Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python

Page 23


1.2 Core Python

The majority of mathematical functions are available in the math module.

Reading Input The intrinsic function for accepting user input is

raw input(prompt )

It displays the prompt and then reads a line of input which is converted to a string. To convert the string into a numerical value use the function

eval(string )

The following program illustrates the use of these functions: a = raw_ input(’Input a: ’) print a, type(a)

# Print a and its type

b = eval(a) print b,type(b)

# Print b and its type

The function type(a) returns the type of the object a; it is a very useful tool in debugging. The program was run twice with the following results:

Input a: 10.0 10.0 <type ’str’> 10.0 <type ’float’>

Input a: 11**2 11**2 <type ’str’> 121 <type ’int’>

A convenient way to input a number and assign it to the variable a is

a = eval(raw input(prompt))

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