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Hope College Anchor Volume XL11I

Hope College. Holland, Mich, December 10,1930

Number 44



Y.M. BEGINS SEASON OF Hope Graduate Y.W.C.A. Raises SOCIETIES WILL TAKE IN Funds Through a . GOSPEL TEAM ACTIVITIES Gives Talk To NEW GIRLS ON SATURDAY Chemistry Club Japanese Bazaar Aid In Church • Last night t h e Y. W. C. A. Candidates To MANY SOPHOMORES GIVEN BRASS WARE AND J A P A N E S E .* meeting w i s led by Bemice Services And THINKER P R I V I L E G E D MEMBERSHIP BECAUSE^ Mollema who spoke on the topic NOVELTIES SOLD ALL Hand In Choice O F GOOD GRADES "Gifts." Linking g i f t -thoughts DAY SATURDAY In C.E. Meets with Christmas she stressed The Thinker and His KingTo Mrs. Durfee dom" wa« the topic on which Dr. Lousma, g r a d u a t e of Hope the necessity not of giving maMANY STUDENTS SIGN H E L P IN SPREADING GOSPEL MESSAGE


T O j * terial g i f t s to friend and foe alike, but of what talents we possess as gifts. By developing our talents, she said, we can R Y L A A R S D A M IN CHARGE not only make ourselves happy but we are able to put ourPlan to Continue Work Through selves in a position to give Year i s Churches Call others the greatest of all g i f t s For Workers — the services of our talents. —u For two weeks now the Y. M. C. A. has sent gospel teams to various churches who were in need. One group went to the Methodist Episcopal church at Nunica, Michigan, and the other to the Reformed church at Beaverdam. The Trip to Nunica was made j TEN TO BE DELEGATED EARLY on Sunday, November 23. Melvin [ IN MARCH TO FOWLING Costing assisted in the church servGREEN CONVENTION ices by giving a brief talk, and Contest In Extemporaneous John Oldenburg by singing several Speaking Planned solos. Those who went to Beaverdam last Sunday took complete charge of a Senior Christian En- . Last week the Hope College ... CC t... K . x^curt,. uic c h a P t € r o f t h e p h i Kappa Delta nadeavor meeting. Everett rutvo, Potts, the •oloist, was accompanied by John t i o n a l h o n o r a , V' E t e r n i t y met unII. Cotts, who plaved several solos d e r t h e l ^ e r s h i p of Court Rylaarsas well. Court Rylaarsdam was the d a m w b o i s t h e l o c a I President this leader. This trip, as well as the s e n i c s t e r - A I 1 t h o 5 e w h ° ^ first, was successfuT. « " * t h * e w t o wm-one mCourt Rylaarsdam is the Y. M. t c r c o l I ^ l a t e ^ b a t e , lo»e two, or th, ee n o n d c i 9 i o n de C. A. man who has been put in ' o m p e t t " - ' t e s become memben! ol thi charge of the gospel team work, ^ . » and all those wishing to go out! ^ f should let him know. There will be I T h e J " f ' l m p n " a n , : t h i n « t h a t at neXt chances to preach in churches, t o ' " a s e c l ^ilrc^ 6 w l 1 lead C. E. meetings, and to p v e j ! " ' ^ ^ t t o the regmusical selections. Many c h u r c h e s ' r " ' ^ a P P a 'l'8 C0nVenti0n course t ,e in the vicinity of Holland have been j \ , T !' e r h ' ' ^w0 a ,ce nt< r a n d notified that gospel teams are n o w | „ ' herald t h e n 1 0 OTate available, and have been invited t o ' ",I1 g 0 call. Undoubtedly activity in t h i 8 , a n d ^ ^ II go several memV. department will soon increase. | " Z b 0 t h t h ! m ' ' " 5 a " d t h e K'1-18 There will also be work for those, ^ a t ' n * ' < 1 ^ . The feature this

Pi Kappa Deitians Hold Meeting To Make Plans

The students who delayed their College, University of Wisconsin, Christmas shopping until the Y.W. and Massachusetts AgriculturaF sale were well repaid. We have College, lectured to the Chemistry Club on bio-chemistry Thursday heard it said t h a t students never afternoon. Bio-chemistry is the sci- have much money but we must say ence of chemistry in living things, that what they have they put to pWnts, animals, and protista. He good use. Of course the girls chose showed how various analysis and the pretty things and the boys the research work is done in the chem- more practical heavier brass wear who ical — laboratory mr m mm mr*, m j ofA today.• In All some but there were some boys * w e r e s e € n bu in bea cases the analysis corresponded I y «: d s and tringreatly to the work done by t h e ! k e t 8 , A , t h o u « h m o 8 t o f t h e n i mumadvanced Chem students. | bled something about buying f o r Dr. Lousma talked of the chemi- • mother we a r e r a t h e r suspicious, cal requirements of various plants ! Many of the freshmen were interand animals. The vitamines were j e 8 t e d t o find out how the trick shown tb be very important in the i e w e l boxes worked but by being lives of animals and human beings. 1 curious, the Freshmen learn. Telling of h i . experiences with If 8 0 m e ^ ge„es t tasti plants. Dr. Lousma showed how unbalanced food rations produce un- " P " 1 " " ? g o o < 1 y o u w i l 1 l t n o w t h e y balanced plant specimens. They received a box of Japanese Jasmin. can be fed so that nothing, b u t fo- If the tea set is displayed with unliage results, or so t h a t almost no usual pfide it was bought a t (he foliage results. Plants can be raised Y sale. Everyone is making new painting lamp to maturity in a simple glass dish scrap baskets, if solutions of the right salts are shades and working on art work placed from time to tim> in the| bought at the sale. The suitcases wtfll have to be carried carefully dish. when taken home a t Christmas so .The Chemistry Club is an organt h a t ^pne of the g i f t s will be ization of pre-scholarship men in bj-oken. If we seem oriental do not Chemistry, who have achieved a standard of ninety or above during be alarmed—it is merely the effect the previous semester. The club of of the Y.W. Japanese sale.

this year consists of thirteen members, plus Dr. Van Zyl and Dr. Kleinheksel. Of this group, the Soph section is the largest, six new men having been recently admitted to the club. They are J a m e s Wegerink, Gerrit Wiegerink, James Zwemer, Merle Rigterink, John Vanden Belt and Ben Barden. Al- FRESHMEN RECEIVE LOVING though the Soph class is small, the CUP FOR BEATING SOPHS. group working in chemistry is well IN CONTESTS developed. Great things should be done by this section. Cup Not Absolutely Gained Till

Dr., Dimnent Gives Address At Hope Chapel

Debate Dec. 13

Speech In Chaoel



N E W GIRLS E N T E R T A I N E D AT WOMAN'S LITERARY CLUJB ROOMS On Thursday night the Freshmen girls forgot term papers to bir written and other duties when they were transported to the realm of Fairyland by t h e Sibyllines. Their F a i r y Festival took place in their castle at the Woman's Literary Club. In the absence of the president, Helen Van Eenaam, VicePresident Mary H a r p e r "welcomed the new girls. The ancient f a i r y tale of Sleeping Beauty was presented by Madame de Sib's famous puppets. What courtly splendor was displayed by the haughty king in royal purple, the good queen, the beautif u l princess, and the dashing prince! Then the new girls were invited to look into an Enchanted Toy Store. There they saw Amos and Andy, the Tin Soldiers, Raggedy Ann and Andy, the Sailor and the Big Beautiful Doll, the Dutch Doll, Jack-in-the-Box, the Music Box, and other attractions. Twelve o'clock, and w h a t ? The dolls, now alive, sang, danced, and marched, only to fall lifeless a t the approach of a little girl who had been secretly watching them. Ethel 6 1 LeestIk c u "t j ^ m a th ' * W " " * Paderewsk., then4 rendered two piano selections. modern f a i r y tale, " T h e Marriage of Dotty," ended the p r o g r a m . The new radio helped a great deal to get the girls acquainted during the informal get-together t h a t followed. And the delicious f a i r y beast that was served helped some mor« to b r i n g the meeting to a happy end.

Volunteers Told Of Requirements . Of a Missionary




Girls Who Did Not Join Society L o t Year May Hand In Lists to Dean Also

Sibyllines Hold Fairy Festival Thursday Night

who wish to teach Sunday School! ' " f " t h a t t h e l " e W,1U a l s 0 b e a n classes. The list of those "students I ••,peaker K o i n « in grou ) who pledged to work is long alt J ' , , r •U • *n , I In order to discover that lastNext Semester ready, but there is still room f o r ' .. . . mentioned champion, the manager rnore . o f debate is arranging an extempor0 Friday morning directly a f t e r pw . /"i*' aneous speaking contest .in which chapel exercises, when all the stu11 m a IJ r . M u r p h y G i v e s •J y participate. A list of subdents and faculty were still assemec s i w' >§ ' ' ^ w ' l l 1 he made public about bled, Dr. Dimnent delivered a bril' w h i c h t h e contestants Should get in- WILL MEET W E S T E R N STATE liant and appropriate address, aft^ r TEACHERS TEAM AT ~ " formation. . The list will be long er which the silver Dimnent Loving ' enough to keep them from prepar... F E N N V I L L E Cup was entrusted to the freshmen CHALLENGES STUDENTS TO! ing a speech on each topic. Thus. class. MAKE A LIFE* INSTEAD ' when the topics are assigned by lot - T h e negative team which Prof. Dr. Dimnent in his speech dwelt OF A LIVING I f , u r i n ^ t h e contest, the work will Ritter chose from the women's demostly on honor and its relationjto —— ; have to be extemporaneous. Here's bate squad consists of Miss Rodenliving. He did not meST Wednesday morning the students a chance for someone to be f i r st in burg and Miss Kieft, with Miss De- life and living 8omet H I H H i H H i so much the honor t h a t is kept unof Hope were privileged in h a v i n g j bing. Haan and Miisser as aUer-iblemished by not stealing or telling Dr. Nettinga, President of Western « nates. The girls a r e working hard falsehoods, but t h a t honor one Theological Seminary, and Dr. MEMBERS OF CLUB WILL to prepare f o r a battle against the keeps by taking a pledge and holdMurphy, Vice-President of the GenMAKE DRIVE TO FIaffirmative team from Western ing to it, t h a t honor t h a t is left one eral Synod, upon the platform. NANCE WINTER' State Teachers College a t Kalamain traditions of his forefathers, Dr. Murphy's humor and sincerzoo. The debate will be held on DePROGRAMS , that honor one loses by showing a ity won the hearts of the student cember 13 a t 7:30 o'clock in the lack of courage, by lowering one's body a t once. He gave a short talk On Thursday and Friday, of this Fennvllle Methodist Church. self in his own estimation, and by on " A r e you making a living or a week the members of the Hfope The woman's team has been limoverstepping t h a t boundary which life?" He went on to illustrate by College Band will put on a " t a g ited to two speakers instead of the on knows for himself to be the asking if we were J u d a s Iscariots drive." The band is anxious to tio usual three. It is, h a t this . . —www •.w 4^9 hoped jfV|SC-U tItliair tlllO beginning of evil. ,ving o see how much we can j i t s p a r t in making the approaching new feature, together with the inget or if if we hnskpfhail Oseason ooo^« more eucceisful *.V . The cup was presenetd to J a m e s get out out of of somethine. something, or we ji basketball teresting proposition t h a t : "State lived by the power of Jesus Christ by playing a t the games. But they Medicine Should Be Established," Nettinga, the president of the When we go out into the world need funds to procure the necessary will arouse enthusiasm f o r this new Freshman Class, by the president of the first thing is t c be a true fol- music. Every student is asked to venture, girls debate, a t Hope Col- the Student Council, Paul Brouwer. lower of Jesus Christ. Character contribute 26c. lege. Miss Fulroer, who has had The cup is entrusted to the FreshDR. KEMPERS, MISSIONARY TO « wrill develop from that. Do we seek As a token of his loyalty every previous experience in debate work, men until February, when, if nothMEXICO, TALKS TO GROUP fame, pleasures, success, or reli- contributor will be presented with is meeting regularly with the ing happens, the name of t h e class ON FRIDAY gious service? He said that the a " t a g . " I t reProvide yourself with squad now and is helping Coach will be engraved upon i t g r e a t need of the world today is f o r some fine entertainment. Support mains theirs then until they lose it Ritter to build up this activity. The Student Volunteer group exmen and women to give forth the your college band! The affirmative team will engage to the next Freshman Class or until perienced an interesting meeting knowledge t h a t they have gained to And • the oin a practice debate some time soon they become Juniors. Friday afternoon. Louis Marsilje those who need it. Dr. Murphy names of all the following classes with an opposing team from Battle 4 M read a passage from Scripture dealconcluded his speech by saying We Plays Organ that will win the cup will be enCreek. ing with guidance. A s an echo to a r e not our own, but stewards, f o r graved upon it ,and all will therein that thought Mildred Klaw s a n g we have been bought with a g r e a t Miss Helen Pelon spent the week- see the wish of the retiring presiMiss Ethel Leetsma presided at "Teach Me, Oh Lord." : ' price. Are you making a l i v i n j or the organ Tuesday morning in the end with Miss Ruth Mulder at her dent for civilised action and «hderThe ^speaker for the afternoon lifey standing between of Prof. W. Curtis Snow. home in Spring l a k e . (Continued on Page Two)

Women's Team To


Prof. Wynand Wichers, president-elect of Hope College, addressed t h e Y. M. C. A. last night. He unfolded the n a t u r e of the thought kingdom, its spiritual, its eternal, and its universal aspects, as well as the thinker himself, his search and his possibilities. And last of.all he emphasized t h a t the thinker in his kingdom holds not only a very privileged position, but one of great power and heavy responsibilities as well.

