Pattern understanding

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@ /Pattern serendipity Conclusions over the design research as a opportunity creator. I was at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico recording in my notebook the confirming observation of the first pulsar discovered by the search which formed the basis for my Ph.D. thesis. As excited as I am sure I was at that point in time, I certainly had no idea of what lay in store for me in the months ahead, a path which would ultimately lead me here today.(...) I would like to take you along on a scientific adventure, a story of intense preparation, long hours, serendipity, and a certain level of compulsive behavior that tries to make sense out of everything that one observes. The remarkable and unexpected result of this detective story was a discovery which is still yielding fascinating scientific results to this day, nearly 20 years later, as Professor Taylor will describe for you in his lecture. I hope that by sharing this story with you, you will be able to join me in reliving the challenges and excitement of this adventure, and that we will all be rewarded with some personal insights as to the process of scientific discovery and the nature of science as a human endeavor. Russell A. Hulse The Discovery of the binar Pulsar

The design practice is an opportunity, not only to serve with end results but also to reflect on the process that exists behind the design. Whether the outcomes are definitive, the process that leads to these is generally broader in focus and leading to a wider range of opportunities. The qualities of the design process are generally enclosed under the perspective of personal development or creative individuality, which shouldn’t be copied. In a sense by not sharing the process the only ability to learn from a project relays on the final outcome, downsizing the capabilities of any project in terms of progress of the ideal of the same, not of the designer behind it.

scientific research, open and put into test, in opposition of the research and process privacy of the design technique. In the first, the base understanding of the research will bring quality not only to the same but to all those that can use as starting point knowledge tested and understood through other practices or researches.

Pattern understanding.

If we look again to Physics but also to other sciences, and we try to mirror design practices to the homonymous, we can see the understanding of the process as center of a


Arte Ăštil, Vanabbe museum, Eindhoven 2014

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