wattana's portfolio 2023

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Pha Khao Ma is a multi-purpose cotton cloth adopted and adapted from the neighbouring countries’ culture of wearing Sarong - a garment worn around the body.

Widely used under di erent weather and occasion in the Northeastern cities of ailand, Pha Kao Ma is well-known for being close with people throughout the pathway.

Showing in its misshaping pattern, context along the way it has travelled can be provoking as the di erent settings give a distinct sense of beauty to its plot.

Every piece of Phao Khao Ma has its characteristics unique from one another due to its original form. e fabric rots and decays as used over time. It straightens. It twists. Losing the property within a simple look, it lives with people and changes from time to time as if being alive.

page 4 002
pha khao ma pavillion

Pha Khao Ma has its physical value and a term emotional approach toward users. Marking by the trace of usage and activities along its lifelong journey, people can experience the sense of being abused passively inside the seemingly about-to-die pavilion

e study of how this ordinary (and arguably casual) fabric transforms day a er day marks its interesting point in bringing out the essence of the material itself.

is open-air pavilion is set and designed to be the structure which gives people a sense of the beauty of Pha Khao Ma via snap and trap le over its surface. It allows users to experience this snapping stage on a minuscule scale.

pavillion page 5 august ‘16
khao ma

One-storey house with high ceiling. e bedroom is separated from the public space for the guests and the working area, giving the user privacy in the natural environment without bothering much about the surrounding. Slant wall joining as the roof on top directs wind and drainage system. Separating solid walls by exploring the glass window, the white colour tone invites natural light.

baan khun meaw page 6 003
baan khun meaw page 7 november ‘16

e ready-made marketplace is the new business line for the local cooking television program host who doesn’t know how to cook. Krua Khun Toi is a well-known cooking television program in Bangkok, and though he does not know how to cook, the program is quite famous among the local chef community. e proposal is to have the same characteristic of ‘not knowing’ integrated into the design and turn the whole market into a tv studio with a new learning experience.

team member:

khunkan siripaiboon

jidapa promdech

wattana songpetchmongkol

toi page 10
krua khun
market / tv studio // collaborative page 11 april ‘17

living verticale mid-rise condominium

This site in Klongsan area is located right next to the former hub of Siamese water transportation. It is now a standalone with two little commercials in the front.

Along the road all the way down narate the past time story full with values and cultural diversity. Few religious establishment still existed and preserved nowadays.

Up until the very end of the road located several down-to-earth commercials and few financial institution. Food carts itself define the story of this very district.

chareon nakornd page 12 006
(above) mapping streetscape against its built form, typo-morphological pro le and the wandering street vendor network.

e Design aimed to address the surrounding context with elements like water, juxtaposing the axis with communities, bridge and pier. e proposed museum/community centre was oriented to preserve the existing canal while inviting people into the space.

e landscape in front of the building and toward the waterfront were arranged to create layers of activities on top of the cultural fabrics in the area. Several spaces promote and celebrate the clusters of communities while also opening up for visitors to cherish the local vibe in the process.

page 16 007
cccac: community culture & contemporary art centre
team member: drishti mistry wattana

Waterfront multipurpose community space for local communities and visitors to cherish the scenic space of the old Bangkok, with occasional lighting on the suspension bridge.

A conceptual approach inspired by the water hitting the concrete bay and the rhythmic sequence it creates.

A wide walkway across the diagonal line leads people from the community behind the site to the waterfront.

cccac: community culture & contemporary art centre // collaborative page 17 november ‘17

A retrospective workshop in Bangkok, ailand, in collaboration with the Master of Urban Design and Master of Urban Planning from the National University of Singapore.