Saturday will bring much excitement to the new girls of the college, as well as to the members of societies. The fiv^ organizations will take in their new members by the preferential system. Each new girl is asked to make out a list of the societies in the order of her preference in joining them. Advice given to the girls by the Dean of Women is t h a t although it is not necessary to put every society on her list, it is advisable to place a f t e r the name of the one she most wishes to join, the names i n order of her preference of those she would like to join if her first choice i^ not gained. Lists handed in are seen by no one except Mrs. Durfee. Each girl is to slip her list under the door of Mrs. Durfee's living room or office in Voorhees Hall before ten o'clock on Friday, December the twelfth. The lists from the societies' elections will also be handed in the same evening and the individual lists are then checked with the society lists, t h u s deciding the important question of membership. Any

girl who did

not join a

society last year has the privilege of handing in a list. Each literary society has much to offer the new girl both in social and cultural relations.

Dorians Present Clever Program GIVE






The Dorian Society entertained the Freshman girls in the society room on Monday afternoon and evening. Due to the large number of Freshmen girls, this arrangement Mias necessary. U n d e r the theme of "Sorority Ruffles" an attractive program was presented. Following the devotions led by Dorian Cunnagin, the sad plight of the "Three Young Maids of Lea" was feelingly presented in song by Dorians Koever, Nettinga and Sabo. A clever skit, "At the Ferry" was given by Dorians Saber, Johnson, and Ives, and a piano solo by Dorian Nettinga. The feature of the program was a one-act drama, "The Turn of a Hair," the scene of which is a beauty establishment, and concerns the reconciliation of two long-time enemies. The cast included Dorians Dogger, Ives. Rodenburg, Lordahl and Plakke.

The program in Which were mingled the serious and the comic in life, was planned by Dorian Lordahl and her committee. ^

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• • • upon a saxophone. Such a big horn for such a small man! The entertainment was concluded by Ivan De Pree's humor paper.


Entered at the Post Office at Holland, Michifan, as Second CUas Matter. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 110.1 of Act of Congress, October 3, I9t7. Authorized October 19, 1918.


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«e Anchor





Editor Aflaifltant Editor.. Head P?porter Spor ts Editor Cajnpub News Humor Editor Fraternities Sororities.


....Harri Zegerius Alice Boter ......Grace Hudson Herbert Marsilje ....Ethel Leetsma Elmer Bauhahn Clark Poling Margaret Steketee

Reporters: Nellie. De Haan, Milly Klow. C. Norlin, Hester PeUegrom, Ella Roggen, John Van den Belt, Arloa Van Peursem, Bruce Van Leeuwen, Gerrit Wiegerink.

Sorosis — Sorosis mel Friday night at five o'clock f o r a business meeting and a box lunch. L a t e r in j o h n S o m w > n the evening some of the Sorosis Irving Decker girls presented the play "Let's See Some More Yet" for the Women's Missionary Auxiliary of Third Church. Thursday night a t seven-thirty o'clock, Sorosis will hold Gypsy camp at the Literary Club rooms for the Freshman girls.

BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Assistant

Alethea — Last Thursday the Aletheans enjoyed a sleigh-ride party. Much hidden talent was discovered in the form of horsemanship, par-excellence, -displayed by several of t h e / g i r l 8 . Afterward, coffee and sandwiches were served in the society room. The meeting for this week will be held Friday night at the home of Lois Marsilje.

Preparing f o r Christinas i tread alone. Christmas is the greatest holiday of our whole year. It is distinctly Christian and marks all that Christ means to the world. The day is sacred not only to the church, but to the world for it is the greatest turning point in the development of civilization. Almost every holiday is being commercialized in the business world and Christmas, too, is beginning to lose its real significance. Many of us think of Christmas in terms of presents or vacation. To the children of our country Christmas means Santa Claus, toys and candy. If this continues the soul of Christmas will be lost. In the month of December we are constantly reading articles telling us that there are so many days until Christmas and that we should prepare for it by doing our Christmas shopping early. This year in preparing for Christmas let us devote more thought and care to making our hearts in tune to receive the ChristChild rather than spend all of our time and energy on the external Christmas.

Delphi — The members of the Delphi Literary Society were entertained at the home of their president, ' Eunice Hyma r last Friday evening. After the business session and program in charge of Alice Boter, refreshments were served. Adelaide Dykhuizen, '26, was present at the meeting., Ruth Weidner and Berdean Welling will be the hostesses at the Delphi tea this week.

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The Ideal Xmas ytrji

A d d l m — The Addison meeting opened Friday night with a number of popular songs. Philip Enge) read two humorous Dutch letters. The new members entertained with a number of stunts ranging from jungle warfare to the model proposal. Catherinus Nettinga and Henry Engelsman sang the Dutch National anthem. »t-o


' "m *

. We are running a special on fu^ lined gloves; fur lined

Volunteer's Told of Requirements Of A Missionary

throughout; $5.00 values for $3.50.


(Continued from page 1) was Dr. B. Kempers f r o m Mexico. He described the difficulty of the work in that field but the burden of his message was "The qualifications of a Missionary." The four requirements Dr. Kempers stated a r e : To be a genuine Christiah with a thorough knowledge of thfe Bible with the ability to meet nonChristian arguments. Next, to possess a sterling character, including especially patience, tact and the skill to mix with all classes and races of people. A liberal education and a perfect condition of health were the remaining requisites. The group was impressed by the conviction with which the speaker addressed them but above all his statement, "The greatest work in the world is the Master's work." o

at 122.50—$28.65

SI9.50-«ld nP

VOT Men and/Young Men Smartly Tailored at



Of late we have seen another product of their efforts—the "Freshman Anchor." Whatever else may be said about it, it certainly had many good qualities which by their very presence show that they cooperated and worked with united efforts in another attempt to benefit both Hope College and FacaimiU themselves. We wish to con•"Are you sure this is your mothFraternal — The Fraternal So- er's signature on this excuse?" i.' gratulate them on a job well ciety program was in charge of the teacher asked, as she doubted the done. genuineness. "Yes. er, as near as

COLONIAL SWEET SBOP Canditt, Fancy S o n d a o , Hot Fudge Sundae*, Hot Cl.ocolatc, Toaetcd Sandi»ich*«, Gilbert'* Chocolate*

O P P O S I T E TAVERN iBiwHiwiniMumainiMniii ihhwiiihwiiw wmammmmmmmmmmmtmmm

COLONIAL BARBER SBOP Beauty Shop in Connection i

Juniors. Carl Walvoord began the Call f o r A p p o l n t m a n i t 2971 program with a serious paper on I could make ft." was the ndmfs 9 slon after *ome stammering. Balfour 1 Moments of "Life." Then followed an instrucUncalled'for Anxiety tive paper by Rudy Nichols enA good story against himself whi titled "conducting an orchestra." told by Karl Balfour. "Melodies" were provided by HarDnrin^ the time when he wai ward Shade. And lastly Ron Fox prime minister he was asked to play golf on some links on a Sun- delighted the group with a corking day. This was before golf became humor paper on "Impolite Society." a recognized Sunda.v game, and Following the program were he objected that It would do blip election of officers, a serenade at no good If the f a n of hi« playlnp the girls' dorm, and officers' treat became known He allowed himself to he per at Keefer's. George Van Peursem fuaded. however, and was Just he ginning to enjoy the game, when gave his janitor's report there. The to his annoyance and anxiety a new officers are: couple of spectators apfwarert on President, Justin Van der Kolk; the scene, watehlnp him intently Vice President, Harold Boone; His anxiety soon vanished how Secretary, Howard Shade; ever when he overhearM a brief snatch of conversation between lb* Janitor, Russell Paalman; two. Ass't Janitor, Andrew Dahlman "Who's the ehap there In the cbfek salt?" asked one. Alpha — The Phi TW ^ G-E U^TRID-CMRRTM PUTRM TU* C^PSHU he IK. Is." repucn r e p l M i „ Phi Kappa p$"1• don't know who »>"•. Mr .. . . , Ka of mesiMring a cttrmt m tmsU mi IO-u amptrt the other, "but he can't play g o l f | P P a Alpha had a big meeting —Boston Globe i Thursday evening. The program ' opened with a fine paper, "A Study of Ganglands," by Howard Kieft. One L/p, Anyway Vocal selections were given by LinTwo IndianafHillH iicWNimptM mei who enjoy an oecasitumi iranie ot den Lindsay. The final number golf went out to one ot ibe mn was a side-splitting humor paper nlclpal courses a few dnys ngi to test their skill hi the "aruien by Nicholas J . Burggraaff. o After recess the business meeting Scotch pastime. In the office tlif WORK WELL DONE following day the> jrave various h< was held, which wound up in the ( J g Y MEANS ot« new vacuum tube called a low-grid-current counts of rhelr shots bm nni.i nofh election of officers. Ing aboui the score. o * - ' Pliotton tube, astronomers can gather the facts of stellar news Officers are: With interest and curiosity "Well, how did you come on17 with greater speed and accuracy. In conjunction with a photoelectric President, Harms W. Bloemers; we have watched the fresh- asked one of their fellow-worker* "Yes. who won?" Hiimed in nn Vice-Pres.-, Melvin Oosting; men from the moment they other. tube, it will help render information on the amount of light radiaSecretary, Roger Voskuil; arrived at Hope College until "Well. I was oiih up at fbe emi Treasurer, Harry Friesema; tion and position of stars centuries of light years away. It is fiirthet now when the first semester is of nine holes." said the more elon Chorister, Myron Leenhouts; nearly over. We were inter- gated of the two wonbl be golfers applicable to such laboratory uses as demand the most delicate Janitor, Oswald P r a t t . ested in the new-comers, inter- "I lost three balls and found four —Indianapolis News measurement of electric current.' ested in their ambitions and Eniersonian — Thursday night their aspirations, and we were r -s; ' ' •, t . , V / .x" the Emersonians held their regular —



This Little Tube Measures Stars Centuries of Light Years Distant

curious to know what they reSimple meeting. Harold Ringenoldus, • a ally were, what abilities they Flannlgan .-mil Hnnnimm were it. first year man, read a serious paper had, and what they could ac- a dilemma—In f u n . ihe« were Ir discussing music. The music numcomplish. a regular Irish stew "Shu re.' exclaimed hnnnigju. Since then we have seen hese scales Is no good ut all, at them work hard, very hard, to on. »hey only weigh up ta Sin' become a part of Hope College. pounds, and Ol'in near to They struggled in class-fighte, They put their heads togethei worked hours on the football and considered the matter field, and are now hard at "Av course." reflected llannlgan we must cut some av rhe sunerfln basketball. These are real ef- ou% off ye, till ye balance." forts indeed to get possession But Flannlgan objected. of that elusive thing we call Then Hannlgan was struck by .• "schoqj spirit". We hope that sudden Inspiration. he exclaimed, "phwafs they ate successful in their at- ta "Sure," prerent ye gettln* on t w i c e r tempts to find "Hope." Much Kansas City Star. of it ^ Jies in , difficult class hours, in long and lonely hours •mlMF Trait of study, in hopeless searches for life, for love, and for true Jud Tun kin* says maybe It's ero lutlon that makes him feel like religion. There we cannot climbing a tree ar.d looking on when watch them; there they miurt a fight starts,—Washington Siar > v

ber was given by the versatile Bill Clough. He entertained the members with his usual brilliant rendition. This was followed by a humorous sketch presented by Nic Cupery and Harry Verstrate. Before dispersing, the society, anticipating the coming basketball campaign, appointed Jack Juist captain of the team.

