Iceland a Wapack Labs Cyber Security Report

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ICELA AND’S PIRATE PA ARTY Assessment: A posssible target in the Alth hing espion nage case may be Birrgitta Jónsd dóttir. Founderr of Iceland d’s “Pirate Party”, P Jónsd dóttir holdss a seat in Ic celand’s pa arliament a and is a strong g advocate e of Internet privacy and a govern ment transsparency. A As founderr and Chairwo oman of the IMMI, Jón nsdóttir is re esponsible for introducing legisla ation to pro otect 101 whistleb blowers such h as Bradle ey Manning g, Julian Asssange, a and is symp pathetic to NSA 102 gical leaker Edward E Sno owden’s bid d for asylum m in Icelan nd. Desp pite the stro ong ideolog ties with h The Pirate e Bay, Jónssdóttir on the t topic o of The Piratte Bay’s move to Ice eland distance ed the Pira ate Party from the mo ovement a and claime ed to have e no role in n the decision n.103 Birgitta Jónsdóttir J remains a central, c if not a contro oversial figu ure, in Icela and’s data safe haven movement. m . Jónsdóttiir distancing herself frrom The Pirrate Bay is not unique for publically elected officials belonging b to the Pira ate Party. This distan ncing of n newly elected officials fro om their Pira ate Party ro oots has be een observ ed in otherr countries such as the United U Kingdom,104 Sw weden, and d Norway w where assoc ciations witth the BitTo orrent 105 site have e been see en as jeopardizing the party’s legiitimacy. Cyber significance: Birgitta Jó ónsdóttir re emains symp pathetic to o The Pirate Bay, Snow wden, Manning g, and Assa ange, often n tweeting about a them m. The likelih hood of Jón nsdóttir beiing a target of o cyber-atttack or esp pionage is a continue ed high risk to Iceland d’s emergin ng as the world’s data sa afe haven. As leade er of Iceland’s Pirate Party, P Jónsd dóttir may fiind it difficu ult to separa ate her pollitical aspiratio ons with herr affiliationss. Her contiinued involv vement witth the Pirate e Party will likely draw attention to the t island nation n as a target for future hac cktivism or sstate sponssored espionage. Regardless of Jónsdóttir’s ac ctivities, the e Pirate Pa arty does keep close ties with h the hacktivisst group Anonymous A s. For example, Ope eration Ma arine Life, #OPmarinelife, Anonym mous’s antii-whaling campaign, c , is sched duled on the officia al Pirate P Party 106 nks to a Facebook ev Internatiional (PPI) website. w The calendar entry lin vent page ttitled 107 #OPMarrinelife that t links again to a Paste bin entry with spe ecific targe eting 108 informattion. Internatiionally, po olitical partties adopting the P irate Party y label are e not new w to controve ersy or implicated of running r afo oul of the la aw. The pa arties were very vocal and pressed charges against a ban nks that blo ockaded W WikiLeaks’s donations and in Ma ay of 2011, Ge erman offic cials confisc cated serve ers belongi ng to the P Pirate Party y in German ny.109 As a ressult of the actions taken by the e Germanss, Anonymo ous returne ed the favo or by 110 taking down d both h the www and www w websites. In a sepa arate case, se ervers belon nging to the e German Pirate Party y were imp plicated in an attack on a © 2013 W Wapack Labs C Corporation. All rights resserved. 23 | P a g e

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