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15. Her answer to our enquiries on hotel rates is of great interest. a. problems

b. troubles

c. demands

d. questions

16. Mice are small animals, but they are gigantic beside an ant. a. large

b. small

c. funny

d. ugly

17. When we arrived at our destination, we gathered our luggage, got off the train and met our relatives who had come to pick us up. a. the place where we live b. the place where we study c. the place that we want to visit our relatives d. the place set for the end of a journey 18. At the first start of the game the two boys seemed to get along well, but half an hour later they began a dispute which led to a big fight. a. contest

b. anger

c. quarrel

d. discussion

The store on the corner of the T-junction is an appliance store. It has things like electric toasters, radios, hair-dryers, etc., in the shop-window. I really go in the store because the things there cost so much that I cannot afford them. 19. An appliance is …………………… . a. a person who looks after a store b. a person who helps in a store c. something that produces electricity d. a thing that is used around the house 20. “Afford” means ……………….. . a. able to buy

b. keep for oneself

c. make use of

d. bring back

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