run was 59 hours and 43 minutes. The boys who took part in Relay '78: Section 1, Bluff to Christchurch: B. Andrews, G. Beggs, D. Bowes, B. Cannon, T. Crawford, P. Currie, G. Cummings, D. Devon, W, Duckett, R. Irvine, A. Meo, D. McCullum, J. Scott, S. Strain, K. Tichbourne, J. Yeumans. Section 2, Christchurch to Wellington: M. Abernathy, P. Atkin, J. Allen, N. Allen, B. Durrant, B Farmer, P. Gordine, M. Hart, A. Hercus, P. Kaye, C. Lindsay, N. MacArthur, M. Robinson, G. Sayer, J. Silver, S. Wardle. The following staff were involved in the organisation and running of the Relay '78: Messrs B. McCrea, M. McGregor-Macdonald, R. Meldrum, G. Raynish, B. Stubbing, P. Walls.
WELLINGTON REGIONAL CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS Held at Karori Park, September 30th, 1978 For the first time since the Championships started, Wellington College won all four grades, and in doing so continued their domination in cross country at both local and national level. This outstanding achievement was a result of very real and commendable dedication by the boys and the incredible team spirit which developed during the year. Individual Results (best placings) Colts: N. MacArthur 6th, D. Bowes 7th, J. Walters 10th, T. Crawford 11th, D. Jarvis 12th, Ft Knob- ben 17th. Junior: A. Hercus 3rd, C. Lindsay 9th, M. Abernathy 13th, P, Currie 18th, P Gordine 19th, J. Silver 20th. Intermediate: W. Duckett 5th, B. Durrant 7th, J. Bowes 10th, M. Kahn 11th, B. Cannon 13th, M. Robinson 15th. Senior: R. Irvine 2nd, G. Sayer 3rd, *W, White 8th, N. Allen 16th, B. Andrews 18th, S. Strain 22nd.
* W. White's effort of gaining 8th place in the Senior grade was particularly commendable as in fact he was only an Intermediate promoted on the day. Team Results Colts: 1. Wellington College, 63 points 2. Rongotai, 79 points 3. St. Pat's (Town), 263 points Junior: 1. Wellington College, 82 points 2. Wairarapa College, 166 points 3. Rongotai, 180 points Intermediate: 1. Wellington College, 61 points 2. Naenae College, 133 points 3. Heretaunga College, 191 points Senior: 1. Wellington, 69 points 2. Rongotai, 71 points 3. Kapiti, 239 points
Chris Lindsay - one of the College's best Juniors both on the track and in the Cross Country. Andrew Kerens - one of the best Juniors and third in the Wellington Championships, David Bowes - an outstanding 3rd Former. Graham Beggs - a member of the winning Junior team. Also travelled to Australia. WELLINGTON COLLEGE v. NAPIER BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL AND COMBINED WELLINGTON COLLEGES This annual fixture which was held at College, resulted in an overwhelming victory to Wellington, winning all four grades in the team events, and also taking two individual titles. Team Results Third Form: 1. Wellington College 2. Heretaunga College 3. H.V.H.S. 4. H.V.M.T. 5. Napier Boys' High School Fourth Form: 1. Wellington College 2. H.V.H.S. 3. Heretaunga
4. Wellington High School 5. Naenae College Fifth Form: 1. Wellington College 2. Heretaunga College 3. St. Pat's Silverstream 4. Wellington High School 5. Napier Boys' High School Sixth and Seventh Form (open): 1. Wellington College 2. H.V.H.S. 3. H.V.M.T. 4. Napier Boys' High School 5. Wellington High School Individual Placings (Wellington's only) (A) Third Form: D. Bowes (1) J. Walters (2) N. MacArthur (4) R. Curry (5) R. Knobben (6) (B) Fourth Form: J. Allen (3) C. Lindsay (4) A. Hercus (5) T. Hiles (6) H. Burton (10) (C) Fifth Form: D. Devon (1) W. Duckett (4) J. Youman (7) B. Cannon (8) W. White (9) (D) Sixth and Seventh Form: R. Irvine (1) G. Sayer (2) M. Hart (5) B. Andrews (6) S. Strain (8) WELLINGTON COLLEGE v. WANGANUI COLLEGIATE This year's fixture was hosted by Wanganui and proved to be a very exciting and keenly contested affair. Wellington again proved a little too strong for Collegiate, winning three of the four teams events and also taking three individual titles. Individual Results (Wellington's only) Third Form: D. Bowes 1st N. MacArthur 2nd T. Crawford 3rd Teams Title: Wellington Fourth Form: C. Lindsay 7th P. Gordine 8th J. Silver 9th Teams Title: Wanganui Fifth Form: W. Duckett 1st W, White 2nd
B. Cannon 3rd Teams Title: Wellington Open Grade: R. Irvine 1st G. Sayer 2nd W. Duckett 3rd Teams Title: Wellington The outstanding individual Wellington runner was Wayne Duckett who not only convincingly won the Fifth Form 5,000 metre race, but afterwards took part in the Senior/Open grade over 6,000 metres and finished a very creditable third. THE FIRE STATION RUN This year again saw fierce competition over this 2.6 mile road race which is better known as the Physical Education Cross Country. R. Irvine, the current New Zealand secondary schools' road race champion broke the existing College record by 20 seconds, running the distance in 14 minutes, 19 seconds. G. Sayer recorded the second fastest time ever when he ran second to Irvine in 14 minutes and 28 seconds. Wayne Duckett established a new Fifth Form time by completing the distance in 14 minutes and 31 seconds. HONOURS POCKETS The following boys received cross country honours pockets: W. White, J. Scott, P. Gordine, A. Meo, M. Roche, B. Andrews, G. Sayer, R. Irvine, M. Hart, S. Strain, K. Tichbourne, G. Cummings, N. Allen, M. Kwan, J. Silver, B. Durrant, D. Devon, H. Burton, G. Beggs, W. Duckett, B. Cannon, G. Caiander, C. Lindsay, P. Kaye, M. Abernathy, T. Jefferies, J. Youmans, T, Crawford, P. Currie, D, Jarvis, N. MacArthur, A, Hercus, S. Wardle, P. Aitkin, T. Hiles, R. Currie, D, McCollum, S. Lawey, D. Bowes, J. Bowes, M. Kahn, B. Elliott, A. Shaw, R. Knobben, P. Jasinski, N. Sanders, T. Ritchie, M. Robinson. SHORT CIRCUIT CHAMPIONSHIPS Once again the annual Short Circuit Champion-ships were contested over the 1020 metre course. Due to very high winds, no College records were broken, although a number of personal best times were achieved. Results Third Form: 1. T. Crawford, 3.04 2. N. MacArthur 3. D. Jarvis 4. J. Walter 5. R. Knobben Fourth Form: 1. P. Jasinski, 3.02 2. A. Hercus 3. B. White 4. J. Silver 5. C. Lindsay Fifth Form: 1. W. Duckett, 2.55 2. W. White 3. N. Hunn 4. B. Cannon 5. A. Shaw
WELLINGTON COLLEGE CROSS COUNTRY TEAM AUSTRALIAN TOUR - AUGUST 1978 During the August vacation, the College cross country team travelled to Australia to compete in Sydney's famous 'City to Surf race and also against three other State sides. The touring party, which consisted of 38 boys and three masters, travelled to Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne and Tamworth This was the first time in the College's history that a team had ventured overseas The team competed in four major fixtures: (1) Sydney, the famous 'City to- Surf. 14 km road race. Wellington College finished second in the open men's grade. This was an exceptional effort for a College team, considering more than 22,000 competitors finished the race. Unfortunately they were unable to compete in the schoolboys grade, as this was open only to Australian colleges. Best individual placings: Robert Irvine 84th, Wayne Duckett 85th, and Brent Cannon 210th. (2) Canberra: against the Australian Capital Territories State side. Wellington won the teams event 3-2 and took three individual titles - Robert Irvine, Wayne Duckett and Chris Lindsay. A tremendous result considering that they ran against a State side in an area where athletics is very strong. (3) Melbourne: against Victoria State side. Wellington were beaten 1-2 in the team events. However Irvine and Warick White took two of the three individual titles. This again was an outstanding performance considering that Victoria are the Australian National State Champions. (4) Tamworth: against Combined N.S.W. Country Colleges and Northern Regions. Wellington won four of the five team titles and also four individual titles. These were won by Robert Irvine, Chris Lindsay, Wayne Duckett
and Brent Cannon. Overall the trip was extremely successful, especially when you consider that the College was matched against State sides and not individual schools. This was brought about by the fact that because Wellington College are the present New Zealand cross country champions, we were automatically considered to be the full New Zealand representative team. The following boys toured Australia: B. Andrews (Captain), W. White, J. Scott, P. Gor- dine, A. Meo, M. Roche, G. Sayer, R. Irvine, M. Hart, S. Strain, K. Tichbourne, G. Cuummings, N. Allen, M. Kwan, J. Silver, B. Durrant, D. Devon, R. Currie, D. McCulIum, H. Burton, G. Begg, W. Duckett, B. Cannon, G. Calander, C. Lindsay, P. Kaye, M. Abernathy, T. Jefferies, J. Youmans, T. Crawford, P. Currie, 0. Jarvis, N. MacArthur, A. Hercus, S. Wardle, P. Atkin, T. Hiles, S. Lawey. Masters: Mr B. McCrea, B. Stubbins, P. Walls. One of the most pleasing aspects of the tour was the composition of the team, it represented a true cross section of the College, including Thirds up to Sevenths. This I believe is far better than the usual procedure whereby only the older boys, if they make certain teams, receive such benefits. It also has the added advantage of building for the future by establishing strong foundations at the bottom of the School, e.g. the Third and Fourth Formers. We wish to record our thanks to our hosts in Australia, especially to the Tamworth Secondary School Athletic Association.
