Milestone 1926

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Mrs. Durfee, Vanderbush, Schaafsma, Nattress, Dulmes, Ver Meulen, Steketee, Damson, Borst, Pennings Hospers, Van Hartesveldt, Nibbelink, Galman, Hyma, Moir, Soeter, (Bovenkerk)

Drama Class Play It was a happy thought of Doctor Dimnent to advance the status of the "Dramatic Club" to that of a regular "Drama Class" with curricular credit. The plays presented last year and this prove the ability of the students to study the technique of the drama, to analyze character, and then to put their studies into practice by assuming roles and working out their own interpretations, instead of merely accepting the directions of a coach. The play given the fourth and fifth of February, was the popular success, "The Goose Hangs H i g h " by Lewis Beach, based on the old saying, "Everything is lovely and the goose honks high", to indicate fair weather and favorable conditions. The purpose of the play is to show that, in spite of all the unfavorable criticism of the youth of today, and their apparent frivolities, they are still right at heart, and ready to show their appreciation of what their parents have done for them, as well as to help in time of need. The most difficult roles were those of the father and mother, played by Cornelius Hospers and Carol Van Hartesveldt; the liveliest action was demonstrated by the twins, Ruth Hyma and Jack Soeter: and the sentimental parts were ably sustained by Florence Dulmes and James Ver Meulen. Elizabeth Moir as "Granny", represented very cleverly the conservative element, seconded by Ruth Nibbelink as "Cousin Julia", who had kept her son "Ronald", Roy Nattress, at home. George Damson and James Galman were typical politicians, and Harriet Vanderbush, Albert Schaafsma, and Carl Bovenkerk rounded out this excellent cast, with the result that, as one of the Alumni phrased it: "No better acting was ever done on the Carnegie stage."

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