Hope College Anchor
UX —4
Official Publication of the Students ol Hope College at Holland Michigan
Joint Y Club M e e t to Be Host to Rev. Matsumoto Rev. Toru Matsumoto will be the speaker at a joint Y.M. and Y.W. meeting on November 12 in Hope Memorial chapel. He is wellknown in the Reformed Church in America. Rev. Matsumoto was born on the Island of Hokkaido, Japan, in 1913, of a Christian mother. His father was a physician. When his family moved to Tokyo in 1928, he was enrolled in the Middle School Department of the Meiji Cakuin, the oldest mission school for boys in Japan, founded and nurtured by the Reformed Church in America and the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Changing his original plan of following his f a t h e r ' s profession, he entered the College Department of the Meiji Gakuin in preparation for theological education later in the United States. Hoping to train himself for a role of Christian educator in his native country, upon graduation from the College in 1935 he came to the UniteJ States and entered Union Theological Seminary, New York City. He g r a d u a t e j from Union in 1938 with the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. While in Japan, he was active in all international student activities, having been General Chairman of the first American-Japan Student Conference held in Tokyo in 1934. He was a delegate to the second similar conference held in Portland, Oregon, the following year. While a student in America, he was Assistant Secre'.ary of the Japanese Students' Christian Association of North America 1936-37, and Acting General Secretary the following year. In January, 1938, he became Editor and General Secretary of the Association.
Dramatic Society's
Program Begins On
Nov. 12 With Plays
eled extensively as director for resettlement und v .e Home Missions C o u n c i l , counseling with church groups on ^ s e t t l e m e n t and visiting relocation centers in the interest of the churches. Out of these experiences came his book Beyond Prejudice, recently published. Mr. Matsumoto contributes articles to church and secular magazines and is the co-author of A Brother Is a Stranger, a new volume published by the John Day Company.
Society Discusses Phases of Speech In Forensic Rally
Bill Vander Yacht, of Holland, has been awarded the Freshman Voice Scholarship. The scholarI i Kappa Delta, National Honorship is for a period of one year, ary Speech Fraternity, sponsored and is awarded annually to the a Speech Rally in the chapel at student with the most promising 4:00 P. M., Wednesday, October voice in the Freshman Class. 30, 194G. The president, Joanne This year's contest was conDecker, presided at the rally. sidered extremely hard to judge Each phase of speech work for because of the good voice quality this year was discussed. Opportuniof all who tried out. Other conties in debate was discussed by testants were Marjory Angus, Bob Danhof. "Resolved: That Labor Ellen Beuker, Gloria Denton, ConBe Given an Active Part in the nie Hartman, Barbara KronenManagement of Industry" is the donk, Beatrice Reyst, Phyllis Jean topic for the main tournament to Sherman, and Joan Ten Hove. be held in February. There will be Professor Robert Cavanaugh ana special contest for new debaters. nounced the results. He was asJean Watson told about the discussisted by Mrs. W. Curtis Snow, sion to be held in December on the Miss Vantina Holleman and Miss same topic as the debate. Helen Cook, all of the music deExtemporaneous speaking was partment, in judging these condiscussed by Betty Timmer. The testants. topics f o r men are "United States Relations with Russia" and "Control of Atomic Energy," while "Juvenile Delinquency" and "American Mary Young, circulation man- Foreign Policy" are the topics for ager, announces that letters have the women. been sent to parents of Hope stuLuella Pyle discussed oratory. dents for subscriptions to the The local oratorical contests f o r Anchor. If there are any who men and women will be held before have not been contacted, they Christmas, and the state contests should see the manager. will be held later. Dr. Schrier will On the day the paper comes out. aid those interested before the loAnchors can be obtained in any cal contest. A peace oratorical conof the following places: Van test will also be held separate from Raalte, Graves, the northeast and the other contests. southwest chapel entrances, ZweDouglas Cameron discussed the mer Hall, T Barracks, Temple interpretative reading contests in Building, and Voorhees Hall. prose and poetry for men and There is a limit of one copy per women to be held here. The winstudent. Everyone is asked to ners will participate in state concomply with this request. tests a f t e r w a r d . All reporters on the Anchor A f t e r t h e s e discussions, Dr. staff are required to attend the meetings every Monday afternoon Schrier gave a talk and mimeoat 4:00 unless excused by the graphed sheets about these events editor. Sorority and f r a t e r n i t y re^ ^ were distributed along with other porters should also come to this . . * "i"' ' • information about forensics. Those meeting. Any campus organizations that want news coverage interested in a sheet of these events
Anchor News
should send a this meeting.
Hope's Y Societies Plan To Help Talmage College
That unusual talent will be unFar Eastern Student Service Fund, leashed on the stage of the Holland High school auditorium has 1938-39. been confirmed by Louise Ter Shortly a f t e r the outbreak of the Besk, chairman of the Nykerk Cup war in December of 1941, Mr. MatContest. Rivalry will again be in sumoto was interned f o r 11 months full swing, between the Freshman due to a misunderstanding conand Sophomore classes, Monday cerning his brief visit to J a p a n in night, November 25. 1940 which he undertook in order This time it will center around to comply with the immigration the feminine sex of the two classes. laws. The m i s u n d e r s t a n d i n g The " f r o s h " and "soph" girls will cleared, he was promptly released. display their talent in friendly "Upward and Onward" and "the competition in the Annual Nykerk Valiant" will be presented by Cup Contest. Pallette and Masque Hope College Curtain time will be 7:30 P. M. dramatics society, Wednesday and The coaches for the Sophomore Thursday, November 12, 13 as a girls are Glenna Gore, senior; housewarming for their new studio Marie Butlar, sophomore. The on the fourth floor of Van Raalte coaching f o r the freshman girls is hall. P. & M. began a new chapter under the supervision of Milly Ver- in its history last year with the maire, junior, and Barbara Kron- arrival of Mr. Avison on the sndonk, freshman. The program campus as director of dramatics. includes the following fields: With the presentation of these music, oratory and drama. plays its program v ill really get Class spirit is bound to reign underway. high between the two classes; alMr. Avison states that this prothough not as expressively as was gram is "a first concrete step toshown at the "soph-frosh" pull. ward materializing a dream." Admission will be free of charge From similar humble beginnings .o the public. Hopeites are urged the Washington Square players in to attend this promotion of class Greenwich village grew to be the spirit and competition. Theatre Guild. From such humble Emphasis is placed on the work beginnings in Provincetown, Mass. which must be put into this project came Eugene O'Neil, Stuart Walto make it a success. Louise Ter ker and many other prominent Beek has ascertained, a f t e r view- people in American Theatrical life. A f t e r his release, he became as- ing the programs of both classes From such humble beginnings sistant to the e -R-iitive secretary and taking particular interest in came the Penthouse theatre at the of the Commiltte o.i Resettlement the time and untiring effort in- University of Washington and alof Japanese Anoricans. From volved, that it will be a hard most every other college and university theatre in the United March to Dece.abe.", 1945, he trav- fought "battle" for the victor.
In his capacity as General Secretary of the Japanese Students' Christian Association, Mr. Matsumoto attended the General Committee Meeting of the World's Student Christian Federation in Paris, France, in 1938, was a resource On the evening of the 10th of leader at the Stud.'nt Volunteer February, 1944, in the Marble ColMovement Conference in Toronto, legiate Church in New York City, Canada, 1939, and was a commitMr. Matr.u o.o was ordained, by tee member and speaker of the the Classis of New York, to the Gospel ministry in the Reformed Church in America.
Voice Scholarship Contest W o n By Vander Yacht
Nykerlc t o Feature Soph-Frosh Girls
representative to may obtain one from either Joanne Decker or Dr. Schrier.
College t o Have Weather Station Hope College will be the scene of Holland's weather station as announced by Dr. Irwin J . Lubbers last Thursday. Operated by the Board of Public Works for 40 years the service will now be in charge of Professor Albert E. Lampen, who teaches astronomy along with other mathematical subjects. Prof. Lampen will be assisted by Professor Clarence Kleis of the physics department, and Professor Clyde Geerlings, instructor in meteorology. The Chamber of Commerce recommended to County Agricultural Agent Leo R. Arnold who handles details for the state that the weather station be transferred to Hope College. The weather apparatus will be installed on the campus near the science building. The t r a n s f e r will be under supervision of a state official.
Attention, Students Work on the 1947 Milestone is well under way. All departments are functioning, recording the events of the year at Hope. The Milestone office is located in the basement of Van Raalte Hall, next to the Koffee Kletz. The Milestone photography studio, f o r individual and group pictures is on the fourth floor of the Science building, east side. The object of a yearbook is to record the events of a school year, in such a manner as to make that record a cherished possession. In order to fully realize this goal, the staff needs co-operation from the student body and faculty. Beginning this week, schedules will be made and distributed f o r individual pictures. A book is not complete unless every student has his picture printed a t least once. When you receive your appointment date, keep i t ! The Milestone staff has made it as simple as possible f o r you to be photographed, by moving the studio on the campus. They ask only t h a t you co-operate. All p h o t o g r a p h e r s on the campus who wish to submit prints to the Milestone can do so immediately. Put the prints in an envelope with your name and college address on the back. If the Milestone can use your print, you will be contacted and paid f o r supplying the negative. Bring the prints to the Milestone office any time f r o m 11 to 11:30, or 1 to 1:30.
Thus by staging a program of plays in a room with no stage and with the imminent presentation of an original play by a Hope College student. Jack Curtis, Pallette and Masque is getting off to an early start this year on a new creative adventure. The cast for "Upward and Onward," is being directed by Mr. Avison. Betty Timmer and Russel Hofcon are the student directors for "The Valiant." Jack Curtis' play which has just been completed, is being rehearsed and revised preparatory to a test performance f o r P. & M. members before it will be given a public showing. Attendance at the November programs will be limited by lack of space allowed in the workshop. However the plays will have only two showings as too much expense would be involved if f u r t h e r performances were given.
A . H. Rypstra Wins Vollcer Fellowship A Volker Fellowship for graduate study in public administration has been awarded to Alfred H. Rypstra, a recent graduate of Hope College. These fellowships carry a stipend of $1200 a year, and are in addition to any rights under the GI bill. Mr. Rypstra is taking his graduate work at Wayne University in Detroit. While at Hope, he majored in social science. He was active in numerous organizations in the departments of music, forensics, and others. He was a member of the Fraternal Society, and in his Senior year he served as a member of the Student Council. During the war, he served as an Ensign in the United S t a t e s Naval Reserve. Later he returned to finish his college work at Hope, and graduated in February of this year.
The lecipient of the funds of this year's Mission Drive will be Talmadge College, Changchow, China. This school is the nucleus of a chain of schools in South Fukien Province, China, in which all-around Christian development is nurtured. As great physicians inspire medical centers, so the great teacher and "master builder of the mission," Dr. James Van Nest Talmage, prompted this great educational settlement.
Musical Arts Holds Meeting at Chapel Musical Arts held its first meeting Thursday, October 31, in the chapel auditorium. Alma Vander Hill was in charge of the program which included a piano solo by Betty Van Lente; organ solo, Ruth Probst; vocal solo's by Betty Christie and Bill Vander Yacht, and a violin solo by Jeff Wiersum. Plans were discussed for other programs and the Christmas Vesper to be held on Sunday, December 8.
This school is of special interest to Hope College students, as assistance in the reconstruction and refurnishing of the Talmage College dormitory is the theme of this year's Mission Drive. The Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. of Hope have set as their goal, $2000 to An amateur program will be be raised for t h a t purpose. held in Carnegie gymnasium FriTalmage College is not just anday night, November 22, at 7:30 other small school, but has P. M. Skits will be presented by through the years established a the faculty and each sorority and high standard of achievement. The fraternity. The men and women college prepares more Chinese for of the Freshman class will also the ministry than any other school. part.cipate by presenting respec- However, this is not the only tive skits. Council members, Bar- service it performs. In addition, bara Bilkert and Clarence Luth the students serve the rural comare co-chairmen of the program. munities by helping to improve "Burning of the Green" has been local agricultural conditions. The a familiar quotation of Hope's Y. M. C. A. in this school is very campus for many years. Again active, and helps the students exthe event has taken a leading press their religion in service. place in Hope College's activities. The students not only receive a Student Council has designated high school training but gain much November 22, following the talent practical experience in spite of in equipment and show, as the date f o r the tradi- handicaps quarters. On the hillside of their tional ceremony. The fire will be kindled on the football practice inland quarters they set out 100,000 field behind the " T " dorm. As the seedling trees, to give tung oil; flames "beckon forth the Green", they raised their own vegetables, the freshmen will rid themselves wheat and sweet potatoes; they of their beloved pots once and for carried on a dispensary in which an average of fifty people were all. treated every day. In addition to this, they maintained several Sunday Schools and preaching centers. The Talmage boys have made a Christian impact on the surrounding villages and have raised the Marion Korteling, now a senior, level of living of the whole comwas tapped into the Alcor Women's munity. Honorary Society at the monthly The Mission Drive is not new to meeting last Wednesday, October the campus and has grown f r o m 30. For this meeting Miss Eliza$579 in 1939 to $1227 in 1945. In beth Lichty, one of the faculty 1943 the money went to the school advisors of the society, entertained l or the negroes in Brewton, Alathe group at a supper meeting bama, to help f u r n i s h their liin her apartment. )rary. The $1023 in 1944 paid f o r Marion Korteling, daughter of a the installment of a telephone missionary to India, has been system at the Vellore Medical active in her three years on Center in India, and the $1227 of last year helped to give the campus. She is president of the migrant workers all over the Dorian Society, vice-president of United States, hymnals and portPallette and Masque, and has been able organs to help in their service. on the YWCA cabinet. Women's This year's increased enrollment Glee Club, the Milestone staff, and ought to insure the realization of House Board. our goal—$2000. With the coMrs. Everett Klein jans, new operation of everyone, Hope should member of the English depart- be able to go "over the top." Lois ment and former member of Alcor, Van Wyk, f o r the Y. W. C. A. and was guest at the dinner. Also lobert Schuller, f o r the Y. M. present were the faculty advisors C. A., are in charge of this year's of Alcor, which include beside Miss drive. Lichty, Miss Laura Boyd and Miss Nella Meyers.