The Wellington College Cross Country team leaving Wellington Airport for Australia. At the Tamworth fixture - Mr Gerry Davies of Farrar Agricultural High School, Mr B. McCrea and holding up proceedings, Mr P. Walls.
WELLINGTON COLLEGE ATHLETIC SPORTS RESULTS - 1978 EVENT Under 14 100m 200m 400m 800m 1500m 100m Hurdles High Jump Long Jump Discus Shot Put Under 15 100m 200m 400m 800m 1500m 100m Hurdles High Jump Long Jump Shot Put Discus Under 16 100 m 200m 400m 800m 1500m 100m Hurdles High Jump Long Jump Discus Shot Put Under 17 100m 200m 400m 800m 1500m 100m Hurdles High Jump Long Jump Shot Put Discus Senior 100m 200m 400m 800m 1500m 110m Hurdles High Jump Long Jump Shot Put Open 5000m
T. Gongsadki 3B4 W. Watkins 4A3 G. Callender 3A2 T. Crawford, 3B3 G. Beggs 4A3 W. Watkins 4A3 A. Hastings 4B2 D. Calvert 3A2 C. Hunter 3B2 N. Papanicolaou 3A
M. David, 3B2 D. Calvert, 3B4 G. Ludwig, 3B1 D. Bowes, 3B4 T. Crawford, 3B3 V. Riley, 3A3 D. Double, 36 W. Watkins, 3A3 M. Gheorghiou, 3B3 A. Hastings 4B2
B. Hagen, 3B3 N. MacArthur, 3A2 V. Riley, 3A3 G. Callender, 3A2 D, Bowes, 3B4 D. Calvert, 3B4 B Burgoyne, 3A2 P. Eggleston, 3B4 G. Cooper, 3A1 M. Gheorghiou, 3B3
13.6s 28,5s 64.6s 2m 29s 5m 7s 17s 1.66m 4.48m 22.57m
B. White, 4A3 B. White, 4A3 D. Burgess, 4B4 A. Shaw, 5A1 B. Cannon, 5B2 B. White, 4A3 MacIntyre, 5B White, 4A3 A. Beyer, 4A1 A. Beyer, 4A1
R. Knobben, 5A1 R, Knobben A. Shaw, 5A1 C. Lindsay, 4B3 C. Lindsay, 4B3 J. Henderson, 5B2 A. Beyer, 4A1 P. Gordine, 4B1 A. Joe, 4B4 A. Joe, 4B4
D. Walker, 4B2 D, Walker, 4B2 D. Walker, 4B2 B. Cannon, 5B2 A. Hercus, 4A2 D. Roberts, 4B2 R. Press, 4B1 P. Casey, 5A1 S. Young, 4A3 D. Walker, 4B2
11.8s 24.2s 58.0s 2m 12.6s 4m 43.2s 15.2s 1.50 m 5.71m 12.26m 37.19m
J. Scott, 5B3 J. Scott, 5B3 J. Scott, 5B3 R. Murphy, 5B2 R. Murphy, 5B2 G. Main, 6E5 N. Rose, 5B3 J. Scott, 5B3 N. Rose, 5B3 N. Rose, 5B3
M. Mak, 5B3 J. Bowes, U51 W, Morris, 5B2 W. White, 5B1 W. White, 5B1 Pierce, 5A2 M. Edwards, 5B3 M. White, 5B5 G. Hawkins, 5B1 A. Joe, 4B4
J. Bowes, U51 M. Morris, 5B2 Engel J. Bowes, U51 VJ. Duckett, 5B2 Painter, 5A2
11 7s 23.6s 56.2s 2m 5s 4m 17s 18.1s
I. Andrews, 5A1 A. Beyer, 4A1 A. Beyer, 4A1 H. Park 5H2
5.44 m 42.29m 12.18m
P. Hooper, U51 A. Currie, 7AM R. Irvine, 6E2 R. Irvine, 6E2 R. Irvine, 6E2 F. Mexted, 6E5 A. Currie P. Hooper, U51 P. Hooper, U51 P. Hooper, U51
Alofa, U51 P. Hooper, U51 J. Bowes, U51 C. Jarvis, 6Z4 C. Jarvis, 6Z4 P. Van Krimpen, 6Z4 F. Mexted J. Keall, 6Z1 N. Rose, 5B3 N. Rose, 5B3
A. Currie, 7AM B. Winstanley, 6E1 A. Solt, 6E B. Sayer
11.8s 24.4s 55.9s 2m 6s 4m 16.8s 15.5s 1.68m 5.55m 11.65m 41.74m
J. Hay, 6R J. Hay, 6R M. Hart, 6R M. Hart, 6R B. Andrews, 7AM F. Mexted, 6E5 J. Ewing, 6R1 J. Ewing, 6R1 K. Va'ai, 6R R. Irvine, 6E2
R. Sharif, 6E3 J. Edmondson, 6E2 M. Phillips, 6R
P. Papanicolaou, 6E3 I. Alofa, U51 J. Hay, 6R
12.0s 24.4s ???? 1m 58.8s
J. Edmondson, 6E2
S. Jale, 7B1 P. Hooper, U5 W. Duckett, 5B2 B. Sayer, 6R
5.68 m 11.85m 16m 36.4s
A. Volentre, 7B1 S. Jale, 781 G. Bertos, 7B1 J. MacDonald, 6R1 A. Percival, 7AM B. Andrews, 7AM
N. Swan, 6E4 P. Searle, U51 S. Borreii, U51 J. Bertos, 6R I. Andrews, 6Z2
Swimming The 1978 School Swimming Sports were for the second consecutive year held in brilliant Wellington sunshine, interest in the Swimming Sports was tremendous, with over two hundred and twenty boys taking part, double the entry in 1977. The reason for the increase in participants was due primarily to the previous three weeks of sunshine and the availability of the School pool at lunchtimes and after school. The competition in each event was first class, with five or six heats required merely to determine the finalists. Recently, competitors only, have attended the meeting. This year however, al, 3rd Formers were allowed to spectate, giving the sports a most welcome atmosphere. While the primary objective was participation, several pupils did perform outstandingly. Jamie Champion (a 4th Former), won four Junior titles and one Open event, a tremendous achievement. The Andrews, Ian (two titles) and Barry (four titles) also performed most impressively. The Swimming Sports not only provided a day of participation and enjoyment for all those concerned, but acted as a trial for those boys who later represented Wellington College in the Inter- Collegiate Meeting held at the Freyberg Pool. INTER-COLLEGIATE SPORTS The Inter-Collegiate Swimming Sports is an annual meeting, held at the Freyberg Pool. Rongotai, St. Pat's, Scot's, and Wellington College entered swimmers in what was once again a most enjoyable and rewarding association. The competition was extremely high, records were broken and friendships were made and cemented. Many of our swimmers performed far better than expected. Special mention must be made of Peter Muller in particular, who won three events, one of these wins being in an event two grades above himself. He also set a new record for the Under 15 100 metres Freestyle. Alan Hesketh won two events, one of which was in record time. Barry Andrews and Chris Jarvis both won individual titles, while there were many other placings recorded by our swimmers. The depth of talent our swimmers displayed is most encouraging. Credit for this must go to their clubs, their coaches and to themselves. The behaviour of all the swimmers and their presentation of and application to their sports must be congratulated. It is hoped that we and the other participating colleges keep and build on the spirit achieved through this swimming meet.
W. Duckett, R. Irvine, R. Cannon, who gained second place in the Men’s Open team event in the Sydney City to Surf race - August, 1978.
