O momento que estamos vivendo é atípico, e não permite otimismo no curto prazo

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obrigadas a criar mecanismos adequados que permitam uma análise constante relativa às ameaças aos direitos humanos de suas próprias atividades empresariais ao longo de toda sua cadeia de abastecimento (especialmente em relação a filiais no exterior) e que garantam, acima de tudo, o monitoramento incessante e a correção de eventuais deficiências. Até agora, as empresas têm participado de forma voluntária, mas uma legislação específica para regulamentações obrigatórias não está descartada no futuro, também no âm-

bito da União Europeia. Uma coisa é certa: precisamos, a nível nacional dos países e internacionalmente, de muito mais comprometimento de governos e empresas ainda para que as cadeias de abastecimento nacionais e globais não sejam manchadas por violações de direitos humanos e para que nós, como consumidores e cidadãos, possamos comprar e usar produtos e serviços em todos sentidos limpos com prazer e consciência tranquila. Portanto, eu clamo pela Responsabilidade Social Corporativa 4.0!

principles. Of similar importance are the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, which contain recommendations, inter alia in the area of human rights. Not only the 34 OECD member states, but also 11 non-member states, including Brazil, have pledged to observe them to date. Fortunately, companies, especially those doing business internationally, are more aware than ever today of their corporate social responsibility (CSR), i.e. their wide-ranging responsibility vis-à-vis our societies. They know that appropriate commitment to CSR is essential for their long-term economic success. These are really good news. But where is the problem? Firstly, the recent successes cannot disguise the fact that many companies are not yet or not adequately fulfilling their due diligence obligations, either nationally or along global supply chains. European companies are way too often in the news headlines, either because they engaged in exploitative prac-

tices abroad or because they tacitly accepted the fact that suppliers disregarded human rights in their international supply chains, starting with insufficient working conditions for their employees. How often does neglecting corporate due diligence still lead to many people being harmed or even killed, as well as to severe environmental damage being caused? Secondly, the question arises as to whether companies could not sometimes go beyond “the legal norm” and demonstrate their own potential as catalysts for positive change. Isn’t there further potential for promoting diversity within companies? Does CSR stop at your own factory gate or supply chain, or should you also express your views in public, e.g. in networks with others, when human rights problems are out there? Germany wanted to set a positive example on this important issue, adopting a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights in 2016. All German companies with more

* Thomas Schmitt Cônsul-Geral da Alemanha em São Paulo | Consul General of Germany in São Paulo

than 500 employees are now called upon to establish suitable mechanisms that facilitate an ongoing analysis of human rights risks stemming from their own business activities along their supply chains (especially with regard to locations abroad). Above all, they have to ensure continuous monitoring and the elimination of potential shortcomings. To date, participation by companies has been voluntary, although legally binding regulations for the future have not been ruled out, including in the framework of the European Union. One fact is certain, however: we do need a greater commitment on the part of governments and companies both nationally and internationally. International supply chains must not be tainted by shortcomings in the area of human rights. All consumers and citizens must be able to buy and to use clean products and services with pleasure and with a clear conscience. I therefore wholeheartedly support CSR 4.0!

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