Happy Holidays!

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on behalf of the student body

funded by the

Making outsiders, Insiders | December 9th, 2021

OnBattles behalf of the Insider, Our & How We Cope

Happy Holidays! vinsider.ca CAMPUS 3: Don't Forget Your S.T.A.R. Hours!, The Shoe Box Project - It's a Wrap!, A New Start-Up on Campus, Pasko Na Naman! It's Christmas Again! NEWS 4: Marie-Victorin By-Election - Most Decisive Race Ahead of 2022 FEATURED 5: Montreal is in the Holiday Spirits! VOICES 5: Disappointed but Not Surprised - Kyle Ritten821 Ste-Croix, Saint-Laurent, QC, H4L 3X9 Tel: (514)744-7500, ext. 7059 studentnewspaper@vaniercollege.qc.ca

vcsainsider ALUMNI

house Trial 6: Ballad of Lonesome Jack: From FNG to EIC ENTERTAINMENT


6-7: The Call of the Sea 7-8: Whiskey Jack Radio - Top 10 Country Songs of 2021 ARTS 8: Stitched, Warming Holidays 9: Christmas Tree of a Broke College Student

9: Christmas in Germany 10: Celebrating the Holidays, Faith, Family and Food 11: Favourite Things To Do Over the Holidays FUN PAGE 12: Horoscopes, Eggnog Recipe, Wordsearch, Jokes

...AND SO MUCH MORE! Wednesday, April 1st | Winter 2020 | Issue 3


Thursday, December 9 | Fall 2021 | Issue 4


Editor’s Note

Editor-in-Chief Jacques Wang Assistant Editor Isabella Del Grosso Executive Diba Copy Editors Jacques Wang Isabella Del Grosso Diba Contributors Isabella Del Grosso Claudia Bruscia Jacques Wang Diba Marieke Glorieux-Stryckman L.E.Y. Melissa Deng Roy Lesage Katya Jutras Sydney L. Kayla Vanier's Oracle Ihsane Fakhir Alumni Contributors Yvonne Y. F. Kelle Holiday-themed stickers Kaycee Cua

Assistant Editor’s Note

Dear readers,

Dear readers,

I can’t believe we’ve finally reached the Holidays season. As we spend the final days of the first back-on-campus semester, I want to take a moment to thank everyone here at Vanier. I want to thank everyone who has contributed to our four different issues. I want to thank everyone who took a copy of our newspaper and read all of the work of our amazing & talented team. Most importantly, I want to thank everyone who has given me the confidence to lead the Insider throughout the last four months. Thanks to you, we brought the Insider back on campus, stronger than ever. Without our ever-lasting support, I wouldn’t be here writing for you and making the Insider an essential role in our college community. It is one of the best Christmas gifts I’ve ever received. As a final treat, allow me to showcase the work of our outstanding contributors who have dedicated their time amidst the end-of-semester rush to present their talents in the light of the Holidays’ spirits. As you have noticed, this year, we are delighted to present our new contest, How Do You Celebrate Your Holidays. A huge thank you and congratulations to Katya, Sydney and Kayla for participating in our Holiday-themed contest. We couldn’t have made this possible without your heartwarming generosity and stories. As we close another chapter of our lives, I wish to see each other again next semester, and I hope to carry on the legacy of our newspaper for yet another term.

We’re both happy and very sad to announce the release of our last issue of the semester! Thank you to all who contributed to our issue and our How Do You Celebrate Your Holidays writing contest. We would also like to thank the Vanier Christian Fellowship and Vanier Filipino Association for their help promoting :) Thank you to all who supported and contributed to our issues; we would not have gotten this far without all your hard work. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to work with this semester, and I can’t wait to work with this incredible team next semester to give you all brand new issues. We hope you have a restful winter break, and we will see you next semester! Isabella Del Grosso, Assistant Editor-in-Chief

On behalf of the entire VCSA Insider team, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year for 2022.

Layout Jacques Wang Cover Page Photo Instagram @mtlblog

Please pass onto a friend or recycle after reading!

Jacques Wang, Editor-in-Chief

Upcoming Events December 9: Eco Holiday Fest @

December 24: Christmas Eve

Jake's December 25: Christmas Day December 10: Eco Holiday Fest @ Jake's

December 25 - January 1: Holiday Break for Staff

December 13: Last day of classes!

December 31: New Year's Eve; Deadline for submission for

December 15: English Exit Exam;

semester grades



VCFA's Pasko Na Naman! It's Christmas Again event

January 1: First day of 2022!

December 16-21: Evaluation and

January 4-14: Intersession

Examination period


December 17: S.T.A.R. hours

January 5-13: Registration Period

submission deadline January 17: First day of the WinDecember 21: VSL's Winter Werewolf event December 22: VSL's Winter bingo event


Thursday, December Fall 2021 | Issue 43 Wednesday, April 1st 9| |Winter 2020 | Issue

ter 2022 semester!



Don't Forget Your S.T.A.R. Hours! Isabella Del Grosso

On Omnivox, you can officially download the S.T.A.R. hours request application! For those who don’t know, the S.T.A.R. program recognizes a minimum of 60 hours of volunteer work and participation on and off-campus and will be recognized on your transcript. Any volunteer work or club participation on campus can be used for S.T.A.R. hours, whether volunteering for the open house, aiding in V.C.S.A. events, or even writing for the Insider! It’s important to note that you can receive S.T.A.R. hours only if: - You are a full-time student - Not on academic probation - Did not receive financial compensation or academic credit - Have a supervisor confirm your hours The deadline is December 17 at midnight. Check Omnivox or send a MIO to Kristen Whitelaw or see her in her office in B-205E for more information!

The Shoe Box Project - It's a Wrap!

A New Start-Up On Campus

Through donations from Vanier students, staff, friends and family, the Vanier Shoe Box Project created 42 giftfilled shoe boxes. These holiday gifts will be donated to local women’s shelters for those impacted by homelessness. This project served a purpose to share kindness and love with the less fortunate during the holiday season.