Water Polo
We are very fortunate to have the services of Mr Dyson and his organisation, who again this year as in the past, have made another exciting and enjoyable season of water polo. Games are played for 20 minutes, 10 minutes each way. Spectators are most welcome to come along any Monday night. The time for each team's game varies between 5 p.m.-7 p.m. Seniors Our Senior team with such experienced players as Alan Hesketh, Barry Andrews and Paul Van Krimpen, played some very close and exciting encounters. Competition in the Senior grade was particularly strong in the top half of the table, with St. Pat's, Rongotai, Upper Hutt providing the main opposition. The Senior's position of fourth at the end of the season was very pleasing, with a little bit of luck in one or two games they may have even taken second or third spot. I would personally like to thank those Senior players already mentioned not only for helping with the running of the Senior team but also for the way they have 'blooded' youngsters, and for their assistance to the Juniors. Juniors (Under 15) The Junior squad excelled all expectations, coming third overall, and playing some fine games. Their improvement throughout the season was tremendous. The key to their improvement was basically enthusiasm. They never stopped trying or learning and had a very good team spirit. It is a shame that they will be restricted by the lack of any practice games, or practices at ail, because of the unavailability of pools in the Wellington area. Out of our team, four were selected as Wellington Representatives. They were: Jamie Champion, Kevin Avison, Bruce Hall and Darryl Jarvis. This was just reward for their efforts. Hopefully these and other players will continue their improvement and form the nucleus of the Senior side next year. Generally a most satisfying and rewarding season for all concerned
Master-in-Charge: G. D. Mulligan Interest in rowing has again been maintained this year, During the first term Wellington College sent a coxed four to Lake Karapiro for the National Secondary Schools Championships. Arranged accommodation, which became disarranged immediately prior to departure, nearly resulted in all Wellington crews cancelling. Further accommodation meant a massive price increase. The generosity and support parents gave to our crew deserves special thanks. Whilst the Wellington College crew personally financed the increase, other Colleges' crews were supported through school funds. Yet the whole trip would not have succeeded if our crew had not met the extra fee. A fact seemingly forgotten by our fellow Wellington secondary schools. A rowathon to be organised by Rongotai College to recover the monies, still has not taken place. Special thanks go to Paul Guthrie, 7AM, who very ably assisted in managing the crews this year. The facilities and support given by Star Boating Club and Mr Paul Wolland are very much appreciated, Hopefully 1979 will offer fair weather and rowing will be enjoyed that much more.
Honours Pockets
The following have been awarded Honours Pockets for 1978, SOCCER Papanicolou, Anastastiadis, Edmondson, Gheorghiu, McFarlane, Mitchell, Dukes, Barnett, Yarrow, Nendick, Hunn, Lam Dinh, Indri Soedasono, Arden, Magiannis. FENCING C. Fung, S. Trustrum, D. Roberts. DRAMA J. Schwass, A, Volentras, R. Hanning, A. Flaws, J. Kanghinis, M. Anastasiadis, T. Hunn, M. Scott- Smith, G. Bertos, A. Smits, J, Roberts. SCHOOL COUNCIL P. O'Brien, G. Hall, A. Hesketh, R, Hanning, Rumpit. RUGBY - 1A R. Hanning, P. Hooper, P. Searle, A. Volentras, T. Sherburd, M. White, W. White, A. Percival, B. Shadbolt, K. Herlihy, G. Wells, A. Hesketh, W. Seymour, D. Wilson, H. Te Maipi, G. Hall, R. Jacobs. BADMINTON J. Cornish, C. Jenkins, DEBATING P. J. Goddard (5A1), G. H. D'Esposito (5A1), T. Homewood (5A1), S. A. Broad (5A1), D. J. Harland (5A1). TABLE TENNIS S. Mulholland, A. Yee, P. Yarrow, K. Koroniadis, P. Osborne. ORCHESTRA A. Willis, T. Gibbs, C. Horne, J. Roberts, D. Roberts, M. Overell, A. Austin, M. Seddon, A. Henderson, M. Mulholland, P. Hercus, P. Osborne, RUGBY A. Good, R. Hanning, R. Lindsay, H. Kibblewhite, G. McArthur, M. Turner, J. Schwass, J. Igglesden, G. McMeekin, G. Hall, L McKenzie.
CROSS COUNTRY D. Bowes (F3), J. Bowes (F5), M. Robinson (F5), J. Waters (F3), R. Knobbin (F3), P. Jasin- ski (F4), IN. Sanders (F4), M. Kahn (F5), N. Hunn (F5), A. Shaw (F5), B. Elliott (F5). SQUASH M. Owen, P, Hooper, P, Tapsell, R. Lindsay, B. Hagen. BASKETBALL M. Drakeford, M. Coppersmith, Campbell, Tolo, Won, Murray, Keail, Hodgson 4A1, Golder 4A2 Miliar 4A2, Hunn. RUGBY - 1st XV J. S. Macdonald, J. Hay, T. Alofa, N. Dobson. S. Jale, C. Jarvis, D. Mann, S. Mair, R. Te Moana, G, Cassidy, M. Scott-Smith, T. Preston, J. Press, P. Smith, K. Va'ai, K. Van Voorst, C. Carr, B. Grant, D. Alty, I. Deterte, C. Dewes.
Parents' Association
Officers of the Association, 1978-79 President: Mr Jim Currie. Vice-President: Mr David Dobson. Hon. Secretary: Mr Maurice Andrews. Hon. Treasurer: Mr George Speirs. Committee: Elected at the Annual General Meeting: David Adcock, Duncan Amos, Sherlie Barr, Wyn Beasley, Shirley Bettelheim, Colin Beyer, Ray Burrell, Margaret Dukes, David Emmanuel, Jill Goddard, Dorothy Good, Jim Henderson, Tonny Jansen, Ted Jenkins, Robin Johnson, Roger Macann, Judy Main, Malcolm Nicolson, Ivan Solt, Allette Williams. Tong Young subsequently volunteered. Appointed by the College Mothers: Robyn Shaw and Ngaire Lockie. Ex Officio: The Headmaster, Mr S. H. W. Hill. Hon. Auditor: Mr C. W. Grattan. Objects of the Association All parents and/or guardians of present pupils are members of the Association. The executive committee liaises with the teaching staff, passes on recommendations to the Board of Governors and assists in a practical way towards providing the best possible environment and facilities for the education of the boys and for the teaching staff who guide them. The three "Ps' of rugby aptly cover the goals set by the 1978 committee. Possession of the interest of parents by overcoming the positional limitations of a college that is isolated from the communities that it services, with a pacey programme. More simply put, 'promoting parent participation' was our priority for 1978. A programme of school events was circulated at the beginning of the year and this was then followed up with comprehensive newsletters at the beginning of each term. Financial Overall support has been outstanding. Direct donations from about 380 families exceeded $2,800 in a year when the Physical Education Department collected a remarkable $10,770 with their sponsored South Island run. With total income maintained between $5,500$6,000 it has been possible to fund a wide range of improvements recommended by the Headmaster.
