VRWorldTech Magazine: Issue 9

Page 12

TRW the AIO devices have a limited power envelope for the onboard GPU. The difference between the capabilities of a mobile GPU and a full-sized NVIDIA RTX A6000 is anywhere from 20X to 50X, depending on what you measure (memory, shading units, etc), never mind the absence of specialised cores. The end result for the enterprise market is a juxtaposition between the current market dynamic and the classic quest for high-fidelity visualisations of complex data.

The coupling of mobility with high performance graphics

frame, the GPU adjusts the frame to

as AIO HMDs (as is the case in

accommodate any head movement

the image above of a user wearing

Enter streaming XR. The idea of

occurring after the original frame

an Oculus Quest 2), phones, and

streaming the XR frames from

request. With late latch, the user

tablets, the juxtaposition of mobile

a high-powered computer to

sees a frame that is effectively only

devices and high-fidelity visual

a lightweight mobile device is

a few milliseconds old, relative to the

experiences is eliminated.

obvious. However, XR has a unique

their head position.

requirement in the time it takes to

Streaming XR: the tip of the iceberg

update an image in the HMD after

To stream VR, many groups move

a head movement; this is generally

the late latch function to the client

called motion-to-photon (MTP)

GPU, essentially hiding render,

While streaming XR graphics is a

latency. The commonly accepted

encode, network transport, decode

remarkable innovation, it is just the

maximum MTP latency is roughly 20

latencies behind a ‘late’ late latch

tip of the iceberg. If we look a bit

ms. Any longer than 20 ms and the


deeper, we see streaming is the

XR user tends to experience some degree of nausea.

bellwether of a changing world of XR. Surprisingly, our experience with

Three factors enabled by streaming


that will change the face of XR come

The 20 ms latency requirement is

streaming platform, suggests

to mind immediately: distribution

also a problem in tethered VR. The

that streaming XR over network

of XR experiences, scalability, and

common fix is often referred to as

latencies of 50-60 ms produces

disaggregated compute.

‘late latch’, where the HMD runtime

excellent VR experiences. Distribution of XR experiences:

requests a frame, the app receiving this call uses the GPU to create the

With systems such as NVIDIA

The majority of enterprise XR

frame, and at the last step of the

CloudXR, streaming XR to any

content is distributed via a

GPU to HMD transfer of the rendered

number of mobile end devices such

dedicated workstation, often


August 2021

w w w. v r w o r l d t e c h . c o m

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