Knickerbocker — Last Thursday three of the Knick pledges presented the second freshmen program. Elmer Wissink read a paper on Hope College written from his personal point of view. Miller the "Gangster's side kick," continued the program by blowing mightily


So sensitive is this tube, that it can measure 0.000,000,000,000,000,01 of an ampere, or, one-hufedck of a millionth of a billionth of an ampere. This amount of qpent, compared with that of a 50-watt incandescent lamp, is as two drops of water compared with the entire volume of water spilled over Niagara Falls in a year. \

Gmral&ctrk Uadmhip m tht (Uvtlopnunt vacuum tubes has* krgly b*n maintained by colbghtramcd men, just as tolieghtramed


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The cold flurries 9 t snow remind us of winter. The ftfe» h^ve flown before the wind. Yet, we hre continually annoyed with those b u i z ing hordes of freshmen. And, cont r a r y to custom, but f e w of them have been swatted. When at last in desperation we resent the bother, they climb on boxes between classes and shout, "Give me liberty or give death." To be sure, they actually talk f r o m their diaphragm (e.g. bottom of their h e a r t ) . But scarcely has the lost echo rolled away over the white TOOW, when liberty is refused them. In the name of Equity we demand t h a t our handsome professors at least be given opportunity to make their choice f r o m among suitable material and in private place. It should be private because the other gentlemen professors g^t all out of sorts when such high tribute is being paid another. " I t is a needless waste of valuable time," according to the physics department. In an institution of this sort, ill* useless striving among the f a t u i t y should be abolished. Lest the contagion spread f a r t h e r , it would be well to remind the ardent green shoots that although it is leap year in Grand Haven, Spring, as yet, has not arrived a t Hope. Truly, affection should be covered during the winter lest it be nipped in the bud. So much for the necessary fatherly advice. Now we of the older generation have been forced to admire these youngsters f o r their mutual devotion and high esteem for their tediously won loving cup. Long may it remain an a n t i c i p a t i o n In tills manner let i^ be a memorial to the mutual affection of grade thirteen. It would be well, however, to have sentinels stand upon their watches Jfest some inhumane creature approach too near the cup that has been so graciously given to band them together. It is f o r us only to imagine how their spirits must rise and fall like ;the waves on the i oiling tides of t he deep green oroan as they crowd the reading • Mim-nnT

STUDENTS The College Ave. Barber Shop Welcomes You. C. HUIZENGA, Prop. wiiTnu liiTnamr

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For Real S e n i c e I r j

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mvi n



The old Hardware Store (

• —



or filberts Chocolates

"Get up!" said I to Willy, "Quick, climb t h a t tree up there." But faith, our nilly Willy Did not get on so fair.

Glee Club To Have Banquet At Tavern

Prof. Mac Lean Speaks At Home Volunteers

Sorfie s t u d e n t s



desire b e ' w e e n limes t o indulge in some game for a change oi mind. ^ The newest game is a BOWL.


is a chance to use some skill in throwing down the ten pins. A good fountain pen and Dedt Sets, Book Ends, Bnef Cases make ideal and lasting Christmas gifts. Your parents may not know how much a portable typewriter Would help you in your school work. li you cannot buy now we will rent one. ,

brink's Bookstore -


Students Attend Russian Concert

As h general! rule SpaniMh mosf will ;rrmv on irees wirhom proving a hindrance in any way. Theiv an* eases on reeonl When U would seem that Spanish moss has eon FIFTY GO TO GRAND RAPIDS TO HEAR DON COSSACK irlhuied to rhe death of n particular tree. Inn other factors hIs«' were MALE CHORUS presem.

Body Can Get Along Without Special Food When John oversleeps and mlnfti*. his morning orange or .funlor gels awoy with hiding his spinach un der the potato skins don't h a t e Instant vfslons of lack of vlrnmlnes resulting In scurvy for one anil rickets for the other, sdvlses Mllo Hastings, director of the food re^ search laboratory of Physlcnl Cnl ture Msgnzlne. T h e hiiman animal was no? evolved on a basis that makes It needful fnr him to have a complete supply of every element his body uses three times a day. or eren once a day." he declares In p h w l cal Culture Uagasine. "The hod> can endure for weeks without an.v food element, and some times even may benefit from the process. No douht fhere are some elements on which we could exist on the store already fn the body, for months si posstMy yeari. I even suspect spin aeh might tee eaten one month fo eorrect the sHrt tendencies of ett* eaten the month before.*




Plain Sandwiches Toasted



WILL HE READY FOR PRO- • Prof. Paul Mac Lean, head of the GRAM VERY SOON AFTER Religious Education department I hope no other "Billy" CHRISTMAS held an interesting discussion with Will come to butt some more . the Home Volunteers last week • * * 1 No doubt the Men's Glee . Club . Wednesday on "The Educatioanl We hope that the freshmen a p - ' W l 1 1 ^ r e a d y to step upon the plat- j p r o p r a n i o f t h e R e f o r m e < i Church." preciate the f a c t that we have d e d - : f o r m 3 0 0 1 1 a ^ t e r the Christmas holi-j W j t h ( , o r a e e X p e r i e n c e a a a S ( ) c i a i icated this our most important de- ^ a y s - They have been practicing: worker in New York, he could give partment to them and their quali-; twice a week since last a wealth of interesting material and ties. Of late we heard a few things' September. Last week a t practice incidents. Sunday School activities concerning them as they themselves ! hoys sang: several of their songs to him seemed most important as a presented the facts. And since we; w ' t b o u t having their music before necessity for the f u t u r e prosperity understood that it is rather embar- ^ e m , so we know that they are of the church. There are stamped rassing for one to be the only one c ( ) m ' n K right along. The boys are upon the character of the children furtht r speaking about himself, we decided ' inspired in their work those impressions which they carry t h a t we would also give some space a faint hope that perhaps their through life and which help them I to dwell upon those numerous q u a l - 1 ' a ^ o r result in a little mid- in later religious difficulties. semester" jaunt. ; ities which they possess and have This afternoon a t 4 o'clock Prof. Just at present, however, the W. Snow will lead on "Church Mui not yet mentioned. So here's to the boys' minds are turning: "social- sic," All those who are preparing freshman class! ^ i wise" rather than "jaunt-wise." On for the ministry or for any sort of Friday evening: the boys, together religious work in the homeland, ^ l with their "schonste Madch-ns," are should join this society and attend i j jjoinp to have dinner at the Warm its meetings. The discussions are TOsnrascrRn Friend Tavern. It's rumored that it wonderful for broadening one's will be a formal a f f a i r . Have a knowledge and understanding. pood time boys. o From

Holland s Finest Ice Cream Parlor


.In.reata.-4mi wriggifis soxe.

Little H a r m

1 |


The freshman now sits illy

F A N J t k i Dykeaa

. •

Nies Hardware Co.,

SELLES Jewelry Store

American Music Theme of Vesper

NEW ENGLISH HORN IS USED Tabular Skates of hi|h quality Dr. Nykerk had three invitations FN ORGAN RECITAL HELD for Men and Women $€•!$ pair. l # f t * f o r his Thanksgiving dinner, but SUNDAY AFTERNOON was only able to keep one of the Other Skates $1,25 and up. % Last Sunday afternoon Mr. Snow engagements. For over a quarter of a century Dr.,Nykerk has taKen gave a vesper organ recital of room to gaee thereon.. If i t were his Thanksgiving dinner with the American composers. Among those possible, we wou|d help make the same friends, so he did not break whose creations were played are loVe. f o r t h a t expression of our the custom this year. The rest of Mjapen, the f i r s t rreal American -43—45 E. 8th St. 65 Years of Good Hardware. President's goodwill even more the vacation he spent as usual — composer, t h e f a r - f a m e d Paine, and deeply appreciated. TOtriif. ^ ' ,r —: ' ' } Sowerby, formerly a Grand RapIf ydu have found it impossible Prof. Hinkamp started the d a y | i d s m a n w h o n o w l i v e 8 i n Chicago, y iifiinini—ssiiwiisnjiiiiw t o see the point of this essay, you right by traveling through the bliz-! T h e was enlivened by the SERVICE have missed it. *You had better zard to Hamilton ' to. preach a fact t h a t . Mr. Snow uj^ed the new QUALITY read-it over again."—0! D. Blarney. Thanksgiving sermon. Rev. J . P. FTnglish Horn which was recently ! De J o n g and his family were giiests installed in the choir organ by Mr. of the Hinkamps Thanksgiving Goechler of the Skinner Organ Co. The only reason why the present Day. In the afternoon a family Mr. Goechler also added some Sophomore looks years older than reunion was held. The other days, c ^ i m e s t o ^ g r e a t orsran and tuned he is, is the teeming mass of year- Prof. Hinkamp spent in shoveling th<? w h o l c a f f a i r The program presented ran as lings. We would acquaint the new- snow and not doing what he had comers with the f a c t that the drug intended. Sunday he preached again follows: SERVE IT AND YOU PLEASE ALL) "Watchman, tell us of the nigrht" stores have hair-dye on sale. at Hamilton. Mason 133 and 135 Fairbanks Ave. Phone 5470 Two blizzards and four Snow"Concert Overture in A" ...Maitland If to do were as easy as to know flakes entertained Myron Leenhouts "Carillon" jSowerby what were good to do, and Roswell P r a t t on Thanksgiving mmmma "Scheraino" (The Squirrel) . L's had been E's, and sudden Day. A very delicious dinner served ' Weaver by Mrs. Snow proved almost fatal home-comers college freshmen. "Prelude ami Fugue in E Minor" as Mr. Snow lost two buttons from Finder his vest. To make up ^ for the repast, Three Mountain Sketches Elephants must have larger iar^r Clobey trunks because they Come all the Mr. Snow practiced music the rest p<.nlfu Jagged Peaks in the Moonlight of the week-end. way from India. "Wind in the Pine Trees" L2 •- Prof. Welmers, as ever, enter* * * "Canyon Walls." tained his Greeks on the Day o f j The air was cold and chilly. "Home Sweet Home" Paine Thanks. Tables groaned with the The street was blank and bare, "Galilee" (Jesus Calls Us) food Mrs. Welmers provided f o r ; Except that near a "Billy" Matthews the hungry twenty. Joke* flew back | A freshman tore his hair. and forth, and a pleasant spirit 1 26 West 8th St. reigned. The afternoon and evening I Those horns were long and drilly, aWSWWBWBKBWWlSSSSSSS^BWBPSWMSSSHBSMaSMSBOiaSBaaiiaBBDBiaaiiuaBaBPWIllMltWMMBWliBBBDI were spent on music, games, a n d ' Hard stone, and might, and hair. talk. The freshman gaze, quite silly, Was empty, blank — a stare.


H > O H * A •v i t : .



F i f t y of the college students were privileged to attend the concert given by the Don Cossack Russian Hale Chorus a t Grand Rapids last week. The chorus is made up of thirty-six men a n d their leader. Serge Jaroff. They are former officers of the Russian Imperial army. Their history as a singing unit dates from the prison camp of Tschelengir, near Constantinople. The Don Cossacks made their concert debut in Vienna in 1928. Their program last week was made up "f'^Rusajan church, military and o

An Improvement Elian Terry was once rehesrslnc a Shaw play, snd (i. B. S. was standing la the wings. Some one •aid fo him: "If Miss Terry speaking the lines aa you wrote them?M -Shsw. greatly Impressed, re plied; "N* she la speaking the lines s» I ought to have written then.**

Try our Special Hamburgers PETER'S HOT CHOCOLATE •DiTm-i'i Bag iKi:n-OTTiin:nin:nwtnxrirncrrri!r,iflT!mriitmTrm:m;Brnii:nrj mftBOtmrntammm

WELCOME! STUDENTS OF HOPE! You are invited to use the Banking facilities of

The First State Bank The Oldest and Largest State Bank in the County

Blut Bird D i a m o n d Rings

Elgin W i t c h w


Successor to W. R. Stevenson

Complete Watch and Jewelry Repairing

A CLEAR ANALYSIS of your expenditures is always possible with a checking account. Feel free to avail yourself of our facilities at all times.

Holland City State Bank HOLLAND, M I C H I G A N

htmst aid Cturteots Attestm ' is a part of our service to those who come to us ior their printing requirements.


Proffraras, Calling Cards, Stationery, Ffaw Pipcm 2 1 0w CoIIASM A aisua ~ v• WiSMW






Page Four

Hope College Anchor


•i. /

Praters Serenade Address Given Dormitory Girls To Y.M.C.A. By ENGAGEMENT OF BILL WICKProf. D. Ritter ERS IS ANNOUNCED TO CO-EDS


J u s t dozing off—then Boom! What's happened? The strains of "F.S. Goes Marching On" reaches the sleeping beauties. Does that cause them to wake up? Well! just listen to the rush of feet across halls and toward court windows. After a group of songs and a trio by Shade, Buhl and Vander Naald, the Fraternal elections were announced to the girls. Chet Meengs broke the hearts of the "inmates" by announcing the engagement of Bill Wickers. We term the girls "inmates" since the boys dedicated the Prisoner's Song to them. After the singing of the new fraternal song, the boys redeemed themselves by forgetting the harsh term "inmate" and singing "Good-Night, Ladies."