The 1978 committee ended the year with $4,800 on hand. From this the fives courts reserve was increased by $1,000 to $3,000, $500 was allocated to 'Little Theatre' refurbishing, $300 was set aside for projects already recommended by the Headmaster, i.e. (listening post $106 and slide projector $180), a further $180 is available for a Memorial Clock), leaving $820 to be carried forward and at the disposal of the 1979 committee. An earlier offer of from $300-$500 towards the purchase of suitable original paintings for the hall entrance is still open and awaiting a response from the art department. The incoming committee may care to follow up the recommendation that some cultural investments could well be introduced to maintain a balance in fund allocations. Fund Raising Canteen/Little Theatre Block: Previous committees have made a substantial investment when developing the Little Theatre and the 1978 committee was pleased to accept a continuing responsibility for the direct financial management of this amenity commencing this year. Income from rentals met electricity charges with the surplus of approximately $1,500 then available for improvements. Mid-Winter Wine and Cheese Social: An informal and relaxed evening was planned, and several hundred parents took advantage of the invitation to meet each other socially on Saturday, 1st July in the Memorial Hall. First the School Orchestra, then Neville Lodge (cartooning) and finally Maui Pomare (Maoritanga and the Present Relevance to New Zealand Society) held a captive audience. A most successful evening with the modest $180 profit overshadowed by the general goodwill that was apparent. Similar functions can be recommended. Raffle/Colour TV: We settled on a raffle as the major project for 1978, and the association netted $1135. Library Appeal: The practice of providing a display of books on parent/teacher interview nights is now well established. Parents are invited to contribute half the cost of a book with the balance coming from association funds. Donations received in this way come to over $600 and 109 books were purchased. Fund Allocations Library: $612-allocated for purchase of books being the balance required to subsidise parents donations on $1 for $1 basis. Little Theatre: $500-for lighting and other facilities with a further $500 now available for refurbishing. Canteen: $680-for repainting the interior. This long overdue work was carried out by five pupils who were raising funds for the cross country team's visit to Australia. Equipment Purchases: $1060 - for essential items not provided for in Government education grants. These included: Overhead Projector $105, S.R.A. Remedial Reading Lab. $180, Mechanical Harps $150, Ten Part Listening Post $106, N.Z. Atlas's (3) $30, Science Reference Books $130, Slide Projector $180, Memorial Clock $180. Donations: $220-towards expenses of the Physical Education Department fund raising relay $100, farewell
expenses S. H. W. Hill $75 and presentation to Mr G. E. Thomas on his transfer on, promotion $45. Sundry Expenses: $730 for postage, newsletters, invitations, circulars etc. Other Activities Open Morning 4/3/78: A formal invitation to join a conducted tour of the School buildings on Saturday morning, was sent to parents of all new boys. The Prefects and the Firth House boys ably hosted the visitors and the School provides a descriptive leaflet about the College. The response was again very encouraging, and when the side benefits of an early introduction to the Mothers' Club (cake stall) and Parents' Association (library appeal) are considered, this should now join the annual calendar of events. Careers Forum 1/8/78: A new event was to prove highly successful. When a preliminary survey by the School Council indicated support for and interest in the proposal, some thirty speakers were invited to participate. The speakers were asked to create awareness of career opportunities by projecting a job satisfaction image when outlining their field of work, the necessary qualifications, likely financial rewards and the study subjects that are important for boys considering their type of career. The forum catered for 5th, 6th and 7th Formers and their parents. Participants could attend four half-hour sessions during the evening and the more topical vogue subjects (Computer Services) were repeated up to three times. Attendance was between 300-400, and from the general response it is evident that this forum should also join the annual calendar of events. Tree Clearing Morning 12/8/78: It seems that Wellington College parents have little interest in working bees of this type. However all is not lost as the Justice Department has now provided a team of periodic detainees who are spending their Saturdays opening up our previous plantings. Headmaster's Farewell 11/11/78: The executive was pleased to join with the Staff, the Old Boys and the Mothers' Club in arranging an appropriate farewell for Mr and Mrs Hill. That over 500 turned out on the Saturday evening was ample testimony to the respect our Headmaster has earned from his many friends. We wish Seddon many happy days of pottering in the $800 glasshouse that was presented to him on the evening. Seddon and Sheila, we will miss you both. End of Year Social 24/11/78: The Association Executive hosted members of the College Staff, the Board, the Mothers' Club Committee and their partners at a Friday evening function. For the 90 attending the atmosphere was relaxed and friendly and two events are worth recording. Graham and Margaret Thomas were appropriately thanked for 14 years outstanding service for the College, and a silver water jug was presented, as a permanent reminder to the new Deputy Principal of Hastings Boys' High School. Then followed further good wishes to Seddon and Sheila Hill, and a delightful facial response from them both when a cheque for $500, the balance remaining from the farewell subscription fund, was presented to help stock the glasshouse. The end of year social has become established as an annual event
The Fives Courts are getting closer. Landscaping following the demolition of the Old West School is nearing completion, and the Education Department should now be in a position to decide where the replacement courts can be sited. We need them, and lobbying to this end will be stepped up early in the new year. Greetings: To our newly appointed Headmaster, Harvey Rees-Thomas, welcome. We are indeed fortunate to have such a worthy successor and we look forward to your arrival. Seddon has built a fine ship for you to steer. Appreciations On behalf of all parents I wish to thank everyone who has contributed to making 1978 another successful year. In particular my appreciations to 1. Mr Hill our special thanks for the personal interest you have taken in all committees over the years. You must have heard it all many times, yet your tolerant suggestions could always be relied on. 2. The staff for their dedicated guidance to our sons. 3. To Brien McCrea congratulations on the McEvedy Shield, the clean sweep of the Cross Country Championships, and the outstanding fund raising effort. That 35 boys could be such worthy ambassadors in Australia is a credit to yourself, and Messrs Stubbins and Walls. 4. The Board for the high standards that they maintain. 5. The Mothers' Club for their willing assistance. 6. The pupils for their help. 7. The parents who have given their support. 8. My committee for their enthusiasm and encouragement at all times. Special mention for our office bearers, Vice-President David Dobson who was the driving force behind the raffle, for Maurice Andrews with his able secretarial work, for George Speirs who took funding of farewells, raffles and the association in his stride. Congratulations to Wyn Beasley on his election to the Board and for master-minding the Headmaster's farewell. Congratulations also to former secretary Leo Gibbs on his re- election to the Board, and to our communications expert David Emanuel for the outstanding newsletters that he produces. We had a large committee, with more women than before and everyone took their turn accordingly. On behalf of the Parents' Association. J. D. CURRIE, President
Mothers' Club
1978 has been a busy year for College Mothers. Our activities have centred entirely around the School in relation to both our open afternoon speakers and our fund raising. Our chief fund raising activity was catering for the Leavers' Ball. At our Annual General Meeting in February, Mr Hill, the Headmaster, spoke about the ever present problems of staffing, buildings and in particular the landscaping of the ground on which the Old West School stood until 1977. The April meeting was a very full and exciting open afternoon. The Chairman of the Board of Governors, Mr Tim Broad, honoured us with an extremely interesting insight into the functions and composition of the Board; matters about which many of us were quite ignorant. Afterwards College Mothers were entertained in the School hall by the School orchestra. As few of us had heard the orchestra perform it was a wonderful surprise to discover the talent and expertise lurking there. We hope to hear much more from the boys and Mr Evan Roberts, the Music Master, must be warmly congratulated. For the next two open afternoons we also had speakers from the College. Mr Tait, recently returned from overseas, showed many beautiful slides and spoke about his varied experiences whilst away, including teaching in a French school, and Miss K. Hansen, Student Counsellor at the College, talked about the work her position entails. Both speakers were thoroughly enjoyed. Because it was decided to have an evening function in late September we dispensed with an October open afternoon meeting. A mannequin parade in an elegant venue, the School Library, was enjoyed by over 100 women. A successful experiment and one which we hope to repeat. The Christmas meeting was an occasion of mixed emotions - hilarity and sadness. The hilarity was provided by the Khandallah entertainers who performed musical skits. Quite outstanding! The sadness was farewelling Seddon and Sheila Hill. Mr Hill spoke with nostalgia about the 18 years he has been Headmaster at the College. College Mothers presented Mr and Mrs Hill with an ovenware bowl and Mrs Hill a bowl of roses. A very important function of College Mothers is the second hand clothing exchange so ably run by Mrs Mexted. Under her guidance and enthusiasm it has gone from strength to strength. To Mrs Power and the office staff who constantly assist in any way they can very sincere thanks for all your help. To all the other staff who are so willing to co-operate when any requests are made for help - thank you. In particular, Mr Bradley, Mr Buckley and Mr Thomas without whom the mannequin parade would not have been so successful. Thank you for your assistance. A warm welcome is extended to all Mothers, especially Mothers of new boys, to attend the open afternoons in 1979.
Mr McAloon also devoted much of his time and energy to teachers' professional organisations,, being President of the Secondary Schools' Association (the forerunner of the P.P.T.A.) in 1947 and later Secretary of the Consultative Committee on Teacher Training. For many years he was also P.P.T.A. representative on the University Entrance Board. He was always a staunch fighter for a, better deal for teachers and schools and was never afraid to speak his mind clearly and forcibly in the appropriate quarters. At a Requiem Mass held in St. Mary of the Angels, Wellington, shortly after his death, Fr. Laffey spoke of his many qualities. He will indeed be greatly missed by all who were privileged to know him and work with him.
MR A. M. B. McALOON We record with sadness the death this year of Mr A. N B. McAloon who retired as Deputy Principal of Wellington College in 1968. Norman McAloon was a member of our staff for 37 years, being appointed Head of Languages Department in 1945, First Assistant in 1954 and Deputy Principal in 1964. He was an Old Boy of St. Patrick's College, Wellington, and attended Canterbury University from 1925-1929 from which he graduated M.A. with honours in French and Latin. Later he did advanced work in English and German, taking a further M.A. degree in German. After a period at Christchurch Teachers College, he taught at Redcliffs Primary School and Christchurch Boys' High School before being appointed to Wellington College in 1930. On three occasions during his term on the staff, Mr McAloon spent extended periods in Europe and the U S.A. He took Diplomas at both French and German Universities and taught in France at the Lycee Descartes and in England at Wyggeston School. Mr McAloon was an outstanding teacher of languages, combining a profound knowledge of his subjects with a talent for imparting his knowledge to his pupils and arousing in them an enthusiasm similar to his own. He was probably the foremost language teacher of his day in New Zealand and pioneered the introduction of German into Secondary Schools. As a teacher he demanded maximum effort from his pupils and was never content with anything but the best, indeed the writer of this appreciation wishes to record his own tremendous debt to Norman McAloon's teaching and influence. During his term as Deputy Principal he showed a great understanding of the needs of the pupils with whom he dealt and his colleagues never failed to be amazed at his detailed knowledge of the back-grounds of individual boys. He possessed a memory for detail that was truly phenomenal.