Social Science students were able to attend a “coffee break” activity on September 29th and November 17th. This initiative serves as an “informal” discussion space amongst students and economics teachers where Applied Economics can be discussed outside of a classroom setting. Their first meeting was about Personal Finance and Wealth Management in the Age of Millennials, while their second meeting explored the Bridges and frontiers between Economics and Psychology.

I’d like to thank my team of volunteers who assisted me throughout this month-long project:

During the first meeting, students were able to share their thoughts on portfolio diversification, real estate, and cryptocurrency while engaging in stimulating discussions with their peers. They were able to understand the human behaviour and rationality needed in decision making, which impacts one’s investments. The importance behind a clear understanding of macroeconomic indicators and market dynamics was also focal in the discussion.

Claudia Bruscia

- Alexia Wojcik Da Silva; - Gabriella Gratton; -Vanessa Papamanolioudakis; - Dhimahi Jigneshkumar Patel; - Victoria Lattas-Patrinos; - Alexandra Tsigaras. I’d also like to thank the Vanier Christian Fellowship for their generous contribution. This fundraiser was a great success thanks to your generosity and contributions!

Claudia Bruscia

When discussing the connection between Economics and Psychology, many spoke about mental health, the influence of socio-economic factors and the lack of effective resources available in society. Some students and teachers spoke about ways they influence themselves to live healthier lives through small changes in their daily habits. This second meeting also allowed students to better understand the political cost related to the promotion of effective health policies. If you are interested in the world of Applied Economics, stay tuned for more “coffee break” activities during Winter 2022!

Pasko Na Naman! It's Christmas Again!

Jacques Wang (in coordination with the Vanier College Filipino Association) Hey there, Vanier students! Are you looking for a group activity to do over the Holidays? The Vanier College Filipino Association (VCFA) will be organizing their first Christmas event on Wednesday, December 15, and all Vanier students are welcome to join! Titled Pasko Na Naman! It’s Christmas Again!, the VCFA will be offering classic Filipino food as well as food from Aunt Dai restaurant. It is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the end of your semester, meet some new friends and learn more about Filipino culture. Admission is free, and the event will be hosted from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at the Aunt Dai restaurant (at 1448 Rue Saint Mathieu, Montréal, near the Guy-Concordia metro station). All participants must be show proof of vaccination and must sign up at their Eventbrite site by scanning the QR code on the right.

Wednesday, 1st | Winter Thursday,April December 9| Fall 2020 2021 || Issue Issue 34



Marie-Victorin By-Election: Most Decisive Race Ahead of 2022 Jacques Wang

are gaining media coverage, the sovereigntist party has struggled to get popular support. According to the last Léger Quebec election poll, the PQ has 13% support amongst voters. To add insults to injury, according to the poll aggregate site 338Canada, should the byelection happen today, the PQ would lose Marie-Victorin with just 21% of the votes. However, the PQ is confident they can still take back this downtown Longueuil riding with their star candidate, Pierre Nantel.

The South Shore provincial electoral district of Marie-Victorin highlighted in red. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Following the Quebec municipal election, Independent MNA Catherine Fournier resigned to become mayor of Longueuil, triggering a by-election in her electoral district of Marie-Victorin. The race to replace Fournier may shape the outcome for the 2022 provincial elections and the political landscape of Quebec for the next decade.

Independent MNA Catherine Fournier resigned to assume her role as mayor of Longueuil. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Ever since its creation, the electoral district of Marie-Victorin served as a Parti Québécois stronghold. Since 1985, each MNA from this South Shore riding has been elected under the PQ banner. In 2016, then-24year-old Catherine Fournier continued the trend when elected to the National As-


sembly. Two years later, in the 2018 general election, Fournier was narrowly elected with a 705-vote lead over CAQ candidate Martyne Prévost. Fournier later quit the PQ a few months later and sat as an Independent until her resignation.

The eventual MarieVictorin by-election will challenge all parties at the National Assembly. For the Parti Québécois, it will be their ultimate test ahead of the 2022 elections.

In 2018, the Parti Québécois was reduced from 30 to just ten seats at the National Assembly. Since then, the PQ's parliamentary caucus shrank to seven, with members (including Fournier) leaving the party for various reasons. Under the leadership of Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, the PQ has been distancing themselves from the governing Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) by taking a pur et dur approach to Quebec sovereignty and the protection of the French language, like extending Bill 101 to English cégeps. Although the PQ's ideas

Pierre Nantel was the former MP for Longueuil— St-Hubert for more than eight years. Nantel was initially elected in 2011 with the NDP before leaving the party to stand as a Green Party candidate in the 2019 federal election unsuccessfully. Despite being a former member of two federalist parties, Nantel was

gault has been constantly ranked as one of the most popular premiers in Canada. Legault and the CAQ's popularity across Quebec could make Marie-Victorin an easy victory for them. According to 338Canada, the CAQ, which already holds a 2/3 majority at the Quebec National Assembly, could win Marie-Victorin with 41% of the votes. Although the CAQ has yet to announce their candidate, the centre-right nationalist party expressed confidence in winning that South Shore riding. However, if the CAQ takes Marie-Victorin for granted and ends up losing the district, this defeat would contradict the CAQ’s popularity in the polls.

For Québec Solidaire, Marie-Victorin will be a riding the left-wing sovereigntist

For the Quebec Liberal Party (QLP), Marie-Victorin will be a tell-tale sign of how the party might fare ahead of 2022. The Liberals initially offered to stand down should the PQ's extraparliamentary leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon seek to enter the National Assembly. However, when the latter declined to run, the Liberals placed 35-year-old social researcher Émilie Nolet as their candidate. In 2018, the Liberals placed fourth in Marie-Victorin. Since the last general election, the Liberals have suffered low popularity in the latest polls. Despite coming in second provincially, the QLP has only 9% support amongst Francophone voters. Concerning Marie-Victorin is mainly a Francophone riding, there is little hope that the Liberals may finish higher than fourth place.

The Marie-Victorin byelection could also prove a breakthrough for two smaller parties: the Conservative Party of Quebec and the newly formed ecosovereigntist party Climat Québec.