WITH S T U D E N T S IN , DISCUSSION A week ago yesterday Prof. Ritter led the faculty meeting of the Y. M. C. A. The topic which he discussed was "Literature, the Lieutenant of Religion." He showed how literature and the Bible helps to stabilize and to spread religion, and how necessary it is for all who would wish to be real Christians to know the Bible enough to be able to create a Christian life from it. Thus will Christianity and its principles become realities in our lives, realities that possess and guide us.


f j o v e m o r of N e w Mexico.


0. S.. when pl}ice»l afier n dulc menus old style. N. S. meuns new style. This refers t«» the chanpe In the calendar made hv I'ope Gregory In 1 There were 11 days difference.


Wearing of the Green

Tlirrefore nil thing-? whatsoever ye would that men should d«» to you, do ye even so to litem; for this is the law and ihe prophets.—Matthew 7:12. I Compiled

by the




2 pound box of Gilbert's Chocolates given to man and woman having lowest score oh Saturday.

What a summery campus we have! Green is a pleasant background for red roses. For indeed, there is a rosy hue on the faces of some of our most successful Freshman Co-eds. We limit th6 colorful faces to "successful" Frosh because with success comefe a slight enlargement of the cranium, which, in turn, makes the beret's feel tighter. And we all know that a too-tight hat gives the wearer a too-pink nose. But we have more than blushing roses here. We have what looks suspiciously like (sh-sh) carrot-tops. The latter we would .urge, with brotherly concern, to beware of lonely country roads, because carrots, we fear, might be a tempting lunch for stray rabbits, and the. result would be fatal. Who said we needed a campus garden ? Such a fresh, cool green as a background for such a "blooming garden" is indeed satisfying. And ^ve want you to know that, in spite of too much watering at times, and of too much sun (or moon) at other times, the college students and faculty sincerely feel that the campus would be incomplete without our "lovely garden greens."

Mimtuh If •




SAME QUALITY — LOWER COST iiwiiunmiiniMiinnji

A Few Suggestions for Christmas Gifts

ravonteBlbk Passages R. C. Dillon



Shirts Sweaters Gloves Underwear

Hope Defeats Second Game Is Won By Hope Church Team In First Game Basketeers

Handkerchiefs Mufflers Neckwear Hosiery Garters


Suspenders ^



One week ago last Wednesday Hope opened its basketball schedule by defeating an outfit representing the Seventh Reformed Church of Grand Rapids. The final count was 38 to 24. The s t a r t i n g lineup was comprised of Dalman and Becker, forwards; Spoelstra, center; and Beaver and Cupery, guards. This combination proved very effective and contributed practically all of the scoring.

Last Wednesday evening the Hope varsity won its second victory of the season in as many starts, by defeating the Burton Heights M.E. Majors 27 to 29. The small crowd I'raniitiwiMWinMmiimnrwrwmrainmniifnn ••nmNniMnuiiiuMUM mmmmmmmmmxmmm that turned out witnessed a very exciting, though rough game, which was not won until the last minute of play. During the first ten minutes an 1 7 9 N. River j outfit comprised of Becker, Dalman, HMmMMMnWUI Spoelstra, Cupery and Beaver, ran lill— IWIIIMMIH—IW HI up a 6-point advantage. At this ^MHiniiwijniufrjiiiimnaiHrniiiHaMWWMiWiii imiiimiiiM MiajwwMdwaBBBnwBaiBiaitiiiiww wammmmmmk < In regard to individual scoring, juncture an entirely new team went Spoelstra took the lead with 13 in. The new combination was not points, while Dalman and Becker quite able to handle the situation, T h o s e who w o r k w i t h o u t p r o p e r tools c a n n o t followed with 9 and 6, respectively. and when the gun went off f o r the k e e p u p with those w h o do. It is so in e v ^ r y The varsity displayed a good half, Hope held a scant one-point line of b u s i n e s s . W e h a v e t h e Tools [ m a c h i brand of basketball for so early in lead. the season and, while the playing D a i n b f Hope never enjoyed a safe lead n e r y ] we h a v e t h e e x p e r i e n c e . The w o r k is occasionally was ragged, this was during the entire second period. d o n e by e x p e r t s . C l e a n i n g $1.00. counteracted by brilliant passing During this half the visitors begak and fine teamwork at other times. using very unsportsmanlike and The Grand Rapids team was no rough tactics, and consequently the setup and was comprised of former game lo^t some of its interest. Prompt Service 11W. 8th St. Skilled Work Union High School stars. Dekker Nevertheless, the score was very nuiiiauiiui:iaiiiaiaumiii:iKkiitiuwi:mHtujiiiiiuiwuuiiiinaiiii.uuii<im and Hodde were their main scoring close and the Grand Rapids outfit iuraiui;iimii;ri:iiniiMiuai;iiiMii*iiii!mnanaiiniiminimitffiiinKBiaiiiiiiw threats and managed to elude our at times even held the advantage. defense to the extent of 9 points When there was little more than apiece. three minutes to play. Grand RapNothing is more pleasing as a Christmas Gift than Two freshmen outfits furnished ids tied the score. As both teams a box ol CECIL S i r GILBER F S delicious Chocolates, the prelim because the Grandville were employing cautious methods, 1 lb. to S lb. boxes team that had been booked, failed it appeared that an overtime p e to arrive. Some of the members of riod would be necessary. However, this squad seem to have some abil- when there was scarcely a minute ity, but they are also perfectly to go, Spoelstra tipped in a neat N o extra charge for packing for mailing. one, which provided the winning aware of the fact. margin. Becker came through for high Soph.: Of all things! What are point honors with 10, while Spoelyou doing? i stra and Dalman trailed with seven each. Though Beaver and Cupery We Deliver I Frosh: I'm feeding my dog yeast. did not figure largely in the scorPhone 4707 ; He swallowed a quarter and I'm ing, they are rapidly developing into high class guards. This fact trying to raise the dough. is very encouraging for the Hope supporters since both men who filled these positions last year have graduated. The highlight of the prelim be tween two freshmen squads was that Bill Clough in one of his inane moments, stopped t h a t game five minutes early by accidentally Wayne Knit (?) shooting the gun. All Silk Chiffon Hose $1.00 Per Pair Professors of late have comBefore we know it—Christmas Day will be upon us. plained of impromptu complexions We have made special preparations to lift your gilt on the campus. The students make selecting—from a shopping problem to a shopping them up as they go along. pleasure. The latest patterns in o A freshman's hands shake when percales, broadcloth and ^ Elaborate displays of beautiful Frocks, Furs, Coats, rayons he meets a professor. A sophomore Robes, Sweaters, Lingerie, Hosiery, Scarfs, Imported shakes hand.


50 East 8th St.

Complete Your Shopping with a Lunch j


Red Lion Sandwich Shop,






Columbia Hat-Suit Cleaners


Candy—the Inexpensive Satisfying


N o w for Christmas

8 0 c to $7*50


f I

For Christinas Gifts




$1 to 4.50

NECKWEAR—The newest styles 48e. to $2.50 SCARFS—68c. to $2.95. f

The Lokker-Rutgers Company 39 and 41 East 8th St

V a m t i M of "SmrdiaaM* Sardines from southern Europ, nre young pilchards; the Norwegian sardines are sprats and herrings while off the coast of the United States and Canada both pilchards and herrings nre turned Into "sar dines." • Hallmark Ability The ablest men that ever wen had all an openness and frankne* of dealing, and a name of certainf\ and veracity.—Lord Bacon.

Handkerchiefs attractively priced — all other gifts for feminine recepients.

The selections are complete and carry the authentic fashion for which this shop is well known.




S W. Hth St.


Hope College, Holland, Mich, December 10,1930

Volume XLI1I

N u m b e r 44

HOPE COLLEGE HAS OVER 1 2 0 0 ALUMNI MESSAGE OF PRESIDENT Dr. M. J. Hoffman Alumnus Hospers MESSAGE OF PRESIDENTReports News of EDWARD D. DIMNENT Describes Hope ELECT WYNAND WICHERS Chicago Alumni ' Contributions A L E T H E A N S WELCOME | N e W H 6 ( l d P f t V S B A N D DAYS POINTS TO VITAL UNION BE- WRITES INTERESTING LETTER Urges Alumni to T W E E N HOPE AND BRUNSTO ALUMNI P R E S I D E N T NEW MEMBERS j Jj. WICK SEMINARY "Boost the Band" was the slogan Know Aims of of the Athletic Debt Diggers last Dear Cornelius VanDerMeulen: . I remember the time when I a n d . " he week before Christmas vaThe relations between Hope ColAllTIQ I W i l t A r Thursday and Friday, when To Alma Mater /llilla iTiat^l ii f benefit of t h e lege and the New Brunswick The- a great many other Hopites trailed [ cation is always busy, but this year !

