if: Volunteering for wellbeing Evaluation 2014

Page 85


19. Please think about any other volunteers that you recruit or might recruit, without the if programme. Would you pay for other volunteers' training?


20. If yes, i) How much would this cost your organisation per volunteer? AND ii) How much time would it take your staff to arrange?

21. i) What is the hourly ÂŁ rate of a member of staff who supports or coordinates the if volunteer/s? (Please answer in ÂŁ per hour) ii) Roughly how much staff time is spent supporting or training the if volunteer/s? (Please answer in Hours per week)

AND ii) Is this different for any other volunteer? If yes, please describe below how much less or more different?

22. Please look at the statements below. Please tick in a box where you would rate your level of agreement about your experience of these outcomes and whether they have resulted from the if programme Strongly Neither Strongly Agree a Disagre Agree Agree or disagree little e a little Disagree We always have processes in place to ensure if volunteers are well integrated into our organisation and with staff As a result of the if programme, we have a more diverse workforce that is reflective of our communities, compared to before We receive appropriate support and information from the if team at all times, regarding what to expect and how to manage the new if volunteers if volunteers have resulted in improving our capacity to operate and develop the venue Our staff and management have gained experience to be more confident in managing volunteers with diverse needs and backgrounds We are getting added value from the working in partnership with the if: Volunteering for wellbeing programme e.g. working and learning together with other local venues about volunteering for well-being best practice Working with if volunteers has led to changes in how we design, refresh or manage our interpretation and/or collection

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