Former NDP MP Pierre Nantel to run under the Parti Québécois banner in the upcoming by-election.

known for his support for Quebec sovereignty. Asked why Nantel decided to join the PQ, the popular former MP named the decline for the French language around Montreal as his main motive to run for office. If unelected, Nantel affirmed he would run again in the 2022 general election. However, should the PQ lose Marie-Victorin, it may certify the PQ's fate ahead of the 2022 general election.

For the CAQ, the MarieVictorin will be the ultimate test of their popularity. Since forming the government in 2018, the CAQ has enjoyed tremendous electoral support of around 46%. Premier François Le-

Wednesday, Thursday, December April 1st 9| |Winter Fall 2021 2020 | Issue | Issue 43

party wants to win. In 2018, Québec Solidaire (QS) won an impressive ten seats and became the third-largest party at the National Assembly. Most of their support comes from young voters and university students. As Marie-Victorin is home to both demographics, it is no wonder why QS would want a victory there. However, QS will come to this race with a disadvantage. Carl Lévesque, who served as the QS candidate since 2012, has been recently elected as a Longueuil city councillor. QS has yet to announce their replacement candidate, but QS co-leader Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois is determined to win MarieVictorin.

cording to the latest polls, the CPQ has around 10% of support across the province. Should the CPQ run a candidate in Marie-Victorin, it would determine whether the opposition to sanitary health measures can materialize into votes. Former Bloc Québécois leader Martine Ouellette has announced she should be running in Marie-Victorin as the leader of Climat Québec. Ouellette founded Climat Québec earlier in the year to tackle climate change by advocating for Quebec's independence. Concerning that Ouellette was the former MNA for the nearby Longueuil riding of Vachon, Climat Québec can leave an impact on the upcoming by-election.

Premier François Legault has indicated he would call a by-election in MarieVictorin after the holidays. Once the electoral writs are dropped, all political parties will be focusing on this crucial Longueuil riding.

Ever since popular radio talk host Éric Duhaime became the Conservative Party of Quebec (CPQ) leader, the minor right-wing libertarian party has gained widespread attention for its opposition to the COVID-19 sanitary health measures lockdowns, mandatory vaccination, and the vaccine passport. Iberville MNA Claire Samson has even left the CAQ to become the CPQ's first sitting MNA. Ac-

Liberal candidate Émilie Nolet (left) alongside Quebec Liberal Party leader Dominique Anglade (right) Source: La Presse


Montreal is in the Holidays Spirit! Diba Montreal is filled with spectacular shows and festive events during the holidays. There are several events and sceneries for you to enjoy throughout the holidays in Montreal. Jardins d'Hiver The Quartier des Spectacles Jardins d'Hiver has returned to Montreal, which you can visit any day during this month. It will be open from 11 am to 8 pm. It is free to visit. Not only has a giant Christmas tree all lit up, but Jardins d'Hiver sells local products such as maple syrup, toys, Christmas decor, clothes, food and drinks.

Old Port Skating Rink Old Port Skating Rink in Montreal will be opening on December 11. It will be open from MondayWednesday from 9 am to 9 pm and from 9 am to 10 pm on Thursday-Saturday. Seasonal tickets cost 24$.

Maison Pépin If you want to have a professional Christmas photoshoot taken for Instagram or your holiday cards, then Maison Pépin is the spot. Maison Pépin's alleyway has been transformed into a breathtaking rustic Christmas market. From now until December 19, groups of


up to 4 people will be able to rent out the space for a photoshoot. The photoshoot will be professionally taken by Rox Out's professional photography team. The shop is located at 378 Rue St-Paul Ouest and will be open from 10 am to 6 pm every day. The photoshoot

session will cost 150$. Fountain Boréale A giant Christmas fountain known as "Fountain Boréale" is placed in the Complexe Desjardins for the holidays. The immersive multi-sensory experience features the Complexe Desjardins Grande-Place

water fountain, completely decked out in the Christmas spirit. It is free to visit and will be open every day during this month from 10 am-6 pm. Notre Dame Basilica Celebrate Christmas Day Mass at the most historic church in Montreal! The Mass works on a first-come, first-served basis. It features a 25-person choir. The church itself holds space for 250 people. It will be held on December 25 at 9 am, and again at 11 am and at 5 pm, and it is free. "Charlie Brown Christmas" by Taurey Butler Trio


cost 30$. Hiverside Bar



On December 10, Riverside St-Henri will be hosting a pop-up ice bar. The Riverside's pop-up winter event, titled "Hiverside," will feature an ice bar inside a massive 40-foot by 20-foot inflatable igloo. The event will be on December 10 from 3 pm-2 am, at 5020 Saint Ambroise. Admission is free, must be 18+ to attend the event, reservation is required. Free Access to Exhibitions at Museum of Fine

The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts is allowing the general public free access to its permanent collections and three discovery exhibitions from now until December 24. From 10am to 5pm. Located at 1380 Sherbrooke Ouest. The exhibitions that are free to visit are Sumarnott: Death Is Elsewhere, Intimacy of Strangers by Anne Duk Hee Jordan, and Ecologies: A Song for Our Planet. Each exhibition has something new and mesmerizing to offer.

Vince Guaraldi's classic album "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is covered by the Taurey Butler Trio's jazz band at Theatre Beaubois. It will take place on December 11 at 7:30 pm, at Theatre Beaubois, 4901 Rue du College-Beaubois. The tickets

Disappointed, but not surprised – The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Isabella Del Grosso

News and interviewed by Tucker Carlson over the trial and the events that took place.