Amateur Program, Burning of Green To Be Held Nov. 22
Honorary Society Welcomes Senior
Homecoming Decoration at Zwemer § m
This college, which was begun in 1888 in Kulangsu, has as its present enrollment 800 students. It really is a "middle school," but was given the name of "college" in the earlier days when schools of high school grade were aften so designated. Talmage College has been in refugee quarters in an inland village, as its school buildings and dormitory were heavily hit by bombs during the war. The students have now moved back into their devastated location at Changchow, to carry on with the same live spirit t h a t characterized their wartime activities.
Miss Regyerfs to Speak A t November Meeting Of Kappa Delta Soc. Miss E m m a Reeverta, English professor will speak a t the November meeting of the Kappa Delta Society. Having come recently from work a t Berea College where she was intimately associated with the work of the Kentucky Mission, Miss Reeverts is well qualified to speak concerning the various domestic mission fields. Marjorie Dixon, newly elected treasurer will be in charge of the meeting. the
Kappa Delta will meet in Thesaurian
November 18, a t 7:30 P. M. Girls interested in Christian service of any phase a r e eligible f o r membership.
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Hope College Anchor
Hope College Anchor
Let's Go, Hope!
As I See It
men and to change the environOctober 30, 1940. The local chapter of Pi Kappa Well, this is it. Peace, r e a d j u s t ment in which they live. But I ment, a better world — Words t h a t Delta, national forensic f r a t e r n i t y , Dear Editor: Member I cannot refrain from using this disagree in the means to be used have been shot f r o m cannons, is currently engaged in a campaign Pbsocialed GoBeeiale Press public means for praising and con- f o r the accomplishment of the sec- dropped from bomb bays and bur- to restore participation in forensic g r a t u l a t i n g the writer of the edi- ond task. I feel if the Church ied along with those who f o u g h t activities to the wide-spread base STAFF would be duly concerned about the for them are at last s t r u g g l i n g it held in pre-war years. The reVIVIAN DYKEMA Z: Editor-in-Chief torial ' T h e Church in Modern Society." In remarkably clear lan- first task, the second would be a for their place in this new post- cent Speech Rally was the opening Kerne L. Hoeksema... ) A880ciate guage, compact thought and a bold natural result. Let me illucidate. war world; and a good half of the gun in t h a t campaign. At a recent Howard Koop r Editors spirit, the article expressed what You and I are students who are struggle is being f o u g h t in Amer- meeting, it w a s suggested that I Lois Van Wyk ) only "exposed" to knowledge. It ica's colleges and universities. write a brief article for the AnLouise Ter Beek Business Manager is in the heart of many of us who is our task to convert and co-ordihave come through these tragic chor upon the value of forensics— Joseph Palmer, J r Asst. Business Manager Schools t h a t once accommodated years of war and are looking to nate that knowledge into our I fe's group discussion, debate, extempoSTAFF the church to play a creative role work. We as Christians must take hundreds are now making room f o r raneous speaking and oratory. in the reconstruction of the social Christian principles t a u g h t to us thousands, and eager young people, Harriet Hains News Editor Taking part in these activities and apply them in a vital way to glad for the opportunity again to order. Barbara Bilkert Feature Editor could very properly be urged upon Yet, it is a sad fact t h a t the our environment. This talk of "let take up the strands of normal livGlenna Cfore Society Editor the basis of school spirit, i.e., to view expressed in the editorial is the church do it", is a restating of ing, are trying to f o r g e t the school Mary Young.. Circulation Manager keep up Hope's fine past record; held by only a minority of Chris- the age-old "let George do it" of their choice for the school t h a t upon the basis of the good times Dorothy Davis Shirley Willbrandt '-Tvpists tians. In this most crucial period philosophy. God in His wisdom will make room for them. involved in making trips, in matchJ a n e t Pfeiffer ' of human history when mankind has seen fit to chose individuals to For months Hope College planned ing minds with superior students Dale Ackridgc - A r t Editor is in such desperate need of guid- compose His Church and He has and pushed, schemed and shoved from other schools. But these moREPORTERS ance in its political, economic and created these individuals with into make way for the trampling tivations, good as they are, don't Lou Bixby Jean Meulendyke Jean Thompson social life, a large part of the dividual responsibilities. With Dr. herd. Upper classmen were glad quite go to the heart of the matter. Joanne Decker Ix)is Meulendyke Gertrude Vredeveld Christian church staunchly refuses Gerritt J a n Heerlng of Leyden to welcome those who had failed As I see it, extra-curricular speech University I agree when he says, Rachel Dykstra Peggy Prins Dick Vriesman to furnish this guidance. to get into other colleges and .ctiv ties represent an opportunity Virginia Hemmes Ruth Quant Arlene Wieten To those who so staunchly refuse the time has come to revive and freshmen who had all their lives cor s?lf-development, as also an Carolyn Ingham Mollie Reimers Robert Wildman to furnish this guidance to bewild- re'nstitute the old "Militia Chrisplanned on going to Hope were opportunity to be of some service Alida Kloosterman Eleanor Rubingh Vernon Sennet ered humanity, I ask these ques- li," that is, the formation of a excited over the spurt in enroll- in bringing about a better worldtions: Are we not betraying God band of men and women, who drivLaurence Masse Ruth Ruys Owen Roeppc ment. order. Here, in brief, is my reaElaine Meeusen Geraldine Sheerans Max Frego when we refuse Him the right to en by the love of God and respect soning, directed primarily to the Ernest Meeusen Jean Sibley speak through His Church to the for their fellow-men, will resoluteAlong with my " f r e s h i e " enveterans who represent the largest Hitlers and Mussolinis of this ly enter arenas of social life — thusiasm 1 dreamed of living with BUSINESS S T A F F proportion of our increased enrollworld that they are wrong? Is not the contemporary political, social young men and women who held Walter Boerma Marian Hanna Roger Kempers ment. God, the God of the corporate struc- and economic arenas — to chal- in common the desire to live a Dick Brown Carolyn Ingham Lyn Lundberg You fought a war and won it. ture of society as well as of the lenge, resist, fight and finally Christian life. No, I wasn't picMarie Buttlar J a n Joldersma Don Vanden Berg In sp'.te of that, everyone knows individuals? Does he not judge overcome the institutions of injus- turing Hope as some sort of a Robert Wildman that the world is faced with multiand save economic and political tice, exploitation, discrimination monastic institution attractive to tudinous problems today — all of CIRCULATION S T A F F sytsems as well as individuals? Are and violence of this world, our con- pious, solemn-faced students, f o r them properly subjects of forensic Ruth Bartholomew Donna Slugter Bonita Zandbergen not the most perplexing and dis- temporary social order, as Jesus 1 knew of the fun-packed faculty. endeavor. These problems won't Marcia De Young Evelyn Van Dan turbing problems of our economic, urged His followers to do." Where, then, is there room f o r solve themselves. I doubt that God I'm weary of w e l l - m e a n i n g disappointment? political and social life, essentially Published every two weeks during the school year by the students of will solve them for us. Annie Mae moral problems? If we answer yes preachers, (who are primarily theoHope College. A drama fan was bubbling to Flint's hymn is still good theology, Entered as second class matter a t the post office of Holland, Michigan, to these questions (and 1 fail to logians), telling the world how to her roommates over the prospect "God has no hands but ours to do at special rate of postage provided f o r in section 1103 of Act of see how we can say no to them operate its economics. They should Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. of a forthcoming play to be put His work today." College is prepawithout trying to interfere with be engaged in lending some of in by Hope students. When asked ration for life. You students are PRINTED AT OLD NEWS PRINTERY God's right to rule His own world) their influence to the support of where the big event would take going to have to live in this world. then we must a g r e e that the Christian colleges such as Hope place, she opened wide, innocent In spite of its triteness, the stateChurch must seek to change social and the founding of a Christian eyes with, "You know anything ment remains true as a matter of conditions, as well as individuals. University from which well-trained good is off campus," As several chronological fact that collegeIt must seek to change the politi- (rather than well-meaning) men ;irls seemed unsatisfied she went trained persons will be the leaders cal, economic and social institu- and women can come out and be )n. "Naturally the play has to have of tomorrow. Through participations in which men must live. It the salt (influence) of our world. few "shady" parts to make it tion in forensic activities you have must seek to do this not merely in- The world patiently waits for well any good and you can't picture t h a t an opportunity to study the many directly through individuals, but trained men and women with a problems confronting us today — at H-o-p-e, can y o u ? " I have recently returned from the 22nd Annual Associated directly as a body. distinctly Christian philosophy of our relation with Russia, the impliVeterans know how difficult it life to guide it through this period Collegiate Press Convention, which was held at the Hotel Now you tell me — what's hapcations of the atomic bomb, capiContinental in Chicago . This convention is supervised by was to avoid bad habits in the of mistrust and doubt. The call pened on Hope's campus? You tal and labor relations, Christianservice because of the evil environ- goes out, not to the church as a I he ACP, and all editors and business managers of college ment. Psychology tells us to what unit, but to individual members may agree that there's something ity and race, and many others. You •'right" about starting the day in yearbooks, newspapers, and magazines, are invited to attend. a great extent our characters are thereof, to rise up and take hold God's house, yet you're just too have an opportunity to develop your talents in speech-making, at influThis year, a f t e r a war holiday of three years, more than 100 shaped and made by our environ- on the reins of the state, accustomed to - sleeping late to encing the conduct of others. Such I was sad to notice the editor make it to chapel. Maybe you delegates responded, representing 130 colleges and uni- ment. There are plenty of sincere training will not only increase your versities throughout the country. The entire program was Christians in our business and poli- to stoop to the use of condemna- did come at first and were dis- influence in the future. I believe tical systems who cannot put their tory language .against those who well organized, with the result that the convention was a faith into practice because they differed with him. The words, "to couraged by the grumblers and that by speaking before organizagripers whose incessant ridicule tions of adults in debating and orasuccess, and the delegates well pleased. must conform to the selfish and deny the second of these tasks is and chatter made it impossible f o r 1 listened to many speakers, all of them at the top of the greedy customs of our capitalistic to be guilty of a heresy as serious you to enjoy the service. There tory, your influence right here and now is not negligible. ladder in the journalistic field. Dean Kenneth Olson of the system. These men are looking to as any the Christians can com- is something divinely impressive Your studies, of course, should Medill Sciiool of Journalism, Northwestern university; How- the church to change these sys- mit," smack with a IGth century and beautiful to be found in Hope's come first. But most students have tems. Let us hope that in the com- altitude. That was an age in which chapel . . . if only we cared enough ard Hlakeslee, Science Editor of the Associated Press; Fred ing years, before it is too late, some time available f o r extrathe church told the world how to to look. L. Kildow, director of the Associated Collegiate Press; Basil that the church will help save hu- run its a f f a i r s . "Heresy" was a curricular activities, I earnestly And what's wrong with dancing ? suggest you give some thought to Walters, Executive Editor of the Chicago Daily News; and manity as a whole as well as in- signal for the burning of human candles dipped in oil. I agree with You may not condemn it, but Hope participation in forensics. Circuothers. They were interesting; they were inspirational; dividual souls. A Freshman. the editor when he says, "the is supported by a number of Chris- lars regarding the various activithey were educational; AND ALL OF THEM COULD NOT church has too often remained sta- tian churches who apparently do. ties have been widely distributed SAY ENOUGH FOR THE COLLEGE NEWSPAPER AND Dear Editor: tionary while society has moved Our faculty is certainly one t h a t upon the campus. For f u r t h e r inYEARBOOK, WHICH OFTENTIMES OPERATES ENThe editorial of the last issue of —" Thank God we no longer live would go and has gone to any formation, I invite you to "come TIRELY WITHOUT PROPER SUPERVISION AND AS- the Anchor, "The Church in Mod- in the l(»th century. Society has measures to give the student body up and see me some time." Dr. William Schrier, SISTANCE FROM THE ADMINISTRATIVE DEPART- ern Society," was a provocative moved on to the 20th century — what they want. Surely we can trust their better judgment in this one. Director of Forensics the age of the "Militia Christi." MENT OF T H E COLLEGE! and Faculty Sponsor, 1 am wholeheartedly in agree- Let's adjust ourselves to the cen- m a t t e r they have had to deal with As tiiis point was brought home again and again by these ment with the statement that the tury! for so many years. A large body Pi Kappa Delta of Hope's 1946 students are unacdistinguished and experienced gentlemen, 1 pondered on task of the Church is both to save (Editor'# Note: W h y not a r r a n u e to be Bud Ridder. customed to the rules that make present in VR-303 4th hour P e r i u a s i o n tlie situation as it is here at Hope college. No longer is this class, and aicain a t 4 P . M. of t h a t d a y , a diminuative, sheltered institution. Hope has grown, and effort put forth by key members of the staff are equal to Hope what it is and naturally a r e Monday, November 11, when D r . Schrier finding it hard to a d j u s t themis growing. There are facilities and faculty enough to or exceed the time and effort spent on a three or four hour selves, but isn't it time they will speak on " H i n t s and SuRKeitioni for Prospective O r a t o r i c a l C o n t e s t a n t s . ) handle any and all pre-professional desires—all except one. jourse. With proper faculty supervision, this work of writ- stopped "biting the hand that feeds JOURNALISM. Aha you say, what of the thorough English ing and editing could be so directed as to give invaluable t h e m " and launched out wholeheartedly t o w a r d f i t t i n g themdepartment with such courses as Advanced Composition; and experience and knowledge to those who take part in it. selves into Hope's p r o g r a m ?
On Collese Publications
the Anchor? A journalism major can get plenty of experience on the Anchor. But such is not the case, and such thinking is backward, and outmoded, at least according to Dean Olson, and Mrs. Walters, and Mr. Blakeslee it is . Today the Anchor is a six page bi-monthly paper. The staff consists entirely of volunteers, who spend many, many hours whipping the current editions into shape. And only those who have ever worked on a newspaper, either high school or college can appreciate the amount of energy expended by these students. What do they gain? That's a good question. I'm glad you brought that up. Practically nothing, as f a r as experience is concerned. The editor and associate editors become thoroughly familiar with headling and space counting, but actual journalism experience for the great majority of the staff is nil. Why? Another good question. Because the staff is under practically no supervision; they receive no constructive criticism. And, most important, it is an extra-curricular activity. There is no incentive to work, for nothing seems to be gained. A psychological barrier persists, and to achieve best performamie that barrier must be removed. But how? Were I to outline specific instructions for overcoming this barrier, I would be dictating through the medium of the Anchor the administrative policy for the college to follow. That is not the purpose of the editorial column, nor the newspaper. But, I can suggest a means for attaining the end desired. • One possible solution would be the formation of a journalism course, or courses. This cannot be accomplished overnight however, and such a plan is possibly formulating or has already formulated in the minds of those administering the policies of Hope College. We are seeking a solution for the present, and to me that solution can be solved in a very simple manner. Give credit where credit is due, credit here meaning hourly college credits. Certainly the time and
A college newspaper and yearbook reflect the quality of the college. It is their best publicity agent. It travels where students and alumni do not. It speaks; it is spoken about; it affirms; it rebuffs. It should be the institutions pride and joy. As much attention should be paid to publications as athletics; a good paper properly tutored becomes better, than best, and the best never lose. —Howie Koop
Of Age
Would the scores of this year's students who rave about not coming back next year open their eyes to the real spirit and value to be gained at Hope, they would be shouting above the rest 4 l H-o-p-e!" Delores Bennett.