RICHARD S. MEADS It was with great sorrow that the School learned in July of the death of Richard Meads. Richard had been very ill for some time, and it was the fortitude with which he faced his last months that confirmed all we had thought of this outstanding young man in his years at Wellington College, 1973-1977. Richard was a successful student and a solid, responsible Prefect. He was a keen Rugby player-: in 1976 he played for 1A, and last year he executed a magnificent effort as player-coach of 1C. When watching any game where things hadn't gone right, Richard always had something positive to say, because that's the sort of person he was. Last year he also took a lead part in the drama production "Zigger Zagger". He showed considerable talent as an actor, and was a very loyal and lively member of the cast. Richard's cheerful personality, his sincerity and scrupulous honesty, and his enthusiasm for School activities made him a very popular and respected figure in the eyes of both the boys and the teachers of the College. We are proud to have known him.
Mr A. B. GORDON We were saddened by the sudden death on Tuesday, 5th September, of Mr Alan Bellenden Gordon who had retired only four terms previously after 31 years teaching at Wellington College. A tribute to Alan's work appears on page 20 of the 1977 Wellingtonian. We offer our sincere sympathy to Mrs Gordon and his family.
Mr R. G. LLEWELLYN A large gathering of staff and friends attended Roger's funeral in late January, 1979, All of us who knew Roger and worked with him over the years, were humbled by his courage and his optimistic cheerful personality through all those years of suffering. We first met Roger when he was appointed to the Physics staff in late 1969 in a position of responsibility. He came from Wainuiomata College where he taught since he arrived with his family in New Zealand at Christmas time 1967. Born in 1933 Roger was educated in Wales and gained a B.Sc. in Mining Engineering. He taught from 1959 at Abersychan Grammar and later at Llantainam Secondary Modern before coming to New Zealand. During his years with us he was delighted to return with Glenda and his family to his native land for a holiday in 1973. When he returned he took responsibility in Applied Mathematics and in 1977 was Acting Head of the Department of Mathematics. That year he became ill and reluctantly resigned from the staff in July 1978 when he moved to the Technical Correspondence School. His last visit to the College was on 5th December, 1978 when with his wife and father he attended the staff farewell to the Headmaster. Roger was a keen follower of all sports, particularly rugby. He coached College teams for many years and was involved in coaching and administration for the Naenae Rugby Club. We will remember Roger with affection and we offer our sincere sympathy to Glenda and his family Andrew, Susan and Richard.
Aarons, M. L. Aarons, S. M. Abernathy, M. A Adcock, 1. Aitken, P. J. Alberino, C. Alexander, K. Alington, G. Allan, G. D. Allen, J. D. Allen, N. F. Allmond, R. Allott, N. M. Alofa, 1. F. Alty, D. G. Amos, P. D. Anastasiadis, M. Anastasiadis, P. Anda, J. W. Anderson, G. Andrews, C. R. Andrews, 1. L. Andrews, B. A. Andrews, M. B. Androutsos, N. Androutsos, S. Angelou, A. Arden, P. J. Armson, P. B. Arnold, J. D. Arora, N. K. Arrell, M. J. Arrell, S. A. Arthur, A. N. Arthur, D. B. Atkins, F. A. Austin, A. M. Austin, N. J. Avison, K.
624 3B 4A3 4B1 4A2 5B5 5B1 6R U51 4A3 6E5 5B2 5A2 U51 6Z3 6Z2 7B1 6Z4 6E4 5B2 6Z2 5A1 7AM 6AM 3B3 5B5 4B3 6R 4A1 4A 6E4 5B3 3A3 7A 5B3 3A3 5B1 5B4 3B4
Birch, C. O. Baber, M. J. Baddeley, S. Baddeley, W, A. Bain, C. L. Baker, M. S. Ball Baranyai, G. Backle, C. J, Barnett, M. Barnett, N. Barnett, R. Barr, P. J. Barr, R. A. Barrowman, F. Barriball, C. Barriball, G. Bassett, M. Barton, S. Batten, D. C. Baylis, P. R. Beasley, G. D. Beck, M. J. Beckett, P. J. Beere, J. D. Beggs, G. R. Beldham, 1. Bennett, G. Benseman, G. Benseman, S. Bentall, S. Bermel, G. L. Bertos, D. Bertos, G. P. Bettelheirn, F. I. Beu, J. C. Bevan, D. A. Bevan, M. 1. Beyer, A. M. Beyer, R. G. Bhana, R. Bhana, V. Bickerton, R, Birch, P. Bird, G. A. Bird, K. A. Bischof, P. B. Black, P. D. Boag, R. L. Boon, G. R. Boon, R. J. Borrell, S. K.
3A1 4A1 5B2 3A3 5B4 3A2 3B2 3B2 4B4 5B2* 5A3 6Z1 3B1 5A1 7A U52 4B4 7AM 5B4 4A2 3B1 4A1 5B1 5A2 7B1 4A3 U51 5B5 5B2 3A1 6Z1 3A1 6E4 7B1 3A1 6R 3B2 U51 4A2 7B1 3B1 5B5 6Z4 5B1 5B1 6E3 6Z5 U52 4A2 5A1 3A2 U52
Bosson, M. A. Bougen, G. Bougen, W. A, Bowerman, C. Bowes, D. M. Bowes, J. Boyle, E. A. Bradbury, D. Bradbury, P. Brandwood, I. Breeze, W. T. Bremmer, P. Bridle, I. M. Bringans, M. J. Broad, S. A. Brock, J. P. Brown, G. M. Brown, J. D. Brown, J. M. Brown, N. J, Brown, P. I, Brown, R. F. Bruce, D. G. Brown, T. W. Bullock, J, T. Burgess, G. P. Burgess, D, Burgoyne, B, G. Burnett, A. S. Burnett, J. A, Burns, D. J. Burns, T. J. Burrell, P. Burry, M. F. Burt, J. Burt, P. R. Burton, H. R, Bussell, M. R. Butland, S. Buxton, N. M. Bykerk, D. A. Borell, R. L. Barakat, Z Broder, M. J. Broder, G. P.
7AM 3B2 6Z5 4B1 3B4 U51 5B4 6Z3 6Z5 3B3 5A3 5B1 4A2 4B1 5A1 6Z2 5B4 5B1 6R 6Z2 5A2 7A 4A1 3B4 5A3 7A 4B4 3A2 4B3 6E3 4B4 5A3 5B1 6Z5 5B1 4A2 4B2 5A1 4B3 3A3 3A3 6E4 6Z4 3B1 5A3
Callender, G. P. Calver, D. Calvert, D. M. Calv«r, S. Cameron, D. A. Campbell, A. Campbell, D. Campbell, J. J. Campbell, S. J. Cannon, B. Carr, C. R. Carras, G. P. Casey, P. J. Cassidy, G. K. Cassidy, S. Cathie, A. S. Catley, D. G. Chamberlain, G. Champion, J. Chan, A. K. Chan, L. Chan, S. D. Chandler, S. P. Charles, L. Chester, D, M. Chew Lee, 0. Chezick, L. Chin, A. P. Christie, C. Christie, E. Christie, N. Chung, D. Chung, H. Clegg, J. Clements, K. D. Cleverley, E. Coe, M. D. Coldham, G. Colledge, W. Collinge, R. Collins, A. Collins, J. Collins, N. Collins, R. Collins, P. Cook, D.I.
3A2 4B4 3B4 3B2 4B2 7B1 4A3 4A2 6E3 5B2 6E4 4B1 5A1 6Z3 5B3 7A 4A3 5B5 4B1 4B1 5A1 4A1 4A2 5B4 6E5 6Z1 5B2 5B3 3B4 6Z5 4B1 5B4 U52 4B2 7A 3B3 7AM 3A1 6Z3 6E5 4B4 U51 6Z2 5B4 5B5 5B1
Cooper, A. A. Cooper, G. L. Cooper, N. R, Coppersmith, M. Cornish, J. H, Cosgrove, R. Cotterrell, G. R. Cotterrell, A. Counsell, D. W. Cousins, A, R. Cousins, D. J. Cowan, F. Cox, G. S. Cox, B. C. Crawford, T. Crocker, R. B. Croxford, D. Crutchley, M. Culleton, K. Cumming, G. Cumming, S. Currie, P. J. Currie, A. J. Currie, R. C.
