2009-2010 Student Affairs Annual Report

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Highlights 2009-2010 saw a record-setting year for Resident Assistant Applications. A total of 127 students applied for 61 position far exceeding our average of 90 applicants per year. The number one reason cited for why new RA applicants chose to apply was due to having positive interactions with their own RA.

One focus of the Residential Life programming events was on developing leadership through targeted programs/groups such as: Leadership in the First-Year Experience (LIFE) - 30 first-year students participated in this leadership development course team-taught by members of our Residential Life staff and Future Leaders in Student Affairs (FLSA) - 20 students attended a series of eight workshops that focused on exploring the world of Higher Education and Student Affairs as a career path.

Office of Residential Life What We Do The mission of the Office of Residential Life is to assist students to live the Franciscan mission within the residence halls by emphasizing community and the value of relationships, personal and group accountability, mutual respect and a sense of cooperation and sharing. We:

The First Year Experience (FYE) had more

Foster a safe and healthy living environment on campus.

Encourage students to get involved with and provide leadership for residential activities.

Cultivate conditions that enhance academic and social learning opportunities within the residence halls (e.g. working with faculty on living-learning communities).

Each spring the Office facilitates the housing selection process for over 1,800 returning students to choose their rooms for the next academic year. For the 2009-2010 selection process an enhanced online component was introduced, reducing onsite selection time for students and allowing for greater efficiency by electronically displaying in real-time open and assigned rooms/suites/townhouses.

Residence Life staff worked with students and the College’s Facilities team and architects in planning a new, state-of-the-art, 264-bed residence hall opening in the fall, 2010. This new hall, along with our continued renovations to MacClosky Square townhouses, demonstrates our commitment to upgrade facilities to meet student needs.

Develop and implement activities and programs that focus on social, academic, faith and spiritual life topics.

Assessment Results

than 150 students attend 12 programs and the Sophomore Year Experience (SYE) saw more than 400 students attend 10 programs including the highly successful Major/Minor Fair with all academic majors/minors represented.


85% of Siena student responders reported that residence hall staff are concerned about “me” as an individual.*

70% of Siena student responders reported that residence hall regulations are reasonable.*

 Develop targeted initiatives to further decrease vandalism in

71% of Siena student responders reported that their hall/apartment complex sponsored quality programs.*

 Evaluate current practices and continue to streamline housing

93% of Siena student responders reported being extremely satisfied or satisfied with their Resident Assistant regarding efforts to get to know them.**

97% of Siena student responders reported being extremely satisfied or satisfied with their Resident Assistant regarding helping with a problem.**

96% of Siena student responders reported being extremely satisfied or satisfied with their Residence Assistant regarding organizing programs and activities.**

94% of Siena student responders reported being extremely satisfied or satisfied with their on campus housing experience. **

* Data from the Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey fall 2009, a representative sample of students across all four classes (n=554) ** Data from the ACUHO/EBI Survey 2008-2009 (n=1,181)

 Launch the newly established Residence Hall Association (RHA) to centralize residence hall governance and to further promote community within/among residential areas. the residence halls. operations.

 Continue to analyze housing trends to determine facility needs and housing upgrades.

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