Bouquets *n Brickbats College papers always require cooperation from faculty as well as students. We wish to take this opportunity to thank all faculty members who "have been so helpful in volunteering information that is of student interest. Material concerning special projects or conventions attended, opinions on certain problems, or information about alumni have all been contributed by faculty this year. If there are any others who have material from time to tim'e, we would appreciate it if they would contact someone on the staff so the article can be written. If this is not possible, the Anchor mail box will serve as a clearinghouse. Students themselves are sometimes rather critical if something is omitted from an issue, but it is hard for the staff to know of all events and projects planned by the various campus organizations. Therefore, we are asking all presidents of groups to appoint someone to turn in news. However, whether articles are turned in by regular reporters or by someone else on campus, there is a deadline which must be met. Several organizations, especially fraternities and sororities have neglected promptness and punctuality in regard to this, and they will soon find out that sometime something which they wish published will be omitted because this deadline was disregarded. Promptness is a trait to be coveted, but it can be acquired by practice.
It Just Game O u t Oh why don't you go to bed Cause I have wheels going around in my head. They keep telling me things I should or shouldn't do. Somebody must love me — I wonder who? The a i r is turning into fall. But here I sit within f o u r walls. A harvest moon shines up above. Oh why can't I find somebody to love? My heart keeps galloping along Just keep on playing my favorite
Ah-h-h-h-h At last f o r you life has begun Now t h a t you are twenty-one Peasants rough and scholars sage All say it is t h e golden age. The " W h y " of t h a t is hard to tell; I do not understand it well at all, and yet I must agree. Perhaps it could be this. Let's see. Two main t h i n g s in this have voice — Youth or wisdom is the choice. Youth would have the hair of g r a y While scholars covet youth, so gay. At twenty-one, I think you view the joining point between the two. Perhaps you never more will be At once so wise, so full of glee. Indeed, indeed you should be proud to raise your voice and shout aloud "Look here, look here, everyone — Look a t me, I'm twenty-one." — D. L. H.
song. I'll j u s t dream all my life away The Fair Sex Though they say it doesn't pay. Insane people aren't always mad I think t h a t I shall never see They may have more than they A girl refuse a meal t h a t ' s f r e e ever had. A girl whose h u n g r y eyes aren't The wheels keep turning in m y fixed • dusty eyes. Upon a coke t h a t ' s being mixed. And I feel f r e e for I'm quite re- A girl who isn't prone to wear lieved A lot of junk stuck in her hair. Of cares and worries and everyday But girls are loved by fools like things. me. I can find joy and my h e a r t sings. For who the heck can kiss a t r e e ? — R. J . Q. — Anonymous by r e q u e s t
Hope College Anchor
Publishing House Students Receive Announces Contest Appointments for In Christian Fiction Practice Teaching The Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, has announced a ten thousand dollar International Christian Fiction Contest. Christian Evangelical fiction manuscripts of 50,000 to 100,000 words may he submitted between now and Dcccmber 31, 1948. • T h r e e prizes are being offered: a first prize of $7,500; second prize, 12,000; third prize, $500. Any original theme is pennissable, and the publishers reserve the right to publish any story submitted on a regular royally basis. A complete copy of the contest n i l W is available a t the Anchor office. Manuscripts should be addressed to: The Editors, $10,000 International Fiction Contest, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Senior elementary education students have received their teaching assignments f r o m Miss Caroline Hawes, head of the elementary education department. This student teaching, as one of the requirements f o r a teachers' certificate, will continue throughout the school year until June, 1947. In Washington school, Gertrude Maassen will teach kindergarten under her critic teacher, Mrs. Hoogerhyde; Edith Herlein and Rhea Van Heest will teach the second grade under Mrs. Henshaw. A t Froeble, Phyllis Voss will teach sixth grade under the leadership of Miss Whitmer; and Lois Meulendyke in kindergarten under Miss Peterson. In Van Raalte Marian Dame will teach the sixth grade under Miss Irhmen; and Dertha Hellinga the first grade under Miss Kaasen. Harriet Hains is teaching in Longfellow school, having the fifth grade of Hiss Haberland; and Ann Vander J a g t will teach the second grad? under Mrs. Lampen in Longfellow school. In Lincoln school, Mrs. Mary Bennet will teach the seco id grade under the leadersh p oi" Miss Beuter.
LOOK HERE!! Now we have those Radios and Phonos you've wanted in stock. FOR RADIOS Electric Portable Phonographs Combinations or Electric Players
Page Three Dr. Peiters Returns As Temporary Bible Mentor
Sarospatak College Sends Hope Thanks
Hope-ites who contributed to the Hungarian Relief Project last spring can scarcely realize how profoundly their g i f t s have induenced Sarospatak College in Hungary. In appreciation and renembrance of the interest which .lope has shown in Sarospatak, he Hungarian college officials have scheduled a "Hope College J a y " to be observed at Sarospatak ometime this Fall.
h * i
New Hope College Band Adds to Homecoming
G . R. Alumni Chapter Hears Dr. Lubbers During the two-day meeting of the Michigan Education Association in Grand Rapids, October 24 and 25, the Hope College Alumni chapter in Grand Rapids had a dinner meeting in the Bethany Reformed Church. There were about 75 former Hope tes present. Dr. Irwin J. Lubbers addressed the group. Coach Al Vanderbush also spoke. Chairman of the meeting was the Rev. Henry Bast, President of the Alumni Chapter. Miss Helen DeYoung, secretary, helped plan the meeting.
DU SAAR PHOTO 4 GIFT SHOP Photo'finishing, Framing and Gifts
10 E. 8th St., Holland, Mich.
The Hope College band composed of forty-five members decked in blue and orange uniforms which were worn again for the first time n several years, added much to the lomecoming spirit. The organization displayed its talents at the homecoming parade on F r i d a j evening, October 25, and at the homecoming game, October 26. The band was conducted by Mr. Kisinger of Holland High. The student managers are Russ Cloetingh and Cliff Haycoff. Prudence Haskins, Mary Kenzie, Marcella Westerman, Arloa Vandei Velde, and Pat Kinney are drum majorettes, and Bill Boonstra and Cliff Haycoff share honors as drum majors. The band will continue to function as an organization on the campus. One of its duties will be playing at the coming basketball games. Mr. Cavanaugh will arrange the practice hours.
WARM FRIEND TAVERN This Hotel Specializes
B R I N G THIS ad for 10% discount to
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Hope's Christian interest in sarospatak has also prompted the .'ollege directors to learn more ibout Hope's school system. Ac.•ording to a recent letter from iarospatak, they have been so avorably impressed by Hope's ictivities that they are trying to levelop Sarospatak on lines simlar to Hope. They wrote, "the ' u r t a n Calvanistic spirit t h a t can Je seen in the whole life of your :ollege has made us especially mppy, since the maintenance oi hat spirit is our ideal also since we have read the Hope Colege Anchor and Bulletin, a strong lesire has been working in us to levelop our school more like Hope College. We believe that to make certain changes would be in ac:ordance with our best traditions. We are convinced that they would inly mean a fuller realization ol )ur ideas and ideals." Since Sarospatak students and professors have been desperately in need of both clothing and money, they are deeply appreciative to those who contributed to the Hungarian project. As they wrote, 'We cannot express how grateful we are to all of you who have, in ;ome way or other, been so willing o come to our help. Tell therr. hat we shall always remembei A^hat they have done f o r us in the •".ime of need. We thank them all: X)th contributors and collectors We thank you especially for youi ifForts in providing us with e .ruck. Indeed, we think it is a truck t h a t we need most at pres-
As f o r Doctor Pieters himself, he went through four years of prepretory school and then four years here at Hope, graduating in 1887, and also received an honorary Doctor's Degree f r o m Hope. His graduating class a t Hope numbered seven, four of whom are still living, which is quite remarkable when you consider the fact that Dr. Pieters is seventyseven years old. Dr. Pieters liked one Hopeite in particular; he liked her so well in f a c t that he married her. His wife is the daughter of Dr. Kollen, one time president of Hope College.
if this vehicle we can again gel Upon returning to the United "nto close touch with our congre- States and Holland, Dr. Pieters gations. They need our work and became Professor of Bible at this service very much and we need college and remained as such f o r three years, whereupon he was their help as well. Supplication, transferred to the Seminary where an old tradition of our college, he became professor of Bible and can then be resumed to the benefit Missions. He t a u g h t in this CaEXPERT JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS of both the villages and our- pacity for thirteen years. A t the selves." At present, negotiations age of seventy he became Professor Emeritus and retired. How10 West Sth St. Telephone 4506 are being made to purchase this ever, he retained the position of truck through the United States seminary librarian for three or SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSi Army. four years.
Post Jewelry and Gift Shop
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Convenient for those midnight snacks.
Our new Professor was born into the family of Roelof Pieters in 1869. His f a t h e r at the time was pastor of a church at Alto, Wisconsin. When Dr. Pieters wafl but six months old, the family moved to Holland where his f a t h e r became pastor of the big, white church a t the corner of Ninth and Central Avenues. When eleven years old his f a t h e r passed away and his mother was faced with raising the family. The admirable job she did is evidenced by the fact that one son has written several agricultural books now found in most colleges here and abroad; a daughter, who later became president of Milwaukee's Downer College f o r women, wrote a thesis f o r Columbia University which was published as a book; and, still another daughter became the coauthor of "Government in Action" a textbook familiar to most students.
Christmas Cards
Ck»e to Campus.
We expect that by the meant
One never fully realizes j u s t how interesting other people are until one f o r g e t s oneself long enough to notice them. An excellent ample of the above is Hope's own Dr. Albertus Pieters, who h a s consented to teach Bible in the place of Rev - Gordon Van Wyk. who recently left f o r ^ChTna. Dr. Pieters impresses one a s being very wise and dignified, which m truth he is, but one look into his twinkling, brown eyes and one is convinced t h a t he also has a very keen sense of humor and an exceptionally great faculty f o r enjoying life and what life has to offer.
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Page Four
Hope College Anchor
iinpe AmbasBadors ,
H E N R Y I. S H A W
While the F i r s t Marine Division w a s t r a i n i n g for t h e landing on
tone implies curiosity plus a little c o n f u s i o n .
e x p a c t e d ; but
China and
of . Tientsin, Tsingtao, Teiping, and C h i n g - w a m - t a o .
v.igue idaa of where the country is and t h e i r knowledge of its popula-
tion is colored with r o m a n t i c ideas about sand, c a m e l s , veiled women
We were
to go at the invitation of the Chinese g o v e r n m e n t to aid in the r e p a t r i a tion of the million and a half J a p a n e s e troops in N o r t h China and
Manchuria. The ships of the China convoy were invasion loaded; r e g u l a r combat isfluee of a r m s and a m m u n i t i o n were distributed.
Most people h a v e - ' a
poor. O.E.
— it was not to bo home, a s we had hoped; nor A u s t r a l i a or the Islands, as we had
O f t e n we've had people say to us, " W h a t a r e the A r a b s l i k e ? " Their
Tofclo plain, the w a r ended. And with its end the o r d e r s w e r e published Hawaiian
rine^ disembarked f r o m their ships to the w a i t i n g L S T ' s that were
Giving in to the inevitable question, I'd
like to
Nubee. He c a m e to Dad's hospital in M u s c a t with n o t h i n g but a newly acquired f r e e d o m and a very a p p e a l i n g smile.
His s t o r y h a s a l w a y s
intrigued me, besides being a never e n d i n g s o u r c e of inspiration.
When the f i r s t ma-
and a M o h a m m e d a n p r a y e r call.
Nubee w a s born in Baluchistan, across f r o m the P e r s i a n Gulf. The A r a b s f r o m the coast of A r a b i a have set up an e f f e c t i v e slave trade,
t o t a k e them to shore, t h e r e was a g e n e r a l tenseness of t h e type t h a t
stealing y o u n g children f r o m Baluchistan f o r p r o f i t .
proceeded our f o r m e r landings in the Pacific.
conquests back to A r a b a where they a r e sold as slaves at coastal
It was slightly over C O
twenty, miles to the port of Tientsin, the f i s h i n g town of T a u k u and
B N C U - U
towns to " S h i e k s " from the i n t e r i o r who a r e s h o r t of laborers.
every .mile of the way we waited f o r a random shot, some sign of
Nubee w a s a victim of just such an acquisition. One n i g h t when he
hostility f r o m the a p p r o a c h i n g shore.
As our c r a f t nosed into the mouth of the Hai-Ho River, we b e g a n
to see a sight the equal of which we had not seon in all our m o n t h s in the Pacific.
On both b a n k s of thp river amid t h e i r mud-walled
IS 6
homes the fishcr-folk of Tauku stood, dressed in their " S u n d a y b e s t "
from the
c h e e r i n g crowds the words t h a t will remain in the memory and perhaps the speech of every American who has been stationed in China. They Were " D i n g H a o " and while literally they mean " v e r y good." on t h a t d a y . a n d the days and m o n t h s to come they stood f o r every good t h o u g h t and action of our hosts t o w a r d us. We boarded a train which p e r h a p s was not up to the s t a n d a r d of some of our s t r e a m l i n e r s , but still w a s a train and the f i r s t we had ridden since we left California.
A f t e r it s t a r t e d with the jolt t h a t
seems common to t r a i n s the world over, we began our slow journey — the t h i r t y miles up to Tientsin.
S e e m i n g ly from out of nowhere, for
on e i t h e r side of the t r a c k s were vast a r e a s of f a r m l a n d and only a few scattered
mud-walled villages, c a m e more and
more people to
line the tracks and cheer and wave at the p a s s i n g train. The most pleasant and unbelievable s u r p r i s e of the day came when we arrived at Tientsin.