t h e y 80 (



olo^ical Seminary have always been you to Kalamazoo, determined to the Aletheans found it unusually very intimate and cordial. Not since do all in our power, if noise meant so. Last Friday the important T E L L S ALUMNI O F MIXED EMOTIONS AT R E C E I P T O F 1872 has there been a year in which anything, to help you- win the Inter- meeting was held a t which new girls were voted upon, and SaturHIGH POSITION there were no Hope College gradu-1 Collegiate Contest. Weill, I received your letter the day was the day for receiving them ates studying at this Seminarv. A few figures will indicate how clo close- other day asking for help once and giving them a royal welcome. ^Trusts Alumni to Sell Advantages A f t e r the girls had driven around of Hope CoHege to Futare ly related the two institutions have more and I hasten to repeat my Studentg been and. still are. The first Hope assistance; only this time, hoowever, town to g a t h e r the new members, alumnus to be graduated from New it has become a i solo instead of a a breakfast was served a t Montello . Brunswick was the Rev. William chorus. Park. In the evening, Ella Boscher About thirty years ago a young Veenschoten, a member of the class What do I know of Chicago j entertained the Society a t the home Zeelander in his' teens entered the of 1874. In the fifty-six years ears since Hopeites? Not very much. We have - of Mrs. H. Dykhuizen on E a s t Ifith Preparatory School of Hope Colthen 127 Hope men were graduated „ " j a loosely . organized . .group, . t h a t Street. lege. It meant f o r him the begin.M 1seven! i mnofc o a mn n 11 ir. more mnfaless loaathan fVton Next Friday morning the «I....,^>>...1 —»g ! r . 1• hi . from this institution. In only meets occasionally; annual ning of a generation of almost unt0 t l e8e frequent. Christmas breakfast of the Society broken relationships with a college ^"repreSnt^the^pas^and not'the 0 t U8 b^Hm^itr^' ' J' Sfty-irix dTd"it hapThat is . my- only- contact with . will be held. future, and yet if an alumni m e m - ! " ' ~ D o y o u r b,t- H j pen that there was no Hope man which was already a t t h a t time 0 in the Senior class. Out of a total i our alumni. Of course, I can tell T h e n e w Aletheans are Josephine 1 rich in traditions and service. Rigbership roll is to be called by tombmembership of eleven the Senior i you a few things about my own ^ y e r s , Harriet Boot, Laura Guige- i orous classical studies opened up a stones, marble or mental, it can b e . . - ^ /^vi i m « class of 1012 lists eight Hope grad-1 activity here. , XT „ , laar, Setsu Matsunobu, Gertrude ! field which has grown and expandof little use to its College. . " l l p a r ( J l d 1 OWIl uates. Besides, there have been Most Hope men are of Holland | V a n Z e e y i v i a n Veldman, and ed with the succeeding years. VigLike many another institution of y r\c TT I more than a score of Hope alumni descent and it is possible t h a t be-1 ^ j a r j a n Warner. ' o r o u s teachers enlarged horiions our own day alumni associations. lo iVffpri .who studied here for one or two i fore long they will be included i n ; ' and increased the hopes and pointhave changed beyond all recogniVfll/Vll XXCillU years, finishing their work else-; the Knickerbocker Society a s we . ed out the way of lite and advice. tion as compared to the typical aswhere, chiefly at the Western Sem-; are trying to line up every man o f 14 n i r y / v M r r o Upon graduation, his Alma Mater sociation of antiquity or of fifty inary, Princeton or .McCormick. At;| —Dutch lineage under this o r g a n i - ' 1 l O I . I V U l Z c I l g d i allowc allowed him to join the ranks of J f — . . w — years ago. Those older associations . , . .,i i m il • A 1 those who, from life and books and were gathered as a "collegium" ALUMNUS HEYDORN, '28. DE- •resent there are enrolled fifteen; zation.'• For your information I will state i I p i j c A t H r i l l C e t O n lope men, eight of whom entered, experience, attempt t o teach youth about the teachings of a master or A SCRIBES STUDENT L I F E AT that I have been secretary and last September. ^ the lessons of truth. And now a f t e r the purposes of a sect or cult. The NEW BRUNSWICK These figures are richly signifi- treasurer of the Knickerbocker Soan absence of five years, she is present-day associations have little cant. They do not mean that these ciety since its inception eight y e a r s gracious enough to invite him to to mark their connection with a come back to her halls. And so College except the diploma bearing Strains of "In t h a t dear old 12S graduates and the present fif- ago. This very active organization the Colleflre College seal and the official town" are often heard ringing teen students were favored above was organized by Gelmer Kuiper HOPE ALUMNUS.'99, NOW PRO- within a few weeks, I shall return to Hope College to walk a road signatures of the Board of Trus- through the corridors of Hertzog their fellows because they came to and others. Mr. Kuiper was its FESSOR O F THEOLOGY AT still unknown to me, and to venture tees. Such diplomas carry no more j Hall, New Brunswick Seminary New Brunswick. Such a contention j president until this spring, and it i HISTORIC SCHOOL by faith into a new and important group meaning than the collection, dormitory. Nearly a score of Hope on the face of it would be absurd., was through his actvity and genius endeavor. I gladly make my conof cigar bands some smokers treas-; alumni are enrolled in the student There are, however, meanings t h a t | for friendship that we grew a s we „ rmrfnatP* have Session before the Alumni of the r o n ™ ure to show their pet brand of body. Thia group is prominent i n have their own appeal. Dr. William j did. o«l i ' confess that the emotion stogies. To be of any value to the all the student activities of the Bancroft Hill, a f n e n d of all bur . On Dec. B£K this society had a ! J a K good of sincere gratitude is very strong College the alumni association seminary. They have maintained a Rather a long time ago, should have the fullest possible high standard of scholarship, for Jacob Poppen got within me. He would be unworthy knowledge of the aims and pur- seventy per cent of the scholarship degree by combining indeed who did not thrill a t the ses of the founders of the Col- awards during the last two years on both ends, but not much in be-1 u.s. Dr. Steffens is recuperating studies at the seminary and a t the prospect of this high honor. F o r it ege, and to these the association have been won by Hope graduates. tween. In our political life a mani-, nicely from a very severe a t t a c k university, and made a brilliant im- is the highest honor to be called IS should be loyal in every respect. The student organization. The So- festation of a sectional spirit is of stomach ulcer. But a f t e r spend- pression. In proportion to their to follow a line of strong and deThis loyalty was possible until ciety of Inquiry, which is one of never wholly absent. Let us frankly | in^r s i x months in a hospital in number here, Hope men have made voted predecessors. I think of the twenty, or perhaps ten, years ago. the oldest, if not the oldest, organ- admit to our shame that in our i<)20 he is now feeling'remarkably a h i r t record in ho honors, taking the ftithnan<!. h £ « o i 8 " I takers a Indeed, anything else was imnossi- ization of its sort in the country, Church life we have not been en-: well, although I noticed that he prized graduate fellowships. Among . Phelps. I am j and ble. Up to about 1900 or 1910 the has had Hope men at its head for tirely free from that spirit either. W as still using a selected diet. these were John L. DeJong, James t l i n l l e < 1 ^ t h e a r d o r a n < 1 How much worse this spirit of sec-1 Nothing like that bothered Gellast three years, Richard (Continued on Page 3) Sterenberg, J o h n Vandervere, and (Continued on Page 3) o band. These tags could be purchased LIBERAL ARTS MUST REMAIN for 25c each, and the money collected will be used to pay the * STRONG FORT O F SMALL COLLEGES band's expenses this year, among which are music, paying a director, Hope College Alumni Must Cast and uniforms. loyalties in Mould of .Although the ofTicial t a g days Ideals are past, anyone who desires to „ . "7 , . help the band may give his money Even in the face of popular tra- t o ^ n e o f t h e A D d ^ N o w thal ditions, a word of ^ t i n g n u ^ b e t h e b a s k e t b a l l g a m e 8 a r c t 0 ^ addressed to the f u t u r e vath great- i n t h e a r m o r y it i s desirable that er fitness than to the past. A n ; ^ ^ ^ ^ e 8 e n t a t e v e r y ffame.

In Hertzog Hall


Hope Relations


Rev. DePree Has Report On Hope Men In Missions

dents, is active in keeping the great; cV'n n ^ en » had not studied here, and Attorney. Henry Wm. J. VanKersen tasks of the church before the stu-j therefore learned to appreciate the f) 0 y 0 U remember Henry Van- Beldman forgotten. dent body. A round table discussion I ^ 0(>< ' qualities both sections pos- n e r p i o e g ? Of course you do! Henry The prestige of Hope amopg the group at present, for example, | sess. Three years of intimate stu- a i S o was there and he was as students just now is upheld by just Though Hope football seaaon was under the leadership of. Martin dent contact, the getting acquainted , well and happy as ever. Henry one person, Mrs. W. A. Angus (nee not very successful, she had the •9 HOPE GRADUATES ON RK- Hoeksema, '25, is discussing mis- i (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 3) Agnes Buikema), Reformed Church honor of placing one man on the FOKMED CHURCH FOREIGN sions. Student prayer meetings are j honor of placing one man on the all missionary, home on fuciough. FIELD held weekly, the period of fellow-' I regret t h a t it has not been second and one among the list of .ship in prayer doing much to main- 1 possible, in the time allowed me. to! "honorable mention." Captain BrunThere are 59 Hope College alum- tain the spiritual tone of the semuna ,mous make a careful record of all Hope I f ? " r e h o i a of ni on the four mission fields of our inary. hast year under the chair- : <»v>n the M.I.A.A. coaches as one of the graduates who studied here, and Reformed Church. If we include inanship of Paul K. Hunter, '28, the the registrar had just now no such two best guards in the conference; those who graduated from the Pre- seminary students conducted a life' list to give me. But one is being Fred Wyngarden crashed into a paratory School or who took only work conference in which full time I compiled f o r f u t u r e reference, in second team berth at tackle; and a partial college course, it is pos- service in the Kingdom was pre-; Howard Dalman probably lost out Appreciation and Loyalty. Can ,. „ . which we shall be able to give all sible to add at least six more. Prac- sented to over eighty young men. on a regular backfield position by . . . . . . . monv to his life and work. Broad names and records. tically one-third of all the mission- This conference resulted in a num- any two words better express the k n 0 ^ | e < 1 ( f e i b o t h c u , t u r a l a n ( 1 p r a c . the toss of a coin. Congratulations, Dr.. S. M. Zwemer, everywhere men! We're all proud of you! aries our Reformed C hurch has on tber n^r ofot decisions decisions on on the part of__ feeling of the true Ifope alumnus an(, g«nerous de¥(). a credit to Hope College, is rethe foreign field are Hope College young men to give themselves fully f 0 ALL A. A. ^ ii„ 1 tion—have characterized Dr. Dira-| peating the same record°here. His graduates. for the Master's work. ent s a < l m l m s t r a t 1 0 1 1 o f H o e 1 First Team I I , IT . r P C" "! recent installation in the chair of It is interesting to note also that That interest is still being main- „ner given by the Home group of i iggg .a^ End missions, was a brilliant affair, and Knight, Hillsdale • ibout one-third of this number of tained in their Alma Mater is Alumni in honor of President film-, , ^ Th(; of a t thiq his address worthy of the man and alumni an? women. Twenty-five I ^hown by the fact that the Hope d P T ' d ^ ' e c t . W i c ^ ^ U n n ^ . ^ T v o T c e d T y Dr. E. J. the occasion. I am t r y i n g bard my- , , ™ ^ ° I \ S , o p e * years ago you could have counted j m e n a r t . planning a Hope reunion rhas' ^been A told a previous issue, B l e k k i n k A m a n ^ wc]come self not to dim old Hope's glory by '.'"a — Certw the Hope Alumnae in foreign serv-1 jj, conjunction with the basketball my work as a member of this noble 7 ™ ; ™ ' v: a Ice on the fingers of one hand; now ^ame to be played with New York cations, ^ t s dellghtful i ^ ^ Ledvina, Hillsdale Tackle every field has them. _ | Biblical Seminarv in New York Wynand Wichers' -Lti re- . institution. glorious spirit mi ~ Cardwell, Olivet End Of course there are graduates in City. Five men from Hope are inAlma Quarter alone made it worth I sponse, as indeed all his public 1 The registrar, the Rev. Paul Marthe Orient who are not included in cluded in the New Brunswick whilei ' utterances since his election, gave tin, informs me Hope graduates are i D u h r kazoo Halfback the enumeration above, which does squad, three of them being former Amid all the fun and jollity, one, abundant reason for continued loy-| very welcome here indeed, because S u | | o ; olivet not take account of those in other varsity players in college. All could not help but feel that there! alty to Hope College under his ad- m scholarship and character they Reynolds, Hillsdale ...........Fullback lines of work or in the service of Hopeites in the vicinity of New was a deep and real sincerity oft ministration. Again Hope Collegei contribute well to the work f o r ; Second Team other denominations. Many of York are invited to this game to emotion which dominated the occa-' has a leader whose scholarship will! which Princeton stands. * Shemiot, Kazoo End these have gained distinction for be played on January 9, 1931. sion and the hearts of the men andi command the respect of the AcadThe student body this year is, Vallance, Albion Tackle themselves and are rendering a women present. A f t e r Mr. C. M j e m i c world, whose administrative considerably larger than last year,} Bowen, Olivet Guard WILLIAM A. HEYDORN, wonderful service. McLean, the vice-president of t h e ' ability and good common-sense will and the J u m and the Gradu-! Smith Hill«i lp ffcntpr ann tne j u n i o r class ana tne u r a a u . Smith, Hillsdale -....Center a Hope, '28. But just a glance at the mission . ..Guard Hope College Council, had related, f a i n the confidence of men of a f - ate students are largely responsible: fcray. Alma fields of our own church. We find o from the depth of a long close per-, fa'rs. and more than this, whose for the increase. Plans are ap-] Wyngarden, Hope.. Tackle them in work ranging from kinder-! Mr. (27) and Mrs. Leon Kleis sonal association, of Dr. Dimnent's character and Christian leadership proved and under way f o r a large, Schroeder, Albion .End garten to Theological Seminary, were home from St. Jollns for the services to the College, and, a f t e r ' w i l l carry on the best tradition of br — • f— uildingi project and o r o t h e— u d - j Gray, Albion ...Quarter They are m m i s t e n n e not only to; Thanksgiving holidays. They Thev cele role- " P r e x y " in his unassuming r e - H o p e and s t u l . f u r t h e r enlarge her vances that, it is believed, wilBTdd | Brown, Alma ......Halfback lepers and outcasts, but thev ha v e bra ted their first anniversary by a sponse, had paid his acknowledg- P o w e r as a religious and moral to the influence and the power o f | Lightbody, Albion Halfback also won the confidence of Arab party given by Mrs. H. P. Kleis. this, historic school. ment to the Alumni, one felt that, 'actp 1 " in the world. Puree 11, Kazoo ...FWlback sheiks and Chinese generals. Their while, on the campus, in t h a t beauThe appreciation and loyalty JOHN E. KUIZENGA, "99. Honorable Mention: Ends, Gramedical skill is exercised over a tiful Memorial Chapel, there is a which was expressed toward these -9 Oham, (Alma); Moore. (Kazoo). wide range of calls from embalmMrs. Martha Barkema Mook is magnificent token of Dr. Dimnent's two presidents reflect but the anTackles, Clark, (Hillsdale). Guards, A^CORRECTION ing a dead body to performing the recovering from a serious opera- -1_ l l Aa xl n f «f\rt nrwf l/Mto if \f w n I n f ItO delicate operation for cataract, t.., o n . . . , and Alumni feel toward the institution from training doctors and nurses | performed a few weeks ago, World, in the character and as a whole. They are deeply inter- j I I H I I ... The address of Professor Ritter, . 1 achievements of t h e men in the country of their adoption to j Mrs. Mook has become a great sucniannimr fnr Hfv «nnitjitinn nmli i.y t_ • » u 4 women whose youthful lives he ested in the C o l l i e , her past, her, is 84 E. 15th S t Please correct the j Muir (Kazoo). Backfield, Davis planning for city sanitation and j cess with her music in toehAster,| helped to shape, there is a f a r present and her future. I error in your Student's Guide ac- (Hillsdale); Haack (Kaioo); Dal(Continued on Page 2) I New York. » g r e a t e r and more enduring testiC. VANDER MEULEN. cordingly. man, (Hope); Lyman, (Olivet).


