Verse Magazine - The Grim Edition #29

Page 51

The stress of impending deadlines, personal

Let’s say you’re like the many students

troubles, and the realisation of an ever-

who are too busy to even think about life after

increasing student debt may distract you from

your degree. Once you graduate, you’ll likely

the fact that (most of) you will eventually

divide your time paying the rent by working

be leaving the classroom and transition into

a part-time job at Coles, honing your craft (if

the workplace—becoming a fully functional

you’re a creative), and applying for jobs related

member of society. For those who went from

to your field. But, let’s be real here, the local

high school, to a full-time study, this also

job market isn’t the greatest right now, and

signifies a transition from student, to grown

unless you’re a complete savant in your field,

adult with responsibility. While you’ve been

your chances are pretty slim—especially when

studying, perhaps you’ve created a plan for

you have to contend with those with the same

yourself and planted the seeds through temp

degree as you. In short, the number of people

work, placement, or simply utilising UniSA’s

per opportunity is significantly skewed against

career resources. But, whether you get a job

your favour. All of a sudden, it doesn’t become

straight out of uni, or bum around for the next

about what you’ve learnt through your degree,

twenty years, there is still one commonality,

but instead how you’ve applied those skills in a

and that is the real world is a terrifying place.

way that is better than the thousands of other

This does not refer to the very real horrors of

candidates. However, this is probably something

war, famine, genocide, discrimination, failing

you’ve heard a million times before by younger

democracy, nuclear weapons, gun violence,

graduates, or boomer family members who’ve

extremism, racial divide, murder, sexual

never had to live through it, but seem to have

assault, and environmental destruction—but

the wisdom and foresight to know.

rather, the existential Lovecraftian horror of being an ex-student.

Edition 29 2019


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