Almost a million
people were packed into
the s t r e e t s of the I n t e r n a t i o n Concession where we were to stay.
f o r m e d ranks amid the jostling, g o o d - n a t u r e d crowd that thronged the station, but t h a t was the last semblance of military f o r m a t i o n f o r that day. No sooner had we marched a w a y from the station p l a t f o r m than the people closed in and each individual m a r i n e w a s the c e n t e r of a g r o u p who wished to shake his hand, pat him on the back, and try to instill in him a " D i n g H a o " feeling. The noise was d e a f e n i n g , the enthusiasm so genuine that even some of the most hard-boiled "old corps"- s e r g e a n t s broke down and laughed and smiled with the Chinese. W h e n - w e finally reached our b a r r a c k s for the night, t h e r e was no sleep; a constant procession of cheering, f l a g - w a v i n g people s t r e a m e d by, all w a n t i n g to see the Americans. Never have 1 seen so many genuinely happy people as I saw t h a t day and the d a y s t h a t followed. W i t h the p a s s i n g of time we saw t h a t even with the little that they possess and the " h a n d - t o - m o u t h " existence t h a t they must lead in their crowded lives, t h e r e is a l w a y s room f o r happiness and laughter. T h e ChinMe* are a g r e a t people with p e r h a p s an older civilization than any o t h e r in the world, and some c u s t o m s t h a t may seem s t r a n g e to us; but they are worth the respect of everyone with whom they come in ( o n t a c t . Any e n m i t y t h a t they m i g h t seem to have t o w a r d s A m e r i c a n s now is due almost entirely to the f a i l u r e of our troops to treat t h e m decently and with the respect they m e r i t . T h e r e are few, if any, A m e r i c a n s t h a t could face the h a r d s h i p s of the a v e r a g e Chinese coolie's life and still have a smile or a laugh with which to greet each new day's struggle.
Nubee h a s n e v e r seen his h o m e or his
and even m a r r i e d a slave woman. It w a s n ' t until he reached his early
Our LST sidled up a g a i n s t the railroad dock of the a d j o i n i n g town all sides we heard
' A b b a h s " suddenly enveloped t h e i r bodies and stifled t h e i r s c r e a m s until they w e r e out at sea.
At his o a s i s home in central A r a b i a he was b r o u g h t up as a slave
celebration of their emancipation f r o m eight y e a r s of J a p a n e s e rule. From
and a f e w of his f r i e n d s were p l a y i n g in t h e d a r k e n e d s t r e e t s , heavy
Tamily since t h a t memorable night.
and waving American and Chinese f l a g s , shouting and cheering in
of T a k u , and we disembarked.
They sail their
twenties t h a t he began to rebel at the injustice of his s u r r o u n d i n g s and nis social position.
be set up t h a t will mak:' it possible for a central office, a c t i n g on ; behalf of all the people of the ! world, to know in time where a n y T h e International Relations Club one is w o r k i n g with the deadly held its first discussion meeting of | materials. A recommendation by the y e a r on T h u r s d a y evening, I a g r o u p of geologists is to the October 24. The topic for con- effect t h a t a staff of less than 200 sideration was "Atomic E n e r g y — | •veil trained men, if properly s c a t Who Should Control I t ? " It was J ered over the e a r t h , could keep an felt by the club t h a t the control j ^ye on all the d a n g e r o u s producThe of these explosive scientific forces I tion of explosive minerals. here at home is well provided for j .luh a g r e e s with several g r o u p s in t h e legislation recently enacted | if eminent men, then, t h a t we by congress. Thus, the real prob- ! an keep this new destruction f r o m lems now concern the i n t e r n a t i o n a l ' re'.ting loose in the world if we control of atom bombs and the i an have international control and m a t e r i a l s out of which such bombs ! international inspection. It is felt ire made. The esse.ice of all p l a n s that this can be done inside the s u b m i t t e d is a system of inter- i f r a m e w o r k of the present United We have the scientific national control over all f o r m s of j Nations. Atomic energy enforce J by a sys- l a n d technical skill; we have the i .overnmentai machinery. tem of international inspection.
Club Will Discuss Current Problem
The conclusion drawn f r o m the meeting may be s u m m a r i z e d a s follows: It is very i m p o r t a n t for us now to g r a s p the m e a n i n g of two main points, control and inspection. An international s y s t e m of control ? Yes. It a p p e a l s to everyone who believes t h a t men will in the long run get along better if they can plan to work tog e t h e r instead of against one ano th e r , and it takes off a little of the burden of fear. Hut suppose that t h e r e are men in some o t h e r nation who have d r e a m s of world "onquest? Could they in secret, ;et ready an a r m a m e n t of bombs and then hold up the w o r l d ? That makes the other point essential. T h e r e can be international control if t h e r e can be international inspection. Not otherwise. The E n g i n e e r s and Scientists are s u r e that a system of inspection can
i iUit there is a n o t h e r g r a v e I question—will the nations of the world a p r o e to allow e n g i n e e r s of o t h e r countries to come in and ( keep a c o n s t a n t eye on their mines I and f a c t o r i e s to make sure t h a t ! they a r e not secretly a r m i n g 1 themselves with bombs. It would be honest to begin by asking t h a t question of ourselves. Are w e ? If we will not a d m i t the inspectors to American mines and f a c t o r i e s and laboratories, we certainly cannot expect to get international •xaminers a d m i t t e d into any o t h e r country. With feelings as expressed above the club asked, " I s National Sove r e i g n t y Possible In An Atomic A g e ? " and decided to use this a s a discussion topic at their next meeting, P. M., November 14, 194(1. The meeting is open to anyone interested.
His first a t t e m p t at escape was u n s u c c e s s f u l . He
was b r o u g h t back to his m a s t e r , r e p r i m a n d e d , tied to a pole, whipped, and finally put in solitary c o n f i n e m e n t with his foot shackled by a neavy ball and chain. With an u n d a u n t a b l e spirit which h a s c h a r a c t e r i z e d him ever since, Nubee tried a g a i n .
His o p p o r t u n i t y c a m e one n i g h t when, at dusk, a
s t r a y camel happened to g r a z e by his doorway. Nubee held the camel till the sky w a s black, when he mounted it, holding his steel ball in one hand and a stick in the other. Camels a r e the e p i t o m e of laziness j u t Nubee s a y s t h a t , with a little help, they a r e c a p a b l e of doing .venders. When he tells this p a r t of the story his brown e y e s twinkle. " S a h i b , " I beat t h a t camel with all the s t r e n g t h I had and prayed -o Allah t h a t he might lead a b e a u t i f u l life in t h e h e r e a f t e r . All night .hat camel ran across the d e s s e r t .
At d a w n he fell f r o m exhaustion
and never rose a g a i n . ' Sahib, by that time, 1 loved t h a t beast and .lated to see him die." Karly m o r n i n g found Nubee w a l k i n g across the last s t r e t c h of desert -o Muscat. On the o u t s k i r t s of the town a blacksmith removed the ball and chain, fed him and told him how to reach the British consulate. There Nubee was given a slip of p a p e r which legally established his .ree.iom.
Nubee had received his f r e e d o m f r o m a white " s a h i b " and
•lis g r a t i t u d e to the race prompted him to ask a n o t h e r white " S a h i b " . o r work. He was willing to do a n y t h i n g so Dad s t a r t e d him on the job of g e n e r a l clean up man for the hospital. Nubee fell into the role of Dad's general helper easily, e x u b e r a n t l y , and e n t h u s i a s t i c a l l y . The b i t t e r n e s s of his p a s t w a s completely obliterated by the f u l l n e s s of the f u t u r e . His love f o r and u n d e r s t a n d i n g of people made him a popular f r i e n d to everyone. )f chief a r b i t r a t o r " in Muscat. settle diplomatically.
He g a i n e d the title
T h e r e w a s n ' t a dispute he couldn't'
It doesn't seem unusual then t h a t Nubee, with his simple way of life, and his b u r n i n g desire to do good, accepted a new f a i t h along with his h i g h e r s t a t u s .
He began to come to Dad's p r a y e r m e e t i n g s
and church services. The f a i t h the white " S a h i b " spoke of challenged his active mind and Nubee was one of t h e f i r s t A r a b s in Muscat to be converted. N'ubec h a s become an indispensable m e m b e r of the hospital s t a f f . His hands a r e as tender as his soul and Dad discovered t h a t he had the ability to use them with the d e x t e r i t y and sensitivity of a trained surgeon.
Resides helping Dad with o p e r a t i o n s , N u b e e ' s m a i n job is
working with e x t e r n a l ulcers which a r e so p r e v a l e n t in A r a b i a .
is undoubtedly the dirtiest and most o d i f e r o u s j o b in t h e hospital. He
G e t Your
delights in c l e a n i n g out and c a r e f u l l y d o c t o r i n g up those l a r g e boils
or ulcers s o m e t i m e s infected with g a n g r e n e . and his p a t i e n t s love him.
N u b e e loves his work
Nubee m a r r i e d a g a i n in M u s c a t ; he has a house o v e r f l o w i n g with children and geniality.
A. Patsy Fabiano Home of better Ice Cream 26 West 8th Street
He can't resist a b e g g a r and his h o m e is a
shining e x a m p l e of one of J e s u s ' s t e a c h i n g s — You fed me when I
was h u n g r y , clothed me when I w a s naked, and g a v e me to drink when 1 was t h i r s t y . When I think of Arabia, along with the visual recollections of endless desert, b a r e mountain t e r r a i n , d a t e stick h u t s and p o v e r t y enveloped people, I think of Nubee and the o t h e r p i o n e e r i n g C h r i s t i a n s
Young Men's Windbreakers in Corduroy, Fleeces, Gabardine and Twills
like him in Muscat. They a r e the core of s o m e t h i n g good in t h e p r e s e n t the hope of s o m e t h i n g better in the f u t u r e . They a r e linked with the' rest of the world by a common f a i t h — our f a i t h . When you t h i n k of Arabia I wish you, too, would add to your romantic, mystic visualizations of t h a t c o u n t r y a real and alive picture.
Zipper Front
One of Nubee and men like h i m - s t a r s glowing in the E a s t e r n sky shining b r i g h t e r every day.
$9.95 to $15.50
Vaupell's Men's Shop
OCCASIONS Warm Friend Flower Shop
Member F. T. D. A.
Washingrton Square
BRINK'S BOOK STORE 48 East Sth Street
Phone 7634
25 Cards for $1 00 Your Name Printed Free
The H o n e of Petere Shoes
A T -
.Coats - Sweaters - Slacks Gloves - Sport Shirts - Socks
FOR R E C R E A T I O N Meet Hope Students —A t — Lievense's Bowling Alleys 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888885
GREETIKG CASDS FOR All OCCASIOHS Andes Candies The Peak of All Candies
WSFfci Friend Tavern 58888888888885
Phone 2329
Hope College Anchor
Page Five
The Eyes and Ears of Our Campus Equipped with pencil, p a p e r , and t h e b i g question, " W h a t do you t h i n k of Hope C o l l e g e ? " I e m e r g e d into t h e select social society of H o p e ' s C a m p u s . E n t e r i n g t h e door of Van R a a l t e Hall I stumbled into s o m e o n e who was leaving by t h e s a m e w a y — now I know why Hope wins its football g a m e s ! T h e powe r f u l c h a r a c t e r (I discovered when I got my wind b a c k ) w a s none o t h e r t h a n B.T.O. R I P C O L L I N S , o u r 204-pound, G-foot tackle hailing f r o m G r a n d Rapids, Michigan. Having' t h r o w n a t him t h e big question I received t h i s r e p l y : "I t h i n k Hope is a swell place and 1 like Coach V a n d e r b u s h , but I don't 1 ke e a t i n g in t h e Masonic T e m p l e — t h e r e ' s no f a m i l y s t y l e : first you pass the food t o the h o s t e s s , and t h e n the host, back and for h. and finally you c a n eat — oh, d j i i ' t g e t me s t a r t e d on t h a t s u b j e c t ! But really I t h i n k Hope is s w e l l ! " Who was it t h a t said, " T h e way to a m a n ' s h e a r t is t h r o u g h his s t o m a c h ? " D r i n k i n g a cup of coffee in the Kletz with G E O R G E D Y K S T R A , I a g a i n a p p r o a c h e d t h e subject at s t a k e . George, who comes to us f r o m D a n f o r t h , lllinoiH, g r a d u a t e d f r o m Hope in 1948 and entered the N a v y t h r e e m o n t h s later. Now he is back here doing p o s t - g r a d u a t e work. " G e o r g e , " I said, " y o u must like H o p e College or you wouldn't be b a c k ; w h a t is it you like about Hope?" " W e l l , " he replied, "1 g u e s s it's the f a c t t h a t it m a i n t a i n s such high scholastic s t a n d a r d s . " I p e r s i s t e d , " B u t o t h e r colleges h a v e high scholastic standa r d s — t h e r e m u s t be a n o t h e r reason." "I think it's the whole environment — 1 like the class of people; even t h o u g h t h e r e is a different class of people t h a n when 1 was here b e f o r e , 1 still like t h e m — 1 like t h e i r f r i e n d l i n e s s , and 1 feel at home h e r e . " In t h e library 1 ambled over in the direction of a g r e e n pot and discovered B I L L G O S H O R N of DouglaH, Michigan. Bill's opinion was, "I think it's a p r e t t y good place — a congenial school and f r i e n d l y ! " A l t h o u g h Bill hadn't previously planned on coming to Hope, he is now certain he shall r e m a i n at least two y e a r s and possibly t h r e e . He is very much ent h u s e d a b o u t the s t u d e n t - t e a c h e r relationship, but doesn't care too much f o r t h e r u b s prohibiting d a n c i n g and s m o k i n g on campus. " H o w e v e r , " he exclaimed, "I am willing to comply with the rules because I like Hope so w e l l ! " S p y i n g a b e a m i n g smile, I approached A L E X E B N E T H , o f C a t -
skill. New York. T o t h e question he e n t h u s i a s t i c a l l y replied: " H o p e is one of the finest colleges in t h e c o u n t r y , and so is t h e f a c u l t y s t a f f ! " He likes t h e f a c u l t y because they a r e so f r i e n d l y and because t h e y a r e so helpful to t h e students. " I t h i n k the s t u d e n t body is wond e r f u l ; a l t h o u g h I d o n ' t know too much a b o u t t h e f r e s h m a n class yet, t h e u p p e r c l a s s m e n are all so friendly."