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Paare TVo

JHope College Anchor

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Entertd a t t h t Pout Officc at Holland. Michlfan, a i Second Class Matter. Aceepted for mailinR at special rate of postage provided for In Section 1103 Act of Congress. October 8. 1®17. Authorised October 19. 1918.

The international aspect of Christmas was emphasized a t the Student Volunteer meeting last Friday, thus ushering in the C h o s t mas season with the thought of the broadest significance which this supreme Holyday holds. The service opened with the true Christmas spirit. Christian Christmas carols and the dear old, but still new Christmas story, a s found in the Book of Good Tidings. Rev. Hinkamp, our college pastor, presented the message. He chose the theme "Good Tidings to All People," first reheasing some of those old, cherished sentiments which are so dear to all Christians, f o r a s he said, there is little new t h a t can be said about the old, old story. Prof. Hinkamp stressed the need of keeping Christmas Christian, and making Christ and His coming the center of its meaning. He then turned to the missionary viewpoint, putting f o r t h the idea t h a t though there are many millions who have never heard of the universal Christ, still we should be t h a n k f u l this Christmas f o r the numerous missionaries, converts, native workers, churches, schools, and other institutions in foreign lands which are continually disseminating the "Good Tidings to All People." o



EMor J . Coert Rylaarsdam Associate Editors Esther Mulder, Ivan Johnson, Harri Zegarius ^P01**8 Watson Spoelstra, Harry Verstrate Humor Richard Niesink Sororities Marion De Kuiper Fraternities ...lack De Witt Campus News R u b j Aiken Head Reporter ..Lilian Sabo Reporters: Ethel Leetsma, Rudolph Nichols, Grace Hudson, Julia Hondelink, Mayford Ross, M. Klow, R. Voskuil, K. Ives, . C. Cook, M. Beach, W. Austin, C. Norlin.

BUSINESS STAFF Business M a n a g e r * Gerald Huenink Assistants , Ruth Geerlings, Irving Decker Berdean Welling Circulation Manager Dave Reardon

.a* Greetings

ch .-,

Keeping In Touch

"Seeing we are then surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses

n %•

Hope Basket Ball Team Meets W.S.T.C. Outfit

" The great

apostle took keen interest in


It is not, of course, proper function of the Alum-

• • i- • ii *.• i i The Hope varsity cagers were ni, i n d i v i d u a l l y o r c o l l e c t i v e l y : defeated in the initial game of the t o m a n a g e t h e College, t o 1 season when the Western State establish





r t r l ?


t h a t p a r t of t h e b r o t h e r h o o d t e r m i n e i t s c u r r i c u l u m . T h e evening. The Teachers, with a n r £ • ji i.• , ' ai - a • i.i ! important game with the Univero i t a i t h w h i c h w a s n o l o n g e r 1 A l u m n i A s s o c i a t i o n c a n , h o w - ' ^ i t y of Michigan under their belt, p r e s e n t w i t h h i m a n d d r e w a ' e v e r , f u n c t i o n , in c o o p e r a t i o n 5 l a >' e ^ r ® m a r ^ a b . 1 1 e ^ s k e t b a l l in the . , i , , ... • . .. .. /• ii : first half and,piled up a 21-9 adx. g r e a t d e a l of p r a c t i c a l c o m f o r t w i t h t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of t h e vantage before the intermission. a n d i n s p i r a t i o n f r o m t h e r e - i C o l l e g e in k e e p i n g t h e m e m - i The second half showed Hope to . i .r xi • , , , . li • , 7 , an advantage. The Orange and 1 h e a r s a l of t h e i r d e e d s a n d v i e - j b e r s in c l o s e r t o u c h w i t h t h e Blue men played the veteran Kala-




f u r - , College and with each other.


azoo team even and several times

west who came here interpreted the And in p r e p a r i n g these ambitious, west to the east, and later the east enthusiastic young women, a s they to the w e s t have already helped to equip many With real pleasure we look back f o r glorious service, Ferris Semupon more than three-quarters o f : inary and Sturges Seminary, Amoy a century of united interest in and Girls' High School and Chittoo support of our work a t home and Girls' School with th^ir thousand abroad. Distances grow less with pupils, f o r m the field for some of the years, and with the passing of our Alumnae where tKey are intime only superficial differences spiring many with high and holy will remain. Eastern men, in small numbers, 'tis true, go to our church-1 Hope men have contributed much es in Michigan; western men in f a r also in a literary way. In three larger numbers are serving our fields, J a p a n , Arabia and China, churches in New York and New Hope men have prepared a dictionJersey. It came with no little sur- a r y or handbook f o r the study of prise to many when the geographi- the language, making the road of cal distribution of Hope^s present others easier as they try fo master student body was announced to these languages. I t would t a k e inlearn t h a t New York is second only vestigation not now possible t o sum to Michigan in the number of her up the books and tracts prepared sons and daughters now a t Hope. | by Hope men, which have gone out My own connection with the east spreading their message in s t r a n g e and New Brunswick is very r e c e n t tongues. Even in so important and It is quite natural then that I fundamental a work as Bible t r a n s should take a ve^ry warm interest lation they have made their conin the men coming f r o m Hope and tribution in more than one land. Central. They give me repeated asThe f a m e of some of Hope's surances of the fact t h a t they have Alumni on the mission field has no regrets f o r having come here, i become international so t h a t th^ir Hope College men through the services have been rendered in the years have made an enviable rec- field of international missionary ord a t New Brunswick, and many planning and wide co-operation. are today filling pulpits of national Drs. Zwemer and Wamshuis, al'' : stinction. Such men a s Zwemer, though no longer on the list of Wamshuis and Peeke reveal what Alumni on the field, come t o mind the combination of Hope arid New particularly in this regard. Some Brunswick mean to our mission of the Alumni may not be heard of fields. ; so much but they are nevertheless There is naturally a warm wel- carrying the Spirit of Hope into come here f o r our western men. their task just as faithfully. Thev New Brunswick is not insensible to are showing an unflinching spirit the debt she owes to Hope College. and dogged devotion and perseverWe recognize and value the high ance in the face of a hard task as standard of devotion and scholar- in Arabia. Others have met Comship which has characterized Hope n u n i s t attack or robbing by banall through the years. That same dits, or the daily grinding wear of hi eh tradition is continued here. A a t r y i n g educational situation in substantial endowment, unusually China. In all these, the Spera in excellent equipment f r o m the point Deo has been their motto. of view of buildings such a s lecture In India the Alumni are working hall, gymnasium, dormitory, chapel amidst great movements — mass and library, a staff of well qualified movements a s whole villages are professors, a determined adherence, touched by the gospel or vast to the Reformed f a i t h which when. movements taking in their sweep rightly interpreted has the forward i plans f o r the unification of the dilook of Christ himself, combine to visions of the Christian Church. In make New Brunswick a theological these plans f o r church union Dr. center of abiding significance. Banninga, although not working New Brunswick Seminary heart-! ily congratulates Hope's new Presi-1 dent-elect, and assures him of h e r , deep interest in his administering! of the affairs of the College. She holds out the hand of welcome to the men of each successive gradu"DICK", the ating class who make the ministry or missionary service their life's Elictrlc Shot Hospitil. calling. . 13 East MILTON J. HOFFMAN, Hope, '09. o

drew within a few points of the nish him with an example of T h i s n u m b e r of t h e A n c h o r Teachers. Despite the defeat, the the awards that await the is a step in that direction. We Hope boys made a fine showing and Coach Jack Schouten was well faithful; subjectively he appreciate the courtesy and pleased with them. Coach Schouten used nine men seems to have felt that he was cooperation of the Anchor's against the Teachers. He started constantly being observed in Editorial Staff in g e t t i n g out Captain Becker and Dalman at for- i ^ V . DE P R E E HAS REPORT ON HOPE the performance of his labors the paper; we appreciate the wards, Spoelstra at center, and Cupery and Beaver at guards. ZweMEN IN MISSIONS by the cloud of the faithful. efforts of the Business Staff in mer, G. Wiegerink, Van Haitsma Hope College has over 1200 selling extra advertising so and Hoffman also got into the (Continued from Page 1) game. living alumni. This number of that each Alumnus and AlumCaptain Becker and Waddy the Anchor is edited in their | na might receive a copy Spoelstra made 18 of the total working against the spread of dispoints for Hope, the latter scoring ease. an{ o n c e honor. It contains brief news whether a subscriber or n o t ; i five t , m e 8 f r o m t h e I Many of Hope's Alumni are in •u i < i a i_ j x from the foul line for 11 points, items about several of them. e thank the student body for; Capt. Grein was high man for the educational institutions on the mission field, and whether teaching the There are brief messages by a winners. Lineups: sturdy Arab youth or the polite Hope Coll ege (24) few of the more distinguished. so that the "old-timers" might F.G. F. T P . Japanese maiden, they are exerting Becker, F Many others there are about i have their fling, 2 3 7 a tremendous influence. In all of Dalman, F 1 0 2 the three countries where Theologiwhom or by whom we should Spoelstra, C 5 1 11 cal Seminaries are conducted for like to speak, but our limited in touch'-' program will, we Cupery, G 0 1 1 the training of a native ministry Beaver, G 0 1 1 we have Hope men chosen to work means do not allow this. We trust, follow in due time. Van Haitsma, F. . 0 0 0 in them. In a t least two of these Hoffman, F o • 0 0 instances the choice has been made Zwemer, G 1 0 2 not by their missionary colleagues G. Wiegerink, G. 0 0 0 but by the ecclesiastical assembly of the church in t h a t particular prove worthwhile enough to | suggestions of the Alumni 9 6 24 country. The Busrah Boys' School bear repetition. As Hopeites; will Ix? very welcome. Meanis exerting a tremendous influence W. S. T. C. (39) F.G. F. T.P. in Arabia and Mesopotamia and has we admire our alumni; t h e y ! while we thank all of you who Den Herder, F. 1 1 3 made the name of John Van Ess serve as a splendid oljject-les-1 have made contributions to Grein, F 6 1 13 widely known as a trusted friend By rum, C 4 0 8 and benefactor of the Arabs. Voorhees College and Katpadi IndusDecker, G 4 9 1 properly trained, and endowed cles or news items. McKay, G 0 .1 1 trial School in India likewise are with real enthusiasfn and ideAlthoff, F 2 0 4 under Hope leadership and with the C. Vander Meulen, ] Overton, F. 1) 1 1200 students amongst whom they als can accomplish. They are President of the Quiring, G 0 0 0 work they have had a wonderful opportunity to-reproduce the Hope a fine example for us to imiPugno, G 0 0 0 Alumni Association. Spirit in countless lives. Talmage | tate. Again, we feel responsi17 5 30 College in China has a t present MERRY CHRISTMAS three Hope graduates working in ble to the alumni. We have Referee: Thompson, Lawrence. it and one who had a partial course, — o b®® entrusted with t h e pres-1 The Anchor takes this occaand they are training not only DR. M. J . HOFFMAN many of the men who are going ent keeping of their Alma Ma- f sion to extend the heartiest DESCRIBES H O P E into the Christian ministry there ter. We know that we are be-] Holiday Greetings to its supCONTRIBUTIONS but their graduates a r e in promi. nent places in government and ing observed by them and feel porters and friends. " We f business circles. So also among the (Continued from Page 1) that eventually Hope College | acknowledge our debt t o the thousand students of Meiji Gakuin will become more dependent, merchants and editorial as- with ministers and people outside in Tokio. Hope is rendering a g r e a t service in training leaders in the h e cir upon them for her progress sistants who make the paper tthe circle ?i® 0of i 11the TTSeminary - made —. -it life of Japan. Jh. i . .. impossible f o r a Hope man KgraduThe new women of the E a s t a r e and successes. poswble, and we value the ap- ating ating here here to to make • ^capital out of coming to the f r o n t very rapidly. It has been a pleasure for preciation • and encourage- anv sectional issue. There is no change so striking a s too, it must be remembered the revolution in the place of us to cooperate with the Pres- ment of our readers. Our next t h aThen, t the Reformed Church here had women. Hope graduates are in t h e ident of the Alumni groups in issue will appear January 14. been established 238 years before f r o n t ranks, guiding and inspiring Hope College graduated her first young women who are comthe preparation of this special ' Anchor Staff. : class. The colonists who settled our these ing to hold places in every departnumber. We are happy to be western states came with back- ment of life t h a t their mothers very different f r o m the one never dreamed of. In Japan the the means of making the stu- John Winter, '30, has been home grounds to which our eastern churches had question of extending the franchise weeks on account becomc accustomed. Here, comparadent-alumni contact a little for the pastl i few to women has been urged. In China is no i r. i.i. » '"ijesst expected that speaking, the Church was women are finding their way into closer. From the halls of Hope • he will go back to school this se- tively old, while in the west it meant pio- occupations and political positions the student body brings aj m e s t e r * , # ; neering. Occasions f o r misunder- unheard of before and demanding were not wanting, but t o rights t h a t have been withheld. In message of greeting and grat- Miss Margaret o t t e , '29, enter- standing the lasting credit of our Church we Mohammedan lands, tco, they are itude to the "cloud of wiVEfiSf. IS"*,1*1* ** f " * o f ^ can with gratitude affirm that a s more and more out of t h e i r . „ i Freshman class for a few days In brethren we have been dwelling to* n and will come to * nesses. : Spring Lake, where Miss Otte gether In unity. The men from the their p a r t side by

under our Reformed Church Board, has been particularly p r o m i n e n t In' J a p a n a new f e a t u r e m missionary evangelism was inaugurated by Dr. Pieters in the newspaper evangelism. Dr. Oltmans, a f t e r long and widely appreciated service in J a pan, nas, a f t e r the age of retirement arrived, chosen a new line of work, showin* tfie large sympathetic h e a r t of the real missionary a s he came into prominent connection with the work f o r lepers. So Hope m e n and women have been and a r e still in the f r o n t r a n k s on the mission field. Considering the size of our church or the size of our Alma Mater, we have had a very large share in the work t h a t is " t u r n i n g the world upside down" and ushering in a new day in the Orient