Then-17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse carrying an AR-15 style assault rifle during the Kenosha unrest shooting. Screenshot source: The Progressive

On August 25th, 2020, Kyle Rittenhouse killed two people and injured one following a protest over the murder of Jacob Blake at the hands of police officers. You may remember this story circulating last summer, specifically the photo of him carrying an AR-15 and not being stopped by police. In November, Rittenhouse

stood trial for six criminal charges, including intentional homicide, attempted intentional homicide and possession of a dangerous weapon by a minor. Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges with the defence that he was acting in selfdefence. While the trial had multi-

ple key highlights, the most viral moment was Rittenhouse breaking down crying over his regretting what he had done. Safe to say that he does not look like he regrets anything now and has become a so-called symbol of the second amendment and the right to selfdefence. Rittenhouse was even recently invited on Fox

When looking at second amendment rights, self-defence is the main argument in its defence. That people need guns for home invasions and possible threats; however, the problem with this is that possible threats are not necessarily actual threats. In the case of Rittenhouse, who claims he was defending a car dealership, everyone he shot was not armed and, in fact, attempting to get the gun away from him. This is not a clear case of self-defence. When you look at previous trials of marginalized people going to prison for self-defence, it is easy to remember that the justice system was a system built to benefit people that look just like Rittenhouse. As a runaway, Cyntoia

Brown was forced into prostitution in 2005 at the age of sixteen. Johnny Mitchell Allen was forty-three and hired Brown for sex. Brown feared for her life after the man revealed his gun collection to her, and when her resisting him did not work, she shot him. During the trial, Brown’s defence was evidently self-defence, while prosecutors used her status as a runway to say that she killed Allen to rob him. Cyntoia Brown was tried as an adult, convicted of firstdegree murder, and sentenced to life in prison. She was only recently released after spending fifteen years behind bars. That is because her story went viral on Twitter, and many celebrities called for her release, including Kim Kardashian.

defence just like the Rittenhouse case, and that did not work. The trial of the murder of Ahmaud Arbery was justice served, yet despite this, racially motivated murders are still on the rise. For every white man convicted of murder, so many more are acquitted. Cyntoia Brown was a child forced into sex work, and Rittenhouse is a self-proclaimed defender of rights. You should not be surprised that the system chose to protect Rittenhouse and people just like him; it was built to do exactly that. The only way to rise above this would be a complete reform of this justice system designed to uphold white supremacy ideals.

It is also worth noting that recently the murderers of Ahmaud Arbery attempted to defend themselves in court using the claim of self-

Thursday,April December 9| Fall 2020 2021 || Issue Issue 34 Wednesday, 1st | Winter


Ballad of Lonesome Jack: From FNG to EIC Jacques Wang

It goes without saying that this semester has been an emotional rollercoaster ride for me. Well, pretty much my entire cégep has been an emotional rollercoaster ride. When I rolled into Vanier back in the fall of ’19, I ditched my birth name and decided to start a new life as Jack. I left everything that reminded me of my difficult years in high school in the rear-view mirror. When I attended my classes, I knew I was missing something from my life. I ain’t called Lonesome Jack for nothing. I had no friends by my side. Friends ain’t something that comes easily to me. Pretty much everyone I saw at Vanier was in their little gang. I was drowning

all the work I’ve done for the Insider paid off. When I was summoned to join the executive team, I was unanimously made editor-inchief – a position I thought I’d never achieved. However, I realized I was the only guy left from the prepandemic team. I felt like a private promoted to 5-star general overnight. Because many students had never set foot on campus before, I felt like my team and I had to rebuild the Insider from the ground up.

in the hallways of laughter and smiles most of the time. They say that the best part of your life starts at seventeen. But all I had were wings but no sky to fly. I just had a front-row seat of everyone taking off. I often felt unwanted by my peers. I felt I was denied the opportunity to leave my mark. All the mud I threw on the wall failed to stick. I knew I had to do something. I joined the Insider the following semester as a way to break out of my loneliness. When I wrote my first article, I knew I had joined a team of dedicated and passionate students. I realized I had some big shoes to fill if I wanted to move up the ranks amongst that gang. By the time I was trying to

mingle with the team, the pandemic had come and ravaged every part of our social life. It seemed life was determined to see me fail when it came to socializing. As I struggled with online learning, I continued writing for the Insider as a coping mechanic. However, despite the lack of in-person social interactions, I made new connections online through my classes. However, by the time online schooling was coming to an end, all my friends I made left Vanier either for university or somewhere else. I believed I was left finishing cégep alone, just like in 2019. It turns out I couldn’t be more wrong. It turns out

ENTERTAINMENT The Call of the Sea Marieke Glorieux-Stryckman 2021 has been called by some “the year of sea shanties”. Somehow, during our pandemic isolation, shanties became a popular trend on Tik Tok, bringing back old stories of pirates, travellers, and the open sea. While sailor songs are at least as old as the 14th century, sea shanties as we know them did not originate on ships; they draw their roots from African American and Caribbean work songs. These were sung when boat-rowing, working


on plantations or unloading docks. These songs often followed a call-and-answer format, with one person leading the other workers. Since workers matched the rhythm of the songs to that of their task, the tempo was often flexible, and the songs had an overall sense of freedom. The work songs eventually found their way across the sea, where they mixed these elements with Irish and Scottish folk songs to eventually become sea shanties. Interestingly, on our side of the Atlantic, flex-

ible tempos and melodic freedom became essential characteristics of jazz. Sea shanties were sung on merchant boats and used to distract and entertain sailors on voyages that were often long and boring. The rhythm of these songs was also adapted to everyday sailing tasks like hoisting sails, which helped the sailors stay synchronized while working. Most ships had a shantyman, who led the sailors in their chants. The shantyman was a highly

Thursday, December Fall 2021 | Issue 43 Wednesday, April 1st 9| |Winter 2020 | Issue

By becoming EIC, something else happened in my life. I was finally making friends here at Vanier. Whether it was the friends I made with my executive team or the friends I made at the VCSA, I couldn’t be happier for the first two months and a half of the semester. This all came crashing down when November came. November – the month of unhappiness, I called it. All the bad events that happened in my life seemed to always fall in November. I realized I had to lose all the friends I made at Vanier after graduating this December. It seemed everything I’ve done this semester was for nothing, as I would soon be leaving. It became apparent I didn’t want to leave Vanier. I no longer wanted to be alone no more. I no longer wanted to make friends just to lose them. All I wanted was to make longterm friends. All I wanted

was to feel wanted by my friends. All I wanted was to have some friends to care deeply about me. All this fear of potential loneliness opened the wounds that I had accumulated in high school. It was like life was repeating itself. It was then I realized I was wrong. I had friends who cared about me and made me feel wanted. It may not like what I expected, but I can sense this feeling of appreciation from everyone here at Vanier. If it were not for my friends at the Insider and at the VCSA, I would have never opened my eyes to the legacy I’m leaving here at the Insider. I finally realized the mark I’m leaving at Vanier. Without the help of my friends, I would have never achieved what I’m doing now.

