W21C International Innovation Forum Program

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Eckhardt-Gramatte Concert Hall, Rozsa Centre, University of Calgary

CONTENTS Welcome ...............................................................................................................................3 General Information .............................................................................................................4 Agenda .................................................................................................................................5 Speaker Bios .......................................................................................................................6 Thank you to our Sponsors ................................................................................................11

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Welcome to Calgary

Peace Bridge, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

For the past few years the University of Calgary’s Ward of the 21st Century (W21C) Health Research and Innovation Forum has provided a venue for leading health researchers and innovators to network and explore the challenges of health system innovation. The W21C Forum is open to a diverse community of health professionals, researchers, students, industry partners, industry accelerators, funding agencies, and government stakeholders. Page 3

This year, the W21C is building on the successes of past forums through the introduction of a forum with a specific international focus to:

can create synergies in innovation and a foundation for shared learning at local,

na5onal, and interna5onal levels.

a) Understand the global We feel privileged to host environment with respect such a diverse and skilled to innovation panel of speakers to the forum this year. We look b) Gain valuable insights forward to seeing all of you into why Switzerland there - to generate the consistently ranks ideas, the conversations, number one in innovation and the partnerships that worldwide (OECD will aid in advancing health rankings) systems and technology innovation both now and c) Understand the in the future. Canadian innovation environment and how we


General Information Registration Desk The Registration desk will be located by the front entrance of the Rozsa Centre, and will be open from 8:00 - 4:00 pm. Upon registration you will receive a name badge. At the back of your name badge you will find a golf pencil, poster ballot, raffle ticket,and drink ticket to be used later in the day. We encourage that you wear your name badge throughout the Forum to inspire discussion and networking amongst your fellow attendees. At the end of the conference, please help us to recycle by dropping your name badges off back at the Registration desk. Innovation Fair The Innovation Fair is a chance to showcase a sampling of research and technology at the heart of innovation in Canada, both within the W21C and University of Calgary community, as well as through our partners in AHS, government, and industry just to name a few. These posters, booths, and interactive displays are located throughout the Rozsa Centre. Please feel free to explore the Husky Oil Great Hall, CIBC Hub Room and the Scotia Bank Milling Area during breaks or at lunch - enjoy the food, ask questions of the presenters, and let the ideas before you foster questions for the afternoon’s open mic session. Social Media - Creating the Conversation The purpose of the W21C International Innovation Forum is to encourage discussions, generate ideas, and create opportunities for future collaborations. If you would like to give us feedback, or provide questions for the panel discussion and open mic sessions, we have various forms of communication available for your use: 1) send us an email at: w21c.adm@gmail.com 2) Join the conversation on twitter: @w21c 3) Like us on Facebook! Visit our W21C page for updates and additional stories. Page 4

Forum Agenda TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2012, ROZSA CENTRE, UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY 8:00-­‐8:30 am

Registra@on and Con@nental Breakfast – Husky Oil Great Hall, Rozsa Centre


Welcome and John Conly, MD, W21C Founder and Professor of Medicine, Overview University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta


Interna@onal Perspec@ve (via video conferencing)

SWISS & HEALTH SYSTEMS INNOVATION Didier PiTet, MD, Professor of Medicine and Hospital Epidemiology , University of Geneva; Director, WHO Collabora5ng Centre on Pa5ent Safety at the University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland

9:30-­‐10:00 am Interna@onal INNOVATION INTEGRATION Perspec@ve Christoph Ebell, Counselor, Office of Science, Technology and Higher Educa5on, Embassy of Switzerland in the United States of America, Washington, DC; Representa5ve for swissnex, USA 10:00-­‐10:30 amBreak Break (coffee and snacks provided) – Husky Oil Great Hall, Rozsa Centre 10:30-­‐10:50 amNa@onal INNOVATION IN CANADA Perspec@ve Gabriela Prada, MD, Director, Health Innova5on, Policy and Evalua5on, The Conference Board of Canada 10:50 -­‐ 11:10 am