By Lois Meulendyke
In the library busily s t u d y i n g , w a s D O R I S M I L L E R . She said " H o p e is very nice . I t ' s different f r o m most schools, t h e people a r e d i f f e r e n t — and the people make t h e school." She l : k e s e v e r y t h i n g a b o u t I l o p r especially the little town of Holland. Coming f r o m D e t r o i t . Michigan, s h e really knows w h a t a largo city is like. "One t h i n g t h o u g h is t h a t t h e r e are p l e n t y of los"o;i a s s i g n m e n t s , but I don't n i n d , because I came here to s t u d y , " rhc added. In Van Vleck 1 w a s roused out if my studios by t h e cries of " J a n itor on second!" O u t s i d e my door w a s B I L L W H I T E . 1 broke t h r o u g h t h e s u r r o u n d i n g g r o u p of girls and f o u n d Bill in the c e n t e r . When I question?;! him ' ^ Trinned: "I like it. I do! I don't liht t h e restriction of d a n c i n g on c a r p u s , but I do like Van Vleck. 1 think Van Vleck is t h e best d o r m i t o r y on the c a m p u s . " Of course, I>..1. \'-io comes f r o m A l b a n y , Ne / York, couldn't be prejudiced!
Facts About Students Rev. Paul H i n k a m p , R e g i s t r a r , has released t h e s t a t i s t i c s concerning s t u d e n t e n r o l l m e n t , the s t a t e s f r o m which the s t u d e n t s hail, and the denomination of the churches they a t t e n d . His f i g u r e s a r e as follows: S u m m a r y of Student Enrollment at Hope Collefte, 1946-1947 Junion
... 63 46
4r, (54
156 88
465 177
8 8
27 0
765 383
51) Veterans Non-veterans .. 59
100 l.'iS
281 Ml
5 11
27 0
507 641
Vlen Women Totals
Freshmen Speriali Vet. Inat. Gd. ToUU
Geographical D i s t r i b u t i o n
Michigan 72 New York 16 Illinois 7 New J e r s e y ... 6 Wisconsin 2 Iowa 3 Minnesota 2 All in all, the m a j o r i t y opinion So. Dakota 0 was t h a t H o p " *• .well school and California .. , 0 we're m i g h t y p . o u l of it. Pennsylvania 0 Indiana 0 Cinny Hemmes Massachusetts 0 N. H a m p s h i r e . 0 Ohio 0 W a s h i n g t o n .. . o T h e following a r e the speech Colorado 0 activities which will t a k e place Montana 0 in t h e coming m o n t h s : Maryland . o Kansas 0 1. E x t e m p o r e S p e a k i n g : Rhode Island . o D a t e : F i r s t wek in DecemDist. of Col. 1 ber. N e t h e r l a n d s .. . 0 2. Adelaide C o n t e s t : 0 Iraq D a t e : December 18, 1940. 0 Undetermined For v o m e n only.
71 17 5 6 4 2 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
163 26 15 19 6 3 0 1 0 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
410 72 57 46 19 3 3 1 2 5 6 1 0 8 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 0
10 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
24 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
73 7 6 9 3 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 6 0
162 25 10 12 4 4 4 2 0 0 5 1 1 1 2 9 2
346 44 44 35 15 24 16 17 1 4 12 3 4 0 10 56 11
8 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1
7 6 0 0 0 1 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 5 0
679 92 62 62 26 31 22 24 0
Speech Events
Kavui Contest: Date: December 18, 1940. For men only. Peace O r a t o r i c a l C o n t e s t : D a t e : E a r l y in J a n u a r y .
5. Debate: D a t e : F e b r u a r y 19, 1947.
Covered Buttons Button Holes Custom made Belts and Buckles Hemstitching Sewing Notions
750 132 86 79 32 11 5 4 3 7 10 2 1 10 1 3 J®8®®®®®^«888i%8S»3S8«Sr 1 2 FOR YOUR 1 1 FOOT-WEAR NEEDS 1 1 2 3
Borr's Bootery
Ref. Chur. in America 83 Chris. Ref. 9 Methodist 2 P r e s b y t e r i a n .... 6 Baptist 3 Congregat'nal 0 Episcopal 0 Roman Cath. .. 1 Evang. & Ref. .. 1 Evangelical .... 0 0 Lutheran Chris. Chur 0 Christian Sc. .. 0 Prot. Ref. 0 Undenominat'nl 1 Undetermined 3 Others, 1 each . 0 Totals
5 18 5 5 3 14 84 14
Carl's Tailor Shop Custom Made Suits ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS 114 RIVER AVE.
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Restaurant Completely Air Conditioned Out-of-season Out of the ordinary foods served with real Holland Hospitality
If it's sportswear you need for your
B u f f e t Lonoheoais D a l l y
You Are Always
Banquet Roooi f o r Prlrate Parties
Enjoy our Excellent Meals Daily and Sundays
Paul A. Van Raalte owner
at the
Telephone 2587
Mary Jane Restaurant
5 W. Sth St., Holland ®®8®®®®®8®®®8®888888888S
Say It With
Ebelink's Flower Shop Phone 9496
SHOE POLISH and Laccs Electric Shoe Hospital 13 E. Sth St. ®®®®®®®®®®@®sssss@s@@s@g
NICK DYKEMA The Tailor 19 Vi Wcsl 8 tli Street SSS8@8SSSS88S8@S8SSSS88S
Attention Students Expert Shoe Repairing
Opp. Post Office SATISFACTION Guaranteed ®®@®®ss@®ss@ss@e@ss@ss@e U
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Post's Barber Shop
Latest Records and Speaking System
- 3 Chairs -
Sweaters - Jackets - Slacks Skirts - Jersey Blouses and Sport Dresses of all fabrics and styles.
French Cloak Store
Here's double-trouble. A "forbidden" red on your lips
and the "forbidden" fragrance too. Seven shades, each as dynamic as TABU itself, and
De Fouw's
the case is a solid brass swivel —the most beautiful ever.
Electric Shop
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For Sale—
HOPE COEDS Football Games
1 8 volumM Ancient and Modern Phone 9578
West of Sentinel
Next to Tower Clock Bldg.
Library of Oratory
For Your College Printing OLD NEWS PRINTERY
Phone 66007 iSgS®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®8®8^
Phone 2821
D u t c h Mill
Denominational DiHtribution
Dress Accessories
51 W. Sth Street
decided t h a t s h e l l help t e a c h e r look d i f f e r e n t l a t e l y — d u s t t h e f l o o r on t h e s e a t of h e r h m - m - m ? Do you feel d i f f e r e n t p a n t s . - H e y , a r e you r e a d e r s still h a n g lately — h m - m - m - m ? Well, in case ing o n ? In case you are, you can you d o n ' t , I do — I'm a practice relax with t h e children in t h e i r t e a c h e r now. I like long skirts,- f i f t e e n m i n u t e r e s t period. T h e sensible shoes, h o m - r i m m e d g l a s s e s book calls it a " r e s t period," but — and oh, my no, I a b h o r s w e a t - ^anything r e s e m b l i n g t h e word and the activity is purely accidental. A ers. ( I ' m supposed to have g r o w n few of the cherubs m a n a g e to close up now.) their eyes b u t most of t h e m become Oh, yes, my sweet little a n g e l s e x t o r t i o n i s t s in some way or m a n and I g e t a l o n g quite well — w h e n ner. A t t h i s point I'm completely t h e y ' r e asleep. P e r h a p s I could out, mentally, physically, and o t h e r d r a g myself t h r o u g h a d a y ' s sched- wise. To r e m e d y t h i s s i t u a t i o n , I ule with you so t h a t you could s y m - too close my eyes only to h e a r p a t h i z e with me—1 love s y m p a t h y . J o h n n y yell bloody m u r d e r a n d to feel someone's curious little f i n g e r s About f o u r m i n u t e s a f t e r t h e playing with the b u t t o n s on the g o n g r i n g s , I timidly m o u n t t h e back of my blouse. steps. (I a l w a y s go a little late to A f t e r a s t r e n u o u s rest period, insure s a f e t y ) . Then as I meekly the t e a c h e r and I decide t h a t t h e approach the door some lad yells, g a m e period is j u s t t h e t h i n g t o "Come on in t e a c h " — n a t u r a l l y g e t us back into s h a p e . T h e chilI'm a g h a s t a t such l a n g u a g e . At dren play nice quiet g a m e s like last I'm in the room of o p e r a t i o n they call t h e k i n d e r g a r t e n . While "Blind Man's B u f f " o r "You C a n ' t my h e a r t is pounding t w o - f o r t y Catch Me." I like t h e r o u g h g a m e s best, however, because then I can waiting f o r the overdose of a d r e n a yell too. In case you h a v e n ' t h e a r d , lin to e x h a u s t itself, I sweetly ask Junior to h a n g up my w r a p s j u s t Mr. C a v a n a u g h is g i v i n g special " y e l l i n g " lessons f o r practice teachas he does his a t home — he ers. p r o m p t l y d r o p s t h e m on the f l o o r ! Finally the clock m a n a g e s to I wonder which b a r n he was raised d r a g its h a n d s a r o u n d to 3:30 P.M. in? Really, t h i s y o u n g e r g e n e r a — called " d i s m i s s a l . " Nov, t h i s tion . . . p a r t of the schedule really is the Well, now to g e t back to the finish. I think t h a t little boys and k i n d e r g a r t e n . F i r s t on t h e list foi the day is " s i n g i n g . " Notice t h a t girls should be born with t h e g r e a t knowledge of bow t y i n g but inI said " s i n g . " Little a n g e l s of this stead they wait until t h e y ' r e at p a r t i c u l a r institution never shout, least six y e a r s old. Oh, and anthey j u s t plain yell. The only time o t h e r t h i n g to r e m e m b e r , never they a c t u a l l y sound angelic is when wear long f i n g e r n a i l s or a clean you tell t h e m they can hoot like skirt. The f i n g e r n a i l s a l w a y s lose Indians or shout like cowboys. T h i s their a f f i n i t y for the f i n g e r when seems to m a k e them t a k e out theii you put on children's r u b b e r s and halos ( a n g e l s in d i s g u i s e ) . your skirt has a habit of g e t t i n g Chilled to the bone by such spotty when little feet are g e n t l y sweet singing, my critic t e a c h e r plopped on y o u r lap. and I skilfully ( ? ) guide them into W h a t a life! It s o m e t i m e s the next activity called " f r e e p l a y . " a m a z e s me to find t h a t we have This is t h e period in which the children m a y do a n y t h i n g they wish one left to d r a g ourselves home with. Well, toodle ohh — I'm so and I m u s t a d m i t t h a t this is one 1 sorry you've decided not to become time in which they do exactly a. a practice teacher. they a r e told. Bobby pushed Suzy Q. in the face, J i m m y s t r a n g l e s ® ® ® ® ® 8 ® ® ® ® 8 8 8 8 @ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ^ the gold fish, and sweet Linda Lou Do you
" W h a t do you t h i n k of Hope Coll e g e ? " I asked P A U L S C H O L T E of G r a n d Rapids. " T h e s u b j e c t s a r e too h a r d and I don't c a r e p a r t i c u larly f o r t h e food, b u t otherwise I really like it." " I s t h e r e a n y t h i n g special you like or dislike a b o u t H o p e ? " I inquired. " N o , " he replied, " I just like everything."
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Page Six
Hope College Anchor
S o r u s i t e s g a t h e r e d F r i d a y night, N o v e m b e r 1, in t h e Sorosis room for the WITCHES BRAWL. After a s h o r t business meeting, t h e Sigm a S i g m a s w e r e given p r o g r a m s in t h e f o r m of black c a t s with p u m p k i n h e a d s and w h a t h a v e you. The p r o g r a m w a s in c h a r g e of Ginny H e m m e s , who o f f e r e d u p t h e ' d'Food f o r T h o u g h t . " N e x t c a m e the " P u m p k i n p i e " in the f o r m of a Halloween s t o r y read by B e t t y Vischer — she is really experienced in r e a d i n g bed-time s t o r i e s ; j u s t ask h e r n e p h e w Bruce T h e " S a n d - w i c h e s " w a s a rendi tion of T H I N E A L O N E by Victor H e r b e r t , and s u n g by J e a n Snow Bet Van Dyke took the r o l e of t h e " H a l l o w e e n i e . " She pictured a plot of g r o u n d m a r k e d off w i t h gold and white s t r e a m e r s , and read the e p i t i i t ^ s on the t o m b s t o n e s con tainodi within the plot. I t w a s nice to know t h a t Duke accompanied ( j i n n y Bilkert f o r the r e m a r k a b l y reasonable fee of f i f t y c e n t s and had his final resting place in the S i g m a S i g m a plot. And to think t h a t two Sorosites raised a basketball and a tennis team respectively too y e t ! A f t e r t h e critics' r e p o r t , the sorority songs w e r e s u n g in and out of unison; however Lou Jonkman is t a k i n g singing lessons, and Bea Lockwood really can play the piano if only t h e music sheets wouldn't keep f l y i n g a w a y . But v a r i e t y is the spice of life!
At a n impressive candlelight service held in t h e home of M a r t h a Van Saun, T h e t a G a m m a Pi welcomed several new m e m b e r s and pledges. Those who w e r e received a r e Dorothy Davenport, Leona Dorenbos, G e r r y Havens, M a r i a n Schroedor, Bernie Nichols, J u d y Smallegan, K a t h r y n Ponstine, Minnie Te Ronde, Phyllis L a m b , V e r n a Mason and Eunice Heinen. Hazel Vande Woude, who was unable to be there, will be received a t a later m e e t i n g . Betty T i m m e r , T h e s a u r i a n president, welcomed the new girls and challenged all T h e s a u r i a n s to closely follow the creed of love, devotion and honor. Ann Fikse, in h e r j w n h u m o r o u s style, presented the l a u g h s of the evening. A s e x t e t t e , composed of Phyllis Darrow, M a r y Young, Lois Meulendyke, J e a n Meulendyke, Marian Dame and Edith Herlien then s a n g 'Only Make Believe." They were accompanied by Nellie Mae Ritsema.
