Maryam - Apr-Jun 2013 (English)

Page 27

Also, Of Vast Importance Are The Books Of The Promised Messiahas Huzuraba said: You can start with some of the books from the latter years of the Promised Messiahas if you wish, because they are somewhat easier to understand.Those who can read and understand Urdu, should read the writings of the Promised Messiahas directly, and those who cannot read Urdu, should read the English translation that has been printed by the Jama’at, or should read the volumes of the Essence of Islam that have been printed.

Until You Become Involved In Prayer And Develop A Relationship With Allah, All Your Religious Knoweldge Will Be Of No Use Huzur Aqdasaba said: Remember, that we do not seek religious knowledge just for the sake of it. As I just said, it must coincide with earnest and sincere prayer, so that the knowledge that you have gained will be a means to improve your spiritual progress. When this happens then worldly pleasures and everyday means of play and fun will come to vanish from your lives.

You, As Waaqifaa-e-Nau, Are The Helpers Of The Khalifa Of The Time Huzuraba said: It is you who can eliminate his worries and anxieties regarding the Tarbiyyat (moral training) of the next generation. It is therefore incumbent upon you, the Waaqifaat-e-Nau specifically, and all Ahmadi women and girls in general, to understand this duty, and abide by it. Your deeds, words, education and daily behaviour should prove testimony to the fact that you hold Allah, Islam and Ahmadiyyat greater precedence over all other desires.

Prove That You Are Really Worthy Of Being Called Waaqifaa-e-Nau, Not Just In Name, But Through Your Deeds And Actions Huzuraba said: Whichever field of education you are in, make sure it is with the intention of serving Islam and the Jama’at. Your hearts must be free of seeking any reward or gratitude in return. Offer yourselves completely with the aim of serving the Jama’at and winning the Pleasure of Allah.

You Should Always Be Fully Obedient To Your Parents Huzuraba said: It should not be that because you are a member of Waaqifaat-e-Nau you feel superior in any way, or that you deserve special attention or respect. In fact, it should be the other way around; that you should show others great respect and you should listen to your parents and elders. In your religious classes, it should be observed that you are children of the highest morals and best character. In your schools your teachers and fellow pupils should see you as the example to follow.



April - June 2013

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