2010-2011 Student Affairs Annual Report

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Highlights  Created Siena I-tunes site and developed/uploaded relaxation exercise for students, faculty and staff.

 Provided staff in-service on college students with Asperger Syndrome with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities.

 Underwent staffing changes within the department without interruption of services that included over 100 hours of outreach and the provision of 80 workshops/trainings.

Center for Counseling and Student Development What We Do The Center for Counseling and Student Development (CCSD) strives to help students cope more effectively with personal, emotional and situational barriers to learning We:

 Provide counseling services for enrolled students and secondarily offering psycho-educational programming and consultations to the campus community

 Improve students’ adjustment to unavoidable stress.

 Contribute to their personal growth and development by providing psychological support and guidance.

Assessment Results 70% of Siena student responders reported that they would use Center for Counseling and Student Development services if feeling highly stressed or overwhelmed (n=892)*

Goals  Offer biofeedback for students starting in the fall semester and use this service as a means for outreach with the Athletic Department.

 Increase the number of relaxations and meditations 74% of Siena student responders reported that they would consult with the Center for Counseling and Student Development if worried about a friend (n=892)*

available on the Siena I-tunes site as anecdotally this provided to be a popular methodology for providing relaxation exercises.

 Increase the attendance of staff at professional develop78% of Siena student responders reported that they would recommend the Center for Counseling and Student Development to a friend who is feeling highly stressed or overwhelmed (n=892)* *Data from the Siena College Health Survey, fall 2010, a representative sample of students across all four class years (n=1187). Percentages are for students who indicated they strongly agreed or agreed on a scale of five choices ranging from strongly agreed to no opinion for these questions.

ment conferences to attain CEUs and professional development training for the 2011-2012 academic year

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