In the t r a n q u i l i t y of a candlelighted room the new m e m b e r s of K a p p a Beta Phi pledged t h e m s e l v e s to the ideals of Dorian. The h i s t o r y of the Dorian people, led by King Dorus in t h e time of the Peloponnesian W a r , presented by Ruth Probst, provided the t r a d i t i o n a l t h e m e f o r t h e initiation meeting. A vocal solo by Helen Van Dyke and devotions by Maxine Van Oss, c h a i r m a n of the meeting, completed the p r o g r a m . KB1 is proud to welcome h e r new members, Sumiye Konoshima and Grace Langley. Marian K o r t e l i n g w a s in c h a r g e of the initiation ceremony, and following the p r o g r a m all m e m b e r s s a n g the Dorian song.
SYBLLINE A f t e r a short business meeting the Seniors presented " F r i d a y ' s Schedule," with P r o f . E d n a Mae Van T a t e n h o v e leading chapel. Our f i r s t hour philosophy, 402, was in c h a r g e of H a r r i e t Hains who recalled Sib t r a d i t i o n s and ideals as observed a f t e r f o u r y e a r s of college ^uid also by d i g g i n g into the Archives for some i n t e r e s t i n g Sibylline history. Anne Van Derveer took over the f r e e hour by Kletzing — a very h u m o r o u s humor p a p e r on " L o v e . " A n n e ' s v e r s a t i l i t y was shown since music, poetry, and prose w e r e all combined in this l i t e r a r y e f f o r t . Phil Haskin w a s critic in 4th hour. Education 405. The Glee Club was composed of all Sibyls s i n g i n g a close to classes f o r F r i d a y .
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" T h e Maroon and t h e W h i t e " was t h e t h e m e a r o u n d which t h e E m e r s o n i a n l i t e r a r y m e e t i n g of November 1 was djveloped. The serious p a p e r of t h e e v e n i n g p r e sented t o t h e old m e m b e r s and t h e new pledges, the p a r t which t h e f r a t e r n i t y should play in building men f o r t h e i r p a r t in world activities. T r i b u t e w a s paid t o those E m e r s o n i a n s who paid the s u p r e m e price d u r i n g the w a r , a f t e r which P r e s i d e n t S o d e r b e r g then welcomed t h e following new pledges into t h e f r a t e r n i t y , a d v i s i n g t h e m to follow in t h e f o o t s t e p s of s u c h ' m e n : William B e n n e t t , Lloyd •Bobeldyk, Ted Boeve, Duane Booi, Adrian Bos, H o w a r d B r u g g e r s , AIvin Coleman, K e n n e t h Decker, Willard d e K r u i f , J o s e p h DeNeve, Robert D r a p e r , Robert DeYoung, Chest e r Droog, R o b e r t E m e r y , Gerald F o r m s m a , G e r a r d Gnade, William H a a k , Richard H e r v e y , Richard Hoebeke, Don K e i f t , W i l f o r d K e i f t , Paul Kleis, Ronald Korver, Vernon C. K r e m e r , H a r r i s Kroes, Vernon Lokers, L a r r y Masse, G e o r g e Miner. Paul Myrehn, Russel Norden, Cornelius O e g e m a , C h e s t e r Oonk, A l f r e d P e n n i n g s , C h a r l e s Ploegsma, Norwood Reck, H e r m a n Bidder, H e r b e r t R i t s e m a , K e n n e t h Ruys, Ralph S a n f o r d , N o r m a n T e r Beek, C r a i g V a n Z a n t e n , Robert Vander L a a n , C a n u t e V a n d e r Meer, William V a n d e r Yacht, Sherwin W a l t e r s , J u d s o n W i e r s m a , and Richard Wildman.
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Dennis S h o e m a k e r b e g a n t h e m e e t i n g with a n o p e n i n g p r a y e r . T h e vim and vigor of t r u e A r c a dian s p i r i t was a r o u s e d by t h e active s o n g leading of Ted F l a h e r ety. D u a n e V a n d e r Y a c h t is to be c o n g r a t u l a t e d on his f i n e serious p a p e r entitled " A r c a d i a n Herit a g e . " A r c a d i a , a s t a t e of both a n cient and modern Greece, will n e v e r be f o r g o t t e n because of i t s s t e a d f a s t love of liberty. I t is with t h i s p e r s i s t a n c e and p e r m a nence t h a t t h e A r c a d i a n f r a t e r n i t y will c o n t i n u e h e r e on H o p e ' s campus.
Ltartilrinas . ..
On F r i d a y evening, November 1, -he A r c a d i a n F r a t e r n i t y occupied -Valsh Music Hall f o r its f i r s t literary m e e t i n g of t h e y e a r . T h e r e ire t w e n t y - t h r e e c h a r t e r m e m b e r s from which Harold Des A u t e l s was lected p r e s i d e n t ; Marv DeYoung, / i c e - p r e si d e n t ; J a m e s H. Stegenan, s e c r e t a r y ; W a r r e n Heitbrink, t r e a s u r e r ; Marv K r a g t and Russell K r a a i , i n t e r - f r a t e r n i t y repres e n t a t i v e s ; and Gordon Corteville, s t u d e n t council r e p r e s e n t a t i v e . Other charter members are: Art Anderson, Ted F l a h e r t y , Bill Gei?er, Paul K l o m p a r e n s , M a r v K r a g t , W a l t e r K r i n g s , J . David Menchofer, Ted Moolenaar, Milton P e t e r s o n , Sam P o s t h u m a , Bob Schuller, Dennis S h o e m a k e r , J o h n Smith, Dick VanDoren, Glen Van H a i t s m a , Gerard Van Heest and J i m Yuk. W e a r e j u s t l y proud of the new m e m b e r s : J a n S c h e l f g a a r d e , Carl Yuk, E d w a r d F r i t z l e r , N e l s o n S t e g e m a n , William G o s h o m , Louis Kraai, Virgil D y k s t r a , Bill Boelcins, Dan Geary, J o h n Arnold, Duane V a n d e r Yacht, J o h n Willits, Al A r w e , Robert Doersch, George Schneider, J i m Fieldhouse, Wendell Pyle, Cal S q a r t , Don Peterson, Lyle Van Zante, David T e r B e e s t , L a r r y Des Autels, F r a n k Beach, W a y n e Hellinga, J o h n De H a a r n , H e r b e r t S c h m a l z r i e d t , Keith De Young, J a c k Van Reenan, J o h n Mac Queen, J o h n Van Oeveren, Neil Cocker, Clarence Boerman, H a n k K e i f t , Bob P a u l and W a l t "888888888^8888888888888? Koop. P r o f . B r a n d t is f a c u l t y advisor.
G r o u p s i n g i n g led by pledge W a r r e n E i c h e l b e r g opened t h e r e g u l a r l i t e r a r y m e e t i n g of t h e Knickerbocker f r a t e r n i t y f o r November 1. Allan D y k s t r a then presented his original serious p a p e r 3ntitled "Obscenity in L i t e r a t u r e . " D u r i n g the b u s i n e s s m e e t i n g which followed the e v e n i n g ' s prog r a m , plans w e r e discussed and c o m m i t t e e s appointed f o r beginning work on the f r a t e r n i t y musical t o be given s o m e t i m e d u r i n g the s e m e s t e r . A n n o VanderKolk was appointed m a n a g e r of the Police say they had one call f r o m p r o j e c t and Bob D a n h o f , business a woman a s k i n g the a g e limit to m a n a g e r . The m e e t i n g ciojcd with trick or t r e a t p a r t i c i p a n t s , comthe Knick song, " H a i l , ye Knickerplaining of callers a g e 20 to 22 (no s i m i l a r i t y to Hope students. bockers." Knickerbocker p l e d g e s include: o f c o u r s e ) . s h e g a v e t h e m each a I s o ( j a cracker but commented, " m a y - Bill Anderson, Bill Barendse, Bill j ^ , s h o u l d h a v e g j v e n t h e m a p a i l Boonstra, Bill Brown, Don Bruns t e t t e r , N o r m a n Burch, George of water/» B u u r s m a , J i m Cook, Paul Cook, And to th.nk t h e c;ty of Holland provided a p a r t y to keep Bob Danhof, R o g e r Dekker, Wilall the y o u n g s t e r s out of mischief! liam De Meester, Bill De Pree, Max De Pree, Don De W i t t , W a r H. D. H. ren Eichelberg, J o h n F o r s t e r , H a r (Editor's n o t e : W h a t h a s the old Grissen, Vern H o u t i n g , W a r j o t h e r side got to say — if any- ren Huizer, Alex H u m b e r t , T h o m a s .hing??) Joseph, Ed Kassig, W a l t e r Kennedy, H a r v e y K l y n s t r a , Robert LaSSSSSSe8SSSS8SSS3S3SSSSSSS8SSSS8SSS3SSSSSSS8S&& man, Bob Lemson, Richard I/eonard, H a r r y Lewis, Earl Lanning. Phyl Meengs, Willard Meeuwsen, Bill Michel, Gordon Moore, Leo Mrok, Ned O l t h o f f , J o h n Parsons, Jack Richardson, George Schippers, Materials are scarce so make that Appointment early William Shewan, C h a r l e s Theroux, A r t h u r Van Eck, Don Walshenback. Floy Wachenbach, C h e s t e r Walters, Peter W e s t e r h o f f , Meredith Williams, and C h a r l e s Zeerip.
Pledges of Delphi were formally initiated into the sorority in an impressive ceremony F r i d a y n i g h t at F i r s t R e f o r m e d c h u r c h . Each pledge, in a white f o r m a l , w a s es;orted individually into the candlelighted room by a senior member, jowned in a black robe. President Myra Brouwer and Betty Van Lente received the pledges as they were escorted to the decorated table. A f t e r lighting her candle f r o m next to Center Theatre the Delphi candle and repeating COSMOPOLITAN :he pledge, the new member signed The C o s m o p o l i t a n Fraternity ihe Delphi book and was given a « 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 g J held a l i t e r a r y m e e t i n g in the : a m a t i o n and copy of the Delphi lounge of Van R a a l t e Hall last creed. Seniors who escorted the F r i d a y night. Leroy S a n d e e opened pledges w e r e Gert Vredeveld, Lu .he meeting with p r a y e r . This was 2lla Pyle, Elaine Meeusen and AT ."oliowed by Clarence L u t h ' s preM a r g e Gysbers. sentation of a very i n f o r m a t i v e A p a p e r in behalf of t h e seniors serious p a p e r entitled "Russian «vas read by Betty Van Lente and !SZgS&SS8SSS8SSSS&SSSSSS&SSS8SSSSS3SSSSS8SSSSSS& L Medicine." C h a r l e s Knooihuizen ,he president led in r e p e a t i n g the read a humor p a p e r which covered Delphi creed, Mrs. George L u m s many s u b j e c t s but was mostly den, an a l u m n a , s a n g "My H e r o " about donkeys. The l i t e r a r y meetand " T h i n e Alone." ing w a s b r o u g h t to a close with g r o u p h a r m o n i z i n g led by maestro A L P H A SIGMA A L P H A Bob Scheerhorn. A business meeting followed. Alpha S i g m a Alpha, the f r e s h T h i s was the f i r s t l i t e r a r y meetn a n girls organization on the ing f o r the pledges. New Cosmo campus, held its f i r s t m e e t i n g of pledges a r e : Ben B o w m a s t e r , Don the year in the sorority room FriM a a t m a n , Cliff O n t h a n k , Chuck day night. P l a n s for the coming P r e v i t t , Clayton Van Hall, " R i p " y e a r were discussed and a t the Collins, Paul Mulder, Gord Timn e x t meeting, the o f f i c e r s for the m e r m a n , Abe Moerland, J i m Kiemf i r s t term will be elected. During el, J i m Lamb, Bob Kuipers, Ken the coming week, it will definitely D e W a a r d , A r t h u r Tuls, Bob Ponbe decided who the f a c u l t y sponsor tier and Bob B e c k s f o r t . f o r the organization will be. All O t h e r s include Max F r e g o , Dale f r e s h m a n girls are invited to the Vanden Brink, W y b a Nienhuis, m e e t i n g s which will be held in the J a c k Robins, Don Lee, Roland Simsociety room, third floor, V a n R a a l t e melink. Bill DeVries, H a r l a n PhaHall, at 7:30 F r i d a y evenings. The ler, J i m H o f f m a n , Russ Cloetingh, Pan-Hellenic member who attended Bill J e l l e m a , Dave Bogard, Lamont the meeting w a s Rosalinde Schol- £SSSSSSSS£&S3SSS8S3SSSSS88SSS8S&SSSSSSS3SSS&3SSi Dirkse, Toulen C h a p e l , Pierce ten. M a a s e n , J a c k P o n t i e r , Gene Marcus, Don Rinkus, G o e r g e Zuidema, Tom Durkin, Al N e d e a u , Bill Holwerda, Dan V a n d e r Broek, Bill Leve r e t t e , Bob Van E e n e n a a m , Carl Van R a a l t e , and Allison VanZyl.
COME FAST TO BE FIRST FOR Dresses Skirts Don't Miss It! Blouses y 3 0|( Raincoats
innocent victim s u r r o u n d e d by a hoard of men. If n e v e r before, they realized t h e m a n - p o w e r s h o r t a g e was a t a n end. Maybe the men t h o u g h t t h e y ' d f o u n d the f j u n t a i n of youth, who k n o w s ? Besides t h e r a i n , d a r k n e s s had descended ( a s i d e f r o m the red lant e r n t h a t k e e p s a p p e a r i n g on our c a m p u s ) in Voorhees Hall until d e a r Uncle Bud and Un?Ic Cavy c a m e to the rescue with the f u s e s , and sent t h e jubilant boys to bed. And so a b o u t the hour of twelve it became s o m e w h a t qu!et — well, somewhere it m u s t have!
Coll 2 6 6 4
" I t isn't m i n i n g rain, it's r a i n i n g violeto" — o r t s i t ? Well, ask a n y one f r o m Van Vleck, Voorhees, or w h e r e v e r you live, who a t t e n d e d the big " s h o w e r " a t Zwemer Hall last T h u r s d a y ! I've h e a r d a b o u t showers b e f o r e ( o n l y in n!ce ways, of course) but it w a s a r a t h e r ins i s t e n t g r o u p of e n t e r t a i n e r s t h a t assisted,- o r shall' we say more literally carried m e m b e r s of t h e w e a k e r ( ? ) sox t o visit Zwemer'a f a i r h a l K It w a s really quite a battle. They s a y it took e i g h t men to m a n e a u v e r J e a n Watson into position. More p o w e r to you, J e a n ! I g u e s s the f a i r sex isn't so weak a f t e r all, is it, b o y s ? Most Zwemer Hallites, o t h e r t h a n the P r e - S e m s t u d e n t s on m a r c h i n g d u t y , of course, m u s t have had a busy evening r u s h i n g in and out f h e i r rooms to join the reception line. Upon e n t r a n c e , I u n d e r s t a n d they rushed to t u r n on the w a t e r to just the right temperature - a cold cold, t h a t is, and then raised t h e i r voices to hail the unconquered victim. To t h i n k they didn't even provide an u m b r e l l a for such rainy weather! They say the g i r l s s t a r t e d it, of course, but I do know of many an
exclusive at
/ Hope College Anchor
Page Seven
Inside Dope
Now everyone knows about the pull, (too had f o r us, Frosh, but the Sophs have to admit that we put up a great fight and our men. super sports t h a t they were, took the drenching like old timers) the parade, the pep rally, the game, and the supper, but not everyone knows the inside dope about openhouse.