5A1 3A1 U52 7AM 6R 3B3 6E5 6H 3B4 3B4 5A2 3B2 3B4 3B4 3B3 4A2 4A3 5A2 5B3 6Z2 4A3 5A1 7AM 3B3
Dann, D. D. Dann, A. D. Daniel, R. Darcy, K. C. Darwin, B. W. David, M. Davies, G. Davis, H. Davis, K. Davis, M, Dawson, D. Daymond-King, S Davy, L D. Dearsly, R. Dearsley, S. J. Debnam, P. Dell, C. J. Dell, G. A. Dell, J. A. Deller, R. de Ruyter, P. D'Esposito, G. H. Deterte, I. D, Devlin, J. Devon, D, Dewes, C. W. Di Leva, R. Di Leva, R. Di Leva, R. Dobson, G. Dobson, D. Dometakis, M. Do Quay, T. Double, D. Double, N. Dowden, T. Drakeford, M. Doyle, M. Doyle, S. J, Droege, 0. Duckett, W. Duindam, R. Duncan, B. Duncan, A, Duncan, R. Duncan, S. Durden, E. Duncan, P. Durrant, B. Dykstra, H. Dukes, M. Darendregt, M.
4B1 4B4 U52 6E1 7AM 3B2 6Z5 3B3 5B1 6Z1 3B3 3A2 4A3 6Z2 4A3 6Z2 5B5 4B3 3A1 4A2 6E1 5A1 6Z5 4A3 5B2 6Z3 3B3 5B5 6E5 6Z2 6Z1 3A3 7B1 3B2 5B5 4B2 6R 5A3 5A3 6Z3 5B2 6E5 5A3 3A2 3A1 5B3 5A1 4A2 6Z4 5B1 5A3 5B3
Eaglesome, M. Eastgate, D. Eastgate, M. Economou, J. Eden, C. L. Edginton, G. Edmonson, J. Edmundson, N. Edwards, D. Edwards, M. Egan, M. Elliott, B. Elliott, T. Emanuel, P.
4B1 5A1 6A 4A2 4B1 7B1 6E2 6Z4 6R 5B3 3A2 5B2 3A3 6Z1
Engel, J. Ete, E.
6Z3 4B4
Fa’asalafa, F. Farmer, W. Faulls, C. J. Feehan, P. J. Feldwick, M. Feltham, A. Feltham, C. Feltham, M. Field, G. Field, L. Findleton, G. Finlay, T. Fischer, J. A. Fisher, G. Fisk, J. H. Flaws, A. Fleck, E. R. Fleming, G. Flux, G. Ford, J. Ford, S. Fong, R. Forward, G. Foster, A. Foster, N. Fowler, M. Franklin, R. Franklin, R. Fraser, A. Fraser, D. Fraser, J. Fraser, J. Fraser, M. Freeman, C. Freeman, G. Fuller, M. Fuller, P. Fung, C. Fung, L. Fitchett, S. A. Furse, P. J.
U51 U51 7B1 6E3 5B4 6R 4B2 6E4 5A2 7B1 4B3 6Z5 4A1 4B4 3B1 7A 3A1 4A3 6E5 6Z3 4B3 3B4 4B4 6E4 5A1 7B2 6E3 7A U52 5B5 7AM 6E5 6E1 4A1 3A2 5A1 7A 5A1 3A1 4B3 6E1
Gaeta, M. Gallagher, S. Galloway, T. Gair, A. J. Gair, R. Gault, B. Gault, I. M. Gear, R. A. Gee, A. T. Gee, D. Geraghty, P. Gerrard, B. Gerrard, D. Gheorghiou, A. Gheorghiou, M. Gibbs, T. Giblett, G. Gibson, N. Gilchrist, A. Gimson, S. Girardin, R. Glennie, A. Gock, S. L. Goddard, D. Godman, D. Godman, R. Golder, Q. Goldfinch, S. Gongsakdi, C. Gongsakdi, N. Gooch, M. Good, A. Goode, V. Gordine, P. Gordine, R. Gordon, B. Gordon, S. Graham, L. Graham-Cameron, M Granger, H. Grant, B. D. Grattan, D. Grau, L. Gray, B. Green, K. Greenaway, N. Greig, P.
4B3 6R 5A1 3A1 5A2 5B3 3A2 3B4 6Z2 4A2 5B4 6Z3 3A3 6Z4 3B3 6E2 6Z2 5B3 7A 5A2 5B4 6Z5 4A1 5A1 6Z4 5B3 4A2 4B2 5B2 3B4 4B2 U51 3B1 4B1 6Z2 4A1 6E1 6E2 5B1 3A1 6R 4A1 5B1 4A2 5B2’ 3B2 3B4
Grimwood, S. Grimwood, S. Grkow, A. Gulley, G. Guthrie, P. Guy, S. A. Groeneveld, S. Gee, D.
3B1 5B4 3B2 5A3 7AM 3B4 4B1 4A1
Hagan, B. Hagevoort, D. Haines, P. Hales, M. Hales, J. Hales, N. Haley, E. Hall, B. E. Hall, G. Hall, M. Hall, P. Hammond, A. Hangartner, M. Hanning, R. Harcourt, E. Harding, P. Hardman, J. Hari, P. Harland, D. Haslen, J. Harris, J. Harris, N. Hart, G. Hart, K. Hart, M. Hartmann, D. Harwood, R. Hastings, A. Hastings, T. Haves, D. Hawke, D. Hawkes, J. Hawkins, G. Hay, J. Havice, B. Haszard, M. Heald, P, Heald, R. Heap, D. Heaven, T. Helson, S. Henderson, A. Henderson, B. Henderson, P. Henderson, J. Hendricks, A. Hercus, A. Hercus, P. Herlihy, K. Hermans, R. Herrmann, D. Hesketh, A. R. Heyworth, I. J. Hickman, S. Higgins, M. Hills, T. Hill, G. A. Hindes, A. G. Ho, T. S. Hochberg, J. Hodge, M. S. Hodgson, P. Hoggard, L. D. Holthausen, H. Homewood, D. Homewood, T. Honiss, S. J. Hooper, P. D. Horne, C. C. Horner, J. N. Horo, D. K. Horo, R. P. Hough, G. A, Houston, S. A. Hoy, B. D. Huber, P. H. Huffam, C. E. Hull, A. J. Hunn, A. P. Hughes, B. K. Hunn, N. J. Hunt, R. B. Hunter, C. B.
3A3 482 5A3 7B2 3B4 5B2 4A3 3B4 5B4 5B3 3B2 7B2 6Z2 7B2 6E4 5B4 5B5 7B1 5A1 5A1 5B1 4A2 3A3 5B4 6R 5B1 3A3 4B2 6Z4 U51 4B3 5B1 5B1 6R 3A1 5B3 4B1 7B2 6Z5 6E1 6E1 5A3 5B4 6E4 5B2 5B5 4A2 5A3 6E3 7B2 7AM U51 4B2 U52 4A1 6Z5 4A2 7B1 7A 4B2 4A1 4A2 3B1 6Z1 5A1 5A2 U51 6E2 5A2 5B44B4 7B2 5A2 6E4 3A3 5B5 6Z3 7B2 5A1 5A1 3A3 3B2
Hunter, S. A. Hodgson, T. Hall, B. E. Hoad, G. Henderson, S. Hooper, G.
5B3 U51 3B4 4A1 3B1 5B5
Ifi, A. Ifi, F. Ifi, F. Igglesden, J. Igglesden, P. Irvine, A. R. Irvine, P. F. Irvine, R. J. Iyengar, K. R. Iyengar, N. R.
4B4 5B1 3B3 7B2 3B2 5B4 3B1 6E2 7B2 4A3
Jackson, D. G. Jackson, D. L. Jacobs, R. Jale, T. James, G. James, K. Jarvis, C. J. Jarvis, D. A. Jarvis, M. L. Jamieson, 1. B. Jansen, K. L. Jasinski, P. Jeffries, P. P. Jeffries, T. J. Jenkin, A. S. Jenkins, C. D. Joe, A. Joe, N. Johansson, D. Jenkins, M. Johnson, S. C. Johnston, C. J. Johnston, K. W. Jones, A. Jones, M. K. Jones, R. Juriss, A. Just, P.
