Dicembre/December 2014

Page 67


Obesity? No, thanks Tetracyclines in food cause inflammations in predisposed pets Overweight, obesity and diabetes are strictly related to nutrition - this is not great news: all those conditions are inflammatory processes. The news is that SANYpet identified what you must absolutely avoid or add to the daily diet of a cat or dog to keep it fit. THE RULE OF POLLUTANTS. Dr. Sergio Canello, together with SANYpet’s R&D department, discovered the critical role of tetracyclines in several inflammatory reactions, such as also overweight and obesity. Tetracyclines are antibiotics legally used in intensive farming: their metabolites, that residue especially in the bone and partially also in fat of livestock after butchery, cause many inflammatory processes in cats and dogs.

degradarle, per le molecole chimiche e farmacologiche inventate dall’uomo non è attrezzato: è incapace di gestirle nel modo corretto, così si formano i radicali liberi in eccesso che lo inquinano e degenerano inesorabilmente. Ecco rendersi necessaria l’integrazione di principi naturali che svolgono contemporaneamente due compiti, quello appena descritto e quello imputabile direttamente all’azione specifica sulle degenerazioni legate al sovrappeso. PRINCIPI NATURALI FITOTERAPICI. Il meccanismo d’azione è principalmente ipoglicemizzante con un’azione termogenica e un’azione antinfiammatoria delle sostanze utilizzate dal centro Ricerca e Sviluppo SANYpet, destinate al controllo del sovrappeso e ai disturbi correlati. I principi naturali contenuti nella Gymnema sylvestre e nella Momordica charantia, uniti allo zinco, sono in grado di ridurre l’assorbimento di glucosio a livello intestinale, diminuiscono l’effetto iperglicemizzante dell’alimento, promuovono la rigenerazione delle cellule β pancreatiche e ne stimolano la secrezione di insulina. Gli estratti di Coleus forskohlii e di Citrus aurantium hanno azione termogenica con effetto “brucia grassi”. Il rapporto bilanciato Ω3/Ω6 1:1 e il tenore elevato di Ω3 (1%), esplica un effetto antinfiammatorio pancreatico. L’utilizzo dell’ascofillo, un’alga ricca di fibra, è in grado di apportare alginato oligosaccaridi. Una volta ingerito l’alimento, le compresse rilasciano il pool di sostanze naturali che vengono a contatto con gli AOS (alginato oligosaccaridi), contenuti nelle crocchette. Il loro compito è quello di proteggere e veicolare le sostanze, preservandone l’attività e aumentandone l’efficacia. Grazie agli AOS, le sostanze arrivano inalterate al pancreas, riducendo l’assorbimento di glucosio. L’apporto proteico è garantito dall’utilizzo del pesce e dagli idrolisati proteici di pesce, che sono in grado di ridurre i picchi iperglicemici post prandiali e di stimolare il rilascio di insulina. Ciò avviene grazie all’aumento di biodisponibilità di alanina, arginina e glicina in sinergia con l’acido gymnemico contenuto nella Gymnema sylvestre. I carboidrati sono costituiti dal riso integrale, a indice glicemico molto basso (GI<55), con azione long-acting che mantiene costante la glicemia ematica. L’alto contenuto di fibra alimentare riduce il potere iperglicemizzante dell’alimento. Ha un effetto di “sequestro” dei lipidi, riducendone l’assorbimento intestinale. (M.C.) l

INDIVIDUAL SENSITIVITY. “Each subject has its individual sensitivity that determines different reactions to the same negative stimulus”, Dr. Sergio Canello explains. “Tetracycline residue in pet food may cause, in predisposed pets, chronic inflammatory processes that bring to overweight, which is often not related to excessive food amounts.”The factors that cause overweight are four: the first was described above, but three further factors are important. The second is a heavily too high level of omega 6, the third is lack in physical exercise, which is typical in pets living in flats and, last but not least, pure overconsumption of food. OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS. We all know about omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and it is clear that a balanced amount of those two elements is essential for healthy nutrition. “Unfortunately, adding nutrients in petfood to guarantee a balanced level of them is often not easy at all”, Sergio Canello comments. “Most formulas on the market do not contain the necessary amount of omega 3, the fatty acids that keep fat cell growth as well as inflammatory processes under control. An effective product for weight control must have, like FORZA10 Weight Control, an equal level of omega 3 and omega 6.” HEALING HERBS. The mechanisms of defense and control of the body are heavily threatened every day by pollutants of any kind. “Tetracyclines are proven to be the most harmful toxic”, Dr. Sergio Canello explains, “though it is undeniable that there are thousands of pollutants and each of them, in different ways, can gradually poison the organism and cause reactions that can even bring to cancer degeneration.” Antioxidants naturally deriving from plants, each with specific positive effects, build a fundamental barrier against free radicals, the molecular garbage that the body cannot eliminate efficiently. If the organism is normally able to “dismantle” and degrade the harmful substances coming from nature, it is not as efficient in facing chemical and pharmaceutical molecules developed by man: it is unable to manage them correctly and consequently free radicals develop and pollute the body and deteriorate it relentlessly. Hence, the diet needs to be supplemented with natural principles that play two roles at the same time: the one already described and the specific action related to weight control. PHYTOTHERAPEUTIC NATURAL PRINCIPLES. The mechanism has a basically hypoglicemizing action with thermogenic and anti-inflammatory effects; this is what the substances that SANYpet’s R&D department produce, being selected to control overweight and related health troubles. The natural principles of Gymnema sylvestre and Momordica charantia, combined with zinc, are able to reduce glucose intake in the gut, decrease the hyperglicemizing effect of food, promote the regeneration of ß pancreatic cells and stimulate insulin secretion.Coleus Forskohlii and Citrus Aurantium extracts have also a thermogenic action with a “fat burning” effect. The balanced ratio of Ω3/Ω6 1:1 and the high level of Ω3 (1%) have a pancreatic anti-inflammatory effect. The use of ascophyllum, an alga rich in fibre, produces alginato oligosaccharides (AOS). Once the pet eats the food, the tabs release a pool of natural substances that get in contact with AOS, which protect and transport them, enhancing their action and effectiveness. Thanks to AOS, the substances reach pancreas unaltered and reduce glucose intake. Proteins are guaranteed by the fish and fish hydrolysates included in the formula: they reduce postprandial hyperglycemic peaks and stimulate insulin release. This happens thanks to the increased bioavailability of alanine, arginine and glycine in synergy with gymnemic acid contained in Gymnema sylvestre. Carbohydrates are contained in brown rice, with very low glycemic index (GI<55) and long acting to keep blood glycemia steady. The high amount of food fibre reduces the food’s hyperglycemizing effect. It “blocks” lipids and reduces their intake in the gut.

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