I don’t know what the future holds for me. I don’t know what’s going to happen next semester. But I know that I no longer have to worry about my past haunting me. Life is like an upward spiral staircase. Life will repeat itself. It will repeat itself for the better.

valued member of the crew and rewarded with a lightened workload and extra alcohol. This leader would sing the call in most shanties, followed by the crew’s answer. This simple format can be found in many other styles of music (some religious music, for example). The individual call answered by the strength of the group created a strong sense of community and unity within the singers. Other characteristics of Irish and Scottish folk music became important in shanties: they mostly used the major and pentatonic modes, were often in triplets, and the lyrics

often contained barely hidden innuendos. So why did sea shanties make a comeback in recent months? Many musicians behind this renewed popularity believe that the pandemic has left us feeling lonely and bored, just as sailors may have felt on a long trip. Shanties are designed to bring people together, which we need now more than ever. Additionally, the duet feature on Tik Tok has made it easy for creators to collaborate and create a complete arrangement of old shanties (many of them are available online!) Singing these old songs helped many

people in times of isolation, and their message of good times ahead may be appreciated as we enter the winter months.

Whiskey Jack Radio - Top 10 Country Songs of 2021 Jacques Wang As we approach the end of 2021 and kiss another unusual and unforgettable year goodbye, here at the Insider, we thought it would be a great idea to have our favourite cowboyhat wearing country music junkie and Nashville correspondent rank down what he thinks are some of the year's best country singles and number one's songs out there. 10. "Heart on Fire" – Eric Church Starting off this list, we have Eric Church's "Heart on Fire" from the triple album Heart & Soul. With the release of that triple album, 2021 marks an ambitious year for the last year's winner of the CMA Entertainer of the Year. The first track and second single from Church's latest album give listeners a good taste of the hybrid musical style of country, rock & roll, and Southern rock that fans love from the Grammy-nominated singersongwriter. For that reason, "Heart on Fire" makes it on this list. The mixture of all those music genres creates an energetic head-nodding track that will make you sing along and turn it up for whenever you want to take a drive on an empty highway. With his latest single and albums, Church knows how to keep fans' expectations high and set their hearts on fire. 9. "Sand in My Boots" – Morgan Wallen In February of this year,

personal stories, morals and life lessons to listeners. Kissel's latest number-one hit, "Make a Life, Not of Living," does precisely that.

up-and-coming country singer Morgan Wallen was disgraced from the public after videos of him uttering racial slurs surfaced online. Since then, Wallen's music is still capable of attracting fans. Following Wallen's public apology in July, his song "Sand in My Boots" from Wallen's latest album Dangerous: The Double Album began to receive airplay time on radio stations that previously blacklisted him. "Sand in My Boots" offers a downhearted track to listeners in contrast to Morgan Wallen's usual party and drinking-themed songs. The sorrow lyrics and Wallen's bittersweet vocals perfectly illustrate the heartbreaking story of a could-have-been love. Every verse packs a melancholic punch that will make readers reminisce about their love-gonewrong experiences. Wallen did a phenomenal job in delivering such an emotional and touching song. It is why "Sand in My Boots" deserves the number nine spot on our list. 8. "What's Your Country Song" – Thomas Rhett

If you are new to country music and want to learn more about what made the genre popular in the 80s and the 90s, let Thomas Rhett's "What's Your Country Song" guide you through this nostalgic ride. All the direct references to past country songs make the track memorable and highly praised. In the lyrics, Rhett managed to fit in a total of 16 different classic country songs ranging from "All My Ex's Live in Texas" by George Strait to "That Ain't My Truck" by Rhett Akins (who is also Thomas Rhett's own father). Apart from all those referential lyrics, "What's Your Country Song" is a smooth and uplifting track that will always put a smile on your face. Even if you don't understand all the references, you can't help but deny the nostalgia you felt listening to this lyrical masterpiece. For this reason, Thomas Rhett makes it to our number eight spot. 7. "Thinking 'Bout You" – Dustin Lynch (featuring MacKenzie Porter) Despite



released last year, Dustin Lynch's "Thinking 'Bout You" surged in popularity when it was re-recorded with Canadian singer and actress MacKenzie Porter. "Thinking 'Bout You" retells the story of two former lovers reminiscing about their relationship through the point of view of both parties. What makes "Thinking 'Bout You" stand out is the happiness that carried from start to end. Lynch and Porter's powerful duet makes this song so catchy and nostalgic. The whole concept of two former lovers being able to retell their relationship positively is such a refreshing take from all those sad breakup songs. For that reason, "Thinking 'Bout You" is ranked number seven. 6. "Make a Life, Not a Living" – Brett Kissel It is no secret that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic gives people time to think about their lives and the future ahead of them. Canadian country singer Brett Kissel is no exception. With the release of his fifth album, What is Life?, the Alberta native shares some

Co-written with fellow Canadian country singer Steven Lee Olsen, "Make a Life, Not a Living" serves as a happy reminder that being happy with what you have and not what you don't. The song's joyful and dance-inducing music combined with the messaging in the lyrics makes "Make a Life, Not a Living" the best uplifting song that is out there. Kissel's upbeat vibes and messages are the reason why it is ranked number-6 on our list. 5. "Never Wanted to Be That Girl" – Carly Pearce (featuring Ashley McBryde) 2021 has been an emotional rollercoaster ride for Carly Pearce. The latest member of the prestigious Grand Ole Opry and winner of this year's CMA female vocalist released her third album, 29: Written in Stone. Pearce's latest album was released following her divorce from singer-songwriter Michael Ray after eight months of marriage. In that album, Pearce shares some personal and gut-wrenching songs. One of them is "Never Wanted to Be That Girl." "Never Wanted to Be That Girl" is a duet performance from Carly Pearce and fellow country singer Ashley McBryde. The song tells the story of two women finding out that they