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e:: to make him more vicious, He is of all t h e others? And when the serving the Dutch Reformed Church federal or state bureau of education "advises" or actually specifies on Hastings S t Oh. yes, John Dinkello, '00, was the entrance and graduation rethere with his wife. John hasn't quirements, text - books, training changed a bit since I knew him a t and rank of the faculties, and simiHope. He is now purchasing agent lar items 7 Loyalty to a Ford would Tubular Skates of high quality f o r the Deerfield Shields High have as much meaning—merely a for Men and Women $6.85 pair# School a t Highland Park, 111. Then matter of "price range" and body types. Under sucl) conditions "eduOswald Visficner '01 and his charmOther Skates $1,25 and up. ing wife were there. Oswald has cation" is something, anything, or nothing as the case may be; changed his business address f r o m There are indications today t h a t the l>aSalle Institute to the Rightway Corporation, 228 N. LaSallc out of thus academic confusion three positive types of education St. , ^ , Dr. Ward DeYoung is practicing are emerging permanently — the medicine a t 11006 Michigan. He liberal a r t s college, the technical 43—45 E. 8th St. 65 Years of Good Hardware. also was present a t the banquet but schools, and the graduate schools. was called to the phone and a s I, These have existed side by side in did not see him return, I presume; the United States for fifty years but the distinctive character of t h a t it was an emergency. Dr. F. J.- Hospers, dentist, is each has now become a recognized QUALITY SERVICE practicing a t G401 S. Halsted St. fact even among the masses. The Liberal Arts College Movement, orHe has oecome one of the most proficient golfers in the Chicago ganized within the last ten months district." One thing about Frank,, among the private colleges of the he keeps his temper. Also he is country, is the first definite attempt still a bachelor. Dr. Willard Vam to put the outstanding emphasis Hazel is married to Miss Mersen, upon an education which has for and is practicing in Chicago. He, its purpose the development of the is specializing in the treatment of, intellectual and spiritual values of our human life in striking distinctuberculosis. (SERVE IT AND YOU PLEASE ALL) I am afraid I have started some- tion to all other values. The liberal thing that I am unable to finish. I a r t s colleges of the great universihope, that I won't create any bad ties will maintain the same ideals. | 133 and 135 Fairbanks Ave. Phone 5470 feeling because I have failed to in- j The subjects offered now differ in r varying degrees in different colsert the name of every Chicago, Alumnus. I know there are many, leges as compared with fifty years rri:n iU:nriiiTrH:ii»wiiuwNi«i»www*nirn«iiiWTUiinM^ ago, and this constant change will more. continue; but this is to be expected My son, Cornelius A. Hospers, '204and W m - M - Tattle, '27, gave; as long as the racial culture is itme tht* enclosed list. Both of the, self changing and expanding. The trade a n d professional young men are studying medicine schools, both graduate and underat the University of Chicago. graduate, will develop the purely j Sincerely yours, technical an practical fields of DR. J. H. HOSPERS. training. The graduate schools, both state MESSAGE OF PRESIDENT. I and private, will carry on research ELECT WYNAND WICHERS activities and will hold themselves responsible for the care and the advancement of what we generally (Continued from Page 1) A Citizen of Holland, Michigan, its government. call the "whole body of knowlAlumni will regret to learn that touring in Holland, Europe last; 26 West 8th St. | edge." character of builders like Dr. Kolsince Mr. Diekema returned to the summer, asked a tradesman about! These tendencies should mean a BTrawtmiiimiiiTi&qmmaammam—n wmqmmummmmmmmmmmamamuHmnmmn* len and Dr. Dimnent. And who the American Minister to the Neth-1 hague last fall he has been under does not remember and honor the great deal to the alumni of HOPE Kiamni ii!mHiii:ri.niTi3Jamwniw-nniii erlands. "Nu, d a t is een m a n " was | the Doctors care. The latest re- Christian work and worth of Dr. COLLEGE. The f u t u r e of the College is wrapt up in them. With six :• •• - Vennema? I hold no hope t h a t I the reply of the tradesman who a ports, however, arc very encouragcan ever equal their devotion' or hundred other colleges in the few days before had heard the ing. The physicians of the Queen duplicate their work. I can only United States HOPE must choose American deliver an eloquent ad- diagnosis the case as not at all crit- pledge myself to honor them by to cast her lot in a very definitely being true to their work and loyal marked arena or to succumb to the dress in the Holland language. The at $22.50—$28.65 $19.50 and up ical and are confident t h a t the dis- to the plans so beautifully and dominant forces in our national Hon. Gerrit J . Diekema, Hope '81, life. The past decade or two have! order will yield to diet and medica- faithfully drawn. For Men and Young Men has won the hearts of t h e Dutch May I confess to the emotion of been hazardous times and the 1 people as well as the confiidence of tion. hesitation and fear. The work is so problem has been to maintain a Smartly "D A T 1? P C great, the difficulties so obvious stable existence rather than to that I dare not rely upon myself mark out new paths. There will be Tailored at 1J U 1 -Ci l i O at all. My faith is in God who little opportunity for individual or ALUMNUS HOSPERS CAMPUS N E W S founded Hope College that it might personal choices; what notions any REPORTS N E W S OF SWEATERS-SPORT COATS-LEATHER produce men and women to do His one in particular may have will CHICAGO ALUMNI COATS work in the world. My mind is upon count for little. The dynamic influAbsent minded professor—"Have' ences of our social life will overthose who are students now and you seen my h a t f " ltlliiW'»3iPiiniri'uwitU]m!iiLit|'l.:!L'l.i:i'|'.|ii|;|;|.l|1" (Continued from Patre 1) those who in the f u t u r e wm be. My whelm the individual. The result immiTi-mmrTrimmriTnTniiMrnTii.iimMiBimimmmw.rimnrrMwmrrraawmimTiimaiiniJTwmiTiiittii Student — " I t is on your head,| desire is that the entire Faculty is that we must decide which path sir." •. I is married again and living in shall bend every effort to give them to choose to follow and, that done, Professor—"Thank you so much; Roseland. Then there was Rev. J . sturdy intellectual equipment, thor- we must cast our loyalties in the but f o r you I'd have gone without C. Brouwer, '02, with his wife and ough training in the a r t s and sci- moulds of ideals or of utilities or it" Miss P r a k k e n f rom Holland. ences, and above all in those graces of experiments. O u t ideals must • • • Brouwer is feeling and looking well that make life a b u n d a n t My hope be, in their turn, marked a s ethical and will look better because I am is in the Alumni of the College. and religious, or social and eco"Did her f a t h e r give the bride You are invited to use the Banking facilities of doing some dental work for him. Everywhere they are occupying nomic, or individual and material. away?" There is no escaping the problem. You know his bark has always been places of leadership. Hope College " I should say he did. He got A choice is inevitable and one who fussed and said as he handed her worse than his bite. We are going has been fully justified in them. It looks back in a most intimate way seems to me that now it is their over to the groom, ' I t is more task to sell the advantages of Hope over a considerable portion of the blessed to give than to receive.' " m iminiimrarrwin namnaw.ni i m rtm 11 rmmuru*College to a new generation of history of our College, cannot btit • • • young men and women. It seems feel that the choice will perforce The Oldest and Largest State Bank in the County that this is an opportune time to be wise, the f u t u r e will be secure, Miss Fulmer — "Now, what is j and the ideals and aims of true pledge ourselves once again to a an anecdote?" T h e College Ave. Barber larger interest in and a g r e a t e r education, as we have conceited of Soph. — " I t is a short, funny j p Sh[>p Welcomes You. devotion to our Alma Mater. My true education since the Class of tale." • j B desire is that Hope College shall 1K66 received the first degrees C. H U I Z E N G A , Prop. Miss Fulmer — "Give me a sen - , continue to serve the Reformed granted by the College, will be Blue Bird Diamond Rings Elgin Watches tence with the word anecdote." Church in America so well t h a t the brought into an abundant fruitage Soph. — " A rabbit has four legs Church will find here the leader- in the decades to come. ship for every task, and daring and an anecdote." EDWARD D. DIMNENT. and faith for every enterprise. My prayer is that altogether we may engage in this great co-operative JEWELER work with such loyalty and devotion that the coming years may bless Hope College for rich and Successor to W. R. Stevenson rare contributions to learning and culture, and for all her a t t e m p t s Complete Watch and Jewelry Repairing to build the complete man accord- A t ing to the pattern given us in three hundred years of Reformed Church history. Very faithfully yours, WYNAND WICHERS. Some students get a





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MESSAGE OF P R E S I D E N T EDWARD DIMNENT (Continued from Page 1)

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great majority of students entered a given college because they or their parents believed thoroughly in the type of education offered by the College. Even when scarcity of funds ana other pressing necessities weighed • heavily in the scale of choice, it was the purpose of the College and the character of its alumni body t h a t determined the choice most largely. Today "education" stands f o r more or less of a glittering generality and, barring a very few negligible items, athHAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED letic or social prominence, the pressure of youthful friendships, or By low-costs wtth convenient location are the leading factors in the choice. Under these conditions loyalty can mean nothing—there is no Optometrist room f o r it any more than for loyalty to Woolworth's as compared to At (?. Piepers Jewelry. 24 W.Sth Kresge's. Who can have any real Holland, Mich. loyalty for the MUNICIPAL UNI! VERSITY OP MIDDLEVHXE Latest and most scientific methwhen there are a thousand Middleods used ville's and each university a replica

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Hope CoDege Anchor

New York Alumni Notes

Alumni Briefs

Alumni About Chicago

f Rev. Anthony Luidens, minister Rev. G. H. Hospers, D.D., Onof Uk. Brighton Reformed Church, tario, N.Y.—Dr. Hospers has served C*roe to Rochester last spring to a number of churches in the deundertake a type of work similar nomination. He has served the to t h a t required in New Brunswick, church a t Ontario f o r a period of N J . T M fusion of residential and 22 years. But the pastoral relation-' ^ «industrial people, the g r a f t i n g of ship was dissolved on December 1 s t . ' C 0 H n t a n t f o r ^ P e K o c k S h o e ^ different denominational types into Dr. Hospers h a s written many con- with offices in t h e Palmer House, a vigorous Dutch church, the con- troversial articles in defense of the Chicago. He was married in Aug tinuance of religious educational Reformed Faith, pamphlets on vari- 1930. work in cooperation with the Rbch- ous themes, and also a book on the Grace DeWolf, '26, graduated ester Council of Religious Educa- Reformed Principles. • from the Presbyterian Hospital « * * * tion are giving him plenty to do in | ! School of Nursing last year and is addition to t h i preaching ministry. Rev. M. E. Koster came from now in Rochester, N.Y. The Brighton Reformed Week-day Fulton, 111., to his present charge * * * in E. Williamson, N.Y., in 1918. One school number 180 pupils. It is an Alfred L. Stevenson, '25, received o fhis daughters, Ruth, graduated outstanding school jn the Rochester from Hope College last June and is the degree of Doctor of J u r i s p r u area. Mr. Luidens is teaching a a t present a t home. A second dence at the University of Chicago, Class in the Rochester Central daughter, Esther, is a t present a 1930, and was married soon a f t e r Training School f o r Teachers this Freshman a t Hope. She is major- wards. ing in musics winter. » « « »


nev. u e Young l o u n g ccame a m e tto o Rev. uenjamin Benjamin De Newark, N T . , from the Reformed Church a t Clymer Hill in 1918. He is today represented a t Hope College by a son and daughter. He has served for a number of years a s secretary of the Consistorial Conference of the Rochester Classis.