Uop^ Ambassadors
m u Bt r
Ah, Homecoming!!! The blissful eventful week-end has c o m e ' a n d gone. And what a week-end!!! Packed, jammed full of excitement, sorrows, and joys.
On The Bonnie Banks
o x
ALLEN VALLEAU I shall never f o r g e t the brjlliant emerald t h a t glided past the Queen Elizabeth as we eased up the Firth of Clyde thaV sunny afternoon. Neither will I f o r g e t my first glimpse of Glasgow and Edinburgh even though it did come from the windows of a troop train bearing us away f r o m the Queen Elizabeth and to ne^r. ad ventures. From, the f i r s t I resolved t h a t if ever I was fortunate enough to have a f u r l o u g h I would did anything the books could say. spend it in this area. A year later, a f t e r hearing many enthusiastic J u s t ask Phyl Voss and Harriet reports of this "furlough-land," my opportunity came. Hains, they know all about it. My "furlough headquarters" was established at the Red Cross Club " T " Barracks and Zwemer Hall on Sauchiehall Street. Double deck t r a m s proved to be a means of joined together in a verbal ( ? ) conveyance I could not resist, especially one of their streamlined, raid on all the dorms. Some poor soundproof cars. By this means I explored much of Glasgow. As a senior gal in Voorhees, trying to trolley enthusiast I was determined to see the oldest under-river public study f o r a Bible test kept moam subway and this proved to be no disappointment. All of the Scottish Ing the song, "When the Lights trainmen were very friendly and more than willing to answer the Go On Again All Over the Dorm," questions of an inquisitive Yank. while the boys in the court kept dancing "The Water Barrel Polka." "The rains came" and I spent the afternoon in the city museum Don Evers at the Switch led the browsing amongst large displays of Industry an crystalography. This boys in a small chorus, "The Wind day also called for a visit to the University of Glasgow where I was and the Rain in My Hair." General Invited to wander about the campus. In a modern chemistry building census of opinion — they were all I watched some students Identifying their "twelve unknowns" and wet. observed that they go about It much as we here In America. Co-eds
"Hail the c o n q u e r i n g hero comes!!!" Our boy — Prof. Cavanaugh — like the heroes of old, swept up to the Voorhees Hotel, Halloween night in a blaze of lights. He had a car. While we inmates waited patiently, Prof, ajave us a blow by blow description of Uncle Bud's progress in replacing the fuses in the Master switch. Halloween, you know, and Freshmen must play. Prof's famous .vords were, "Try your lights, p r l s ! " " W h a t a man!" How we love him!!!
So when we can't think of anything original we like to borrow from the r a f t of gags floating around the country, the latest of which is the one about the' poor "T Barracks" took first place f o r f r e s h m a n rushing down the stairs decorations. The "Bugs Bunny" from third floor Van Raalte to first cartoons must have rated A-l with floor. When someone asked him the j u d g e s . Hmmmmmmmmm. what the rush was he answered, How about that ? Be a c h hit it "I just bought a new genetics book off too good, and the girls' worth-while art too/, n fatal spill The Glee Club, Girl's — natch, and I want to get to class before from the porch roof to mother lad a fine time at the broadcast, the next edition comeH out." Speaking of Van Raalte, Elery earth. Zwemer Hall and Van Vleck lomecoming Saturday, at Grand took on a rather morbid atmosphere Rapids. A special Greyhound bus Queen Raymond is writing a new for the day. Really now, life can't brought us right back to the game mystery novel entitled, "The Stopbe as bad as all t h a t ? ? ? ? Colum- —before the kickoff. Queen's court, per That Slopped Up the Works," bia and Fairbanks showed a lot of Van Lente and Haskins, came back or "Who Done It." It's dedicated originality, but what's this about .•ia "flying machine" and had to to "My Year Spent Reconstructing A few poor femmes have started Voorhees? Actually asking people camp ou'.sido for awhile, they were Hope" and My Fight With the out by heading the campus list. O.P.A." "if they'd like to live here!!!" And so early. T h a t ' s a seven-day course on colThe practice teachers are going lege appreciation. Jewel, Royal, with housing space so acute too!!! The l i e n ' s Clo? Club is wheezing Ask "West Hall" girls if they'd right along. They do sing, pretty hot and heavy these days. Anne Mary Kenzy, Dot Davenport, and like to move in with you and then — awful loud at times though. Vander J a g t gets on the average Theressa Stall are among the unof three apples a week. When she fortunate report mongers —they hear the "Yea, Yeas." They're goir.^ on a tour in the gets a dozen she plans to sell them are learning the confinement plan Yes, it's really great, thir, busi- spring, you know. Well, practice "for haff prise." the hard way this week. Have you ness of exploring through other makes p - n e c t — and it's a long Speaking of Homecoming, It got the H.B. jitters (house board) dorms. When you've finished the way 'till Spring! Guess that'll hold brought back a lot of one year ? ? ? ? If you do, cheer up, it's the rounds, you wonder how t^e rooms them until I get a rope! old timers. Spike came cross coun- kind we all are afflicted with. ordinarily look. Cer.ainly not that Messiah rehearsals on Monday try to see Don Ingham and Bunny "spic and span" r.ppearancc every (Editor's note: Why let that afternoons at 4 P. M. are very im- Goff was seen making somebody day. (Course, a f t e r that lecture portant and that's the truth! Try happy. It was good to see Blon- bother you f e l l o w s ? ? ? ) from Mr. Hinga on "what traits a and be there if you can. Of course, die Stroberg being sported around AH — you say basketball pracwife should possess," no girl would if your G r m . l .io.'ier dies, you're by one Bob Snow. Bax Elhart and tice has started and all the fellows dare have a messy room!!!) And excused. But ho-..- many Grand- Don Ladewig brought In Imported are trying that "get-ln-shape-inwhen all the p ctures of the "gals mothers can a p ;r3on have ? material f o r the week-end . . . one-day" program. No more droopand fellows back home" would The choir is sin^'ng a real sharp not bad fellows. ing eyelids, no more grand canyon make their reappearance from the And a certain Romeo from Zee- yawns — they've got that fresh bottom drawer where they were number abou a . 2 low named Olaf hidden f o r the occasion, the rooms I Trygvaseu. W h e n you hear it, land keeps a gal from Hope sing- American look and a half-inch hair ing t h a t good old tune, "Its Got cut. Mulder and DeVette even try u u.ie anyway. would look considerably different. ! you'll know i to BE This or T h a t . " If something to get theirs shorter than that but That's about all for this time, 1 understand son-o kind fellows doesn't happen, predictions go that then there wouldn't be any hair to wanted to smuggle food into one friend. (Well, n r /jody must read he'll be singing, "Miss You." warm up the goose-bumps. of the dorms. Were the girls sur- this!) Blonds are rated high on the priorSo we end with a little excerpt prised to jump into a bed full of Don't forget all the recitals, and ity list this year. Right, Meengs? from the U. C. Pelican. It's a conKellogg's All-Bran!!! C a m e in try to listen to the choir's opening And how can anybody study with versation between two professors. handy for breakfast though. Gave sentence from your chapel seat and such a barrage of couples g o j i g "Well, what did you say today, the girls a chance for some extra not half-way down the aisle. around the establishment? F r e d P r ofessor?" beauty rest. Those Iowa and IlliWhite and Maxine GreRj? solve the nois boys will make good wives "Nothing." problem easily enough—they study some day if they aren't careful. together. "Yes, I know, but just how did The beds were certainly made neatyou express it this t i m e ? " Au reLights — Action — And who ly in spite of all that lovely cereal voir, you little cherubs—remember hung all the clothes around the between the sheets. campus—7 7 7 make October thirty- "Umbriago" loves you even though Well, a f t e r all is said and done, first a historical night. Hope Col- nobody else does. 1 guess exeryone enjoyed investiB. A. B. lege went juvenile and really outgating other habitats; right now 1 think I'll do a little investigating of my own and see how my pillow and head would coincide. (Good thing 1 didn't make my bed today.) Good-night. Pleasant dreams!! (Formerly Wlnslow Studio)
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of Holland
Hot Chicken Sandwich Potatoes and Gravey Our ZMotto:
For entertainment I tried everything but "pubbing"; Ice and roller skating, sight-seeing down In Robert Burns home shire, and rowing on Loch Lomond — the latter activity with a typical ginger-haired lassie, a wee secretary. Around the Loch, which Is only a few miles from the city, rise some of the highlands of Scotland. In a rather Isolated village the American Red Cross had leased a charming old hotel for rest purposes. The hotel was modern only to the point of being completely comfortable and cozy. In this quiet, enchanting atmosphere the "purple heart wearers" soaked up some well earned rest. Near the Loch I met an old f a r m e r with whom I discussed the crops — a good subject In Scotland as well as In America. His speech was easy enough to follow. The people of Glasgow have a harsher brogue than these country dwellers yet I believe are more easily understood than the English. I have often wished 1 had reserved more time for the exploration of Edinburgh. This beautiful capital city of Scotland Is spread over a number of high, rocky hills. The citizens, proud of their city, were eager to offer Information to the visiting Americans. Some told eagerly of their desire to become a separate nation again while others told of the benefits of being a member: of the British family. These people have reason to be proud for their thrift shows returns; however, there was no sign of stinginess nor poverty as f a r as I observed. But there are two apologies that the people o f E d i n b u r g h always make: the smoky Waverly Station right In the " f r o n t yard," and the ruins on the high mound in the center of the town. A monument in the shape of a Greek temple was projected for this spot but the front pillars cost so much it was abandoned. Now the hill resembles the Acropolis. The real, full fledged castle looking down from Its height above the city Is worth the climb if for nothing more than the view. One can see for miles on a clear day and the Firth of Forth, counterpart of the Firth of Clyde is clearly visible. Several months later I looked down on the Clyde f o r the last time f r o m the good plane "Blind Date" and then as now, recalled only the many good friends, the many good times, and the great country of Scotland.
Hand Painted Hope College Plaques
were conspicuous by their presence even as In an American University. This institution's science hall and museum included a complete study of zoology, another large crystal collection, and a room full of Instruments and experiments Lord Kelvin, himself, used.
with Cash and Carry MICHIGAN CLEANERS r I. HOLLEMANS, Prop.
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Page Eight
Hope College Anchor
HOPE TIED FOR FIRST IN MIAA Defeat Adrian in Battle 19-0; Have Little Trouble with Bulls
Dyke Climbers Switch From Grid To Courts
By virtue of their 19-0 shellacking of cellar position Adrian, the Hope Dutchmen moved into a three-way tie for first place in the MIAA race. Hillsdale dumped Alma to move them into the lead, while Kalamazoo was playing a non-conference game with Kent State. Saturday the title will be decided when Hope invades Hillsdale and Kalamazoo entertains Alma. The Dutch were forced to take to the air in their contest with the Adrian Bulldogs. A muddy field plus a stubborn defense caused the local eleven some trouble in their groundg a i n i n g antics, b u t t h e two D u t c h quarterbacks
m a r k s t h r u the air, and t h u s Hope struck. R u s s De V e t t e and A r t T i m m e r t e a m e d f o r the initial score in the
Athle+ic Activities Listed By Schouten With
Line Play Sparks Hope To Victory
With but one remaining football game to be played, Hopeites focus their attention on what seems to be the pet pastime of Michiganders in general and Dutchmen in particular, basketball. Veteran mentor Milton L. (Bud) Hinga issued the formal call a week ago, and some one hundred odd hardwood enthusiasts answered the summons. Included in the lot were a dozen lettei men, all veterans of championship ball, which leaves Jack Schouten, the "B" squad coach, with a wealth of material. According to pre-season dopesters, the Dutch from Hope, famous for their lightening fast break, will be tops in the conference, as well as in the state. j
Hope t o W i n d Up Gridiron Schedule Against Hillsdale
The 1946-47 schedule lists ninetee.i g a m e s , all with Michigan t e a m s . To d a t e no new opponents have been added to the list. T h e c u r t a i n rolls back December 3 when Coach H i n g a a n i the squad travel to Battle Creel: lo avenge a Percy J o n e s double victory of last season. T o u g h e s t b a t t l e of the season will probably be with the W e s t e r n Michigan club of Kalamazoo. In spite of the n u m e r o u s lettermen r e t u r n i n g , H i n g a is looking for a big c e n t e r and g u a r d . DeVette, Van Dis and Mulder a r e sure to g e t the s t a r t i n g nod, but the o t h e r g u a r d and c e n t e r slot is still a question. If the coach can find among Freshmen players someone to fit his prescription, one or two l e t t e r m e n will probably end up in the cold. T h e competition is keen, and h u n d r e d s of good b a s k e t ball p l a y e r s will watch with the crowds a s the best t a k e the floor. L e t t e r m e n r e t u r n i n g a r e Van Dis, De Vette, Mulder, Higgs, H a r v e and Herk Buter, Zuverink, Scholten, Meengs, Van Liere, Vanden Berg and Dal man.