3B4 4B1 U51 7B1 3B4 5B3 6ZU 3B3 5B2 5B2 6Z1 4B4 5B3 3A3 5B5 7B2 4B4 4B3 6Z2 7AM 6Z2 5A3 3B3 4B3 3B1 6Z2 4A1 4B1
Kan, Y. Kahn, M. Kananghinis, J. Kananghinis, N. Katsoulis, C. Katsoulis, N. Kaye, P. R. Keall, J. M. Keall, M. D. Kearns, P. A. Keddy, A. Keddy, W. J. Keene, D. S. Keith, J. P. Kelly, P. D. Kelly, W. D. Kerekes, S. Kerr, B. G. Keys, D. N. Kibblewhite, H. Killick, D. J. Kilmister, M. J. King, S. P. Kingston, M. Kippenberger, J. Kirby, K. A. Kippenberger, M. Kirkwood, M. Klitcher, C. Knedler, P. Knight, R. D. Knobben, R. A. Knobben, R. C. Kooiman, R. Koopmans, M. Koroniadis, K. Koroniadis, N. KOV3CS, S. Kwan, M.
7B2 5B2 7B2 3B4 6E4 3B1 6E1 6Z1 7A 6Z4 4B3 5B5 3A3 4B2 4A2 4A2 U51 6E3 5B4 6R 5A2 3A3 3A2 3B3 3B1 5B3 . 5A3 5A1 7B1 6E4 4B2 5A1 3A3 4B1 4B1 6E2 5B5 3B2 4A2
Lagoutaris, G. Lagoutaris, J. Laird, A, M. Lala, V. Lala, V. D. Lala, D.
4B2 U52 7B2 3B3 5B3 4B3
Lam Dingh Lange, M. Lange, N. Land, J. Langford, L. Langridge, S. Larsen, P. D. Latimer, D. N. Laurs, M. Lau Young, M. Lawney, S. M. Leach, S. M. Lear, M. Leather, B. Lee, A. L. Lees, G. L. Lees, R. L. Lees, S. J. Lethbridge, G. Leung Wai, S. Liiburne, D. Lima, P. Limpus, J. Lindsay, R. Lindsay, C. Lish, S. Lockie, D. Lockwood, P. Lodge, M. Lomas, R. Laurandos, A. Laurantos, N. Love, C. P. Lowndes, A. Lubransky, S. Ludwig, G. Lyons, P.
6E1 3A3 7B2 4A1 4A2 3A3 3A1 5B5 6Z1 3A1 3A2 5B5 5B2 3A2 5A2 7B2 4B4 3A1 U51 7AM 3A3 3B2 6Z3 6R 4B3 3B4 6Z1 5B1 6E5 4A2 3B3 4B3 4B1 3A3 5A2 3B1 5B5
MacArthur, N. Macaskie, H. Macaskie, J. G. McCallum, D. McCallum, P. Macann, S. D. McCarrison, W. McArthur, P. A. McArthur, G. J. MacDonald, G. MacDonald, J. MacFarlane, I. MacFarlane, R. McGeown, C. McGeown, P. McGown, J. S. McGown, W. R. Mclnnes, I. D. Mclnnes, C. N. McIntosh, D. S. McIntyre, B. McIntyre, G. McIntyre, P. MacKay ,A. MacKay, C. B. MacKay, C. P. McKeich, B. McKeich, M. McKeich, S. McKenzie, I. R. McLaren, L. McLean, C. McLean, M. McLellan, C. W. McLellan, D. McLellan, G. McLeod, D. Macleod, H. McLeod, J. McLeod, P. McMeekin, G. McMillan, D. McMillan, J. McNabb, A. M. McRae, D. K. McRae, C. A. McFarlane, A. Mabbett, C. Magiannis, B. Main, G. M. Magnusson, S. Mairs, S. G. Mak, M. P. Malcolm, A. Malcolm, I, R. Mann, D. 0. Mann, S. C. Mansfield, B.
3A2 3A2 3B3 5A3 5B5 4B2 5B4 U52 7B2 5B4 6R 5A3 6Z5 7B3 5A2 U52 4B2 6Z1 3B3 3B1 6Z2 5A3 5B5 4B1 4B1 U51 3B3 6Z4 5B1 6Z5 3A2 5A3 6E3 5B5 6E1 3B3 6Z2 4A3 4B3 6E2 U51 4A3 5A3 4A1 5B3 5B4 6R 5A3 6E1 6E5 5A3 3B3 5B3 5A3 U51 6Z3 6R 7B2
Marsden, T. I. Marklew, R. D. Marris, G. D. Marshall, R. Martin, J. Martindale, T. Matheson, R. Matthews, W. Meier, M. R. Meiklejohn, A, Meek, C. Meek, R. Meiklejohn, S. Meister, R, Meo, A, J, Melwill, A. H. Meo, A. D, Mensi, P. Mexted, F. Meyer, M. Middleton, M. Milburn, P. Millar, P. Miilar, A. M. Miller, A. R. Miller, J. L. Miller, M. R. Miller, P. D. Miners, C. D, 'Mitchell, G. Mitchell, K. Moffat, A. Moffat, N. Mole, P. Moore, D. Moore, G. Morganti, B. Morris, M. Morrison, H. Morrison, D. Morton, D. Moss, A. Moss, C. Moss, D. Motu, G. D. Moutzouris, G. Muirhead, R. Mukherjee, A. Mulholland, M. Mulholland, S. Muller, P. Murphy, R. E. Murray, A. Murray, P. Murton, G. Musgrove, M. Milne, G.
4A3 6E3 6Z1 4A3 U52 3A3 5B2 4B4 3A2 5B3 3A2 5B5 3A1 6E4 5B2 3A2 3B2 6E4 6E5 4B4 4B4 5B4 5A1 4A2 7B3 5B2 5A2 6Z4 6E1 7B3 4B1 5B5 3B2 U5 4B4 3B1 5A1 5B2 3B1 6E5 3A1 4A1 3A2 3A2 4B4 5B2 4A3 6E1 5B1 6E2 4A3 5B2 7B3 4B4 4A2 3B2 5B3
Nagan, R. Nanson, J. Napp, J. B, Napp, G. Naran, K. Neale, S. J. Needham, J. Nelson, D. Nendick, D. Nendick, M. Newell, P. C. Newport, A. W. Ng, M. C. Newcomb, M. Ngan, K. W. Ngan, M. Ngan, P. Nichols, D. Nicholson, D. Nimmo, R. Nippert, D. A. Nippert, J. Nixey, G. W. Nowlan, R. Noble, T.
4B2 3A3 6Z1 4A1 4B4 6Z4 4B3 6E1 5A3 7A 6Z3 3B1 6E4 3B2 U52 6E2 3B3 U52 U51 4B3 3B3 U51 4B2 4A2 3A3
Oakes, R. N. Oakes, S. Obren, M. P. O'Brien, P. O'Connor, R. O'Donnell, J. O'Grady, M, O'Hare, J. Oosterbaan, G, Orchard, P. Osborne, P. J. Ostler, B.
U52 4B3 5A1 5A2 3B4 4A3 4A1 5A3 6E2 7AM 5B1 4A3
Overell, M. Owen, D. Owen, M. Owen, W. Omr, T,
5A3 7A 6E5 3B2 6E5
Packman, G. Painter, I, D. Paku, E. Papanicolaou, D. Papanicolaou, P, Papas, V. Park, D. T. Park, H, Park, S. Parker, V. Parr, J, H, Passuello, A. Patel, A. K. Patel, A. L, Patel, H. K. Patel, K. R. Patel, S. R. Pattullo, M. Pearce, D. J. Pearson, J. Pells, M. S. Peleti, I. Peleton, P. Pene, T. J. Penlington, M. Percival, A. Perrott, J. C. Perrott, D. Perry, S. B. Philip, B. Philip, C. A. Phillips, 8. Phillips, M. Pierce, M. E. Pihopa, A. Pillar, M. J. Player, W. P. Plunkot, C. Pointer, W. J. Pou, S. P. Press, J. Press, R. Preston, T. Preston Thomas, J Pritchard, C. Probert, J. Proctor, R. Protheroe, G. Prout, S. Pryor, D. Pryor, R. Purdie, S. Purvis, R. Perry, A. P,
5B4 5A2 6E2 3B2 6E3 5B1 5B2 5B2 3B2 U52 6E3 3B3 7B3 5A3 7B2 4B4 3B4 5B2 3B2 4B4 5B1 3B3 3A3 4B4 5B1 7AM 3A2 6E3 3B4 3B4 5B3 6E4 6R 5A2 4B2 3A2 5A1 6E2 5A2 3B4 6R 4B1 U52 3A1 3B1 5B5 3B3 7B3 U52 4B3 3B1 6Z5 3A1 3A3
Rangi, N. Rainbird, T. Raizis, C. Raleigh, C. Read, S. R. Reeve, S. V. Renner, V. Richards, A. Richardson, N. Richardson, S. Riley, A. Riley, V. Ritchie, J. Ritchie, J. Ritchie, M. Ritchie, S. Ritchie, T. Roberts, A. J. Roberts, D, Roberts, D. D. Roberts, M. Roberts, J. Roberts, S. Robertson, A. Robertson, D. Robertson, M. Robinson, A. Robinson, C. Robinson, M. Robinson, S. Roch, J. Roche, P. Roche, M. Rogers, M, Rose, N.