Bangkok used to be a riverfront settlement. at, though, has changed with time and contemporary development sees the city as more of the ‘concrete jungle that got its life cut away from the water body. e idea proposal includes strategic planning to (1.) RE-vive the river ecosystem, landmarks and neighbourhoods, (2.) RE-organise the urban sprawl and urban form, (3.) RE-vamp historic buildings, public spaces and markets, (4.) Re-connect neighbourhoods, landmarks and new & old art districts, and (5.) RE-policy the river (ecological and ooding) and economic policy. - all with the aims to regenerate the life of Bangkok that (used to) ‘go with the ow’ of the river body itself.

team member:

abhisek arunkumar rahate

deng jingwei

huang danting

kunnapat wongthavornman (nut)

lonsai kangkhao

nadtanon pongdee (nad)

napatsorn umpornwattanakul (cherry)

natrada chattritdhichaikul (minnie)

peemboo ngamsa-ngar (peem)

saleel sanjay savarkar

thanapat petchdee (petch)

ulfa alatas

wattana songpetchmongkol

page 18 008
“go with the fow” workshop
walking tour & summative urban tissue mantage urban deisgn & urban regnuvination // workshop w/ NUS (Singapore) page 19 march 2017
csrc: community sport & recreational centre page 20 009

Located on the onburi (west) side of the Chao Phraya river, Klong- san is one of the most well-known districts in Bangkok for its down-to-earth residence and local street food. Being di erent from the opposite side of the river, there has been much less tourist attraction on this side of the river as most of the land plots are owned and used by residents.

As part of the studio project CSRC (Contemporary Sports Recreational Centre), the proposal is to have this new building landscape connecting with the local community and linking people back to the adjacent temple along the waterfront. e proposed design aims to create a multipurpose recreational area distributed in di erent areas of the sites. e linkage is also designed to reconnect the new park to the local communities, including the adjacent primary school and temple.

sport park page 21 may ‘18


csrc: page 22 009

urban fabric study: appropriator & activity pro le

built detail drawing sport & recreational centre

testing: experimental parametric generation of pedestrian ow within the allocated site and their impact on the spatial design

sport park page 23 may ‘18

Continuation of research from the semester exchange at Kazunobu Minami Research Laboratory, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo. e topic covers the open space in the urban context and the backlash downsizing of density in the business district.

is personal study is focused on the usage of ‘hidden open space,’ the term de ning the controversial and stereotyping situation of how people in the city known for its strict timing and systematic lifestyle alternate the rule of space in creative ways. ough the exchange study period ended, the research is still going on under the supervision of

Prof. Kazunobu Minami. e following further study intends to expand the study concept and its application in the local context of Bangkok.

(above) An exploratory study of Tokyo, street surface and their (physical and ecological) association with the adjacent (hidden) open space.
hidden / openspace page 24 012
laboratory reseach on urban planning in toyko page 25 febuary ‘19

Fukagawa Library (Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan). A proposal to renovate and extend the library into the learning garden as a whole.

e existing library, as it turned out to be, is not fun - Kimura-san. e project aims to attract and invite more people into the library and the entire area, which will become more suitable spots for a lifelong learning district.

is project is part of the semester research exchange at the Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. Taken as the audited course, it was also a part of the research topic, which experimented with the implementation of open space in an urban context to the development project of the local community.

is project was among eight works from hundred forty entries to be selected, presented and submitted to the local government of the Koto-ku district for further study and development.

page 26 013
fukugawa learning garden
library renovation + garden design page 27 november ‘18
A series of learning pavillions are proposed as part of the regeneration of the library.

Keeping the circulation ow as well as the nature of the site. Proposing the new courtyard in the place of the existing berm for people to make the most use of this area in nature.

e main idea behind this project is to have the design serve as a gate for the adjacent Tokyo Metropolitan Museum and the Ueno Park itself. By breaking down the existing program of museums in the park, this proposal rede nes the concept and perception people have toward the museum itself and is the space for people who come to enjoy art and/or nature.

e design is intended to blend in with nature and jump out and attract new people to the local museum network. Programs are assigned to each of the oating pavilions for people to enjoy arts as well as to give chances for nonprofessional artists and designers to express and showcase their works. O en time, non-professionals are forgotten, and it is for us to pursue as part of our life-long learning experience.