G r e a t blocking and s t e l l a r r u n - by E r n i e Post. Post carried tht o p e n i n g period as T i m m e r romped usable condition, J a c k Schouten is ning g a v e Hope college a 24-0 ball 10 y a r d s and executed a per 65 y a r d s on a p a s s play. T h i s 6-0 s t a r t i n g a wide and varied w i n t e r victory over t h e Alma football feet lateral to H i g g s who didn'l a d v a n t a g e was all the Hope men s p o r t s p r o g r a m . His main p u r p o s e t e a m in a homecoming contest at stop going until he hit the Alma Hope winds up her m o s t sucis t o have as m a n y s t u d e n t s p a r - Riverview park. More t h a n 6,000 25 yard line. could achieve t h r u the half. E m e r y and Bol t i c i p a t e as possible. With his gym f a n s s a w the g a m e in t h e c o m f o r t Koop made five y a r d s and i cessful football season in m a n y The Dutchman s t r u c k a g a i n in years this Saturday. Hillsdale, classes and various leagues he of a golden Indian s u m m e r day. S t a t u e of Liberty play n e t t e d the t h i r d period a s Nick Y o n k e r s hopes to include almost everyone. her final opponent, may well prove The Hope outfit clicked and the first down a s Koop was downeJ to be her t o u g h e s t . Hillsdale h a s tossed a five y a r d touchdown p a s s G y m classes for both men and Alma Scots were well a w a r e of it on the 13. T h r e e line playt to Dock Higgs, who went over women were organized last week. a f t e r five minutes when Hope had b r o u g h t the ball to the 3 yard lost only one g a m e all y e a r . T h a t was in her first conference g a m e s t a n d i n g up. H i g g s also converted T h e s e are attended by all non- chalked up its first touchdown. It line where E m e r y bucked the f o r when she was upset by Albion. The and the neon read 13-0. The t h i r d v e t e r a n f r e s h m e n and t r a n s f e r was big Bob E m e r y and Gabby ward wall to score. H i g g s ' atM. I. A. A. s t a n d i n g s a r e as yet Besides g o i n g t h r o u g h Van Dis who smashed A l m a ' s line t e m p t was again wide and the and final tally c a m e but a f e w s t u d e n t s . very u n c e r t a i n , but if H o p s win. m o m e n t s later, when the v e r s a t i l e a f e w much loved calisthenics they to a f r a z z l e . S t a r t i n g t h e i r drive half ended with the Hollander! this g a m e S a t u r d a y she will be Y o n k e r s flicked a n o t h e r aerial t o will play basketball, volleyball, f r o m t h e i r own 38, w h e r e they holding an 18 point lead. assured of a tie for the conference half-back Vern K r a i i who raced baseball, and w h a t e v e r else the received the opening kickoff, Hope A s the second half opened Hope title. w e a t h e r permits. began their drive with Van Dis stampeded to the Scot 21 where 80 y a r d s to t h e u p r i g h t s . Dave Nelson is coaching Hillsg a i n i n g 13 y a r d s on one play and they lost the ball on downs. Alma, The Dutch chalked up 10 first J a c k hopes to have three b a s k e t dale this y e a r . He is a f o r m e r downs while holding the Bulldogs ball leagues s t a r t e d b e f o r e C h r i s t - E m e r y p l u n g i n g 25 y a r d s on a a f t e r t h r e e a t t e m p t s to g a i n , at- University of Michigan h a h b a c k to 3. They also led in y a r d s by m a s vacation. The girl's l e a g u e series of plays. With t h e ball on t e m p t e d to p u n t but the kick was playing in the d a y s of the g r e a t r u s h i n g , 186-35. It is i n t e r e s t i n g m a y be inter-sorority, but J a c k the S c o t s 17, Dick H i g g s took the blocked by Abe Moreland of Hope Tom H a r m o n . A s a result Hillsto note t h a t A d r i a n did not b r i n g w a n t s to be sure the f r e s h m e n g e t ball f r o m q u a r t e r b a c k Nick Yonk- and the Dutch took over on the dale's offense is modeled directly the ball beyond the Hope 30 yard a chance too. T h e r e will be two e r and spun to the 5. E m e r y took Alma 30. On Hope's first down a f t e r Michigan's. Hope was up it to t h e 2 and Van Dis plowed one of the f r e a k plays of the yeai marker. m e n ' s leagues. One will be t h e a g a i n s t this f o r m a t i o n when she t h r o u g h center and scored. H i g g s ' took place as c e n t e r Don Lade The score: traditional i n t e r - f r a t e r n i t y l e a g u e played Michigan Normal e a r l ' e r a t t e m p t e d kick was blocked and wig's c e n t e r pass went up s t r a i g h t Hope 6 0 0 13—19 which a l w a y s h a s a t t r a c t e d g r e a t t h i s year. Hillsdale does very the score stayed 6-0. . in the a i r and was intercepted by little passing. H e r offense is built o Adrian 0 0 0 0— 0 i n t e r e s t . The o t h e r will be some The locals came r i g h t back and the A l m a end who was downed Hope scoring: Touchdowns — t y p e of all school league. The a r o u n d two g r e a t r u n n i n g halfBASKETBALL SCHEDULE a f t e r kicking off to Alma and immediately. T i m m e r , Higgs, Kraii. Points v a r i o u s d o r m i t o r i e s may be asked backs, Young and Ward. They 1946 - 1947 f o r c i n g them to p u n t , moved a f t e r touchdown, Higgs (place- to e n t e r t e a m s , but nothing definite After several e x c h a n g e s of have done most of her scoring t h i s December 3 — Percy J o n e s at busily ahead to their next six ment). p u n t s the t h i r d q u a r t e r ended and year. has been decided. Their t e a m is in general P e r c y J o n e s . points. Van Dis went f r o m his own Alma had the ball first and 10 on l a r g e and r u g g e d . Coach Nelson December 5 — Grand • Rapids 37 to t h e 50; H i g g s took it to t h e t h e i r own 43. They failed t o m a k e s u b s t i t u t e s a g r e a t deal. He o f t e n J u n i o r a t Hope. 45; Bill Appledorn to t h e 42; and y a r d a g e and punted to the Hope c h a n g e s the whole team when December 12—Adrian at Hope. f r o m t h e r e on in it was Van Dis. 16. Van Dis galloped to t h e 35 switching f r o m defense to offense. December 16 — Grand Rapids The 160 pound halfback f r o m but one of the m a n y Hope penalHope h a s f a r e d r a t h e r well J u n i o r a t G r a n d Rapids. K a la m a z o o took off f r o m t h e Alma ties b r o u g h t the ball back t o the a g a i n s t Hillsdale during the past December 19—Michigan N o r m a l I gazed into my crystal ball last night and called upon 42 in a classy change of pace, locals one yard line f r o m w h e r e ten y e a r s . D u r i n g t h a t time she at Hope. gave a basketball f a k e to t h e Scot those you call upon when so gazing, and here is what I H i g g s p u n t e d to the 40. has won five, lost three, and tied J a n u a r y 2 — W e s t e r n Michigan at secondary and then journeyed on heard, and saw. A great big mess in the MIAA football two. Hillsdale holds the widest Hope. Van Dis snatched a p a s s f r o m his w a y , t a k i n g to the south side m a r g i n of victory however. She J a n u a r y 6—Albion at Albion. race, which terminates Saturday with Hope meeting of t h e field and t e a r i n g down the a Scot receiver and was downed trounced Hope 33-0 back in 1938. J a n u a r y 10—Kalamazoo a t Hope. on the Hope 32. T h r e e line bucks sideline pulling away f r o m the Hillsdale, and Alma challenging Kalamazoo. If Hope o J a n u a r y 14 — W e s t e r n Michigan and a five yard p e n a l t y a g a i n s t Alma s a f e t y to score. H i g g s conknocks off the Dales and Kazoo the Scots, the Dutch and at Western. Alma put the ball on the Hope 48. version was wide and the DutchSchouten t o Organize J a n u a r y 17—Alma at Alma. E m e r y then brought f a n s to their men led 12-0. Hornets will be co-champions; if Hillsdale defeats Hope "B" Basketball Team J a n u a r y 23—Albion at Hope. A l m a stubbornly and soberly f e e t as he shook off half a dozen and Kalamazoo wins over Alma, Hope will end up in J a n u a r y 25 — Michigan N o r m a l g a v e Hope a scare as they began tacklers, being stopped once but | Hope's " B " basketball team will a t Michigan N o r m a l . second place; whichever way you look at it, the Hornets w h a t looked like a drive which finally broke into the clear. A f t e r probably open its schedule in late J a n u a r y 30—Calvin at Hope. was g o i n g to pay dividends. Hope r u n n i n g 48 y a r d s he was spilled November. J a c k Schouten hopes of Kazoo are in the driver's seat, and I pick them, for F e b r u a r y 7—Hillsdale a t Hillskicked off to them and J o h n on the goal line but fell into the to get it organized immediately the third consecutive week to take the cup ,and don't dale. T e m p l e took the ball on the 25 end zone f o r his second touch- a f t e r the close of the football seacall me a deserter. But I like surprises, and my heart F e b r u a r y 8 — A d r i a n at Adrian. and ran it to the 39. T e m p l e a g a i n down of t h e day. H i g g s tried to son. F e b r u a r y 14 — Kalamazoo at pass f o r t h e point a f t e r touchis with the stubborn Dutch; if they have the will, they'll carried the ball f o r a 12-yard gain With over one hundred men t r y Kalamazoo. down but failed and the Hollandto the Hope 41. Bruce Butler then find the way, and you can say to me, "I told you so." ing out f o r the v a r s i t y , this y e a r ' s F e b r u a r y 18—Calvin at Calvin. e r s held a 24 point a d v a n t a g e . took to the a i r with two passes, " B " t e a m should have no s h o r t a g e Anyway, Alah-foo said, Kalamazoo over Alma by 12 F e b r u a r y 21—Hillsdale a t Hope. The ball g a m e ended s h o r t l y one to M u r r a y Hanna and t h e of material. J a c k will have a hard points, Hillsdale over Hope by 6. F e b r u a r y 2 8 — A l m a a t Hope. a f t e r w a r d with Hope in possession o t h e r to Chuck Martin which time finding t i m e and place f o r his of the ball on the Alma 24. b r o u g h t the pigskin to rest on team to practice. The gym is in GS8SSSSSSSSSSSS8SSSSSS&1 Since I'm supposed to have scoops in this mess, I the Hope 24. Bucky W a l t e r s then I t was E m e r y and Van Dis who use all a f t e r n o o n . He m a y be scouted about looking for some. Number one is: Hope Headquarters for . . * tried t h e center of t h e line and spelled d e f e a t very clearly in forced to hold evening drills. will not play Notre Dame or Michigan State or Michigan got to the 19 and a n o t h e r first f r o n t of the Alma eleven and The t e a m ' s schedule h a s not ROBLEE, AIR-STEP this year in basketball. That isn't a scoop, just a spike down f o r the Scots as the first Coach Steve Sebo. Hope's line been definitely fixed, but it will AND BUSTER BROWN the wild rumor. Number two: Paul Hendrickson is q u a r t e r ended. The Scots were un- t u r n e d in a sparkling p e r f o r m - include e x c h a n g e g a m e s with t h r e e SHOES able to g e t p a s t the one-foot line ance as they turned on m a n y out-of-town schools. One of these ri^t married. Someone asked me to insert that, and it as H o p e ' s f o r w a r d wall held f a s t cross-blocks which will doubtless be Hope's t r a d i t i o n a l r e s u l t e d in m't a female. Number three: Through deadline date under pressure. long g a i n s . Temple, Butler and rival, Calvin. They will also play reservations for basketball games in the Armory S h o r t l y t h e r e a f t e r Max Tullis W a l t e r s did most of t h e ball- six or more g a m e s a g a i n s t local lave been made, which may indicate that Hope will play passed f r o m his own 40 to t h e c a r r y i n g f o r t h e Scots and t u r n e d teams. leir games outside, using Frosh to shovel the snow Hope 45 where it was intercepted in fine g a m e s . ^ 8 ^ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S < 2 ® 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8zssssssssssssss S
Scoop With Koop
first, and certain reliable people for heat. I had a chat with Major Rowan, local commandant of the U. S. Army, and he said; Anyway, I'm sure of a seat if the married vets leave their wives home. It's all quite a headache and I don't envy Prof. Kleis one bit; he has his hands full, and we should give him all the cooperation he will undoubtedly ask for. The local eleven did what was expected of them by downing Adrian 19-0. It was a muddy mess. My personal congratulations to De Vette and Yonkers on their passing ability; here's hoping either or both have the eye Saturday against that powerful Hillsdale outfit. The only possible way any of the three teams tied for first place can take undisputed possession is for Alma to upset Kazoo and Hope to down the Dales; Hope then will have the championship. Or, if Hillsdale wins and Kazoo loses, Hillsdale will be champs; all the Hornets can get is a tie, unless the Dale and Dutch battle to a photo-finish ending like 6-6 and they defeat Alma. In that case they will be undisputed champs. Quite a mess. Here's the MIAA standings: W. HOPE .8 Hillsdale 3 Kalamazoo 3 Alma 2 Albion 2 Adrian 0
L. 1 1 1 2 3 5
Pts. O.P. 78 19 69 13 57 20 39 56 53 . 70 6 124
Dales Defeat Alma 19 t o 0 Hillsdale college s t e a m r o l l e r e d its w a y into a first place tie w i t h K a l a m a z o o in M I A A s t a n d i n g s by v i r t u e of its 19-0 win over A l m a cpllege on soggy Bahlke field F r i day n i g h t . T o m W a r d , who scored two touchdowns, and Bill Young, who tallied t h e other, sparked the Dales' drive t h a t saw t h e m p o s t 14 first downs t o 7 f o r t h e losers.
Post to
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eight the
H a r t m a n made the pres-
Hope-Alma game. The e i g h t Bruggers,
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college entation
$S.SO Meal Ticket $S.OO
Capt. E. V. H a r t m a n of t h e local
T n e w i n n e r s netted 195 y a r d s t o 90 on g r o u n d a t t a c k , but failed t o g a i n a y a r d on passes. A l m a g o t 27 y a r d s via t h i s method. Y o u n g tallied in the first period on a n 11-yard s m a s h , while W a r d w e n t o v e r on a one-yard plung« in t h e second a n d on a fifteen-yard j a u n t in the final period. A l m a n e v e r g o t a sustained offense under way.
Glenn Russ
PNONl t l t O A & B M D S H O U f f T
rfLMOU.AM» Miqt]
De Vette, A r t T i m m e r , Al V a n d e r W a a , J a c k Yeomans, Don Schriemer, Charlie Davidson. Also d u r i n g the h a l f t i m e , c h a i r m a n of t h e h a l f t i m e p r o g r a m , Don Scholten
B r o u w e r of Hope'a c a m p u s who welcomed t h e alumni back t o Hope.
K & B Hat Shop B X C L U S I V I
Legion Gives Medals t o Hope Collegians
23 East M
T. KEPPEL'S SONS JOHN VANDER BROEK, Prop. Established 1867
C O A L . . . BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes Fairbanks-Morse Stokers