Provincial Perspec@ve

THE INNOVATION ENVIRONMENT IN ALBERTA Mel Wong – Assistant Deputy Minister, Enterprise and Advanced Educa5on, Government of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta

11:10-­‐11:30 amLocal Perspec@ve

INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Peter GarreT, P.Eng, Interim President, Innovate Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

11:30 am-­‐ 12:30 pm

Moderator – William Ghali, MD, Director, Ins5tute for Public Health; Scien5fic Director, W21C; Professor of Medicine and Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

Panel Discussion

12:30-­‐2:00 pm Lunch and Innova@on Fair – located throughout the Rozsa Centre


3:30-­‐3:45 pm

A]ernoon OPEN MIC SESSION – Moderated by André Buret, PhD Session: (Professor of Biological Science and Associate Vice “Swiss Cheese President Research, University of Calgary) and William and Maple Ghali Syrup” Closing John Conly -­‐ Next steps Remarks

4:00-­‐5:30 pm Wine & Cheese Recep@on – Husky Oil Great Hall, Rozsa Centre – DOOR PRIZE WINNER ANNOUNCED

Keynote Address Didier Pitter MD, Professor of Medicine and Hospital Epidemiology , University of Geneva; Director, WHO Collabora5ng Centre on Pa5ent Safety at the University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland

Professor Didier Pittet, MD, MS, is the Hospital Epidemiologist and Director of the Infection Control Programme and WHO Collaborating Centre on Patient Safety at the University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland; Professor of Medicine and Hospital Epidemiology at the University of Geneva. He holds Honorary Professorships at Imperial College London, UK, the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Health Science, and the First Medical School of the Fu, Shanghai, China. Professor Pittet is Lead of the World

Health Organization First Global Patient Safety Challenge “Clean Care is Safe Care”. He is the recipient of several national and international honours including a CBE (Commander of the British Empire) awarded by Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II for services to the prevention of healthcareassociated infection in the UK (2007), the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America Lectureship for his contribution to infection control and healthcare epidemiology (2008), and the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases’ Award for Excellence (2009). Professor Pittet is coauthor of more than 400

publications in peerreviewed journals and 50 chapters in textbooks; his current research interests include the epidemiology and prevention of healthcare-associated infections, methods for improving compliance with barrier precautions and hand hygiene practices, as well as innovative methods for improving the quality of patient care and patient safety. He is also involved in research on the epidemiology of infectious diseases. The experience of his team in engaging nations and healthcare settings worldwide in a universal commitment to patient safety is unique.

Speaker Bios Christoph Ebell Counselor, Office of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Embassy of Switzerland in the United States of America, Washington, DC; Representative for swissnex, USA

Since 2009, Christoph Ebell serves as the science and technology counselor at the Swiss Embassy in Washington, D.C. He covers the relations between Switzerland and the United States in the fields of science, technology, innovation as well as higher education, and vocational education and training. Before his posting in the U.S. Chris worked at the Department of Economic Affairs in Bern, Switzerland, where he headed up the international cooperation section for innovation and

market-oriented research and education. Projects were global and included innovation cooperation with Asian countries, with a focus on China and SouthEast Asia. Specializing in innovation policy issues, he was delegate at the OECD Committee for Science and Technology Policy and a member of several expert working groups, including the expert panel on the OECD Innovation Strategy and the Economic Commission for Europe at the U.N. Prior to that, Chris has built up extensive experience with R&D-

related EU institutions and multilateral cooperation mechanisms both on a European and global level. Before joining the government services, Chris did research in American and Afro-American studies and Culture in Switzerland and at Harvard University. He got a M.A. from the University of Bern and from the University of Illinois at Chicago and he studied physics (with a special interest in particle physics), art history, and literature in Switzerland.