page 28 014
ueno people’s museum
contemporary art museum page 29 january ‘19


team member:

mana uehara

miki ueno

moe takahashi

wattana songpetchmongkol xu yuexi

Tsukishima may increase vacant houses because old buildings cannot be demolished. e reason is that a residential area is made of special compartments. ere are enough vacant, but there are surrounded by other houses. ese are used as vacant land reluctantly. Also, the terraced house (Japanese “row house”) facing a road was destroyed and changed into a parking lot. Now, it is redeveloped, but Tsukishima’s quality is getting worse. ese problems about vacant houses are only in Tsukishima, and it is thought that these problems will increase. We will focus on three di erent areas and nd a new way to keep the current Tsukishima feeling.

change from inside page 30 015
urban design // collaborative // community participation page 31 febuary ‘19

Swimming koi represent advancement and determination. Fish generally symbolize wealth and surplus, and the Chinese believe koi particularly represent good fortune in business and academics. Buddhists, on the other hand, see koi as representations of courage. Together in a koi pond, they represent love and friendship.

With the site context at the waterfront facing the North Eastern side of the river, it is intended that the design of this hotel project represent the ush, the ow and the pattern of the koi sh in its setting, the con guration of the program and the facade of the building itself; like how people come to the hotel to vacate o their busy life and looking forward to the new journey that about to begin.

hotel dd page 32 016
high-rise hotel design page 33 june ‘19

architecture internship, PAGA-Architect architecture internship, PAGA Architect

muesum design compettition: facade illustration

playground design: graphic design

hospitality project: site planning

design compettition: imaging

art centre project: illustration

residential landscape: rendering
architecture internship, PAGA-Architect page 34 017

note: all attached media are done as part of the internship

illustration & image brushing
b.rach. architectural internship page 35 june-september 2019

design internship, Smitt’s Studio

note: all attached media are done as part of the professional practice and are only used as reference.

contemporary street learning unit (o ce compettition project, team) schemetic viewing tower design
page 36 018
junior architect (partitime), CAL Design
retrospective lunar textural study
professional practice page 37 2019-2020
site visit - smart city site planning

Is Silom livable? - a question one might ask when walking down the back street of once the city’s central business district. With decades of civilization since the age of the industrial revolution, Silom has always attracted merchants, business owners and big-scale investors into the area. Statistics have long been suggesting that the district holds the record number of job opportunities, though much fewer mention or concern the living being of its residents. What was once

the business hub is more of a concrete jungle, full of empty high-rise buildings and much less development in the residential zone. As the data point out, the quality of life in the area, despite being in the centre of the city, is not precisely suitable. Supporting facilities in the area tend to only serve and or focus on the once buildings rather than the locals.

What makes Silom livable? - is B.Arch. thesis study intends to explore and broaden

silom (part 1) page 38 019

one’s point of view toward the living being of Silom district, how it has been, the steps and turns, as well as the development proposal that could alter the lives of its residents with low and medium income strata, the group of users that has usually been ignored.

Will Silom be (once again) livable? - a question very much waiting for its answer. With the prime location and ideal area for business, Silom should be more suitable

for living, including merchants, street food sellers and local older adults in the area. To do so, multipurpose functional spaces and facilities in an urban area should be appropriately designed and organized to be bene cial for all party of users involved

b.arch thesis // research study page 39 november ‘19

e design proposal intends to suggest the alternative approach architects and planners might take in considering the street life on the ground level in the building ‘pattern’ of the living civic life.

