Half the Sky: Intersections in Social Practice Art

Page 44

Liu Yan 刘艳

The Waste Land Series Oil on Canvas

In this series, I painted many wastelands and burned down places, whether it was an abandoned factory or a deserted stage. They are all full of memories of a long gone past. Deeply dark tonalities and empty, blurry spaces form a memory channel. In this I found my spiritual home: away from the bustle and noise of the city, a quiet ruin and an abandoned past.

废园系列 布面油画

作品以废园和烟葬系列做为创作主线,无论是废弃的工厂,还是空寂无人的舞台,都是一个远逝的往事记忆。灰暗低沉的 调子,空旷模糊的空间,它更像一个记忆通道,是我寻觅到的精神家园。在远离喧嚣和嘈杂的都市,寻觅一个清静的地 方,清静的地方是一片废墟,一个被遗弃的过去。


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