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The Vermilion Voice | October 20, 2020

OCTOBER 18 TO 24, 2020

Is A Pandemic The Right Time To Start Your Own Business? (NC) We’re all re-evaluating what work will look like in a post-pandemic world. Some major companies are eliminating office spaces and embracing working from home permanently, while savvy entrepreneurs are seeing opportunities for innovation and exciting new business ideas. While COVID -19 may be disrupting your current job, the new normal may also provide you with the push you need to reflect on your career goals. For example, now’s the perfect time to think about what you really want from your job, such as the f lexibilit y to work from home during hours that work for you and the ability to be your own boss. In fact, this type of independent work will be a major trend this year, as 45 per cent of Canada’s labour force will be generating self-employment income in

2020. Millennials are key drivers of this shift, as almost nine in 10 prefer to work when and where th ey c h o o s e, as o p p o s e d to a corporate 9-5 job. One way to test out your entrepreneurial acumen before diving headfirst into a business venture is becoming a direct selling consultant. Direct selling can provide you with the opportunity to gain business management abilities, build your confidence and hone your entrepreneurial skills. For those hoping to start their own business, it can provide a great training ground, where you can build the skills to become your best boss. Learn more about direct selling Photo submitted at dsa.ca.

Box 69, 4912 50 Avenue Kitscoty, AB T0B 2P0 PH: (780) 846-2244 PH: (780) 853-5492 FX: (780) 846-2716

Support Local Business

At the heart of our local economy are our Small Businesses - thank you for taking risks, challenging the norm, and being innovative!


Small Business Week

6205 � 43 Street, Lloydminster, AB 780�874�9155 • www.creativeglass.co Bernal Ulsifer � Owner/Manager


SHOP LOCAL You may be amazed at the variety of goods and services that can be found locally. Check out business listings through your local municipality or Chamber of Commerce. A Business Directory for the County can be found on our website. Local County businesses can sign up for this FREE listing anytime - just contact our Economic Development Officer. ADMINISTRATION | 780.846.2244

October 18th - 24th, 2020


4704 - 44 Street, Vermilion 780-853-5196

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