Gabriella Prada Gabriela Prada, MD, Director, Health Innovation, Policy and Evaluation, The Conference Board of Canada

Dr. Gabriela Prada is the Director of Health Innovation, Policy and Evaluation at The Conference Board of Canada. A physician with a Masters in Health Administration, she has over 17 years of clinical, policy research, and management consulting experience in health care. She has written health

policy reports on a range of topics including innovation, sustainability, and primary care. She launched and leads the Centre for the Advancement of Health Innovations and the Council for Innovation Procurement in Healthcare, which promote dialogue between public and private sector stakeholders to

advance health innovation in Canada.  Before joining Conference Board, Dr. Prada worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Accreditation Canada and several clinical settings. She is a Certified Health Executive from the Canadian College of Health Leaders.

Speaker Bios

Mel Wong Assistant Deputy Minister Advanced Technology Industries Division Alberta Enterprise and Advanced Education

Born in Southern Alberta, Mel Wong attended the University of Lethbridge, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics and a Management Development Certificate. He is also a graduate of the University of British Columbia’s Executive Management program. Prior to joining the Government of Alberta in 1979, Mr. Wong worked in a family owned restaurant business, a building products manufacturing

company, the Federal Business Development Bank and the Antidumping and Countervail Division of Revenue Canada. Since1981, he has lectured, on a part-time basis, in the business program at post-secondary institutions.

including responsibilities for developing manufacturing and high technology industries. In April 2005, Mr. Wong was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister of Advanced Technology Industries. His responsibilities include advancing the Mr. Wong joined Alberta government’s innovation Treasury in 1979 as an agenda supporting economist. His career path technology has led him to senior commercialization, advisory and management technology adoption, and positions in the development of technology Government of Alberta, industries. Peter Garrett P.Eng, Interim President, Innovate Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

Pete Garrett is currently the Interim President of Innovate Calgary. He has invested his entire professional career into various aspects of commercializing emerging technology. Initially as an engineer and later as a CEO and consultant, he has been a strong believer in the positive impact of new technology on society. After graduating from the University of Calgary (BSc EE ’80 – with distinction), Pete joined Nortel Networks where he was at the heart of both the digital and wireless communications revolutions. Rising quickly

through the ranks, he ultimately became vice president of wireless networks R&D. Here he led a team of 1200 engineers and scientists in 7 labs on 4 continents developing in deploying over 50 new products per year. Seeking the next technology wave, Pete joined Global Thermoelectric in 2001 (an alternative energy/fuel cell company) as chief operating officer then subsequently chief executive officer, where he led the successful merger of the company with Fuel Cell Energy in 2003. Since then, Pete has been an

active investor, business & technology consultant & has served on a number of corporate and volunteer boards. He is past chair of Calgary Technologies Inc (CTI), the UofC Engineering external research advisory board and the UofC Project Management advisory board. He also served on the Alberta science and research advisory board (ASRA), where he was chair of the technology commercialization task force and co-chair of the access to capital task force.

Speaker Bios

Andre Buret PhD, Professor of Biological Science and Associate Vice President Research, University of Calgary

Dr. Buret received his first University Faculty appointment in 1995. HIs research program is internationally renowned, and he has received numerous competitive research grants from national and international agencies, for a total amount in excess of $13 million in personal research operating funds alone. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed manuscripts, and has been invited to deliver over 150 presentations world-wide over the past 10 years. Dr. Buret holds over 20 issued patents, and contributed to the creation of three biotech spin-off

companies. He has also mentored over 30 graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, who have obtained positions in industry, academia, and government. He has served on numerous grant and government committees, and is a reviewer or editor for over 30 international journals. Dr. Buret was inducted a Fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (London UK), and a Fellow of the American Gastroenterological Association. His many awards include Graduate and Undergraduate Teaching Excellence awards from 2 universities

(and was nominated for these every year since 1996), the 2007 NSERC Synergy Award for collaborative research and innovation from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the 2007 Research Excellence Award from the Canadian Association of Gastroenterologists, the 2008 Robert A. Wardle Medal from the Canadian Society of Zoologists for outstanding contributions to Parasitology research, and a 2008 Endeavour Research Award from the Government of Australia.

