1975 spring

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f; tJAll DHft lJ SI~ ... continued

Centr alia eye s co-op facility


A n•w National Gu•rd Annary ha• been pro1~ at Centralio, but h won't be juit <1n ;,rmory. /\ com1nllltt ortheCentralii'.1 ~nd ChuhullJ Chambe r 1.>t Commerce is ttudylnit ti poiulble a rmory•rnultl· pur1>Ut t comm\1nii» oe.nt er at t he Sou t hwest 'A'as h in l!lt o o 1·'1lr1 rou ndJ.. COii or che buildina hs w1ma1ed mcwc then SI million. The bu 1ldtn.1: would be u.Wd as an armory for Troop £ . 303rd ea..-alry, by 1W lair•• aauhitiit ball and by Ute: twin c:uw.s for stniorc:itizcn a"4 cornmuait,. unter. The f•~r·• participation depcod• larae1y on buytng additional falr11rouad land. A pur chaae c1.1rrently i" ~ndlngon 1Sac re&.ju11 s outh o r the rairgrounds •• e po11lblo file ror t he facilit)" T he fac lllly wou ld repla ce the31· year.oh.I Dr mory on Scmin;•ry I Ull.


SP4 Jemo1 Redl shows his wife, SP5 Alice, how to assemble l ht M16

OOnker, 1aid m• lnt~nance cos t• a rc too arc..t i n the existing ar"mot)'.

At hom e on the ran ge

A family affair Coard tr111n101 war. a family affair for 1M- :?lls1 Sten-Al Bn:s hr· 1nu l'Xt!l"CI"· rct:t'ntly. Vf'C' Cn•h)• Renz ~ved able 1n~1r111.itl.bn frvnl hi;!!'" father, ssc; 1.lurv lil Rt!n.t, flrinc the f\ll6 at thc-

Nu1•th 1-'0M run11rj. Aln1011t 11tM>u1dcr '" shuul der "'' fl!C 1hll hull.hnnd wll'e team of AliCt! :.ud •ln111c11 Hc:dl, e-S Ali1:1:. a full·timc: (;uArd l'Ccruiler. ~ot help f ro1u her

Col. Wayne ?iofc:Da11lels , assi~tanl adJu111n1 Qel'lera1 and a Ceit11ralla

hu.Nftd. E..S Jamd Kedl. qU11lify tnM: ••th the .u pistol

Pt"C Rent, 11 Guards"''Oman for about 11 mo nths no""" 1s an enthu11r1111c suppt>rtcr o f Gu.arcl

Huitt 1n t9J8 10 house three cor:n ' p;in1·1l;ced ur'liu, thie« is ldS than

on, cOlft1'ilny·slzed unit now in Ccmn.llti

Tank schools taught her e More than40 National Gu;&rd em·

•C:tlvltit•. acoordinQ le'> ber father. Syt Rcni. Al her job with the De1n..'

OIO)'d recently 1ouk & four·we-ek 1ralni nr.1 ~c>ur1e o n ta n\)l wilhoot h flvlnG to vi 1i1 t h e A r m y ' • tank

tr111111dt ror Unc

tr11lnlna •chool at Ft. Knox . ·r 1to nk1 to the Y a k ima Valley Colleao and ch e Ar"m y·s 9th Re•d1nu1 Re1ition at t~L Lewis. 1wo

nt N1\ll.ll'AI Rcsource!l, s he ball tiopct or 11lin lng up some cir her girl ~<•mpany

on the firinw


were tct up at Y3.ldma Fir·

•RI C._titer abd at Ft. Lewis.


lnttruc:ton trom c.ol]qe and Fl. t...wb; cal)gb:1 1be course• on opcfalln1 llnd maint.aiain1 a tad.

Omdah esttm.at.ed the ()l)IW"tCa

1a\'ed 1he National Guard mon than $50,000 it would ha\'C had 10 lf)enO to send it• emplo)'e• to Kentucky.



~"SSG'·M:arvln Renz ins truct&d1ugh t1r. PFC l<eth y, on tiring lhtM16

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