are dating seeing the same man. As the title suggests, both women never wanted to deal with a love triangle. The song did a fantastic job portraying how it is a problem that anyone could face in life. Both Pearce and McBryde did an incredible job touching on an emotional and mature subject. 4. "Somebody Like That" – Tenille Arts 2021 was a terrific year of success for Tenille Arts. With her hit single "Somebody Like That," the Saskatchewan-born singer became the first Canadian country star to reach number-one in the United States since 2007. After listening to her hit single, it is not hard to see why. Unlike some of Tenille Arts' previous works, "Somebody Like That" puts a positive spin on love. Instead of focusing on breakups, "Somebody Like That" focuses on looking for long-lasting relationships. What makes "Somebody Like That" is how catchy the song is. This song will make everyone dance to its tune. To celebrate Tenille Arts' success, "Somebody Like That" is ranked number four on our list. 3. "half of my hometown" – Kelsea Ballerini (featuring Kenny Chesney) If there is one name that every young country music fan will know and love, it is Kelsea Ballerini. The youngest member of the Grand Ole Opry won this year's Musical Event and Video of

Thursday,April December 9| Fall 2020 2021 || Issue Issue 34 Wednesday, 1st | Winter


the Year at the Country Music Association Awards with her song "half of my hometown."

paired with Kelsea Ballerini's voice make "half of my hometown" such a heartwarming track.

With the help of country star Kenny Chesney, Kelsea Ballerini paints her hometown in an honest and down-to-earth light. In "half of my hometown," the two Knoxville, Tennessee natives retells the two different realities that the folks living in their birthplace. By singing about the other realities of the people of Knoxville, Ballerini does justice to her hometown in seriousness and shows a message of how it is because of those realities that make the young countrypop singer the person she is today. Kenny Chesney's deep and smooth vocals

2. "If I Didn't Love You" – Jason Aldean (featuring Carrie Underwood)


Speaking of another duet, at our number two-stop, we got "If I Didn't Love You" by Jason Aldean and Carrie Underwood. There is so much to be said about the first single from Jason Aldean's latest album MACON. "If I Didn't Love You" is a song that describes how two former lovers cannot move on from their relationship due to the attachment both parties have toward each other. And, boy, how powerful of a duet it was. Both Jason Aldean and

Of course, how can I not end this list without mentioning Luke Combs and

"Forever After All" serves as a sequel to two of Luke Combs' previous numberone singles, "Beautiful Crazy" and "Better Together." All three songs were dedicated to his wife, Nicole, whom he married a few months before the release of "Forever After All." In this tender and romantic love ballad, Combs remarks how, unlike tangible objects, his

thoroughly. If you were the type of person, I would be ready to risk anything to be together. But I guess you being inconsistent and constantly having a jerk behaviour with polished words allowed me to see a glimpse of who you truly are. I kept denying it to myself, constantly trying to understand you and taking everything into consideration that maybe you were just tired or maybe you were trying to deal with some of your unhealed scars. However, it is not a sufficient reason for you to have an unreasonable behaviour towards anyone. The day finally came when you decided to contact me. I was surprised

and sadly not expecting it anymore because my heart was so confused, and I didn’t know how to assess my feelings anymore. With a confused heart, I still decided to respond to your messages, yet deep inside, I was constantly hoping that we could work things out and figure out a solution because I was lost and confused. Without hesitation on that day, we were trying to figure out the status of our relationship, if we were a thing or not. I honestly wanted to test things out to see the possibility that could happen between us.

However, things went down quickly because you wanted a casual relationship in a sense where you wanted something I couldn’t give to you. “Give head”, at first I didn’t know the meaning, and you refused to explain it to me. I had to toughen up to ask a friend. Honestly, I was shocked by the response. Still, I was even more surprised to know why you didn’t want a serious relationship because we didn’t belong in the same church, which is understandable for it is the same case for me, but you wanted a BJ, which is also a sexual act. I tried explaining to you the reason why I couldn’t do it, but you were

Warming Holidays Melissa Deng As tiny snowflakes swiftly fall from the sky, All graceful like a shiny star rainfall,

As joyful parties are still going on,

While dancing in the cold, they beautify

And children’s laughers encore resonate,

The whole world with a thick white coat for all.

As the glacial north wind is whistling outside Like mumbles calling out the unknown storm, Its whisper in our ears is magnified,

Together people gather until dawn, And stay away from the arctic climate

It’s only through winter’s freezing coldness, That we can have a taste of life’s sweetness.

Reminding us to safely go back home.


love and marriage to his wife will "last forever after all," even after death. "Forever After All" showcases Luke Combs' exceptional talent for song writing heavenly. You can hear Combs's passionate effort and dedication in crafting this song. Every verse is sure to bring a tear to your eyes and goosebumps to your arms. It is no wonder why "Forever After All" is Luke Combs' best work to this date. The music, lyrics and message are way too gorgeous not to be acknowledged. You do not have to enjoy country music to appreciate the beauty of this decade defining-song. "Forever After All" easily deserves the number-one position on our list of the

best country songs of 2021 and the number-one spot on my wedding songs list.

There we have it, folks – the best country songs of 2021! I hope you agree with our rankings and take a moment to listen to all the pieces and artists on this list. As 2021 comes to an end, we can't wait to see what Nashville and co. have to offer next year.

relationship. Readers discretion is advised.


During those three days, I constantly checked my phone and anxiously waited for your messages. However, as much as I was stressed, I was able to think

1. "Forever After All" – Luke Combs

his most successful song to date, "Forever After All." Even though it topped the chart since the end of 2020, the reason why "Forever After All" makes it onto our list is because of the multiple shattered records it accomplished in 2021, such as being the highest Billboard Hot 100 debut for a male country artist.

TRIGGER WARNING: Depiction of sexual explicit scenary and unwanted sexual


After meeting you that day, you left me in an anxious, blindsided state, for you have decided not to contact me for three long days.