William Ghali MD, Director, Institute for Public Health; Scientific Director, W21C; Professor of Medicine and Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

Dr. William Ghali, MD, MPH, is the Scientific Director of the Institute for Public Health and CoDirector of the W21C’s Research and Innovation Program, University of Calgary. He is also a Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Community Health Sciences and the Centre for Health and Policy Studies in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Clinically, he is trained as a General Internist (MD [‘90] University of Calgary,

FRCP(C) [‘94] - Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario). His methodological training in health services research and epidemiology was obtained in the Health Research Unit at Boston University, where he also completed a Master of Public Health Degree (MPH) in 1995.

-- cardiac disease, diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, and venous thromboembolic disease. His research has shed light on several aspects of quality of care relating to the medical conditions that are the focus of his program. Improved effectiveness and efficiency of health care delivery to individuals with Dr. Ghali’s research each of these conditions is focuses on evaluating clearly important to health care delivery for four Canadians and their health inter-related high incidence care system. and prevalence conditions

Speaker Bios John Conly MD, W21C Founder and Professor of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

Dr. John Conly is the former Head of the Department of Medicine at the University of Calgary and Alberta Health Services (Calgary zone). In his role as Department Head, he conceived of the idea of developing the ‘Medical Ward of the 21st Century’ (W21C), and his focus on innovation and multidisciplinary networking has contributed significantly to the W21C initiative’s success to date. He is medically trained as a specialist in Infectious Diseases, and was the founding Co-Chair of the

Canadian Hospital Epidemiology Committee, past President of the Canadian Infectious Disease Society, past Chairman of the Board for the Canadian Committee on Antibiotic Resistance and a previous Vice Chair for the Canadian Expert Drug Advisory Committee. He is currently a Board member for the Canadian Foundation for Infectious Diseases and the Editor-inChief for the Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology. He has published over 200 papers,

and has received numerous career honours including the Joe Doupe Young Investigator Award from the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation, an Award of Excellence from the Riverdale Hospital, the Distinguished Service Award from the Canadian Infectious Diseases Society and the Dr John Embil Mentorship Award . He oversees W21C research relating to both structural and clinical process research around infection prevention and control.

Barry Baylis MD, Co-Director, Research and Innovation Program, W21C; Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

Dr. Barry Baylis graduated from the University of Calgary Medical School in 1983. He completed a postgraduate fellowship in Internal Medicine and in addition did a two-year fellowship in Endocrinology and Metabolism. He joined the faculty at the UCalgary and the Foothills Medical Centre (FMC) in December 1989 as a founding member of the Division of General Internal Medicine. From 1989 onward he has contributed to both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education, continuing

medical education, and is actively contributing to and has participated in clinical trials research at the FMC since 1990. In addition to the above, his areas of interest include cardiovascular disease risk assessment and reduction, diabetes, diabetes in pregnancy, hypertension, lipid disorders, obesity, thrombophillia and innovation in healthcare. Dr. Baylis has been involved with the W21C from its inception in December 2002, contributing through numerous related committees and

fundraising. Presently he is the Co-Director the W21C’s Research and Innovation Program along with Dr. William Ghali. a third generation Calgarian with strong roots in the community, Pete has been a long supporter of the University. He has maintained close linkages with the University over the past 30 years through major equipment donations, numerous R&D and teaching contracts with professors, participating on a variety of boards and committees, and through personal friendships.

Thank you! Support from our Sponsors The 2012 W21C International Innovation Forum would not be possible without support from our sponsors. Special thanks go out to: • Clinexus • The Department of Medicine (Faculty of Medicine University of Calgary and Alberta Health Services) • Alberta Children’s Hospital • The University of Alberta • Alberta Health Services

Organizing Committee and Volunteers: Thank you also to our organising committee (Dr. John Conly, Dr. William Ghali, Dr. Barry Baylis, and Shandra Harman) and the W21C team members who have volunteered to ensure the success of this event.

Conference Organizers: Leora Rabatach, Communications Manager, W21C: rabatach@ucalgary.ca Julia MacGregor, Communications Coordinator, W21C: jmacgreg@ucalgary.ca

GD01 TRW Building 3280 Hospital Drive, NW T2N-4Z6 Ph: 403-210-6975 Fax: 403-210-9850 www.w21c.org

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