1 9 9 9 4 3 4 7 8 12 12 2
livable silom (part 2) page 40 019
9 10 10 11 2 4 4 2 8 9 9 5 6 1 b.arch. thesis // urban design proposal page 41 june 20
livable silom (part 2) page 42 019
b.arch. thesis // urban design proposal page 43 june 20
6-ft Story page 44 021
@sixfeetstory instagram blog // collaborative // ongoing project page 45 since july 2020

Located in the centre of Melbourne CBD, the Hoddle grid was designed by surveyor Robert Hoddle as a simple gridiron plan for the urban space, with thick and thin streets cutting through the city, creating the 200-by-95-meter rectangular blocks along the north side of Yarra River. Nowadays, the grid marks the heart of Melbourne with the coexistence of Victorian and contemporary urban architecture.

e study takes on the existing gridiron system and questions the Hoddle grid’s ideological aspect at its core.

Following the experimental research study in Hoddle gridiron, the project takes lessons learnt for application in the Box Hill area (set to become Melbourne’s second CBD).

grid experiment page 46 027
team member: hexin zhang wattana songpetchmongkol hoddle
urban grid iteration // an urban fabrication exprimental study page 47 march 2021

An urban design & urban building study of ‘town and gown’ and its in uence on the overall civic spatial quality. e research covers the notion of walkability and functional mix — permeability, accessibility, inclusivity and streetscape.

e design proposal introduces the new street boulevard as the new avenue in front of the college to engage residents and provide newly designed public co-working spaces that double the outdoor classrooms.

glasgow college city campus page 48 028
team member: wattana songpetchmongkol yen-te lu
living / learning space // site planning // re-design page 49 august 2021

How might Henri Lefebvre’s concept of ‘appropriation’ be applied to lane morphologies to increase the walkability of Glasgow’s Blythswood gridiron?

People walk in the city. ey utilize and appropriate the built forms to serve the spatial requirement for their social activities. e urban narratives tell the stories of civic development and the socio-political fabric of life(s) behind them. With the overarching interests in pedestrian spatial justice and urban informality, the project investigates Glasgow’s lanes’ potential to improve urban walkability.

028 page 50
The Walking Glasgow
morphologenesis of the disappearing Blythswood gridiron’s lane 2022 1910 1857 m.arch. (urban design) thesis // research-led design project // walking & urban walkability page 51 june 2022

e walking experience isn’t that of the strolling alone, but also the urban narrative in-between.

The Walking Glasgow 028 page 52
m.arch. (urban design) thesis // research-led design project // walking & urban walkability page 53 june 2022


+66 81 279 1200 wattanasong.com


Wattana Songpetchmongkol is an architect and independent researcher from Bangkok, whose practice focuses primarily on sustainable urban design and planning, all from the ground up. He sets his eyes on fnding ways to improve how people move around the city and the relationship between street life and urban form. His research interests lie in walkability, urban informality, spatial justice amid the global binary, urban tissue and their representation of the public realm. With backgrounds in architectural and urban design in Bangkok, Tokyo and Glasgow, he’s interested in how people, goods and information move around in the civic environment. Asides from research and creative practice, he’s a parttime writer and photographer.


M.Arch (Urban Design), GSA (Scotland), 2022

B.Arch (5-year), KMUTT (Thailand), 2020

- Research Exchange fellow, SIT (Japan), 2018

Professional Certifcate in Inclusive and Sustainable Cities, TU DelftX (online), 2021


2022- Researcher, Urban Study Lab

2022- Guest lecturer, Raffe College

2020- Creatives, mana.design.bkk

2020-21 Junior architect (part-time), CAL Design

2018- Designer, studio.wattana

2019 Architect intern, PAGAA

2018 Design intern, Meanum Group

Resaerch Interest:

- How people, goods & information move around the city?

- Walking, walkability & street life at the eye level

- Informal urbanism amid global binary


Songpetchmongkol, W. (2022). Density, in relationship to the network of street vendors: A look at Bangkok’s block density & their representation of public realms. Academia Letters. https://doi.org/10.20935/AL4883

Ratchadapisek rd. Bangkhol, Bangkoleam, Bangkok, Thailand, 10120 Wattana Songpetchmongkol

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