Mrs. Anthony (Mae De Pree) Luidens recently gave a reception at the new Brighton Reformed Church parsonage to about 250 guests. The Ministers and ministers' wives from the Classis of Rochester were guests at the Brighton Manse on Dec. 3. Mrs. Lui- , Rev. William Walvoord was dens is a vice president of the graduated f r o m Hone College in an Women's Council of Rochester i ^ i*" 4 ^ ^rv^1 r-u.,—v. ur . .. . churches a t Byron Center, HamilWomen in which some, tim, Waupun, and is now serving three thousand women members!the church a t Pultneyville, N.Y. A from Protestant Churches are mem- ? o n daughter are now attending Hope College. bers. •


NEW GIRLS IN DELPHI The Delphi Literary Society took

in the following new members last Saturday morning: Marian DenHerder, Vera Holle, ^ Laurena Hollebrande, - Anne Jackson, • " MJildred Koomian, Helen Parish Ruth Meengs, Ruth Mulder, Helen Pelon, Mary VanZyl, Beatrice Visser, Julia Walvoord, . Alice White. A f t e r the girls had been pinned which was done with much, applause and hilarious laughter, they were taken to the W a r m Friend Tavern where a dainty breakfast 8erve Reverend Joshua <J >n the Bay Tree Grill uuouua Hogeboom, uugtsuouiii, '25, • Kooni is pastor of the Dutch Reformed I ne Church in Fairview, III. ' w girl gave a response to • • • i the president's greeting which was Russell Van Dyk, '26, is with the ( ' 0 , ' 0 W e ^ the singing of the t)elHart Schaffner and Marks Clothing P 1 " 8 o n 8 r a n d boisterous cheers for the new Co., Chicago. ' members. • • • . A t 2 o'clock the whole society asGeorge Luidens, '27, is m a n a g e r . 8 e m b € ^ a t Voorhees Hall and of the Peacock Shoe Co.'s M i c h i - 1 8 t a r t ^ for Grand Rapids where gan Avenue Store, Qiicago. H e | t h e y w e r e delightfully entertained at t e hom married in the Fall of 1929. ^ e of t h e Misses M a r g a r e t * * * } j a J l d Anne Boter. A f t e r a few muC. W. Muilenberg, '27, was m a r - i S ' t a ^ numbers a delicious supper ried in March and left a t once f o r i w a s 5 ' € r v e d at small tables. I t was a

happ Rev. J . P. Winter a t Clymer Hill "8 , o n o l u l u t 0 a 8 a u m e 11 ?' f r o " P Rev. Josiah Meulendyk, Nestor is served t h a t church since the 1 tion. | reached their homes * * * "• | and the Dormitory a t 11 o'clock. of Rochester ministers, and retired year 1927. Mr. Winter was a mem- j a f t e r pastorates in Wisconsin, Illi- ber of the class of 1891. He had Raymond Gouwens, '27, is in the I — ^ a share in the development of the nois and New York State, is giving work which the Reformed church automobile business a t 118th St.- WORLD WJDE SIFTINGS attention this winter to a study of undertook in Oklahoma, and re- and Michigan Avenue, Chicago. • • » the historical records of churches moved to Fairview, III., a f t e r the j Each motorist in the United and consistories as these are stored church gave up its Oklahoma work. Reverend John Soeter, '27, is pas- f States spent an average of $29 on in the vaults t'aitifo nf i) u * ^C o,l -' |One of his daughters is Mrs. Thoom of •u the Rochester tor of the Community Church, Tea- j t ' f e s and tubes during the last dore Zweraert ; i f e of the late Dr. i year. gate Seminary Library. Dominie j Theodore Zwemer who died in In- neck, N.J. Meulendyk is a welcome and hon- j dia, while serving the Lord. Elizabeth Nauta, ex., '30, was ored guest a t all the church func Because one of the workers was married June 26th, 1930, to Dr. G. Rev. H. E. Tellman of the class tions of the Classis. suspended, 200 women employees of 1901 is now serving the church H. Scott, instructor in Otolaryn• » * of a match factory at Seville, gology at the University of Chia t Palmyra, N.Y. He came to t h a t cago. Spain, refused to leave the plant field from Pultneyville in the year Mr. Kenneth Mook, musician and * • « 1920. A son, Edwin, expects to teacher in music, had offers this reBt0red Dr. R. H. Fell, '24. is practicing " wp a 1 -. They eat. graduate f r o m Hope College this fall from colleges outside of Roch- coming summer. Mr. Tellman has dentistry in Galesburg, 111 1' ' * ra^ve visitors a t the - * •factory. ester but with a promotion in the served as Clerk of the Rochester • Dr. Russell Pleune, '26, is internpublic schools and increased oppor- Classis some 8 years. ing at Washington Blvd. Hospital, » « « H e r r Hugo Brech of Moscow, tunities for musical work decided Chicago. Rev. John A.Van Dyk of the « • » Russia, sells the skulls of dead to stay in Rochester. He teaches class of 1907 came to the Rochester music in East Side Junior High, Classis f r o m the Sixth Reformed , Dr. Harvey Teusink, '26, is prac- Russian Paupers to British doctors sings in a radio quartet for a Roch- Church in Grand Rapids in 1928. ticing medicine in Michigan. f o r dental purposes. Skulls in good » • • condition are worth $90. ester Bank, is soloist in the Brick The First Marion Church which he Dr. Paul Van Verst, '25, is asso• • • Presb. Church and finds time to now serves was organized 60 years ciated with Dr. Paul C. Fox in the ago and its first pastor was the help the Y.M.C.A. and local church- Rev. J. W. Warnshuis. Between 3,000,000 and 4,000,000 practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Chicago. es in addition. Such is the enthusipieces of Christmas mail find their • astic and ambitious career of young way to the dead letter office every Rev. R. J Van Farowe came to Dr. Carl Shaw, ex, '25, is practicHopeites / t h e Williamson Reformed Church ing medicine in Michigan. year in U.S., because of illegible or , directly f r o m the Seminary a t Hol« * * incomplete addresses and failure of land His work has gone on well. In I)r. Dwight Moser, ex., '25, is senders to put their r e t y m ad Mrs. Kenneth (Martha Barkema) * h e . m o r ™ 1 ^ h e P e a c h e s t 0 a Hoi-, r resident e | | i a e n i . i nin i nthe e Dept. ^of r Pediatrics, dress on letters and packages. oven,11K Mook has entered into Rochester's, ^nih^h'flndlpn^ ; Harper Hospital, Detroit. • • • t0 an musical life as a Church soloist. In I \, J * Pree, '26. is inLa Grande Melee was held about addition to beginning home-ke&ping | Rev. Gerrit Timmer serves the I ^talTchfcago. 8 " eight A.M. at Voorhees, Saturday. s h e . i s finding time to help local church at Clymer, N.Y., called t h• e j| » » , J ^ K i n g by the squeals of delight churches with musical help. She Abbe Church in honor of Mrs. L. S oppen 26 ia n o r f ' ' ' ' " everyone is happy. was scheduled to sing in a down-iM. Abbe who gave $1800 to the t e m i n g at St. Luke's Hospital, Chi- 1 • • » •own musical drama this fall, but|church many years ago. cago. i _ the recurrence of an ailment t h a t j * ? * » • * , | Two Co-eds from N.Y. went to attacked her last year placed her in Rev. Dave Bogard serves the G. Marion De Young, *26, is a see "The Big Trail" a t the Holland the Strong Memorial Hospital this Sccond Reformed Church of Ma- senior at Rush Medical College and fall for an operation. Her recov- Hon. This church is a daughter of is instructing in anatomy at the the other night. One of them reery has been quite rapid. Her ''on- the first church having been organ- University of Chicago. He was marked "People must have been ynlescence may last for some time. iiMi in the year 1910. Mrs. Howard married in June, 1930, to Miss hardier in those days. We wouldn't Why not write this song-bird a is also a graduate of Hope College Prances Nucholls of Eldora, la. think of doing such a thing today." friendly note? . and together they are doing a most He expects to Intern n ihe Army. "Oh, I don't know," replied the c c <. ^ triKtive work in their Marion other, "We have enough pioneer i field. Cornelius Hospers, '2(5, is inspirit to s t a r t for New York in a Grace E. De Wolff who g r a d u - ' ^ .... . | structing in Pathology a t the Unin 4 I . ated from Hope to enter PresbyRev. Garrpt Hondelink, BJ)., , f ; ' versity of Chicago. He expects soon bus." Church |1tow»receive his Ph. D. and M. D. deterian Hospital in Chicago, gradu- serving the — First* Reformed — — itrv ated there this present year a n d ! 0 ' Rochester which celebrate<l i t s grees. Then there is the college freshis taking post-graduate study in I I^Hniond Jubilee in 1927. Mr. Hon-l man who thinks t h a t Homer, AesStrong Memorial Hospital in Roch-1 ^eUnk came to Rochester from t h c | E H. Fell, '27,W is a senior a t the — — — —— ester. She entered there this fall.' Central Reformed Church of M u v University of- Chicago - Medical chylus, Sophocles, Plato, Herodotus. Strong Memorial numbers among kegon. For some ten years he School. Thucydides, Euripides and Aristhe foremost graduate-hospitals in served as Agent f o r the Board of tophanes are names of Pullman Foreign Missions He has served on the country. Wm. M. Tuttle, '27, is a senior cars. • • 0 numerous committees of the Roch- at the University of Chicago Medester Federation of Churches. He ical School aand im | is a l instructor iuarui in Lois E. De Wolff, a f t e r finishing has sen-ed Ss yice-prestdpnt of th» Anatomy a t the University. Sidney Heersma, *30, started in Hope recently, has taken a posi- Ministerial Union of the Rochester" ^ • the freshman class in medicine at tion with Macey and Co., New York Churches. He has written scores of M. W. Peelen and J . W. Peelen, City, as personel director. Macey & articles f o r the Church P aper s and the U. of C., but was forced to '27. are seniors at Rush Medical Co. are one of the few Stores in f o r some three vears has had a College. stop due to illness; he expects to the country specializing in the col- resume of one of his Sundav ser• • • resume this winter. lege graduate type of woman for mons in the Rochester Times • * * Edward Wagenaar. '27, is a sesaleswomen. Miss De Wolff is in Union. : nior a t Rush Medics I College. Wm. Klerk and Eugene Damson, * * * the personnel department of Ma• • • *29, are at Northwestern University cey's helping to select proper sales Mrs. Garret Hondelink has filled Lewis Jennings Geerlings, *28, is —people f o r the force of several a large place in tne missionary studying medicine. Medical College , thousand needed in this big store. work of the churches which her a junior a t Rush • • • husband has been , serving. She ha«< James Russel Brink, *28, is a Wm. and John Winter, Marvin junior at Rush Medical College. Meengs, Harold Dykehuizen, Eva - ' • • « Tysse, Bernidine Seibers, 'SO, are in e8ter cll,,ltht8 siotuurr evangelist f o r f o r t y villag* W a number of P. Herman 'Harms, '29, is attendJ T u i ! ? t e a C t V , f 'i: e i in* the University of Chicago Med- their first year of medicine at the es. His Ford U k e s him to these places. He preaches tp crowds of "hJfh, He is doing research University of Chicago as are RusNational Council publishes at Lake in Pathology. j>€ople a t sunrise before they go to sel Nykamp, *26, and Nick LanGeneva and Winona. A major oper• • • work and again a t sunset as they ting, *80. ation in March of 1980 made it Wnu F. Beswick. *29, is attending * • * return. In the day-time he 1S is bbusy uH in V i u J T t £ necessary for her to relinauish all the University of Chicago, pursuing her w o Roy Bremer, *29, is a sophomore in the ArcoT Mfarion * f o r t h e t i m e *****> b « t a medical education. fJ g . ' T T V r r ^ P ? ^ ^ ^ gradually recovering her • • • at the University of Chicago in form a resourceful t n o m the Hope strength and hopes to be airain able Leon DePree, '29, is also at the Medidne. He has been forced to Alumni group from Rochester, N.V. to c a ^ on all Eer f o ^ e r w S r t University, studying medidne. stay oat temporarily due to illness.




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