3B4 6E3 5B2 3B2 5B3 U51 7AM 5A2 4B3 5B2 6Z4 3A2 6E1 6Z4 3A2 5B5 4B4 6E4 7B3 6Z5 5B2 6R 4B2 5A1 6Z3 4B2 3B4 5A2 5A2 3A3 4B1 3B1 5B3 4A2 5B3
Rose, P, M. Ross, A. M. Ross, D. Ross, D. S. Rowe, S. Rowen, S. Roylands, S. Rumpit. J. Rumpit, P. Rush Russell, D. Rutherford, A. Runehiu, E. Ryan, B. Ross, S. D. Robinson Remittard, R. S.
7B2 5B5 3B1 5B3 6E1 4B1 5B1 7B1 3A1 3B3 4B4 5A2 6E4 5B2 6E1 3A2 6E1
Stevens, M, R. Scott, A. Saena, D. St. John, D. Sanders, N. Sarfati, J. Sawtell, D. Sayer, G. Scully, R. Schipper, L. Schwass, J. Schwass, P. Sclater, A. Scott, B. T. Scott, D. R. Scott, J. R. Scott-Smith, M. Scully, S. Searle, P. Seddon, M. Seddon, P, J. Seddon, R. Selley, M. Seymour, W. Shadbolt, 8 Shaw, A. Shaw, M. Shaw, P. Shepherd, G. Sherburd, T. Sherlock, A. Sherlock, D, Shilling, C. J. Silver, J, B. Short, D. Shorter, I. R. Shvarts, A. Sidler, A. Sim, R. Simmers, S. Simson, S. Simpson, T„ Skinner, A. Slade, M. D. Smillie, A. Smith, D. Smith, G, Smith, M. Smith, D. Smith, P. Smith, R. Smith, R. Smits, A. Smyth, R. Snadden, T. Snoek, E. Snoek, R. Soedarsono, S. Solloway, G. Solloway, D. Solt, P. Soulis, A. Spackman, A. Speirs, D. J. Spellacey, L. Stedman, D. Steffens, H. Stehbens, G. Stephen, G. Stevenson, C. Stevenson, D. Stewart, I. J. Stewart, J. Stewart. K. Stokker, B. Stone, J. Striange, D. Strauchon, D.
4A1 3B1 4B3 5B3 4A2 3A1 6E3 6E3 3A2 4A3 7A 4B1 4A1 6E2 7B3 5B3 7B3 5A2 U51 5A2 5A1 4A1 5A3 7AM 6E2 5A1 4A3 6Z1 U52 6Z5 6E2 4B3 4A3 4A1 6Z4 6Z5 4B4 4A2 3A1 6E5 4B2 6Z3 4B1 U51 5A3 7AM 3B1 6E4 3B2 6E3 5B\ 6R 7B3 6R 5B2 6E5 4A2 5B5 6E5 4B2 6E5 4B3 3A2 4A2 4B2 5A2 6Z1 5A2 4B2 6Z3 4B2 3A1 5A3 7AM 3B1 4A1 3A1 4B3
Strauchon, D. Strain, S. Stuitje, P. Sturman, B. Suckling, B. Sue, G. Sullivan, D. Sullivan, G. Sun, A. Swan, N. Swanson, 1. Szentes, A. Sinclair, M. Sharif, R. M. Smith, C. Swan, R. Staple, N. Swan, M.
4B3 7B3 5B2 6Z1 6Z4 6E1 6E2 3B2 4B4 6E4 3A1 6Z3 3B1 6E3 5B3 4B1 5A2 6Z4
Tainsh, A. Tagg, A. Tagg, J. Taggart, W. Tapsell, P. Tarpley, S. Taufate, M. Taylor, M. Taylor, R. S. Teague, J. Te Rani, D. Te Maipi, H. Te Moana, A. Te Moana, R. Thompson, E. Thompson, M. Thompson, R. W Thompson, R.
3A3 3B2 5B3 5B3 5A2 5B4 3B4 4B1 6R U51 U52 5B1 5B5 6Z4 7B3 3A2 . 6E3 7AM
Thompson, S. Thomson, P. Tichborne, W. Tielu, F. Tilbrook, G. Tindle, S. Ting, D. Tingey, S. A. Tischler, M. Titchler, M. W. Toio, P. Tomkins, M. Tong, A. C. Toon, C. Toomath, J. Torrens, S. Tremayne, T. Trew, D. A. Trustrum, S. Tsardaridis, A. Tse, D. R. Tse, S. G. Tsigishas, J. Tsikanovski, M, Tuatagaloa, C. Tunnicliffe, M. Turnbull, R. Turner, A. Turner, G, Turner, M. Turner, L. Turner, M. Turner, R. Tziakis, T. Tziakis, T. Thomas, R.
4B3 4B2 7B3 7AM 5A2 4B3 3A3 7AM 3B4 6E4 6E1 3A3 6E1 5B3 4A1 4B3 6E5 3A1 6E3 6Z5 3B3 4A3 4B3 3A1 7A 3A1 6E2 U52 5B1 6E3 3A2 4B2 3B2 3B3 U52 5B2
Uti, A.
Va'ai, M. Vakidis, J. Van Wissen, R. Vasile, A. J. Van Krimpen, P. Van Krimpen, R. Van Voorst, K. Van Zweeden, P. Varcoe, C. Verberkt, V. Verberne, A. Vernon, D. Vithalbhai, V. Volentras, A.
6R U51 3B3 3A1 6Z4 5B4 7B3 5A3 6E4 3B3 5B1 4A1 3B3 7B1
Wagstaff, N. Waite, R. L. Wakefield, T. Walker, C. J. Walker, C. S. Walker, D. I. Walker, D. K. Walker, M. K. Walker, M. L. Walker, N. D. Walker, R. M. Walker, S. B. Wallace, A. J. Walter, J, W. Ward, C. B. Ward, J. G. Ward, R. A. Waters, H, Waters, H. S. Wardle, S. J.
4B3 5B2 6Z5 5A2 4A1 4B2 4B3 5A1 4B3 3B2 U51 U52 3B4 3A2 3B1 3B1 7B3 5A1 3A1 4A2
Warner, D. G. Warner, M. L. Warren, B. Warren, P. D. Watkins, W. Watson, B. A. Watts, I. T. Watts, P. R. Weaver, M. Webster, M. Weir, K. R. Wederett, P. Wells, G. Wells, P. W. Whanau, S. White, A, P, White, B. F. White, D. R. White, M. W. White, W. J. Whitehead, B. Weibusch, P. Wiffin, I. B. Wilks, J. J. Wilkinson, A. Wilkinson, L. Williams, J. Williams, R. Williamson, I. Willis, A. Willis, N. J. Willman, W. Wilis, D. B, Wills, D. P. Wilson, D. J. Wilson, M. H. Winstanley, B
4B1 5A3 4B1 U52 4A3 4A3 4B3 4A2 6E1 7B3 6Z3 4A3 6Z5 6E2 4B1 4B4 4A3 6Z3 5B5 5B1 3B4 4A1 6E2 4A3 3A3 4B4 6Z2 6E5 3B2 6E5 4A1 4B4 4B4 3A3 6E3 4B2 6Z1
Woodard, D. Won, M. C. Wong, C. Wong, D. Wong, G. Wong, I. P. Wong, N. Wong, R. Wong, W. Wong, V. Woodard, M. Worthington, T. Wotherspoon, P. Wotton, C. Wright, M. Wright, P, Wylds, S. Wilson Williamson, G. Walters, P. J. Warmsley, P.
3A2 7AM 3B4 7A 4A2 3B3 4B3 4B1 U51 4A2 6E1 7AM . 5B1 4B2 3B1 4A3 4B4 3A2 3A1 4B1 6Z2
Yarrow, P. Yee, A. Yendall, S. Youmans, J. Young, A. Young, A. D. Young, R. A. Young, S. J. Young, S. Yip, T. Yule, C. J.
U51 6E2 4B1 5A2 4A3 4A3 5B5 5A2 5A2 5B4 3B2
Zahradka, A.
CONTENTS Cultural Affairs and Activities
In the Field
Editorial 5 Athletics 77 Examination Results 23 Basketball 6? Firth House 31 Cricket 64 Headmaster's Annual Report
Cross Country
Mothers 91 Hockey 74 Obituaries 92 Rowing 89 Parents 89 Rugby 58 People and Places 35 Soccer 72 Prefects’ Notes 29 Squash 69 Staff Notes 31 Swimming 88 Thoughts from the School 53 Tennis 70 Trophy Prizes Presentations 22 Water Polo 88