Carrie Underwood did a mesmerizing job with their latest single. Aldean's and Underwood's performances are so jaw-dropping to describe. "If I Didn't Love You" is sure to make you sing along and try to match the two country titans' vocals. For this song, both Aldean and Underwood have been nominated at next year's 64th Annual Grammy Awards for the Best Country Duo/Group Performance category. As a celebration of their nomination, "If I Didn't Love You" ranks numbertwo on our list.

Thursday, Wednesday, December April 1st9||Winter Fall 2021 2020 | Issue | Issue 4 3

so narrow-minded and being a prick that you just left me without giving me any clarification. The audacity to tell me I had a pure, beautiful heart, but you just threw away the chance to take care of it. Love comes in different forms, but the most important one is SELF-LOVE. As it defines your capability to have respect and take care of yourself. Unfortunately, your leaving was a blessing in disguise. Continuous blessings came and portrayed me as the real colour of people. You leaving proves that my faith is bigger than lust. You leaving proves that not all people

are worthy. You leaving showed your truest intention. You leaving proves I’m better without you. Affected or not, it has drained me and burned me out to the max, having no option of stopping or even taking a break. I’m striving hard and stitching up all the pieces with all the strength left in me with a strong heart.

Christmas Tree of a Broke College Student

Roy Lesage


Christmas in Germany Yvonne Y. F. Kelle

Holidays. Consumerism. Your Fall 2021 Semester exams and end-of-the-term projects. These must be on your mind as Christmas is drawing near, mustn’t they? Coming from a background as a Health Science graduate at Vanier, having lived in Hong Kong where shops are all over the town and with the habit of spending ample time with family, friends and loved ones over the holidays, “holidays” and “consumerism” obviously pop up on my mind as Christmas is happening in less than a month. Now settled in Germany, how has my Fall 2021 been? Have my points-ofview about “holidays” and “consumerism” over Christmas changed over time after living here for five years? How is Christmas lived in Germany?

During my Vanier days, I spent my Winter holidays with my brother, who resides in Ottawa. On every 31st December, we would cheer over a self-made mojito. Since I met my German husband, holidaying began meaning something different for me. It means spending 1.5 weeks in the countryside, hiking and being surrounded by milk-producing cows when the climate is warm. Summer holidays are for us to get away from the hustle-and-bustle of everyday life and to hide ourselves in the Northern islands of the country simply. Christmas time means attending church on the 24th, followed by a warm dinner with family. (German culture has it that there is only one warm meal per day.) In case you did not know,

Christmas is celebrated on 24th December in Germany instead of 25th December in Canada and most countries around the world. And starting from the first Advent, Germany would be illuminated with Christmas markets all around the nation. Due to tight COVID-19 regulations this year, Christmas markets in our region were closed. However, we ended up visiting the one in Strasbourg, about two hours drive from where we live. And no, we do not live too far from the FrenchGerman border. Although the market spirit was missing on the German side, we were filled with amazement on the French side. What a bliss! Thanks to Macron and his government? Department stores and every Canadian on the 26th

of December are all about shopping and getting everything while it is still on sale. In Germany, it is very different. On the 26th of December here, it is tranquil, for it is meant for family get-togethers with all shops closed, as they also are on Sundays and public holidays. Christmas in Hong Kong may resemble Canada more, where shops are open every day, except for the once-per-year Chinese New Year. Reflecting on my Fall 2021 “semester,” I can conclude that it has been fruitful and eventful. As your semester was starting, EndAugust marked the end of the summer for my family with our second summer family trip, this time to the North Sea. In mid-September, about three weeks into

your semester, my family and I made it to an outdoor swimming pool on the last day before it would close for the colder season. October came, Vanier students were busy writing midterm exams, and my baby girl could already stand up on her own, with support – babies grow so fast and how time flies! Then, in early November, as maple leaves turn red and fall all over Montreal, on the Vanier campus, we celebrated my older daughter’s fourth birthday. In December, it is for both you and I, a time of recollection, preparation and at least one new resolution for the year ahead. If one lives in the city, one is bound to come across holidays and consumerism. Depending on different traditions and cultures in the family and bringing-up, “holidays” and “consumerism” could mean differently for other people at different stages of their lives. As for me, having spent my adolescence in Hong Kong and coming from a family who shops for souvenirs on their travels, my habits and views about holidaying and consumerism have changed after my marriage and the birth of my children. I barely go on city trips and no longer purchase souvenirs at tourist spots. For now, no more Boxing Day in Germany, but I hope to relive it one day in Canada, where I feel at home.

Wednesday, Thursday,April December 1st | Winter 9| Fall 2020 2021 || Issue Issue 34



Katya Jutras

I have been dreaming of this moment for weeks. As my mom clicks on the “Buy Tickets” button, joy and apprehension mingle in my heart. Is everything going to be okay? Will you be there on time? This Christmas, my parents, sister and I are flying to Winnipeg, Manitoba, to visit our family. We were supposed to go last winter, which turned into last summer, which turned into this Christmas (for reasons obvious to all!). And finally, the tickets are bought! I jump with excitement as I imagine my cousins, my sister and I eating chocolate chip popcorn (a classic) as our Opa tells us a story from his childhood. I envision our family meal, a union of family and food – I can smell my Opa’s famous roast, and I hope my aunt will bake one of her excellent dessert recipes. I will see my cousin’s wife pregnant, my other cousin’s new boyfriend, and get a bear hug from my uncle. Oh, I’m so excited to travel! Most of all, I can feel the freezing Manitoban wind take me back as I step out of the car in the church parking lot. It will be a silent night, a holy night. The moon will already be making the snow glisten. I will find my place in a pew, close my eyes, and sing along with the small choir, as we join thousands of Christians around the world gathered to celebrate Christmas: to celebrate the birth of Jesus. To celebrate that God loved us enough to take a human form, live among us, and eventually make way for us to be saved and be reunited with him. And I will look at my ageing Opa and Oma standing beside me, as I have in the past, and see in their soft smiles and wrinkles the joy of people who have known the faithfulness of God. I look at the computer. I cannot help but think, “Is everything going to be okay? Will we be there on time?” This year, my Opa lost both his siblings. The fragility of life makes me feel vulnerable. I have wanted to see my grandparents for nearly two years, our tickets are finally bought, and yet, two weeks before the departure… I fear we will be too late. I fear they might fall, get sick, be hospitalized. But I am reminded of the angels who told the shepherds on a night long ago, “Peace be with you.” Not because the shepherds would now be able to control the future, but because they could trust God and I am reminded to do the same. Christmas is a time of hope. Soon, my family and I will be at my Oma’s and Opa’s home for Christmas – and hopefully, not only in my dreams.

