Warehouse Management Magazine Digital Edition 2021

Page 27

Warehouse Security

In these challenging times, it is essential

(MDM) applications because Wi-Fi settings

that warehouse operations continue to

and Bluetooth® connections

run smoothly, and that inventory visibility

are not secured against accidental

is maintained.


The need to upgrade solutions to avoid

Transitioning from a legacy Warehouse

security threats

Management System (WMS) to a

Warehouse operations using

modernized enterprise WMS without

aging technology solutions are highly

appropriate mobile computers in

susceptible to cybersecurity threats.

place, leaving security gaps that are

Legacy solutions are prime targets for

susceptible to breaches.

security threats. They leave doors

Mobile computers used inside and

unlocked in today’s aggressive

outside the four walls could have been

cybersecurity environment.

compromised because security patches have not been managed and

According to Carbon Black, 50% of

updated proactively on a regular

attacks attempt to “island hop”, which is

schedule, or because they are difficult

to access networks of any

to locate.

organization in a company's supply chain. This means that inadequate security in

Malware enters through printer

your warehouse puts your business

connections because networked

partners at risk too. Based on a

printers are not configured to quickly

cybersecurity study, Indian manufacturing

apply security updates.

companies detected the most malware among the sectors surveyed, at more than

Sensitive data is accessed because

28%. In addition, they have become more

proper encryption and security settings

vulnerable to cyberattacks after shifting to

are not applied to printers in service, or

Cloud infrastructure and services[1].

printers are not safely relocated or

Even if IT security for warehousing

retired with data protected by

operations takes measures to protect the

resetting all user settings and removing

company from top trending IoT security

user files. Access on mobile computers

challenges, emerging threats are

has not been restricted to only

becoming increasingly sophisticated,

business applications, and users are

putting ios: day-to-day operations at stake.

accessing websites or personal email

Consider the following scenarios:

and accidently downloading malware.

Hackers enter your mobile device

To optimize security, warehouse


operations and IT decision makers ·

27 | Warehouse Management Digital 2021


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