The Vegan Summer 1946

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W h e r e t h e M o n e y Goes T h e Chancellor of the Exchequer stated recently that the f o o d subsidies w e r e in o p e r a t i o n : <£ Eggs—fresh, frpzen and dried Meat Milk V Cheese' Butter M a r g a r i n e , Cooking Fats and Oils D r i e d and Condensed Milk Bacon N a t i o n a l M i l k and Milk in Schools Scheme A n i m a l Feeding Stuffs

following million. 37.9 30.1 24.5. 11.6 8.0 4.2 5.5 2.5 20.5 27.3

172.1 A l l other f o o d subsidies, including one of £64.9 million bread, flour a n d oatmeal, together amount to £135.9 million.


Atomic Energy Experiments T h e decision to use f o u r thousand animals in the atomic experi' m e n t s in the Pacific serves to emphasise the fact that the status of a n y t h i n g sub-human is, t o most folk, still no higher t h a n that of road stones. Governments dare act only a f t e r considering the possible reaction of public opinion, and as vivisection is legal both here and in A m e r i c a , the decision to use another f o u r thousand creatures in this n e w f o r m of vivisection was one that both Governments thought t h e y could take without risk of serious opposition. T h e measure of reaction to vivisection in both countries was known, and this doubtless influenced those who decided to place these f o u r thousand animals on the ships. Unless t h e r e is denunciation of cruelty generally, it becomes almost impossible to advance a strong case to oppose any specific cruelty. If it is right to vivisect, h o w can it be w r o n g to use animals in these atomic tests? If it is right to slaughter creatures for flesh foods, h o w can it be wrong to vivisect them? If it is right to slaughter calves t h a t men may drink their mothers' milk, h o w can it be w r o n g to slaughter old cows for meat? If it is right to use animal glues a n d leather, h o w can it be wrong to w e a r f u r s ? W h a t e v e r degree of consistency the individual may reach in practice, in theory (if h e is logical) he will not seek to justify one form of cruelty and condemn a n o t h e r . Logic forces the Vegan precept u p o n us. O n e reaction of the anti-vivisection societies to these atomic tests seems o p e n to question. W e read in one report, " C a r r y i n g out such' tests on animals seems not only reprehensible conduct but a f u t i l e m e t h o d of seeking information, as there would be no certainty

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