GTA Renters Guide - 04 Jan., 2014

Page 55


Moving last minute? No problem, if it’s during the cold months. Choosing to move in the “off season� – sometime between November and March – can save you time and money. Summer is the busiest season for moving companies. This means you must be well prepared, booking six to eight weeks in advance to ensure your preferred moving company is available. Not only are they higher in demand but generally their rates are also more expensive. Some companies may be more willing to negotiate their rates during the winter months as they’re competing for business during the slow season. Likewise, less rush and stress for companies in the winter means you get their best employees resulting in a higher quality of service. With everything booked, now comes the packing. Follow these tips for a relaxed and toasty move – no matter what’s going on outside those frosted windows. t )BWF B DPOUJOHFODZ QMBO ,FFQ VQ to date with local weather forecasts and change your plans accordingly. If a big snowfall or freezing rain is expected the morning of your move day, don’t risk it if you have an alternative. t ,FFQ DP[Z $BSSZ FYUSB XBSN DMPUIFT for you and your family – including hats, gloves and snow pants. Pack these ahead of time and clearly label them so you can locate them immediately. t 3FNFNCFS ZPVS JUFNT XJMM CF JO B non-heated environment for a while. Ensure your plants, electronics and liquids are properly packed and protected from the cold. t "MMPX FYUSB UJNF PO UIF NPWF EBZ – cold weather slows things down. "EEJUJPOBMMZ SVTIJOH JO UIF XJOUFS can lead to accidents and injuries.

t )BWF ESJWFXBZT BOE TJEFXBMLT cleared of snow before the movers

arrive. Lay plywood down on muddy or slushy areas. Slipping can not only lead to dropped boxes and broken possessions but also personal injury. t 2VBMJUZ NPWFST XJMM VTF nPPS SVOOFST UP QSPUFDU ZPVS nPPST JO IJHI USBGmD area but for extra protection inside, DPWFS ZPVS nPPST UP QSPUFDU UIFN from tracked-in snow, mud and salt. You don’t want to be responsible for a mess in your building’s common areas – both in the one you’re leaving and the one you’re moving to. t %SJWF TBGF .BLF TVSF NBJOUFOBODF and service on your vehicles is current. Check the air pressure on your tires and ensure the trunk is equipped with emergency kits NBUDIFT nBTIMJHIU GPPE CMBOLFUT

BOE TIPWFMT %SJWF TMPXMZ XJUI FYUSB caution. t #F DFSUBJO UIBU ZPVS IFBUJOH DPNQBOZ for your new home is aware of your move in day. Wintertime moving doesn’t have to be wet and miserable. With these reminders, you’ll be packed up, moved and basking in the warmth of your new home before you know it.

Chuck Resnick is vice president Marketing and Operations for Two Men And a Truck - Canada, a division of Heron Capital Corporation. Visit


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