Celebrating the Holidays Sydney L. During the holidays, my family and I celebrate Christmas. We decorate the house with Christmas lights and put up a Christmas tree. I always go Christmas shopping with my friends and get a bunch of presents for everyone. When I go Christmas shopping with my friends, I always buy their gifts before I go shopping with them, so that way it’s a surprise, and they don’t know what I got them for Christmas. I get presents for my dog too. I love my dog, and for Christmas, I buy him new toys and treats. During the holidays, my grandparents come over and spend Christmas with everyone, and one of our favourite things to do is watch Christmas movies while wearing our ugly Christmas sweaters. Our favourites to watch are “Jingle All the Way” and “Deck the Halls.” The ugly Christmas sweaters are actually gifts from my grandparents. The funny part is that my grandparents insist that everybody wears their ugly Christmas sweater on Christmas day while opening their presents. If you don’t wear the Christmas sweater, you get to open your presents last. My grandparents got everyone a Christmas sweater, and we all wear them, sometimes.

This is what my Christmas sweater looks like!


Wednesday, April 1st 9| |Winter 2020 | Issue Thursday, December Fall 2021 | Issue 43

Favourite Things To Do Over the Holidays Kayla To me, the holidays are filled with gingerbread houses, eggnog, Christmas movies, and presents! For the holidays, I love to decorate my Christmas tree with Christmas lights and tons of ornaments and put-up Christmas stockings for everyone. My little sister and I love making gingerbread houses. We use so many different candies to decorate our gingerbread house. We use gummy bears, candies canes, sour patch kids, skittles, etc. I sometimes use the marshmallows from the “Lucky Charms” cereal and use icing to decorate them onto my gingerbread house. We also enjoy playing family games together. Our favourite games to play are Charades and Pictionary. I love to bake Christmas sugar cookies with my little sister. We usually watch a bunch of Christmas movies while eating the Christmas sugar cookies we made. On Christmas eve, we always drink our homemade eggnog, it’s the best! And on Christmas day we open all our presents at once, which is our favourite part! After cleaning up most of the wrapping paper off the floor, we like to play a game of “Heads Up!”. It's like Charades, but the clue giver acts out the word or phrase that’s on your phone, it’s a lot of fun! And, of course, drink more of our homemade eggnog.

To all our contributors this semester

k n y a o h



Talia Atallah Joy Bello-Osagie Claudia Bruscia Beatrice Calabrese Kaycee Cua Shenika Damree Melissa Deng Aakarsh Dhar Ihsane Fakhir Marieke Glorieux-Stryckman Jeffrey Grospe Justina Hanna Katya Jutras Kayla Yvonne Y. F. Kelle Sydney L. Hasna Lashkari Camila Lewandowski L.E.Y. Natalia Nazarova Tanjin Sultana

Wednesday, Thursday, April December 1st | Winter 9| Fall 2021 2020 | Issue 4 3


FUN PAGE Pisces (Feb.22-Mar.21):

Aries (Mar.22-Apr.21):

Taurus (Apr.22-May21):

Gemini (May22-Jun.21):

Cancer (Jun.22-Jul.23):

Leo (Jul.24-Aug.23):

Do not forget your young child at home, alone, this holiday season.

Don’t be sad when you get socks for Christmas… again.

It’s never too early to play holiday music.

Yes, you really should marathon The Princess Switch over the break.

Whatever happens during the exams, just block your Omnivox notifications until January 1st.

Baking gingerbread men can solve most problems.

Virgo (Aug.24-Sept.22):

Libra (Sept.23-Oct.22):

Scorpio (Oct.23-Nov.21):

Sagittarius (Nov.22-Dec.21):

Capricorn (Dec.22-Jan.21):

Aquarius (Jan.22-Feb.21):

“All I Want for Christmas is You” should be on your holiday playlist maximum once.

If you find singing chipmunks in your Christmas tree, just leave them out in the snow.

When in doubt, just give people chocolate.

You’re not crazy. The elves have been stealing your socks.

If you’re reading this and haven’t done your holiday shopping yet, it’s probably too late.

Nobody can force you to take the Christmas tree down.

Horoscopes by Vanier's Oracle



⅓ teaspoon ground cinnamon

• Did you know that French fries weren't actually cooked in France? They were cooked in Greece. • "This is your captain speaking, AND THIS IS YOUR CAPTAIN SHOUTING." "and THIS is your captain siiingiiing!" • Never trust an atom. They make up everything. • What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh

4 egg yolks

Jokes by Ihsane Fakhir

Eggnog Recipe (serving of 4) Ingredients: 1 ⅓ cups milk 1 ⅔ whole cloves vanilla extract

½ cup sugar 1 ⅓ cup of light cream ⅙ teaspoon ground nutmeg Step 1: Combine milk, cloves, ⅙ teaspoon vanilla extract, and ⅓ teaspoon ground cinnamon in a saucepan, and heat over the lowest setting for 5 minutes. Slowly bring the milk mixture to a boil.


Step 2: In a large bowl, combine egg yolks and ½ cup of sugar. Whisk together until fluffy. Whisk the hot milk mixture slowly into the eggs. Pour mixture into saucepan. Cook over medium heat, constantly stirring for 3 minutes, or until thick. Do not allow the mixture to boil. Strain to remove cloves, and let cool for about 1 hour. Step 3: Stir in cream, ⅘ teaspoons of vanilla extract, and ⅙ teaspoon ground nutmeg. Refrigerate for 8 hours, or overnight, before serving. Recipe by Diba Word search by Roy Lesage


Wednesday, April 1st9| |Winter 2020 | Issue Thursday, December Fall 2021 | Issue 4 3

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