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“That’s what they want you to think. In reality, all those places, Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan they are all still out there!” I try to imagine the other places in the world, to see them, experience them. “Anyway, when I turned 15 they recruited me to come back to The Republic. They wanted me to warn you of what the republic has been doing. They’ve been studying you, Brea. You are different. Your brain isn’t under their control like everyone else's. You are still able to think for yourself. Others, not so much. They are using us to fight for them, to make us their puppets!” Everything fell into place. Brysen leaving, the steel look in his eyes. He was being controlled by The Republic and for what? To die doing something he never wanted to do in the first place? “But how am I still aware?” I question, not sure how that would be possible. “According to the UN’s files, you have a genetic mutation that allows you to overcome the electromagnetic pulse they use to take control of parts of the brain. In other words, you are immune to the ‘virus.’ Only a couple of people in the entire world have that specific mutation. I am one of them just like you. Brea, I want you to come with me, to Great Britain, where we are stationed. You could work for us. You could change the world, save it maybe. You can stop the republic.” I don’t even have to think twice. “Count. Me. In.” I met at Miles’ house everyday after school. Supposedly to do homework, but actually, we are making plans to escape. I have never felt so strongly about something like this before, but I know doing this could free my family. We take action in 1 week. Our plan is to break into the Republic’s weapon storage and escape over the wall.


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