Varna2017 bidbook en

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Motivation The applicant should elaborate on their motivation to gain the EYC title (max. 1500 words). (Willingness to dedicate time, effort and the necessary resources throughout the one-year period as the EYC. Willingness to devote itself to youth-related projects and policies that are sustainable and which will last beyond the EYC year. Motivation in general.) VARNA 2017 - A LONG-TERM COMMITMENT TO THE CAUSE This year Varna is at its THIRD BID FOR THE EUROPEAN YOUTH CAPITAL TITLE. Not losing the enthusiasm, realizing the great importance and impact of the process itself and focusing on the many important results we can build on thanks to these four years of COMMITMENT TO YOUTH PARTICIPATION AND YOUTH DEVELOPMENT was not always an easy task, but it definitely strengthened our will and taught us a lot. The initiatives undertaken through these last four years led to a great number of positive changes in the civil sector, especially in the youth field and strengthened the cooperation between the Municipality and the youth organizations, fostering STRUCTURED DIALOGUE. Due to an increasing number of projects focused on YOUTH EMPOWERMENT AND YOUTH PARTICIPATION, young people became more motivated, acquired the means and were provided the space and the opportunity to participate in and influence decisions which directly affect their lives. The INTERNATIONAL VISIBILITY AND NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES that the application process has provided us with resulted in a great number of YOUTH MOBILITY PROJECTS, CROSS-BORDER INITIATIVES and CREATED A STRONG BASE FOR COOPERATION FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF VARNA WITH PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE EUROPEAN YOUTH CAPITALS. The city is committed TO BUILD BRIDGES BETWEEN YOUNG PEOPLE AND YOUTH-RELATED PROJECTS throughout the BLACK SEA REGION, THE BALKANS AND SOUTH-EASTERN EUROPE.


Varna 2017 - European Youth Capital Candidate | Bidbook

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