First Principles Sampler

Page 35

victoria hansen


Pit Poach Pot Roast Pound



first principles

to force a food from a bag, through a pastry tip attached to the end of the bag to use as a decoration or garnish, or to shape dough, such as for profiteroles and éclairs. to remove the seed or pit. to cook eggs, fish, chicken, fruit and other delicate foods in hot liquid (below the boiling point), being very careful that the food also retains its shape. to brown meat in a small amount of fat, then finish cooking in a small amount of liquid. to flatten meats and poultry to a uniform thickness using a meat mallet or rolling pin. This ensures even cooking and also tenderizes tough meat by breaking up the connective tissue. Veal cutlets and chicken breasts are often pounded. to heat an oven to a stated temperature before using.


to pierce a food before cooking in order to: a) prevent buckling – as in an empty piecrust before it is baked, or b) bursting – such as a potato before baking, or sausages before cooking. Use the point of a sharp knife, a fork or a metal skewer.


a) to test yeast for potency: If you’re not sure if yeast is fresh and active, dissolve it in warm water (160°–175°C) with a pinch of sugar. If the mixture foams after 5–10 minutes, the yeast is fine to use, or b) proofing also refers to the rising stages of yeast doughs.

Punch Down

to deflate yeast dough after it has risen, which distributes the gluten (the elastic protein in flour that gives bread its strength) and prevents dough from over-rising. Punch your fist in the centre of the dough, and then pull the edges toward the centre.


Reconstitute Reduce Roast

to force vegetables, fruits and other foods through a fine sieve, food mill or to blend in an electric blender or food processor to produce a fine-textured substance. a procedure used for preparing dried foods, whereby the food is soaked in fresh water for a time. to evaporate some of the liquid in stock or sauce by gently simmering. cook/bake by dry heat in an oven, on a spit in an oven, over hot coals, or in an electric rotisserie.

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